#W3C Validation
thememakker · 3 days
Mplify - Versatile Bootstrap 4 Admin Template by Thememakker
Mplify Admin makes the development process easy and fast for you and aims to help you implement your idea in real time.
Product Highlights
Mplify is a fully professional, responsive, modern, multi-purpose, and feature-rich admin template. It can be used to create various websites, admin templates, admin dashboards, backend websites, CMS, CRM, blogs, business websites, timelines, and portfolios. This versatility makes it an ideal choice for developers looking to build functional and aesthetically pleasing web applications efficiently.
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Key Features
Bootstrap 4.3.1: Ensures compatibility and modern design standards.
jQuery 3.3.1: Offers extensive plugins and support.
Built-in SCSS: Provides more flexibility and control over styles.
Light & Dark Full Support: Allows users to switch between light and dark themes.
RTL Full Support: Right-to-left language support for global accessibility.
W3C Validate Code: Ensures high coding standards and practices.
Mobile and Tablet Friendly: Responsive design for all devices.
Treeview: For hierarchical data display.
Drag & Drop Upload: Simplifies file uploading processes.
Image Cropping: Integrated tools for editing images.
Summernote: Rich text editor integration.
Markdown: Support for markdown formatting.
Beautiful Inbox Interface: User-friendly email management.
User-Friendly Chat App: Built-in chat application.
Scrum & Kanban Taskboard: Task management tools.
Add Events to Your Calendar: Event management capabilities.
File Manager: Efficient file organization and management.
Blogging: Tools to manage and create blog posts.
Testimonials: Features to showcase user testimonials.
Maintenance: Tools to manage and schedule maintenance.
Team Board: Collaboration tools for team management.
Search Result: Enhanced search functionalities.
Beautiful Pricing: Elegant pricing tables and plans.
Contact List & Grid: Efficient contact management.
User Profile: Customizable user profiles.
Extended Forms: Advanced form functionalities.
Clean Widgets: A variety of clean, modern widgets.
Technical Specifications
Bootstrap 4.3.1
Bootstrap 4.3.1 is a powerful front-end framework for faster and easier web development. It includes HTML and CSS-based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, tables, navigation, modals, image carousels, and many other interface components, as well as optional JavaScript plugins. Mplify leverages Bootstrap 4.3.1 to ensure a consistent and responsive design across all devices.
jQuery 3.3.1
jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, and animation much simpler with an easy-to-use custom API integration that works across a multitude of browsers. Mplify includes jQuery 3.3.1 to provide enhanced functionality and interactivity to your applications.
Built-in SCSS
SCSS is a preprocessor scripting language that is interpreted or compiled into CSS. It allows you to use variables, nested rules, mixins, inline imports, and more, all with a fully CSS-compatible syntax. With SCSS, Mplify offers a more powerful and flexible way to manage styles.
Light & Dark Full Support
Mplify comes with built-in support for light and dark themes, allowing users to switch between these modes based on their preferences. This feature enhances user experience and accessibility, especially in different lighting conditions.
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RTL Full Support
For developers targeting global audiences, Mplify provides full right-to-left (RTL) language support. This feature ensures that languages like Arabic, Hebrew, and Persian are properly displayed, making the template versatile and inclusive.
W3C Validate Code
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) sets the standards for web development. Mplify adheres to W3C's coding standards, ensuring that the template is built with clean, valid code, which improves browser compatibility, SEO, and overall performance.
Mobile and Tablet Friendly
In today's mobile-first world, having a responsive design is crucial. Mplify is designed to be fully responsive, ensuring that your mobile application looks great and functions seamlessly on all devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
Mplify’s versatile design and feature set make it suitable for a wide range of applications across various industries. Here are some key applications:
Admin Dashboards
Mplify provides a robust framework for building admin dashboards. With its extensive set of UI components, charts, forms, and tables, you can create comprehensive dashboards that provide valuable insights and data visualization.
CMS (Content Management Systems)
With features like blogging, file management, and user profile management, Mplify can be used to build powerful CMS platforms. Its clean widgets and beautiful interface ensure that the content management experience is both efficient and enjoyable.
CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
Mplify’s built-in tools for managing contacts, scheduling events, and maintaining communication through a chat app make it an excellent choice for developing CRM systems. These features help businesses manage customer interactions and data effectively.
Business Websites
The multi-purpose nature of Mplify allows it to be used for various business websites. Whether you need a portfolio, a blog, or a corporate website, Mplify provides the necessary tools and components to create a professional online presence.
Blogging Platforms
With integrated tools like Summernote for rich text editing and Markdown support, Mplify is ideal for creating blogging platforms. The beautiful inbox interface and testimonial features enhance the blogging experience, making it easy to manage and publish content.
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Easy and Fast Development
Mplify is designed to streamline the development process. With its pre-built components and templates, you can quickly assemble functional and aesthetically pleasing applications. This reduces development time and costs, allowing you to focus on implementing your ideas in real time.
Professional and Modern Design
Mplify offers a clean, modern design that is both professional and user-friendly. The template includes a variety of customizable widgets and components that adhere to the latest design standards, ensuring your application looks polished and up-to-date.
Comprehensive Feature Set
From task management tools like Scrum and Kanban boards to extensive form functionalities, Mplify provides a wide range of features that cater to various needs. This comprehensive feature set makes it a versatile solution for different types of projects.
Responsive and Mobile-Friendly
With Mplify, you can ensure that your application is accessible on all devices. Its responsive design adapts to different screen sizes, providing a seamless user experience on desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
Global Accessibility
Mplify’s RTL support and multi-language capabilities make it suitable for global applications. This feature ensures that your application can cater to users from different regions, enhancing its reach and usability.
Regular Updates and Support
When you purchase a license for Mplify, you receive all future updates for free. This ensures that your application remains up-to-date with the latest features and improvements. Additionally, Mplify provides excellent customer support to assist with any issues or queries.
Challenges and Limitations
Learning Curve
While Mplify is designed to be user-friendly, there may be a learning curve for beginners who are not familiar with Bootstrap or jQuery. However, comprehensive documentation and community support can help mitigate this challenge.
Although Mplify offers a wide range of customization options, extensive customization may require advanced knowledge of SCSS and JavaScript. This could be a limitation for developers who are not well-versed in these technologies.
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As with any feature-rich template, there is a potential for performance issues if too many components and plugins are used simultaneously. It is important to optimize the application and selectively use features to maintain optimal performance.
Latest Innovations
Enhanced UI Components
Mplify continues to evolve with regular updates that introduce new and improved UI components. These enhancements ensure that your application remains modern and functional.
Advanced-Data Visualization
Recent updates have focused on improving data visualization capabilities. With enhanced charting tools and interactive elements, Mplify allows for more dynamic and engaging data presentation.
Integration with New Technologies
Mplify is continuously updated to integrate with the latest web technologies. This ensures compatibility with new frameworks and libraries, providing developers with more tools to build advanced applications.
Future Prospects
AI and Machine Learning Integration
The future of Mplify may include integration with AI and machine learning tools. This would enable developers to build more intelligent and automated applications, enhancing user experience and functionality.
Expanded Plugin Support
As the web development landscape evolves, Mplify is likely to expand its plugin support. This will provide developers with more options for extending the functionality of their applications.
Improved Accessibility Features
Mplify is expected to continue enhancing its accessibility features. This includes better support for assistive technologies and compliance with accessibility standards, ensuring that applications built with Mplify are inclusive for all users.
Comparative Analysis
Versus Other Bootstrap Templates
When compared to other Bootstrap templates, Mplify stands out due to its comprehensive feature set, modern design, and extensive customization options. While other templates may offer similar components, Mplify's unique features like RTL support and advanced task management tools give it an edge.
Versus Custom Development
Opting for a pre-built template like Mplify can significantly reduce development time and costs compared to custom web development. While custom development offers more flexibility, Mplify provides a robust foundation that can be easily customized to meet specific needs.
User Guides and Tutorials
Getting Started with Mplify
Installation: Download and install Mplify from the official website or marketplace.
Configuration: Configure the template settings according to your project requirements.
Customization: Use the built-in SCSS files to customize the styles and appearance.
Integration: Integrate Mplify with your backend systems and databases.
Deployment: Deploy your application on your preferred hosting platform.
