#Fern Unity
natteryaktoad · 2 months
Unity Prime, Day 86, Part 4
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Max: Shh, please... please don't cry... please, I can't take it! Are you hungry? But Lainey's asleep, I think...
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Max: That's it, you're okay, aren't you?
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Max: Shh, please stop crying.
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Max: Please, Fern!
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Max: Lain? I'm sorry - she's hungry.
Lainey: It's okay-
Max: I didn't want to wake you up-
Lainey: It's fine... Oh, there goes Asher. I think he might need changing.
Max: I'm on it.
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Max: ...
Lainey: Max?
Max: Sorry. On it.
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Max: Come on, mister, let's get you cleaned up.
Lainey: If you bring him back after and get me the pillow I can feed him at the same time.
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mekanikaltrifle · 8 months
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No energy, still fighting off the Gloom(tm) but here... the freaks in greyscale cause I'll colour em later (not that Orieth has much colour to him lmao) From left to right we have: - Freaky Gravekeeper/Mountain Hermit (Orieth, black dragonborn grave cleric) - Fantasy Communist (Unity, dragonblood sorcerer tiefling commoner) - Dirtbag Link (Fiddlehead Fern/Shithead the Elf, rogue wood elf)
I miss playing Unity so much tbh, I should post some of my art of her...
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pinksilvace · 11 months
Forever cursed with wanting to make stories about side characters... they allow so much room for creativity but also trying to make sense of them for longer than a few thousand words inevitably makes them feel OOC
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scoliosisgoblin · 11 months
Why is his name Void? Couldn't come up with anything else? /j
at first I wanted it to be an instance of Rick being terrible at giving names.
recently though, I've decided on it just being a dumb nickname form high school that sorta just stuck. at the time, he didn't change his name nor did he even have a name in mind yet, he hated being addressed by his deadname, so, yk
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greenwitchcrafts · 4 months
June 2024 witch guide
Full moon: June 21st
New moon: June 6th
Sabbats: Litha/Summer Solstice- June 20th
June Strawberry Moon
Known as: Aerra Litha, Birth Moon, Blooming Moon, Brachmanoth, Dyad Moon, Egg Laying Moon, Green Corn Moon, Hatching Moon, Hoer Moon, Honey Moon, Lovers Moon, Mead Moon, Moon of Horses, Moon of Making Fat, Partner Moon, Rose Moon & Strong Sun Moon
Element: Earth
Zodiac: Gemini & Cancer
Nature spirits: Sylphs & Zephyrs
Deities: Aine of Knockaine, Bendis, Cerridwen, Green Man, Ishtar, Isis, Neith & Persephone
Animals: Butterfly, frog, monkey & toad
Birds: Peacock & wren
Trees: Maple & Oak
Herbs: Dog grass, meadowsweet, moss, mugwort, parsley, skullcap & vervain
Flowers: Lavender, orchid, tansy & yarrow
Scents: Lavender & lily of the valley
Stones:  Agate, Alexandrite, cat's eye, chrysoberyl, emerald, fluorite, garnet, moonstone, ruby & topaz
Colors: Gold, green, orange & yellow
Energy:  Abundance, balance, change of residence, communication, decision making, education, family relations, full & restful energy, love, marriage, prosperity, positive transformation, prevention, protection, public relations, relationships, responsibility, strength, tides turning, travel & writing
While strawberries certainly are a reddish-pink color and are roundish in shape, the origin of the name “Strawberry Moon” has nothing to do with the Moon’s hue or appearance.
• June's full Moon is typically the last full moon of spring or the first of summer. The June Full Moon will be extraordinary. For the first time since 1985, Full Moon happens precisely on the summer solstice, when the Sun is highest up. Because the Full Moon is always opposite the Sun, this year, you will see that the Moon is 10 widths lower on the horizon than the Sun ever is. 
This “Strawberry Moon” name has been used by Native American Algonquian tribes that live in the northeastern United States as well as the Ojibwe, Dakota, and Lakota peoples to mark the ripening of “June-bearing” strawberries that are ready to be gathered. The Haida term Berries Ripen Moon reflects this as well. As flowers bloom and early fruit ripens, June is a time of great abundance for many.
Known as: Alban Heruin, Summer Solstice & Whit Sunday
Season: Summer
Element: Fire
Symbols: Besom, fairies, God's eyes, sunflowers & symbols of the sun
Colors: Blue, gold, green, orange, red, tan & yellow
Oils/Incense: Cinnamon, frankincense, heliotrope, lavender, lemon, lily of the valley, mint, musk, myrrh, orange, orange pine, pine, rose, saffron, sandalwood & wisteria
Animals: Cattle, crab, horse & octopus
Birds: Goldfinch, kingfisher, meadowlark, owl, robin & wren
Mythical: Fairies
Stones: Bloodstone, diamond, emerald, jade, lapis lazuli & tiger's eye
Food: Ale, bread, cheese, edible flowers, garden fresh vegetables & fruit, lemons, meade, milk, oranges, pumpernickel bread, summer squash & wine
Herbs/Plants: Anise, basil, betony, cinquefoil, copal, elder, fennel, fern, frankincense, galangal, hemp, ivy, larkspur, lemon, lemon balm, mistletoe, mugwort, mullien, nettle, orange, orpin, plantain, rue, saffron, sandalwood, St.John's wort, thyme, verbena, vervain, wild thyme & ylang-ylang
Flowers: Carnation, chamomile, daisy, heather, heliotrope, honeysuckle, lavender, lily, marigold, orchid, rose, wisteria & yarrow
Trees: Elder, holly, laurel, linden, oak & pine
Goddesses: Amaterasu, Aine, Anahita, Dea, Cerde, Dag, Dana, Eiru, Fenne, Gwydion, Kupala, Mabd, Phoebe, Skhmet & Sul
Gods: Apollo, Baal, Balder, Bel, The Dagda, Donnus, El, The Green Man, Helios, Huon, Jupiter, Llew, Loki, Lugh, Maui, Mithras, Oak/Holly King, Ogmios, Ra, Surya, Thor & Zeus
Issues, Intentions & Powers: Agriculture, changes, divination, ending, fertility, life, light, manifestation, power, purpose, strength, success & unity
Spellwork: Fire & water magick
• Charge and cleanse your crystals in the solstice sun
• Make Sun water
• Create crafts with natural elements such as flowers
• Burn a paper with things that no longer serve you or that you are trying to let go
•  Invite friends & family over for a bonfire and/or feast
• Gather & dry herbs for the upcoming year
• Clean, decorate & cleanse your altar with summer symbols
• Brew some sun tea
• Take a ritual bath/shower with flowers
• Make your own sun dial
• Craft a door wreath out of flowers & herbs
• Enjoy some sunrise/sunset yoga
• Volunteer at a food kitchen or animal shelter
• Plant trees (especially ones that may provide fruit or berries to feed the wildlife)
• Watch the sunset & say a blessing to nature
• Make flower infused anointing/spell oils
• Eat fresh fruits & berries
• Participate in a handfasting
• Create shadow art
The history of Litha reveals its deep connections to ancient agricultural societies & their reliance on the sun's power. Celebrated as part of the Wheel of the Year, Litha symbolizes the balance between light & darkness. Throughout history  customs such as bonfires, herb gathering & the construction of sunwheels have marked this festival. Today, Litha continues to be celebrated by various communities, with gatherings at sacred sites & private rituals in natural settings. It serves as a reminder of our connection with nature and the cycles of life.
