#Tim with hearts in his eyes: “Wow.”
cassandracain52 · 3 months
This weeks Tim/Steph content:
When Steph got so distracted by thinking about her and Tim’s past relationship -specifically them kissing- during a fight she accidentally just punched him in the face
Batgirl (2009) _TPB Stephanie Brown 1 (part 2)
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To which Tim responded by immediately referencing the time she smashed a brick into his face when they first met
Detective Comics (1937) Issue #648
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deadsetobsessions · 8 months
“I ate paint once,” Danny nonchalantly threw out in the middle of game night.
The entire table stopped. Heads whipped towards Danny.
“Yeah, me too. Cardamom yellow was my favorite. Ugly as hell but the chemicals just tasted right.” Tim replied, using the distraction to nab some of Bruce’s money. Monopoly money, that is. Everyone’s heads snapped towards Tim, only Cass and Danny (who was part of the scheme) caught him cheating.
“Really? I think mine was those spray can blue cosmos paint. But that might have been more my thing for space than the actual taste.”
“WHY WERE YOU EATING PAINT?!” Dick asked, looking like he wanted to lunge over the table and shake Danny until he puked out paint. Bruce looked like he was about to have a heart attack.
“Yeah, what the fuck, Tim?” Jason snickered.
“In my defense,” Danny grinned. “I was left unsupervised. Also, Steph, you owe me $24 in rent.”
“Ugh! I’m almost out of money! Can’t you loan me some, Alfred?”
“I am sorry, Miss Stephanie, you are not qualified for another loan. In fact, one of your properties is about to be confiscated as per the collateral agreement.”
“Noooo!” Stephanie made dramatic dying noises.
“What was your excuse, Timothy?” Damian asked, eyes glued to the board and determined to win the game.
“Hey, I was probably less supervised than Danny was.”
“Yeah,” Danny perked up. “My parents brought us down to their lab all of the time. Taught us a lot of stuff.”
“Really? Like what?” Duke asked, casually slapping away Tim’s sneaky hands.
“Oh, like what a rocket launcher sounded like up close! And how to build a laser gun! Oh! And what human organs looked like when they’re fresh!” Danny chirped, collecting his money from a stunned Stephanie’s hands. He looked up.
“Oh, don’t worry! I at least learned what not to do when it comes to lab safety. And we wore hazmat suits to protect ourselves from the radiation.” Danny smiled in a ditzy fashion as the table fell silent in a horrified manner. Cass tapped his arm amusedly, but allowed his bullshit to stand. After all, it’s not like he lied.
“Radiation?” Duck’s voice raised a couple of octaves. Oh yeah, Danny’s going to laugh about that pitch for a long while.
“Organs?!” Jason’s hands closed around the plastic house he was holding rather forcefully.
“Do you even know what basic lab safety practices are, Danny?” Damian demanded, finally looking up with brows furrowed. He rolled the dice and grabbed a mystery card. He gets $100 from Alfred.
“How old were you??” Duke asked.
“Like… 8, when they first brought me in?”
“Eight.” Bruce rumbled, slipping into a more Batman like persona. When Danny sent him a confused look, Bruce straightened back into his Bruce persona. “Wow, they must have trusted you a lot!”
“What were their names again?” Stephanie asked sweetly, Cass nodding at him.
“Jack and Maddie Fenton.” Not that they’ll find them here, considering his parents are dead and in another universe.
“Cool, cool, cool!” Stephanie blinked, beaming as her hands formed lethal fists underneath the table.
Danny blinked and tilted his head in an unassuming way, pretending like he had no idea what Stephanie was thinking of. He sneakily handed over $600 to Cass in order to complete his monopoly on his side of the board.
Danny stood up and spread his hands out, one hand clutching his new found victory.
"Well, lady and gents, you've all been floundering against the inevitable tide of capitalism. I am here, as a reminder that you can never win against the hopelessness that will be your financial ruin! I, Danny Fenton, have obtained a quarter of the board and therefore have won against even your best efforts!" He cackled, holding up his fan of properties triumphantly. He shot a mischievous grin at Cass, who held up a solemn thumbs up in support for his monetary takeover.
"... Danny, are you... planning on a career in villainy?" Bruce asked, after a brief and total wave of shocked silence. Damian looked like he was having a conniption at having been bested, unknowingly. Yeah, Danny was disarming like that.
"Yeah, that was concerning." Tim piped up, nabbing a ten from a shell-shocked Damian.
"Hey! The Riddler gives surprisingly good monologues! And he's really loud, so it's hard not to pick up on things. Duke, your turn." Danny sat back down, pouting. The villainy comment was a little too close to his fears.
"Damn it." Duke, who had rolled, landed smack middle of Danny's territory. He handed over a sheaf of bills to a grinning Danny.
"Wait a minute! You have cheated!" Damian bolted upwards from his seat, finally done running through the purchases he remembered Danny making. "You acquired that property not within the games' rules!"
"Okay, first of all, the rule book is a suggestion, like lab safety rules," Danny saw the others open their mouths to protest, but he quickly shut it down. "Second, there's totally no rules about selling and buying places from a private owner so suck on it. And thirdly? Cass sold it to me, so you all can take it up with her."
"Diabolical!" Damian muttered indignantly.
"... Dammit." Dick sighed, falling back into the chair and balancing on its two legs. He couldn't say anything, considering his current of bankruptcy.
"Danny. Danny, I'll buy a property from you." Jason said, eyeing one of Danny's other properties near his own cluster.
"What do you have that would interest me?" Danny asked, falling back into his Vlad-like imitation.
"Ew, don't do that," Steph reached over to jab him in the arm.
"Yeah, Jason, what do you have?" Duke said, the lovely subtle instigator that he is.
"Red Hood's signature."
The others blue-screen, gaping at the actual audacity Jason had to offer up something that would take him no effort. Danny, prepared with a poker face that came with lying straight to Jazz's ever perceptive eyes about whether he nabbed the last of her ice cream or not, was prepared.
"Red Hood? The condom guy working out of the... um. Upper East Side?" Danny asked, pretending to hesitate. He knows where Jason operated. That doesn't mean he couldn't simply pretend otherwise. For science, of course.
The table howled with laughter, Jason's indignant spluttering unable to say anything against Danny's wide eyed look of innocence. Cass leaned against the table, chuckles falling out of her mouth and eyes crinkled in mirth. Dick had fallen out of his chair, helplessly wheezing on the floor. Duke is hiding his face in his hands, mirroring Bruce's pose as they both shake from silent laughter. Damian is smirking, wicked and sharp as he smugly stared at Jason. Stephanie and Tim are leaning against each other, repeating "the CONDOM GUY" in alternating and increasingly louder voices. Alfred had a smile on his face and a tight grip on the bills in front of him that betrayed his amusement.
"He's a crime lord!" Jason exclaimed, indignant.
"Uh, okay. Well, I mean, why would I want a crime lord's signature? I don't want to be on his radar. Or echolocation or whatever. He's... a Bat, right? That's what you guys call that group, yeah?"
"How do you know the Rogues better than the vigilantes?!" Jason glared at his unhelpful family. Those assholes better prepare for a load of rubber bullets the next time they're on patrol near Crime Alley.
"Hey, it's not my fault the vigilantes here are unsociable. Maybe if they monologued more, I'd know who they are."
"Wouldn't- wouldn't that make them more villain like?" Tim asked, stuttering from his laughter.
"I dunno?" Danny replied, enjoying his the family's unabashed joy. "I mean, they're pretty legit and they help people already so I guess they don't need to be sociable... but still I swear I haven't heard anything about Batman other than that he grunts and is mean towards criminals."
Is mean towards criminals, Duke mouthed at a recovering Dick who was in the process of heaving himself back up. It sent him careening back down to the floor with restrained giggles. Cass tapped Danny, reminding him to eat some food.
"Tt. Of course not. They're efficient at their jobs and have no need to be seen as welcoming to criminals." Damian puffed up.
"Yeah, but they've gotta feel safe, right?" Danny shrugged as he plucked a cookie from the cookie platter. "The... one with the sword, what was it?"
"Robin." Damian supplied, eyes narrowed and trained on him.
"Yeah, the baby bird. The kids think his swords are cool so they trust him. But like, the others? The flippy blue one? Not so much."
"Wait," Dick said from the floor. "They don't trust Nightwing?"
"Nah, they trust him to protect them, but he has a history of bringing the kids to the police, you know?"
"What's wrong with that?"
Danny shrugged. "ACAB. But also because everybody knows that half the guys in the GCPD and CPS are child traffickers."
"Wait, what?" Jason and Tim straightened.
Bruce piped in, the emotional whiplash of amusement to concern to amusement to concern visibly making itself known on the man's baffled face. "I thought Batman and Commissioner Gordon took care of that?"
"Sure, the obvious ones." Danny hesitated. Well, he's pretty sure they think he's a meta so... "There's... a meta trafficking ring that they're a part of. That's. That's kind of what I was running from."
Danny looked up pleadingly. Cass placed a hand on his arm in comfort, not knowing that he was fibbing about running from them.
Danny was on the streets helping his own Alley metas to run from them.
Danny is as feral as she was, and that meant he could hide just as much as she could read off of him. Cass was the best and he felt kind of bad about lying to her, successfully or not.
"Uh. Some people said you know Batman, Bruce. I know- uh, that might not be the case but if you do, could you ask him to look into it?" Danny made his eyes tear up. "And maybe he wouldn't care about me much, I mean, I know he doesn't really like metas but if he helps out, I could totally like, leave the city once the kids are safe, promise."
Ooh, Danny put a little too much sincerity into that. He could practically hear the hearts breaking in the game room as everyone glared at Bruce.
"You won't have to leave."
"... Promise?" And Danny's voice was a little too desperate, too hopeful, because Bruce's eyes tugged down in sadness.
"Promise." He rumbled, all Bruce Wayne and all Batman. Danny's core warmed. Danny also saw the rest of the family's faces darken in pure agreement. And partial wrath.
"Yeah! We'll kick Batman's ass if he even thought about kicking you out!" Stephanie proclaimed.
"He's far more proficient in combat than you are, Brown." Damian immediately leapt to Batman's defense and that was that.
Well, later, as Danny was "sleeping" and Phantom was hovering in the cave, invisible and intangible, he got confirmation that his Alley meta kids were going to be safe, soon.
After all, the entire Batclan was suiting up and baying for blood, with Oracle's all encompassing presence behind them, fingers reaching for their enemies' weak points.
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Three times Jason gets jealous during dates and one time you do (Pre-established relationship) ~1.6k words
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You're perfect. Funny. Smart. Gorgeous. Jason's life has never been better since he's asked you to be his partner. (Okay, hush, you asked him, but he was getting there, he swears, he had this twelve step plan and everything. Tim was going to jump off a ledge while throwing rose petals. Rose petals!)
He can't find a single problem with how your relationship is going. Well, expect, how everyone else seems to want your attention you too.
The little Café you wanted to try is nice, really. The guy behind the counter that's been staring at you since you both got here? Not so nice. It's annoying, how the guys gaze seems to linger on your legs, your smile, the way you brush your hair back. It's a struggle to focus on your words– but not a struggle to watch the way your lips move when you talk.
The worker takes a step out from behind the counter.
Oh hell no.
Jason's on his feet and pulling out the chair next to you in an instant, between one word your pretty voice is saying and the next, he's sitting by your side with an arm draped around your shoulder.
He loses his train of thought when you smile, pleased, and raise an eyebrow.
"What's this for, Jason?"
"Wanted to hear you better." He says, or he thinks he says that. He's too busy watching the creep slink back behind the counter, satisfaction growing in his chest.
You laugh. (He thinks angels might descend from the sky when you do.) And go back to telling your story. It's much easier to listen this time. That's what he tells himself, at least until your thigh presses against his.
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Gotham Zoo is actually really nice for, you know, Gotham. Bruce poured money into it before, but ever since Damian found out about it, he's practically ensured the place will run ethically and comfortably for the next 100 years. Which Jason thought was cool, but it's even cooler that he gets to watch his partner coo over the new petting zoo.
"Aw, Jason, look at the lambs! They're so soft. I wanna take one home." You sound giddy, eyes bright and smile wide. He can't quite pull his focus away from you to see which creature you're referring to.
"They're pretty cute." He responds instead. Not cuter than you, though.
"Could you imagine one for the apartment? They'd sleep in bed with us. It would be like cuddling a cloud." You say idly, fingers stoking the top of the animals head.
That makes him pause. How'd he cuddle you if there's some barn animal in the middle of the bed? There's no way he could get close enough to you if some pet you found cute was cuddled between you. He clears his throat. "Well, ah, I don't know how the landlord feels about lambs but you can always cuddle me? I'm– I could be soft?" Wow, okay. Not what he wanted to say. He cringes a little.
But you stand up, smiling brighter and gaze focused on him. That settles the feeling in the pit of his stomach. You curl your fingers with his and take his hand, pulling it to your face to kiss his knuckles. "You're my favorite thing to cuddle, you know."
Oh. "Huh. I mean, good." He stumbles out. No, his ears are definitely not feeling warm. And no, his heart isn't beating faster as he follows you towards the next enclosure. "I could wear wool, though? If you wanted?"
That makes you laugh. Eyes trailing to him with such fondness he nearly sinks to his knees. Until he sees the playfulness etched in your face. "I saw you petting those rabbits early. I could wear bunny ears? If you wanted?"
He chokes on air. You might be trying to kill him. His whole face feels as heated as his ears. "Wow. I– if you wanted?"
You giggle, pulling away to observe the next lucky animal that you see.
"Hey. Wait–" He says your name, voice a little pitched. "Did you want–?" You only wink at him. That shuts him. And if he spends the rest of the date a little distracted, well, you seem proud that you managed to make him so flustered.
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Your coworker has been talking to you for thirteen minutes and fourty-seven seconds. Jason knows this because he's been watching the clock since he got here. It happens more often than not, him walking you home from work. He shows up fifteen minutes early because he knows you'll slip out given the chance. Something about not taking up too much of his time. Don't you know you're the only one he wants to spend his time with?
Jason crosses his arms, eyes narrowing at your coworker. Three inches. That's the amount of space your coworker has moved closer to you since he's gotten here. Not respectable at all. Doesn't he know you're with Jason? Maybe he should have stopped into that jewelry store he was eyeing earlier. And called Tim to put in an order for rose petals.
Your coworker shifts another inch towards you. And that's it. Your shift has thirty-five seconds left and that's exactly the amount of time it takes for him to be by your side. His arm slips around your waist comfortably, like it belongs there, because it does. He kisses your cheek and lets his gaze settle on your coworker. And if his face is a little more threatening than usual, he definitely isn't trying to intimidate your coworker. (Yes, he is.)
"Ready to go home, sweetheart?" He drawls, body relaxed like he isn't torn between showing your coworker exactly who you're dating and pushing down the jumble of emotion in his throat. "I was thinking take out for dinner?"
You relax into his side. Oh. You relaxed into his side and you're smiling at him. It evens out the pounding in his heart he didn't even realize was happening. The tension threatening to take over his shoulders disappears like it never existed.
"Yeah, Jason, I'm ready. I missed you. Just let me clock out." You pull away– 'no' he starts to think– and then you take his hand, pulling him along with you.
