#i think he Gets yoda in a way few do bc he knew him as a feral old man in a swamp and not Guy In Charge Of Everything
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allskywalkerswhine · 1 year ago
in fics where luke gets plopped into the prequels i want every jedi within ten metres of him to think hes the weirdest jedi theyve ever seen. he has negative lightsaber form. he doesnt know what a kata is. he handstands when he meditates. his solution to sith is to try and have a chat. hes a political radical who keeps suggesting revolution. you ask him what the jedi code is and he says "kindness and compassion and helping those in need :) ". you ask how he used the force like that and he says some shit about how you are a luminous being limited only by your mind. the councils authority is just a suggestion. he is somehow the new favourite of both qui gon and yoda
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justmevoldemort · 3 years ago
your obi-wan dancing wip has intrigued me. WE NEED DETAILS!!!
I love my Obi-Wan WIP I need to finish it, thanks for asking about it!
It all started bc my best friend wondered if Obi-Wan knew how to dance, and if he didn't, I could teach him. Which is like the cutest thought EVER. It makes me grin every time I think about it.
So, here's the concept: Obi-Wan and... Me (this is a true self insert while I'm writing it, ngl) are being sent on an undercover mission where they'll have to attend a prestigious ball. Obi-Wan doesn't know how to dance, I do.
I'm sure you can see where this is going.
I have to teach Obi-Wan a series of traditional formal dances and though he picks up on them quickly, he's not used to the close proximity and neither am I so...
Dips and quick turns
A catalyst
Anyway, here's a little snippet of what I've written. Enjoy!!
    “Obi-Wan, you do know how to dance formally, yes?” Obi-Wan’s cover of confidence flickered slightly as his eyebrows raised in a puzzled realization that no, he did not know how to dance. Not that Iz was surprised by this at all. He had spent most of his life in the Temple anyway, and formal dances were not their specialty. 
    “Get them a formal dance teacher, we will have to.” At Obi-Wan’s admission of inexperience, Master Yoda spoke up. Iz’s cover fell long enough for her to wrinkle her nose in disgust before catching herself and covering once again. 
    “Something displeases you about that suggestion, Knight Kirk. What is it?” Alas, she had not covered her disgust quickly enough before Master Windu caught it. 
    “A formal dance teacher here will only know the basics of each dance and not the intricacies of them on Bespin. Not to mention, they’re few and far in between.” Moving to Coruscant from the royal court of Naboo meant attempting to find a dance teacher to continue her dance training both for diplomatic assistance, and for personal enjoyment. She had not had much luck finding someone adequate to teach her once she passed the basics, and they certainly were not skilled in every popular variation over the galaxies. Thankfully, she befriended the now Senator Amadiala early on, and found herself at various balls and dance socials whenever she was in the region. She kept herself and her dancing in perfect condition, and studied any holo footage and any places she could to learn the intricacies of every region’s dances. She considered herself an expert, and she’d be damned if she let Obi-Wan learn from some basics teacher. 
    “What do you suggest instead?” Iz had always liked Master Windu. He was stern but always heard her out, even when she wasn’t always respectful with her opinions during her padawan years. 
    “I am skilled in many of the dances in the galaxy, including Bespin. I know all the intricacies of their dances, and I know how to dance them. If you will allow me, I will teach Master Kenobi these dances for our mission.” She received several skeptical looks from council members, but she was not going to defend her claim unless asked to. It would undercut her if she did. She didn’t have to though, for Obi-Wan spoke up first. 
    “It’s true. My former padawan, Knight Skywalker has attended several of Senator Amidala’s balls, and has told me of the dance skills of Knight Kirk on several occasions. I don’t doubt she could teach me adequately for the mission.” Master Windu shared a look with Master Yoda before nodding.
    “If you are confident in her, Master Kenobi, we, the council, accept that arrangement.” He turned and looked at Iz. “You’ll have a month until you leave for Bespin. I expect you to be as good a teacher as you are a dancer, Knight Kirk.” 
    “Yes, Master.” With a simple bow, Iz and Obi-Wan exit the council room, and make their way down the hall. 
    The pair walked in silence for several minutes before coming to a fork in the hallway where they would go their separate ways. 
    “So, esteemed dancer, when should I have my first lesson?” Obi-Wan’s face was purely diplomatic in expression, but in his eyes was a barely there hint of mirth and amusement at the situation. Iz fought back a smile and pretended to ponder for a moment while mentally going over her calendar. 
    “Tonight, if you’re available. In the gardens.” Obi-Wan nodded in agreement and the two bowed to one another before parting ways. 
Please let me know what you think!! And thank you for asking me about it!
@themarvelousbee thanks for providing the initial concept!
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loveyhoneydovey · 4 years ago
Joaquín Torres as a Dad part two
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Note: I did it again. I can't help myself fejnsdfwe. This one is a bit more focused on what he would be like with a daughter, but it's still about what he'd be like as a dad in general. The plot was kind of inspired by a comment someone left on AO3. Also I've included a bit of Sam and Bucky in this
All my stories are written with a bisexual reader of colour in mind, but anyone else is more than welcome to read them
Joaquín Torres x fem!Reader
Warnings: mentions of infertility, pregnancy, mental health issues and adoption
· okay so this one is going to be a bit different from the last one
· remember how I said sometimes he’d bring back animals he found on missions
· well one day, this man came home with a whole baby
· when you asked what was going on, he explained to you he had found her on a mission with Sam and that she was an orphan
· he didn’t know what to do at first, but when he’d heard her cry, his paternal instincts kicked in
· he decided to bring her home with him, and although it was a lot, you understood the reason behind it
· you discussed what your next step should be for a few days, although deep in your heart you knew you wanted to keep her and so did he
· you had some complications when you were pregnant with your son, which made getting pregnant again very difficult for you
· you were both heartbroken by that, but you also didn’t want to dwell on it. You already were so lucky to have your baby boy and you knew there were other ways for you two to become parents
· you thought the fact that Joaquín found this little girl was a chance for the two of you to complete your family
· ok so listen
· Joaquín would be the best dad to her
· from the moment he brings her home, he starts buying her a shit ton of clothes, even if he knows she’ll grow out of them in the next few months
· loves spoiling her. He has this tradition where if he goes on a mission to another country for a long period of time, he will bring back a souvenir to your son, and now he would do the same with her
· gets you and her matching outfits, the way you did with him and your son
· sometimes you all wear outfits that colour coordinate because you and he think it’s cute
· he knows she’s a baby and doesn’t remember what happened to her, but he’s afraid she’ll subconsciously feel alone because of everything that went on. So he spends a lot of time with her just keeping her company, even if she doesn’t understand much yet
· likes reading to her and her older brother bedtime stories or interacting with them during moments like breakfast
· she LOVES it when he makes plane noises while feeding her. One time she laughed so hard she ended up regurgitating her food all over his shirt
· they both looked shocked for a second then they just started laughing again
· Joaquín and you would do scavenger hunts with them often. You thought it was a nice way to keep them entertained and thought it would push them to become more observant. And of course, they looked forward to the sweet treats they'd be rewarded with
· she’s a daddy’s girl. She loves you too of course, but she’s glued to him most of the time. Especially when he first brings her in
· she would wake up often during the night or sometimes she’d get restless and frustrated since she’s not used to this new environment yet, but he never loses his patience
· his goal is to make your babies feel safe, whatever it takes. So he will wake up and stay up the whole night if it makes them feel better
· you end up buying those twin strollers and Joaquín is usually the one pushing it while you’re taking pics secretly bc god he’s such a dilf
· sometimes instead of putting her in the stroller, he'd carry her on his shoulder while she excitedly points at everything she sees
· he always says the names of the things she points out so she can learn at the same time
· like "yes, that's a butterfly!! and that's a leaf!"
· you also end up buying him a “yoda sexiest dilf” mug which he ends up using regularly
· sometimes you’d try to kiss him and she’d stick her hand between your mouths to stop it 💀and since both your kids love to copy each other, your son starts doing it to
· Joaquín would have such a hard time saying no to her, especially because she mastered the puppy eyes look (which her older brother has definitely taught her)
· Also, just like with your son, he would be her biggest fan. If she displays interest in any type of activity, he does his best to encourage her to pursue it
· when you had your son, he had made a scrapbook where he kept pictures of the most important moments in his life, and he did the same for her
· you and Joaquín also do your best to incorporate the culture of the country she came from into your lives, because you didn’t to erase where she was from
· instead, you wanted her to feel accepted, even if she was still young to understand
· both Joaquín and you would be super open about mental health with them as they grow up. You wanted them to know that just because they were young it doesn’t mean they can’t have struggles
· you definitely introduce therapy to them to (because everyone should see a therapist)
· can we talk about how Sam and Bucky would be the best uncles?
· your daughter would be OBSESSED with Bucky’s metal arm and that doesn’t bother Joaquín at all
· she prolly chews on his metal fingers when she’s teething cause it helps with the discomfort 💀
· he doesn’t know how to deal with it at first, but it’s not like she gave him a choice ajjekfjdskc
· much like she does with you and Joaquín, if Sam tries to kiss Bucky, she’s sticking her hand in there 😌
· Sam was much more comfortable with them since he has more experience dealing with kids. Your son LOVES to play with his shield (bc he’s captain America I said what I said)
· Sam also being very supportive mental health wise. The fact that he worked with veterans in the past and even had his own struggles to deal made him great at giving good advice and listening (this man deserves the world)
· in conclusion, Joaquín would be such a supportive and present dad for all his kids. The kind who just wants them to be happy and healthy and to do whatever makes them feel fulfilled
tags: @littlekidsteve @need-serious-help @tkachuk-dubois @parkjammys @pm-my-hubbies lmk if you wanna be untagged or tagged!!
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the-witty-pen-name · 4 years ago
Part Two of The Necklace (2/3)
Read Part One Here
Obi-Wan x Reader (f)
Warnings: none; fluff and angst 
Word Count: 1.4k
Based on this Request:
“If you still need that inspiration... maybe an obi-wan thing where he makes the reader a beautiful necklace when they were young padawans and they get separated bc reader goes om a long mission but when they meet again as adults she still wears it and then he confesses his feelings (a bit of anakin teasing his master about his obvious feelings sprinkled in perhaps😂)”
A/N: Like part one, parts in italics are flashbacks! Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you like Part Two! Thanks again to @katevino for the request!
My tags are also now open for anyone who would like to be added! Also my requests are currently open!
Part three will be posted Thursday and will contain smut so this can be read as a two part fic or a three part fic. This one reads like it can be the end even though there is another part coming!
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“When are you leaving?” he asked you, tears threatening to fall as they filled the corners of his eyes.
“Tomorrow morning,” you reply unable to meet his gaze so you keep your eyes fixed on the pattern of the tiles on the floor.
“How long will you be gone?” he sniffles, looking back up to you. He puffs out his chest slightly, like he’s trying to prevent strength and you don’t know if that’s for your or his sake.
“Indefinitely,” you respond after a sharp intake of breath to steady your breathing. “Master Yoda said it’s more like a relocation than one mission. I’m to accompany my Master as he is needed on Alderaan. Obi-Wan, I don’t have a choice.”
You weren’t children anymore, and it was so incredibly foolish of you both to have allowed your feelings to overcome you both this way. He had only just returned from Tatooine, the Jedi Consul meeting with Qui Gon-Jinn and the boy they brought back as the two of you spoke. Silent looks of desperation and sadness exchanged between the two of you. You were already torn apart once, and now just as he returns back to you, you are being sent away again.
“Let’s run away together,” he says suddenly, taking your hands.
“We can leave the Order,” he begins quickly, letting his emotions completely take control. “We can move far away from here and just be together. We can get married, and just not have to hide anything. I want you, and I always have. I’d leave right now if you wanted. I care more about you than anything else in this lifetime. We can go to Naboo- I know you said you’d always wanted to visit and I promise you it’s beautiful.”
“Obi-Wan,” you say shaking your head, cutting him off. You keep your eyes closed tightly, trying to keep tears from spilling uncontrollably. “No.”
He sighs, but his breath is so shaky. You both are trying your best to find composure. “I’m sorry,” he says finally, resting his forehead against your own.
“I’m going to miss you,” you say, and you just now realize there is a steady stream of tears rolling down your cheeks.
“(Y/N), please,” Obi-Wan says, not entirely sure what he is even asking as he lifts his thumb to your cheek to wipe away the tears.
“We dedicated ourselves to the Jedi Order,” you say, trying to talk yourself out of his plan that you so desperately just wanted to surrender to. “Obi-Wan, we have been so incredibly blinded by our emotions. How can we allow ourselves to be so selfish as the galaxy is faced with the possibility of war?”
“I suppose you’re right darling,” he sighs. You both had responsibilities that weighed more important than your own personal tragedy.
“You should do your best to forget about me,” you struggle to say, stepping back from his embrace. “We should move forward from here like nothing ever- we never happened. Focus and commit to the code we pledged to uphold. It was all a mistake.”
“Darling, loving you was never a mistake.”
And with that, you were gone. Unable to bear being near him for another moment. It was too painful.
It had been ten years since you had last been at the Jedi Temple. As you navigate the halls to find your sleeping quarters, you notice the feeling of home you once felt here no longer existed for you. Perhaps that feeling all those years ago was Obi-Wan, you wonder. Finding your quarters, you survey the emptiness of the room. It was so incredibly sparce, and you imagine how you would decorate it if time permitted you to stay.