• The traditions of Litha appear to be borrowed from many cultures. Most ancient cultures celebrated the summer solstice in some way such as the Celts celebrated Litha with hilltop bonfires & dancing. Many people attempted to jump over or through the bonfires for good luck. Other European traditions included setting large wheels on fire & rolling them down a hill into a body of water.
Litha is often associated with Midsummer, a celebration that extends beyond the pagan and Wiccan traditions. Midsummer festivities are observed in many cultures around the world, including Scandinavian countries where it holds a prominent place in their cultural heritage. Midsummer dances, bonfires, & feasts are integral parts of these celebrations, often accompanied by folklore and traditional rituals that honor the sun's energy and the abundance of nature during this time.
The summer solstice is the longest day of the year & in some traditions, Litha is when The Sun(The God) is symbolically at it's peak time of power & the World will soon be ripe to harvest. It is also when The Goddess is pregnant with The God who is to be reborn at Yule.
• In the Northern Hemisphere the Summer Solstice occurs when the Sun reaches its highest and northernmost points in the sky. It marks the start of summer in the northern half of the globe. (In contrast, the June solstice in the Southern Hemisphere is when the Sun is at its lowest point in the sky, marking the start of winter.)
Some also believe the history & spirit of Litha revolve around two deities, The Oak King & The Holly King. In Wiccan and Neo-Pagan traditions, each King rules the Earth for half of the year. From Yule to Litha, the Oak King rules. On Litha, the two battled for the crown and it is then that the Holly King triumphs. The Holly King will rule through fall until Yule, and the cycle will begin again.
Related festivals:
• Vestalia- June 7th -15th
Was a Roman religious festival in honor of Vesta, the goddess of the hearth & the burning continuation of the sacred fire of Rome. It was held from 7–15 June & was reserved as a women's-only event. Domestic & family life in general were represented by the festival of the goddess of the house & of the spirits of the storechamber — Vesta & the Penates .
On the first day of festivities the penus Vestae (sanctum sanctorum of the temple of Vesta which was usually curtained off) was opened for the only time during the year, at which women offered sacrifices. As long as the curtain remained open, mothers could come, barefoot and disheveled, to leave offerings to the goddess in exchange for a blessing to them and their family.
For the last day, the penus Vestae was solemnly closed, the Flaminica Dialis observed mourning & the temple was subjected to a purification called stercoratio: the filth was swept from the temple and carried next by the route called clivus Capitolinus and then into the Tiber.
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petratherrock · 2 months
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The thing with shipping these two is that... I'm not really hoping for them to get together
It's a ship where I'm like, yh okay, he's dead and she's clearly changed a lot since the time they were together, they are literally and figuratively at different places in their lives/death
It's a 'the ship has sailed' kinda ship
Frieren wouldn't have appreciated Himmel the way she did back then.
It doesn't hurt to imagine if
If they coulda turn back time, if touching the monument would've permanently brought her back; if if if
--but then this can also mean possibly not meeting Stark and Fern, or going on the adventures with them, etc etc
So it's a very 'put it back where it came from or so help me' kinda ship
Atp, after the monument arc i feel like the manga is basically saying,, Frieren is not going to choose going back to the past for a 'fix it', but she will choose continuing with her life to understand humans and Himmel and she will continue her journey to talk to Himmel instead
The future and present, not loitering in the past
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Besides, I think Himmel never brought up whatever romantic feelings he had for her because he knew Frieren. He knows Frieren is not someone who will be tied down by emotions.
And then there's their differences in life span; he probably already considered that and knew it was no use trying to form a romantic attachment
80 odd years is pretty long not to consider confessing if he wanted to confess
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Doesn't mean I won't sob a little tho every time I remember Himmel kneeling putting the ring with the eternal love motif on her finger
Himmel's "i witnessed a euphoric dream" = i know the unity between me and Frieren is impossible but it's alright because I've accepted it, brb sobbing
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namesforall · 11 months
Noun Names
Here is a collection of some noun names! Hopefully someone can find these useful!
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Altitude Anchor Ash Basin Brass Cabin Coal Crest Dash Dread Duty Echo End Error Fern Flame Freedom Glitch Gust Harmony Hope Iron Island Lake Light Moss Mouse Nature Note Oasis Ocean River Star Stone Thrill Trick Unity Vigor Wave Wyvern Xerox Yarrow Yonder Zeal Zig-Zag Zodiac
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masked-alien-lesbian · 5 months
HLAW Day 2: Flowers
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A Bouquet for an Angel
Pairing: Hana Lee x nonbinary OC (Raelyn)
TRR book 2
Hana led the twins into the conservatory and were hit with a wave of perfume from hundreds of flowers.
"Did you know that in Victorian society, people communicated with flowers? Every flower has a meaning, so when a lord gave a lady a bouquet, it was as if he were writing her a poem." Hana says running her hands along a petal of a fern.
"That sounds romantic." Riley says grinning and elbowing Raelyn who elbows her back sharply before Hana turns around.
"It wasn't always about romance. Flowers can symbolize friendship, scorn, rivalry and just about anything. We should make a bouquet for the Italian statesman for tomorrow!" Hana says
"Good idea! What about those?" Riley points towards a stem drooping from the weight of 2 dozen small, blue flowers.
"Bluebells are for humility. It could be used as a subtle insult to the receiver." Hana replies. Raelyn snorts, Riley rolls her eyes.
"Okay smarty pants, you pick one." Riley says to Raelyn.
"White roses should be a good one right?" Raelyn says bending to inhale the fragrance of a delicate white rose.
"White roses are known for their unity and purity." -Hana-
"Unity could work!" Riley says, Raelyn plucks a few white roses.
"Oh these are my favorites! Hydrangeas are for heartfelt gratitude." Hana says pointing to some dusty blue-violet hemisphere of petals.