"I missed you too." He answers, and you don't quite see the smug grin he sends over his shoulder to your coworker.
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Jason's perfect. Funny. Smart. Gorgeous. Willing to try new things. A total package. That's something you know about your boyfriend. So when he agreed to go dancing with you at Gothams newest club, you were excited. A whole night spent enjoying time with your boyfriend. And you both get to dress up a little. You feel hot, and he definitely looks hot. You didn't think that'd be an issue. But, it is. Because you can see your boyfriend getting held up by two of the prettiest girls you've ever seen.
He's holding two drinks, one for himself and one he went to get for you. It soothes the tightness in your throat that he does not look thrilled to be talking to them. The softness he has when he's with you gone, replaced with poorly masked annoyance.
Any comfort you were feeling from the look on his face disappears when one of the girls puts her hand on his arm, giggling like he's said the funniest thing in the world. Absolutely not. You're walking over to them before Jason even has time to shrug her hand from his arm.
"Hey, honey." You say, voice sweet and sugary as you take one of the drinks from his hand, hooking your arm through his and tucking yourself against him. "Everything okay?"
It makes your heart flutter everytime, the way his entire face seems to change when he looks at you. "Hey, baby. Yeah. Everything's okay. Didn't mean to take so long. Were you worried?" He asks, leaning down to press a kiss to your hair.
The girls seem to deflate at how his complete attention is on you, how he instinctively shifts until you're pressed flushed against his side, two pieces of a whole. You have to force back the pride that threatens to glint in your eyes. "Not worried. I just was getting bored without you."
Neither of you really look over at the girls when they murmur something about catching up with their friends, but Jason manages a polite nod. Once they're gone, his grin widens, eyes teasing. "You were jealous. You called me honey."
You gasp in mock offense, yes, honey isn't the first term of endearment you jump to, but it's a perfectly valid word for him. "Jealous? Jealous that my tall, dark, sweet, and handsome boyfriend was getting hit on?"
He laughs, you think you might have swooned in a different time. "C'mon, pretty. Give me this. I saw you watching."
You can't help but smile at him and wonder, vaugley, if he knows you'd give him anything he asked of you. "Yeah, yeah. I was a little jealous. But, don't think I don't notice when you get jealous. Now, come dance with me. I like this song."
Now it's his turn to gasp, faux denial on his face. "I have never, not once in my life, been jealous."
You roll your eyes, playful and light as you pull him along to the dance floor. "Alright, lover boy. Because you're definitely not the reason my coworker wouldn't talk to me for a week."
He looks pleased at that. "He didn't?"
You raise yourself on your toes, kissing his cheek and leaving a smudge of lipstick. Neither of you move to wipe it off. "Mm. No. He didn't."
"Nice." He mumbles, unhooking your arms so he can hold your waist as you reach the dance floor. "I do get jealous too, though, sometimes."
Laughing, you find the beat of the music together and your world centers on him, just how his centers on you. "I know."
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dcxdpdabbles · 8 months
Dauntless Matchmaker Part 2
Danny knew that his strange new boss was rich. He figured that much out by the overly priced suit and the wad of cash, but when he followed him into an Uber, he never thought he would wind up at the Waynes.
Everyone knew who the Waynes were. Danny personally thought it was no exaggeration when people called Bruce Wayne the Prince of Gotham.
He thought it fit the lovable man far more than the title of White Knight. It wasn't that Bruce didn't do the most out of all the ultra-rich to help the city, but rather, it mirrored the Dark Knight too much.
Danny thinks Bruce Wayne and Batman were too different to be compared like that. At least Mr. Wayne is real.
"Welcome home, Master Damian." The butler said as soon as the two walked through the door. His intrigued eyes slowly glanced at Danny, causing the teenager to stand straighter. "And who might our guest be?"
"I believed he was here for Drake." The young boy- apparently named Damian, fibs. Danny is a little impressed that he can sound so uncaring about what is happening despite being the whole reason he is here.
Danny knows that his job is to fool the butler and act like he isn't very aware of Damian. He offers the man his best smile. "Yeah, I came to see Tom. "
The older gentleman raises a brow while Damian shoots him a look of utter venom. Danny fights the urge to cower underneath the boy's displeasure. That is one nasty scowl the boy had.
"I am afraid Master Tim, is currently unavailable in his room"
Aw, crude, he said the wrong name. "Um, I know he said he needed a few minutes to get ready, but I was allowed to go up to his room. I'm sorry, sir I'm a little nervous."
"I see," The other says carefully before sharing a look with Damian. There is a moment where the two just stare at each other, and after a few small hand signs- sign language, maybe?- the butler clears his throat.
"That's quite alright, young man. You may go to Master Tim's room. It's up the main stairway on the third level, fifth door on the right."
Danny practically ran to the stairs, throwing a quick "Thank you, sir!" as he scurried away from the Butler and his boss. The boy still looked greatly displeased with his performance.
He prays he gets better at it once he speaks with Tom-er Tim and gets their story straight. Curious, He glances around, taking in the tasteful night pictures of Gotham City and the scattered few statues.
His breath catches when he sees a large frame photo of a man lying on an old couch looking into the far distance, his smile curving with mischievous glee and the sunlight reflecting the blue of his eyes.
There is a background of an old library, but the sun streaming through the window drapes him with a glow that makes the other man seem otherworldly.
It feels like it should be a painting, but it is so clearly a photograph that Danny has half a mind to wonder if someone who looked like that could possibly be real.
"Wow." He breathes, stepping closer to the frame.
"Wow, yourself." A gruff voice suddenly says, making Danny jump. Whirling around, he finds a boy about his age leaning on the doorframe.
It takes Danny a moment to realize that he is the subject of the art he was just admiring. But while the teenager in the photo seemed like a visiting angel, draped gracefully put together the teenager before him is, in a slight word, a mess.
He was wearing an oversized, fluffy, red open bathrobe. He seemed to only bother to slip on some baggy sweatpants and one sock. His hair didn't seem to have been combed in days, and there were dreadful bags underneath his eyes.
Despite that, Danny felt his heart flutter slightly when he made eye contact with the other.
"Who are you?" The stranger asks, voice a soft mutter.
"Um...I'm looking for Tim?"
"You found him." There is a half smile, but it falls quickly as the boy's demeanor seems to grow sad. Welp, his boss did say he was recently heartbroken.
"Oh great! I was told by Damian to do this when I found you." He places his hand on the wall, knocking six times, pausing for a few seconds, then knocking four.
Tim's face flashes through emotions faster than Danny can understand before the other teens' eyes water. That's all the warning he gets just as Tim bursts into tears.
He has no idea what's happening, but Danny's protective core has him rushing forward to bring the sobbing boy into his arms. He fumbles for a few seconds, unsure if it's welcome, until Tim melts into him, sobbing softly into his chest.
"It's okay. Shh. Shhhh. It's alright, everything will be alright. Why don't we head to your room?"
"Okay," The other whimpers. Danny helps him to his room, trying his best to offer as much support as possible. He is just starting to wonder if he should offer to get him some water or something when Tim kicks the door close, and the tears are all gone.
"Alright, we managed to fool Alfred. He was watching from the stairway," Tim whispers, leaning in close to Danny's face. He gave the startled half-ghost a sneer. "Now, who are you, and why did Damian send you to be my fake boyfriend?"
"Wait, you guys have a code for fake dating? That's what that was?"
"That's not important. I want to know what your objective is."
Danny tells him everything that Damian has told him since finding him. It's only been a few hours since he was fired and since he was taken by Damian.
Tim took it all in without much emotion.
"So you're here as my pity date to get Alfred to leave me alone? And was the Demon Brat the one to hire you? A likely story."
"No, I swear everything I've said is true."
"Oh, and I bet Batman is going to come out of the closet, too," The other said, rolling his eyes.
Danny frowns. "Batman isn't real."
At once, Tim's entire body seemed to have frozen. He blinks slowly, almost as if he is delayed in the reaction. "What did you just say?"
"Batman isn't real," Danny repeats slower, suddenly afraid for Tim's mental health. Next thing he knows, Tim will say the tooth fairy is real.
"Yes, he is."
"No, that's what the government wants you to think so they can hunt him down."
Tim blicks even slower before a blush starts to climb along his cheekbones. He reaches up to play with the hair at the back of his neck. "If that's true, then what is Batman really?"
"A ghost," Danny says confidently and Tim's face grows even redder. It's....endearing.
"You're weird," Tim says, looking away. His gaze lands on a hanging mirror, seemingly taken aback by his reflection. "Oh, I haven't showered in a few days, have I? Do you mind?"
Danny shakes his head, smiling. "No, go ahead. "
Noehter notices the small boy who moves away from Tim's door. And if that boy happened to be pumping his fist into the air in celebration well, that's no one business but Damian's
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callsigns-haze · 1 month
Unexpected twist
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Pairing: Tim Bradford x Reader
Chapter Summary: Tim and Y/N's first date at a fancy restaurant is interrupted by a robbery, turning a romantic evening into a spontaneous takedown and leaving their relationship exposed to their curious colleagues.
Chapter Warning: This chapter contains a sudden shift from a romantic date to an intense, potentially dangerous situation involving a robbery, with moments of suspense, gun use, and police intervention.
A/N: My first fic about the rookie eeeeeeeeek
The evening was perfect—the kind of night that begged for romance. The sun had just set, leaving behind a soft twilight that bathed Los Angeles in shades of purple and gold. The upscale restaurant Tim Bradford had chosen was nestled in a quiet corner of the city, known for its elegance and discretion. It was the kind of place where celebrities could dine without being disturbed, and tonight, it was the stage for a first date that had been a long time coming.
Tim arrived first, feeling a strange mix of anticipation and nerves. His usually steady hands betrayed a slight tremor as he adjusted the cuffs of his navy-blue suit. The suit was perfectly tailored, accentuating his broad shoulders and athletic build, the sharp lines giving him an air of authority even out of uniform. The crisp white shirt he wore beneath it was open at the collar, revealing a hint of tanned skin, and his dark leather shoes were polished to a mirror shine. His hair was neatly styled, though a few rebellious strands fell across his forehead, softening the hard lines of his face. He glanced at his reflection in the window, making a mental note to ease up on the cologne—he wanted to make an impression, not overwhelm her.
Just as Tim settled into his seat, Y/N Y/L/N entered the restaurant, and for a moment, he forgot how to breathe. She was a vision in an emerald-green dress that hugged her curves in all the right places, the rich color bringing out the warmth of her skin. The neckline was a perfect balance—elegant yet suggestive, hinting at the strength beneath the softness. Her hair was styled in loose waves that cascaded over her shoulders, and her makeup was subtle but impeccable, with a soft shimmer on her eyelids that caught the light just so. A delicate gold necklace adorned her neck, matching the small, sparkling earrings that completed her look. She moved with a grace that was both natural and practiced, each step exuding confidence.
Tim stood as she approached, his heart beating a little faster than usual. "Wow," he said, his voice dropping an octave, full of genuine admiration. "You look... stunning."
Y/N smiled, a hint of a blush rising to her cheeks. "Thank you. You clean up pretty well yourself, Bradford. I almost didn't recognize you without the uniform and scowl."
He chuckled, the tension easing slightly. "I save the scowl for the rookies. And for bad guys. I promise you won't see it tonight."
She raised an eyebrow playfully as she took her seat. "We'll see about that. I’m sure I could get it out of you if I tried."
Tim’s eyes sparkled with amusement. "Careful, Detective. You don’t want to see me at my worst tonight."
"Oh, I’m not afraid of you," Y/N teased, her voice dropping to a flirtatious whisper. "In fact, I’m looking forward to it."
Tim leaned in slightly, his gaze locking with hers. "You know, I wasn't sure you'd actually say yes to this. We've worked together for a while, and I didn’t know if you’d be interested in mixing business with… pleasure."
Y/N's lips curled into a slow, seductive smile. "Who says I’m interested in pleasure, Bradford? Maybe I just wanted to see if you’re as tough off-duty as you are on."
His grin widened, clearly enjoying the banter. "Oh, I’m just as tough, but I can be pretty charming when I want to be."
"Charming, huh?" Y/N’s tone was light, teasing. "I’ll believe it when I see it."
They continued to flirt as the evening progressed, their conversations flowing easily from work to personal interests, each revelation bringing them closer. The chemistry between them crackled like electricity, unspoken but undeniable. Every now and then, they would exchange a glance, both of them half-expecting a familiar face from the station to walk through the door.
"You know," Y/N said, breaking the momentary silence, "I keep thinking someone from work is going to walk in and ruin this."
Tim nodded, his expression softening. "Same here. It’s like we can’t escape the job, even on a night like this."
"Well, if they do show up, we’ll just tell them we’re working undercover," she suggested with a mischievous grin.
Tim smirked. "Yeah? And what exactly are we investigating?"
"Restaurant quality," she replied with a wink, making Tim chuckle.
Just as they were starting to relax, the door to the restaurant was thrown open with a loud crash, and the once tranquil atmosphere shattered like glass. A man in a black ski mask stormed in, waving a gun wildly in the air. The room fell into a stunned silence, every patron freezing in fear.
"Everyone stay where you are!" the man shouted, his voice edged with desperation. "Empty your wallets, your purses—now!"
Tim’s eyes sharpened, his instincts kicking in immediately. He looked at Y/N, who had already reached under the table, her hand on her off-duty weapon. Her expression had gone from flirty to deadly serious in an instant. She gave Tim a quick nod, and they both moved with a speed and precision that spoke to years of training and experience.
"Hey!" Tim barked, standing up suddenly. His voice was authoritative, commanding the room. "LAPD! Drop the weapon and get on the ground, now!"
The robber spun around, momentarily thrown off by the unexpected confrontation. His gun wavered, but his desperation outweighed his common sense.
"Don’t move!" he yelled, his voice cracking. But it was too late—Y/N was already moving, her gun drawn and trained on him with deadly accuracy.
"Put the gun down!" Y/N ordered, her voice steady, every bit the seasoned detective. "This doesn’t have to end badly for you."
The man hesitated, his eyes darting between the two officers and the terrified patrons around him. The tension in the room was palpable, everyone holding their breath, waiting for the situation to explode.
Tim slowly approached, his gun also drawn. "You’re outnumbered, and we’re not going to ask again," he warned, his voice low and threatening. "Drop it."
The robber’s resolve broke. His hand shook violently as he looked from Tim to Y/N, realizing he had no way out. With a defeated sigh, he let the gun slip from his fingers and clatter to the floor. Y/N was on him in an instant, kicking the weapon away and securing his wrists with a pair of handcuffs.
Tim kept his gun trained on the man until he was sure the situation was under control. As the adrenaline began to fade, he glanced around the restaurant, noticing the wide-eyed stares of the other patrons. Applause broke out, tentative at first, then growing louder as relief washed over the room.
Y/N looked up at Tim, a grin spreading across her face. "So much for a quiet evening, huh?"
Tim couldn’t help but smile back. "Yeah, I guess we have a talent for finding trouble."
Y/N stood, pulling the cuffed robber to his feet. "Or maybe trouble just finds us."