Advanced Customization Techniques
SCSS Variables: Use SCSS variables to easily change colors, fonts, and other styles.
JavaScript Customization: Extend the functionality by adding custom JavaScript code.
Component Modification: Modify existing components or create new ones to meet specific needs.
Performance Optimization: Optimize the performance by minifying CSS and JavaScript files, and selectively loading components.
Mplify is a powerful, versatile, and user-friendly Bootstrap 4 admin dashboard template. It offers a wide range of features and customization options, making it suitable for various applications, from admin dashboards to business websites. With its modern design, responsive layout, and extensive documentation, Mplify simplifies the development process, allowing developers to implement their ideas in real time efficiently.
Whether you are building a CMS, CRM, or a personal blog, Mplify provides the tools and flexibility needed to create a professional and functional web application. Its ongoing updates and support ensure that your projects remain current and compatible with the latest web technologies.
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tigmatemplate · 2 months
AI Writer Services HTML Landing Page Template
Are you ready to revolutionize your AI writing services? Look no further than "Writey" - the ultimate AI Writer Services HTML Landing Page Template that combines stunning design with powerful functionality. Whether you're a content creator, or copywriter, or run an AI writing service, Writey has got you covered.
Buy Now:
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thecommoncoder · 4 months
How To Validate HTML Code – What You NEED To Know!
NEW VIDEO UP! Today's video is all about HTML validation. We'll talk about what HTML validation is, why it's important, and demonstrate several ways we can validate our HTML code to ensure that it is compliant with the latest web standards. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/fgaJVqjOe7w?si=iixRDzqVmvcqZQJK
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beedesigns · 6 months
My Favourite VS Code Extensions
This actually started with a conversation about favourite VS Code themes which got me to thinking. But as always I had to be that little bit extra. So, here are a few of my favourite VS Code extensions that I think would be particularly helpful for new coders or folks just starting with VS Code.
These are in no particular order! I've tried to keep the list to extensions that help read your code and make thinsg pretty. There are hundreds of extensions for almost every type of code, but I wanted focus on ones for beginners. Ones that won't encourage you to become too lazy relying on shortcuts. So, with no further ado, here we go:
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This extension will highlight any colours (hex, rgb, hsl etc) in your code.
Auto Rename Tag
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Okay, this one might make you a little bit lazy. Sometimes you need to switch things up, and that can start to get complicated if you're working on a lot of code. This extension will change the opening or closing tag name paired with the one you manually change. It prevents mispellings that will break your code and makes life easier.
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Ever typed heder instead of header? Or justfy-content instead of justify-content? Well, this extension will help pick up on those typos and keep your code clean (and working!).
Indent Rainbow
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This is such a small thing, but possibly one of my favourites on the list. Indent rainbow does pretty much what it says on the tin, adding a coloured line down the lefthand side along the indent of your code. It looks pretty and helps easily keep track of where you are.
Color Picker
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Who doesn't love beautiful colours? Colour Picker lets you choose all the beautiful colours you could want without having to leave VS Code.
HTML Checker
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This extension helps prevent errors by checking your code against the W3C Markup Validation Service searching for errors. Great of avoiding issues further down the line. Useful for beginners and pros alike to be honest.
Rainbow Brackets
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I tend to find this one more useful in javascript, but it's good for everything. I used to use another, also called Rainbow Brackets but that's been depricated, and I like the default colours in this one. There are a few, so shop around.
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This extension forces a set format on your code, keeping things neat and tidy. It can take a little getting used to but the documentation is pretty good. Helps build good habits, keeping things uniform and easy to read.
These are just a few of the ones I've personally got installed. As I mentioned, there are hundreds of different extensions. Many of which will do the same thing. So, make sure you have a look around and find what works best for you!
Which extension would you recommend for a beginner?