"Gratitude for the hospitality, and unity for Italy and Cordonia? That sounds pretty good, right?" Riley asks. Hana nods her approval and combines the hydrangeas to the bouquet.
"Almost..." Hana trails off to add some greens to the bouquet before offering it to Riley.
"It's beautiful!" Riley says
"And is sure to impress the statesman. Just be sure to leave them in water overnight." Hana says. Riley takes the flowers and grins at the way Hana's eyes keep wandering to Raelyn.
"Oh." Riley fakes a yawn. "I'm sorry, Hana, but I think I'm going to duck out to take a nap, but Raelyn wouldn't mind staying with you to see that night blooming flower, right, Rae?" Riley says to Raelyn who nearly nods their head off.
"I'd love to!" Raelyn says. When Riley has her back turned towards Hana, she wiggles her eyebrows at her twin, who gives her a warning look. Chuckling, Riley takes her leave and Raelyn sidles up to Hana's side.
"So I was hoping you'd help me with a bouquet too, Hana."
"Oh, of course! What message would you like to send with the bouquet?" Hana says smiling warmly at Raelyn.
"Well, it's a bouquet for someone very special to me." Raelyn says staring intensely into Hana's eyes, making Hana blush and bite her lip.
"Is there a flower that means you take my breath away? Perhaps a flower that says you're the most beautiful woman in the world and you make my heart flutter in my chest every time you smile at me?"At Raelyn's words, Hana looks down smiling but Raelyn gently lifts her chin to look at them.
"A flower that means I want to spend the rest of my life, in whatever capacity you'll have of me, making you smile?" Raelyn says causing Hana to gasp at the inclination of Raelyn's words.
"Rae..." Hana trails off before throwing her arms around Raelyn's shoulders and kissing them fiercely.
Time passes in a haze of warm kisses that slowed down from a fierce storm to a gentle caress. When the 2 pulls back to look at the bud of the night blooming flower, they watched the petals unfurl and nearly shimmer in the moonlight.
"Whoa." Raelyn says stunned.
"It's beautiful!" Hana exclaims.
"Not as beautiful as you, Hana."
"Oh Raelyn." Hana says softly.
"I promise, Hana. I'm going to help my sister clear her name, and you and I are going to figure this thing out between us." Raelyn says determined.
A bright smiles creeps onto Hana's face before she replies, "I'd like that very much, my darling."
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Hello, I’m in love with everything that you do. Can you share some of your favorite examples of works that utilize footnotes well?
Hi. We have a couple of posts on our #footnotes tag that you should check out. Here are a few more fics with footnotes...
Seeing In A New Light by Aethelflaed (T)
Several months after the Apocalypse, Aziraphale and Crowley are much as they ever were. Too insecure, too defensive, too much on guard to let their relationship move forward. Until Crowley takes Aziraphale on a surprise stargazing trip, and they both have a chance to see the other in a new light…
By Any Other Name by WyvernQuill (T)
"Bit strange, the Almighty giving us soulmates, too - us demons, not us-us. Wasn't that the point of the Fall, making 'em miserable down there?" Crawly mused. "Seems counterproductive, assigning perfect lovers."
"She'll have Her reasons." Aziraphale muttered, a little curtly, and, there in the rain, wrapped in the Serpent's wing, he ran his fingers over his mark again.
From the very corner of his eye, he saw Crawly doing the same.
Crowley's soul-name reads "Aziraphale".
Aziraphale's does NOT read "Crowley".
This is... suboptimal, to say the least.
A Summoning by AnonymousDandelion (T)
Linette definitely didn't want to summon a demon, and Crowley definitely didn't want to be summoned. Nevertheless, that's what happened. Blame Linette's uncle, who is Not A Good Person.
Other significant players include a potted fern, a bucket of holy water, and a concerned Aziraphale.
Crossing a Line by Bookwormgal (T)
The world should have ended four years ago.
That was how it was written. The Great Plan was very clear on that much. Six thousand years after the creation of the world, the Anti-Christ would arrive on Earth. And after his eleventh birthday, when he came into power, he would lead the demons into the Final War. All of humanity would perish while angels and demons clashed in one final glorious confrontation.
But no one had accounted for a few little snags. Like a couple of traitors. Or a disobedient Anti-Christ.
And then, as if the Apocalypse not happening wasn’t already bad enough, Heaven and Hell couldn’t even punish those to blame for that entire mess. That was unacceptable.
If Michael couldn't have the promised War and if she could not kill at least the demon involved, then she would at a minimum make him suffer. She could at least make him suffer until he wished that holy water could end his miserable existence.
In Mixed Company, or the Corporate Retreat of Heaven and Hell by TheOldAquarian (M)
Every 300 years, Heaven and Hell share a company retreat on Earth during which angels and demons temporarily surrender their celestial powers.
Officially, it’s a time for fostering team unity and better understanding the needs of the client base. It’s definitely not a time for terrorizing the hotel staff with divine/diabolical showdowns, abusing the ethereal expense account, or furiously snogging your hereditary enemy. But when Aziraphale and Crowley are up for promotion, Hell breaks loose and Heaven might just break free.
One Miraculous December by journeytogallifrey (T)
Candles. Mistletoe. An entire frozen lake. Festive memories from their past together keep appearing out of nowhere.
Crowley's sure he's manifesting them accidentally out of sheer romantic desperation. It's bad enough trying to hide his unrequited love as they grow closer post-Apocaloops - what if Aziraphale sees the objects for what they are, a window into his yearning soul? Unfortunately, the only way to banish the objects seems to be talking about each memory...
Meanwhile, Aziraphale is just trying to woo his demon boyfriend with big gestures, ready to prove his devotion. And if Crowley acts awkward about the miracles? Surely that's just his difficulty accepting affection. The solution: shower him with as much of it as possible...
Eventually these two will communicate, even if it takes 'til the end of the year. For now there will be cuddling, excuses for closeness, sappy words, flashbacks, nostalgia, bickering, and an obscene variety of holiday foods. Oh, and footnotes. That's right. We're doing those too.
- Mod D
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marvelsage · 2 years
Namor *
Namor x Pacific Islander Reader
POC reader / POC Friendly
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You had not gone to the funeral but instead watched from a distance as they carried her casket down the streets to her final resting place. Even though they had told you it was fine to join them, it would have felt like you were intruding.
It was a while later that you had returned to the place you were staying at for the time being to begin packing when Shuri had approached you.
“I need to know you are with me.” Freezing you turn to her confused as to why she is suddenly questioning you.
“Of course” She steps closer and really stresses the importance of you being by her side.
“Shuri, what the hell is this all about?! Huh! Cause ever since you back from the other side you haven’t been yourself.”
“I just needed to know.”
