#Time travel au
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I am so excited about this one! You had me at beauty and the beast vibes- where my love of grumpy/sunshine began 🤩 Plus, I love me a good historical AU AND enemies to lovers ❤️‍🔥
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Time After Time – Series Masterlist
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Series Summary: Unable to control your abilities, you’re stuck in the present with Billy Butcher, his team, and America’s first asshole. At this point, you’ve become Soldier Boy’s personal punching bag. But when an accident leaves you stranded in 1942, you run into a familiar face and suddenly rely on your future tormentor’s help as your only hope.
Pairing: Soldier Boy/Ben x supe!Reader
Warnings: 18+ due to language and mature themes, reader is a supe with chronokinesis (time manipulation), a lot of time travel talk, set partially in 1942 and the present (alternate S3 ending), PTSD, Soldier Boy before Soldier Boy (aka no powers yet, plus meet his childhood home and parents), slight Beauty/Beast vibes, enemies to lovers, slow burn, smut, fluff, humor, angst
A/N: Been wanting to write about time travel again since this fun one-shot. Got the idea while writing Bad Reputation years ago but never got to it. Felt challenged again after rewatching the Community episode where Dean Pelton whines, "Time travel is really hard to write about." Welp, challenge accepted 😂🤍
Main Masterlist || Soldier Boy Masterlist || Tag List
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Chapter 1: Of All the Gin Joints… – Coming March 28 || Read now on Patreon
Chapter 2: Is This the 40s? – Coming April 4 || Read now on Patreon
Chapter 3: I’m Going To Be a Lady If It Kills Me – Coming to Patreon March 14
Chapter 4: After All, Tomorrow Is Another Day – Coming to Patreon March 21
Chapter 5: We'll Always Have Paris – Coming to Patreon March 28
...and more to come 🕰️
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stardust948 · 16 hours ago
The gaang goes foward in time, while in the fire nation palace
To investigate their situation, Sokka and Katara reuse their desguise of Wang and Saphire Fire, "the new employees!" , imagine their surprise when the fire lord of the future is none other than Zuko!
Fire lord Zuko is trying to keep his cool and play along until they can sort this out
Sokka and Katara sneaking through the Fire Palace:
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Firelord Zuko:
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galahadwilder · 5 hours ago
The mug slips from Vi’s hand, falling soundlessly to the floor of the Last Drop until it clangs, ringing, against the stone floors.
“Vi?” Sevika says, looking up from the patron she’s talking to. “Everything…”
She trails off as she sees who’s just walked in the door.
Vi’s mother smirks. “Careful not to damage the goods,” she says. “Vander won’t be happy if you’re not careful.”
The whole of the Last Drop falls silent. They don’t know who this is, but all three of the owners of the bar are war veterans, hardened fighters not known to fall into shock. So if two of the three fall silent at the face of the woman who just entered…
Vi wants to rub her eyes. Wants to scream. Wants to leap over the bar, bury her face in her mother’s shoulder, and sob until there’s no breath left in her. It’s her—it’s—same nose. Same eyes. Same hair. Like she hasn’t changed a day.
“…Mom?” Vi whispers, tears in her eyes.
Her mother sidles up to the bar, sliding onto one of the stools. “Don’t think I’m old enough to have a kid your age,” she says. “Where’s Vander? He off-shift?”
“Felicia?” Sevika says, shock evident in her voice.
“Wassup, Sev?” Felicia says, turning to look at her. Then her brow furrows. “What… happened to your arm?”
“I, um.” Sevika holds her prosthetic awkwardly, as if ashamed. “Ji—Powder did.”
Vi’s brain still hasn’t quite reset. This—this can’t be happening again. The universe wouldn’t be so cruel. Getting Vander back, getting her sister back, getting her mother back, only to lose them again? How many times are the Aspects going to make her watch her family die?
Felicia raises an eyebrow, befuddled. “Powder is five, Sevika.”
“She’s—she’s twenty-one,” Vi whispers. “It was her birthday yesterday.” The bar is still festooned with decorations, streamers and banners and washable neon graffiti, confetti that hasn’t quite been swept away.
Felicia snorts. “Come on,” she says, “don’t bullshit me. I know how old my girls are.”
“Mom,” Vi says, gripping the cleaning rag between her hands so tight that she can feel her nails through the cloth, “you—you were—”
Felicia rolls her eyes. “Stop calling me that, you,” she says. “I’m absolutely not your—”
Then she stops.
“Why,” she says, speaking carefully, “do you have my daughter’s name tattooed on your face?”
Vi’s mouth opens, closes. Opens. Closes.
