motivatedaily · 9 months
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fun fact, this wand makes whoever gets tapped by it hallucinate their greatest fear. lemmie just-
[taps glisten with wand]
“ What did you just, . . what are those sounds. w-why is there laughter. “
*[ the faint sounds of laughter can be heard , along with a bunch of whispering]*
“ What. did. you. do. “
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“ i’m not.. imperfect. am i?. . im. im the most perfect mirror anyone has ever seen . . i - nobody can outshine me right? “
“ your wrong. “
“ w-what? y-your wrong! “
“ your imperfect glisten. “
“ NO IM NOT! “
*[ glisten is currently talking to himself now, probably won’t be ok for another few asks. am i right? ]*
🌙 - [ traumatizing characters that i like is fun ]
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msfreakshow · 4 months
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Note: So I know this kinda confusing but it was originally supposed to be small Sora holding her big sister in her arms but I messed it up and did it the other way around. this is a memory of Sora holding her sister, growing up not being able to remember her face or her mother very well do to a lot of trauma that Mercer put her through. Growing up Sora losses a lot of her Navi ways and becomes feral due to trauma and loss.
Yes I’m adding cat like feet to all the Navi because originally they look ugly..but also I’m not very good at making feet or hands…
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tentativearsonist · 8 months
dnd character idea, orc raised by half elves in a majority human elf society, unfortunately his parents want him to fit in so they get his tusks removed, he doesn’t realize how messed up it is and how much it messed him up until he meets other orcs
this anything?
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no-ones-angels · 6 months
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Bad ending
(Tumblr killed it, please click it for better quality)
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greymappy · 2 months
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emotional breakdown
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i-want-to-be-a-poet · 11 months
She told me that i was different special that i was the most productive of us the most insightful the most self-critical the most guilty different special
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I wonder how many traumas have blasts like bombs to deteriorate relationships and rip away at the seams of loving bonds before they have a chance to grow. How many relationships could of walked down the alise of forever matrimony but instead were exploded to skeleton and smoke filled ash because of evil deeds done in the dark? How many women flench at loving hands around their shoulders because of grotesque hands that found them in shadows to tear away their innocence before they knew what love could be? How many men have been dismissed by tragities done by another man? How many children live in war zones and battle boxings in living rooms. Littered with liquor bottles and empty kitchens with growling stomachs and nothing but monsters to tuck them in at night? How many women and men hide their bruises with sweaters and layers of fake smiles and developed dark sense of humor? How many women's minds are caged to the little girl or young woman who was sent out like lambs to slaughter with the four letter word of a brutal autroscity haunted in their very own skin, screaming a dying to be loved but fear and mistrust breaks the entrance to very heart that pleads it and the saddest thing of all is hearts that have seen shreds of these violent hideous crimes would never dream of breaking another in the same way. Behind the flesh of violation and harm is the most pure love you could ever imagine 💔
Truama Bombs & Other Musings. // A.N.M
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ratty-queen12 · 11 months
about time
so as I was talking about in a earlier post, brokenheart, he has a VERY traumatic story bc why not and the trauma is that when he was 20 or 22 idk which one ima make it, and his bro, papyrus, or lavender to put was r@q€d and killed/dusted by a human, and when he found that out, he was struck with a state of depression and that causing him to stop working, and pick a drinking addiction, then was kicked out his house to live on the streets. After a few tears, he ran into alpys and she was only 5 years old. Gonna post more tmrw I'm sleey asf.
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americascomic · 1 year
I feel like it's exhausting where people would not act right, and you talk about it to some people, and they'd appeal to taking things from their point of view.
It's like, I think how we talk about interpersonal stuff nowadays a lot of it feels focused on the people and the roots of it, and not the actions in itself. Like, if someone is abruptly rude to someone on a consistent basis, I feel people will often bring up, say, neurodivergence, trauma, or social anxiety, or whatever else is in their head, but they're still doing actions that cause harm, and I think when looking at any interpersonal landscape, there should be a lot of bandwidth to reducing harm.
And, I dunno, I'm a quick person to forgive, slow to anger, but inside my communities there are so many people who act selfishly, indifferent, cruel, apathetic (towards political problems) and I think the sort of "empathy, look at things from their perspective" knee-jerk thing can be counter-productive.
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I got inspireddd I've never colored blood and a little excerpt!
Raph stared at all the bodies around him. he couldn't believe what Hes just done. he had to they had tried to hurt him and his brothers but this...wasn't like him at all. he didn't like this he hated this. why was being a ninja like this? this isn't what he wanted.
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The triplets past life (Eli addition)
"Get home safe father!"
"He didn't even listen to me..." She sighed before going back to doing the chores with her step-mother
"Eli...you know you don't have to do this right?"
"Nonsense mom! at least I can do something to help! You're my momma after all..."
"Wha- what...?"
She watched at the house got covered in flames...she even heard her parent's screams from inside the house and she couldn't do anything but to watch
"N-no...it isn't...this isn't real...right?"
Her legs felt weak as she collapsed to the ground...her eyes began to flood with her own tears
That's all she can remember
"Hm? Oh, sorry...I must've dosed off" She rubs her eyes a little before going back to cleaning the dishes
"Sister...d-do you want me to help you? You seem...tired..."
"No no! I'm okay...really..." "Hm...oh! You're visiting Emy's grave this evening right? I already finished decorating the flower bouquet it's in the living room btw."
"Oi Eli! I couldn't turn on the TV ,can you help me?"
"Wait...the plug isn't on Eliot..."
"What the- I thought- ugh...I'm so forgetful..."
"Pft...this is why I love you two...<3"
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spacecoff3e · 2 years
It's just the sketches but it's redraw time bby! Lyrics from "Hunger" by Florence + the machine. This piece is very personal to me. It explores my trauma and how it has effected my own perception of my body. This is sorta me trying to retake the love for my body. Anyways enjoy the pretty pictures. ^^
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womo-aktuell · 4 days
Truma DuoControl CS Komplettset
Heute haben wir für euch das #Truma #DuoControl CS vertikal 30 mbar Komplettset, ein wesentlicher Bestandteil für jeden Wohnmobilbesitzer, der sicheres und effizientes #Gasmanagement an Bord gewährleisten möchte. Es handelt sich hierbei um ein hochwertiges Druckminderersystem, das speziell für den Einsatz in #Wohnmobilen und Wohnwagen entwickelt wurde. Mit diesem Komplettset können #Gasverbraucher wie #Heizung, #Herd, #Warmwasserboiler und #Kühlschrank zuverlässig mit Gas versorgt werden, während gleichzeitig für maximale Sicherheit gesorgt wird.
Unseren Bericht findet Ihr wie immer in unserem Blog unter https://www.womo-aktuell.de/truma-duocontrol-cs-komplettset/
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An Emergency and a Little PTSD
Frankie doesn’t do hospitals; in Frankie experience, hospitals are where people get horrible news. After losing his parents and both his brothers in hospitals, Frankie has taken to avoiding hospital like the plaque. But when Frankie gets a call one day, letting him no that his husband is in the hospital, Frankie must get passed his fear in order to be there for his husband. But can Frankie actually do it? Can he actual face his fear?
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