“No that’s not it, cause if that was it you wouldn’t have came here in the first place. So what is it? Who did you really talk to?” She doesn’t saying anything but instead leaves as the talk with her cousin restarts in her head.
“Watch that little water bender of yours.”
“Y/n? She is one of my greatest friends. What does she have to do with this?”
“Let’s just say, their something special to fish man. Their a liner, people who are neither on yours or his side. So they stay in the middle, which is dangerous cause with a one little pull and it’s over. Alright.”
The battle had begun and you used your bending to sweep the talokan off their feet and back into the water. Occasionally using hand to hand combat but that wasn’t often as most seemed to avoid you. You were up against Namora, it looked to be an equal fight.
“Muestras nuxi’ páajtalil yéetel muuk.”
“You show great power and strength.”
“A el igual que teech”
“As do you.” Before catching behind her leg and knocking her back. Using her spear against her as more Talokan start to enclose on the remaining of you. Looking back down she raises her hand in surrender and nods. Taking the spear, you spin it to bend a massive wave around the ship, your eye’s illuminating white.
“Ya’ax ka’áak’náab”
“Ya’ax ka’áak’náab” The Talokan chant among themselves as you hold the wave high. Before slowly letting it drop as a ship holding Namor and Shuri appear. They announce their alliance and slowly everyone begins to rejoice in the unity.
When you all had returned to the shores of Wakanda, Shuri had pulled you aside.
“I just wanted to apologize for questioning you earlier.” You nod slowly as the others kept going.
“It hurt but I’m over it. Friends?” Sticking your hand out, she laughs before pulling you in for a hug.
“We are family, Y/n.” Pulling away you hold her shoulders and smile gently.
“I know you probably don’t want to hear this but, you are stronger than you think are, Shuri. If you ever need someone to talk to, I am always there.” She shakily exhales and nods once again.
“Thank you.” She leaves you on the shore, you turn hearing someone break though the surface of the water. Namor comes out limping and when you looked close enough you saw one of his wings were broken.
“That must hurt.” Meeting his eyes as he keeps a good distance. He looks down and grimaces while shifting to his other leg.
“Very much so.” Humming you step closer and casually wrap water around it to snap it back into place. He stumbles and sits down at the sudden pressure while you continue.
“Ma juntúul Chan paale’ ”
“Don’t be a baby.” He groans as you grow a green fern around it to secure the bound. You were sitting beside him now watching the sunset, comfortably. Once again that familiar warmth cloaked one another, unconsciously pulling each closer.
“My peaople have taken to calling you ‘Ya’ax ka’áak’náab’ or ‘sea green’. I find it somewhat fitting.”
“And what does the K’uk’ulkan think is more fitting of a name for me, hmm?” He gently grasps your chin to find him gazing at you as if you held the very stars.
“In Reina…”
“You don’t even know me.”
“But I could get to know you. You cannot deny the pull you feel as I do and even then I will spend the rest of our lives making up for all that I have done to you, In yakunaj.”
“You better take me on a date first.” He laughs and you find yourself wanting to hear it more.
“Of course, in yakunaj.”
“I’m allergic to shrimp.” He nods chuckling still though a devious look in his eyes.
“You don’t have to worry about anything ‘shrimp’ related.” He winks and you roll your eyes at his foolish humor causing him to laugh once again.
Resting your forehead against his you sigh and think this over but in the back of your mind you already knew. His lips meet yours the second you nod and you thank whatever decision you made in life to lead you here.
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raedroid · 8 months
The Star Covers: The Tale of The Starterian Princesses
Inspired by my previous work and by @ladyshandioftheendless kissteriaverse works, here’s a big backstory piece for the Star Covers universe
Millions of years ago, when the universe was still rather young and developing, an ancient woman created by the stars named Misera arrived. She was the goddess of magic and had a desire to create magical cosmic realms across the universe to expand her powers in unique ways. These magical realms are the Dimensions, each with its own cultures, traditions and civilizations, inhabited by the humanoid dimensionlings. Of the many dimensions she created, the first 12 dimensions helped kept the balance of magic strong and aligned. Starteria, Kissteria, Godsteria, Cloverteria, Duransteria, The Dark Clipse, Namnos, Saffron, Umbra, Krytis, Beatlemania and Monkeemania held their respective rocks with its own shapes and powers and the rocks kept magic thriving throughout millions of years.
After each of their creations, Misera blessed each of them with ancient artifacts called Talentments, powerful magical pieces that grants people highly advanced magic in order to protect the universe and expand their worlds. Starteria was blessed with 18 of these Talentments and the first rulers of the realm decided to gift these items to their 18 beloved daughters, the Starterian Princesses. The princesses Harmony, Faye, Amore, Electra, Gemma, Alina, Iris, Aqua, Nera, Rosina, Fern, Astra, Ember, Crystal, Raven, Glace, Solara, and Lunia possessed the music, mist, love, thunder, sparkles, diva, seasons, water, drums, nature, animals, space, fire, jewel, darkness, ice, sun, and moon Talentments respectively.
For years, the princesses struggled to balance their royal duties, their magical powers and their personal lives but overtime they became more logical and soon grew to be strong and independent young women. However, their story takes a turn for the worse on the night of the Festival of Music, an annual holiday that occurs on the first day of summer every year. It is a celebration of unity, music and love between the dimensions of the universe. On this particular night, the princesses were greeted by the princes of Kissteria and Princess Harmony, the oldest of the sisters, was feeling rather lonely.
“What’s going on sis?” Electra asked. She found her older sister sitting alone on her favourite balcony in the palace. Electra knows that Harmony hides there when she’s feeling down. “Prince Demon of Kissteria is waiting for a dance with you.”
“I know. I apologize. It’s just that our parents are expecting me to begin the trial of the rulers soon. Which means at some point I will be the ruler of this place.” Harmony explained. She soon shredded some tears and Electra came over to wipe them away. “Our parents will be gone soon and I may outlive you and the rest of our sisters because of the ruler spell.”
“You mean, the spell that grants the rulers longevity?” She asked and Harmony nodded. “Please, don’t worry about that right now. Tonight is supposed to be a joyful night. It’s not often that the Kissterian princes come here and I’m sure Demon wishes to see you.”
“But that’s the thing. If I become ruler, I’ll outlive him too. And I really want to be with him forever.”
“Well think about this. He’s a great man to you, despite his grumpy face and demonic attitude, he puts you on a pedestal because he loves you. And he’s a prince too. With both of your statuses and your undeniable love for each other, I’m certain you too will be ruling together.”
“But what about Kissteria?”
