#Unity Dale
coockie8 · 1 year
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I can't even begin to articulate how proud of this I am!
So this is actually a scene from the series I'm writing with my sister, Cosmic Legends (draft title, subject to change). Basically, Tetsuya's (the short boy with the fox ears) abusive ex tried to extort a selfie out of him in exchange for help only Carl (the ex) could give.
Unity (the black girl) decided that fine, Carl could have the selfie, but it wouldn't be the selfie Carl wanted, so she gathered Tetsuya's current boyfriend, James (pink-haired boy), and her husband, Dorman (obviously not-human guy in the back), and took a group selfie to fuck with Carl. It's a fun scene lol
This is a particularly harsh jab btw 'Cause Tetsuya more or less left Carl for James, and Carl's jealousy over Tetsuya and Dorman's bond (they're besties, like Dorman would die for Tetsuya if he could die.) is what lead to Carl being abusive, so this selfie is basically Unity's way of saying "you can have the photo, but they'll always have the real thing!".
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demigodofhoolemere · 2 years
We might be inclined to say, "Of course we can have unity — if only you would agree with me!" A better approach is to ask, "What can I do to foster unity? How can I respond to help this person draw closer to Christ? What can I do to lessen contention and to build a compassionate and caring Church community?"
Dale G. Renlund
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talonabraxas · 3 months
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“Like all magical mysteries, the secrets of the Great Work have a triple meaning: they are religious, philosophical and natural. Philosophical gold in religion is the Absolute and Supreme Reason; in philosophy, it is truth; in visible nature, it is the sun: in the subterranean and mineral world, it is the purest and most perfect gold. Hence the search after the Great Work is called the Search for the Absolute, and this work itself is termed the operation of the sun.” ― Éliphas Lévi, Transcendental Magic: Its Doctrine and Ritual
Eye in the Triangle Dale Keogh
Eliphas Levi: The Triangle of Solomon
The perfect word is the triad, because it supposes an intelligent principle, a speaking principle and a principle spoken. The Absolute, revealed by speech, endows this speech with a sense equivalent to itself, and in the understanding thereof creates its third self. So also the sun manifests by its light and proves or makes his manifestation efficacious by heat.
The triad is delineated in space by the heavenly zenith, the infinite height, connected with East and West by two straight diverging lines. With this visible triangle reason compares another which is invisible, but is assumed to be equal in dimension; the abyss is its apex and its reversed base is parallel to the horizontal line stretching from East to West. These two triangles, combined in a single figure, which is the six-pointed star, form the sacred symbol of Solomon’s Seal, the resplendent Star of the Macrocosm. The notion of the Infinite and the Absolute is expressed by this sign, which is the grand pantacle – that is to say, the most simple and complete abridgement of the science of all things.
Grammar itself attributes three persons to the verb. The first is that which speaks, the second that which is spoken to, and the third the object. In creating, the Infinite Prince speaks to Himself of Himself. Such is the explanation of the triad and the origin of the dogma of Trinity. The magical dogma is also one in three and three in one. That which is above is like or equal to that which is below. Thus, two things which resemble one another and the word which signifies their resemblance make three. The triad is the universal dogma. In Magic – principle, realization, adaptation; in Alchemy – azoth, incorporation, transmutation; in theology – God, incarnation, redemption; in the human soul – thought, love and action.
There are three intelligible worlds which correspond one with another by hierarchic analogy; the natural or physical, the spiritual or metaphysical, and the divine or religious worlds. From this principle follows the hierarchy of spirits, divided into three orders, and again subdivided by the triad in each of these.
All these revelations are logical deductions from the first mathematical notions of being and number. Unity must multiply itself in order to become active. An indivisible, motionless and sterile principle would be unity dead and incomprehensible. Were God only one He would never be Creator or Father. Were He two there would be antagonism or division in the infinite, which would mean the division also or death of all possible things. He is therefore three for the creation by Himself and in His image of the infinite multitude of beings and numbers. So is He truly one in Himself and triple in our conception, which also leads us to behold Him as triple in Himself and one in our intelligence. This is a mystery for the faithful and a logical necessity for the initiate into absolute and real sciences.
The Word manifested by life is realization or incarnation. The life of the Word accomplishing its cyclic movement is adaptation, or redemption. This triple dogma was known in all sanctuaries illuminated by the tradition of the Sages.
The primeval Sages, when seeking the First of Causes, behold good and evil in the world. They considered shadow and light; they compared winter with spring, age with youth, life with death, and their conclusion was this: The First Cause is beneficent and severe; It gives and takes away life. Then are there two contrary principles, the one good and the other evil, exclaimed the disciples of Manes. No, the two principles of universal equilibrium are not contrary, although contrasted in appearance, for a singular wisdom opposes one to another. Good is on the right, evil on the left; but the supreme excellence is above both, applying evil to the victory of good and good to the amendment of evil.
The principle of harmony is in unity, and it is this which imparts such power to the uneven number in Magic. Now, the most perfect of the odd numbers is three, because it is the trilogy of unity. In the trigrams of Fohi, the superior triad is composed of three YANG, or masculine figures, because nothing passive can be admitted into the idea of God, considered as the principle of production in the three worlds. For the same reason, the Christian Trinity by no means permits the personification of the mother, who is shown forth implicitly in that of the Son. Hence, in the trigrams of Fohi, the three inferior YIN correspond to the three superior YANG, for these trigrams constitute a pantacle like that of the two triangles of Solomon, but with a triadic interpretation of the six points of the blazing star.
Dogma is only divine inasmuch as it is truly human – that is to say, in so far as it sums up the highest reason of humanity. So also the Master, Whom we term the Man-God, called Himself the Son of Man. Revelation is the expression of belief accepted and formulated by universal reason in the human word, on which account it is said that the divinity is human and the humanity divine in the Man-God. Paracelsus and Agrippa did not set up altar against altar but bowed to the ruling religion of their time: to the elect of science, the things of science; to the faithful, the things of faith.
