#Utility Fitting
bigfatbreak · 7 months
dad villain au: did emilie just. not consider at all that adrien was literally dying at the time. wow
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she's in the habit of deciding when Adrien's suffering is acceptable, and if it is, she'll just fix it later.
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lemony-snickers · 2 years
"you are the only one who's ever broken me open."
"do not scream god's name, scream mine."
"please don't make me say it if you aren't going to say it back."
"your heart is beating so fast." "because i'm happy."
"i want to draw a map of your scars so i can always find my way back to your heart."
"i don't believe in such nonsense." "i'm not asking you to. i'm simply asking that you believe in me."
"is that good? that's all i want, to make you feel good."
"it reminded me of you. but then, sometimes i think everything reminds me of you."
"what a fragile thing, that love can so easily turn to violence."
"why are you doing this?" "because i love you."
"it didn’t feel right when I was always thinking of you."
"i would have felt like the luckiest person on the planet."
"are you gonna take that off or should i keep guessing?"
"i wanted this to be special."
"i can't believe... after all this time... i should have known it would be you."
"i want to be wildly, deliriously happy.  wildly, deliriously loved."
"i try always to be too much for you."
"the sooner i leave, the sooner i will return and we can begin again."
"i didn't die." "you were dead to me."
"i don't care if other people see us together, you do."
"and you say i'm the one who should be resting."
"i'm sorry." "for what?" "that you got stuck with me."
"what makes you happy?" "lots of things." "and what makes you unhappy?" "lots of other things and some of the same ones."
"i wish i could give you the world." "the world is not enough. but you are."
"i have never needed anything so much as i need you. and i hate you for it."
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elvenbeard · 5 months
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[>> continued below the cut]
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[Insert "A corpo and a nomad walk into a desert" joke here].
ölakshdfasjfhdsdfh hi, I'm Elven, and I'm becoming increasingly addicted to making longass VP comics uwu (and loving every second of it, let's be real XD)
This one has been on my "wanna do" list forever - or at the very least since @pinkyjulien trusted me with his boy 💛 Thank you so much for letting me take Valentin on some unexpected adventures!!
The thing is, I had always wondered if and how these two could ever meet (and also if they could ever become friends, because let's be honest, they're from very different worlds.... or are they 👀 alköasdhfdf I'm already saying too much, there is a part two that will follow in a separate post, but I'll link it below once it's here)
[Part Two - now here :D]
But yes!! Nothing better than fateful meetings at unexpected times :D And I hope I'll have Vince as an NPV somewhere down the line as well to send him on some adventures of his own!
Also, some BTS from a while ago for everyone who read this far:
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Very sus
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Short, colorful rattail kings 🤌
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kanalaure · 2 months
(*i dont know what kind of dog huan is, but he sheds. a lot. caranthir just wants to have ONE (1) space thats not covered in shed fur)
assume this is in the context of a modern au, or else that everyone is miraculously back from the dead and generally getting along fine and in the interim aman has had its industrial revolution and produced a more eco-friendly equivalent to our technologies
dont take this too seriously or get upset if your blorbo isn't represented, i filled out the ballot on a whim lmao. if you have someone you are Convinced would have one that isn't on this ballot, please do mention it in the tags
#silmarillion#silm polls#polls#house of finwe#finweans#feanorians#nolofinweans#arafinweans#and for anyone curious about why i excluded some of them (i.e. my highly arbitrary headcanons im sticking to):#feanor and nerdanel have seven kids and two(+) crafts that utilize a lot of bulky materials. they dont have time for vehicular aesthetics#they have a 15 passenger vans for kid ferrying and a delivery-type van to move materials and Thats It#i honestly think finrod is too social for a car that only seats two#maglor has a minivan. i will not be accepting criticism or substitutions at this time. he needs the space for his instruments and kids#(where'd he get the kids? are they his? probably. maybe. dont worry about it. did you know that minivans have /so many/ cupholders?)#curufin also has a minivan because he has only one child but is completely obsessive about his safety. and minivans are generally very safe#celegorm refuses to consider buying a vehicle his dog cant fit into and has either a jeep or a toyota hylux that he uses to the max#maeglin has a nightmare car he cobbled together out of the remains of twelve different makes and models. its extremely fuel efficient but#visibly frankensteined together and he almost never gets asked to give anyone a ride to the airport#(jury's still out on whether that was an intentional part of the design or not)#i dont have a solid reasoning for leaving off findis and arafinwe. they just dont seem to me like they would#same for celebrian gil-galad or the rest of the great-grandkids. i either dont know them well enough or they dont strike me as the type#god these tags are ridiculous. okay cutting myself off now goodbye