Before they could share another quip, the sound of police sirens filled the air outside, and moments later, a familiar group of officers burst into the restaurant, weapons drawn, ready to respond.
Nolan was the first through the door, followed by Harper, Aaron, and Lucy. Their faces were a mix of surprise and confusion as they took in the scene—Y/N and Tim standing over a cuffed suspect, both looking more like they were on a night out than responding to a robbery.
"What the hell is going on here?" Harper demanded, her sharp eyes narrowing as she holstered her weapon.
Tim and Y/N exchanged a quick look, trying to come up with a plausible explanation. Y/N opened her mouth to speak, but before she could, Lucy chimed in, her eyes wide with curiosity.
"Were you guys on a date?" Lucy blurted out, the question hanging in the air like a bomb waiting to explode.
Tim felt his face flush, the color rising from his neck to his ears. Y/N seemed equally flustered, though she quickly tried to recover.
"Uh, we were just… grabbing a bite to eat," Y/N said, her voice a little too casual.
"Yeah, just happened to be in the right place at the right time," Tim added, though his tone didn’t quite carry the confidence he hoped for.
Nolan raised an eyebrow, a slow grin spreading across his face. "A bite to eat? In suits and fancy dresses?"
Harper crossed her arms, clearly amused. "Right place, right time, huh? Sounds more like a date to me."
Y/N sighed, knowing they were caught. "Fine, it was a date. But in our defence, we didn’t expect to be playing hero tonight."
"Well, you certainly picked a memorable first date," Aaron remarked with a smirk, looking at the subdued robber. "Though, maybe next time choose a place that’s less likely to get held up."
Lucy’s eyes sparkled with excitement. "I knew it! I knew there was something going on between you two!"
Tim shot her a look, though there was no real heat behind it. "Can we maybe focus on the fact that we just stopped a robbery?"
Harper chuckled, clearly enjoying the situation. "Sure, Bradford. But you know this is going to be all over the station by morning."
Y/N groaned, rubbing her forehead. "Great. Just what I wanted."
Nolan grinned, clapping Tim on the shoulder. "Hey, at least you didn’t have to pay for dinner."
Tim couldn’t help but laugh, shaking his head. "Yeah, I guess there’s that, still get to keep the two hundred in the budget."
As their colleagues began to process the scene and take the suspect away, Y/N leaned in close to Tim, her voice low and playful. "So, how about round two? Somewhere a little less public?"
Tim’s eyes lit up with a mix of humour and affection. "Sounds perfect. And maybe this time we can actually finish a meal."
As Tim and Y/N walk out of the restaurant, still riding the adrenaline from the robbery, Tim glances at her with a playful grin. “So, any ideas for our second date? Preferably somewhere without armed robbers?”
Y/N laughs, shaking her head. “Yeah, I think we’ve had enough excitement for one night. How about something a little more low-key? Maybe a quiet dinner at my place? I make a mean lasagna.”
Tim’s eyes light up at the suggestion, and he nods. “That sounds perfect. But just so you know, I’m bringing dessert.”
“Deal,” Y/N replies, smiling warmly. “And this time, let’s keep our badges out of sight.”
They exchange a look filled with anticipation, both eager for a date that will hopefully be free of interruptions—and a chance to really get to know each other.
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that1emowitch · 6 months
Bruce, high on painkillers, is being babysat by Jason. Jason has to do an emergency Red Hood thing, and lacking an alternative, slaps a stock domino on Bruce and drags him along.
Bruce proceeds to say/do the most unhinged shit. The goons are suddenly viscerally aware of where Hood got it from.
WOW okay you guys are unhinged, you know that?
(And I love it <3)
A/N: I fully intended to write a crack fic, but the feels crawled in through the plot holes I missed and made their homes in the heart of the story. Also I don't know what you mean by 'stock domino' so I'm assuming it's one of those dollar store ripoffs.
(TW: Accidental overdosing on painkillers, mentions of blood, Jason's usual level of swearing, some goons almost dying but like in a funny way.)
Word Count: 2328
Jason wants to scream.
Like, let it rip out on an abandoned cliff in the howling rain kinda scream.
But no, he's stuck babysitting Brucie Wayne who accidentally OD'd on fucking painkillers after trying to treat himself in Alfred's unfortunate absence (how does that even happen?!).
Dick and Damian are out doing some brotherly-bonding thing, Tim's with the Titans, Duke and Cass are at the movies, and Steph has declared herself "not one of Bruce's kids." Leaving Jason as the only one free to look after their "Dad".
Jason pushes Bruce down on the Batcave's gurney for the billionth time after he attempts (keyword: attempts) to walk again, scowling. None of them are getting any waffles from me again. Or pancakes. Or scones. Or anything I make for them out of my sweet, kind heart. Those little shits.
Jason puts two fingers on Bruce’s wrist, checking his pulse. His skin is cold and clammy, breathing slow, but at least he’s not vomiting anymore. He sighs, collapsing on a chair beside Bruce. He's tired. So fucking tired.
Just as Jason's eyes flutter shut for a moment, the Batcomputer's alarm suddenly blares.
Bruce shoots up, shouting, "ALARM!"
Grumbling, Jason drags himself to the computer, pushing Bruce down along the way. He opens the glaring red notification, brows creased.
Black Mask's goons have intercepted some military shipment...
"Ugh..." Jason groans, and moves to put on his helmet (he never changed out of his costume), checking his guns, when a sudden crash from behind him snaps his attention to the man-child he's supposed to be babysitting.
Bruce has stepped off the gurney and collapsed face-down on the med bay's floor.
He can't just leave him there, can he?
Jason considers his options: He could either strap Bruce to the gurney and leave (in which case Dick will have his head), or he could take Bruce out on the streets with him (in which case Dick will absolutely want to murder him.)
Jason smirks. It’s obvious which one’s the right choice.
Ten minutes later, Jason’s riding through the city at over a hundred miles per hour, with Bruce strapped to the backseat of his motorcycle. Bruce is wearing a dollar store ripoff of the Robin domino and a Robin-themed cape made of Tim’s bedsheets, looking absolutely ecstatic at the high speed.
They arrive at the warehouse where Black Mask’s goons have transported their stolen goods, parking in a shadowed spot a building away. Jason gets off, helping Bruce onto his feet, and says, “Now, I’m going to go shoot some people, you stay hidden and quiet, got that?”
“Guns are bad,” Bruce replies, holding a finger to Jason’s helmet. “Just like clowns. And ducks.”
Raising an eyebrow, Jason shakes his head. He doesn’t have time for this right now.
Jason quickly scales the nearest building, grappling to the roof of the warehouse. He peeks in through a hatch in the roof to survey the area. There are about a dozen armed goons, none of them looking very bright. There are 4 crates they’re guarding, likely filled with ammo.
Cocking his guns, Jason jumps down through the hatch, landing right in the middle of the warehouse with a ‘thud’ sound. “Surprise,” He grins, raising his guns.
“Aye, that’s Red Hood, ain’t it?” Comes a goon’s terrified voice. The others around him immediately aim their guns at Jason— they’re clearly untrained.
Suddenly there’s another thud behind him. “That’s a bucket, you morons!” Comes a too-familiar, slurred voice. Jason turns around to come face-to-face with Bruce, eyes wide. 
In a fight with any real criminals, this distraction would have cost Jason his life. But luckily these adorably clueless goons are just as shocked as him.
Unfortunately the distraction only lasts for a few seconds. Jason immediately jumps into the fight, shooting three goons in the kneecaps and dodging a few bullets. From the corner of his eye, he sees two more goons running out the door, crying. He punches another guy in the face, instantly knocking him out, and is about to turn back to check on Bruce when suddenly something hard collides with his skull.
Jason staggers slightly, trying to regain his balance, when he sees a goon holding a giant stone, wearing a proud grin.
Fuck, his helmet’s probably busted…
Then suddenly Bruce is running towards the goon, hands fisted and veins popping, screaming, “NO ONE HURTS MY SON!”
Then Bruce’s fist collides with the goon’s with a sickening crunch, splattering blood across the floor as the man crumples to the ground. Bruce doesn’t stop there, and continues to beat him up, yelling profanities.
It warms Jason’s cold, (un)dead heart to watch that— to see his Dad fighting for him. It’s like they say, you’re most truthful when you’re drunk— or high. This is how much Bruce loves him.
Then another thought strikes him— Bruce is going to regret being this violent when he sobers up. It’s going to claw at him, tear him up, and he’s going to compartmentalize and end up punishing himself by overworking.
Jason rushes forward, pulling Bruce off of the man. “B— Robin, stop!” He shouted, looking into the man’s domino-covered eyes.
Bruce’s brows furrow. “Robin?”
Jason points to Bruce’s Robin-themed cape and stock domino.
“Ah.” Bruce nods, pulling away. “You okay? Did you see any duck?”
“Duck?” Jason pauses in confusion. But before he can question it farther, he spies the three remaining goons using a ladder to climb up through the roof of the warehouse, trying to escape.
“Stay here. And do not move.” Jason orders Bruce, and runs after them.
He makes his way up the ladder as fast as he can , exiting under the polluted night sky. The goons, the ridiculously stupid goons, are standing around the edge of the roof, trying to figure out how they’re going to get down.
He doesn’t get paid enough to deal with this ridiculous shit.
Actually, scratch that, he doesn’t get paid at all.
“Wow, you guys are pathetic,” Comes Red Hood’s robotic voice, startling the goons, and one of them accidentally topples over the edge, screaming. Jason ensures that the guy’s hanging on tight— he can wait.
He cocks his guns, aiming both at the two standing goons. Both men are trembling with fear, hands up in surrender. “Hood— Mr. Hood, please—” One of them squeaks, but one look from Jason shuts him up.
“Please. Mr. Hood was my father,” Jason quips, his robotic chuckle sounding sinister. 
That’s when he hears another voice behind him (again)— “But I’m your father.”
Jason jumps, whipping around. “How did you— I didn’t even hear you come!”
Bruce just shrugs innocently, waving his bloodstained hands at the terrified goons.
Then Jason hears the distinct sound of a gun being cocked. From the corner of his eye he sees the bolder of the goons, the one that had spoken before, taking aim.
“DUCK!” He yells, falling out of the way.
Instead of dodging, Bruce falls into a defensive stance, looking around frantically. “Where?!”
The bullet barely misses Bruce’s ear as he turns his head.
Jason has had it with sky-high Bruce now. Annoyance rising, he quickly shoots the two goons in the kneecaps, forgetting about the one hanging off the edge, and stalks up to Bruce, glaring.
“What is up with you and ducks?!” He demands, his voice raised.
“Ducks are evil,” Bruce spits, nose wrinkled. “Just like clowns. And bats.”
Jason’s brows raise. “Bats are evil?”
“Yeah, duh, that’s why everyone’s scared of Batman.” Bruce rolls his eyes, his drawl sounding too much like Steph. “Bats are scary.”
“You really took ‘become what you fear’ too literally, huh?” Jason snorts, putting his guns back in their holsters. Then he takes off his helmet, checking the damage— just a slight crack at the back. Not too bad.
“You know, I fell into a hole and into a cave when I was a boy and a dozen bats attacked me. I nearly died.” Bruce continues, gesturing towards the air with his hands. 
“Yeah, right.” Jason shakes his head, chuckling. “Now come on, we gotta get you back.”
That’s when another voice rings out, high-pitched and scared. “Um, Mr. Hood? Please HELP! Please, please, please—”
Jason’s attention snaps to the corner of the roof— ah, right, the goon’s still hanging off the edge, isn’t he?
He grumbles, making his way over, and squats above the man, shaking his head. The man below him looks like he’s pissed himself, face ashen, tears running down his cheeks, muttering, “I’m gonna die, I’m gonna die, I’m gonna die…” On repeat.
“I’ll pull you up on one condition,” Jason looks down at him, voice low. “Never become a gun for hire again. If I see you fighting on the streets…” He pulls out his gun.
“No, no, I won’t, I swear…” The man whimpers, eyes squeezed shut. Jason sighs, and grabs the man by the collar and hauls him up. He crumples onto the roof, curling into a ball.
“Take out your phone and dial 911, tell them you’ve been naughty,” Jason orders, his gun pointed at the man’s head. (What? A guy needs to have some fun.)
The man whines, and immediately obliges.
“Pathetic,” Jason ties the man up quickly, and makes his way over to Bruce, who was sitting on the floor of the roof, taking apart some random crushed handphone he’s found.
“Get up, old man. GCPD will be here soon. We’re going home.” He pulls Bruce up, ignoring how he longingly stares at the dismantled phone.
The two of them grapple down from the roof, landing safely on the pavement. As they walk towards his bike, Bruce says, “Did you know I ate a phone once?”
Jason stumbles slightly. “What?”
“Tasted nice. Like electricity. Crackle-y.” Bruce hummed, his face straight (as straight as someone dating Superman could be). He isn't kidding.
That, or he's delusional.
“Don't try it. You might turn into a computer or something.” Bruce nodded very seriously.
“Oh god,” Jason snorts. “I'm so glad my helmet’s recording all this. Perfect blackmail material.”
“Black's a very, very pretty color.”
Jason rolls his eyes, revving the motor, making sure Bruce is safely strapped onto the backseat behind him. “You're just emo.”
“What's emo?” Bruce raises an eyebrow, words slightly slurred.
“Y'know, when people wear all that black makeup, skinny jeans, with hair covering their eyes.” Jason explains, putting a spare helmet on Bruce's head. “And listen to, like, My Chemical Romance and Fall Out Boy and Panic! At The Disco. The Emo Trinity.”
“Oh, oh!” Bruce's eyes sparkle. “Dickie used to do that! He went to a My Chemmy concert once, but he didn't want me coming along.” He pouts.
Jason thinks of all the times Gerard Way has shoved a mic down his throat and grabbed his junk. “Yeah, I wonder why.”
Then he turns around to look Bruce in the eye. “But, Golden Boy was emo? Seriously?”
Bruce just smiles and nods, saying, “Now go.”
“Going,” Jason smirks and speeds down the streets of Gotham city, not slowing down until their surroundings change from shitty apartment buildings and broken street lights to the eerie quiet of Bristol. He can see the Manor in the distance when he takes a hidden turn, straight down the road that leads to the Batcave. 
He pulls into the underground ‘garage’ section of the Cave, parking his bike before helping Bruce off. As he removes Bruce’s ripoff domino and “cape”, he says sternly, “Now, you tell no one of what we did today, got that? Not a soul.”
Bruce just flashes a thumbs-up and smiles in the most un-Bruce-like way possible. It’s a little creepy, honestly.
“And even if you remember this once you sober up you won’t talk, because you swore on your soul not to tell.”
“Mhm. Kay.”
“Good.” Jason smiles slightly, helping Bruce back to the gurney, making him lie down. He checks him over for any symptoms that the painkiller overdose is making his health worse. His skin’s still cold and clammy, but his breathing’s more steady. His pupils aren’t as small anymore, and he’s way more responsive than he was an hour ago.
Huh. Maybe all he really needed was some exercise.
Jason sits down beside his father, taking a deep breath. “Hey, uh… Did you really mean that, back there? That… That I’m your son?”
Bruce’s brows furrow. “Yes, who else’s son would you be? Superman’s?”