You feel uneasy, the Temple now feeling foreign to you when it was once the only place you had ever known. You remember back to that last conversation with him and how miserably you failed to forget and overcome your feelings. You wondered if Obi-Wan had been more successful. He must have, you think, you know Obi-Wan very well and he always excelled in areas of the Force you struggled with. You try your best to let the thoughts of him slip away to the back of your mind and try to get settled.
Meanwhile, Obi-Wan and Anakin were just returning back to the Temple. Anakin ruthlessly pestering Obi-Wan with questions.
“I think she is still in love with you, Master,” Anakin said with a grin, happy he was successful in making Obi-Wan flustered. “I sensed something when you two were talking.”
“Anakin,” Obi-Wan replied, “I must insist you stop bringing up these theories of yours.”
“They aren’t theories, Master,” Anakin chuckles, shaking his head at Obi-Wan. “And deep down you know I’m right.”
Obi-Wan sighed heavily, crossing his arms, thinking on how to respond to Anakin. “Anakin, it was over ten years ago. You need to put this to rest.”
“You need to stop running from your feelings, Master.”
“I wasn’t the one who ended things,” he says, exasperated. “She was the one who was stronger than me- she always has been. Now, please, don’t bring her up again.”
“I’m sorry Master,” Anakin says earnestly.
“It’s okay,” he replies with a sad smile. “It’s nothing more than reuniting with an old friend.”
“Of course.”
“I appreciate your concern,” Obi-Wan says, noticing how Anakin is saddened.
“I only care about your happiness, Master,” Anakin replies, the conversation finalized.
Obi-Wan walked back to his quarters, still overcome with memories of what feels like a past life with you. His thoughts weigh heavy as they shift to the realization that you are finally here. How much he longed for a day when you’d return home to him. Now that you were here, and he could feel your presence echoing in the halls again, he found himself disappointed. He spent years hopelessly wishing for you to come back, and the circumstances now add to the harsh realization those hopes will always be just that.
He was meditating when you arrived at his door. The tension in the air between the two of you was heavy as he watched you look around his room. You were just taking a moment to observe what he had on display, the mementos allowing you to form some kind of narrative of the life he’s led since you’d last seen him.
“I’m really happy to be back,” you say finally, your voice cutting through the weighted atmosphere. He pondered his conversation with Anakin. He was so quick to dismiss Anakin’s observation and now he feels a pull at his heart as he wishes that Anakin is correct.
“How do you like it on Alderaan?” he asks, holding his hands behind his back. Part of him genuinely wanted to hear about your mission and the specialty of your work, but it was more of a stall tactic to avoid the actual questions he was dying to ask you.
“It’s not home, but I like it fine,” you smile, looking back to him. Your heart feeling like it’s beating faster than it ever has before. The social niceties and the catching up questions were killing you inside. Your mind was scrambled and you frantically tried to find more to say. You could only think about him, and how he was finally right there in front of you. Looking at you the same way he always had.
“It’s a shame you cannot stay longer,” Obi-Wan says, his eyes looking nervously down on the floor before meeting your gaze again. “I wish we had more time… Oh, (Y/N), things ended so terribly when I last saw you. I feel heartsick thinking about it. I tried to find you the next day, give you a proper goodbye but you had already gone.”
“That was my doing,” you admit, looking down at your feet as he takes a few daring steps closer to you. “I knew if I had saw you again, I wouldn’t have been able to leave.”
“Oh darling,” he whispers softly, pulling you into his chest. His strong arms wrap around you tightly, the familiar warmth of his chest helping to calm you. You hadn’t even realized you had started crying until you felt the dampness of his tunic against your cheek. You rested your hands gently on his chest as he held you tightly, resting his chin on your head.
This feels like home, you say to yourself, the wave of anxieties and clutter in your mind vanishing at his touch. You could stay there just like that forever. Years you spent struggling with your thoughts and emotions, only ever just making them worse, and the one thing you needed was just to be with him- and it was all just so painstakingly clear.
“I’m not leaving you again,” you whisper softly.
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junova · 4 years ago
never been in love — single dad!steve (headcannon)
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pairing: single dad!steve x teacher!reader
abstract: the one where steve likes you a lot and his daughter does too. 
warnings: it gets a lil smutty towards the end (18+) not really tho, this is so much longer than i intended jfc, bucky being kind of a dick, hint of daddy kink, cheating? 
[a/n]: this was totally inspired by @marvelouspeterparker​ post. i read it and it pulled me out of my writers block so thank u ! also this is so unnecessarily long but i have no excuse other than im a hoe for steve rogers?? 
*** gif isnt mine — i forgot creds srry :/
                             -ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ-  
oh god this one is going to hUrt me
but can you just imagine when steve really gets to see you, not just in passing as he picks up his daughter
he nearly shits himself because how in the hell had he not noticed you before?
one any given day, he’s right on time to pick up shai
he’s always punctual
— until today
not only was he late, but he was an hour late and in his mess of mind he was fully convinced they’d never let him bring her to the school again
to make matters even worse his phone had died and his cable was nowhere to be found in his dying, old pick up truck
not to mention his sweet little angel, more than likely frightened out of her mind
— but he was so wrong
practically in a full sprint, he quickly made his way to shai’s classroom when he found her perfectly peaceful while she talked with her teacher
even though, she was facing him and could see him she paid him no mind. it didn’t faze her that her father was so late because you had stayed to keep her company
“well, it looks like he finally decided to show up.” shai spoke to you, loud enough so her father in the doorway could her. the edge in her tone pushing sassy all the way through
of course as soon as shai found her way in steve’s arms he profusely apologized and graciously thanked you for staying with her saying he would repay you for it
— and it definitely had nothing to do with how attracted steve was to you. nope. not at all
you dismissed his gesture, it was a delight to be with shai and you told him such but you had a feeling he wouldn’t let it go
— and he didn’t
the very next day, when he dropped shai off and handed you a dozen pastries he had made fresh this morning
the way you gushed over it, cheekbones high and happy over his kindness made steve’s heart swell
they were still warm and you just couldn’t believe he made these with his bare hands
it was easily the kindest gift anyone ever gave you and you told him that too before you could stop yourself
then he just started bringing you a pastry or two every other day, even if you’d refused them the next day he would bring double the amount he brought the day before
you stopped refusing him bc you already felt guilt since he wouldn’t let you pay for a single one
after two weeks, steve asked you out. you weren’t shocked he had, he had been buttering you up but no matter how charming you thought he was you couldn’t.
he was a parent of one of your students and you just couldn’t allow yourself to go there
it wasn’t necessarily against the rules, but it was frowned upon
accepting your rejection with grace and humility he grabbed shai before bidding you goodbye that day
you thought that was the end of it, until you saw him the following friday night at the bar you frequented at
— alone
you wanted to talk to him, the tequila in your system giving you an irresistible urge to but you were on a date with on of your friends’ coworkers
james buchanan barnes
he definitely was a smooth taker, those dazzling blue eyes sparkling like they knew something you didn’t
you really wanted to be interested, he was a loose shape of a man you’d dream about. maybe you could even pretend he was the one you really wanted
not when steve was sitting at the bar, alone.
but you left that thought behind and you convinced yourself you really were smitten with bucky
two weeks later, bucky and you had been on a few dates and he seemed to like you but you knew you had to end things.
whatever little fling you had going on
your heart got more of kick when steve used to bring you pastries in the morning before class than when bucky kissed you after your first date.
then he asked if you would come to his house, he was having a small get together and would love if you’d be there
— reluctantly, you went
bucky’s friends were nice, each one of them making you feel welcomed into their tight circle.
it turned into a better night than you thought and bucky seemed to be super touchy, guiding you onto his lap as you sat around the fire in his patio
natasha, bucky’s long friend since high school, had you all in fits on the stories from the past
everyone was too busy reeling to recognize his presence but you had the to be blind not to
there steve stood gaping at you’d like you were a ghost, certainly surprised to see you perched on bucky’s lap
yep you wanted to just crawl under a whole a stay there forever
“Glad to see you showed up, punk.” Bucky gesturing for him to make his way over to you, even when you pulled at the sleeve of his henley to stop him.
— of course your efforts to tame bucky in did nothing
he grabbed a cold one before making his way to the two of you
and dear god was it as awkward as ever
“Honey, this is my best friend, Steve.” Honey? He had never called you anything besides your name. By the way he pulled you even closer to him made you think there was something else entirely going on.
you certainly didn’t miss the way steve’s jaw clenched or as he held his right hand picking at the piece of bark rather aggressively
“Um, we actually know each other. Shai is in my class, actually.” Feeling rather suffocated by the weight of Bucky’s arms now that the man you felt too much for was here. “Really? I had no idea.”
steve’s eyes nearly bugged out of his head, infuriated. it wasn’t just that bucky knew you were shai’s teacher but he knew just how much steve liked you.
he didn’t shut up about you since he you with his daughter — something inside him changing in an instance
it wasn’t just that he thought you were the most wonderful woman he’d me — shai also raved over you
shai’s mother leaving a gaping whole in her heart she didn’t quite understand at the age of five was filled by you
you were kind to her, your patience never wearing thin as you gave her the attention she deserved
it may be your job but you enjoyed every moment with her and steve noticed
“Oh? She’s the one you would wake up an hour early for to make the pastries?” Bucky blurted out.
he woke up an early just to make those for you?
the way steve looked at the ground, grinding his fingertip against the label of his beer made you want to cry. his neck flaring pink at the embarrassment only made you wish you were in his arm instead
— even more than you already did
“You really should have seen the smile on his face when he came back from the school gushing over how much you liked what he had made.”
Bucky tightened his arm around your waist before saying. “Or when you reject him, I still can’t decide which is better.”
“That’s enough, James.” You tone harsh, before you ripped yourself away.
you couldn’t even look at steve, you don’t think your heart could handle it so you practically sprinted to your car
you needed to get the fuck out of here
until you reached for you keys, but they weren’t in your pocket
“Looking for these?” His hands looping through your keys giving it a twirl. “Star Wars fan?” Steve gesturing to you baby yoda key chain. “Maybe just a tad.”
“Thank you, Steve.” He tried to ignore the jump you ignited in his heart whenever you said his name.
handing your keys, he turned away from you, heading back into the house until you yanked him forward
the force so strong he though he was going to body slam into you before he pushing his weight against the car.....and you
“I’m sorry about, Bucky. I never would have gone out with him if I knew you two were friends.” You admitted while Steve just stood there looking embarrassed.
god did you always have to ruin everything
“I-I just, um, have these feelings for you. These very complicated feelings that make me want to throw every morally sound thought I have to the wind.”
“Which thought did you want to get rid of right now?” Stepping outside of his comfort zone, Steve grabbed your hands and just on instinct alone you cradled his face like it was the most natural act in the world. Like you had done it a thousand times.
“I mean, for one I’m telling myself I shouldn’t be this close to you.” Steve taking you by surprise as he tilted his head to the side, kissing the palm of your hand.
did he really just-
“What else, sweet girl?”
oh, you really were a goner
“I don’t know.” You spoke softly. Admitting to not only him but yourself — you couldn’t think when he was this close to you.
“Oh, but I think you do.” Steve diving right in as he latched his plump lips to your neck. Making whispers of his name drip off your tongue.
before you register what was happening steve had you pressed up against the car, rough hands gripping your thighs as your legs clinged to his slim waist
not to mention the ratio from his broad shoulders to his hips had your pussy drowning more
making you forget why you’d ever rejected him in the first place and he had hardly even touched you yet
then his lips met yours and you knew he had ruined you for anyone else. no one would ever compare to him and not anyone from your past did.
“Holy shit.” You whispered, completely in awe of what Steve was capable of doing to you in a matter of seconds. The proud smirk he wore in great contrast to what he felt back by the fire when he saw your body entangled with Bucky.
“If I ever see you sitting on my best friend’s lap again, I will go fucking crazy. Do you understand?” Steve eyes burning with envy.
“Yes, Daddy.”
brb gonna cry that i don’t have my very own steve rogers rip 
                            -ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ-
 tags: @tonystankschild​ @parkastoria​ @kayteewritessteve​ 
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crispyjenkins · 5 years ago
I’m resending it now! ok so what if for some reason Obi’s lightsaber either gets destroyed or the crystal stops resonating with him & He’s with Jango who goes with him to wherever the force guides him to find his new crystal at & like Obi goes through some wack vision/trial from the force and when he gets through it his new crystal reveals itself and it’s the same type of crystal like in the dark saber? And Jango is just losing it when he sees it bc he thinks “HOW?! but also, That’s HOT” hehe
(my DUDE i’m so flippin glad you re-sent this, i’ve had to force myself not to write this one so i could get other people’s prompts out, and i was at first unsure of how to spin this, but holy FECK is it all i can think about now. i just. i just want to write so much of this obi. i’m sorry i didn’t get to jango much, but you bet your butters he and obi are connected every which way in this, in ways beyond force bonds because i’m a dramatic bitch.
i hope y’all enjoy this one as much as i did!!)
edit 6/26/20: this is now part of a full fix-it! you can read it as it updates here on my Ao3! updates on fridays.