“Harmony. There’s 12 princes.” They both laughed and Harmony smiled at her younger sister. “Besides, if you two get bored of Kissteria or Starteria, Starchild and I will fill in for you guys once we get married.”
“Oh are you finally gonna propose to him? Didn’t you failed at that the last time you saw him?” Harmony teased her with a smirk
“Don’t bring that up!” She retorted as they both laughed. “But yeah I’m gonna try tonight. I really do love him and I hope he loves me too. Do I look good? Is my hair ok? What about my dress?!” Harmony patted her shoulders and moved a few loose strands of Electra’s dark raspberry hair back and looks into her grey eyes.
“Look you look wonderful tonight and Starchild is such a lovely and romantic guy. He compliments you endlessly. When I was talking to him earlier, he couldn’t stop talking about you and how amazing you are. I’m sure he will say yes.” Harmony soothed and Electra smiled at her
“Thanks sis. Now let’s go down. A party isn’t a party without all of the princesses. Besides, it’ll be fun watching Ember setting the dining room on fire.” Electra joked and Harmony rolled her eyes as they both walked back to the main stairway to the ballroom. The royal purple walls decorated with white pillars, golden streamers and pink flowers. As the two sisters head inside, Electra ran off to find her lover and Harmony stood next to one of the rainbow stained glass windows and observed the crowd. She watch Solara and Lunia laughing with their favourite soldiers in the Starterian Military, Bella Horizon and Keira Gleamington, over some funny stories they’ve gained over training. She saw her sister Glace flirt unsuccessfully with Princess Kazemi, the water princess of Cloverteria, and the neighbouring princess expressed joy and amusement at Glace’s cuteness. She even saw Amore ranting about the princesses instructors to Prince Catman and saw his confused expression throughout the chat.
“There you are!” A voice exclaimed joyously. Harmony looked up at her Prince Demon and smiled. She admired his red trench coat with gold button and white gloves along with his black vest and dress pants with brown boots. His face was covered in his iconic demon winged makeup and his hair was wavy and held in his usual ponytail. “I was worried that you got sick or something. Glad to see you safe and sound.”
“Oh don’t worry about it. Just tired that’s all dearest.” She assured and took his hand.
“Now that you’re here, we should have our dance together.” He commented and Harmony accepted and joined him on the white reflective floor. They both looked into each other’s eyes with endless love as he gently gripped her by the hand and waist. By the corner of her eye, she spotted Electra and Starchild standing together and smiling, with her face blushing bright red. Harmony knew for a fact that Starchild was praising her endlessly.
“Demon, I want to ask you, how would you feel if I become ruler of Starteria? My parents are already making plans for me to take the trial.” She asked nervously.
“My love, I understand your concerns but just know that I want you to be happy and if being a ruler doesn’t make you happy, you should tell your parents. Besides, you have multiple sisters who are willing to become ruler. And with Electra planning on proposing to Starchild, it’s possible you won’t have to worry about the trial anymore.” He explained and Harmony looked away worried as she glanced at her sister.
“But I want to live my life with you. Demon, you’re the most perfect man in the universe and I’m worried that if I become ruler, I’ll outlive you. I can’t do that to you.” She protested and Demon takes her hands and pulls her closer.
“Please. I’m not worried about that. But I am worried about one thing.” He confessed.
“What’s that?” She asked and watched him drop to one knee and she looked on surprised and started crying tears of joy. She looked up and saw Electra and Starchild giving her a thumbs up, learning that they were in on this situation.
“You are the love of my life, the most beautiful princess of them all and I don’t want to become ruler if it means I can’t be with you. You have made my life all the more special and worth living. So I ask you, will you make me the happiest prince on Kissteria and be my queen?” He asked, holding up a diamond ring and Harmony laughed joyfully and dropped down in front of him.
“Yes! How can I say no to that cute face?!” She kissed him and he slowly slipped the ring around her finger and they embraced as the crowd in the ballroom started cheering for the newly engaged couple. As they get up, they continued embracing and Harmony’s worries slowly melted away. “Your turn!” She called to Electra and she blushed redder than ever.
“What?! I uh..” She laughed nervously and Starchild looked at her with curiosity.
“What is she on about?” He asked sweetly. Soon Electra showed the diamond ring, burning in her pocket. He looked on surprised before smiling brightly. “Well this is a pleasant surprise.” He stated warmly before pulling out another diamond ring and she smiled brightly.
“Great minds think alike I suppose!” She joked and they both laughed warmly and they kissed.
“How long have you planned this?” He asked.
“For a while I guess” She answered with a laugh and they both embraced as the crowd cheered for them.
“About time. I was trying to get him to do something for months” Demon stated and they both laughed and hugged each other. Suddenly, Serena Eldress arrived. She was the royal adviser to King Lucidum and Queen Stella and she arrived with a frightened look on her face.
“Lady Eldress? What’s going on?” Harmony asked.
“The Dark Clipse. They are coming toward us. Crimson has arrived.” She alerted. Harmony looked out the windows and saw several monsters invading the city. Shadowmoons hunt down and attack any civilian they find in the streets.
“But I thought Crimson was imprisoned?” Demon assumed. He watched Serena hesitate and looks away before looking back at him.
“I don’t know what happened but she escaped from our clutches and then she returned home. Haven’t you heard that her father has been killed and she took over? She might be back to get her revenge on us all.” She explained and Harmony watched the chaos ensue outside
“Sisters, come on we need to save our people. I don’t know what Crimson wants but anyone who threatens our home is an automatic enemy of mine.” Harmony ordered. Her sisters nodded and they leave as fast as they can but Demon grabbed her hand
“Please you can’t face her. She has the ruler spell now which means she’s more powerful than before.” He warned
“I’m sorry but as the next ruler of Starteria, the safety of my people is my priority. Please seek shelter or return home love. We’ll meet once we clear the threat.” She promised.
“I hope you’re right. Please be safe my dear.” They both kissed each other lovingly before Harmony ran off with her sisters. Demon watched on terrified and Starchild hugged him
“Don’t worry. They’ll be ok.” He assured him. They turned to Lucidum and Stella who witnessed their departure and rushed from the scene.
Soon, the princesses faced the wrath of the new ruler of the Dark Clipse, Crimson. With her head covered by a large red and white mask and matching armour and clothing, the princesses could see the rage in her eyes.
“Crimson! Stop this invasion immediately!” Princess Faye ordered coldly but Crimson sends a large blast in her direction and she gets smacked into one of the palace towers.
“I am the Crimson Witch and this world will be mine. This is punishment for my imprisonment. What was the point honestly? All because I was sent on a mission to clear out some of you glittering scums. Sorry my father was a terrible person who didn’t know how to run a planet. But I’m here to make things better, starting with killing each one of you.” She declared and sends multiple blasts at each of them, each one stronger than the last. They’ve tried to hold their ground but soon the long battle ended when they were all out of breath. As they laid exhausted, Harmony saw her parents standing before them on a balcony, staring at their daughters tormentors.
