cassandracain52 · 3 months
This weeks Tim/Steph content:
When Steph got so distracted by thinking about her and Tim’s past relationship -specifically them kissing- during a fight she accidentally just punched him in the face
Batgirl (2009) _TPB Stephanie Brown 1 (part 2)
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To which Tim responded by immediately referencing the time she smashed a brick into his face when they first met
Detective Comics (1937) Issue #648
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burnt-eggoss · 5 months
HELP- I just asked my sister to name/ guess the name of jd characters 😭😭😭😭 (SHES 13 AND HYPED ON LOLLIES) AND THIS IS HOW IT WENT DOWN. Jackson was the best reaction ever so I saved him for last 🩷🩷🩷
EXER Her: “…he looks like an egg”
me: *dies
her: “his name is egg”
me: *while dead* “half point…”
her: “ooooh he looks like walker scobell!”
me: “is that his name or-“
her: “-yes”
me: “MOVING ON-“
her: “he looks like he goes around playing rock music and being scary but he actually listens to Disney music like princess songs, and gets his nails painted”
me: attempting to stay calm and failing* “so what’s his name?”
her: “…flounder.”
me: 💀💀💀
her: “she’s prettyyyy”
me: “and her name is…”
her: “Erica.”
me: “why Erica?”
her: “I don’t know she gives an Erica vibe”
me: …
her: “she’s emo but actually pulls it off damn”
me: …
her: “she’s… ✨PETUNIA✨”
me: *im having way too much fun rn*
her: (with no hesitation) “Gerald.”
me: “… can we give her a girl name?”
her: “nope :)”
her: (full minute of silence and then out of nowhere…)
me: *actually I cannot with Ken being called barbie*
her: “her name is lady sparklepants”
me: “…can it be Mr sparklepants?”
her: “THATS A BOY!?”
and now… the moment you’ve all been waiting for:
her: “Trick question- that’s just fanart of Ryder from paw patrol”
me: *fucking dies*
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builtintripping · 1 year
does timmy still knows timantha, cindy (probably not but like-) or atleast cleft the boy chin wonder???? D: what does shirley think about this??????😭😭 does chloe (carmichael) exists here? also i wonder what is timothys favorite videogame now? .>.💀 questions from ya gurl "timantha" 😏✨💖 (i am a god of changing names over and over cause i cant pick one 😔🔫)
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Disclaimer: I actually know very little about the FOP lore, so anything I say here isn't canon, more on my own interpretation of what happens after Timmy's memory wipe.
First off, his magical memories are replaced with ordinary ones just like with Anna from Frozen. He remembers dressing up as Timantha to "spy" on Trixie and as Cleft the Boy Chin Wonder to spice up his playtimes, but he doesn't remember wishing to magically turn into these two (and all of his other alter egos made by magic like Nega Timmy).
He probs retain his favorite video games as long as it's not tied to CosWan's influences? 🥹
As for Chloe, I know almost nothing about her. Many say she's written poorly as a character as well as the others in Poof's era, so I'm not including anything post JTPH3 in my canonverse (for now?). (but i do dig her design, maybe she has potential? maybe she and timmy can be friends post memory wipe, but I'm not sure how yet)
Timmy unfortunately forgets Cindy and co as an extension to forgetting Jimmy since they're in the same dimension. This goes for the others as well: Patrick, Sandy, Sam, Tucker, the Evil Syndicate (except Crocker lol) and those from the other Nicktoons series.
And good question for Shirley
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Since he's a creation of Timmy and Jimmy, whom Timmy will forget, Shirley's out of the picture as well. But I like to be dramatic and have him explode on Timmy's 18th bday on midnight, when the memory wipe happens. I imagine the morning news shows the remains of the pizzeria, then Timmy in mid-breakfast suddenly bolts out of the house to see the scene in person.
He remembers the "casual" bond he shared with the funny pizza guy, but not exactly how they met. And it's not like Timmy to drop everything he's doing to check on some guy's place of death. He just knows that this particular situation's tied to something important to him. He doesn't know why though, he just has to be there somehow.