  Illum is colder than he remembered, though the last time Obi-Wan had been here, he had not feared wrapping himself up in the Force. It’s been... Force, he hasn’t been back since after Melida/Daan, and something in him breaks again at the thought that he’d lost the ‘saber that had been with him for more than a decade. But, no, a lightsaber is a small price to pay to have saved his master.
  His former master. He isn't Qui-Gon’s apprentice anymore, Anakin had made sure of that.  
  Obi-Wan had been sent to Illum alone, no younglings in need of making their first ‘saber, and no one else needing to replace theirs; Anakin has a few more months in the crèche before he can build his, and Obi-Wan can’t thank the council enough that he doesn’t have to walk the caves knowing his replacement is somewhere doing the same. With Qui-Gon still in the Halls, Master Plo had stepped forward in offer to knight him, and had almost had to fight Master Depa for the honor, which was... strange. He’s used to quite the opposite of masters fighting over him, but an amused Yoda had almost used his lineage status to refuse them both for himself instead, until Mace, as Master of the Order, had given the right to Plo Koon. And Jedi do not gloat, but the Kel Dor had certainly been smiling behind his mask.
  The doors to the caves open easily despite the ice, so maybe his great-grandmaster had been right about Obi-Wan rebuilding his lightsaber before his knighting ceremony. This thought doesn’t settle the feeling of intruding when he steps over the threshold, the marrow-deep feeling of being an imposter in one of the most holy places in the galaxy. 
  The kyber hums around him, as if he wasn’t at this exact moment considering walking away from the Order.
  He’s hardly a proper Jedi, is he? Killing a Sith with a sai tok, falling in love with Satine, holding a grudge against a nine year-old freed slave for taking his master away from him. Hadn’t he drawn on the dark side to defeat the Zabrak? Killed him not out of duty to his vow but in revenge for the fallen Qui-Gon? His lightsaber might have cauterised the wounds, but he has blood on his hands all the same.
  So he keeps walking, refusing to touch a single crystal he passes. The Force tugs him deeper into the caves anyways, and he has half a thought to ignoring it (does he even deserve to listen to it anymore?) but for all his tumultuous thoughts, Obi-Wan is beholden to the Force, beholden to the grip it has in his viscera. 
  He follows it as his breath forms clouds before his lips, frost on his skin that he cannot even feel. Where would he go, if he left? Stewjon is insular, they would not want him back, but he cannot stay at the Temple. Naboo, perhaps? Padmé would surely welcome him, but could he really settle down on such a peaceful planet after spending over half his life running around the stars with his master?
  Closing his eyes at the memory of Satine, he allows himself to... consider it. Would she still want him? They haven’t spoken since, but sometimes he can feel her in his mind still, a little warm bud that could bloom, if he let it. And even if she threw him out, Mandalore isn’t a bad place to restart.
  “Could I really?” he muses out loud, stepping over a great crack in the stone floor and setting his feet to follow a barely-there path towards the lake, only for the Force to have him veer away from it. Could he really give up being a Jedi? After every trial the Force had put him through to even become an apprentice? Oh, but he had tried so. kriffing. hard. to get this far, could he really do anything else?
  He swallows thickly and almost desperately pulls the Force back around himself, as if in apology, as if in repentance, as if anguish—
  Peace, it whispers, brushing over his mind even as it sinks claws into his ribs and pulls him up short.
  Obi-Wan is twelve again, wind whipping around him as the Jedi transport takes off from Bandomeer, Qui-Gon Jinn staring down at him. Force, but he hasn’t ever felt worse than when he feels their raw bond stretching with distance, yanking deep in him until he’s breathless, doesn’t Master Jinn feel it—?
  And Obi-Wan is sitting in the living room of their Temple apartment, kneeling on his cloth meditation mat across from Qui-Gon’s bamboo one. His master’s warmth surrounds him in a glittering cloud of comfort and ease, and they’ve been at this for five years now, and still Obi-Wan holds this as his most treasured memory, something to cling to when things seem desolate or he’s been arguing with Qui-Gon, or—
  He’s in the glass city of Sundari, brushing a hand over Satine’s cheek as she laughs, and Force, she’s even more beautiful than he remembers— She’s dying in his arms, bruises violent red around her throat, a sizzling ‘saber wound through her middle, and she’s beautiful even now, oh Force not like this—
  Obi-Wan is older, his joints a little creakier, his hair grey at the temples, and he has a beskad sticking out of his chest. Above him is a boy that looks suspiciously like him, red hair and green eyes but with Satine’s lips and eyebrows. Korkie, the Force tells him, as the boy leans over Obi-Wan and why is he angry? Ah, so this blade had not been meant for him—
  Anakin, little Anakin with a padawan braid beams up at him in a training salle with a practice saber in his fists. Obi-Wan moves to correct his kata, and though he’s... sure he had never learned this from Qui-Gon, he knows it’s Form III, he knows it’s Soresu like he knows his own name, like he knows the padawan bond in his mind and the warm nova glow of Anakin attached to his core—
  Obi-Wan is an old man, seated on a perfectly smooth grey stone above a green, green cliff battered by ocean waves and briny air. He meditates with the knowledge he had come from here, the Force here as close to home as he could ever hope to achieve. He had not searched for the family that left him on the Temple steps, and that’s just fine by him, he could not have asked for a better place to begin his seclusion studies than Stewjon—
  Obi-Wan is an old man, seated on a perfectly smooth red stone, the desert cliffs around him worn smooth from the sand that batters around him, ripping through his robes but never touching his skin. The Force is feral here, claws and bone and teeth teeth teeth, but somewhere out in the dunes, there shines Luke, pearlescent and good and proof that Obi-Wan has not failed just yet. 
  Satine is screaming at him as she shoves Korkie behind her back and raises a beskad that seems wrong, wrong in her hands, but he doesn’t have time to think about his heart wielding a blade, when he’s wielding the darksaber, whistling as it cuts through the air against Tor Vizsla, why had they trusted him, he knew he could not be trusted, and now his family is going to pay the price— His ‘saber, black as space, connects with Vizsla's, black as night, and Obi-Wan is not wielding the darksaber, but something else entirely, with a beskad’s edge, with a hum that’s almost a scream, that moves towards the darksaber with the intent to shatter—
  A Mando in blue and silver beskar’gam hands him a hilt, hammered durasteel wrapped in black leather, so unlike any Jedi ‘saber hilt he’s ever seen, but Obi-Wan knows it’s his from the way it sings, the way the Force insists it’s his his his—
  The blue and silver Mando with his helmet off, a man so unspeakably gorgeous that Obi-Wan wonders how he even copes— The Mando’s gloved hand grips Obi-Wan’s wrist, the face he knows so well twisted into dread and anger. Don’t go, they beg, but Obi-Wan must, he cannot abandon Mandalore, he cannot—, Don’t you realize that Zabrak’s fucking crazy? Obi-Wan, he’s going to kill you—
  Obi-Wan is older, but not much, pinned underneath blue and silver armour as Sundari glass and blasterfire rains around them—
  Obi-Wan watches the Beautiful Mando sleeping with his head pillowed on Obi-Wan’s arm, a new scar curling through his eyebrow that he hasn’t asked about yet—
  A mini Beautiful Mando eyes him suspiciously, hands on his hips while his buir stands behind him and tries not to laugh—
  Obi-Wan is on Illum, but he is not, he weaves his way through dusty streets he has never seen before and yet knows the way by heart, following that heart towards the hangar where his aliit waits. He has beads braided messily in his hair, twisted by pudgy fingers insisting Obi-Wan deserves to look just as pretty as his buir; that durasteel and leather hilt bounces against his hip, and he has a single blue and silver gauntlet on his right arm. He is a Jedi, the Force assures him, in the way light bends through him, but he is also Mando’ad, he knows that without needing to ask. He belongs to a planet and to a people that he did not start with, in a strange Force-willed way that he can’t explain, and he’s a Jedi, but he knows he has a family waiting for him in an old police craft. A black-bladed ‘saber hums at his side.
  Obi-Wan opens his eyes in front of a rock wall, glittering kyber in every colour rising up the sheer face until their little lights disappear into the darkness far above him. Just above eye-level, there is a small crater in the wall, as if the rest of the kyber cannot grow around the single crystal at the crater’s center. 
  It is opalescent and space-black, and looks as if it had been cut for a piece of opulent jewellery. The Force whispers heart heart heart, and he supposes it does look the size and shape of a beskar’ta, and isn’t that fitting?
  When he reaches out to take it, the white glow at its edges seems to suck in the light from around it, and it sings higher than any crystal he’s ever touched, whistling trials and heartbreak and pain and blood, but also love and laughter and family, if he lets it form the notes just right. It sings in Mando’a, in war gods and clans and beskar, and it sings for Obi-Wan alone.
-   Across the galaxy, Jango wakes on Jaster’s Legacy in a cold sweat.
Translations/Other: sai tok — the ‘saber move of cutting an opponent in half, frowned upon by the Jedi for its roots in the dark side. beskad — traditional Mandalorian curved saber made of beskar. allit — Mando’a for “clan” or “family”. buir — Mando’a for “parent”, gender neutral. beskar’ta — Mando’a for “iron heart”, the elongated hex-shape common in Mandalorian armour designs (great post here comparing them to katana tsuba). also called ka’rta beskar or “heart of the iron”. Jaster’s Legacy — Jaster’s old ship that Jango found and used post Galidraan, and pre Slave I.
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legobiwan · 5 years ago
So i was just daydreaming of SW and fics & i was imagining two characters on opposites sides of light and dark both trying to turn each other bc they think they are right(don’t they all?). But i feel like sidious and maul and plenty of sith knew that they weren’t necessarily the ‘good’ guys, no matter their reason for why they ended up on the dark side. I think sidious knew he wasn’t a good person & was well aware of the ‘bad’ nature of the darkside and how it can corrupt a person entirely 1/
I think dooku was as well even though he thought he was doing the right thing & making change. Even Anakin knew in his own twisted mindset that despite why he turned, he wasn’t on the side of the good guys no matter their reason for why they ended up on the dark side.I think sidious knew he wasn’t a good person&was well aware of the ‘bad’ nature of the darkside and how it can corrupt a person entirely. I think dooku was as well even though he thought he was doing the right thing&making change.2/
But how would you convince someone that turned bc they thought they could keep it controlled. Revan himself turned thinking he could prevent the darkside from corrupting him entirely&we see how that turned out. What about people who just genuinely think that they are more free (they aren’t) on the darkside and just want to BE on the darkside and think that it’s not inherently bad. Bc some sith fics make it sound not that bad but we know that it actually really is very bad by nature ¾
I guess my question is how does someone who thinks they can have everything they want and not loose themselves, who is ruled by the dark side to the point of sith eyes, become convinced that going that far isn’t actually the right path to be on? 4/4 Sorry this is so long
Wow, anon, this is…a complicated question. (And off-topic, but daydreaming about SW fics totally got me through some horrible jobs a few years ago. Star Wars daydreaming ftw.)
For me, it comes down to what your definition of “light” (read, good) is. And I think either side, light or dark, taken too far to one extreme ends up wrapping back to the other, a kind of ouroboros. Too much light, as we saw with the Jedi, can lead to dark consequences. Too much dark, in a weird way, will lead to revolt, to a balancing. 
It’s thermodynamics, taken to a philosophical extent, where your variables seek equilibrium but there is only so much energy to share between them, as it cannot be created nor destroyed. 
But let’s extricate ourselves from such tangled webs, shall we, and take this analysis character by character. 
Sidious: Sidious is an unrepentant, manipulative bastard. I mean, the absolute worst, the whole shebang. I doubt there would be anyone who would have had the ability to pull him into the “Light,” just the ability to thwart his plans. Evil genius, psychopath, bereft of empathy, etc. Let’s just say Rey’s existence, at least from the first generation, was likely not an act of love. 
Dooku: Oh Dooku. My favorite bad guy is a lot more complicated. His motivations were idealistic and to some degree, justified. The Republic and the Jedi were failing certain underrepresented systems, the Republic bloated on corruption and the Jedi more and more backing themselves into a protective corner until they had no room left to move. His execution of the whole thing…well, that’s where his hubris (and nihilism) led him astray. And I still contend we see this darkening of Dooku between AotC and RotS, especially in TCW. The dark side won in Dooku, pulled him under its tide so perhaps by the time of RotS he just wasn’t able to see - or admit - Sidious’s plans for him. 
Now, would Dooku have been redeemed? Yes, but only under circumstances and I would say he would less be redeemed than returned to grey status. 
But what would possibly convince our resident iconoclast to renounce some of his ways? 
Or more, who?
Qui-gon or Obi-wan. Or both. Lineage is so important to Dooku, a man who felt the loss of his family, who felt he was alone in the universe, who, unlike Anakin, went out of his way to avoid close connections, to relieve everything of his past except his title and all the expectations that came with it. I mean, imagine that. You are raised a Jedi, taught to believe attachment is, if not bad, at least problematic. And then you leave that religious order to return to your homeworld where you inherit a title and presumably a million problems and identities and histories that come with said title. And Dooku knows none of these people but to rule them, but he does know the ones he has raised and the ones who they raised. Which leads me to believe that an alive Qui-gon (who, let’s face it, wouldn’t have been 100% light side) and/or a more convinced Obi-wan (who should have listened to Dooku on Geonosis but that is a whole other discussion because that was a Hail Mary by Dooku and the more I think about it, the more I believe it was a ballsy-as-ass move on his part) might have convinced him to realign himself.