A short laugh escapes Jason. He moves closer to Bruce, lying down so his head is resting beside the older man’s. “I just…” He sighs, unable to form the right words. “I know it doesn’t always seem like it, but… I love you, Dad.”
“Aww, Jaybird…” Bruce’s hand moves sluggishly to cradle Jason. “I love you so much more than you could ever imagine.”
A small smile plays on Jason’s lips as he closes his eyes, leaning into his Dad’s touch. Maybe… maybe babysitting a high Bruce isn’t so bad.
Dick walks into the infirmary nearly an hour later with Damian trailing behind him, intending to check up on Bruce. He’s been ringing Jason’s phone for a while now, but he hasn’t been picking up. And… Honestly, Dick’s getting worried.
“Tt. I knew we shouldn’t have left Father’s safety in the hands of an incompetent fool such as Todd,” Damian frowns, scowling.
“No, no, it’s probably just a misunderstanding,” Dick tries to reassure his baby brother, but he picks up his pace. “I mean, we both know what Jason’s like. One moment he’s nice, one moment he’s—”
His voice trails off as he sees Jason sitting on a chair beside Bruce, who’s on the gurney— both asleep, with Jason’s head resting on Bruce’s shoulder, and Bruce cradling him.
“Aww, Little Wing…” Dick smiles, pausing. Even Damian freezes behind him. Dick steers him away, back into the main house, so as to not disturb the sleeping pair. “Yeah, they’re okay. Nothing bad happened.”
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johnwickb1tsch · 15 days
🌻Small Town Girl🌻 ~ Part 1
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Tex Johnson thought he was just passing through…until he set his eyes on you. 
A little Tex x Reader fic for my beloved @treedaddymcpuffpuff. I love you bool!!! I hope you like this. It’s a mix of you and me and shit i made up and The Gift and conversations we’ve had and that silly rodeo fic we talked about and probably some sookie stackhouse and justified and longmire and other cowboy media that lives rent free in my brain at all times 😆 this is like 7000 words i apologize in advance…🙃 ILYSM!!!
Warnings: mentions of past spousal abuse, mentions of animal abuse, religious trauma...you know, the usual social problems of depressed rural america... I can say that because I live here. divider by strangergraphics-archive
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To be fair, you saw the trouble coming from a mile away.
Or at least…a hundred yards, because that’s where he parked his ‘69 Chevelle outside the diner in the middle of your shift. You watched him swagger up in denim, boots, and a bitchin’ fringe leather jacket out the corner of your eye, because you were taking someone’s order. And you cursed the gods when he sprawled himself in a seat in your section, long legs extended out partly in the aisle. He was going to trip someone–or maybe he was just hoping you’d ask him sweetly to move those fancy-tooled shit-kickers to their proper position.
Your capacity for sweetly went up in smoke about an hour ago.
“Hi, can I get you started with something to drink?”
He looks up at you, all dark eyes and smoldering charm–yes, you’re sure he knows it, too–offering up a half smile that makes your heart stop even though you tried to brace yourself. And wow, goddamn if he doesn’t have the balls to look you up and down before answering, “Think I’m in the mood for somethin’ sweet.” His smile widens as you narrow your eyes down at him. 
“You want a milkshake?”
You swear there is a sparkle in his eye as you ask it. 
“Why yes, I believe I do. What flavor you got?”
You blink, heat blooming across your chest and up your neck. He sees it too, the cheeky bastard, that devil-may-care curl of lips widening more. 
“We have chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, and banana.” 
“Hmm. That’s a hard choice, darlin’.” 
“You need some time to think about it?” 
He chuckles at your sass. “Nah. How ‘bout vanilla. With a cherry on top?” 
“Hard to find ‘round here, but I’ll see what I can do,” you deadpan, doodling with concentration on your order pad. 
This tickles his funny bone something fierce, those lovely eyes shining. Good Lord, it’s just not fair, the types of temptation the Devil is allowed to set in front of you mere mortals. 
However, you’re not falling for it. You’re not. You learned the hard way to be wary of tall, dark, and handsome men with a bit of the devil in them. Because before you were y/n y/ln, your name was Mrs. Donnie Barksdale, and you’ve got the scars to prove it.
“Comin’ right up, mister.” 
“That’s my name. Tex.”
He is a charming bastard. You’re not falling for it. You just gotta keep telling yourself that. 
“Obviously an alias.” With the tip of your tennis shoe you nudge his big booted foot out of the aisle. “You’re gonna hurt someone with them things.” 
“Well, we wouldn’t want that.”   
You were not playing footsie with this gorgeous stranger. You were just moving a tripping hazard. 
You’re not falling for it.
You’re not so convinced either, as you go to make his drink. 
A little later, when you bring out his burger and fries, he asks, “Why don’t you set with me a while?” 
You roll your eyes, withdrawing a roll of silverware from your apron. “I can’t sit down and jaw with you, I’ll get fired.” 
He gives you a pouty face, and it should be illegal for a grown-ass-man to look so cute. “When’s your break?”
“Not for hours,” you lie.
“I’ll wait for you, darlin’.” 
You snort in answer to that, even while a storm of butterflies goes crazy in your belly. 
“Surely you have somethin’ better to do.”
He shrugs. “I just finished a job. Takin’ time for a little vacation on my way home.” 
“Oh yeah? What do you do?”
“Erm…I’m in situational…solutions…management.”
“Wow. That’s not vague at all. You in the mob or somethin’?” you tease.
He lifts a brow, but doesnt answer immediately. It gives you an uneasy feeling, before he flashes that good ol’ boy smile again.
“Wouldn’t that be some shit?”
Sometimes you get feelings about things, and there is something about this man that makes you uneasy. You think your first instincts were right about him. He needs to be kept at arm’s length. Or maybe the proverbial ten foot pole would be more ideal. The sooner he moves on down the highway, the better. 
He lingers long after his burger and shake are gone, people watching, looking out the window…and looking at you. You can feel his gaze on you, like he is a wolf waiting patiently in the treeline for his opportune moment. You have to walk past him after taking a family their order of food, and he asks you, “So what do you do for fun in a little town like this?” 
“We’re all Baptists ‘round here, mister, no fun allowed.”
He scoffs, eyes still shining, but you can tell, his patience is finally wearing a little thin. Well, good. Hopefully he’ll get the hint and go. You’re sure a man who looks like him, tall and strapping and handsome as a movie star, is used to women throwing themselves at him. Maybe he thought you’d be a quick score because you’d be grateful for the attention. Boy howdy, did he read you wrong.  
“Did I see a sign for a rodeo a street back?” 
“Yeah, the fair and rodeo’s here this weekend.”
“Not your idea of fun?” 
“Yes and no. I don’t like seein’ the animals get mistreated.” Not all of them were, of course. But the boys could be a little rough when they were roping the young steers, and you knew you’d have a bone to pick with the owner of the local petting zoo later. 
“Huh. No, that’s not fun. Someone should do something about it.” That sparkle has returned to those polished onyx orbs, and you are equal parts intrigued and wary. 
“Easier said than done, believe me.” 
“We should team up tonight. Give ‘em hell.” 
You raise an eyebrow to that. Is he asking you out? Your heart does a little flip, before leaping in a swan dive to splat on the pavement. Don’t be stupid. 
“I don’t think so.” 
“Aww, come on, honey, give me a chance. I’m not a bad man.”  
He’s charming as a snake with an apple to sell, and you’re pretty sure he’s lying. 
“That’s exactly what bad men say.”
“What would a sweet thing like you know about that?”
You sigh, suddenly feeling about fifty years older than you are. “I know enough.” You don’t really mean to, but in a tick you can’t quite break you brush your hair behind your ear, touching the scar on your temple from the last time Donnie beat the hell out of you. The flesh is still raised, if not faded, the span of a few years softening the evidence, if only on the outside. 
You move your hand as soon as you realize what you’re doing, but not before this sharp-eyed man before you notices. His affable expression darkens, and you decide you would not like to meet him in a dark alley on a moonless night. “Give me a name, darlin’.” 
For a moment you are taken aback. You don’t know this man, and he doesn’t know you. The offer to play white knight for you is both titillating, and tiresome, if you’re being honest. You’ve heard it before from men who wanted to impress you. None of them panned out. No one wants to take on Donnie Barksdale. 
“I don’t need a man to protect me. I’ve got a shotgun for that. You want any dessert?” 
Like flipping a switch, he grins up at you, and though he is being friendly, there is still a hint of fang in it, like a wolf on the scent of something to hunt.
“I believe you, honey. I better skip the pie. Gotta watch my girlish figure.” He pats his slim waist, and you can’t stop yourself from looking. Inwardly, you sigh. With your lip between your teeth you add up his final bill on your notepad. “Feel free to add your phone number on there,” he teases, to which you just shake your head sadly. 
“There are plenty of pretty girls in this town who will be more than happy to entertain you, Mr. Tex,” you assure him.
Again, he shoots you that pout, and jesus god it should be illegal in twenty states, it gives you such a high. 
“But none of them are you, darlin’.” 
You roll your eyes, even if you kinda feel like you’re floating on a cloud right now. Goddammit. 
“You can nurse your broken heart over at TJ’s by the creek, it’s where everyone goes around here.” 
“Including you?” 
“Hmm, Miss Hard To Get. You’re really gonna make me comb through the whole crowd to find you at the fair tonight?” 
“Who said I’m going to the fair tonight?” 
“My gut.” 
You hand him his check with a smile that does not hide your annoyance. “You can pay at the register.” 
You hide in the back, finally taking your break, and deep in your idiotic heart you are sad to see him go. You hear the engine of the vintage sportscar rev from all the way in the kitchen, and you come out just in time to see the back end of him rolling down the road. 
Good riddance. You think it, but a part of you doesn’t really agree. Ah well. You’ve always had a weak spot for strays, but that one would have taken the cake. He was A Bad Idea™ and you were much better off without him. 
When you go to check the table you see he’s left you a cash tip that will cover your feed bills for a whole month, and your knees go a little weak. 
When your shift ends you get in your old car and head home, out of town, down the highway and through the woods, to the old farmhouse your grandparents left to you. Maybe you won’t be on the cover of Country Living any time soon, but the battered old clapboard house is home, and has been home to members of your family since the mid 1800s. 
Now, it is also home to the assortment of rescued animals you have picked up along the way. If your grandmother, god rest her soul, knew you kept a five-foot tegu lizard in an enclosure in her parlor she would probably expire all over again. But then again…if anyone had ever forgiven you for your stranger quirks, it was your Mawmaw. 
Your parents, not so much, which was ironic, considering. There was a reason the family farm went to you and not your mother. She never really got the hang of the whole adulting thing, falling in “love” with dirtbag after dirtbag after your parents divorce, ping ponging between bouts of addiction and religious righteousness. How you came to dread the words, “I am saved!” 
You find it funny, that the people who bang their bible the hardest are usually the ones who have the biggest sins to answer for. 
But when it came to bad decisions, maybe your apple didn’t fall far from the tree, considering your ex, but in your defense you grew up with Donnie Barksdale. His family’s land adjoined yours, and they had been in this holler just as long as your own ancestors had. They were well regarded around your tiny rural community, and half the folks in your town could hardly believe the rumors of the horrible things that man used to do to you. The other half thought you must have been asking for it–what can you count on in these parts, if not good ol’ fashioned Christian misogyny?
Once upon a time, Donnie Barksdale had been your best friend. You ran wild through the woods in your youth, building forts and catching critters. You fished in his pond and played in the hayloft of your grandparents’ barn. Then you got a little older, and your shirt filled out and the hormones kicked in, and maybe it was to no one’s surprise when you became lovers. Highschool sweethearts to a married couple, right after graduation. You could have gone to college on a scholarship, but Donnie wanted you home. 
It was easier to control you that way, you came to find out.
He didn’t beat on you at first. It took a while, for the disappointments of real life to set in. He never got drafted to play pro ball, and he was too proud to take up an honest trade. The pressures of living in a depressed rural area, with no good jobs and few good prospects, took their toll. Reagan-era policies made it easy for corporations to run all the little brick-and-mortar businesses into the ground, and trickle-down economics left your little community behind. Alcohol, meth, and Walmart filled in the voids.
With nothing better to do, Donnie started having affairs, and drinking too much, and when he finally got home he took his frustrations out on you.  
You try not to think about it now, but you do, every day. You’re not sure what hurt more: the actual physical beatings, or the betrayal by the boy who you’d loved madly since you were just eight years old. 
But there is something to be said, for the healing to be found with your hands in the dirt. You were such a broken thing, when you took over your grandmother’s overgrown garden years ago. Now, your little farmstead is a pollinator’s paradise filled with flowers and food. There’s something about sitting in the quiet with the butterflies flitting around that makes you feel like you’ve done something right in the world. You feed the birds, and you care for your animals, and you take life day by day.   
It’s a simple life, but a good one. You’ve run a long road, but you’re finally starting to feel like you’re going to be ok. 
And, you intend to keep it that way. That means not going for rides in fast cars with handsome strangers, no matter how lonely you are, or if it seems like he would be good to you, even if just for a night. 
You did good today, sticking to your guns. 
You need another man in your life like you need a hole in the head. “Boys are so rude,” you expound to your chickens, and your hens seem to cluck in agreement, their feathers so silky soft against your ankles as they wait for a treat. The last rooster who hurt your girls for his own gratification lost his head and ended up in your cookpot. If only it was so easy to dispose of belligerent human males.
You get your scoop, doling out some extra scratch grains to lure the chickens into their pen to lock them up early. 
You’ve got somewhere to be.  
As it turns out, Tex  was absolutely right about your intention to go to the rodeo, though you’re pretty sure he was blowing smoke about trying to find you. It’s a small town, but everyone will be there. You’ll be a needle in a haystack, and you take some comfort in that as you put on a black sunflower print sundress and your battered boots. 
You feed the cat, the dogs, your ancient conure parrot, and lock up the house. You have to go see a man about a horse–and you’re kind of dreading it.
You are not the only adult in the petting zoo area, which is some small relief. It takes a little while for Dale to even notice you are there, sneaking his skin and bones mini horse molasses treats from your purse in an attempt to help the poor thing put on some weight. It’s starving and its hooves need a trim and you could strangle Dale Manes with your two bare hands. 
You pass his place on the way home, and you regularly throw hay and treats over the fence in an attempt to feed his animals–something he clearly doesn’t seem to think it’s necessary to do much. 
He’s a cousin of Donnie’s, which has never kept him from ogling you. With some extra cash in your purse thanks to your handsome stranger, you’re hoping that maybe you can sweet talk Dale into relinquishing ownership.
Maybe it’s a lost cause, but maybe you can’t help but think about how many times people had looked at you in a bedraggled state, knew you needed help, and kept on walking with a “Bless her heart,” muttered under their breath. 
This little horse gobbles his treats down and bumps his head against you for scritches, leaning on you like a dog.
“Y/n, I see you spoiling my horse.”
You grit your teeth, before facing the music. “Hi Dale.”
“You know, I got you on my game cam trespassing on my property.” You can’t tell by his tone if he’s mad or not. It feels like you’re walking into a trap. Donnie used to play this verbal kind of game with you. It must be genetic.
“Trespassing’s a strong word,” you say, pouring extra sugar into your drawl.