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adeleine-everyday · 7 months
day 29
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"Adeleine" from Hoshi no Kaabii: Adventures in Pupupu Land (2006), opening credits
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drawsdenfiles · 1 year
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STORM FRONT The Dresden Files - Jim Butcher
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mixelation · 9 days
wtf does earth is space australia even mean
"earth is space australia" is a type of scifi trope originating from tumblr in which earth, and sometimes humans specifically, are especially dangerous (or, in less edgy versions, just weird/unique) compared to other planets and alien species. there's often a fixation on extreme climates, "dangerous" animal and plant life, or quirks of human culture. my impression is that the trope/concept was popularized as backlash to the common scifi depiction of humans being the boring normies of the universe. the term "space australia" comes from the non-australian perception that australian wildlife is extra dangerous compared to the rest of the world. (it's..... australia has some very cool native wildlife due to islands allowing for unique evolutionary trajectories, but characterizing it as "more dangerous" with zero follow-up nuance is disingenuous at best.) you can also see it called "earth is a deathworld" or "humans are space orcs"
there's a fanlore page if you want to know more. it really started as a bunch of tumblr posts and i don't think the trope has permeated into popular media yet, but you can find some short stories and vignettes on tumblr and reddit, and there's an AO3 tag
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malumae · 3 days
gm yesterday i changed up my carrd again (surprise surprise) and clarified some things in my rules. while i absolutely adore other portrayals of the same character i write, i have never and am not going to start following blogs that are solo blade muses or multis heavily centered around a blade muse. i really want to avoid accidental similarities.
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Dear God how I fucking hate when people dismiss s character's traits because "that's just a facade! you as the reader have to see underneath it!!" like yeah no fucking shit Sherlock, a well written character has more than one (1) defining trait but that doesn't mean their most prominent one or the one most recognized by fandom ISN'T there
yes this is about people thinking dick grayson isn't actually a ray of sunshine, that it's just a mask. he's much more than the happy one, of fucking course, all batfam members (when written well) are, but that doesn't mean that being happy and bright is not a crucial part of his personality. he brings light to people's lives, he's a beacon of hope, that's what Robin was born for, as a light to Batman's darkness. That's what Nightwing is. He can be serious, sure. He's smart, an amazing strategist, incredibly good at fighting, he can be manipulative and morally gray and sometimes an objectively bad person. But he's ALSO funny and quippy and bright and sunshine. BECAUSE HE'S WELL WRITTEN.
Like Jesus stop making him so sad and wrong all the time just because you want so bad to go against "fanon". It's not fanon if it's literally his core trait. It's not fanon if it's what the character was BORN AS. God.
#I'm not sure if this even makes sense#it's almost 6am I haven't slept and I just saw someone say he's a manipulative bitch and to stop writing him as a ray of sunshine#and now I'm mad#because this parson had this lukewarm takes with most of the batkids#like yeah I get a lot of damian's traits and back story are deeply rooted in racism#but like he did try to kill tim. and he killed a bunch of people when he first got to Gotham. that's a thing that happened.#and no matter how racist the reason behind that plot line might have been#it's something that happened and choosing to believe it didn't happen because it doesn't fit your preconceived ideas of how#a character should or should not be is just plain stupid#you can explore the character and change their personality and play with them in fanfic sure that's what we all do#but don't pretend that canon doesn't exist. you can choose to utilize it or not but acknowledge it even if it's just to spit in it's face#damian's not tame he's not more chill than his brothers he's not misunderstood#he's a child who had a horribly traumatic childhood and reacts with violence because that's all he knows#Jason's angry and he has every right to be and to say he isn't is to erase an incredibly important part of his character#you don't get to tell a victim how to be a good victim. Jason's a victim.#dc#batman#rambles#batfam#batfamily#dc universe#dc comics#batman and robin#dick grayson#Jason Todd#Damian Wayne#nightwing#red hood#oh look I made a post about dc that is NOT about Tim#wild huh
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sysig · 1 year