Anakin: Ohhhh, Anakin. Anakin, who fell because he felt he had to, in order to save everyone he loved. Anakin, who was burdened with false expectation after a traumatic childhood. Anakin, who made so many bad choices and it’s both his fault and not his fault, a tragic combination of circumstance and proclivity. The thing is, we know Anakin is torn between the light and the dark, even after he turns. Anakin as Vader is kind of like the person who says, “Oh I ate 2 cookies, might as well eat the whole bag because nothing matters.” (Side note, I am a total supporter of eating the whole bag of cookies if that is the heart’s truest desire. Speaking as someone who has downed many bags of cookies in their lifetime.) Anyway, it’s the mindset that’s the problem. And Anakin does redeem himself in the end, when he finds something/someone to fight for and fight against and isn’t that so him, always fighting against something?
Look, dark side characterizations are fun. But there’s always something else behind it, and it is a big deal to abandon your principles, your ideals, your health, your everything to this festering, opaque disease that lives in your deepest gut and at times takes the controls, much to your horror (except if you are Sidious, in which case, the horrible darkness is always at the controls and that is by design). I, personally, like to explore the darker sides of these characters but also the why - what made them fall, why are they hurting, and what is the fallout of their actions?
Yes, it’s easy to hate, to fear - I mean, we see this in the real world on an everyday basis. What’s less easy is to be alone, and I mean truly alone. And I think minus extreme examples like Sidious (who, let’s admit, created clones to cheat death and kept a vast amount of servants so even he was not ever truly alone). If I might get a little existential for a moment, what I like about Jedi philosophy (and in all seriousness, I had a major breakdown about this a few years back and Jedi philosophy, weirdly enough, was a large part in saving my sanity) is that we are never alone, that we are all part of the Force, of life, of the breath and heartbeat of the universe no matter what corporeal form we take or not. The Sith see themselves as alone, but as we can observe, so many of them are motivated by connection, could possibly be spurred to change by connection in the correct circumstances. 
And by this, I don’t mean the Jedi were 100% correct. I feel like the version of the Jedi we got by TCW had been pushed to some extremes due to the Ruusan Reformation (gdi, that had better get recanonized, asap, because it is a pivotal moment and a HUGE explanation of why the Jedi ended up as they were by the time the Prequels rolled around and it makes So Much Sense), the emergence of Dooku, the war, etc.) There is something to be said about the Grey Jedi, not that they necessarily embraced light and dark - but perhaps so - but that they did not fall to one extreme or the other. And this is where I feel Qui-gon succeeded over many other of his peers, despite his myriad of other personality flaws. Possibly this was why he was able to access the Whills and pass on what he had learned, to the point of where we see Yoda in TLJ, who is a lot more philosophical about everything than he had been in life. 
So to answer your question - there is no making someone turn back to the light, as much as there is any way of forcing a sentient being to do anything. Once can only pave the way and forge relationships, and the rest is up to that person. I think a lot of our Sith friends knew they were going down a dark path but also saw no alternative and felt a need to vindicate themselves, to strike out in anger against their circumstances. I get it, I think we all have that urge sometimes. And I suppose the answer might come in having something to fight for as opposed to fight against, as ridiculous as that sounds. 
But then again, I am but a simple lego floating around the internet. :)
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warzofstarz · 5 years ago
star wars Thoughts at 4 am
ok so rise of skywalker happened,,, and i have mixed feelings. i didn’t hate it but i didn’t love it either (and i usually love star wars movies), so i am in desperate need of a little rant about both the good and the bad in the conclusion of the saga
1. JJ ABRAMS DISREGARDING ALL OF THE DEVELOPMENT WE EXPERIENCED DURING LAST JEDI. this is what i am most upset about. you don’t have to like tlj, but you can’t pretend it never happened. it’s like he was trying to completely backtrack on everything that happened in tlj bc it was ~his~ vision for the franchise. i think that is disrespectful to not only rian, but to fans who grew attached to the development of the characters. we see finn revert back to first movie finn (lovesick puppy lowkey), rey become an invincible child of the sith, the end of the skywalker family line, complete abandonment of rose, and a total shift in the message of the trilogy. all jammed last second into the film. the next few points all have to do w this
2. the fact that in tlj it is revealed that rey is truly nobody- she’s not some all-powerful descendant or some with royal blood- and tros completely ignores this and makes her a palpatine. the whole point before was that she’s normal, but that doesn’t make her any less powerful, smart, or strong. the message from the first two movies was that you don’t have to be in these elite categories to be special and powerful, which is an important message to every single child and adult watching. it empowers us as viewers to believe that we have the capability to be great, no matter our status, birth name, ethnicity, class, or where we are from. you can find family when you have none. you have the power to change your life. when jj decide LAST SECOND to make her a palpatine, with no clues thrown into the first two movies to lead us to believe this, it feels like a joke. the rey we had come to sympathize with is suddenly an all-powerful sith, seeming stronger than even anakin and yoda, even though she had never even completed training. this reveal is not emotional and literally loses respect rather than gaining any from the audience. a cop out. i felt less emotionally attached to rey than in the previous two films bc of her sheer perfect power
3. rose being 100% sidelined even though her character was incredible in last jedi. her arc was one that i truly couldn’t wait to see finish and sadly we never got it because she was completely abandoned so it could just be a trio once more. i love her. the disrespect.
4. the sudden introduction of zorri just so that poe has someone to flirt with??? like if you wanted to prove he was heterosexual make him flirt w someone he has actual on screen history and chemistry with, like uhhhh idk? rey?????? dont get me wrong tho she is a badass and i love how she shuts poe down!! queen
5. how they throw it in there that finn is force sensitive but don’t fully explain it?? and he never even tells rey??? this is SUCH a cool concept yet it’s never even hinted at until the third movie and its not further developed as to why. likewise i wish we saw the stormtroopers before they left the first order. see what they dealt with and the abuse they endured bc it’s such an important facet of the trilogy and literally drives finns character
6. how we never touch on why poe felt it when rey was tortured?
7. i wish leia hadn’t died and she rallied support w lando
8. if they are a dyad why didn’t rey and ben fight palpatine together?? then no one would have died??
9. i’m just really sad that they chose to kill ben because even though rey takes their name, the skywalker bloodline is gone, while a palpatine lives on. the entire purpose of the first six movies is anakin bringing balance by defeating palpatine. somehow, palpatine survived this (never explained!!!!), which completely defeated the purpose of the first six films and strips anakins chosen one status and ultimate sacrifice of any true importance. in the end of tros, the palpatine bloodline lives on while the skywalker bloodline is gone, and i can’t help but to feel like that contradicts the theme of the original saga in which the skywalkers defeat palpatine and hope lives on.
10. lastly, i just don’t think george lucas would have wanted ben to die. when people kill off main characters to make the movie more emotional, he has literally said “i don’t like that and i don’t believe that” he goes on to say that he hates when main characters are killed, stating “the whole point of the film, the whole emotion that i am trying to get at the end of the film, is for you to be real uplifted, emotionally and spiritually, and feel absolutely good about life. that is the greatest thing we could ever possibly do.” so, i’m sure some of you could see why i have a little issue with killing someone who has finally recognized the error of their ways and wants to be better. yes, he has done awful things that cannot be separated from his new identity as ben, but i think that it would have been even more impactful to make him live with the crimes he has committed and still make him keep fighting his demons to join his legacy on the light side. overall, bens death left a sour taste in my mouth, and for that reason i don’t walk out feeling uplifted. i just wish i knew what george lucas is thinking right now.
1. ben solo’s arc and han. now, before some of you pop off at me, i still think he was awful and horrible and didn’t deserve instant forgiveness, but i also think that someone who has grown up his entire life being treated like the spawn of satan by all adults who are supposed to love him would fuck him up majorly, like it would to anyone else in that situation. i think that he deserved another chance at experiencing love and happiness, and i absolutely adored the scene with him and han solo. it was honestly one of the best parts of the whole movie. thank you harrison ford. the whole “i don’t think i’m strong enough” and him tearing up to his dad CUT DEEP. AND THE “dad-“ “i know” LIKE LITERALLY MY HEART. bringing back the “i love you” “i know” so they are LITERALLY TELLING EACH OTHER THEY LOVE EACH OTHER!!! i’m at peace. adam driver’s acting was absolutely phenomenal. so much respect for him. truly incredible.
2. i loved poe and rey’s bickering. lowkey thought it built some chemistry between them. and how poe seemed quite jealous that finn knew stuff about rey that he didn’t, literally asking him more than once (1nce) about it, like???? han leia vibes. tea. but also poe and finn
3. i really liked jannah SOOO much (and i usually am not one for introducing a character so late) but, like i explained in detail above, i wish they had built that backstory better and introduced her a little bit sooner with more screen time. but i loved her and finns connection and understanding of their trauma.
4. FINN AND POE BEING THE CUTEST HUMANS EVER. that’s all. i just love how they care so very much about each other like stop. cogenerals.
6. i honestly think that’s all. i don’t have anything more
7. OH WAIT HUX BEING THE SPY. i ate that shit up. yes. we stan. AND the hint that he was going along w poe’s phone call in tlj so that the resistance could escape (that’s how poe KNEW it) like YES
8. the animation of young luke and leia made my heart weep
9. that lil sketchy bitch babu and the new cone droid that talks,, mmm
11. this is so sad that i am putting this in my “like” parts but the fact that they didn’t kill chewie and that they showed him being so torn up about leias death
13. rey burying the skywalker lightsabers and looking into the sunset, perfectly tying back to luke doing the same 42 years ago
overall, if i don’t think too hard, i did like it and felt kind of at peace. BUT it could’ve been much better @ JJ :/ i feel like it didn’t do the saga justice as the “conclusion of the saga” bc there is still so much left unanswered. but, like i said, i did enjoy it a lot and have so much love for this world. rant over. i love u star wars. thank u for everything. <3
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lilylilie001 · 5 years ago
TCW S07E11 Reaction
Tumblr media
- I am so scared!
- Seriously can my heart calm down? At least a bit...
- Also can this episode please come online before I die from an heart attack
- I kinda hope for a “Fives was right”-moment with rex
- I just want the episode!!!
- Ahsoka!
- “I have learned from the best” Ahsoka are trying to kill me here???!
- Rex!
- OMG I am scared! i feel like Anakin is gonna be gone when she arrives!
- Not yet? Ahsoka what are you trying to say?
- “Then the war could be over soon” “that depends on the chancellor” I hate how true that is!!
- FUCK YOU MACE!!! She just captured Maul! She is better than all of you together!!
- Yoda called her padawan... 😭
- “No I didn’t” Ahsoka...I hate everything
- Also how does Rex know? Did Ahsoka tell him? Probably
- Ursa!
- I am still waiting for the Sabine cameo
- Ohhh Maul is awake...?
- Bo 😂
- So they really just threw the Ahsoka Novel out of the window, right? Like it has nothing to do with the story I read! I do like the new storyline but I hate that they make this book Legends. Especially bc the Lady Tano talk in Rebels now lost his meaning... maybe they do fix it. Maybe he does escape again and Ahsoka has to save Rex instead of recapturing it
- Maul is going to open his eyes, right? As soon as tge camera is close enough he is gonna open his eyes? And the probably escape...i can just feel it
- Never mind they made a cut 😂😂😂 i should stop predicting stuff and just watch the damn episode 😂
- Rex and Ahsoka are so wholesome!! I love their friendship sooo much!!!! And love both characters individually as well!!
- The two salute each other....i just can’t...my heart is not ready for this wholesomeness
- AHSOKA GO WITH THEM!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING STUPID??? GO!!! If it is gonna be order 66 i swear to god! Or if it is anakin reaching out to her!!! AHSOKA! MOVE!!!
- Yeah now we get the eye opening...it is order 66, isn’t it?
- OMG SHE CAN HEAR ANAKIN!!!!????? omg!!!! (also hearing hadyens voice in clone wars is kinda weird)
- Ohhh fuck he is crying! BABY! IT IS GONNA BE ALRIGHT! I mean I know it is not but...you are gonna...alive...and Ahsoka too! (i am so happy that these two ahve plot armor!!!!)
- Jesse...don’t do anything stupid...
- I am kinda happy that Ahsoka is killing the clones to protect Rex (and herself I guess) and not the other way around!
- Ohh no Rex is shooting at her...never mind my last point...
- Ahsoka?
- Where did she go? (Also why am I laughing? I think I just arrived a new state of panicing: uncontrollable laughter...i am fine...)
- Execute Maul? Interesting priorities? Like he is sith i guess kinda
- i mean he is againt palpatine and vader so i guess it makes sense but I don’t why that would he a part of order 66 anyway I am probably overthinking it and they just know who palpd wants dead
- So now to the important thing: is Jesse still alive?
- yes he is! Thank you! Ahsoka did not kill him...yet (I just see now senerio were he survies this arc but I do have hopes)
- So Maul does not get himself out of there. I am kinda relieved bc that would have been very Mary Sue
- Ahsoka saves him??! I am so here for that! Maul and Ahsoka working together! Yes!
- I feel like I am way to forgiving with Maul bc I just love his character this arc and I love Sam! I need to keep reminding myself that he killed Qui-Gon and Satine! And a few other people...
- “Don’t make me regret this” Yeah seems about right
- I am so happy that I still have like half of the episode!