“Crimson Witch, your reign of terror will come to an end!” The king declared and his queen created golden bubbles around their daughters.
“Darlings, it’s alright now. You’ll be safer than ever once you leave this place” Stella soothed them
“Where are we going?!” Aqua asked terrified
“Earth.” She answered. “You must try to survive on that planet until the threat is defeated. Please take this with you. It’s the first of its kind and I will send you a message through it once we figured everything out.” She explained before handing Harmony a small electronic device called a StarPhone. Technology in the dimensions has always been far more advanced than Earth but Harmony looked at it surprised
“Mom we can’t leave you behind!” Ember begged.
“You’re gonna have to this time. I love you all so much.” She gently whispered before launching them off, shedding a tear as she heard her daughters screaming in fear and sadness. Little didn’t she know that the princes, especially Demon and Starchild, watched them depart in fear and despair, begging for them to come back. The other young princes and princesses watched on horrified but watched as the king and queen send large golden rays to the Crimson Witch. The king and queen were certain that the entire world would fall into chaos if they weren’t any sort of protection. In a last ditch effort to prevent the Crimson Witch’s triumph, the couple embraced and kissed each other for the last time before shining bright violet auras and the light stretched across the sky as the witch watched the royal couple disappear, leaving behind a bright purple star-shaped gemstone.
“A rock?” She asked confused, cautiously stepping forward towards the ancient object. The rock of Starteria was finally created and magic would be balanced for eternity. The witch knew that her power would strengthen once she takes it for herself. She reaches before a beam of fire strikes her arm. Clutching it in pain, she looked to see Demon and Starchild, glaring at the tyrant.
“You’ve brought disaster to all of us. I don’t care that you became the ruler of the Dark Clipse. You’ve destroyed the legacy of your realm forever and endangered the people of Starteria! And until our princesses are returned, you and the Dark Clipse will no longer be our allies in the peace of the universe!” Demon declared and the Crimson Witch looked at the young princes and sends multiple blasts at them and used her powers to grow larger and destroyed a huge portion of the palace and a part of the palace lands on top of Demon and injured his shoulder.
“Demon!” Starchild screamed and pulls him up. “Lady Eldress! Please! Get the army out immediately! They need to help as many people as possible!” He ordered and Serena nodded and ran back. Many soldiers ran and killed various monsters across the city and people ran in a panic. The world was changing in the worst ways possible as soldiers were murdered, royal families torn apart, and for the first time in the dimensions history, the 12 supreme dimensions were locked into a brutal war against the most powerful and dangerous woman in the Dark Clipse
Harmony awoke on the grassy terrain of the earth. The sky was dark and covered with stars and tiny grey clouds. It had seemed like days since the princesses were transported to the earth from their home and Harmony looked around and saw her sisters, sitting on the grass, mixes of emotions on their faces. Anger, fear, confusion and grief.
“Are you all alright?” She asked and they all nodded and she looked at Princess Nera, who was pacing angrily around the hillside
“I can’t believe this! That stupid Crimson had no reason to attack us! Like yeah I get it, getting imprisoned is annoying and trust me I would be too, but that’s not an excuse to attack our home! What did she get out of this!?” She yelled annoyed. She was always the most aggressive of the princesses so the others weren’t that surprised with her behaviour.
“I just hope that the others are ok up there.” Amore hoped. Harmony looked up at the stars, tearing up, thinking about her parents and her lover.
“Me too. Also that timing is just unfair, especially when you two just got engaged.” Glace remarked and Harmony looked at Electra, who was shaking in fear over the idea of losing her prince.
“Look we’re gonna be alright. We just need to find a way back to Starteria.” Harmony declared
“How?! We’re stuck on a practically unknown planet to us, our home is invaded by monsters, and there’s no one here who can help us!” Ember questioned.
“Seriously, this whole situation is ridiculous! It’s hopeless!” Gemma remarked
“We just need to have hope. There is a way to bring things back together. We just need to get going and find a way back. And when we get back, we’re gonna have to remove the spell off of that witch” Harmony decided
“You mean Crimson?” Aqua asked
“No The Crimson Witch. She’s no longer the same person as she used to be. By removing the spell off of her, we can get rid of all our problems.”
“But she hasn’t produced an heir.” Iris pointed out
“Doesn’t matter. What matters is keeping our people safe from her tyranny and destroy every enemy in our path. Now, if I remember from my studies, there should be a Guardian Spire somewhere on this planet so we can use that to get back home and stop her” Harmony informed. Guardian Spires are large temples where people can transport from earth to dimensions, each one for the supreme dimension in a different part of the world.
“You think we can do it?” Alina asked
“We need hope in this fight right now. Come on. Let’s see what we could find.” Harmony ordered and ran down to the bottom of the hill. Her sisters knew she was stubborn as hell about anything she sets her mind on. They slowly got up and joined her as she walked out. They travelled across the valley for a little while until Harmony stood at the edge of the valley in shock.
“What’s happening?” Electra asked. She looked down with the rest and everyone stood in shock and held back tears. Down below, there was a village where Shadowmoons were roaming freely, attacking and killing civilians, and destroying homes, setting them ablaze.
“She’s here.” Harmony replied grimly. Just as she stated, The Crimson Witch rose from the burning village and spotted them
“There you are. You don’t know how long I’ve been looking for you but thankfully you hand delivered yourself to me. You really think you have a chance against me? I am the leader of the greatest dimension in existence and once I kill all of you, Starteria will be mine as well. Now don’t worry, Starteria will be in good hands.” She declared, sending off large golden rays at them. The group tried to deflect the attacks, but one by one, they failed and were vaporized instantly, leaving only their talentments behind. Harmony watched in horror as she watched her sisters die in front of her, tears streaming down her face and the witch smirked at her misery
“How could you?!” She screamed in disbelief and agony
“Take this as a lesson princess. None of this would’ve happened if you haven’t have trapped me in the first place. But you don’t have to worry about being leader anymore as I will be a better leader than you’ll ever be. I’ll destroy every dimension you’ve come in contact with and this waste of a planet to show you how powerful I can be.” She promised and Harmony glared at her
“You shouldn’t underestimate this planet.” She warned
You shouldn’t underestimate me.” She warned, sending on more blast quickly, vaporizing Harmony instantly and leaving her talentment behind, successfully ending the royal family of Starteria forever. She looked at the talentments, lying on the ground and goes to touch one. But as she did, the ground began to tremble underneath her and she fell over. She flew up from the ground and looked at the earth’s surface, cracks forming on the ground and she looked on surprised. Additionally, bright rainbow light shoots out of the ground and strikes her in the arm.