In his hymn to the royal Sun, the Emperor Julian gives a theory of the triad which is almost identical with that of the illuminated Swedenborg. The sun of the divine world is the infinite, spiritual and uncreated light, which is verbalized, so to speak, in the philosophical world, and becomes the fountain of souls and of truth: then it incorporates and becomes visible light in the sun of the third world, the central sun of our suns, of which the fixed stars are the ever-living sparks. The Kabalists compare the spirit to a substance which remains fluid in the divine medium and under the influence of the essential light, its exterior, however, becoming solidified, like wax when exposed to air, in the colder realm of reasoning or of visible forms. These shells, envelopes petrified or carnified, were such an expression possible, and the source of errors or of evil, which connects with the heaviness and hardness of animal envelopes. In the book Zohar, and in that of the Revolution of Souls, perverse spirits or evil demons are never called otherwise than shells – cortices. The cortices of the world or spirits are transparent, while those of the material world are opaque. Bodies are only temporary shells, whence souls have to be liberated; but those who in this life obey the flesh build up an interior body or fluidic shell, which, after death, becomes their prison-house and torment, until the time arrives when they succeed in dissolving it in the warmth of the divine light, towards which, however, the burden of their grossness hinders them from ascending. Indeed, they can do so only after infinite struggles, and by the mediation of the just, who stretch forth their hands towards them. During the whole period of the process they are devoured by the interior activity of the captive spirit, as in a burning furnace. Those who attain the pyre of expiation burn themselves thereon, like Hercules upon Mount Oetna, and so are delivered from their sufferings; but the courage of the majority fails before this ordeal, which seems to them a second death more appalling than the first, and so they remain in hell, which is rightly and actually eternal; but souls are never precipitated, nor even retained despite themselves therein.
The three worlds correspond together by means of the thirty-two paths of light, which are as steps of a sacred ladder. Every true thought corresponds to a Divine Grace in heaven and a good work on earth; every Grace of God manifests a truth, and produces one or many acts; reciprocally, every act affects a truth of falsehood in the heavens, a grace or a punishment. When a man pronounces the Tetragram – say the Kabalists – the nine celestial realms sustain a shock, and then all spirits cry out one upon another: ‘Who is it thus disturbing the kingdom of heaven?’ Then does the earth communicate unto the first sphere the sins of that rash being who takes the Eternal Name in vain, and the accusing word is transmitted from circle to circle, from star to star, and from hierarchy to hierarchy.
Every utterance possesses three senses, every act has a triple range, every form a triple idea, for the Absolute corresponds from world to world by its forms. Every determination of human will modifies Nature, concerns philosophy and is written in heaven. There are consequently two fatalities, one resulting from the Uncreated Will in harmony with its proper wisdom, the other from created wills in accordance with the necessity of secondary causes in their correspondence with the First Cause. There is hence nothing indifferent in life, and our seeming most simple resolutions do often determine an incalculable series of benefits or evils, above all in the affinities of our DIAPHANE with the Great Magical Agent, as we shall explain elsewhere.
The triad, being the fundamental principle of the whole Kabalah, or Sacred Tradition of our fathers, was necessarily the fundamental dogma of Christianity, the apparent dualism of which it explains by the intervention of a harmonious and all-powerful unity. So is the Apocalypse the book of the Gnosis or Secret Doctrine of the first Christians.
‘The sacred word MALKUTH substituted for KETHER, which is its kabalistic correspondent, and the equipoise of GEBURAH and CHESED, repeating itself in the circles of heavens called eons by the Gnostics, provided the keystone of the whole Christian Temple in the occult versicle.
MALKUTH, based upon GEBURAH and CHESED, is the Temple of Solomon having JAKIN and BOAZ for its Pillars; it is Adamite dogma, founded, for the one part on the resignation of Abel and, for the other, on the labours and self reproach of Cain; it is the equilibrium of being established on necessity and liberty, stability and motion; it is the demonstration of the universal lever sought in vain by Archimedes. A scholar whose talents were employed in the culture of obscurity, who died without seeking to be understood, resolved this supreme equation, discovered by him in the Kabalah, and was in dread of its source transpiring if he expressed himself more clearly. We have seen one of his disciples and admirers most indignant, perhaps in good faith, at the suggestion that his master was a Kabalist; but we can state notwithstanding, to the glory of the same learned man, that his researches have shortened appreciably our work on the occult sciences, and that the key of the transcendent Kabalah above all, indicated in the arcane versicle cited above, has been applied skillfully to an absolute reform of all sciences in the books of Hoene Wronski.
The secret virtue of the gospels is therefore contained in three words, and these three words have established three dogmas and three hierarchies. All science reposes upon three principles, as the syllogism upon three terms. There are also three distinct classes, or three original and natural ranks, among men, who are called to advance from the lower to the higher. The Jews term these three series or degrees in the progress of spirits, ASSIAH, YETZIRAH and BRIAH. The Gnostics, who were Christian Kabalists, called them HYLE, PSYCHE and GNOSIS; by the Jews the supreme circle was named ATZILUTH, and by the Gnostics PLEROMA. In the Tetragram, the triad, taken at the beginning of the word, expresses the divine copulation; taken at the end, it expressed the female and maternity.
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Tetractys. The Tetractys (also known as the Decad) is an equilateral Triangle formed from the sequence of the first ten numbers aligned in four rows. It is both a Mathematical idea and a Metaphysical Symbol that embraces within itself - in Seedlike form - the Principles of the Natural World, the Harmony of the Cosmos, the Ascent to the Divine, and the Mysteries of the Divine Realm. So revered was this Ancient Symbol that it inspired Ancient Philosophers to swear by the name of the one who brought this gift to Humanity --Pythagoras.