“I don’t know what else to call it. Illegal feeding of animals?”
You give him a sheepish smile, when all you really want to do is kick him in the balls.
“Oh come on, Dale. You know this horse is skinny. It’s ok, I know how things go. I had some extra so I spread it around.”
It is not ok and you have literally lived on ramen cups some months so your animals could eat well and get the medicine they need. 
“Well ain’t you a peach?”
He leers at you, sidling closer, and your skin crawls.
“Yeah, honey?”
“Sell me this horse.”
He gives you a look. “You’d ask a man to sell his livelihood?” 
You happen to know he gets by on government draw and dealing pain pills just fine.
“I like Ziggy. He’s my buddy. Let him come live with me.” The little horse in question is trying to nuzzle into your purse for more molasses treats. 
Dale takes a step closer, and it takes every iota of your self control not to step back. 
“You really are a piece of work.”
“Excuse me?”
“You conniving little bitch. I know it was you that called Animal Welfare on me last month.”
The sweetness drains from you like a flushing toilet. “Fat lot of good it did, I guess.” 
“You little bitch. You know how lucky you are? If you were my wife I would have killed you and buried you somewhere no one would find you.”
“Wow. I guess that’s why your wife ran off to Florida.”
“Cunt.” He raises his hand to you, right here in front of children and mothers and God and the whole damn town.
“What’s goin’ on here?” A strong arm loops around your waist, pulling you back out of striking range. “We horse tradin’, or are we pickin’ fights we can’t win?”
With wide eyes you look up to see the man from the diner, somehow even more handsome than before because he’s cleaned up and changed his shirt, the good looking bastard.
“Were you raisin’ your hand to this lady?” he asks. His tone is jovial, but there is an edge beneath the surface that does not escape your notice. You learned the hard way, how to dissect the subtle cadences of a man’s words.
“Believe me when I tell you she deserves it.”
“Huh.” Out of the blue Tex’s fist connects with Dale’s jaw, knocking him out cold. Ziggy startles at the body hitting the ground, darting on his little legs to the other side of the enclosure. All the families stare, shocked that someone would dare, though no one rushed in to see if Dale was still breathing. 
“Well, that’s our cue to go.”
You are in shock, and it does not even occur to you to fight him when Tex takes your hand and pulls you through the crowd. You do not stop until you are on the other side of the fairgrounds, amidst the games and the dubiously safe rides. 
“Oh. My. God,” you wheeze, when finally you pause by the Whirl-A-Gig. “Do you know what you just did?” 
“You’re welcome,” he answers with that shit-eating grin, and you almost want to sock him yourself. 
“You should have let him hit me!”
“What?” Eyes wide, Tex is incredulous before you.
“God, I didn’t plan it that way but it would have been perfect! He woulda gone to jail, and the county would have to seize his animals.” At least the local Human Society would feed the poor things. 
Tex blinks, looking down at you like you’ve grown a second nose. “Did you miss the part where he was going to knock your head off?” 
“I’m used to it,” you muse absently, annoyed to the soles of your boots that you missed this opportunity. “If I were you I’d git while the gettin’s good. The whole Barksdale clan is going to come after you now.” 
His grin is like a baring of fangs. “Sounds like fun.” 
“Huh. You ain’t gonna think so when ten of ‘em roll up on you in your fancy sportscar.” 
“Meh. I can handle a pickup truck full of cousin fuckers. Wouldn’t be the first time.” 
A chortle escapes you before you can stop it. You cross your arms defensively, trying not to smile.
“The Barksdales are some tough customers, mister.” You had to be, to survive back in the day, but somewhere along the line it just got…out of hand. 
“Sounds like you know ‘em pretty well.” 
“I was married to one of them for the worst six years of my life. Believe me, you don’t want none of what they got.”  
Tex takes this opportunity to step into you, and now that the excitement is over you are reminded that you have six feet of pure cowboy standing in front of you. The pretty tooled embroidery on his shirt emphasizes how wide his chest is. You can smell the heady spiced scent of his cologne, and it hits you like a drug. Goddammit. 
“Sounds like you’re worried about me, darlin’.” His voice is like warm molasses. 
“Psshh. You better worry about yourself,” you grouse with extra venom, annoyed. “I don’t think you have the sense God gave a chicken.” 
He chuckles at that, and you try to back away. Try is the operative word, because he has your hands in his again. “Oh come on, darlin’, don’t leave me yet. Is this the thanks your knight in shining armor gets?” 
His hands engulf yours, long strong fingers wrapped around your palms, and you feel more than a little weak inside.  
“Knight in shining armor my fanny. Your little stunt is going to get us both hurt.” 
“My stunt? Were you or were you not trying to buy that horse when you knew damn well he wasn’t going to sell it to you?” 
You sigh. “Well…I had a little windfall burnin’ a hole in my pocket, and I had to try.” 
He pulls you a little closer–amazingly, you let him. “That’s not exactly what I had in mind when I left that for you.” 
“Oh yeah? What did you have in mind?” 
“Well…” Goddammit, if he does not take the opportunity to sidle even closer, so that your fronts are nearly pressed together, and you think you just might faint. “I was hoping you might treat yourself to somethin’ nice. Like a pretty new dress.” He looks you up and down, making a low sound in his throat of appreciation. “But I see you already had that handled. Mmm, you look good.” 
You sigh, a long suffering sound of exasperation. Is there something wrong with this man? Because he can’t seem to stop running his mouth. And maybe you’re losing your mind, but…you’re kind of starting to like it.
“I think you might have a screw loose, mister.” 
He grins wide for you, in that moment looking every bit the outlaw, with his shining dark eyes and hair brushing his collar. 
“That may be true…” He leans down towards you, and you think you just might die. “But I’m pretty sweet.” You’re afraid he’s going to try to kiss you, and you’re even more afraid you’re going to let him. But he just bumps your forehead with his before paying you that devil-may-care grin, and you swear your heart stops in your chest. 
This man is such a mistake, but you feel your defenses dissolving like sugar in hot tea. 
“Want to split a funnel cake?” 
As it turns out, it’s the nail in your coffin. 
He grins like a man who just won the lottery, tucking you into his side under the shelter of his well-muscled arm like you’ve always belonged there, and goddammit if it doesn’t feel good to feel protected. Too good, maybe. It’s something you cannot allow yourself to get used to.
“I knew you’d come around, darlin’.”
It’s been a while since you made a big mistake. Like…less than an hour, at least, so you guess you were due up. As bad decisions go… You look this tall cowboy up and down, his denim-clad legs about a mile long swaggering beside you. 
“How did you find me?” it occurs to you to ask.
“I remembered what you said about liking animals, and figured the petting zoo would be a good place to start.”
You pause in your step, almost tripping as you look up at him. Maybe it shouldn’t be this surprising, that a man actually listened to something you said. But god. It twists and squeezes something inside you. It’s painful and wonderful and you really should run before this gets out of hand. But he is looking down at you with those smoldering dark eyes, and a part of you already knows that it’s too late. 
“So, my babygirl likes animals,” muses Tex beside you, taking a bite of funnel cake with a grin. “Let me guess. You’ve got a whole house full of strays.” 
You sigh, tearing off a piece, a good crispy bit with plenty of powdered sugar. “And a barn.” You have chickens and ducks and rabbits and goats that came to you post-Easter after people realized the fuzzy little things turned into full grown animals that needed housing and room. You have a conure that outlived its previous owner, and a bulldog whose tongue doesn’t quite fit in her mouth, and the world’s only sweet chihuahua who loves to snuggle and needs medication that seems to get more and more expensive every time you have to buy it. The reptiles came to you from a family whose child changed their mind, and the cat just kinda showed up at your door one day, the way they do…
Most men who hear the extent of your menagerie swiftly run in the other direction. They think you’re a hoarder, or if they stick around they want to be the sole focus of all your attention–and it’s just not going to happen. They leave after a month or so, or you run them off. 
You have no reason to think this won’t end the same way. 
“That’s alright, darlin’. Ain’t nothin’ wrong with havin’ a soft heart for critters.”
They all say that at first. 
Ah well. It’s not like you’re looking to get married again, anyhow. You just…get a little lonely, sometimes, when it’s just you and the dogs and darkness outside. 
“Hmm. That’s not the review I usually get. So what about you? You know I have to ask if you’re really from Texas.”
He grins. “Guilty. But I live in L.A. now.” 
“Oh yeah? Are you an actor?”
“I was a stuntman for a little while.”
“Anything I’ve seen?” 
He laughs, an open guffaw of mirth that makes his eyes shine and your heart fill to bursting. “Well, you look like a diehard fan of Death Charger II.”
“Oh yeah, I used to watch that with my Grandma,” you tease. 
He snorts and pulls off another piece of pastry. “It was fun for a while, but I could tell I was just going to end up with a broken body and an empty bank account.”
“So…what do you do now?” 
He looks up at you through those long dark lashes, and you swear to god your heart does a pirouette in your chest. 
“I can’t really talk about it,” he tells you, which you guess is actually a more honest answer than feeding you some bullshit lie. “Pays well, though.” 
“Okay…that’s not creepy at all.” 
 He pays you that open grin and offers you the last little crunchy morsel from his fingertips. “Don’t you worry your pretty little head, darlin’. You’re in good hands.” 
After a long pause you take the bite, your lips just barely brushing the tips of his fingers. But it ignites a fire in his eyes that has you squirming in your seat, your thighs unbearably moist. Thank god you’re wearing a black dress. 
“Let’s walk around,” he proposes, and you agree, even if you’re afraid your legs might not work anymore. 
Hand in hand, you wander the fairgrounds, people watching, talking, and playing a few games. Tex is fun, and he is sweet, never once letting go of your hand, except during the clown toss which he swears is rigged (and you agree). He makes a crack about his balls being too big to fit in its mouth, and you break down in a giggling fit as the two of you walk away. It feels a little bit like magic, wandering around amidst the bright lights and the warm night and for the first time in a long time, you realize you’re not afraid of running into one of Donnie’s clansmen with an axe to grind or family honor to hold up or some other testosterone-driven bullshit that terrorizes your waking hours and your nightmares. 
“Haunted house?” 
“No way.”
“Don’t trust them.”
“Roller coaster?” 
“I like my spine aligned right where it is, thank you.” 
“How ‘bout the ferris wheel?” Tex proposes with a lift of brows, and even though you know exactly what he’s up to, you finally agree. Tucked into the tiny bucket together in a space that is not meant for adults but god is it lovely to sit with your side molded to his, Tex sneaks his arm around you with a come-hither curl of lips. 
“Don’t even think about it,” you warn him with a venom you absolutely do not feel at this point. You make a show of leaning away, even though there’s absolutely nowhere for you to go in the little compartment.  
“Oh, I’m thinkin’ about it,” he assures you with a devilish glint in his eye, pulling you closer, and off you go in a big vertical circle. It is fun, to see all the lights and the people below, and the rodeo round pen on the other side of the grounds. 
Then the ride stops with a grinding halt that doesn’t feel quite right. The two of you are at the very apex of the wheel, on top of the world. You look around, a little nervous. Oh god, please don’t let you get stuck here. 
“It’s alright, darlin’” he soothes you, with a wolfish grin that is not comforting at all. 
You can see the roping event with a bird’s eye view. You flinch as a cowboy throws a loop around a steer’s neck, jerking it around. At least the second cowboy misses the ankles. You stick your tongue out at them, knowing no one can see. 
“Aww, that little grass puppy’s fine,” Tex tries to assure you. “They’re pretty tough.”  
Once upon a time your family made part of their living running cattle. You know they’re tough, but that doesn’t mean it’s fair to treat them that way just for fun. “There are ways to train them without the rope, you know. They’re very food motivated.” 
“But what’s a cowboy without his rope, honey?”
“A farmer.” 
He chuckles at that. “It just lacks a certain prestige, don’t it?”
“Fuck you very much. My family’s been farming since before this place was even a state.”
He chuckles at your fiery response, clearly enjoying getting your goat. “Erm–no offense.” 
“Pssh. It’s not about prestige. It’s men and their testosterone poisoning, always havin’ to show off at everyone else’s expense.” You’re sure he won’t like it, but you say it anyway. You wait for him to get surly, like all men do when you say what you’re really thinking, and it occurs to you that maybe you should have waited until you’re not trapped in a tin can of an amusement ride with him before insulting him. 
“Hmm. Well…there might be somethin’ to that.” 
He could have knocked you over with a feather…if you weren’t already mashed into an enclosed seat with him. 
“Yeah, there might be,” you say more softly, quickly looking away when he tries to meet your eyes. 
“Hey now.” He strokes your arm with his fingertips lightly, drawing little circles and driving you crazy. “We’re silly creatures, ain’t we? I get it.” 
The fact that this man, who is 6 feet plus of pure masculine energy, would say such a thing to you–well frankly it blows you the fuck away. 
“Showin’ off is fine,” you sigh, still unable to meet his eyes. “It’s just…why does someone always have to get hurt for the sake of it? Usually…someone innocent.”
“You’re right,” he agrees gently. “It shouldn’t be that way.”
Now you do get up the courage to look at him, though it feels like you’re drowning when you do. You really thought you had this man’s number. He dresses like a cowboy and drives a vintage muscle car, walks with James Dean swagger and he even punched a man out for you not but over an hour ago. But here he is, talking to you…like women matter. Like you matter. 
“We’ve been up here a really long time,” you muse, blinking the tears out of your eyes while you peer over the side. 
“Ah well. I’m sure they’ll get us down eventually.” He does not seem worried at all. “I like the view.” He’s looking at you while he says it, curling a little lock of hair from the nape of your neck around his finger, and an embarrassing shudder gallops down your spine. “Hmm, someone’s sensitive,” he says with a little smile. 
You shoot him a glare out the corner of your eye. You don’t think you’ve convinced him by half. 
“It’s just cold up here.”
It is the tail end of summer, and still 80 degrees out with the sun down.  
“Sure it is, sweetheart.” 
You sigh, and you don’t know how it’s possible, considering your position, but somehow he seems to sidle closer. 
“Yeah, beautiful?” 
You don’t really know what you intended to say–you look at his mouth, those full, well-drawn lips, and you forget how to breathe for a few crucial seconds. You are lightheaded, the world spinning as he closes the distance, and gently presses his mouth to yours. 
Someone moans, and only belatedly do you realize it’s you. 
You feel him smile against your mouth, before going in for the kill, his long fingers sliding up into your hair to hold you to him. If you’d felt trapped you would have fought him, no matter how stupid and no matter how high up you were sitting in this rattletrap of a ride held together with rusty bolts and bubblegum. But you feel…free, like for a few blessed moments, you’ve found a part of yourself you left somewhere. A part of yourself you needed, even though you didn’t realize it at the time of losing it. 
You let this man devour you, his tongue sliding against yours in a dance you feel all the way in your clit. Pressing your thighs together does not help at all, and he smiles again like he knows exactly what your problem is. When his paw of a hand settles just above your knee, squeezing the soft flesh of your thigh, his thumb finding its way just past the hem of your dress, you smack your hand over his. “Hold up, cowboy,” you pant, knowing you sound ridiculous but unable to put any real steel in your tone. 