“What is that?!” She asked annoyed. She creates a shield around her and flies into the crack and notices a large rainbow light orb in the centre of the planet. “Hmm interesting.” She remarked, rushing to get a hold of the orb but she gets zapped by its powerful energy. She saw her arm gaining a rainbow scar on her arm and knew it was time to leave. This power was more powerful than she imagined and had to leave it behind. She flew and saw the talentments falling through the cracks. As she desperately wanted to get that power, she tried to grab them quickly but her arm twitched in pain over the scar she had received. She had no choice but to leave her goal behind and flies off to the Dark Clipse above the planet. The rainbow lights slowly dimmed and the planets cracks slowly healed over the years and soon the memory of the planets rainbow orb was forgotten.
The Star Covers stared in horror and disbelief over what was just presented to them. The Eldress sat in her throne, looking grim and guilty. It is clear that the dimensions were never the same after the witch’s attack and The Eldress taking the role of leader was not a decision made by her.
“So what happened to the princes?” Cassie asked.
“After the princesses were killed, the princes were so devastated that they remained in their dimension till the end of their reign, refusing to marry another. As a result, no heir to the throne was conceived. So the position was passed onto the current ruler The Elder. She was a member of the royal family who took the position after the tragic death of her parents and arrest of her older brother.” She answered
“And the Dark Clipse started destroying dimensions left and right?” Tanya questioned
“They do. But they haven’t dare attempt to attack us yet because she knows I was there. That’s why we don’t allow any Dark Clipse scoundrels into our beloved dimension.” She responded
“But surely they all aren’t bad people right?” Maya questioned
“My dear, The Dark Clipse is full of monsters and criminals. They will soon spread their villainy onto their children.” She added. “Even the ones who defected from that place who ended up here.” All The Star Covers were a bit surprised by her statement but they kept that feeling to themselves.
“And you girls are gonna save us from them. They have caused enough harm to this world and the rest of the universe. But thanks to the ancient prophecy, you girls have enough power to end their reign of terror and destruction upon the rest of the dimension. We are all counting on you and I’m certain that you will free us from our enemies and sins. Now you better hurry back home. You said you have school in the morning.” She concluded. Everyone started leaving the new futuristic city of Starteria and started taking the large elevator of the Tower of Stars.
“Katherine. Come here will you?” She asked. Katherine turned to the leader and came to her. She looked at her leaders bright purple eyes and her serious expression
“Yes Eldress?” She asked with a small smile.
“Listen to me. The rest will be counting on you for guidance and support. As a leader you must never let your thoughts control you. Guardians are meant to protect and serve the people at all times and if you must do everything in your power to protect them, even lose your own life, then that is a duty you must be willing to take on. Their lives are precious and they must be your priority. Understood?” She explained.
“Yes. I would do anything for my family and friends. But why are you asking me this?” She asked
“Harmony was the oldest of her sisters. They were following her guidance and it resulted in their deaths. You can’t let the same fate happen to your friends.” She explained. Katherine didn’t knew how to feel but knew that The Eldress is very intelligent and very respectful so Katherine simply nodded.
“Understood. They’ll be safe and I’ll do whatever it takes to help them.” The Eldress smiled warmly. She patted Katherine’s shoulder and wished her safe travels back to Earth. Katherine joined her friends and came to the guardian spire, a huge amount of pressure laying on her as she watched her friends embrace each other. They activate the console inside the bright purple guardian spire and a large light surrounds them and they fly off and land on earth. Outside, they saw Kiss outside waiting for them.
“So how was it?” Gene asked.
“There was a lot that they never told us.” Hailey answered.
“It’s like they want us to get killed.” Kelsey remarked annoyed.
“The Eldress went through that whole experience remember. She probably is still shaken up by it.” Paul informed. “I wouldn’t be so quick to judge right now. Come on, let’s go home.” They got inside of their cars. They had a long drive from Boyd’s Cove to St. John’s and it was already 8 pm. Katherine went over to Paul and she looks up at the small red star in the sky.
“Paul do you think we’ll stop them from attacking the earth?” She asked
“We’ve been fighting them for over 30 years now. Even though we’ve had so many losses and injuries, I still have hope that things will get better. As long as we help each other and everyone else, we’ll be just fine. Trust me ok? Everything’s gonna be alright.” He assured her. Katherine nods and joins her friends in Gene’s car. However, during the drive, she couldn’t stop thinking about what The Eldress told her
“Harmony led her sisters and it resulted in their deaths. You can’t let the same mistake happen again. If you must sacrifice your life to protect everyone, that is a duty you are willing to take on.” Katherine realized that guardians are here to protect, they don’t have time for themselves. Katherine knew what needs to be done
“I’ll make sure none of my friends gets killed. I’m a guardian and I will fight to keep them safe. I don’t know how but it’s my life and I will use it to protect them”
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natteryaktoad · 2 months
Unity Prime, Day 86, Part 3
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Max: *What do we do when your freezer meals run out, Ivy? What do we do when there's nothing left of you in this house?*
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Lainey: That's it - eat up and grow big and strong!
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Max: Easy does it... now please stay asleep, please... just for an hour or so.
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Success! ... For now...
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Lainey: Hey, hey, little man, what's all that fuss about, eh? Need another feed? Okay, but we will have to do it lying down - I can't stand up much longer.
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Max and Lainey have taken to having one baby each overnight otherwise one crying will wake the other one up and then no one gets any sleep.
Not that anyone's getting much sleep this way either.
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furcht1 · 1 year
Jewgeni Jewtuschenko
Folgendes passiert mir: Mein alter Freund kommt nicht zu mir, aber alle möglichen Leute gehen in kleinlichem Getue. Und er geht mit den falschen Leuten irgendwo hin und versteht das auch, und unser Streit ist unerklärlich, und wir leiden beide mit ihm. Mir passiert folgendes: Eine ganz andere Person kommt zu mir, legt ihre Hände auf meine Schultern und stiehlt mich einer anderen. Und dieser - sagen Sie mir um Himmels willen, wem legen Sie die Hände auf die Schultern? Derjenige, dem ich gestohlen wurde, wird auch aus Rache stehlen. Er wird nicht sofort mit dem Gleichen antworten, sondern mit sich selbst im Kampf leben und unbewusst jemanden umreißen, der ihm fern steht. Oh, wie viele nervöse und kranke, unnötige Verbindungen, unnötige Freundschaften! Wo gehe ich davon aus?! Oh, jemand, komm, breche die Einheit und Uneinigkeit der nahen Seelen anderer Menschen!