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timefadesaway · 2 months
stop the far right – national day of protest today (august 10th)
here is the list of current demonstrations taking place today nationally
London - Reform UK HQ, 83 Victoria Street, London SW1H 0HW – 2:30pm
Colchester - Colchester War Memorial, High Street 1pm
Taunton - Town Centre, Market House – 2.30pm
Southall - Unity Hall, Southall Town Hall UB1 3HA – 12pm
Nottingham - Brian Clough Statute, Nottingham city centre – 1pm
Southampton - Bargate - 12pm
Hull - Queen Victoria Square – 10am
Norwich - Gentleman’s Walk - 12pm
Chorley - Union Street, Chorley PR7 1AE - 1pm
Preston - Friargate Pedestrian Area – 2pm
Sheffield - Sheffield City Hall – 12pm
Hackney - St Augustines Tower, Narrow Way, Hackney Central E8 1HR – 12pm
Leicester - Meet outside HSBC Bank, Humberstone Gate - 12pm
Shrewsbury - The Square - 12.30pm
Weymouth - Meet outside The Range, New Bond Street – 11am
Lancaster - Town Hall steps – 12pm
Stratford - Stratford Bus Station (old shopping centre side), E20 1EH – 11am
Derby - Meet Council House, marching to The Spot – 11am
Liverpool - Pier Head - 12pm
Coventry - Millennium Place, CV1 1JD – 1pm
Brixton - Windrush Square SW2 1JQ – 1pm
Abergavenny - Opposite Waterstones – 11am
Dumfries & Galloway - Planestanes - 11am
Wakefield - Cedar Court Hotel, Denby Dale Road, Wakefield, WF4 3QZ - 12pm
York - St Helen’s Square – 4pm
Cardiff - Nye Bevan statue - 1pm
Newcastle - Grey’s Monument – 9:30am
Calderdale - Outside Wilko’s, 2 Southgate, HX1 IDR - 12pm
Portsmouth - Guildhall Square - 1pm
Eastbourne - Outside Barclays Bank, Terminus Road - 1pm
Tower Hamlets - Altab Ali Park, Alder Street - 5pm
Islington & Haringey - Finsbury Park Mosque St Thomas’s Road N4 2QH – 2pm
Dundee - City Square, Dundee – 12:30pm
Hastings - Hastings Town Centre Robertson St, outside Owens - 12pm
Oxford - Bonn Square - 11am
Lincoln - Lincoln High Street, Speakers Corner - 2pm
Edinburgh - outside Scottish Parliament - 11am
Stoke - Hanley Town Hall, Stoke-on-Trent - 12pm
Manchester - Piccadilly Gardens - 11am
Harlow - The Obelisk, Broadwalk - 1:30pm
Birmingham - Outside Waterstones, Birmingham City Centre - 12:30pm
more information here, not necessarily comprehensive, so explore local organisers and groups if your area doesn't have anything! list may expand so check the link for updates.
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y-rhywbeth2 · 2 months
What would've made way more sense than splitting drow characters into 'Lolthsworn' vs 'Seldarine' drow like some kind of evil vs good drow is 'Underdark drow vs surface-born drow.' The former isn't a thing and is redundant (a drow of any culture, outlook or faith is a drow; just give drow both the dialogue options. And put them back in the elf category, they don't need a separate one.)
Like drow who grew up immersed in the constant intrigue of Lolth-dominated culture that developed after the Descent, never seeing the accursed sun, and drow who grew up in a Vhaeraunite or Eilistraeean community on the surface, dedicated to abandoning Lolth's bullshit in favour of unity and rebuilding the culture of their ancestors (or a new, better one) are significantly different things. Mechanically, one gets magic powers and the other isn't blind in sunlight. Also; different weapon proficiencies.
You can be from the underdark and embrace or resist your indoctrination, and you can be from the surface and be attempting to peacfully reconcile with surfacers or be part of a movement to rebuild the glorious imperialistic reign of Ilythiir while raiding the Dales in your off time.
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nightbunnysong · 4 days
Music artists that always make me fell happy and alive
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Empire of the sun ☀️
Empire of the Sun's music has a unique ability to evoke feelings of genuine happiness and carefreeness through its dreamy, uplifting soundscapes and vibrant energy. Their use of bright synths, catchy melodies, and rhythmic beats creates a sense of escapism that transports you to a world of positivity and joy. The lyrics often carry a message of optimism and wonder, while their fusion of electronic and pop elements adds a playful, lighthearted vibe. Together, these elements form an immersive experience that feels effortless and liberating, making their music a go-to for boosting your mood.
Charly XCX ☀️
Charli XCX's music channels that 2014 Tumblr "bad bitch" energy straight into your veins with her unapologetic attitude, bold lyrics, and futuristic production. Her sound is a mix of hyper-pop, edgy beats, and rebellious vibes that make you feel empowered and unstoppable. Songs like Von Dutch and Roll With Me blend sass, confidence, and a carefree spirit that taps into that iconic Tumblr aesthetic — where neon lights, internet culture, and self-expression ruled. It's a blend of nostalgia and raw power, giving you that fearless, no-holds-barred energy.
Pitbull ☀️
Pitbull’s music is all about bringing that larger-than-life party energy, making you feel like you’re unstoppable and ready to take over the world. With his infectious beats, high-energy rhythms, and signature catchphrases, Pitbull’s tracks instantly make you want to hit the dance floor and live in the moment. His blend of Latin influence, rap, and pop creates an atmosphere of celebration and confidence, like you're in the middle of an endless summer night. Mr. Worldwide makes you feel like you own every room you walk into, exuding charisma and that "let’s get it" attitude. Dale!!
Gigi D’Agostino ☀️
Gigi D'Ag and Eurodance hold a special place in the hearts of Europeans because they capture the essence of an era defined by freedom, unity, and unfiltered emotional. Tracks like L’Amour Toujours and Bla Bla Bla are timeless anthems that blend catchy, melodic beats with euphoric rhythms, creating a sense of shared nostalgia. Eurodance, with its high-energy beats and uplifting vocals, became the soundtrack of youth for many across Europe, reflecting a time when borders blurred through music and collective joy was found in clubs and festivals. Gigi D'Agostino, in particular, infused emotional depth into the genre, adding that signature Italian flair, making his tracks feel both intimate and universally epic. It's more than just music—it's a cultural phenomenon that speaks to unity, joy, and a love for life.
yeah and now I'm crying
The music of the early 2010s by artists like David Guetta, Avicii, Calvin Harris, Ellie Goulding, and WALK THE MOON captured a sense of carefree joy and happiness that defined the era. These songs were upbeat, infectious, and full of energy, making you want to dance, celebrate, and live in the moment.
Whether it was the euphoric beats of Guetta’s and Harris' EDM anthems or the heartfelt, sing-along lyrics of WALK THE MOON’s Shut Up and Dance, the music had a way of lifting your spirits and making everything feel light and fun. Avicii’s tracks blended folk melodies with electronic drops, giving a sense of freedom and adventure, while Ellie Goulding’s dreamy voice added a sense of wonder and optimism to every song she touched.
In essence, these artists created a soundtrack for good times — nights out with friends, summer festivals, and spontaneous road trips. Their music evoked a carefree, almost timeless joy, transporting listeners to a place where worries faded away and the focus was on pure, unfiltered fun.
[photos from Pinterest]
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uwmspeccoll · 1 year
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Typography Tuesday
This week we present another type specimen book from the estate of our late friend Dennis Bayuzick: Fine Ornament & Decorative Material Available to "Monotype" Users published in London by the Lanston Monotype Corporation in 1924. It includes 48 specimens intended for printers who could order their types by the indicated matrix number.