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kafus · 7 months
first of all i just want to thank you for your neocities comment widget, it has legit reinvigorated my desire to work on my website again after leaving it inactive for... a really long time XD
second, agree about the web accessibility - my website is (currently)
... my last ask sent before i was ready, sorry about that! what i was trying to say it that i'm currently fully rebuilding my website from the ground up to be more accessible, are there any particular tools/references you personally use for bluemoonfalls? (i currently use w3schools, i just wasn't sure if there were things out there i didn't know about! ^^)
no worries, i figured that was the case when i saw the first one come through haha. no problem, i'm glad you're getting use out of it...!! i am not feeling amazing this morning but i'm really excited to finally get that little QOL update out to it, so hopefully soon...
i used to recommend w3schools a lot, and it's still nice for its simple language, but if i need documentation on any html/css/js feature i use the much more robust, well written, and up to date mdn web docs (link goes to their HTML directory but they have more stuff on there)
other than that and the typical stack overflow (definitely use this if you aren't already) for questions... honestly, not really, most of BMF and our personal site is cobbled together over a lot of winging it and googling stuff when something goes wrong. i am a very hands-on, learn-by-doing kind of person when it comes to code.
i will say that it's a good idea to run your webpages through the W3C markup validation service to check for basic accessibility and good practices - it's not perfect but it's certainly helpful. if your HTML isn't valid, it could cause issues for people using screenreaders or other alternative viewing methods. after finding out this validator exists, i quickly found out that every button that links to another page on my site needs to be changed... forgot that you shouldn't put button elements in <a> elements... whoops. it'll quickly point out stuff like that to you
oh and you can find a list of basic criteria for meeting web accessibility standards here, it looks daunting but a lot of it probably won't apply to your webpage and even just knocking out a few of these is a good idea
anyway, good luck!!
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moon--hotel · 11 months
Building an RSS Feed for a Static Site
Lover's tree! Lover's tree! I have crafted an RSS feed for the first time! It was a pain in the ass, but I'm glad I learned how to do it.
This page was indispensable, but it doesn't have every part of what I learned, so I'll write my own tutorial below. Specifically, I used this with the Zonelets system, but it should work fine for most static sites.
First, make an .xml file. I just titled mine feed.xml and put it in the same directory as my blog.
Copy and paste the following into your xml file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"> <channel> </channel> </rss>
Between the <channel></channel> tags, we are going to do two things. First, we have to detail what our blog actually is.
<title>Title of your blog</title> <description>Description of your blog</description> <link>URL of blog</link> <atom:link href="URL of blog/feed.xml"      rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />
Change the stuff in pink to be what it's supposed to be.
Now, we are going to add a bunch of "items". Each item = a post in your blog. Copy and paste this template for each post:
<item> <title>Title of post</title> <link>link goes here</link> <guid>link goes here again</guid> <pubDate>Mon, 1 Jan 2023 00:00:00 EST</pubDate>     <description><![CDATA[html of your post goes here]]></description> </item>
Change the stuff in pink to be what it's supposed to be. Keep to the structure as closely as possible, ESPECIALLY in the pubDate section. If you want to make sure your RSS feed works correctly, copy and paste the whole thing into the W3C Feed Validator and see if it gives you the OK.
Here is a (very condensed) version of what my RSS feed looks like, for comparison. The indents and colors are just for ease of viewing/understanding what every part is.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"> <channel> <title>moonblog</title> <description>Please enjoy.</description> <link>http://moon-hotel.neocities.org/blog</link> <atom:link href="http://moon-hotel.neocities.org/blog/feed.xml"      rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" /> <item> <title>Hello World</title> <link>https://moon-hotel.neocities.org/blog/posts/2023-06-24-Hello-World.html</link> <guid>https://moon-hotel.neocities.org/blog/posts/2023-06-24-Hello-World.html</guid> <pubDate>Sat, 24 Jun 2023 19:07:25 EST</pubDate> <description><![CDATA[<p>Hey, testing out <a href="http://zonelets.net">Zonelets</a> as a new blog engine. Hopefully it'll be easier--well, not easier, but more full-featured--than the way I was doing it? I really just wanted a way to do a blog on Neocities while also supporting stuff like Commento, so we'll see if that works.</p>]]></description> </item> </channel> </rss>
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l4rgindia · 2 years
Step_1: W3C Markup Validation
Step_2: Page Loading Speed in Milliseconds
Step_3: Use Schema Markup
Step_4: 100% Parse the Structured Data
For any query, you can reach me directly at +91 906-968-9226 no consulting or hidden fee
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jennifermurphseo · 4 days
Ensuring Your Converted PSD Website Meets Accessibility Standards
Many websites begin their life as a PSD (Photoshop Document) file, a visual blueprint for the final design. But the conversion from PSD to a functional website can sometimes overlook accessibility best practices. Here's how to bridge the gap and ensure your website is inclusive from the start.