- “Brilliant, brilliant” 😂😂😂😂
- You go girl! Never mind the teaming up! I like this plan way more!!
- Good girl! I would have been so mad if she would have given one of Anis lightsabers to him! Like girl keep them! I know you will give them away very soon but not to maul!
- Where is R2 when you need him?
- I love how Ahsoka treats droids! Like how is this girl sooo perfect!!! I way to gay for that!!
- I love that the Fives Arc plays into this episode! Ahhh everything is connected so beautifully! Also Fives sacrifice will safe Ahsoka and Rex...that is beautiful! I still hate that he died! That was not okay and I will never be okay with that!! But at least it saves them...
- Maul is just like: who needs a lightsaber anyway? (I know he didn’t have a choice but still)
- He just beheaded them...wtf
- also I just keep scanning the screen for Jesse
- Jesse deserves a on screen death! That is all I am asking for at this point! Just give him a death scene! He deserves that! (Or let him live! That would be even better)
- Now that was just cruel...there war no need to just cut off his arm...like at least probably kill him!
- Rex!
- Ahsoka!
- Why is she so perfect? I love her...i just do!
- Ahsoka saves Rex...I just...my heart...this is so wholesome!!!
- There is no chip?
- what the fuck?
- filoni explain this! Don’t cut away! I need answers!
- Ohh nooo...
- Now this is just beautiful...😭😭😭
- He is gonna be okay!
- Did he just?
- Rex!!!!
- “Yeah kid! I am okay!” 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 snadkeiwenshejkwedksfjjwijdndndnekkendndjejjsjsndbshjakskdkekkdnejsjejndbdjdjemsnjrjtj
- he called her kid...
- Seriously? No hug?! How was that monent not hug worthy? HOW??!
Okay this was good! I like this one! I am surprisingly fine! I mean I got wholesome scenes with Rex and Ahsoka! We saw Maul kicking ass! Jesse did not die yet! Yeah that is what I wanted.
Also I am fine with her not talking to Anakin. And I am happy that the last time we saw TCW Anakin was the scene in Old Friends Not Forgotten! It was nice goodbye! Farewell Anakin Skywalker! It was an hour to watch you General! You will be missed! (Anakin is dead okay. Darth Vader has replaced him. They are not the same, okay! The just share a past!)
But before I end this I need to take a moment to congratulat Ahsoka on her denieing the truth and reality skill when it comes to Anakin! Like girl the facts and the prove is right there! And you will ignore it all up to Malachor! That is some skill!
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ruwithmeguys · 7 years ago
(These are just my own personal; thoughts: you may take zero seriousness in them - I may add to this)
So… John. Right.
Give me a moment…
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There’s a lot, so much, to dig into here. It feels good to be talking about OTA, especially after months of newbies weirdness.
I need to air this out.
I posted something recently about my love for this show even with its many weaknesses. I still love it. I enjoyed 6.17, as god awful as it was to see Oliver being dragged through the mud again. I also don’t agree with Diggle; not with his words, because he didn’t suggest a thing: he has 100% made a decision about Oliver and it isn’t a good one. The path he’s decided to travel down however… is.
Bear with me?
For a while now, it’s been very clear that Arrow is the kind of show that gives good results but can’t seem to get a handle on the journey there. The journey often sucks: it’s either badly written, angst for the sake of angst, sacrificing character progression or just something you don’t want to see.
Best examples are: Oliver’s 7 episode lie leading to the Baby Mama drama, just to set Olicity back awhile because they knew S5 wouldn’t be the last season. The newbies drawn out reason for blaming Oliver for leaving the team just so that they could bring it up every 5 seconds for 5 episodes straight. LL’s BC arc where Sara was a plot device and then the arc died and nothing came of it.
It’s not always like this. There are good examples.
Tommy’s death led to the entirety of season 2. Olicity’s star-crossed season: a literal entire season near-dedicated to it and the journey was sweet etc.
But there have been enough moments for me to know that I might hate the newbie arc several episodes before it started. Too many components + little time = question-marks.
The term, ‘the ends don’t justify the means’, seems to only pertain to Oliver on Arrow… and Felicity. In a way, that’s a compliment to her. They’re equals. Of a higher status. But for the most part, it’s unfair. And every season it seems to be the theme. Make Oliver loose everyone, one way or another.
The newbies lashed out time and time again, then hurting John when all they really wanted was out from under Oliver’s shadow. John is ready for more, ready for weight, but he gets it by hurting his best friend 6.17. BS has killed people both for pleasure and to save her skin and yet, has received no consequence (though having Quentin’s stalker-like obsession with trying to force his daughter’s personality on her, might be deemed one) because you can’t change an individual who doesn’t see the issue with their own actions.
They all do it, all reaching for progression, more often than not by throwing Oliver’s mistakes in his face, but why do they get to get away with that? And why is Oliver the target for their choices?
Unfortunately, since I’ve been wondering about this since the start of S3, I know I won’t get what I want. Maybe not ever, but definitely not now. But this isn’t why I’m talking about this.
The point is, I understand where the writers and show runners are taking Dig. We should enjoy it greatly. But he’s done it, deliberately, by pushing Oliver into a dark corner and that’s left a bitter taste. It didn’t need to be this happy, peppy thing. But why use Oliver as a source of blame for wanting a change? For wanting more?
He lashed out. There’s a reason for it beyond plot device - it was probably one of the worst ways they could have done this.
Dig. Is. Done. With. OTA.
With being a member and not a leader.
Let’s put it into perspective.
For 6 years John has covered Oliver’s back, has followed orders and has joined in the making of them. He’s agreed/disagreed with Oliver and stood back as Oliver saved the day or made the wrong choices. But for the first time, in 5.23, John was physically and irreparably hurt by someone fixated on Oliver. Diggle and everyone else, was stranded on an island because a mad man wanted Oliver to suffer.
A mad man who’s father Oliver had made the decision to kill years before.
Not for the first time, John’s life was affected by Oliver. But for the first time, John has a reason to feel resentment. Because of Adrian, he could no longer shoot a gun, making his only real life vocation – being a soldier in some shape or form – mute. Null. Done. Imagine the fear. Fair or not, in his head Oliver is at the centre of that.
For several months, he kept it from people because he couldn’t face the very real possibility that he might be made redundant. That he was unreliable.
A very SELFISH decision (keep this in mind please). The wrong decision. But it was also, understandable. He’s human and he was terrified of letting people know. It’s why he’s forgiven later on. However.
Oliver gave him the suit and something small, grew large in John.
It had nothing to do with the suit and everything to do with what it entailed. In John’s opinion, Oliver ‘gave up’ being the Green Arrow. This was so wishful thinking. 
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It wasn’t permanent. But he hoped it was and acted like it was and decided that it was. Without talking to anyone. It switched a light on in Diggle; he realised what he wanted and he thought Oliver was giving it to him… because he thought - wished - Oliver had seen that he’d lost the efficacy to lead.
Now this is where it takes a slight detour from understandable to egocentric.
After being given the title, he does everything he can to keep it. He takes drugs, gets addicted. After seeing Felicity’s chair-arc being so quickly and neatly (unrealistically) tied up, we all knew the same would happen here and it did. But it left John with a feeling. Oliver had stepped away… for reasons Dig deems selfish now.
Now, when I found that out I flipped my shit because, dude – you have a family too? You left the team too?? You’ve prioritised your own wants/wishes above everyone else’s more than once??? Why doesn’t it apply????
But for Dig, it’s also about Oliver being spread too thin and, well, years of things left unsaid. Years of memories being seen in a new light and when you have to do that you validate things, it gets a little screwy.
John has very clearly had things building up inside him. Maybe it’s just been this season. Maybe it’s been longer but for sure, Adrian Chase plays a part in this.
It doesn’t give him the right throw any of it back in Oliver’s face when he was an active participant in every single thing that’s happened over the years. Oliver even says it:
“When did all these magically become my decisions? I seem to remember you. Right there. Next to me.”
And he says a few other things too:
“My trail of bodies didn’t include my own brother.”
Whelp. Normally I’d be all – TOO FAR OLIVER – but Dig started this unfairly. Prepare to meet even colder truths dude. It’s not a nice feeling is it?
John waited for Oliver to hand back the title of GA because deep down, he thinks Oliver can’t hack the leadership role anymore and you know what? Maybe he can’t. Maybe he has spread himself too thin. Maybe he needs to re-evaluate. But who is John to make that decision?
The problem is that John has lost faith in Oliver’s ability to get it back. That confidence. And if he’s lost faith in Oliver then, how can he stay?
And so, a fight ensues.
And so, Oliver finds out the truth: his best friend no longer has his back, because suddenly, John doesn’t think Oliver is a good leader. Suddenly he knows better.
Now, we all figured that John’s NEED to be GA was something beyond the mask. Either, he wanted to be more than what he was and he was feeling repressed. It was residual anger at being hurt by Oliver’s enemy (in which case, it would be solved by the end of 6.17). Or… it was EGO and the hood was just a symbol of something else. I didn’t want it to be the latter.
Of course, that means it would be the latter.
David mentioned 5.08 recently. He said that DIggle was the GA and that it was interesting but it didn’t necessarily mean the suit. It meant being a hero by himself. He also said - for people who have hated his line about 5.08 being the dream reality - was that Oliver was able to make right his wrongs to LL who, after his father, he felt the most guilt for. That literally was the title for S5. Make right his wrongs.
In a way, maybe it’s all three but it definitely leads closer to ego.
It’s a legitimate reason too, wrapped up in this steady feeling of disapproval he’s been passively omitting since the start of S6. Not the one we necessarily wanted. Not a good one. But it’s a legit reason. And it doesn’t tarnish Dig’s character exactly. What it does do, is diverts John’s trajectory away from OTA. But it adds an element of… is it superiority, selfishness or the kind of judgement he only threw at Oliver once (4.01)?
But the writers put Diggle on a pedestal, one we’ve enjoyed: he’s Yoda. He’s supposed to see the wisdom and rightness of everything. He’s supposed to be fair. He’s not supposed to do this.
I’m glad he did. (I mean, where was his story headed save in a cycle?)
I’m NOT glad about how he did it. 
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How he did it was cruel. And utterly undeserved. Ugly, even.
I mean, he had to remind Oliver of the death of William’s mother as a way of justifying his reasoning. It’s almost conceit isn’t it? 
When I mention ego, I mean this: Dig got a taste of what it meant to be in Oliver’s shoes and found that he not only liked it, but developed a sense of self that can be likened to pride or arrogance but is actually growth overshadowed by the brutal way he puts it forward.
But it’s supposed to be negative.
We’re not supposed to see this well... YET.
Maybe next season the writers/show runners etc will allow Oliver to succeed and for the blame to be thrown at someone else but this year, I think it’s about Oliver being a hero… alone.
With Felicity in his ear, yes, but: alone.
Like season 1, but inverted.
Dig’s ready to move on but it looks more like he’s disappointed in Oliver… for not being great? For having more than one vocation? For trying? I mean, at least acknowledge that.
And he does, to a degree. He tells Oliver that ‘it’s true that you’ve become a better person’. Gee. But, in becoming a better person he’s become a worse leader… because of the methods he used to become a better person?
Wow John. Didn’t realise two months as Oliver after taking drugs makes you the guru of leader-hood. In fact, seeing him as the leader of the team made me see all the ways he shouldn’t be the leader of THAT team. Another team, sure. He’s a good leader. But not the right person.
(I mean, it’s hugely hypocritical to tell Oliver he’s a bad leader when John was taking drugs as the leader. When he put people in danger because of it. But sure, Oliver’s a bad leader.)
That being said, John already had a wealth of experience before the very first season of Arrow. As a solider and a leader, just not a vigilante. Now he has both so maybe he feels righteous in believing he can do better, but did he have to walk over his best friend to do it?
That fight last night wasn’t just ego; it came from anger. Resentment. Disappointment. A six year build of opposing beliefs. I’ve felt this very passive aggressive impression from John/David throughout season 6 so far, so when details for 6.17 came out, I thought the worst. This isn’t just a team split, this is permanent guys.
Don’t worry; they’ll get their friendship back… eventually. Not yet, because they both said and did things that hurt far too much for it to happen all at once. But I’m not sure he’ll ever be in the team again.
We’ll have OTA too at some point (S7?). But after this, Dig re-joining as a team member would undermine his clear wish to grow beyond the parameters his character’s been given the last few years. It’s good that they’re having him join Argus. More SL’s for characters we care for.
And… didn’t Oliver mention it (his words and actions) being out of character?
Which means, it’s deliberate. THEY KNOW. The whole thing. They know we’ll hate it. They’re doing to keep them all apart, to make it more a bad thing at the moment, to give Diggle more story - but most of all - they’re doing it to make Oliver rise ALONE. With Felicity, sure; but still alone.
And I think they’re aiming for Diggle to start his own team. Maybe the new Suicide Squad? He’s worked with them before. The point is, we’ve got these two alpha males who can more than handle business and unfortunately, Diggle’s SL could no longer grow in the basement, not when he can be more.
He needs to spread his wings, a development I’m all for. Imagine Argus and Olicity working together in S7?
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But they’ve made it come at a cost: it makes a lot of us look at Diggle and think, ‘why the hell would you do that?’
It all stems back to how his injury made him feel months ago. And when you’re alone in your hurt, you’re an outsider. You see things differently to others and he’s seen a side to Oliver that he doesn’t like.