From 1923 to 1967, the British typographer and printing historian Stanley Morrison (he was a principal designer for Times New Roman) was a prominent advisor to the Lanston Monotype Corporation. He wrote the introduction to this display book where he outlines the history of the type ornament and states:
In clever hands it is possible to design with one or two units almost an infinite number of combinations. . . . It is here that the printer's flower rises to the height of it potentiality, and . . singularly beautiful results will reward the ingenious compositor. The sympathy in line and colour subsisting between the ornament and the type confers upon the composition the note of unity and consistency, always the underlying necessity of fine typography. This desideratum is joined in the present series to a supremely practical convenience: the ornaments are cast on the "Monotype" Composing Machine.
Laid into this copy is a type specimen sheet of Monotype ornaments (first image) from Hill & Dale Private Press and Typefoundry in Terra Alta, West Virginia
View more posts related to Lanston Monotype.
View a post on Stanley Morrison's Times New Roman.
View other books from the collection of Dennis Bayuzick.
View more Typography Tuesday posts.
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stephen-barry · 2 months
Fact-checker: It was a remarkably dishonest acceptance speech
CNN's Daniel Dale fact-checks former President Donald Trump's Republican National Convention speech.
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The Way It Comes To Be- Chapter 4
Chapter summary: Everything seems to be going okay, but now Thorin has to face his own destiny.
Link on Ao3
Rating: Mature
Relationships: Thorin x Bilbo, Kili x Tauriel
Chapter 4: Dawning Renewal
The days in the Lonely Mountain were getting colder as they passed. The leaves of the few trees in this area were bright shades of yellow and orange, and the winds got even stronger and faster. This wasn’t exactly helping the rebuilding of the Kingdom Under The Mountain and Dale since the winds would constantly overthrow the newly built walls or pillars. This placed an insane amount of pressure on all the workers who were trying their best to have everything built by the time winter arrived. 
Everyone in both places had a role to play in reconstructing the city: men, elves, and dwarves all worked in rebuilding the houses and buildings from the outside. Most of the women and some elves were working on building farms for agriculture and to make the city aesthetically elegant with plants. Many of Dain’s surviving soldiers, some humans, and Thorin’s Company were rebuilding the palace from the outside and the inside. 
The company of the soon-to-be-king was constantly moving everywhere around Dale and Erebor to complete several tasks: attend diplomatic meetings with Thorin, verify the constructions in Dale, go to the constructions on Erebor, and reconstruct the palace. 
Despite the chaos, there was a sense of unity and determination among the workers. Dwarves and elves, once sworn enemies, now worked side by side. The men of Laketown, grateful for the refuge and support of their allies, toiled tirelessly to repay the debt they felt they owed.
Bilbo found himself increasingly involved in these activities. Though not a builder by nature, his sharp mind and keen eye for detail made him invaluable in overseeing the progress in construction and ensuring that nothing was overlooked. He often found himself running between sites, relaying messages, and coordinating the efforts of the different groups. The hobbit was becoming a familiar sight to all, his small figure darting through the bustling crowds, his presence a comforting constant amidst the upheaval.
One chilly morning, Bilbo stood atop a scaffold, looking out over the bustling scene below. He could see Thorin in the distance, directing a group of dwarves as they hauled a massive stone into place. The king’s regal bearing and commanding presence were unmistakable, even from afar. Despite the challenges, Thorin's determination never wavered, and his leadership was inspiring to all. 
As Bilbo watched, he felt a surge of pride and happiness. The Lonely Mountain was slowly coming back to life, and he was a part of it. The thought warmed him against the biting wind. He knew there was still much to do, but with each passing day, the dream of a restored Erebor came closer to reality.
Below, in the bustling streets of Dale, Bard was equally busy. The townspeople respected him greatly for his leadership and bravery, and they followed his guidance as they worked to rebuild their homes. Bard’s efforts were focused not just on physical reconstruction but also on ensuring the people’s morale remained high. He often visited families, listened to their concerns, and offered words of encouragement.
Meanwhile, in the newly established farms, elves and women of Dale worked together, their hands deftly planting seeds and tending to the growing crops. The collaboration between elves and humans was a rare and beautiful sight, symbolizing the newfound alliances forged through shared hardship and respect.
Inside the mountain, Thorin’s company worked diligently. Balin, with his extensive knowledge of Erebor’s history and architecture, directed efforts to restore the grandeur of the palace halls. Dwalin, ever the warrior, took charge of reinforcing the defenses, ensuring that Erebor would be well-protected against any future threats. Fili and Kili, young and energetic, were always eager to lend a hand wherever needed, their enthusiasm infectious.
Bilbo’s frequent interactions with Thorin grew more meaningful each day. They shared brief, intense conversations about the progress and the future, their bond deepening with each encounter. The tension between them, a mix of unresolved feelings and mutual respect, simmered beneath the surface, adding an unspoken layer to their interactions.
One evening, as the sun set over the mountains, casting a golden glow over the land, Bilbo found himself standing beside Thorin at the top of the palace. They watched in silence as the workers below finished their tasks for the day, the sounds of hammers and saws gradually fading into the air.
“We’ve come a long way,” Thorin said quietly, his gaze fixed on the horizon.
Bilbo nodded, feeling the weight of the journey they had all undertaken. “And we still have a long way to go,” he replied with determination.
Thorin turned to look at him, a rare, soft smile playing on his lips. “With you by my side, Bilbo, I believe we can accomplish anything.” He embraced Bilbo from the side with his right arm, and the hobbit found it very pleasant to be in the dwarf's embrace.
Bilbo also felt a warmth spread through him at Thorin’s words. He smiled back, the bond between them growing ever stronger. Together, they would see Erebor restored to its former glory, and their relationship, forged in the flames of adversity, would be the foundation upon which their future was built.
Both men kept watching the sunset in comfortable silence. Having each other's reassuring company was the only thing they needed to feel safe and sound. 
“Thorin?” Balin called from afar. Thorin and Bilbo turned around and faced the white-beard dwarf. 
“Balin, is everything alright?” Thorin asked.
“Yes. There is someone waiting for you at the gates. He wishes to see you,” Balin answered.
“And who is this mysterious person you're talking about?” asked Thorin.