Planning for Accessibility During Conversion
Semantic Structure: A well-structured website uses semantic HTML tags to define the meaning of content. This goes beyond just bolding text for emphasis; it means using heading tags (H1-H6) to define the hierarchy of information, and using list tags for actual lists. This clear structure is crucial for screen readers to navigate the page and convey the content effectively.
Alternative Text (Alt Text): Images are important for visual appeal, but they can be a barrier for users who can't see them. Adding alt text descriptions to images provides context for screen readers. Don't just stuff keywords here; write concise descriptions that accurately reflect the image content.
Color Contrast: Visual impairments can make it difficult to distinguish between colors with low contrast. Use a color contrast checker to ensure there's enough contrast between text and background colors. This improves readability for everyone, not just those with visual limitations.
Keyboard Navigation: Not everyone uses a mouse. Ensure your website can be fully navigated using just the keyboard. This means menus, buttons, and links should be accessible through the Tab key and have clear keyboard shortcuts.
Testing and Validation
Once your website is converted, it's vital to test its accessibility. Here are some resources:
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG): Developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), WCAG is the international standard for web accessibility. It has three levels of conformance (A, AA, and AAA), with A being the minimum and AAA the most comprehensive. Use WCAG guidelines to check your website's accessibility.
Automated Testing Tools: Several online tools can scan your website for accessibility issues. These tools are a great starting point, but they don't replace manual testing with assistive technologies.
Beyond the Basics
Accessibility is an ongoing process. As your website evolves, consider these additional points:
User Testing: Involve users with disabilities in your testing process. Their feedback is invaluable in identifying and addressing accessibility barriers.
Content Management Systems (CMS): If you're using a CMS, ensure the chosen platform offers built-in accessibility features.
Building an Inclusive Web
By following these steps, you can ensure your website is accessible to a wider audience. This not only benefits users with disabilities, but also improves search engine optimization (SEO) and overall user experience. Remember, a website that's usable by everyone is a website that thrives. Incorporating PSD to WordPress into your development process can further enhance your site's functionality and accessibility.
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Web Designing Course in Sonipat.
Web Design Fundamentals: Basics of web template design, image and content optimization, and color theory. It also covers W3C recommendations and web structure.
Technical Skills:
HTML and CSS: Conversion of Photoshop web layouts to HTML web pages, ensuring compliance with contemporary web standards for functionality and accessibility.
JavaScript and jQuery: For dynamic content and interactivity.
PHP: For server-side scripting and database connectivity.
Responsive Design: Techniques to create responsive websites that work well on desktops, tablets, and smartphones, including frameworks for best practices in responsive design.
Multimedia and Animation:
Adobe Flash: Creating animated websites and characters.
Photoshop: Designing web pages and optimizing graphics for the web.
Advanced Tools and Techniques:
Dreamweaver: Writing and managing HTML and CSS code efficiently.
SEO Training: Techniques for optimizing websites for search engines.
FTP: Managing website uploads and server configurations.
Practical Application: Real-world projects to apply skills learned, including creating animated navigation bars, drop-down menus, contact forms with validation, and image sliders.
Final Project: Comprehensive project that integrates all elements of web design, including cross-browser compatibility and website hosting.
This curriculum is designed to equip students with the necessary skills to excel in the rapidly evolving field of web design​ (picklesanimation)​​ ( Pickles Animation's blogs)​​ (Pickles Animation)​.
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For more detailed information, you can visit the official course.
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alldesignsolutions · 2 months
🚀 Unlock Your Digital Potential with a Stunning WordPress Website or Landing Page! 🚀
Meet Saleh, your ultimate partner in web development and WordPress mastery! With over 8 years of industry expertise and a stellar track record of completing 2000+ projects for 1200+ clients across 60 countries since 2018, Saleh is your go-to guru for transforming digital dreams into reality.