But he’s not just turning away from Oliver; he’s turning away from Felicity. From Diaz. And that wasn’t necessary. He’s put himself first but only after lecturing Oliver on his selfishness.
He’s allowed to fall down.
But he’s metaphorically and literally crapped on the last 6 years of their work – not by walking away – but by throwing decisions that they all made and blaming the results and ramifications solely on Oliver and used it to explain his need to leave.
Yet he also made a good point: he makes us and Oliver think of how other people see us as opposed to what we want them to see. It’s the rudest awakening. He can’t grow being there with Oliver. Some people know in seconds what they need. Others take 6 years. 
I’m down for this.
It’s supposed to be a big shock: that Dig suddenly does this. Says things that he wouldn’t normally say and though Oliver does address that, John’s reason wasn’t enough for me. I don’t think we’re supposed to be ok with Diggle at the moment. And I’m not.
But I’m weirdly good with not being.
I need to watch the season in full before I make a complete assessment.
And I don’t think we’re supposed to be ok with the newbies either.
By giving Diggle the suit, Oliver showed faith and trust. Respect. In return, he’s rewarded with disrespect and a lack of that same faith he’d offered.
The newbies did the same.
Now Stephen and David acted their ass’s off – they give a shit about this. There’s a reason we don’t know about yet.
Remember what we were told at the beginning of S6?
Unlike previous seasons, every character would need help/advice, be lost at sea or hurt in some way. Oliver would be their coach, their anchor, their teacher.
That doesn’t just stop.
They’ve all renounced his wisdom, teachings and faith in them, found him lacking, believing him a hypocrite who isn’t as good as he thinks he is.
Now, there have been times where Oliver has been a hypocrite. When he found out about a mole in the team, his FIRST action should have been to let them know. To bring them all together and say ‘I know and I’m giving whoever it is 24 hours to come tell me, after which I will start infringing on your privacy because I have a son to think about’.
Instead, he misused their trust and even cornered Dinah.
Because of that, they lost faith in him.
He did not deserve how they reacted after the fact. 
(May I also remind that Diggle AGREED with his plan to abuse their trust? Bad leader skills Dig. Oh wait.)
He definitely does not deserve the accusations Diggle threw at him. But he does need to re-evaluate. He hasn’t made great decisions. But he hasn’t earned THIS level of scorn.
So, clearly, he’s going to be outed as the GA.
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It comes back to the start of the season.
Either someone will do it to hurt him or he’ll do it, for them all but also himself. He’ll do it, because HE Is the GA. He’ll do it because prison beckons. He’ll do it to save them all. He’ll be THE hero. And he’ll face the consequences.
This season is a very reactive season. Oliver hasn’t really done any huge thing people need to be appalled at: it’s like people are looking at months, years, of choices and deciding they no longer agree with him.
The only person he’ll have on his side now is Felicity.
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I’m glad she agreed with Oliver. I’m glad they showed her trying to bridge the ever-growing gap between Oliver and Diggle that’s been present since 6.07 (yup – back then). And even though he’ll lash out at her in the next episode, they’ll fix it quick because he’s going to take on Diaz alone. Not necessarily without her but since he can’t trust anyone BUT her, it will make sense to him to keep her out of it (I think... maybe??).
I hated hearing Diggle say what he said.
I hated that he thought Oliver stating that the hood was/is a part of him (of course it is) was selfish and made him a bad leader.
I hated the gap between Diggle wanting the hood to this because of the newbie arc as it left us all a little perplexed to the level of heat in Dig’s argument.
I hated another character dumping on him. Blaming him. Making it all Oliver’s fault. 
And yet... I liked the episode. I really like this season.
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I don’t think they’ve sacrificed Dig’s character. I think they’ve deliberately changed it. 
I DO think they’ve made Dig say and do things that Oliver won’t be able to forgive for a while.
Oliver won’t want his help. Or the newbies help. And Felicity will be petrified, because her greatest fear is loosing him and she’s going to be forced to face it in one way or another.
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It is the curse of Arrow. Eventually we are given a plot in each season that we disagree with. But it’s miles better than an episode of the canaries screaming at each other. I really did enjoy it. I’m just not on Dig’s side (though his scenes with Lyla were spot on).
And I like the idea of Diggle joining Argue and everything it entails. I’ve kind of wanted Diggle to split form Oliver for a while and I can see so many good SL’s coming from this in S7.
“If you feel the need to make someone feel less assured of themselves or have to call another person out, you may gain a false sense of superiority.” ― Kristin Michelle Elizabeth
Jessica’s ramble ends here. 
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carterhaughs · 7 years ago
TLJ Analysis (SPOILERS!)
I absolutely loved The Last Jedi. It deepened my understanding of all the characters involved in a way the first movie didn’t, while at the same time making me appreciate the first film more. This film also felt like more of a standalone feature rather than just an installment in a series, which is always a good thing. The Force Awakens functioned mostly as a prelude or an overture of sorts, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but makes for a weaker film. 
I walked away from The Force Awakens liking all the characters but not really feeling like any of them had a particularly strong character arc other than Finn and Kylo. This film remedied that, and then some, adding the wonderful Rose Tico into the mix as well. Looking back on my analysis of Rey in the first film and the things I wanted for the second film, The Last Jedi pretty much checked off the whole list and delivered on all of it, big time:
The spiritual and psychological element of the Force is very important to me and we almost don’t get enough of it in this movie - although I think a lot of that has to do with this being the introduction of these characters, and I think that Daisy and Adam did a really good job with what was included.
All that being said, I needed more quiet moments with Rey because any Force-sensitive character is best-written with a hefty side of introspection. I needed to see more quiet moments in the film in general - slower moving scenes that focused solely on characterization. Nowadays, we don’t get a lot of those in action-adventure franchise movies, and J.J. Abrams rarely includes them in his films, which is his biggest weakness as a director imo. Moments like Han seeing Luke in Rey’s innocent, unbridled wonder when she sees the Resistance base planet covered in trees and says she didn’t think there was so much green in the universe. Rian Johnson, a director-writer, is very good at such moments (as in his film Looper), and I’m counting on him to include many in the next two films, which he is writing (and one of which he’s directing as well).
Also, can I just say that I love being right? I think you all already knew that but I do so love being right. I haven’t talked much about Kylo Ren on this blog bc he’s such a polarizing subject and my hands were full enough dealing with the nastier side of the Rogue One fandom without weighing in on Kylo, but I’m going to quote myself here - this is from my initial analysis right after watching The Force Awakens for the first time (I also analyzed all the other main characters in this post, if you’re interested in reading my takes on them as well) - then, as now, the conflict in him was fully evident:
I was fascinated by Adam Driver’s soulful, wrathful, deeply disturbing portrayal of our new conflicted Dark Sider. He’s embarassed by the very fact that he’s human - he turns away when Hux enters Snoke’s hologram throne room thingy like he can’t bear for anyone to see his actual face. He’d rather be a concept than a flesh and blood human with feelings and we don’t know what drove him to this. Leia absolves Han and herself of guilt, saying it’s Snoke who seduced him to the Dark Side and that Ben had too much of Vader in him. This is confusing to me, as the last thing Vader says to Luke is to tell Leia that Luke was right about there being good in him. Until we know more, I’m going to interpret this as Anakin’s acute vulnerability to the extremes of the Force (because of the whole Chosen One business) being something Ben is susceptible to as well. Snoke did something and Ben ended up killing Luke’s new Jedi Order - bad shit had to have gone down and I want that explored, stat. He’s not a completely soulless monster yet, but if no one intervenes, he soon will be.
Snoke’s final test for him was to kill his father, and he passed that test with tears in his eyes (of anger? of sadistic joy? of love? of all three and other emotions beside?). But his eyes aren’t Sith eyes yet so perhaps there’s further yet for him to fall. He says Rey would be “disappointed” if Han was her real father, but we never hear him speak a word about Leia, and I need his relationship with his parents prior to his fall, as well as his fall itself, to be described. He’s lonely, I think - he asks Rey to allow him to teach her, genuinely desperate to connect with her in spite of his jealousy of Anakin’s lightsaber choosing her. He’s filled with self-loathing (for more reasons than I can fathom - for his perceived emotional weakness, his actual physical weakness, his multiple failures in his pursuit of Rey, and so on) and punches his own wounds as if that will make them go away. I feel like I’ll have more to say about him after another viewing, because Adam’s subtle acting says so much that repeated viewings are a must for thorough analysis.
Now, the Imperials/First Order members are much more intriguing in this film than they were in the original trilogy. They aren’t cynical and above it all, or just trying to get by. They’re true believers.
Ok, see what I mean about being right? Bc damn, was I ever right. Conflict and the balance channeled thereby make up the grey areas of the Force where Rey and Kylo were finally able to meet and connect.
Luke’s arc about failure in this film moved me to tears and among the few issues I had with the film were that we didn’t get to see him continue to teach Rey beyond this film - Mark Hamill was fantastic and the scene between Luke and Force Ghost Yoda was my favorite in the film and resonated with me deeply - the truth of failure as a potent teacher and the role of the master to nurture the student to grow beyond their reach. 
I also wanted more lore from this film - more about the connections between past and present via the ancient Jedi but maybe that would have been too esoteric for general audiences. I’ve been spoiled by Knights of the Old Republic, a video game series in the old Star Wars canon that this film certainly has drawn on (that much is most obviously evident in Kylo Ren’s character design and now in the Force Bond lore and connection between Rey and Kylo - if you are interested in my meta on Revan and Bastila, and then Atton and the Exile and Kreia, you can read all that here and here, respectively).  
In any case, I am raring to go see it again and can’t wait to dive into fic and meta for this film - and as I did with Rogue One, am very much looking forward to contributing my own.
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toothplug · 7 years ago
ok official spoilery list of what i liked and didn’t like abt tlj........
before i get going i know there will be way more dislikes but i still enjoyed the movie as in I Had Fun but it was an extremely flawed movie. i give it like a 5/10 (tfa for me was like 8.5 even 9 but i’m biased maybe)
i enjoyed learning the back story of kylo/luke esp from both their perspectives, neat enough
good acting all around
That Scene Where Laura Derne Esploded In Space And It Got Real Quiet
some funny moments*
the scene where kylo turns on snoke (some ppl hate that he died, i don’t care as much in fact i kinda liked it but i’m adding a ** here)
Poe had a good arc i guess......
the kylux sex scene i made up in my head
i liked the casino
cute and well designed creatures altho i’m really picky with CGI so sometimes the porgs and crystal dogs or w/e looked a little weird to me but that’s just.....my own issue
When Kylo Ren Stances Up The Gay Icon
When Luke Brushes The Non Dirt Off His Shoulder The Gay Icon
that fucking titty milk luke drinks str8 from the teet that part rocked my world
fucky things with the force that made no sense to me:
snoke connecting rey and kylo, then somehow it still happening after he’s dead
flying leia????????????? wtf??????????? wtf wtf that scene wtf
the following characters got royally fucked in this film: leia (went to sleep, did virtually nothing), rey (everything she does relates to kylo, other than that one thing with her parents and it felt like an afterthought to me, we’re told she grows over the film, but i didn’t see how or when), finn (he does nothing. point blank. does nothing and only interacts with his wittle girlfwiend), rose (also did nothing. the only woc in the main cast and all she does is some stupid ass pointless mission then kisses finn. lame. the dead sister plot had potential but kinda went nowhere), hux (literally a punching bag who lost any sinister qualities he ever had, why was he even here if this was the point), PHASMA???? (she shows up finally for 2 seconds, has the most boring anticlimactic fight in fucking film history, and falls in a fucking hole without us ever SEEING HER FACE?!?!?? i’m so furious about this one. i’m fucking mad bye)
kylo got literally all of the character development/arc other than maybe poe and luke. but poe’s was kinda blah idk it was fine but it fell a little flat for me and luke like had more conflict than others but he basically stagnated the entire time until the very end where he saved the day and then like. died.)
obviously the kiss
*too much humor. detracted from a lot of emotional moments or sinister atmosphere, v marvel film of them to do. 