His eyes glitter like the night sky as he pulls back to look at you, breathing heavy through his nose. “You sweet little thing. I could just eat you up.” He nibbles your lower lip again, and you think you might expire. He doesn’t force the issue, his hand staying right where you’re holding it. You can feel your heartbeat in your ears, a steady timpani roll that does not help with your lightheadedness. The carriage sways slightly in the summer breeze, and you’re not sure that you’re not floating in mid air with nothing to catch you. Your grip on his hand tightens, desperately seeking something to ground you. You’re not sure if this is a panic attack, or vertigo, or unadulterated lust. 
“Don’t get too full of yourself…but I think I might faint.” 
The hunger in his expression turns into concern. “You alright, darlin’?”
“Just…hold on to me, ok?”
“Alright, alright. You gotta breathe for me though. Deep breath.” You do as you’re told. “Then out.” You do this, and you close your eyes, and you start to feel better just as the wheel finally starts to turn again.
As excruciatingly fun as it was to be squashed together with this delicious specimen of a man, you are so grateful when it’s time to get out and put your feet on terra firma once more. Tex steadies you with an arm around your waist, and you just happen to be looking up at the right time to catch the ferris wheel operator’s conspiratorial wink at your ad hoc date. 
“Sonofabitch. Did you bribe him to stick us up there?” 
Tex chuckles, flinching as you poke him in the ribs. “Hey, you ain’t even met my Mamma yet!”
“Did you?” you demand, unrelenting in your attack. He wiggles like he is ticklish, and you feel like you have stumbled upon crucial intelligence of the enemy. 
“I might have slipped him somethin’...”    
“You imp! I thought we were stuck!” 
He is laughing as you tickle him and poke him, until maybe your fingernail goes a little too far in between his ribs and he grabs you up with a growl that you feel in your loins, putting a stop to your antics with your arms pressed to your sides and your body pressed to his. “You ok? I didn’t know you were scared of heights.” 
You’re not really. Scared of feeling things, is another matter. 
“I’m ok.” 
“Good.” He dips his head to kiss you again, and you let him for about 2.5 seconds before turning your head. 
“Yeah, honey?”
“I think…I think I better go home.” 
His expression falls like you kicked his puppy. “Oh. Did I…do somethin’? I’m sorry, darlin’.” 
He did somethin’. He’s done everything right, and suddenly you are scared shitless of where this could lead. 
“No, I’ve had fun,” you tell him honestly. “But I have to work tomorrow, and I’m tired. I should go home.” 
“Oh.” He sticks out that pouting lip, and it really should be illegal for a grown man to look so adorable. “Can I…come see you for lunch then?” 
“I guess…I can’t stop you.” 
“Would you want to though?” 
Therein lay the million dollar question. 
“Maybe not?” 
He smiles, and it feels like a special gift, just for you. “Alright. Tomorrow then. Let me walk you to your car at least.”
Considering what you got up to earlier that evening, it wasn’t a bad idea. “Ok.” 
You exchange one last lingering kiss before he tucks you down into your driver's seat and makes ao show of buckling you in. You know it's a ploy to feel you up a little but it makes you giggle anyway. “Tex…I can buckle my own damn seat belt.” 
“I know, darlin’.” He leans on the roof of your car, looking down at you like you’re something precious, preventing you from closing your door. You need to go because if you stay in his company any longer you are going to melt into a pile of goo. 
He sighs. “Alright, fine. Tomorrow. You better be ready to take your break with me.” He makes sure your legs are out of the way before shutting your door and tapping on the roof. Why do men do that, like a car is a horse? Giddyup. You think it would be horrifyingly hilarious, if your late-model car decided to play it’s occasional game of let’s not start until you try five times. But no, the old soldier dutifully responds to the turn of your key, and carries you away through the grass parking lot, onto the highway, and away from the man you’re afraid you would like to curl up in bed with and not leave for a month. 
That man is pure trouble…and you are pretty sure you want more of him. 
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starry-bi-sky · 1 year
Part SEVEN of "Clone Danny"
Red Robin, Danny recognizes, steps away from him as he sits up. "My name is Phantom," he signs, blinking the exhaustion out of his eyes. (From Red Robin's perspective, it looks like he has no eyes. There lacks his signature green glow.) "I'm not a gang member, just an out-of-town vigilante."
Red Robin frowns at him, an uncertain grip on the bō in his other hand. "Phantom?" He repeats, no lacking amount of suspicion in his voice. "How can I believe that?"
Right. Yeah, okay, that's fair. Danny shrugs at him, and slumps against the wall. "Google search?" He gestures, he's been out in the daytime before and he's seen the news articles about him.
Red's eyes narrow at him and Danny simply draws his knees up and faceplants into them, half-listening to Red's murmurs into his comm while also trying to get some extra-shut eye.
("Oracle, can you pull up anything on a vigilante named Phantom? The guy here is claiming to be one." Tim says.
"On it."
"Is this Phantom wearing a white mask?" Bruce asks, his voice gruff like an aftershock. "There's a vigilante who shares the same name, but he resides in Illinois."
"Is this guy from that Amity city you visited ages ago?" Says Tim, before shaking his head. "Don't answer that. Yes, he's wearing some freaky mask. I said it reminded me of Hood's helmet for a reason."
"I've got something," Oracle interrupts, "Bats' right. as usual. The Phantom of Amity Park, not much stuff of this guy but he's only been out for over a year. Apparently, his rogues' gallery consists of ghosts."
"Oh great.")
"Look tell the Batman that I'm sorry for trespassing on his turf," He signs irritably when Red Robin eventually starts talking to (re: interrogating) him again. "It's not like I want to be here."
"How did you get in Gotham anyways?" Red Robin questions, batman was on his way to help deal with the situation but Tim doubted he wouldn't get caught up on the way with dealing with petty crime. "Your turf is nearly a thousand miles away from here."
"Two words." Danny deadpans, "Teleport ghost." (Red Robin winces sympathetically.) "I'm keeping this bastard in the thermos for a month for this alone."
(Danny was ignoring the slow-choking anxiety growing in his lungs over how he was gonna get home. He never takes his phone when he goes out, the risk of breaking it was too high. He had no way of contacting anyone to get him home.)
(He swallows the growing lump in his throat, and buries the feeling in the back of his mind.)
Danny unclips his Fenton Phantom Thermos off from his belt loop and shows it to Red Robin. "My ghost-catching device," He says with one hand, tilting it carefully for Red to inspect. "I wish I could say I made it, but its a FentonWorks invention."
(He wasn't sure if it was a smart idea to say who it belonged to, but saying it wasn't his probably loosened up any tracks on him, right?)
"Do you work with these Fentons, then?" Red asks, and something dark and shadowy flickers from the corner of Danny's eye. He glances over, and sees nothing, and his hackles raise.
(Either that was Batman, or a ghost, or Danny's mind playing tricks on him. He couldn't feel his ghost sense building in his throat, so he decided it was either the latter of the former.)
Danny snorts, quiet and gruff. "No." He clips his thermos to his belt again, stifling a smile on his face. "The Fentons hate me actually, I prevent them from catching ghosts themselves. Their son gives me their tech."
He had a cover story, so he might as well stick with it, right?
Batman shows up at that moment, appearing atop the little roof where the door is, and giving Danny a heart attack when he speaks in his low, rumbly voice like thunder rolling in, "Why would they hate you for that?"
Danny shoots up to his feet with a startled yell in his throat, clutching his chest as he whirls around and looks up. He nearly runs into Red Robin, and signs a few choice swears at the Bat.
"wow you're scarier in person, asshole."
"you didn't answer my question."
"Of course I didn't, you scared me." and Danny takes a trembling step back when the Batman jumps down and lands on the roof in front of him. He's faced ghosts before, but somehow the living is always scarier.
"But, um, the reason is a bit.. complicated, I guess." He says, fingers beginning to shake as his adrenaline wears off. God is he tired. He wants to go home. "The Fentons are the local ghost hunters and local crazies. I don't know if I can call them mad scientists because they're harmless to the living."
"But they're extremely anti-ghost. I've heard from their son multiple times the very unethical things they would do to ghosts if they got their hands on one."
Danny 'talks' a little more before calling it quits, even telling Batman that he can't tell him more without putting his identity at risk.
Plus, its getting harder and harder to hide his bone-deep exhaustion and his growing fear of being stranded in the most dangerous city in America with no way home.
"I would love to tell you more, believe me I'm dying to." Danny signs, shaky sarcasm dripping from his fingers. His hands are visibly trembling and he's withholding a slowly growing panic attack. "But I would like nothing more than to figure out a way to get home."
"Do you have no one to contact?"
"Sort of. But only one of them could probably come get me and get me back to Amity by sunrise. And I have no phone."
That one person being Ellie.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 4.5 (Dani interlude) Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 7.5 (Dan Interlude) Part 8
Taglist: @the-navistar-carol @thought-u-said-dragon-queen @gin2212 @youracearocroatneighbour @luckybyrdrobyn @deeplyconfusedbear @epilepticnerd @beautifulmomenttodrawblank @sara0055 @blusunkhild @letmesayfuxk (?) @latheevening226 @tkiesai @rosedasy @meira-3919
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clockwayswrites · 7 months
WIP Ask Game: I would very much like anything more you have on Specter of Starlight. It holds a special place in my heart, being the writing through which I discovered your incredible works.
Awwwwww .////. <3
So this scene might change, as I figure out how permanently injured Danny is, as this is VERY late fic, but:
Danny leaned forward, just enough to press his fingertips against the thick acrylic of the window. The cosmos spread out in front of them; millions upon millions of stars stretched out in the swirl of the galaxy. He swallowed thickly, taking in the sight. “Wow.” It took Tim a moment to find his voice. His finger slipped off the handle of the wheelchair to brush over Danny’s shoulder. Just enough touch to ground himself that Danny was there and real and solid. “Whenever you would talk about wanting to see the stars… all I could think about is finding some way to take you up to the Watchtower, to show you this.” “This isn’t your way of telling me I’m dying again, right?” Danny teased. Tim’s fingers twitched reflexively, clenching into the starchy fabric of the medical gown Danny wore for a moment. He made himself relax. Danny had the good grace to look sheepish as he met Tim’s eyes in the reflection of the window with a wry smile. “Too soon?” “Just a little too soon. Give me a few weeks, then you can get back to the death jokes. I’ll even be in on them now.”
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patheticbabie · 1 year
The Feels - Dick Grayson x Reader
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The Feels - Dick Grayson x Reader (fem reader)
A/N: I was listening to the feels by twice while writing this, so this is very self indulgent for me to write this. Yep I got carried away writing this, from 2am - 3am. But I had fun, cause I’ve had thots about Dick Grayson for two nights in a  row now. Anyways enjoy 💙
Warnings: best friends who are idiots, friends to eventual lovers, they did this whole thing backwards, smut 18+, NO MINORS OR AGELESS BLOGS, dirty talk, grinding, fingering, recording intimate acts, nipple play plus nipple piercings, oral (f receiving), caught in the act. Wow okay I think that’s all the warnings.
It’s finally the weekend, and it was the rare occurrence that everyone was at the Manor, to hang out or do their own thing. Dick had asked his best friend if she wanted to come along with him, and seeing as her weekend was free she thought why not.
“YOU CHEATED! You can’t do that, you can't gang up on me and put down +4’s.” Dick scoffed and pointed at Jason, Tim and his best friend with a scowl.
“House rules Dickiebird, so go on pick up the cards” Jason grinned
Everyone’s competitive streak comes out, with arguments about their stupid house rules, and ganging up on one another. The only players left were Jason and Dick. Both players glared at each other. They’re both down to one card, and Dick picked up a card and hid his grin.
Jason grumbling about how he didn’t have the correct colour was forced to draw a card. Dick laughing to himself, slammed the +4 into the pile. 
“Hey littlewing….uno bitch” 
Feeling bored hanging around downstairs, Dick made his way up to his old bedroom, and played something from his playlist, whilst going about tidying little bits and pieces.
She made her way upstairs, getting close to his bedroom, his bluetooth speakers blasting a familiar kpop song, by both of their favourite girl group.
“You have stolen my heart oh yeah, never let it go oh oh, no never let it go oh oh oh” she heard him sing loudly, and watched from the door as he did the choreo in front of his full length mirror without a care in the world.
Making her way into his room, she giggled seeing him and came closer to him and grabbed his hand with a smile and teasingly said the lyrics “you got my attention, so what’s your intention? Tell me baby, what’s the deal?’
He pulled her close to his chest, with a smirk and twinkle in his eyes as they danced lost in a world with just them. His finger gently pushed a stray hair behind her ear, as she watched him with a dreamy look. “Did you enjoy the little show? I do think I could be twices’ 10th member.”
Laughing softly, she loved hearing his little random thoughts. “Hm.. maybe, but there is that one problem, they’re a girl group and you’re a guy. Although I would love to see you perform TT or fancy, that would be amazing to watch.”
Pulling away from her, he laid down on his bed and patted the spot beside him. Laying next to him, he gathered her in his arms and played with her hair. The silence was comfortable, as both of their thoughts were filled with each other.
“Hey bunny, you heard they’re coming here for a concert?” she hummed as her answer
“Do you wanna go together, like…as in a date night thing?” he didn’t know he was holding his breath waiting for an answer.
Sitting up slightly, she looked down at him trying to hide her ever growing smitten smile. He had a sense of panic, it’s only been 10 seconds since he asked her out, but it felt like time was slow, “Bunn-” he didn’t finish the sentence as he suddenly felt a pair of soft lips pressed upon him. Holding her closer to him, his hand tangled in her hair, as they kissed. 
Pulling away slightly from his addictive lips, she whispered, “to quote twice; I got the feels for you. And yes to the date.”
He grinned, “a woman who knows the ways to my heart.” pulling her on top of him, so she was straddling, he didn’t think he could ever be tired of the view in front of him.
She laughed softly and winked at him, before leaning down to connect their lips. His hands roamed her body, as she moved her hips against his ever growing boner, moaning softly into the kiss as Dick softly pulled on her bottom lip. Her hands tugging on his shirt, he reluctantly pulled away from her lips to remove it and throw it on his bedroom floor.
Biting her lips as her eyes followed the hard lines of his body, watching him subtly flex. Unaware of the needy whimper that escaped her throat, and the slight grind of her hips on his cock. He chuckled softly
“Baby, I love how needy you are.” his smug smile got wider as he made sure to grind up against her hard, for her to feel his desire for her.
Tapping her thighs, he asked her to remove her shorts. Not ever being one to deny him of anything, she quickly removed her shorts, throwing it on the ground next to his shirt. Settling back down onto his lap to grind against his cock, she pouted “Why am I the only one in my underwear? Dick you’re such a perv.”
“Because I love this view, wait can I take a photo? I promise it’ll be for my eyes only.” With a nod, he reached to grab his phone, opening the camera, and grinned at the position they’re in. Her on top of him, her hands underneath her shirt and cupping her tits, wearing a blue thong which coincidentally was his nightwing suit colour. Tilting her head to the side with an innocent smile, She lifted her shirt and rested it on her collarbones, allowing him to see the matching lace bra. He smirked, and snapped multiple photos of her. 