About this Service:
Premium WordPress Theme & Plugins
Responsive, Eye-Catching Design
On-Page SEO & Speed Optimization
Top-Notch Web Security
W3C Validated Clean Code
Cross-Browser Compatibility
Seamless Integration of MailChimp or Server Mail System Forms
Why Choose Saleh?
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Don't miss out on the opportunity to work with Saleh and bring your digital vision to life. Contact Saleh today to discuss your web development needs and embark on a journey towards digital success!
Order Now and Let's Create Web Magic Together!
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viral-web · 2 months
[ad_1] In the digital age, website speed is essential. In an age where time is precious, it can make or ruin the user experience. Slow page loading frustrates users and impacts conversions and search ranking. This blog examines less-known causes for website slowdowns and offers solutions to improve overall performance. 1. The critical role of website speed: A slow website can reduce user satisfaction and lead to a decrease in conversions. Studies show that 47% of users expect their websites to load within a few seconds. A one-second delay at e-commerce giant Amazon can result in an annual sales loss of $1.6 billion. 2. Caching issues: It is important to optimize browser caching for faster page loading. However, improper configuration can cause user interaction problems. Cache-control headers, entity tags, or cache plugins can help optimize browser caching. These measures reduce round-trips and improve user experience by reducing the number of page loads. 3. Overloaded database: An overloaded database, which can be common in CMS platforms, will have a significant impact on website performance. Optimize the database regularly by deleting unnecessary posts, deactivating plugins that are not used, and removing obsolete files. 4. Outdated CMS: A website’s speed and security may be compromised if you are using an outdated CMS. It is important to update CMS platforms to maintain compatibility with new software versions and improve load times. 5. Use of social media scripts in excessive numbers: Social media integration is important, but an excess of scripts and plugins can hinder website performance. Use automation tools to minimize server resources and avoid using unnecessary social media plugins. Include sharing options on your website only when necessary to avoid overloading it. 6. Chatbots and their use: Inefficient implementation of chatbots can affect website speed. To prevent website delays, ensure chatbots are loaded asynchronously. Using the page speed tool and proper code implementation will help you identify potential chatbot issues. 7. Broken links: Broken links not only disrupt the user experience but also waste valuable bandwidth. Use website auditing tools to regularly check and fix broken links. This will improve loading times, user behavior metrics, and search rankings. 8. Render-blocking JavaScript: JavaScript that blocks rendering can cause a website to load slowly and prevent visitors from viewing it fully. Reduce the use of scripts that block rendering and create a script queue for a faster website. 9. Accelerated mobile pages: Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) are designed to improve the speed of mobile websites, but they can sacrifice functionality and design. Consider the trade-offs carefully before implementing AMP. Make sure it is aligned with your website goals and doesn’t compromise user experience. 10. Gravatars & HTML/CSS validation: Gravatars are convenient but can slow down a website, particularly if there are many comments. Disabling gravatars or optimizing the image size are some options to consider. To improve site performance, use valid HTML and CSS code that follows W3C standards. OTRACKER Redefining Web Analytics in the Digital Era In the dynamic landscape of online business, OTRACKER emerges as a game-changing web analytics tool designed by ONPASSIVE. Elevate your data-driven success by harnessing the advanced features of OTRACKER, providing unparalleled insights into your website’s functionality. With OTRACKER, you can go beyond mere statistics and delve into user involvement by tracking bounce rates and website loading speed, unraveling how visitors interact with your website. Whether fine-tuning performance,
identifying improvement opportunities, or targeting specific regions and devices, OTRACKER equips you with the data and insights to propel your business forward. Experience the transformative power of OTRACKER and open the door to a world of possibilities for your data-driven success. Conclusion Slow-loading websites can be a serious threat to the success of your business and user satisfaction. Website owners can improve their site’s efficiency, responsiveness, and ability to meet user expectations by addressing web performance killers. In the increasingly competitive digital landscape, regular audits, good coding practices, and strategic optimizations will help you maintain a reliable and fast online presence. Visit www.onpassive.com for more information about OTRACKER. [ad_2] onpassive.com
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eaglebittrader · 2 months
