timetodiverge · 17 hours
Sabine Week 2024, Day 4: Darksaber
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azertyrobaz · 1 year
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Joel Miller/Din Djarin
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gffa · 1 year
I’m in love with that Din is still struggling with the Darksaber, that he can barely get it up off the ground, that each time he picks it up, it feels heavier and heavier!!  Yeah, that’s because it’s a psychic sword that absorbs your thoughts and feelings!!!  Your emotions become part of the blade!!!  Din is still not in a settled place, he’s still unbalanced in his own mind and heart, even when he’s so close to his goal, he still hasn’t put everything on straight up in there, so the Darksaber feels like it weighs five tons because it’s Din’s thoughts that weigh five tons!!!  He only ever uses it in fights where he’s going after a bounty or protecting himself, he can still use it, but it’s so hard!!  And then Bo-Katan comes along and she’s fighting to save Din, to save someone else, and it’s light as a feather in her hand!! Because it’s a psychic space sword that was made by a psychic space wizard who powered with a semi-sentient psychic space rock at its heart and a Jedi’s lightsaber always works better when you’re focused on other people rather than yourself!!!
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heartistii · 1 year
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happy pridemonth everyone! 🏳️‍🌈
here's some of my favourite saber designs with some of the flags as the saber colors~
(left to right; darksaber, rey, darth maul, obi wan, luke, kylo)
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darth-memes · 1 year
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lil-ace-of-spades · 1 year
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He waved that thing around, alright(^Φ ω Φ^)
Based on @adeclipse post.
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The Darksaber is still heavy but at least he knows a Jedi who can teach him how to wield it.
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I know the Doylist reason why the dark saber has the most uncomfortable hilt a sword could have is that it was designed in TCW (already a fairly blocky styled show) to be visibly and clearly Mandalorian (who are heavily influenced by cubism), but when it comes to Watsonian reasons, I’ve come up with two explanations, both of which amuse me.
1) The hilt is meant to be wrapped, which would fit its chokuto inspiration and make for some interesting symbolism, because of course the Mandalorians who stole it are literally as well figuratively using the sword wrong. Of course they didn’t do the most basic research or have failed to upkeep it, because that’s what they did for the sword’s entire legacy, strip it of its meaning to make it into a cheap power play.
2) Tarre deliberately made it that way to make it the most clearly, obviously, obnoxiously Mandalorian lightsaber in existence so no one could look at it without seeing clearly what is is and what it represents. Doesn’t matter if it’s inefficient, in this house we commit to the bit and that’s just very Mandalorian of him.
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antianakin · 6 months
I like to think that the Darksaber is basically the Millennium Falcon of lightsabers. It's so old that it's basically junk. No one who isn't a Jedi (or maybe a Sith) would really be able to tell at all, but it is. It barely works the way it's supposed to as a lightsaber, but everyone who ends up owning it tends to be so fanatical about it that they'll never accept that the damn thing is junk, even if someone chose to tell them so.
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eithniel · 1 year
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“Give him back to me” SO...I started this before the mando s3 finale and was planning to rush it to be able to finish before it but I decided to take time and care with so here it is...one week later... Everyone was with a lot of theories that she would save Din again but then...well you know what happened XD This was my imagination of it...and an excuse to redraw that scene from episode 2 without her helmet on 
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doodle-list · 2 years
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✨ Manifesting for season 3 ✨
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ejfivercommander · 1 year
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The Sith Code
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teridax-the-467th · 6 months
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Day 30: Rush
As flawed as season 3 may have been, a full-on jetpacked mandalorian melée was everything i wanted to see
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azertyrobaz · 9 months
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YouTube link
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gffa · 1 year
“Bo-Katan rescued me and slayed my captor. She defeated the enemy that defeated me.  Would this blade then not belong to her?”  I AM IN TEARS, I HAVE COMPLETELY LOST IT, BECAUSE BY THAT LOGIC THAT BLADE IS LUKE SKYWALKER’S. Obi-Wan Kenobi defeated Pre Vizsla during the Clone Wars, then technically Maul defeated Obi-Wan on Mandalore, if you want to make that case, but then Obi-Wan defeated Maul on Tatooine, then Anakin Skywalker defeated Obi-Wan Kenobi on Mapuzo, but then Obi-Wan Kenobi defeated Anakin Skywalker on that barren moon, then Anakin Skywalker defeated Obi-Wan Kenobi on the Death Star, then Luke Skywalker defeated Anakin Skywalker on the second Death Star, ERGO THE DARKSABER IS RIGHTFULLY LUKE SKYWALKER’S.  QUICK, SOMEONE TELL THE MANDALORIANS ABOUT IT, I THINK IT WOULD BE REALLY FUNNY TO THROW THE MANDALORIAN BULLSHIT AT THE NEXT GENERATION OF JEDI TOO.
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inafieldofstarflowers · 9 months
Top five reasons you (yes, you) should watch Star Wars Rebels:
Immaculate found family energy—these characters have a home together. They know each other’s strengths and weaknesses and support one another in achieving the things that are important to them, and their relationships drive the show in a way that feels incredibly genuine.
Character depth—Rebels genuinely has some of the best character development of any Star Wars property I’m familiar with. Each of the characters gets a chance to grow in some way, whether that’s gaining perspective of the world or understanding something new about themselves. They are well fleshed out and consistent. It’s also such a cool look into both what it meant to be a Jedi in the rebellion era, between iterations of the Jedi order, and what it meant to not be a Jedi but still fight in the rebellion. I love that Rebels tells both stories and doesn’t favor one or the other.
Quality Lore—Rebels has a clear trajectory: you get to watch the cast progress from being one of many isolated rebel cells to helping create a unified rebellion. And yet, the show never loses sight of its roots, and the heart of the show stays grounded on Lothal, the planet where it began, and Lothal becomes something of a symbol throughout the show. Also, in terms of broader Star Wars lore, SO many important items or people have their stories told—you get lots of nods to or arcs centered around the darksaber, the mortis gods, the rebellion, darth maul, and more, all of which enrich the experience of watching a lot of the other movies and shows.
Cool visuals—I know a lot of people are turned off by the animation style, especially the saber size, and wish it was like Clone Wars. But Rebels honestly has really beautiful art, and you see a variety of cool planets along the way (Lothal is especially pretty imo).
Compelling villains—This is big for me personally, because to me, Star Wars thrives most when it has a good villain—think Vader and Palpatine; think Maul and Pong Krell. And Rebels has multiple villains who are believably threatening and also work incredibly well in terms of adding to the plot.
Give Rebels a chance; it’s truly incredible, and also just so genuinely fun. Whether you’re a fan of TCW who was thrown by the animation or a fan who just watched Ahsoka and wants to learn more about these characters or a fan who hasn’t dipped into the tv shows, you should ABSOLUTELY watch it. I promise you get used to the sabers being animated differently, and that the characters continue to gain depth throughout.
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echo-coyote · 2 months
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-Absolute Destiny Apocalypse-
Screenshot redraw from Revolutionary Girl Utena! (Drawn in Procreate and composited in After Effects)
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