“Come see for yourself,” Balin teased. Thorin's expression changed to an inquisitive and serious one, but he still followed Balin. Bilbo was also really confused about who would be looking for Thorin right now. Could it be anyone dangerous?
When they got to the main entrance, both Bilbo and Thorin approached the gate carefully. A tall, lean figure was approaching them from the shadows. 
“Greetings, old friends,” the figure greeted, got closer, and revealed himself.
It was Gandalf.
Thorin and Bilbo couldn't believe their faces. He left shortly after the Battle of The Five Armies and said he would return at some point, but didn't say when. The dwarf and the hobbit ran to Gandalf and hugged him. After such a treacherous battle, the old wizard was delighted to see both of them alive and safe. 
“Gandalf!” Bilbo gasped, “I can't believe you're here!” 
“I wouldn't miss the rebuilding of the great Kingdom Under the Mountain,” said Gandalf happily. 
“It is a pleasure to have you here,” said Thorin, smiling. 
“I am honored by your hospitality, Your Majesty,” Gandalf kneeled in front of the dwarf to show him the uttermost respect. Bilbo decided to copy Gandalf, not really sure of what he was doing. Thorin was left speechless and didn't know how to react at the moment. 
“Well, thanks,” Thorin said awkwardly.
“Oh, Thorin, you haven't changed a bit,” Gandalf laughed, but the comment made Thorin feel very uneasy since Gandalf didn't know about the Dragon Sickness affected him. Thorin and Bilbo then decided to show Gandalf around the palace. He was amazed by how quickly it had been rebuilt in just a couple of weeks, and congratulated both men on the efforts they placed into rebuilding Erebor.
“There is still a lot to be done,” Bilbo told Gandalf, “We haven't even started on reconstructing the back of the palace!”
“Well, I think that without Bilbo's great attentiveness to detail, the palace would be a horrendous mess,” said Thorin, looking attentively at Bilbo. The hobbit got flustered and smiled sheepishly at the dwarf king. Gandalf noticed this and simply smiled to himself, sensing the bounded connection these two men have developed. 
“Now, Bilbo, if you don’t mind, I need to have a little talk with your dwarf about a very important matter and to get updated about the last few weeks I have been gone,” Gandalf told Bilbo. The hobbit simply smiled at both men and left the hallway. Once he was out of sight, Gandalf began speaking. 
“I can see that you two have become inseparable,” Gandalf said. Thorin slightly blushed and smiled. Thinking tenderly about his hobbit. 
“Well, you can put it that way,” said Thorin, “Bilbo was been such a skilled burglar… and an amazing person. We’ve grown close.”
“Oh, it’s very obvious,” Gandalf teased, “It looks like my decision on bringing Bilbo along with the Company on the quest has been a very asserted one.”
“It was a good decision, Gandalf,” replied Thorin,”At first, I underestimated Bilbo’s courage and abilities, but he proved that he was braver and more skilled than anyone I’ve fought with. He saved my life multiple times, and I don’t know how to repay him for that; my gratitude is eternally endowed to him. I don’t want to leave his side, ever”
Gandalf smiled understandingly at Thorin, knowing what was going on. He knew the dwarf had intense feelings for the hobbit. In all the years Gandalf has known Thorin, he has never cared about someone the way he cared about Bilbo. He seemed to be extremely crucial for Thorin’s life, and was probably the only one keeping him together. 
“You feel something deeper than a friendly feeling towards Bilbo, do you?” asked Gandalf, trying not to sound prude.
Thorin was silent for multiple seconds. The dwarf king has developed feelings for the dwarf since he saved his life from Azog when he encountered him after years, but he didn’t have the courage to acknowledge these feelings during the whole journey. He grew to care for Bilbo, even more than his own kin, and didn’t tell anyone a single word about those hidden emotions. The Mithril shirt he gave Bilbo was like a courting gift in his mind, but it seemed like Bilbo was a bit oblivious about it. Additionally, he was too scared to show his true intentions, until just a few weeks. Now, he had recently confessed his feelings to Bilbo, sort of, but nothing has been formalized between them. 
“I do,” responded Thorin in a serious tone, not sure how Gandalf would react to that answer, “I do have feelings for Bilbo.” His heart was beating rapidly just thinking of the hazel-eyed hobbit.  Thorin was picturing his face in his mind, with that beautiful smile and stunning eyes.
“That is wonderful!” responded Gandalf joyfully, “I am so glad you have found someone you care about like this, Thorin. Bilbo seems like a great companion, and I am sure he will make you ecstatic. Does he know about this?”
 “Well, yeah… he reciprocates, and we talked about our feelings, but there is no formal arrangement between us yet,” replied Thorin, trying to hold his sheepish smile. 
“Oh! Well, I suppose soon enough there will be an arrangement,” teased Gandalf. 
Then, shifting the tone, Gandalf began talking about how he had found Thrain, Thorin’s father, in Dol Guldur. Thorin couldn’t believe that his father was alive after all these years. It seemed almost unreal, especially considering the conditions he had endured under the Necromancer's capture. But Gandalf then had to break the news that Thrain had been taken by the darkness and was dead, which shattered Thorin’s heart. Even if he and Thrain hadn’t been very close, he still wished he could go back in time to talk to his father again.
“I am so sorry, Thorin,” Gandalf whispered. “Thrain was taken completely by the wrath of the Ring of Power. He was driven into madness by its influence, and there was no way of saving him. He was already too damaged by the evils of the Necromancer.”
Thorin bowed his head, a heavy silence enveloping them. The pain of his father’s loss mingled with the new, fragile hope he had found with Bilbo, creating a complex web of emotions that left him feeling both bereft and determined. He took a deep breath, gathering his strength from the knowledge that, despite the sorrow, there was still something precious to hold onto in this tumultuous world.
“There is still hope in this world, Thorin Oakenshield,” said Gandalf, breaking the silence, “You are hope itself. With you as ruler of Erebor, the people of Middle Earth will slowly begin to trust again. Your victory at the Battle of the Five Armies is spreading like wild fire across the lands.”
Thorin simply nodded silently, feeling the intense pressure of his role as king heavy on his back. The dwarf always desired to rule Erebor someday, but actually facing that reality felt even more daunting and intimidating than ever. 
“I know I have to do this, but I wonder how I will be able to rule over this kingdom if I do not even have hope in myself,” Thorin replied in a tone of surrender. 