He could have figured out why exactly he's feeling empty for the days that'll follow if Shirley was still around to tell him about Timmy's co-creator of Shirley. 🥲
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1bastard-1 · 4 months
LMFAO I FORGOT TO POST MY INTRODUCTION BUT UHM HI. I'm irl Timothy I go by he/him I will most likely never call you or send voice messages because.. I SOUND LIKE A GIRL.. 💀😭 my main interests and hyperfixations are.. literally everything creaturefeaster/wire/chickenstab makes.. Color quest... Color quest.. Color quest.. Hellpark.. Cbe... On the cliff... Color quest... Color quest... Color quest... Uh. Color quest again and... Color quest!!!!!! Shows I like are girl from nowhere, south Park, and ramshackle!! I am a huge NERD.. once you get to know me.. And this is my first public account! All the other accounts I've had have been private
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virtualbunny · 2 years
Hey bestie, can I request how you would spend new years eve with the boys avoiding the fireworks cause you know, don’t want to cause any PTSD episodes 💀
Of course you can request bestie🫶
Super sorry this was late the internet where I’m at is absolute shit😭 (also sorry that Caparzos was short I just couldn’t come up with anything fun)
Miller’s squad: spending new year’s eve together avoiding the fireworks
John Miller: he hides it mentally very good. physically though, not so much. You can sense his hand shaking, his neck and shoulders stiffing, his clenched jaw and his eyes starring down at the floor. But as the great partner that you are, you know exactly what to do. Rubbing his hand, hugging him and telling him that it’s over and he’s at home with you etc.
Mike Horvath: switches his hands from his ears to his face, face scrunched up, slightly rocking back and forth while whisper- cursing to himself. It’s not that much you can do to make it go away, so you turn up the volume on the TV to drain out the noises while holding him close, covering his ears for him.
Daniel Jackson: all he can think about was all the PTSD he endured. You know that. You also know that it’s not much you can do about it. Both of you try do distract yourselves by going down the basement and having a movie marathon with lots of snacks, pillows, blankets etc. oh, you can’t forget to be there for Jackson while he has his litte “me time” meaning praying and thanking god. You may join him if you want or believe as him or just sit by him, rubbing his back, kissing his shoulder and telling him how much it means to you and others that he’s alive and (mostly) well.
Richard Reiben: he’s full of rage. Well, not really. It’s just that mentally and emotionally reliving those memories scares him to death. Imagining all those bullets piercing through his comrades and friends. Horrifying. You spend new year’s eve in bed, him hugging you torso with his head buried in your chest while both of you are under the covers trying to cancel out the noises more. You’re holding his head , softly stroking and kissing it. You both are silent until it’s all over.
Irwin Wade: you’re blasting music loudly, almost as if y’all can’t hear each other, and playing different types of games, baking, dancing etc just to drain out the time in the best way possible. Dancing and playing charades with him is one of your new new year’s traditions and it’s great. Sure, the PTSD can be to powerful overbearing (damn you fireworks) and that’s fine, you’ll just cuddle closely with him in bed.
Stanley Mellish: like Wade, blasting music almost until your eardrums erupts. Mostly y’all are just trying to over power the fireworks noises by singing karaoke as loud as you can. One time you actually over powered the firework noises so loud that the neighbors complained that they couldn’t hear the fireworks and thank everyone for that.
Timothy Upham: You can’t read together like you normally do. Well…. You can but it wouldn’t be so efficient. He still wants to enjoy the beautiful fireworks so you come up with the brilliant idea of giving him noise canceling headphones. So you two spend the last time of the year looking at the fireworks while enjoying some drinks and snacks.
Adrian Caparzo: movie marathon at max volume, but with open blinds/curtains so you can still enjoy the fireworks in some way.