[ad_1] In the digital age, website speed is essential. In an age where time is precious, it can make or ruin the user experience. Slow page loading frustrates users and impacts conversions and search ranking. This blog examines less-known causes for website slowdowns and offers solutions to improve overall performance. 1. The critical role of website speed: A slow website can reduce user satisfaction and lead to a decrease in conversions. Studies show that 47% of users expect their websites to load within a few seconds. A one-second delay at e-commerce giant Amazon can result in an annual sales loss of $1.6 billion. 2. Caching issues: It is important to optimize browser caching for faster page loading. However, improper configuration can cause user interaction problems. Cache-control headers, entity tags, or cache plugins can help optimize browser caching. These measures reduce round-trips and improve user experience by reducing the number of page loads. 3. Overloaded database: An overloaded database, which can be common in CMS platforms, will have a significant impact on website performance. Optimize the database regularly by deleting unnecessary posts, deactivating plugins that are not used, and removing obsolete files. 4. Outdated CMS: A website’s speed and security may be compromised if you are using an outdated CMS. It is important to update CMS platforms to maintain compatibility with new software versions and improve load times. 5. Use of social media scripts in excessive numbers: Social media integration is important, but an excess of scripts and plugins can hinder website performance. Use automation tools to minimize server resources and avoid using unnecessary social media plugins. Include sharing options on your website only when necessary to avoid overloading it. 6. Chatbots and their use: Inefficient implementation of chatbots can affect website speed. To prevent website delays, ensure chatbots are loaded asynchronously. Using the page speed tool and proper code implementation will help you identify potential chatbot issues. 7. Broken links: Broken links not only disrupt the user experience but also waste valuable bandwidth. Use website auditing tools to regularly check and fix broken links. This will improve loading times, user behavior metrics, and search rankings. 8. Render-blocking JavaScript: JavaScript that blocks rendering can cause a website to load slowly and prevent visitors from viewing it fully. Reduce the use of scripts that block rendering and create a script queue for a faster website. 9. Accelerated mobile pages: Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) are designed to improve the speed of mobile websites, but they can sacrifice functionality and design. Consider the trade-offs carefully before implementing AMP. Make sure it is aligned with your website goals and doesn’t compromise user experience. 10. Gravatars & HTML/CSS validation: Gravatars are convenient but can slow down a website, particularly if there are many comments. Disabling gravatars or optimizing the image size are some options to consider. To improve site performance, use valid HTML and CSS code that follows W3C standards. OTRACKER Redefining Web Analytics in the Digital Era In the dynamic landscape of online business, OTRACKER emerges as a game-changing web analytics tool designed by ONPASSIVE. Elevate your data-driven success by harnessing the advanced features of OTRACKER, providing unparalleled insights into your website’s functionality. With OTRACKER, you can go beyond mere statistics and delve into user involvement by tracking bounce rates and website loading speed, unraveling how visitors interact with your website. Whether fine-tuning performance,
identifying improvement opportunities, or targeting specific regions and devices, OTRACKER equips you with the data and insights to propel your business forward. Experience the transformative power of OTRACKER and open the door to a world of possibilities for your data-driven success. Conclusion Slow-loading websites can be a serious threat to the success of your business and user satisfaction. Website owners can improve their site’s efficiency, responsiveness, and ability to meet user expectations by addressing web performance killers. In the increasingly competitive digital landscape, regular audits, good coding practices, and strategic optimizations will help you maintain a reliable and fast online presence. Visit www.onpassive.com for more information about OTRACKER. [ad_2] onpassive.com
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jhponestop · 2 months
Experience in Converting PSD to HTML, Sketch to HTML, Images to HTML with Responsive design
I am a professional Front-end Developer having more than 12+ yrs. Experience in Converting PSD to HTML, Sketch to HTML, Images to HTML with Responsive design, which is compatible to all of Browsers and Devices. Work Sample Followed by the international Web Standards and W3C Validation I develop Codes. Make Sure the Code I will deliver, it will meet the industry standard. My Codes are well…
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View On WordPress
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reactheme · 4 months
Hostie - Web Hosting & WHMCS WordPress Theme
Introducing Hostie – Your Ultimate Solution for Web Hosting & WHMCS! Are you ready to elevate your hosting business to new heights? Look no further than Hostie – a powerful, easy-to-use, and mobile-friendly theme designed to impress both clients and competitors alike. Built with the robust Elementor Page Builder, Hostie is the perfect choice for any hosting, domain, or reseller business company.