Then the bar’s front door bursts open, and Vi’s wife marches through, still dressed in her Sheriff blues. “Vi!” she says, furious, waving a sheet of paper. “Your sister defaced the Hexgate memorial again!”
Felicia’s eyes flick to Caitlyn, doing a quick double-take at the eyepatch, then back to Vi. “She called you Vi.”
Caitlyn looks at Felicia, then back at Vi. “Honey,” she says, wary, “who is this?”
“Honey?” Felicia says.
“Uh. Cait?” Vi says, her heart in her throat. “This is—this is my mom.”
Felicia’s looking between them both, now, confused, on edge. She glances at Sevika, like she’s ready to bolt.
Cait’s brows furrow. “I thought your mother was—”
“Cait,” Vi hisses.
“What is going on here?” Felicia says.
“Um.” Vi—she’s got enough experience with the Arcane at this point to know what’s happened. Even if it doesn’t make any sense. It has to be true.
“Mom,” she says. “You’ve—time-traveled. Sixteen years into the future.”
Felicia’s eyes widen. “I’ve—sixteen years?”
“I’m your daughter. Your… your Violet,” Vi says, trying to hold back tears. “And—and this—this is… my… my wife.”
Felicia stares at her, uncomprehending.
“M-Mom,” Vi sobs. “Please. Say—say something.”
“Oh, my girl,” Felicia says, standing up, yanking her daughter down into an embrace Vi hasn’t felt for a decade and a half. “My darling girl.”
Vi can’t help it. She erupts into tears.
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raven-6-10 · 2 days ago
Wassup, tumblrinas?
I've had another weird idea for dragon age au.
This time with time travel!
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allskywalkerswhine · 1 year ago
in fics where luke gets plopped into the prequels i want every jedi within ten metres of him to think hes the weirdest jedi theyve ever seen. he has negative lightsaber form. he doesnt know what a kata is. he handstands when he meditates. his solution to sith is to try and have a chat. hes a political radical who keeps suggesting revolution. you ask him what the jedi code is and he says "kindness and compassion and helping those in need :) ". you ask how he used the force like that and he says some shit about how you are a luminous being limited only by your mind. the councils authority is just a suggestion. he is somehow the new favourite of both qui gon and yoda
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goreroll · 4 months ago
Timestuck AU, again 🐌
lazy art
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Inspired by the "In Sets of Two" fic by StrawberryLemonz (Ao3) (tumblr too??? I dunno)
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irafook · 5 months ago
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Ok, but listen. Harry goes back in time and decides to get rid of Tom Riddle AU, but the sorting hat goes like ??? when it reads Harry's mind. Idk it just irks me how the sorting hat is so understanding in most time travel fics, at best it puts Harry in a house he didn't want to be. But just imagine if it actually tells on Harry, full great hall drama with the hat going like "HE'S HERE TO MURDER SOMEONE"
And ofc Tom is instantly obsessed with the murder boy.
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(ofc the poor hat is not broken, it's on the verge of a nervous breakdown)
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zosan-secondchances · 4 months ago
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The Pirate King of the North
Main Themes: Villain Sanji, Alternate Universe, Zosan Ship
AU where Straw Hat Pirates meet old Sanji from a reality where Reiju didn't have emotions.
Warning: Long post ahead and some One Piece spoilers. Contains strong language.
Part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17
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Young Zoro hates the fucker but those scars and piercings are doing a number to his soul.
Old Sanji's story goes like this:
He didn't experience compassion from anyone else aside from his mother, who--you know what happened.
Judge kept him locked away until he was 13. He had him released when he was deemed too broken to do anything, and he was apparently a waste of space. As far as the world was concerned, he was already dead. He gets left behind at some random pirate town in the North.
His swirly brows were recognized by the pirates who took him in--only for him to be enslaved because people would pay a lot to have their way with royalty.
He picked up some skills from the other slaves and became cunning af--because he had to be.
At 17 he started a revolt against the slaver pirates, effectively taking over as their new pirate captain.
He became the feared "Mr. Prince" and his words are as sharp as his bite.
He's underweight because he doesn't give two shits about good food.
"The All Blue? It's nothing but an old fishwive's tale," he says.
He used his cunning mind and new pirate crew to hunt down and kill his own father from the shadows.
He enslaved his own siblings and becomes the new ruler of Germa Kingdom. Over the years, he used them for warfare and expanded the territory of the North.
His heart is a bottomless pit for power and control.
He had a fling or two or several with is closely allied with Doflamingo because god damn they're both mad like that. The alliance eventually lead to direct connections with Celestial Dragons.