**i liked snoke’s death BUT it ends up kind of fucking up the movie because he’s not replaced with anyone nearly as menacing or scary. neither kylo nor hux/the first order come even remotely close to how legit scary they were in the first film. i mean hux is literally one of the 3 stooges basically. so we’re left with no proper villain which sucks
these characters were literally unecessary: 
the DJ or any code breaker at all. why did this even happen. this entire thread with him, finn, and rose was fucking ridiculous. worst aspect of the whole movie. i could like go on abt this forever so i’m gonna stop now
ok wait one more thing: the whole gray morality thing via the weapons dealing is sooooo funny hahahha it was stupid af. the first order has slave soldiers but they don’t have their weapons made exclusively? ok
this pains me to say bc i love her but laura derne. other than her sacrifice, everything she did could have been leia, and we could have avoided literally throwing leia’s character away. i mean she got FUCKED and i’m really mad about it. i dont know why johnson set up this atmosphere with the rebels where apparently leia is god and no one on board would ever defy her or even argue something but i think it’s fucking stupid and bad writing. the idea that poe couldn’t have learned the exact same fucking lesson from her is idiotic. laura derne could have just like been around a few times, established that she’s close with leia, then her sacrifice still means something without detracting from other characters’ screen time. because that’s what she did sorry lmfao
listen it’s so cute and sweet that billie lourd was in it but she was in it too much. i’m sorry like. u only have so much time to develop a shit ton of characters so :( sorry billie.
that stupid fucking white boy with the force or whatever at the end. fuck that. sorry but why him ? if ur gonna do some like Kids In The Galaxy Paralleling The Audience Nostalgia fuck you for making a white boy. just reestablishes that this franchise originally was never meant for me like, this was all just a huge i love star wars wank fest for rian johnson and he clearly sees himself as that little boy which i think is literally dumb. not sure why it couldn’t have been one of the other kids or all three. stupid
this ties in with leia getting shafted but she and luke get to interact for like literally 3 seconds
this movie should just be retitled “Kylo Ren Is Valid And Here’s Why”
i want to point out i’m not one of Those People who hates the idea of a kylo redemption arc or thinks it’s impossible. like i said earlier, i liked getting his and luke’s sides of things and i’m fine with past kylo being painted somewhat sympathetically. but this movie fucking WACKS YOU OVER THE HEAD with it literally NONSTOP. 
the rey and kylo stuff was fine in theory but again it happened way too much. i think it could have been condensed into one scene where they connected once
as soon as rey and poe introduced themselves to each other i knew there was a big problem. i had like a revelatory moment in the theater because that was at the End of the film and two of the three MAIN protagonists (imo) JUST NOW MET?? at the end of the second movie. there’s only one more and their relationship is only starting now???? k.
in general splitting the main trio up for the entirety of the film was a shit ass idea
rey had too much makeup on lmfao there i said it
other than the one fight scene with rey and kylo, the fighting fell really flat as did the other action
didn’t like luke’s death. it took me a second to even realize what happened. probably fans of the OG trilogy loved it or at least liked it more but i didn’t grow up with SW and i didn’t care about it until TFA. i had this fleeting thought of like “oh wait were there two suns just then? that’s like....where he grew up or something right oh wait now they’re gone so it was symboli-oh wait he’s dead. oh.” idk it felt really anticlimactic to me. i mean compared to han’s death it doesn’t hold up at all imo
FUCK YODA THE STINKY OLD MAN!!!! that part was dumb as hell and so fanservicey it like hurt my body
overall, the movie did mostly nothing. felt like filler !
all in all i had fun like i said, the movie was p blah, and if the final one rocks which obviously i hope it does, then i’ll be more forgiving. every trilogy has a stinker even if it’s a good stinker, and the 2nd is always the best one to be the stinker imo so. hopefully this one is it.
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masterserris · 5 years ago
the rise of skywalker = good
spoilers under cut you were warned
we love sheev the movie
best movie? no. room for improvement? yes. a really good movie overall and the characters were good and made overall good/decently logical choices? absolutely.
 fin good. i love him. and the obvious hint he can use the force is 10/10 he did so much work in this movie. i like poe/fin or rey/fin. or all three together, fuck it, they all hugged in the end anyways
poe is good he’s a good boy him and finn are so good. poe gets a lot of development and care and we love that he struggles but loves his friends and wins in the end by believing in others to come. (he did think they lost but only for a second. he was proven right that people would come. thanks lando we appreciate you here.)
rey is amazing and her growth/struggle is great i love that she’s a palpatine that’s so metal. and she stays good oough yess. palpatine wins in the end? or at least A palpatine? the only survivor? no more sith OR jedi. just. rey palpatine and any other new force users like fin. FINALLLY, evil wins! kinda lmao hahhaahhaha
i like how technically the series stared with palpatine and ended with rey. 
it started with a slave child in the desert (anakin) who became dark, and ended with a child soldier in the dark who became light at the end (ben)
the sheev-ening. we love emperor step peppers. he’s so good in this. force storm ya’ll!! 
“hiS pLaN MakEs nO sEnSe!!1!”
shut tf up. either he possesses rey once she killed him, or he sucks the life outta her and restores himself once he found out about that bond power with ben or force healing whatever it was if she refused (like he did), or just kills her and sends his troops out to take everything over like. that’s not a bad plan bro. he wins either way. the only reason he lost is because the dummy killed himself with his own force lighting (AGAIN, DIDNT YOU LEARN FROM EPISODE 3 OLD MAN????). she did not strike him down, she defended. he killed himself, technically. she pulled a luke in that sense. it was not the jedi way. (though i guess by the end she is neither sith nor jedi)
plus he made an armada in secret the man was geared for success and had access to cloning tech too, as shown by snoke. if he couldnt have rey, he would have cloned himself or some shit. he has space voodoo, the man is scary and i love him for it. 
ben was. ok. kylo was much more intimidating and straight forward with his actions at least. and ben switching sides made sense. what i didnt like was his ending very much. why tf did he and rey kiss????? they were enemies for 2 and 3/4 movies. they didnt even speak until he showed up to help fight palpatine. 
there is a bit of tension but not romantic whatever, he just poofed once he resurrected rey anyways. rip all skywalkers 2019
she is an adopted skywalker and that’s nice.
side tangent bc i’ve been seeing some fans crying over ben’s death, which i get it if you are a big fan of him:
((i guess i was just way more invested into rey as a character than ben solo. he was. there. he was alright, i could see the struggle but the tone-shift from TLJ really threw things wack and i just ended up not caring too much when he died unforntuately. i wish i did more. i mean it was sad, it would have been neat if he lived, but i kinda saw it coming as soon as rey “died”
im like, oh, he’s gonna climb up bc of course he’s fine and then save her since he saw her use force healing, so he’s gonna try it. he’s resurrecting the dead so it’s either gonna kill him or really make him weak. we got the former so. yeah. it was anticipated kinda. leia dying was much more emotional for me i guess. the love between her and her son was way more impactful than ben and rey. 
like i said!! they were enemies for so long!! he tried to reach out, but he was a slimey dark side bitch who was trying to convert her and she knew it and wasnt down with that shit!! that aint romantic ya’ll!! christ! he was only good for 20 minutes before he died and they didnt even talk before he just showed up! if they had more time really getting into it and if he was good and reached out to her to talk, that would have been way better and more convincing is all im saying. 
sure they fought together on snoke’s ship and talked, but it was still very. scary for rey. and then he attacked her friends and rebellion again! bitch, why did she kiss him!?
nothing against reylo shippers, i really dont care, that’s your business, i personally enjoy fin/rey much more, im just saying it seems forced in this situation. they tried to kill each other so many times. that’s animosity, not love.))
WHERE WAS ANAKIN AND OBI FORCE GHOST UGH. at least we got all of the voices of the jedi past helping rey in the climax that was awesome (including jin, obi, yoda, anakin, luke, leia, ect)
yeah also rip leia. she should have died in the second movie but she was good in this and it really hit the feels since carrie is... dead for real.
luke was good in this!!!! helpful boy!!! nice boy!!! i liked the flash back to when he trained leia it was so sweet to see them young again, if only for a moment.
the han solo scene was good ough my heart. 
all of the character’s choices were overall good and made sense in the scheme of things, everything was streamlined bc it had to be.
it kinda felt like 2 movies crammed into 1 but it kinda worked and that makes sense bc of TLJ’s.... choices and changes in direction. 
i dont think this movie was a train wreck. it’d place it as my 3rd fav star wars movie. for now, i may shift things around but you get the idea.
my current rankings so far for main line live action sw movies 
(rogue one would be at 4 along with revenge of the sith and i didnt care enough to see solo.)
1. empire strikes back (obvious pick)
2. a new hope (luke is best boy)
3. rise of skywalker (as listed above)
4. revenge of the sith (clone wars show really got me to like older anakin. and obi is just. 10/10 in general. speaking of generals, i love grievous. and commander rex. rip all clones and jedi tho. F)
5/6. return of the jedi/force awakens (about even) 
[the thing about return of the jedi is that the ending whole section with the death star and vader and palpatine and the struggle against jabba were really good! it just a lot of other stuff is... meh in the film]
7. the last jedi (sorry had to do it to ya. also rip Phasma)
8/9. phantom menace/attack of the clones (ya’ll know why)
im so glad im rewatching the clone wars show it was so good and oughghghg so good. i love the clones so damn much and everyone so much
star wars good ya’ll
anyways, i already loved palpatine and im just wildin’ right now we love a emperor. a queen. a bad bitch you cant kill. just vibin. like damn, iconic. he said “do it” and everything. a meme legend and godsend
in sheev we trust. you belong with sheev. real sheev hours. the sheev-ening. palpatine-ception. you name it, we vibe with it
NOW I WANT A NICE AU WHERE THE CHARACTERS LIVE AND PALPATINE IS JUST A GRANDDAD. scary but nice granddad to rey or some shit. anakin is still around, they are all still around. just silly fun alright?
the reverse of TLJ and i can see why the stupid irony lmFAO
the “thank you rian johnson” tag trending on twitter is wack and it’s dumb. his movie was dumb ya’ll. that’s my take and im not alone. im not some crazy hardcore fan either nor do i care that much about the politics or what ever. the characters in TLJ made REALLY dumb decisions that got their butts kicked and people killed over and over and it was not fun to watch everyone being dumb and dying, alright? wack. bad vibes. 
i didn’t care for the “thank you jj abrams” tag either bc both tags ended up just being one taking pot-shots at the other and it was full of nasty vibes. just a lot of negative bullshit and only a few good comments just saying what they liked about those movies. i appreciate when people just say they like something. even if it’s something i PERSONALLY dont like, it’s neat to see. but when people bitch and moan, even if i agree personally, it isnt that fun. it’s annoying as hell, esp if it’s mostly unfounded or just repeated a million times.
like months later, or also about something from years ago, people still havent shut up about it. that’s when i get pissed off. like, sure, hate something. say you hate it, whatever. your blog your platform, go off queen, but then shut up please and dont drag it out forever. people dont like negativity so expect people to leave your ass behind if you keep at it. or get blocked or whatever. 
negative shit all the time just aint a good look is all im saying. just love what you love and show it. it’s nice. the good part about fandoms is sharing love for media.
but hey, it’s your life. you do whatever, who am i to say anything?
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reginasrandomthoughts · 7 years ago
Kill your heroes - an opinion on why The Last Jedi feels different
 (guys, you know the drill, I wanted to do something short, it became long, it is under the cut, I am tired, as per usual, so I probably lost my train of thought at points, if you are interested read it, if not not, if you wanna correct me at any point or discuss with me, please do so. I love a good talk)
 Even before I saw The Last Jedi I was aware that some people had issues with it. Chatter was that it mishandled Luke’s character and that it did not feel like a Star Wars movie, and I have to agree with it, It does not feel like the other Star Wars movies because it is purposefully trying to distance itself from them. Or, to quote my bae
                                “Let the past die. Kill it, if you have to”
 This approach was a bit of a shocker to me as well, especially after The Force Awakens tried its absolute damnest to remind us of what the original trilogy was like. It was basically New Hope 2.0 with a few tweeks. TFA set up a pattern and expectations and The Last Jedi decided to shit all over it, but it didn’t come out of the blue. 
 TFA already sets up the scene: The victory at the end of Return of the Jedi was hallow, Palpatine’s death did not matter because the Empire rebranded and came back swinging and the New Republic fell apart. Everything fell apart and our heroes couldn’t keep it together. That is already pretty depressing. Even the Extended Universe, that had the same job of continuing from RotJ didn’t go that far. It was always “oh, there is still some Empire commanders fighting isolated battles”, “oh, some new invaders are coming”. It gave our heroes their victory so that was what we were expecting, but TFA already took it away from us. 
 Furthermore, it underlined that our heroes might not be as good of a people as we imagined. We knew nothing of Leia and Han’s parenting skills, only that their son ended up being the main enemy. (Yes, I know about Jacen Solo. Don’t spoil, not there yet in the Legends Era *spits into the corner*) Also, Han and Leia are not together. Their relationship fell apart and Han pretty much abandoned her in a difficult situation. Han also didn’t change, didn’t step up to be a better man and he also lost the Falcon, something that became very special to all the fans. And of course, Luke disappeared and we already know that he trained B/Ren. 
TFA already claims that our heroes are failures, or at the very least more flawed than we are willing to admit. 
Enter The Last Jedi.
The Last Jedi knows what the audience expects from it. And it deliberately refuses to give it to us. 
The greatest example is Poe. Poe is the new Han Solo: he has the swagger, the arrogance but also the skill. He is an amazing pilot but he hasn’t an ounce of respect towards the chain of command and thinks he knows better than everyone else. Now let’s see how the Star Warstm pattern works out for him:
 First action scene, he has an insane near suicidal plan but he pulls it off. But at what cost? Many people died, the bomber fleet is gone and we have to face the fact that there is like 3?4? Resistance ships left with roughly 400 people. Poe refused to get out of there when he was ordered to, many people died and in the end it was proven useless, because the First Order found them again withing 30 seconds. This already undermines our expectations: we expect them to get away with it like Luke did when he blew up Death Star #1. But this is not that Star Wars anymore.
 Now the next stunt is basically the same as in RotJ when the Rebel Alliance has to by time to knock of the shield generators. This time around they have to buy time so Poe’s insane plan of getting a codebreaker in there to get the tracker offline so they can get away. The stakes here are different: they aren’t fighting for victory, they stand no chance. They are fighting for survival. The bloody miracle that bought the Rebels their victory is devalued into something that now is good enough only to buy them a little bit more time alive. 