“Hm..you know how they say videos are sometimes better? I have an idea, is that okay with you Dick? You know something for your spankbang when you’re away.
Groping her ass before giving it a smack, he smirked at her yelp “Of course bunny. I’ll hold the phone, and you do whatever you’re comfortable with.:
Phone focused on her body, lowering the cups of her bra, he growled seeing her nipple piercings. He had an inkling but never asked her about it. Now in front of him licking his lips as he watched through his phone as she played with her nipples. 
“Are they sensitive?”
“Hm…extra since my nipples have always been sensitive.” her voice airy as she moved the metal bar on her right nipple. Her free hand tilted his head up to watch her, and her smile was mischievous. 
“Do you wanna see what it’s like to suck on them? You know for curiosity's sake, and even better, I’ll record you doing it. What do you think babe?”
“Fuck yes” he handed her his phone, as she pressed record and a gasp escaped from her as his lips latched onto one nipple, as his tongue swirled around the metal bar. His hands are busy cupping and squeezing her tits, his fingers working on rolling her right nipple. Kisses made their way to her right nipple, as he gently sucked on the nipple making her moan loudly. The view she had from his phone was making her lose her mind. Stopping the recording, she threw his phone on the bed, before tugging on his hair and pulling him into a deep kiss.
“Need you, please. I want you” she panted in between breaths as his lips made their way down her neck. His fingers made their way to where she wanted him most. Fingers rubbing her pussy through her blue lace underwear, he felt how wet she was.
“Yeah baby? I can feel how wet you are. I’ll give you anything you want.” He growled against her neck as he bit hard enough to leave a mark. Sliding her panties to the side, his fingers ran through her lips, feeling how drenched she was. Slipping his fingers in her cunt, he cursed at the delicious feel of her velvety walls squeezing his fingers. 
He glanced down seeing how her pussy easily sucked his fingers in with how wet she was for him. Thumb rubbing her clit, he groaned addicted to watching his fingers becoming wetter with her desire. “Fuck baby, look down and see how your greedy cunt easily takes my fingers.” looking down she whimpered seeing his fingers work in and out of her cunt with a steady pace. 
“Looks so hot right princess? The way your cunt squeezes my fingers, not wanting to let go. And the sounds this pretty pussy makes? I’m addicted to it, I should make your moans and the pretty sounds your pussy makes my alarm.
“Dickie…can I record this pretty please?” she didn’t have to ask since she knew his answer, as she grabbed his phone, already having the camera ready to record. 
Removing her off his lap, he laid her down on the pillows, spreading her legs. He groaned seeing how wet she was. Looking up at her, he winked at her flustered face “let’s make that recording better, I’m gonna eat this pretty pussy like it’s my last meal.” 
With a nod, she pointed his phone down towards him, his hands holding her thighs apart, he knew how wet she was, but he couldn’t help himself as he spat on her pussy, and she gasped, behind his phone. Not wasting time, his tongue licked a long strip from her cunt to her clit, fingers gently working in and out of her. Lips sucking on her clit, she felt him making moves with his tongue as if he was spelling something. He was though, spelling his name on her clit, she whimpered as her hand tried to steady as it focused on him.
Moving away from her clit, to press kisses down to her opening, his eyes trained on the camera, giving a wink, finding her entrance his tongue replaced his fingers, and she let out a loud moan feeling his tongue in her pussy.
Her free hand rolling her nipple and playing with the metal bar, feeling weak watching him between her legs. Not knowing where to look, through his phone's camera, or watch the real thing. His groans wracking her body, he couldn’t get enough of how sweet her pussy tasted. 
Pulling away slightly, he panted to catch his breath, he looked at her flushed face and laughed softly, “your pussy is so sweet, so fucking tasty, gonna spend all my days eating your cunt out.”
“I-I won’t complain, getting eaten out everyday sounds like a dream” she whispered breathlessly
His lips wrapped around her clit before moving down, as his tongue entered her cunt. Using the zoom on his camera, she focused on how Dick was tongue fucking her as his thumb rubbed tight circles on her clit. Feeling her pussy tighten around his tongue, she panted and moaned his name loudly, knowing she was close.
“P-please. Fuck I’m so close.”
Groaning against her cunt, he worked his tongue as fast as he could, as his fingers worked on her clit in the same rhythm. Hearing her scream his name loudly, he felt her squirt on him. Groaning, he worked his tongue lazily against her pussy, groaning as he felt her squirt again.
Unaware of how loud her scream was, and unaware of someone standing by the doorway having witnessed Dick eating his best friend's pussy and making her squirt and her holding Dick’s phone towards the scene and recording everything? might be the hottest thing he’s witnessed.
Subtly adjusting his jeans, he awkwardly cleared his throat. Both heads snapped towards the door. Both of them quickly tried to cover up with the bed covers. “Jay…how long were you there for?” Dick asked breathless, chin shining and dripping with your essence.
“um…I guess…long enough to see you make her squirt twice. And you asked her to record it? Fuck that’s hot. Anyways, I came because I heard a scream so I wanted to see if things were okay, and I can see things are more than okay.” He smirked at both of them
“Hey princess, ask Dick to send me that video if you’re okay with it.” Winking at her flushed face, and he laughed as Dick threw a pillow at him telling him to get out and close the door.
Pulling her into his arms, both breathless from what had happened. “You know he was right, that video is the hottest thing on my phone…well until we fuck and I record us, with your consent of course bunny.”
“Hm…that sounds like fun. A close up of your cock going in and out of my pussy…sounds like a great movie night.” she grabbed his hand and placed it onto her wet pussy, sighing as he ran his fingers lightly through her.
“But not till after our date, because I”ve been looking forward to this concert.”
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killerkatsmeow · 2 months
Headcanon: Bruce adopting a civilian teenage girl.
I always thought she’d have ties to Bruce one way or another - either through her single-parent household (her mom works for him) or she has an internship at Wayne Enterprises. In the case of an internship, she’s eager to work and learn but still manages to keep things young and fun. 
Loves Alfred because wow, its her first time meeting a Brit and what kind of name is Pennyworth? I personally feel like she'd be closest to Alfred, she's most comfortable with him. Say she gets arrested/stuck at GCPD...she is NOT calling Bruce for help. She's calling Alfred and begging him to come get her and to not tell Bruce. She wakes up early to help Alfred in the kitchen, she's following him around and pestering him with questions. As an inside joke, she's bringing him a penny and some other thoughtful gift for his birthday. Because...Pennyworth.
Oh, she REFUSES to go to Gotham Academy, she is a P.S. 181 girl through and through. Why would she choose to be around those stuffy, asshole, rich kids anyway? She has all she needs at her public school: all of her friends are there, she's Cheer/Dance Capitan, she receives every party invite known to man...what could Gotham Academy possibly give her besides a complex and a reason to see a psychotherapist? Yeah, no fucking thanks. No fucking way.
The Wayne Manor... She remembers the drive up there and how she was...floored by how nice and vintage and regal and almost scary the place looked. So expensive, how could anyone feel like it was home. She's greeted outside by Bruce and Damian - Bruce wears a smile, Damian is indifferent. She is lost for words pretty often - the tall ceilings, the intimidating portraits...it's all so fancy and a far cry from the 2 bedroom apartment she shared with her mother.
Dinner that night was grand and boasted many guests - family and close friends, Bruce said. She meets Dick, he's charming, polite, and sinewy. Everyone is Gotham knows him, his tragic backstory. Then there's Barbara: she's kind, seems smart but maybe it's the glasses, and uses elbow crutches. Then there's Duke - he seems nervous but is happy to make her acquaintance. Tim has dark under eye circle, yawns a bit, but introduces himself and listens to her patiently. There's another girl who is the most excited at the table to meet her - her name is Stephanie. She smiles, shakes her hand at the speed of a humming bird, and asks a million questions. She only stops when Cass places a hand on her shoulder, she doesn't speak much (a fact Damian explains beforehand) but shakes her hand no less.
It's not until the following week that she meets Jason. She's lounging by the pool, magazine in hand as music plays from her bluetooth speaker when she sees him. He's flanked by the boys as they walk towards the basketball court, their competitive chatter fills the air. He's big - muscular and the tallest of the bunch. He spares a glance over his shoulder and she feels like her heart just stopped. He's beautiful. His eyes are narrowed and kinda intimidating, a shiny blue-green color. He doesn't look back again as they head to the court but just the one glance was enough for her.
Her friends at school know about Jason, they wanna see him for themselves. She begs and begs Bruce to allow her to have a sleepover with her 2 closest friends and after some convincing, he agrees. The girls spend most of the night swimming, baking cookies once Alfred retires from the kitchen, singing karaoke in her generously sized room. The highlight of the night comes when Jason come riding in on his motorcycle - they watch from the window as he dismounts. Strong hands pull his helmet off his head, broad sexy shoulder flex as he stows it away. The girls giggle and coo, mouths drop as they watch the big man walk towards the door. They're safe looking at him from this window they think, flirty compliments can't reach his ears from where they stood but suddenly he looks up, making full eye contact with her again. The girls drop down out of sight, gasping and giggling because of course, they'd get caught ogling.
The girls make comments about her having a "rich dad" when she comes to school with nicer shoes, an expensive backpack, etc. She hates it. "Bruce is not my father." She'll roll her eyes. Her friends ask if he'll adopt her, a topic she'd rather not broach. "No way, how can I marry Jason if we're related?" It's a joke she only...somewhat means and it makes her friends laugh and it practically erases the idea of her getting adopted from the conversation.
She has no clue about the Batfam - the whole vigilante thing. She's clueless but it's hard to believe. She makes these comments that has the fam clenching their holes in shock/fear/anticipation. "It's not like Batman's gonna save me" when she gets herself into a jam or is in need of intervention with schoolwork she cares none for. "Aww, you two are like Batman and Robin." Mockingly when the boys team up for a lame ass burn or zinger against her. "Red Hood is hotter than Nightwing." Overheard as she walks around the house, gabbing to her friends. There's been some close calls like her walking past the secret entrance to the cave right when Bruce, Damian, or Alfred step in or out of it. She doesn't understand the silence her jokes are met with sometimes but she just assumes money makes you a bit boring and stuffy. Just look at Damian.
She loves to read and she spends hours in the library though if Damian is in there, she avoids the place. One day, she has a coffee in hand and she's excited to sit on the plush chaise by the ladder and read that first edition Virginia Woolf she found. She opens the French doors, her feet moving forward before she stops in her tracks. There's Damian, legs crossed with a book splayed in his lap. She sighs, groaning inwardly because Virginia will have to wait. She turns to leave when Damian calls out to her. "You don't have to go." His voice still sounds so condescending but his face, when she turns to see him, his face holds none of that. He seems nice and honest. "You're not the most...welcoming presence in the house." She says, not moving from her spot. Damian sighs, closing his book and rising from his seat on a the davenport. "I know. But..." He doesn't finish the sentence, only waves around the library before walking past her. That was the start of a fairly interesting friendship for the two of them.
She takes the time to learn some ASL because she's under the impression that Cass is deaf or mute. She engages with Cass as much as she can, showing off the new words and phrases she's learned. She gets to be fairly good at it that she even considers taking the interpreter certification exam. So, you can imagine her surprise when, while on a hike, Cass responds to her signing with a full-fledged sentence. Then another one. And another one. Surprise isn't the word, neither is shock. But once she settles into the truth, the two break out into a fit of laughter.
Sneaking out of Wayne Manor is a bitch but she loves to do it! Sometimes she's grounded - the why is ever-changing - and sometimes, she knows Bruce and Alfred would hate her late night partying. She's opening her window and shimmying down a trellis as her friends wait outside of the manor gate off to the side and just out of sight. She hates hopping the gate, her hands are too precious for the scraping so for a few days she's been pushing a ladder closer and closer to the sweet spot of the gate. Sometimes she comes back to Bruce outside the front door in a robe with knitted brows and a set jaw, other times it's a silent treatment a t breakfast. She feels guilty sometimes, but mostly only when's he's caught. She wonders how they know, tells her friends there has to be a security camera. If only she knew.
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deadsetobsessions · 9 months
Trigger Warning: blades, mild torture, injuries, and what amounts to suicidal thoughts and actions (he lives at the end but he does need a hell of a lot of therapy)
Tim shudders, as best he can while bleeding and bruised and broken.
The Red Hood is above him, mechanical voice melding into the raspy deeper tones of an Older Jason Todd. His voice is hollow and cruel as he digs his blade into Tim’s flesh. It hurts. But, Tim thinks dazedly, having Robin, Tim’s Robin, hating Tim hurts worse.
“Wow, Replacement, no last words for the person you stole everything away from?”
Jason’s mocking him.
“What’s that, Replacement?”
Tim is so incredibly tired. And the blade held to his neck is starting to look like comfort. Tim thinks-
“My last words. You- You want to hear it?”
His hero’s face tilts, green eyes sparking something deep within Tim’s memory. But he’s so tired.
“Sure, let’s see what kind of recruitment pitch you’ve got for me, Replacement.”
Cruel. So cruel. Mocking him with false warmth. But false warmth is better than the coldness of Drake manor, the coldness of Bruce’s grieving form or Dick’s smile, sometimes when he thinks Tim’s not looking.
Ah, Tim knew it. His Robin will always be better than any other heroes, even if the false warmth makes his heart hurt worse than the broken ribs he’s now sporting. That Hood is pressing a knee down on to keep him immobile. Not that Tim could move anywhere considering both of his legs are broken. Tim wonders what it is about him that makes it impossible for people to muster up warmth towards.
“Do you know why… why heroes are so… so loved?” He wheezes out. He doesn’t wait for a response from Hood. “It’s because… they choose good- they choose to better the world- to save people, even if… even if they weren’t saved themselves. No matter how much- the obstacles, there’s always, an obstacle. But they try anyways.” Tim has to wrap this up. He’s losing coherency. “It’s why… it’s why this is okay. You… you’re choosing to save… to save Gotham from the Joker. Ev’n if you weren’t saved yourself. You’re not… good. You kill.”
Red Hood- Jason, snarls. Tim, blinking slowly, admires the man’s green eyes. “That’s fucking right-”
“But, you can be. Y’re helping.” And because this is important, because Tim has an alter set up to mourn Jason, “You were my hero,” Tim says, and Jason stops short, expression blanking. “So. I’ll help- help remove an obstacle so… so you can keep helping. Helping people like… like me. Or, not like me. Something.”
With that, Tim summons the rest of his strength and presses his neck towards the blade, starting the process to slit his own throat.
Jason flings the knife away, expression crumbling in horror as he stares down at the child he just tortured.
And as Tim’s voice fades, as blood spills out of his neck, as Tim gives him time to retrieve the knife, Jason breaks.
Oh, Tim thinks. His eyes weren’t green. They’re supposed to be blue.
Jason sits beside the medical cot, the steady beeping of the heart monitor grounding him as he held two fingers on the kid’s- oh god, he’s a fucking kid, Todd, you monster- pulse.
Jason will grovel when Tim wakes up. Because he turned into the kid’s Joker and Willis and if there’s anything Jason won’t ever allow himself to turn into, it’d be those two. He crossed a line. If Tim wants him to rip his liver out and present it to him, Jason thinks he’d do it on the spot.
Fuck. He fucked up.