Sanji gains more power and becomes the notorious "Pirate King of the North"
Meanwhile at the other side of the world, Luffy didn't make it as far as he could have without a good cook.
Luffy would have recruited one from Baratie but the restaurant was absolutely destroyed before the smaller Straw Hat crew could make a difference. Some of the staff didn't make it.
Zoro left the crew when it fell apart at some point.
Due to Zoro's reputation and bounty that he had occurred during his limited time with Luffy, he was offered a position as a Warlord, ultimately taking over the late Jinbe's old role. He accepted and served for several years before he was assigned a job that he didn't know would be the most challenging one yet.
The Celestial Dragons didn't like the fact that Sanji had started to have more worldly control over their own, so Zoro was quietly assigned to hunt down the great Pirate King of the North. Zoro accepted because he felt that he needed more experience before he could take on Mihawk again.
Zoro quickly realised that this mission is not a walk in the park.
Sanji loves toying with the Demon Warlord so he insists on taking him on by himself.
It becomes an endless game of cat and mouse. Sometimes Sanji chases and sometimes he runs, sometimes he wins and sometimes he loses.
They're at each others' throats everywhere in the world. Any person, city or being of any kind that gets in the way usually gets torn apart in the chaos. The hunt goes on for a lifetime. They're currently in their 40's.
Zoro severs Sanji's left arm during one huge fight.
Because of this, Sanji relentlessly tries to get Zoro to marry him to use him in so many ways he can think of--both as an asset and under the sheets--oh the things that he wants the swordsman to do and beg for.
Sanji likes to refer to the tiniest scar on his lip as "Zoro's love bite"
He was about to get a nice fresh one on his chest when some fuckers teleported him away.
Hearing old Sanji's backstory was a bit much. It was young Zoro's turn to have a nosebleed that day.
Oh yes I had fun drawing old silver fox, damaged Sanji. I wish I have the time to colour it up. I've also been very much into reading AU stories, especially soul brand ones. Keep them coming, you beautiful people.
Edit: Woo! I finally decided to make my own AO3 account. It's about time. Link here for the story: https://archiveofourown.org/works/60686077
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stealthetrees · 8 months ago
Time travel au where all the Jedi wake up in Attack of the Clones after dying. The ones that died sooner just walk it off like it’s a weird dream. Everyone who died in order 66 is confused but maybe it’s a vision? Most of the inquisitors either panic or run to the nearest mind healer and burst into tears or trauma dump. Caleb Dume/Kanan is absolutely convinced he’s dead and this is the after life and no one can convince him otherwise. Obi-wan Kenobi sees smol Anakin and goes ‘shit just keeps happening huh’.
Ashoka Tano is disturbingly wise and knowledgeable for a youngling. Cal Kestis jumps up from class, yells “not today satan” stabs his crechemaster and jumps out the window (he thinks he got caught by the empire and drugged or something), he steals a ship and makes it all the way to Bogano and picks up BD-1 before Cordova find him getting his ass beat by local wildlife and drags him back to Coruscant. Cere is doing her best to comfort Jaro Tapal but he’s not reassured that Cal jumps out of windows all the time.
Plo Koon and Shaak Ti are scheming to get their sons back. Anakin is busy having a breakdown. Grogu just keeps asking for his Buir. Yoda, always ready for drama, let’s Caleb tell him all about his life and his family, asks what his padawan would want him to do. Caleb thinks about this for a minute and nods to himself. He builds a pipe bomb and duct tapes it to the bottom of Palpatines chair. And steals all the credits stashed in his desk.
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flwrkid14 · 3 months ago
Tim and Danny: The Couple That Could Have Been
Tim Drake and Danny Fenton weren’t just Gotham’s it couple—they were the couple.
Tim, the poised and brilliant CEO, and Danny, the charismatic streamer with a chaotic streak, were the kind of pair that inspired faith in love. Their relationship was public but never performative. The candid photos, the impromptu livestreams where Danny would drag Tim into the frame to tease him about his “ridiculously expensive suits,” the way Tim would smile when he thought no one was looking—it all seemed so real, so untouchable.
For years, they were inseparable, the picture of what love should look like. And Gotham believed in them. People joked that they’d be together in every timeline, every universe, because how could they not be? They were made for each other.
So when Danny uploaded a new video one unassuming Tuesday, everyone thought they knew what was coming.
The engagement announcement.
Danny’s setup was different this time—gone were the familiar vibrant backgrounds and playful chaos. The walls were bare, his face somber, his voice quieter than anyone had ever heard.
“Tim and I…” He paused, swallowing hard. “We’ve decided to go our separate ways.”