Yevgeny Yevtushenko
This is what happens to me: my old friend doesn’t come to me, but the wrong ones go around in petty fuss. Here’s what happens to me: a completely different person comes to me, puts her hands on my shoulders and steals from another. He will not immediately answer the same, but will live with himself in a struggle and unconsciously outline someone distant to himself. Oh, how many nervous and sick, unnecessary connections, unnecessary friendships! break other people's unity and disunity of close souls!
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OC Masterlist
Which of my OCs are open for asks? Well, all of them, but I have dozens, so here's a list to help you get started
OCs for my original projects/particular fandoms
Roblox: Pressure:
-Mina Milne
Dead by Daylight:
-Lanie Jensen
Dungeon Meshi:
Black Clover:
-Chantilly Ringuette/Naomi Silva
Black Desert:
-Rima Kimura
-Himemiko Kimura
-Ririko Kimura
Outcode/Misc OCs:
-Madevery Arlington Poe
-Dr. T/Laurel Lavigne
-Raizel Blacklust
-Udella Scarberry
As The Bobbin Dwindles:
-Lucille Bobbin
-Agatha Bobbin
-Babs Bobbin
-Douglas Bobbin
-Samara Thimble
-Rori Bobbin
-Lorraine Bobbin
-Eleanor Bobbin
-Howard Stagger
-Rochelle Bobbin
-Tonya Bobbin
-Edmund Bobbin
-Ivy Bobbin
-Cordelia Bobbin
-Resi Thibodeaux-Landry
Black Butler:
-Aurora Newcomb
-Reagan Mulligan
-Ophelia Adderstone
Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss:
Invader Zim:
-Lily (Lillian Lane)
-Poni Lane
-Zora Lane
-Jasmine Soulblood
-Llewella Anvilblood
-Tatiana Seahammer
-Morgan Moonvault
-Suri Titanshield
-Tarlac Bluecrafter
-Catherine Silverglade
-Devin Crowheart
-Lady Staryu
-Aucilla Lunsford
Monster High:
-Kiki Paws
-Jessie DeVille
My Hero Academia:
-Hailey Baudelaire
Avatar The Last Airbender:
My Little Pony:
-Hopeful Heart
-Lemon Blitz
-Tsunami Wave
-Mercury Retrograde
Fairy Tail:
-Fern Deerknight
-Peridot Calderon
Happy Tree Friends:
Soul Eater:
The Truth in The Witches:
-Rosabella Crivello
-Gwendolyn Crivello
-Phoebe Crivello
-Esmee Crivello
Five Nights at Freddy's:
-Sango Hitachiin
-Chie Hitachiin
-Primary Bunny
-Usagi Hitachiin
-Len Hitachiin
-Mephisto Matoi
Amateur Surgeon:
-Catamina Throbbing
Chateaux Lumineux:
-Martini Belkin
-Unity Pallavicino
Left 4 Dead:
-Savannah Townsend
-Emerson Butler
-Juan Hernandez
-Hiro Nakajima
Blood Bride:
-Effie Pangilinan
A Blue Shine:
-Abi Blue
Carnival Crusher:
-Ringo Gauntlith
-Bubbles Burleson
Vampire Knight:
-Kaori Amano
Trauma Center:
-Hera Preston/Anastasia Adrastos
-Castalia Preston/Tali Adrastos/Lia Preston-Zane
-Abioud Adrastos
-Antigone Adrastos
-Yvonne Zane
-Aphrodite Preston
-Eros Preston
-Amphitrite Preston
-Poseidon Preston
-Hades Preston
-Isaac Zane
-Yasmine Yelps
-Antigone Adrastos
-Aimee Dubois
-Luther Swanson
-Angelica Babineaux
-Reggie Swanson
-Sue Ellen Vanderblite
-Apollo Campelle
-Eris Preston
-Athena Preston
-Persephone Preston
-Erida Preston
-Ares Swanson
-Thaleia Preston (Tessa)
-Leucothea Preston (Lucy)
-Natalie Jontel
-Paxton Sears
-Kelly Sears
-Eve Evalyn
-Benedict T. Evalyn
-Kameko Kyriaki
-Donnie and Debbie Deftera
-Teresa Triti
-Toxica Tetarti
-Powell Pempti
-Simon Savato
-Little Monster
-Sting McCreary
-Kimmy Circuit
-Tracy Stiles
-Betty Niguel
-Akinyi Tulba
-Lilac Fyals
-Amanda Cherrystone
-Eia Greensfield
-Sage Enomoto
-Coco Enomoto
-Violetta Enomoto
-Julietta Enomoto
-Katrina Enomoto
-Sierra Enomoto
-Destiny Enomoto
-Daisy Enomoto
-Charise Enomoto
-Dustin Enomoto
-Augustine Enomoto
-Kendall Freebird
-Marina Crest
-Opal Crest
-Chelsea Enomoto
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unityrain24 · 1 year
i am the sort of person to use the smae profile photo and username for years and YEARS (like the amount of times i can remeber changing them my entire life i can count on one hand), and i will use the same on every thing that requires a name and/or photo.
And iv'e had this username for years. I made it back in middle school, and it was my favourite song (unity by thefatrat)(yes i listened to almost only electronic music back then) + rain (which i just love rain) + my favourite number (24!). But since it has been years (and i am definitely no longer in middle school), maybe i should change it?
i mean. i probably wont. because i cannot handle change whatsoever. but theoretically,,,
if i were to change my username (but still follow the formula of current one), what should it be?
opal is a rock i like, i like ferns, orchids are one of my favourite flowers, dark is a cool word, glass evokes cool imagery, and narfi & váli are songs i really like (though they are also lokis children in norse lore so i feel a bit wierd using them seeing as i am not norse pagan?)(also i follow magpiemurder and its called váli so thatd feel kinda wierd too)
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razorsadness · 1 year
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When the questions are quieted and the mulling abates, when a driver commits to the road, the driver and the road can form an easy alliance. The road calls the driver forth into a perpetual merging of tenses, future becoming present, becoming present. The road unfurls its stories in the language of landscape—stories of the earth told in water, rock, and dirt; stories of human desire told in the language of tar and bridges and streetlights; stories of loss told in the language of plastic flowers and white wooden crosses; while stories of ascension are told across the canvas of the sky. The driver, too, is a landscape. She wears her stories around her neck, in her pockets, in her cells. She carries them in vessels large and small. But sometimes, when the road and driver stretch on in easy unity, all the stories go, for a moment, quiet.
—Rita Zoey Chin, from The Strange Inheritance of Leah Fern (Melville House, 2022)
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