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mysterycitrus · 10 months
damian wayne headcanons. hand 'em over
Headcanon A:  realistic
like bruce, damian can't maintain eye contact. sometimes when people are talking to him, his gaze shifts to their ear, the corner of their nose, their brow, the wall behind them. that first time it happens, with dick in the manor, dick doesn't turn, doesn't ask what's wrong, doesn't question why damian cannot truly look at him. even so, damian has never feared dick's eye.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
when steph tells him that jack drake was murdered by captain boomerang, he thinks she's joking. he checks the batcomputer. he checks again. then he has to stand outside for a while to stop himself from saying something very funny (that he'll regret)
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
maybe damian wayne never finds out what robin truly means, but when his father returns he finally understands what it means to be the robin for the first. he feels guilty, secretly and with great depth, of thinking it an unworthy title, of scoffing it in favour of the bat. he thinks about the downturned corner of dick's mouth as he'd worn his suit for the first time, expositing his destiny for something greater, something more important. truthfully, there has been no greater gift.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
he loves anime. he loves miyazaki movies and satoshi kon and shinichiro watanabe. he goes through a lot of it in the background while he's drawing, but his favourites are the cerebral stuff with layers of meaning. late one night he cold-calls dick to explain the intricacies of revolutionary girl utena - he talks about the cycle of violence and authority and violent control for over an hour. dick half understands it but keeps nodding and saying uh huh, wow. sometimes tim and damian and steph watch naruto together on skype.
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dcxdpdabbles · 4 days
This is an anonymous answer, but I accidentally deleted it when I clicked out. It was asking for more Misplaced Baby. Hope you enjoy it!
Danny wabbled around the yard, stopping occasionally to pick up a rock among the gravel. He turns the smooth rock this way and that with a critical eye before dubbing it suitable. He turns to wabble back to the man that was watching him from under the shate of a near by tree.
"For you,Tati" Danny says, holding it out his Father. Dick's smile stretches clear across his face, carefully taking the gift as if it was made of valuable glass.
"Wow, this is perfect. Thank you, Danny." Dick brings the child in for a warm hug, grinning as the little one giggles. He places his rock in a near by pile made of more stones and a few sticks, that his son had gifted him over the last hour.
They were out in front of the Wayne Manor, enjoying the surprisingly lovely weather during its twilight hours. Danny has been with him for about three months now, and the child is slowly adjusting to his new family.
Dick could admit a part of his was worried he wasn't ready for his son. He hadn't known he was a father, and feels horrid he missed out on Danny's birth, first smile, first laugh, first word, first step, and who knows what else.
He is trying to make up for lost time. That's why he has called off a few days from work, using every last hour of PTO citing a family emergancy. He had to disclose the news of Danny with his boss, but thankfully, his Captain isn't the type to gossip.
Dick knew that at one point, he would have to introduce Danny to the world, but he hoped it would be later than sooner. Mostly, he knows the media will attempt to tear his sweet boy apart to get a good story.
Thankfully, Tim and Lucius claimed they had created a community among Wayen Enterprises PR department, who all signed NDAs on what they were preparing for. The legal and media storm that was brewing would take the best among them.
Dick was not looking forward to it.
A loud bark cut through the later afternoon air, and both Graysons swung their heads towards the front door. The barking wasn't agreesive so Dick knew that it was likely Damian taking his dog out for a walk.
As expected, Titus happily raced towards the child, who raised his arms and yelled the dog's name happily. Damian was not far behind, walking with his hands in his pocket at a slow and relaxed pace.
The great dane, ran into Danny's waiting arms slobbering all over the child's face as the toddler giggled. His large form nearly topppled the young one over, but Danny didn't seem to mind, reaching up to embrace the dog with gusto.
Dick's heart melted.
"Richard." Damian greets, standing at his side with a perfect poster. Despite his insistence that he is not soft on Danny, Dick can't help but notice the warmth taken in his younger brother's eye when he gazes at his pet and nephew.
Case in point: in the crook of Damian's arm is a child's jacket.
Dick grins. "Hey, Dami, what brings you out here?"
"It is time for Titus' walk," Damian says smoothly, then as if just now noticing the cloth he was carrying, he humps " I can not enjoy this outing, however, with all this cargo. Surely Daniel can assist me with that."
"Danny help!" His son yells, finally getting the animal to stop licking him. Almost as if though he flew, Danny appears in front of Damian while making grasping motions up towards the pre-teen. "Danny, help!"
"Excellent; I appreciate the assistance." Damian nods, crouching down to quickly wrangle the child into his coat. Danny does his best to help by thrusting his arms through the sleeves as aggressively as he can in his haste, and if Dick could just take a picture of this moment, he would.
If he wasn't ninety-five percent sure, Damian would later fine it, delete it, and attack him in retaliation. It was a nice thoguht.
Eventually, Damian can zip up Danny's jacket—a bear-themed one that looks like Damian has skinned a teddy bear—and even flip up his hood, which has little bear ears. It is fluffy, as his son seems to have an adoration for anything soft, and Danny does not disappoint.
He instantly started rubbing his face against the sleeve of his jacket, laughing silly at the fur texture. Damian soaks in his reaction with a smile on his face, and Dick can't help himself.
"Danny, want to go with Uncle Dami on his walk?"
"Yeah!" Danny cheers, grabbing onto Damian's leg. "Up!"
Damian wrinkles his nose but still carefully lifts the child into his arms. He tucks Danny closely to his chest, ensuring the child is face him as he says "You are a warrior. Never become too soft."
Danny responds by reaching up and tugging hard on Damian's hair. The pre-teen nods, approving. "Good, always search for openings even in the arms of a ally."
Dick wonders if he should step in there- would that be something a normal father would disapprove of?- but Damain turns and starts walking, Titus loyalty at his side keeping pace.
Danny slumps against his uncle, leaning his tiny head on Damian's shoulder, and Dick has no choice but to follow. He can't help but huff a laugh as Damian starts receding proper etiquette to the child in his arms. The pre-teen seems convinced he can make Danny into a proper gentleman.
Surprisingly, despite the advanced vocabulary that Damian uses, Danny is easily able to follow the conversation, making appropriate short answers when prompted.
"There is no elegance in making a racket when dining. Slurping is for fools raised in barns. How do we avoid this?"
"Soup spoon"
"Correct." Damian beams as Dick studies them. He's wondered about that for a while. It's not about etiquette- heavens knows he's spent too many years under Alfred's watchful eye learning it- but Danny seems highly intelligent in some moments and in others seems to have the regular mind of a toddler in others.
Bruce had already tested Danny for a meta gene, having also noticed, but the results returned negative. In the same swoop, they ruled out Danny having magical powers, a non-human parent, and any mutation. He could also be like Tim, who was just born a natural genius with a high IQ, but that seems quite right.
Tim's brilliant mind shone through every moment of his life, even when he was naive and sheltered. Danny seemed to generally have only some areas of advance knowledge.
He was able to name the star constellations after flipping through one book with Jason- Jason read out load , acting like he wasn't cuddling with his nephew before Danny's naptime- but could not understand what the things in the kitchen were even after Alfred explained.
He understood everyone in conversations but seemed only able to follow along when someone put him in front of a TV or radio if it was created for toddlers. He spoke in small sentences- Dick was worried he was behind his peers in this- but could still make it clear what he meant and why.
Danny seemed to understand how to use computers, having found Tim's and gotten on the internet, to watch space videos without anyone teaching him how but seemed lost in how to use a cellphone.
Even his walking seemed off. Danny almost seemed to be used to walking with different feet, only to become as graceful as Cass when running.
Sometimes Dick thought Danny reminded him of a patient suffering from amnesia. As if though his memories where in there somewhere, resting until Danny needed them. But how much could a three year old lose?
If he is like Tim, maybe a lot.
If he wasn't, maybe none was lost, and his son just happened to be like that. He doesn't know, but Dick plans to be there for his boy's development and figure out what was going on.
"If anyone challeges your honor?"
"Going Ghost"
Damian nods. "Yes. Make them into ghosts"
Dick wonders where Danny's fasciation with ghosts came from. He just one night got up from his side of the bed in Dick's room, wabbled over to the large set of windows and stared at the stars.
"Ghosts Tati." Danny has whispered once he realized Dick felt him leave the bed. "They here."
Dick.....didn't like that. He texted Raven to check for any hauntings or demons that same night.
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influenzalake · 8 months
'I've been behaving all night...' Damian Wayne x Reader 
Damian and Y/N are in an established relationship, in their earlier stages (about 3 years). they go to the gala and Damian cannot help himself, fun times ensue 
fem reader, she her, about 700w
*no actual smut sorry :(
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Damian leads you to your seat after the millionth dance of the night. It was your first Gala, at first you were nervous but that has all dissipated into pure joy and love. You were dressed in the finest gown. A sleeveless sweetheart neckline that pushed your tits up juuust right. The gentlemen attendants have surely noticed... much to Damian's chagrin. Your hair and makeup professionally done. You were adorned with jewelry you got to personally pick. Your shoes were custom made to reduce the chances of pain the following morning. The marble floor reflected the golden light of the chandeliers above. You rubbed elbows with popular socialites and they had nothing but nice things to say about you. The older ladies thought you were the cutest thing. Your fresh face was the talk of the night. With your grin from ear to ear, you can hardly contain your laughter. It really was like a dream come true. 
You settle into the hand carved spruce wood chair, bringing your breathing and heart rate down. You were grateful for this fun night out. Damian didn't have to take you, as you still had your reservations. Dick said the Galas weren't that bad, Jason said they were insufferable, even Tim and Bruce always found excuses to leave. But now, with your hands in your lap, you wanted to take a moment to share your gratitude. 
You curl a hair behind your ear and face who you genuinely believe is the love of your life. You take his hand and start your speech. 
"That was amazing, I had so much fun. The live band really fills the air and all these lights..."
Damian is enthralled and happy you are enjoying it, but notices you're beginning to ramble. You still have that cute nervousness after all this time. 
"And these shoes, wow these shoes. Despite how they look I can actually move! And that means I can dance with you more! I mean, this is all so much and you're just the best and I'm so happy baby this is the best night ever-", now gesturing around to add to your story.
Damian loves to hear your voice, but it's getting a bit long winded for him. As you continue your chatter he gets an idea. 
He slowly leans into your shoulder and presses kisses up, leading up the shoulder, then a little bit to the collarbone.
"I never in all my years thought I would be in this mansion wi-t     I , With..."
Damian finds his way to the trapezius. Then that sly dog hides half his face behind you and starts tonguing that hot spot. Slow and sensual. In the middle of the gala. Completely nonchalant and normal.
You two are going to be news for the next month. 
You can't believe this naughty scoundrel! But then, your heart starts picking up again. You want to tell him that people are starting to stare, but your words are caught in your throat. You sit there in red faced silence as Damian has the time of his life in the crook of your neck.
After what feels like forever, Damian's hand finds yours. You think that he's finally come to his senses, but he keeps his head down, kissing your hand over and over. You dare to look and you seal your fate. Damian looks up at you from under his lashes, mouth still on your knuckles. 
Voice deeper than you're used to, he says, "I've been behaving all night beloved. May we leave now?"
You're absolutely caught off guard. Still dazed from the soft warm tongue on your skin, then those striking green eyes. That gravely voice was the end of you.
You want to stutter a response, but all that comes out is a gentle whine. You pray only Damian heard it...
Without releasing your first hand, Damian guides you up by your forearm and carefully leads you out of the Gala in all your weak kneed glory
Suffice to say it was a good night.
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hopepetal · 1 year
A little boatem knights au writing for Scar's birthday!
Scar woke up a year older, and as it had been with the last few centuries, things were unchanged. The sun was shining (which brought with it the leafy scent of Mumbo's sunscreen), the birds were chirping, and Scar stepped out of his tent to greet the day.
He walked out to a very different sight than what he had expected.
Standing there were the knights, Cub, Jimmy, and Tango, who had clearly just been rushing around preparing... this. The camp was covered in mismatched decorations, trinkets likely taken from Grian's treasure hoard (with great reluctance from the avian, Scar imagined) strewn about the camp, shining when the light caught them.
Scar blinked, looking around at everyone. “Huh– what's this? What are you doing here?”
Impulse grinned. “Well, I was with Cub the other day and he just so happened to mention that it was your birthday today! So I told the others, and we grabbed Cub and Jimmy and Tango to help celebrate!”
“It's because no one here can bake to save their lives,” Jimmy explained, “and they wanted a cake.”
Mumbo held out the, to be quite frank, monstrosity on a plate. “Grian and I decorated!” he chirped, and Scar squinted at the near illegible frosting words.
“I wasn't here for this,” Pearl explained, “I was out getting decorations.”
“It says happy birthday Scar!” Grian told Scar, “and you can just ignore the redstone dust in the frosting, that's Mumbo's fault.”
Mumbo squeaked, eyes widening. “Look, I washed my hands! Very thoroughly!”
Cub chuckled, shaking his head. “Slight redstone ingestion never hurt anyone,” he pointed out, Mumbo, Impulse, and Tango nodding in agreement.
Scar beamed, holding his hands over his heart. His eyes shone with joy and barely held back tears. “Why, you all are so sweet! This is absolutely amayzin', thank you so much!”
“I still think we should sing,” Pearl piped up, to a resounding, unanimous "no."
“You do not want me to sing,” Mumbo told her with a slight giggle.
“Or me,” Impulse added, scratching his head right behind his horns. “Not a good idea. Tango will tell you.”
Tango grinned, elbowing Impulse. “Oh, I absolutely will, buddy.”
Scar took the cake from Mumbo, his face hurting from how much he was smiling. “Thank you all so so much,” he said once more, sincerely. “This is– this is so nice!”
“Of course, Scar!” Grian's wings fluttered slightly from the excitement. “You're our friend! Of course we'd celebrate your birthday!” He leaned over, pointing at the red and green blobs of frosting on the cake. “And these are poppies, see? They're your favorite flower, I remembered you telling me!” He was so proud of himself for this, eyes shining as he bragged to Scar.
Scar gasped. “Oh wow, G! That's absolutely fantastic! I think we should go eat it now!”
“Count me out.” Jimmy backed away, his hands held up. “I live with this man. I've seen what redstone does to him.” He gestured at Tango with his head. “I refuse to take part in any of this.”
Tango laughed. “Your loss, buddy!”
Cub nodded, holding back a smile of his own. “More for the rest of us, then.”
Pearl wrapped an arm around Jimmy's shoulders. “Does poor Tim have a sensitive stomach?” she teased, to Jimmy's indignant squawking. “It's okay, mate! Nothing to be ashamed of!”
“I'm not–!” Jimmy splutttered, face turning a light shade of red. “Oh, my gosh. This is awful. Why do I come here?”
Grian hopped up to Jimmy, a coy grin on his face. “Because you love us, Timmy!”
Scar began walking to the eating area, carrying the cake with him. “C'mon, guys! This cake isn't gonna eat itself, y'know!”
The rest of the day was spent joking around with the knights and their friends, and eventually ended under the stars with a crackling bonfire.
Scar heaved out a contented sigh. “So. Have you guys given any more thought to matching uniforms?” he asked, and laughter broke out among the knights.
It was a good day.
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