No, that couldn’t be right.
This was Tim and Danny. The couple everyone was convinced would make it through anything. The couple people joked would find each other in every timeline, every universe, because it was always them.
But Danny kept talking, his voice trembling as he explained—without really explaining—that they couldn’t make it work. No details, no messy drama, just a quiet goodbye that left everyone feeling like the air had been stolen from the room.
The Batfamily found out the same way everyone else did—through Danny’s video. They hadn’t even realized anything was wrong. The last time they saw Tim and Danny together, they’d been the same as always: teasing, bantering, comfortable in each other’s presence.
Bruce was the first to confront Tim about it, cornering him in the Manor with that familiar stern frown.
“Tim, what happened?”
Tim didn’t answer. He couldn’t.
Because he didn’t know either.
Danny had been the one to end it. One day they were fine—perfect, even—and the next, he was breaking up with Tim over coffee, quiet and somber, like he was grieving something Tim couldn’t see.
“I just… we can’t,” Danny had said, his voice trembling. “I’m sorry, Tim. I love you. I’ll always love you. But we can’t keep doing this.”
And that was it. No further explanation.
Now, Tim was left packing up his things from the apartment they’d shared, trying to piece together what went wrong. Danny was on the other side of the room, just as quiet, boxing up his own belongings. They didn’t speak. Couldn’t.
The space between them had never felt so vast.
“I love you,” Danny had said, his voice breaking. “I’ll always love you. But I can’t… we can’t keep doing this.”
And just like that, it was over.
And Danny? Danny knew exactly why.
Danny Fenton was a coward.
He’d gone to Clockwork for help after the first heartbreak, unable to bear the thought of living in a world without Tim Drake. He couldn’t undo the pain of losing Tim to the Justice League’s doomed mission, but he could relive the good years.
Clockwork had hesitated.
“This is dangerous, Daniel,” he warned, but Danny didn’t care. He didn’t want to forget Tim. He didn’t want to move on.
So Clockwork granted him his wish.
Again and again, Danny went back. Every time their relationship reached the point of no return—where Tim’s inevitable death loomed on the horizon—Danny would break up with him, retreat to Clockwork, and start over. He couldn’t bear to see Tim die, not again.
But the cycle wasn’t perfect. The cracks showed with each repetition. Danny’s breakups became harder to explain, his excuses more transparent. He could see the hurt in Tim’s eyes, the way his walls went up higher and higher with every iteration.
And still, Danny went back.
Because he couldn’t stop.
Because he couldn’t let go.
This time, though, it was different.
This time, as he packed his things, Danny felt the weight of what he’d done pressing down on him like never before. Tim wasn’t angry. He wasn’t even questioning it anymore.
He just looked tired.
And Danny hated himself for being the reason why.
The world moved on, but Gotham felt the loss of Tim and Danny like a phantom limb.
The bats watched Tim retreat further into himself, his work becoming his sole focus, an impenetrable wall between him and everyone else. They wanted answers, but Tim wouldn’t give them. And Danny? Danny disappeared from Gotham entirely, his absence leaving a wound that never seemed to heal. Maybe that’s why Tim would find himself on that mission, before Danny's loop restarted everything again—caught in the endless cycle of fate, unaware of how close he was to losing it all for good.
Clockwork didn’t say anything when Danny returned again, his face pale and his hands shaking. He just stared at Danny with quiet pity, his form shifting through time as if he were trying to decide what version of himself could make Danny stop.
“You can’t keep doing this, Daniel,” Clockwork said softly.
Danny didn’t answer.
Because he knew he’d be back.
Because he couldn’t stop.
Because he’d rather relive the heartbreak a thousand times than face another world where Tim Drake was gone for good.
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fairsweetlonging · 5 months ago
time travel au where liu qingge and shen qingqiu (yuan) end up accidentally traveling a decade back in time before luo binghe was amitted to qing jing peak and before shen qingqiu had his qi deviation, but after their generation has risen to peak lords.
which means, shen yuan realizes quickly, as they're accosted by said peak lords, that he will have to face shen jiu.
as they're being cleared for demonic energy and the likes, mu qingfang of course instantly detects the poison without a cure eating away at shen yuan's meridians. liu qingge pulls a copy of the treatment plan out of his sleeve (shen yuan blushes a bit, did liu qingge always keep that on hand?), and just like in the current timeline, they agree to keep it under wraps.
shen jiu tries various times to get a moment alone with shen yuan, but he never quite manages because liu qingge is there, who is also... nice?? to him?? for some reason?? shen jiu gets a bit flustered at the solemn politeness and skitters off.