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arbustorum · 1 year
Looks like you might be edged out as the biggest Blaire Fan by BabyGirl Timothy
Blaire sweetie dont listen to them a true fan would never skinwalk you 😭😭😭😭💀
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triplexdoublex · 2 years
I saw a theory on Twitter on why she flowed those 3. Do u remember that spicy game called let's get deep she posted on her story and said this would divorce after one round and one question was who would be your celeb hall pass? Someone guessed that maybe Harry and Timothy were her hall passes and instead of reassuring colson it would never happened she got petty and followed them bc literally why else follow them? She's never met them and she's never showed she was into their music and we all know she followed Eminem to be extremely petty. And honestly if that is the case I wish Colson would get his confidence back and remind her who tf he is. That boy has hooked up with the best of the best porn stars and models. Like he isint Brian where he was tamed and Megan was or is the best he will ever get and I think that's wats pissing her off so much bc she's not Colsons IT girl. Like she's not his hottest gf he's ever had or will have. I honestly think this is the first relationship Megan's had where she felt like her partner legitimately has so many more options then her at the drop of a finger. I just feel so extremely bad his confidence is at a all time low and this is all happening bc could u imagine how fast hotel Diablo mgk would of dropped her? Much less young kells? He would of dropped her the moment she started talking astrology 😭😭
Who tf knows why her dumbass does half the shit she does. But yeah for real old Kells would not of put up with this shit. The last line about astrology just killed me 💀. The most Kells ever talked about astrology before her was “I just fuck ‘em while they’re wet like Pisces” and “I'm a Taurus that means I don't give a fuck what you thought of me” 🤣
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frenziedslashers · 2 years
3) What fic of yours do you think is underrated?
5) Do you like one shots or multi-chapters?
8) Do you take inspiration from real life? If so how do you incorporate it into your fics?
14) What is something you wrote in a fic that you are hoping readers picked up on but you don't know if they did? And/or, what is something that you were excited that readers did pick up on?
15) If you could only write one type of fic (angst, fluff, etc.) for the rest of your life what would it be?
17) Do you have any wips that you can tell us about? What are you most excited for in you wip?
Hope this many is ok! <3
I FORGOT TO ANSWER THESE I AM SO SORRY 😭😭 I have some ask game questions just lost in my ask box 💀👍
3) what fanfic of yours do you think is underrated?
My Scooter x Reader one, from the video game Borderlands. I mean, it isn't underrated considering Borderlands is an off and on dying fandom, but like- it's the one I have with the least likes? I don't really consider any of my fics underrated since I get attention on most of them and I consider more than 20 interactions a win LMAO
5) do you like one shots or multiple chapters.
I prefer one shots, writing and reading them. I do not have the attention span to keep up with writing or reading multiple chaptered fanfics. Writing because I lose interest. Reading because I tbh kind of forget about it/lose my place/or I forget to check for updated chapters. I respect people who can keep up with multi chaptered fics more than you can even imagine 😭
8) do you take inspiration from real life? If so how do you incorporate it into your fics?
I do, actually! I am a Mid-Westerner who loves the outdoors which is why I love Lester sm tbh. I like to incorporate my love for bones and knives into his character! I also own chickens and live on a tiny "farm" North of my town so I kind if incorporate it into fics when I write for Tommy or Bubba as well. Love writing for country boys/gals
14) What is something you wrote in a fic that you are hoping readers picked up on but you don't know if they did? And/or, what is something that you were excited that readers did pick up on?
hmm. I don't think I really have one. I wrote a Sincairl one a long time ago where I wrote the effects of the fan belt incorrectly just because. There was really no reason. I had just written the fan belt broke and was too lazy to fix the details.
15) If you could only write one type of fic (angst, fluff, etc.) for the rest of your life what would it be?
Probably angst! I love writing and reading angst. It helps me feel something lmao. I also just love writing emotions.
17) Do you have any wips that you can tell us about? What are you most excited for in you wip?
I have quite a few wips right now! A smutty Rhys Strongfork fic. A smutty Timothy Lawrence fic. A smutty jealous Timothy Lawrence fic. A fic where Lester tries to convince you to stay with him. A family fic with Lester.
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dontkickmyshin · 2 years
Jake's friend group + thoughts
(Okay so just to clarify I don't actually care about the morality of fictional characters because they're, well, fictional. I just wrote this because I don't really see anybody else talking about them)
Usually when I see people talk about the Daehyeon boys it's usually about how they're similar to Eunjang and that if it wasn't for the Union, Jake's crew would get along with Eunjang so well etc etc.