Gandalf looked at Thorin with a mixture of compassion and firmness. “Thorin, the strength of a king is not measured by the absence of doubt, but by his ability to rise above it. You have faced dragons and armies with courage. Now, you must face your own fears with the same resolve. Hope is not something you find, it is something you create. And it is clear to me, and to all who follow you, that you have the power to do so.”
The wizard smiled gently, seeing the realization dawning in Thorin's eyes. “Exactly, Thorin. You have always had the strength within you. It’s the same strength that led you to reclaim Erebor and to protect those you care about. Now, that strength must guide you as a ruler.”
Thorin’s mind lingered on that thought for a while. Gandalf did have a point about how hope is something that is created, yet the task felt so difficult to Thorin. He has faced thousands of foes in the last 24 years since Erebor’s capture and today, but how? He wasn’t so sure how he actually found the strength to do so, but he actually did. That courage in him was still inside him, stirring his body and his heart. Thorin soon enough realized that he was the one who created that wave of moving energy that gave him the courage to face any threats, and he could use it to face his fears and weave veins of hope.
He was the only one who could change his destiny.
He was the architect of his own destiny (1). 
The battle was finally over, and now, it was time to face the real challenges ahead: to rule Erebor. It was finally time to do what he wished to since his use of reason, time to face what was soon to come once and for all.
Gandalf placed a reassuring hand on Thorin's shoulder. “Remember, Thorin, you are not alone. You have your kin, your friends, and allies by your side. Trust in them, as they trust in you. Together, you will rebuild this kingdom, and hope will flourish once more.”
Thorin looked into Gandalf's wise eyes and felt a renewed sense of determination. “Thank you, Gandalf.”
Gandalf nodded, his eyes twinkling with pride and affection. “Then go forth, Thorin Oakenshield, and lead your people into a brighter future. The road will be difficult, but I have no doubt that you will succeed.”
With those words, Thorin felt a surge of resolve. He turned to face the vast halls of Erebor, the kingdom he had fought so hard to reclaim. The challenges ahead were daunting, but with hope and drive, he knew he would lead his people to greatness.
Notes: 1. Amado Nervo, a Mexican poet, wrote "porque veo al final de mi rudo camino / que yo fui el arquitecto de mi propio destino," meaning "because I see at the end of my rough road / that I was the architect of my own destiny."
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fideidefenswhore · 7 months
Chapuys had taken up Catherine's cause upon his arrival in London after the recess of the court of Blackfriars. Until Anne's succession, her uncle often communicated with Chapuys, ingratiating himself with the diplomat in the hope that he might learn secret information concerning Charles V. In this context, the Duke [of Norfolk]'s statement that both Anne's father and he were opposed to the King's decision to marry her was significant because this information enabled the hostile ambassador to assume that Anne, presumably acting without family support, had bewitched Henry into divorcing Catherine. Following this assumption to its logical conclusion, Chapuys could then blame Anne instead of the King for the European crisis the marital dispute had created. Far from being a valid private account of the royal household, Chapuys's dispatches provide an intriguing history of what he thought, and of what others wanted him to think, about court politics. The fact is that after 1531, when Catherine of Aragon was rusticated, no major courtier was willing to plead with the king of her behalf and, with the break-up of her household, her support at court ceased to exist. Even Thomas More's continuation as Lord Chancellor rested on the assumption that King and Parliament could decide the succession, and when he resigned it was to defend a Church whose unity was under attack. In 1533, the King's councillors, including William, Lord Mountjoy, Catherine's own chamberlain, attempted to persuade her to accept the title of Princess Dowager.
Tudor Political Culture, Dale Hoak
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natteryaktoad · 9 months
Unity Prime, Day 85, Part 5
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Twins! One girl (lighter skin) one boy (darker skin). Fern and Asher.
Now let's go some weird timey-wimey stuff, because the rest of this can't be the same day they were born because they were pretty premature and would be in hospital a while.
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Dawn: She's so small, isn't she? Way smaller than Dale or Percy were.
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Ivy: She's perfect, Lainey - they both are.
Lainey: It's just so good to have them home.
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Max: Here, have a cuddle with Asher?
Ivy: Is he still smaller than Fern?
Max: Yeah, two ounces smaller last time they were weighed.
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I saw on the pregnancy tracker that Lainey was expecting twins. I didn't particularly want twins, so I clicked random when she gave birth, and got... twins. It was clearly meant to be.
Fern Joyce and Asher Isaac.
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rackiera · 2 years
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This series is written as excerpts from Dawntreader's Guidebook, a novel written by the trezlin/drakling Tavra Fangrender under a pseudonym to avoid persecution by her own kind. The second entry is on her own people, the trezlin. Paper textures are from textures.com. Transcript Though I have written in Gren, I cannot assume that all who obtain this guidebook are Gren. It's unlikely to speak the tongue without hearing of my people, but who knows what may happen in the future. Records of these sorts may be valuable, so I shall document regardless.
While we have many words for ourselves, I'll choose the most scientific: we are draklings. It's more accurate to prefix us with 'forest' or 'nature' draklings, compared to those of the sea or desert, although few of us would ever bother to specify. We arescaled upright beings, like all draklings, and sport short horns and protective scutes on our cheekbones and backs. Every individual is different, but most males are of taller stature than females and are heavier built. We are collectively shades of green with different striping patterns based on differing regions of family origin.  Using the Verdant Valley, the homeland of my people, as a point of reference: Southwesterners, such as myself, have forked and mottled striping patterns, even those beyond Vandell. Most valleyfolk and northerners come with more defined stripes. Southward, in and beyond the Scarwood, live those with spots. In-between dale and Scarwood live a folk with a mixture between the former two of broken spots and stripes. Those of the most notable nations are known as the Gren, a strong-willed, prolific, and powerful people. They have spread across much of the Verdant Valley, forming multiple distinct nations and governing bodies. Namely, these are Vandell, Suwehb, Jamgadir, Thirpof, and Manhomir. Our realms are perhaps only matched by the most clever of dragons and draklings, as I've not yet discovered a people more advanced than our own in all aspects of a society, except perhaps the wind kingdoms of the mountains. Our culture is vast and will vary greatly in detail, but in all nations, it is the nobles who lead. Although they hail from long family lines of high standing, knowing how to handle a spear and order men in war is what makes them nobles above all. Commoners take up the menial tasks that keep society running. Thanks largely to our religion emphasizing unity among Gren, peace is mostly had across the realms and violence rarely exceeds raids of greed or vengeance. Trade is common in our society, with goods produced in different regions transported and exchanged for those in others. Uniting all of the Gren is the belief that we are born of Yggorum, a deity that made us in his image to fight against the corruption in this world that is the bloodthirsty dragons. Those of us that show prowess with our innate nature magics are thought blessed and often become 'druids' under Yggorum's guidance. Due to these beliefs, dragonslayers are the most revered of all walks of life, followed by druids. Taking a dragon's life is the ultimate goal as Gren - an opinion I do not follow.