it comes out pretty quickly that shen yuan has "memory loss", and thus can't remember anything that's currently taking place in this time. shen yuan expects scorn, hatred and disdain from shen jiu, expects to be grabbed and interrogated, to arouse suspicion.
but shen jiu looks....... sad???
being transported here threw shen yuan's qi off-balance (even liu qingge had to sit down, which means it's bad), and his cultivation is already so unstable, so when the peak lords are all squabbling and arguing and threatening and raising their voice, he can feel his body shut down. he sees yue qingyuan start to move towards him, which, knowing the future yue qingyuan, he really isn't up for right now—but before the sect leader can get to him someone else is at his back, transferring him qi, holding him up gently by his shoulders, then coaxing him up, leading him outside
shen yuan's been fed qi by every peak lord at least once. he doesn't recognize this one. that means it can only be one person.
he looks up. it's shen jiu.
and it's bizarre, getting fussed over by the scum villain, having gentle hands run along his back, his hair, that clear, soothing voice calming him down. and somehow shen jiu knows exactly what to do?? somehow it works perfectly on him?? it's almost as if shen jiu has known him his whole—
bodies, like homes, hold memories, even if the original occupants are no longer there. it's the milestone marks on the doorpost that chart a child's growth, blurry photographs faded by time, scuffed floors from well-walked paths, and tiny holes in the walls where pictures once hung.
shen jiu takes him to the bamboo house, pours him tea, and asks, calmly, what he remembers from their childhood.
it's not his childhood, so shen yuan doesn't actually remember anything, but the body he's in does. the memories it holds are emotional rather than visual; he remembers being alone, scared, and hungry. he remembers anger, pain. a dark room. loud voices. he remembers his heart skipping a beat when heavy boots stomp his way. the sound of a whip.
he doesn't have to lie. the memories aren't his own, and they're from long ago, which means shen jiu has them too. and, he supposes, this is his only chance to find out what really happened.
but shen jiu doesn't say anything about it. he just nods and stares, intensely. then he asks shen yuan if he remembers yue qingyuan. shen yuan says no, he doesn't. the conversation takes a very strange turn after that. shen yuan can't help but feel a little queasy when shen jiu asks him if yue qingyuan has taken advantage of his memory loss.
"has he come into your home? has he brought you gifts, sweets? does he invite you for tea? did you accept?"
he has. shen yuan doesn't know why that would be a problem, the sect leader has been nothing but kind and helpful and patient. and generous, too.
when he says yes shen jiu looks furious.
liu qingge (his one) comes to pick him up, and his time with shen jiu is cut short. somewhere he's glad, cuddling into liu qingge's back as he holds him while they fly. he feels a little bad for yue qingyuan, knowing he's probably caused a big fight, but it doesn't sit right with him. he wishes he knew what happened.
liu qingge, meanwhile, is having the time of his life fighting himself. it's good practice!
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galactic-rhea · 1 month ago
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que bien come la padmé...
I particularly blame @batrachised for this. (and @professionalranter31 for sending a timetravel ask)
Also you should totally check batrachised's timetravel oneshot! here
[tip jar!]
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fluffyartbl0g · 1 year ago
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Everyone thank mr vegapunk 4 delivering a handy explanation!!!
Time Travel/Speedrun AU masterlist
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Okay I wont put everyone down but special shoutout to @asperanna who correctly predicted i was gonna funkily utilise law and kid's awakened powers in someway XD
Awakened powers require both mind and body to reach a certain level of strength, so I won't say the captain trio *spontaneously* become overpowered,,, maybe law because I thibk it was mostly his repressed trauma holding him back, but for everyone else I will say that it's a lot easier to get to that point (esp if they have a shortcut to do so,,, ig ;o _ O?)
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badolmen · 1 year ago
time travel AU where r2d2 is the one who goes back to the clone wars but not in the standard ‘same body new memories’ way. now there’s just two r2s running around the galaxy: one trying to kill the chancellor and another that could be easily convinced to kill the chancellor. their meeting wouldn’t have any time travel ramifications besides doubling the number of r2 units trying to kill the palpatine. this efficiently doubles as c3po’s personal hell.
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goreroll · 6 months ago
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Mabel teaches him bad things lol
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Fiddleford is that overprotective mother when it comes to this whole family, hahahha
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jarenka · 1 year ago
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Finally I drew this comic strip for time-travel AU that was in my drafts for months.
So, Anakin wasn't able to take regular Jedi missions but after he was ready to participate in Jedi Temple life, he started to teach young Jedi math and engineering. But old habits die hard Anakin can be quite inventive with his trainings as we know.
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