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He was a human pirate, which you wouldn’t think you’d have to specify and yet (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#ZEX#The Captain#This isn't even a sci-fi pirate adventure anymore this is just straight up human pirates lol#How many layers deep can we go until it's unrecognizable! Next up is Pirate AU!Helix! (Kidding. For now) Lol#There is something funny about it all to me as well considering how in-line it fits with the research I was doing for a Vargas fic concept#All these bodice-rippers coming home to roost lol ♪#Which is also interesting 'cause I hadn't thought about this particular fic from that perspective before but it also fits! It works well!#Yet another angle to approach it from on a reread haha ♫#ANYway lol - human!Pirate!SCII specifically finally lol#I do love just how openly attracted the Captain is to ZEX as a human haha - his attraction/disgust to VUX-ZEX is wonderful of course#It's just so silly and cute how honest he is when ZEX is in a body that he's aesthetically attracted to haha#And ZEX recognizing and utilizing that! But it still not quite tipping him over to being completely sold on the whole kidnapping thing lol#''I don't understand it! I look beautiful and I /know/ he's attracted to me! What could be stopping him from sleeping with me???" lol#Keep trying ZEX I'm sure you'll get it at some point haha#Finishing off with an idea of ZEX having to deal with a hostile and still not quite trusting the Captain not to run away#Or risk him getting hurt! ZEX can handle this! Let him protect you!#But the Captain also wants to help! And/or escape y'know whatever's most convenient haha#He's proud <3 And he does have an affinity with ZEX at this point - he knows he can be useful! But that's not what's most important to ZEX#Also being scolded and blushing a bit hehe ♪ Given just a bit of pause to be told by such a pretty face to ''Behave'' ♫#I do really like ZEX with the coat and braids hehe <3 Handsome
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tiny-merkitty · 5 months
"impure regression" it's therapy, impurity came free with your xbox
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bogkeep · 2 years
someone on a podcast i listen to said most comedy tiktoks have funny concepts but go on for so long they become unfunny. i can't unsee it now, the timing really does matter so much. and i don't want to romanticize the vine days because all we're left with now are compilations of the Most Iconic Vines which isn't the full picture, but on the other hand. they really are so iconic. watching a really good vine compilation truly makes me appreciate the power of editing, distillation, of the punch, of the snappiness,
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mooooore estrels. working out some more of her design
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citnamora · 3 months
Growing up is realizing you don't hate shipping, you just really wish the execution of it was less amatonormative
#hot aro shit#actually aromantic#romance repulsed#amatonormativity#like. I roll my eyes at ship culture for the most part. but it really isn't the ships themselves. it's just how weird ppl are about it..#a lot of folks will pair everyone. e v e r y o n e. and it's like.. in doing so they just kinda mix and match who 'works best' with who-#without really considering if they would partner with anyone in the first place. like. ppl are nonpartnering for a number of reasons#besides being aspec or adjacent. it's just weird assuming everyone would get with someone when single ppl exist!#and the way a lot of shipping is set up.. it feels like they're lopping chunks of the characters off. mangling them beyond recognition-#just to fit them into these specific dynamics. specifically romantic tropes. instead of embracing tropes that compliment the character-#and preserve the integrity if you are truly utilizing these characters. and look. I get the appeal of shipping. it's fun to mash characters-#together like dolls and set up these stories with them. but if you have to fundamentally erase every unique aspect of them for it-#or ignore large chunks of what makes them who they are in the first place? are you really shipping those characters? or are you making them-#original characters with the names and faces of your favorites?#pairing everybody is also just incredibly lazy lmfao. like. ignoring the fact nonpartnering ppl (both aspec and otherwise) exist..#you're barring yourself from exploring narratives you otherwise would be able to expand upon with characters- that sometimes-#matches don't really work out. or the pressure to find someone when no one 'fits.' abuse victims relearning who they are outside-#of what they bring to the relationships in their day to day lives. friendships that defy the idea romance is the strongest love.#deconstructing the idea of love being something everyone needs. like. you cannot execute that when you pair everyone!#anyways. ship what you ship. idc. but please be mindful of how harmful the ideas you're pushing can be.
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xx-maemae-xx · 2 months
Give Mae a purple lightsaber…and, no, not just for aesthetic purposes.
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ssruis · 2 months
As a general reminder this blog is not a place for terfs and you will find no allyship or support in me. I do not respect you. Trans women are women. Do not taint my discussions of this fanbase’s misogyny with your backwards and abhorrent world view.
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