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Holidays 5.22
Abolition Day (Martinique)
Bălți Day (Moldova)
Bear Waking Day (Norway)
Buy A Musical Instrument Day
Canadian Immigrants' Day
Carpet Day (Turkmenistan)
Clover Day (French Republic)
Dia do Abraço (National Hugging Day; Brazil)
EMS Education Day
Ethernet Day
Find Your Soul Mate Day
Flag Adoption Day (Australia)
Goth Day
Growing Flavor in the Garden Day
Harvey Milk Day (California)
Heat Awareness Safety Day
International Being You Day
International Coco Mom Day
International Day For Biological Diversity (UN)
International Day of Syndrome 22q11
International Sherlock Holmes Day
Jumping Frog Jubilee Day (Angel's Camp, California)
Lee Rigby Memorial Day
Leiria Day (Portugal)
Loch Ness Monster Day
Manchester Arena Remembrance / 22 Angels Day (UK)
Mattie Stepanek Day (Rockville, Maryland)
Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood Day
National Boss Babes Day
National Coco Mom Day
National Curly Hair Day
National Day of First Nations Fishing Rights (Canada)
National Desert Storm Reservists Day
National Gout Awareness Day
National Heroes Day (Sri Lanka)
National Julie Day
National Maritime Day
National Psychopath Day
National Solitaire Day
National Sovereignty Day (Haiti)
National Title Track Day
National Toothpaste Tube Day
NF2 & Schwannomatosis Awareness Day
Pac-Man Day
Recliner Day
Republic Day (Sri Lanka)
Sherlock Holmes Day [also 1.6]
Toothpaste Tube Day
Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas from Myra to Bari (Ukraine)
Unification Day (Yemen)
United States Colored Troops Day
Unity Day (Yemen)
Watch Movies All Day Day
World Goth Day
World Pre-Eclampsia Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Bitcoin Pizza Day
National Craft Distillery Day
Vanilla Pudding Day
World Paloma Day
4th Monday in May
Victoria Day (Canada) [Monday before 25th]
Independence Days
Dale Empire (Declared; 201) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Basiliecus, Bishop of Corinna (Christian; Saint)
Biological Diversity Day (Pastafarian)
Bobo (Christian; Saint)
Castus and Emilius (a.k.a. Cactus and Æmilius; Christian; Martyrs)
Conall (Christian; Saint)
Elphinstone Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Fulk (Christian; Saint)
Humilita (Christian; Saint)
Julia of Corsica (Christian; Saint)
The Mackerel (Muppetism)
Mary Cassatt (Artology)
Michael Hồ Đình Hy (Christian; One of Vietnamese Martyrs)
Quiteria (Christian; Saint)
Ragnar Lodbrok (Viking)
Rita of Cascia (Christian; Saint)
Romanus of Subiaco (Christian; Saint)
St. Cyprian (Positivist; Saint)
Yvo (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Alien 3 (Film; 1992)
Bone Sweet Bone (WB MM Cartoon; 1948)
Bullwinkle Goes to Press or All the Moose That’s Fit to Print (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 52; 1960)
Claws for Alarm (WB MM Cartoon; 1954)
Clean Pastures (WB MM Cartoon; 1937)
Far and Away (Film; 1992)
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (Film; 1998)
The Four Seasons (Film; 1981)
The Girlfriend Experience (Film; 2009)
Great Expectations (Film; 1947)
Gunga Din, by Rudyard Kipling (Poem; 1890)
Headquarters, by The Monks (Album; 1967)
Imperial Woman, by Pearl S. Buck (Novel; 1956)
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (Film; 2008)
Mission Impossible (Film; 1996)
The Negotiator, by Frederick Forsyth (Novel; 1989)
Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian (Film; 2009)
The Opposite of Sex (Film; 1998)
Outland (Film; 1981)
Preacher (TV Series; 2016)
Rocketman (Film; 2019)
That’s What You Get, by the Castiles featuring Bruce Springsteen (Song; 1966)
Tomorrowland (Film; 2015)
Water on the Brain or The Deep Six and 7/8 (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 51; 1960)
Well Worn Daffy (WB LT Cartoon; 1965)
When Marnie Was There (Animated Film; 2015)
The Wind and the Lion (Film; 1975)
Today’s Name Days
Julia, Ortwin, Rita (Austria)
Julija, Rita (Croatia)
Emil (Czech Republic)
Castus (Denmark)
Leivo, Oliver (Estonia)
Hemminki, Hemmo (Finland)
Émile, Quitter, Rita (France)
Julia, Ortwin, Renate, Rita (Germany)
Emilios, Kodros (Greece)
Júlia, Rita (Hungary)
Rita, Valente (Italy)
Emīlija, Mile (Latvia)
Aldona, Eimantas, Elena, Julija, Rita (Lithuania)
Henning, Henny (Norway)
Emil, Helena, Jan, Julia, Krzesisława, Rita, Wiesław, Wiesława, Wisława (Poland)
Vasilisc (România)
Júlia, Juliana (Slovakia)
Joaquina, Julia, Rita (Spain)
Hemming, Henning (Sweden)
Jolee, Joleen, Jolene, Jolie, Marshall (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 142 of 2024; 223 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 21 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 9 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ding-Si), Day 4 (Geng-Chen)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 2 Sivan 5783
Islamic: 2 Dhu al-Qada 1444
J Cal: 21 Bīja; Sevenday [21 of 30]
Julian: 9 May 2023
Moon: 9%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 2 St. Paul (6th Month) [St. Cyprian]
Runic Half Month: Ing (Expansive Energy) [Day 13 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 64 of 90)
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 2 of 32)
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liminalpsych · 2 years
19. I'd die for love
Days passed before all the knights finished giving their counsel to the king. Each knight who wished it had a time to speak, and many did so at length. A few there were who refrained entirely, and some who gave only a word: mercy, or execution.
They all knew the only price for treason. Very few would speak against it.
Few indeed were the calls for mercy.