 And they cannot pull it off. Poe is a gambler. He likes the kind of high stakes, high rewards plans that Star Wars (Orige Trige) was known for. He acts as we expect him to act, but he cannot pull of the miracle. Finn and Rose bring back a codebreaker. Then get it. Smooth sailing right? It will be a close call but they will make it. Look, DJ even gives Rose back her necklace, he must be one of those Hollywood outlaws with a heart of gold who will come through when necessary. But no, they get captured and get sold out. Poe’s plan did not only fail, thanks to it the rebel transporters get picked out one by one. They loose so many people. Most of the Resistance dies because Poe wanted to make one of those Star Wars gambles and he couldn’t pull it off. 
 And I think this is why it was important? good? to keep Holdo’s plan a secret from the audience. We were emotionally invested in Poe’s plan. When he stages his rebellion we were with him, trusting this to go off well, bc that is what Star Wars taught us would happen. And then suddenly Leia comes in, wacks Poe’s takeover and we realize that there was a much safer way to do things. Something that would have worked if not for Poe. Is it stupid in universe? Most likely, yea. Holdo should have told someone. But from a message point of view it paid off. Poe pretty much managed to off the Resistance with his stupidity, but he learned his lesson. 
 The next classic Star Wars moment, the suicide run against the battering ram cannon (hello X-wing runs from New Hope) is one where he recognizes that he cannot pull it off. It cannot be done. Choose life, and live to fight another day. And that’s what he does and that is the good call, we see it because it almost costs Finn his life. 
 These insane last minute saves are such a great part of the identity of Star Wars. New Hope has it, Return of the Jedi has it, The Force Awakens has it, heck Rouge One is one big Ave Maria. We are conditioned to expect them to work, but here they simply don’t. That is a large part of why it might not “feel like a Star Wars movie”. 
 Another part of course, is the Jedi. Luke. Luke is the big legend, the idol, the savior of the galaxy far, far away and we, just like Rey, expects him to live up to it. But Luke failed miserably. He got arrogant then he got in way over his head, buying into his own glory and he made a mistake. He did not catch Ben being corrupted then he got scared and wanted to murder him, quintessentially spooking him into being Ren. Luke’s failure as a master and as FAMILY created Kylo Ren. And what did he do after? He ran away. Not the glorious hero we expected. 
 And if this is not enough then the Jedi, the universally accepted good guys of the Star Wars universe get shade thrown on them as well. We cannot pretend that oh, its Luke’s training not being complete. He was alone, of course he failed. He reminds the audience that Darth Vader was trained by Jedi as well, and why did Anakin fall? Because the Jedi demanded from him to kill his humanity. The Jedi order’s very code created Vader. And if that is not enough than the raise of Palpatine happened at the height of the Jedi’s power. Yet they got whiped out. 
 And that is not something that was invented in TLJ or TFA, it was in the Original and Prequel films. TLJ does nothing more than tear down the wall of nostalgia around these things and highlights how incompetent these people were. 
 And now let’s move on to Luke’s death. Luke’s death is Obi-Wan’s death: the old master facing the monster that was born from the student he failed. He dies pretty much the same way as well, short fight, gets killed, turns into a Force ghost. Why? Luke has to die because he is a part of the old Jedi order, because he is a failed hero but why does he get Obi-Wan’s death? Why make the purposeful call back? Because now we have context. It adds a layer to Obi-Wan as well. These are two man who are facing down their own mistakes and they are both arrogant about it. “Strike me down and I will stay with you forever” “Strike me down and I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine”. They plan to haunt their killers, to be a reminder to them that there is some power outside if their reach. To choose how they die is the only victory they can achieve.
 But Luke here can be assumed to be trying to accomplish something else as well: Yoda told him to teach Rey his failure. Can he possibly be trying to show Rey that Ren is irredeemable? That would be a very Jedi thing to do, wouldn’t it? In Phantom Menace Yoda wants to throw away the obviously very talented and powerful Anakin because he is not a perfect Jedi candidate, Obi-Wan refuses to acknowledge Vader was ever Anakin for quite a while and of course Luke decided that Ben needed to be gotten rid of since he has a taint. The Jedi, Luke’s Jedi, demanded a kind of inhuman perfection and that has to die, especially since Rey shows to be different from them. A new kind of Jedi, a new kind of hero. 
Another aspect in which Obi-Wan and Luke’s death are similar is that they are leaving behind a new apprentice to take down the monster. But as we saw with Poe’s example’s, this is not that game anymore, so Luke’s gamble is not nearly as sure, especially since Rey is different than what Luke was. 
 And now let’s move to one more piece of deconstruction of the old Star Wars tropes. Vader and Luke vs Palpatine / Rey and Kylo vs Snoke. It plays out pretty similarly for a while but with a quite a bit of a difference: Rey cannot talk Ren into turning back to Ben. As we established, this is not how it will work anymore. A few nice words and an “I believe in you” won’t right the wrongs and save the world anymore. One of the bigger differences here is that Ren is not dying. For him turning back would mean something very different than what it did to Vader and anyway, Ren likes being Ren. He feels like he has a place where he is and that he was rejected in the chaotic world of the Resistance. Ren’s story wouldn’t conveniently end with a “yay I turned now I am dead” just so the good guys can pretend they saved him. 
 In many ways TLJ saw Ren come into his own. He, just like Rey and the audience clung to the nostalgia, he idolized his predecessor, Vader and in this film very early on was challenged in his identity as the new Vader. “you are no Vader just a kid in a mask”. So he destroys the mask. He destroys his pretense of being Vader. He does what Vader never did and makes a connection to someone on the light side of the Force. He is no mere petsy anymore either. The minute he rejects the Vader persona he starts acting on his own accord: he gets into his ship, he commands his small platoon and he makes the critical choice of not killing Leia. In the previous movie killing a parent was a step closer to the dark side, towards becoming Vader but now he rejects it. Is it that he cannot bring himself to do it this close to another? Is it that his commitment to the dark side is wavering? Or is it that he refuses to walk a path he does not truly wants to? At that moment he does not want Leia to die and from this perspective Leia’s survival makes sense.
 Tangent: I know that Leia surviving the way she did was stupid from an in universe perspective because she never exhibited Force control powers before and for her to pull something on this scale, but it makes more of a sense if you think about this as an unconscious thing. Pure survival instinct kicking in. AND it was important bc the TIE fighters showed us what Ren was supposed to do, they made sure we know that yes, he could have killed Leia. But he didn’t. So Leia was saved via Force Powers bc.... you know, Ren uses the force as well so it is a sorta weird stand in. Execution was weird here. 
 BTW, this was the point where Snoke signed his own death warrant. He wanted a new Vader but he ripped Kylo’s identity as the new Vader away from him, forcing him to look for something else to be. And part of that was rejecting Snoke’s demands to kill his still living parent, Rey and to be a petsy. Vader was a glorified henchman and REN refused to be one. So he offed Snoke. And with that Supreme Leader Ren was born. 
 Now, I use this title because it is very fitting at this point because Ren is pretty much the driving force, or at least the manifestation of the driving idea behind The Last Jedi. Ren stood on both sides and was disappointed in all of his heroes, all of our heroes. Leia, Han, Luke, Vader, heck even the new replacement Snoke proved to be a failure. Ren came out on the other side of the experience wanting to “Let the past die”. He says “Kill it” but only “if you have to”. He wants to get rid of all of this past nonsense, get out of the shadows of those coming before him, stop being a copy only there to repeat patterns and to live up to what other people expect him to be. 
Ren’s decision changes the game. The minute he decides on his new path, when he lets go of Darth Vader things shift: Poe’s final miracle happens before that, but after Ren changes his platoon wrecks the lead ship sending Leia into a coma, without the proper leadership the Resistance gets into a bad situation where Poe acts against orders trying to play according to the old rule book, he fails. Ren is not Vader, he is not Palpatine or Snoke, the same tricks do not work with him and the Resistance reaches some success only when they change tactics (e.g. retreat rather than do a suicide run against the battering ram cannon). 
 So Ren changed the game, he wants to burn down the old, so the question is what will remain or what will emerge? That is Rey’s job to answer. Ren tells us what the new trilogy isn’t but Rey should define what it is. What stays? What becomes new? Episode IX’s job will be to establish what the new Star Wars is like and yea, maybe the backlash will make Disney chicken out and revert to the old ways but I hope it won’t. 
We, the audience should learn to be a bit more like Rey and Ren and let go of the past, stop glorifying it and stop letting it define what the present and the future can be. 
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ameliorates · 7 years ago
major spoilers below pls beware
okay so first off one of my top three scenes was when rose’s sister was kicking that fucking ladder the SLOW MOTION, the RESILIENCE, the INTENSE FOCUS ON A WOC DOING SOMETHING REALLY FUCKING COOL and also just.... that we saw a resistance fighter who we didn’t know, just one of the vague “resistance” getting a long drawn out sequence? it really prefaced a lot of the later emphasis on this being  MOVEMENT not just a few heroes and their back up
luke throwing away the lightsaber was one of the best parts to experience in a room full of nerds there for the midnight premiere cos one guy was like WHAT??? out loud and everybody like gasped then burst out laughing
the little bursts of comedy: poe keeping hux on hold/rey’s “i can feel it” with that fuckin leaf, chewie w the roasted porg etc. were just so great 
can we talk about how much of a fucking fighter he is i love his reckless, GOOD, fierce spirit it was such a joy to see 
rose i loved rose so much rose is such a wonderful addition to the main cast and the scene where they’re at the casino and she says she wishes she could put her fist through the entire town had me near tears FUCK UP THE SPACE CAPITALISM, ROSE
and because i have to talk about it: fuck. kyle. ron. 
i was SO FUCKING NERVOUS about the entire bond plot and wanted to VOMIT because i know how reylo shippers would take it (and lol i’ve looked at the tags and YUP ITS VILE ITS HORRIBLE DONT) 
but oh my god. u fuckin blew it kyle. U HAD A CHANCE YOU WHINY SHIT BUCKET. U HAD A FUCKIN CHANCE TO LIKE IMPRESS THE GIRL UR CRUSHIN ON (bc i accept that element of reylo but if u think for one moment its fuckin reciprocated oh my god no you have misread this entire fucking movie) 
anyway i am VERY glad that they didnt go that route although shamelessly enjoyed them fighting together more than i thought i would
but i kinda liked that i enjoyed it??? i kinda like that i got this weird stab of hope that he could be good even though a) he doesn’t deserve a redemption arc and b) it wouldn’t make sense
it made his turn so much better in a way cos it was fully expected but for the briefest of moments i was like MAYBE and then lol
u dun fucked it
there is an element of annoyance tho that this big build up was just something to show what we already knew from like 5 mins of tfa that he’s a shitty ball of whiny shit
sorry i hate him so much
there was like no need for force ghost yoda tbh but go off i guess? like honestly luke burning the jedi shit himself would have been so much better but ok
i loved every fucking second of carrie and leia but i’m so scared for what will happen in 9 cos i don’t want her to be written off hastily?????? like i don’t know how they’re going to approach that?????
but as for female heroes idek how to talk about rey but i love her
i love her belief that stretches to naivety so often, i love that she isn’t sure where she fits into everything, i love that she fights so fiercely for good regardless of that fact
i’m v sad she’s not a skywalker but i actually really like the fact that she kept up hope for her parents despite them being shitty people who abandoned her
she is so so strong and i love her so so much
i am also sad about lack of poe/finn but that was kinda expected 
i like finn/rose but i’m hesitant about them just being smushed together bc they need a romance - if they’re gonna have a romance finn/rey feels so much more organic to me?? but i’m ok with either i guess??? would rather they did not romance at all tbh???
also i have One Fear after that movie and that is poe/rey lol please don’t do that please no that little scene with them saying hello it felt like it was building to something and NO 
(i know i ship finn/poe/rey but that’s a ship which only works in the context of the three of them so nO to trying to shove them together without finn smushed in the middle)
honestly i really like that they’re going full in on irredeemable whiny baby kyle that fire all our guns shit was just a hot mess from his side i love watching this powerful but pathetic piece of shit 
he’s not scary??? BUT he’s so trying to be. he’s so trying to be the vader legend and if there’s one thing this movie proved its that LEGENDS ARE SHIT. LEGENDS GET YOU NOWHERE. IT TAKES FAILURE AND TRYING DESPITE FAILURE AND SACRIFICE AND BELIEF. NOT RIDING OFF THE BACK OF LEGENDS. 
because oh my god this was a fucking WAR MOVIE. i was reminded of rogue one quite a bit???
and that scene. that last scene. was just -- perfect. the shot where you can physically see how many people the resistance now consists of..... vs that little kid believing i just
ugh i am so so emotional
it was wonderful
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mandobogwitch · 7 months ago
I’ll never not repost this when it comes up again
in fics where luke gets plopped into the prequels i want every jedi within ten metres of him to think hes the weirdest jedi theyve ever seen. he has negative lightsaber form. he doesnt know what a kata is. he handstands when he meditates. his solution to sith is to try and have a chat. hes a political radical who keeps suggesting revolution. you ask him what the jedi code is and he says "kindness and compassion and helping those in need :) ". you ask how he used the force like that and he says some shit about how you are a luminous being limited only by your mind. the councils authority is just a suggestion. he is somehow the new favourite of both qui gon and yoda
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