Hostie theme comes with the WHMCS template and it’s compatible with the latest version of WHMCS. 
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Elementor Page Builder You can easily edit/change everything using Elementor page builder with a drag-drop system.
One Click Demo Installer Included: You can easily import demo data using the one-click demo import plugin. So you can just make a demo site using one click it will help you reduce lots of time
WHMCS Included : Hostie seamlessly integrates with WHMCS, the leading web hosting automation platform. This powerful combination allows you to manage billing, client support, and other crucial aspects of your hosting business efficiently from a single platform. You should use the WHMCS latest version(8.8+) to work properly with hostie template.
Powerful Theme Options: Using Fluxi option you can change many things easily. As like logo, topbar, header style, footer style, color, menu settings, blog layout, banner, preloader, etc.
SEO Friendly: Boost your online visibility with Hostie’s SEO-friendly structure, helping you climb the search engine rankings effortlessly.
Responsive Layout Design: Whatever you are using the device your site will run perfectly. The Hostie theme is fully responsive layout for all types of devices.
04 Header Layouts: You can choose the perfect header from our builds and customize it to your needs.
04 Footer Layouts: You can choose any footer layout that you like and adjust it to your needs.
50+ Inner Pages Included
Product Life Time Free Update
Fully Responsive Design
Google Fonts
Drag and Drop MetFrom
Blog Page Included
4+ Services styles
5+ Project styles
Modern Blog Layout
Multiple Header Styles and Sticky Header
Child Theme Compatible – includes basic child theme
Google Map
1000+ Google Fonts
Mobile Browsers Compatible
Font Awesome Icons
W3C Valid HTML Code
Cross browser Compatible
Reliable support
Well Documented That’s Why Easy to Change
and much more
View Demo >>
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shahnoorblogger · 4 months
I have been using these three on-page SEO tools, and I thought, "Why should I use them alone?" So, lucky you guys, you can find amazing free on-page SEO tools and optimize your content. That not only ranks but satisfies the user's search. Feel free to dive into my blog, Shahnoorblogger.
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global-ai · 5 months
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CSS Notes Professionals E-book
Subjects covered include:
Getting started with CSS
Structure and Formatting of a CSS Rule
The Box Model
Media Queries
Flexible Box Layout (Flexbox)
Cascading and Specificity
Length Units
Layout Control
2D Transforms
3D Transforms
Filter Property
Cursor Styling
Shapes for Floats
List Styles
Custom Properties (Variables)
Single Element Shapes
Multiple columns
Inline-Block Layout
CSS Image Sprites
Clipping and Masking
CSS Object Model (CSSOM)
Feature Queries
Stacking Context
Block Formatting Contexts
Vertical Centering
Object Fit and Placement
CSS design patterns
Browser Support & Prefixes
Normalizing Browser Styles
Internet Explorer Hacks
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language like HTML. CSS is a cornerstone technology of the World Wide Web, alongside HTML and JavaScript.
CSS is designed to enable the separation of presentation and content, including layout, colors, and fonts. This separation can improve content accessibility, provide more flexibility and control in the specification of presentation characteristics, enable multiple web pages to share formatting by specifying the relevant CSS in a separate .css file, and reduce complexity and repetition in the structural content.
Separation of formatting and content also makes it feasible to present the same markup page in different styles for different rendering methods, such as on-screen, in print, by voice (via speech-based browser or screen reader), and on Braille-based tactile devices. CSS also has rules for alternate formatting if the content is accessed on a mobile device.
The name cascading comes from the specified priority scheme to determine which style rule applies if more than one rule matches a particular element. This cascading priority scheme is predictable.
The CSS specifications are maintained by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Internet media type (MIME type) text/css is registered for use with CSS by RFC 2318 (March 1998). The W3C operates a free CSS validation service for CSS documents.
In addition to HTML, other markup languages support the use of CSS including XHTML, plain XML, SVG, and XUL.
CSS has a simple syntax and uses a number of English keywords to specify the names of various style properties.
A style sheet consists of a list of rules. Each rule or rule-set consists of one or more selectors, and a declaration block.
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