Days more passed as Arthur deliberated– agonized, in private with Merlin’s calculated counsel.
There was no path to mercy that also kept the crown in strength enough to maintain unity. Prydein was only so recently united, its many kings and lords gathered together by treaty, by conquest, by gift or by force. It held together on strength and charisma alone.
To lose respect was to lose the kingdom, Merlin told Arthur. And if the land splintered into its former shards of chiefdoms and kingdoms and territories, they would all be easy prey to the Saxons and Normans who watched hungrily for any sign of weakness, waiting for their chance to invade once more.
“Lancelot ever stood by you, and believed in your dream of a united land of chivalry and justice,” the magician said, as gently as Arthur had ever heard him be. “He would give his life in the field for you, your vision, and the realm. That is his duty as a knight. This is battle of court is no different than a battle of arms, and it is your duty as king to choose the strategy that gains advantage in war.”
There truly was no other choice.
Lancelot knelt before his king as so many times before, yet this time he wore chains about his wrists and resignation in his mien. He ached at the sight of his lord’s face etched in lines not there the month prior, at his lord’s back bent with grief.
Arthur, who’d seemed ever golden and immortal, had aged ten years in a fortnight.
“Sir Bors will strike clean and true,” Lancelot murmured, when his king leaned in close for a last private exchange. “Fear not, my king; it will be quick, and I blame you not at all.”
It seemed to provide no solace. “I wish this had never happened,” Arthur said in a low, hollow voice. “This, all of it, has cost me your service and my queen’s company and counsel.”
Lancelot flinched as if struck a physical blow. His face was the picture of wounding; his eyes stung with heat and salt.
“My king…” He choked on his pain, yet breathed deep and straightened his spine. In the proud lift of his head and the intensity of his gaze was a challenge and a rebuke, and in his voice was a heart-solemn oath. “My king. If I had known at the start it would come to this, I’d have done it all exactly the same. I’d have loved the same, without hesitation, and counted the years worth the cost.”
Arthur bowed his head as his knights snarled fury at what they saw as insolence, defiance. His hands shook with the force and fervor of what he could not say. When he lifted his eyes to Lancelot, they were bright with unshed tears.
“So be it,” said Arthur.
Sir Bors moved forward with the axe. Lancelot’s gaze never wavered from his king’s, even as his head was forced down onto the block, even as the prayers were chanted, even as the blade whistled down.
Arthur watched to the last.
As Arthur wept, he called the wrath of Heaven
On the lovers who'd betrayed him
On the knight he had called brother, thought worthy of his trust
On the queen who'd hid deception yet could say she loved him still;
For lost innocence and beauty
And in justice for their guilt;
King Arthur knew the only price for treason.
And Lancelot, his head held high,
Said, "I'll die in love with Guinevere.
I'd die for love."
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swordoaths · 2 years
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Éomer Headcanons
"They are proud and wilful, but they are true-hearted, generous in thought and in deed; bold but not cruel; wise but unlearned, writing no books but singing many songs, after the manner of the children of Men before the Dark Years [...]. It was in forgotten years long ago that Eorl the Young brought them out of the North, and their kinship is rather with the Bardings of Dale, and with the Beornings of the Wood, among whom may still be seen many men tall and fair, as are the Riders of Rohan." The Two Towers
I love this description on the Eorlingas, for it not only provides us details of their countenance, but also of their kinship with others of Middle-earth. So, let’s get into some of this.
First, on their countenance, of which I have already touched upon a bit here and here, we see  Éomer possess many of the above traits and descriptors. If you want to read more on those traits, please do check out the linked headcanon posts. But I have not yet discussed the descriptors of “writing no books but singing many songs” as applied to Éomer. And so, let’s get into that here...
Éomer, like his kin before him, cannot read or write. This is not a sign of a lack of intellect, only that his wisdom and knowledge (as above described) comes from another source. Oral history is the primary source of his kin, and Éomer holds that in high regard. It was how he learned the way of the world, where he came from, and what may lie ahead for his people. He also heavily associates these songs with his parents, whom he lost when he was 11 years old. Upon the death of his parents, Éomer and Éowyn become the last of their immediate family’s song. As such, there is a heavier weight upon them to carry those songs with them, ere they be forgotten. To Éomer, the songs of his family are a way to keep his parents alive, and he does have this acute understanding in his heart his parents only truly die if he and Éowyn die before passing on their song. 
It should also be said that Éomer is quite a good singer. Sometimes, when the Rohirrim is on patrol, he will sing with the other riders, giving a sense of their ancestors riding with them and a driving force to ride forth. Other times, he sings in the night with family for hope and promise. Éomer’s singing voice also calms the horses under his care, especially Firefoot. It has been said that Éomer could still the thunderous hooves of the most distressed horse with his song, for it is in his voice that they hear the future of the Mearas and the Eorlingas and the promise of a Rohan returned to greatness under his eventual rule as King of the Mark.
We also know from the books that they sing during the Rohirrim charge, and their song could not only spur on their numbers and create a sense of unity in their charge, but also evoke a great and terrible fear upon their enemy:
“ And then all the host of Rohan burst into song, and they sang as they slew, for the joy of battle was on them, and the sound of their singing that was fair and terrible came even to the City.” -Return of the King
Now onto the Eorlingas kinship. The Eorlingas come from the North, and as such, they carry ancestral ties with other Northmen, the Bardings and Beornings. Though we see the alliance between Rohan and Gondor in the series, I also want to stress that Éomer holds alliance to his kin found in the Bardings and Beornings. He stands by and with his kin, and when Éomer is King of the Mark, he strengthens those bonds with the Bardings and Beornings through aid in danger, trade, and fellowship. 
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ameraised · 2 years
i still have to tidy stuff up here, but i do want to remind everyone that this is a heavily canon divergent portrayal of ameridan. he deserved more nuance than what bioware gave him. he carries a lot of anti-orlais and anti-chantry sentiment ( not anti-andrastian, even though his thoughts on the religion are complicated ) and drakon's 'friendship' with the elves of that time is on thin ice at most. they stopped being friends, in ameridan's mind, before the first divine sat on the sunburst throne
even though he likely keeps up a face of unity to most inquisitors, especially human ones, anyone would be able to tell how worn down he was by his duty then. he was doing all he could to defend mages, the dales, and the cultures of the peoples orlais conquered from orlais itself. he tried his hardest to keep orlais from becoming what it did -- even though he knew it was inevitable :)
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