But I don't really believe that Eunjang and Jake's crew could be friends (hang out?? tolerate each other, maybe, but not friends) with all their differences. It's pretty obvious that SEOPASS made them similar on purpose so I'm not gonna act like that's some groundbreaking discovery I made lmao, but there are some things that make me think that the two groups are actually pretty different.
For one, when Gray and his friends are leaving to go find Big Ben after fighting Dean and the others, he tells the guys from Daehyeon that Ben wouldn't gang up on Jake with them, and that Ben wasn't "Some wannabe thug like you guys."
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(Pop off Gray)
But yeah, Jake and his gang can act like they're the chill, strong, laid back good guys, but that's all it is. An act. I mean, Dean and Eunchan literally pick fights with people for no reason, and are assholes a lot of the time.
Jake doesn't start fights for no reason but he never stops his friends from doing so, and though I've never seen this happen in canon before, I can a 100% imagine him being excited when that happens so that he can get into fights for a 'justifyable' reason. (This reminds me of something @rare-and-beautiful-things in a post before about Jake beating people up for his friends in their strong abd kind Union member post)
Plus the dynamics in their group are actually pretty different. Eunchan and Dean immediately underestimate their opponents (and in a way, Jake does too, but that's more understandable since he IS the number two in the Union), making a bunch of derogratory comments about the people they're fighting.
I've never seen anybody in Eunjang do that (besides Teddy but he's a special case💀) even though most of them are unbelievably strong they always approach their opponent with caution and never look down on them.
Also,, one thing I've noticed is that Dean and Eunchan have the tendency not only to look down on their opponents, but their friends as well. Okay that sounds bad so let me explain more😭😭
I feel like Eunchan and Dean unconciously rank people? (like most people in the Union do, and I guess it kind of comes along with being a thug) and don't get me wrong, I think they geniunely think of Timothy as a friend and care for him, but when you're in the Union you tend to view people who can't fight as someone less deserving of your respect, whether you do it consciously or not.
An example of this is when Gray is about to fight Dean, Eugene warns Gray about Dean's strength, Gray pats him on the shoulder and tells him not to worry.
But when Timothy does the same to Dean, Dean tells Timothy that he "didn't give a crap about his data", and I don't think he would have responded the same way if someone like Jake (or someone he viewed as 'more powerful' than him) told him to be cautious.
And let's be honest, you'd only talk to somebody that way if you didn't respect them.
It's pretty obvious that Eunchan does the same thing too. When Eugene and Timothy start fighting, Eunchan looks over at them and says, "What a bunch of losers."
I literally did a double take at that one because 1. Calling your friend (who's trying to help you) a loser? 2. It confirms what I thought about the other guys looking down on Tim for not being able to fight. They hang out with him and love him, sure, but subconsiously to them, anybody who cannot fight is a rank below them: a loser.
(I'm pretty sure they aren't aware of this since their friendship does seem pretty geniune. It's probably from the inflated ego that comes along with being a thug.)
The Eunjang boys have never once looked down on Eugene for not being able to defend themselves and always treated him as an equal, so that's another difference.
(Also another thing that's pretty telling is Eunchan's style of fighting- he hits Eugene in the face even though Eugene was practically defenseless and not attacking him. He also got Timothy to hold Rowan down so he could beat him up which is dirty asf and also just proves that they aren't really the 'cool strong heroes' they think they are.)
Anyways thanks for reading all this rambling and like I said at the start (i'll just repeat it because some people can't read and i don't want any hate) i don't actually care about whether fictional characters are good or bad because if I did I wouldn't be reading action webtoons (or having Wolf Keum as a fav) I just wanted to talk about this.
Interested in hearing yalls thoughts</3
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ladyelainehilfur · 2 years
Not Timothy being the most violent of the bunch 😂😭
he's so cute and tiny, he was the last person I expected to crush a bully, wicked witch of the west style. It wasn't even his beef 💀💀💀
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alphinias · 2 years
Someone on twitter compared the hair to an oily porcupine 💀💀.
Lucy will have a field day.
DJSNWNWJ I hate twitter but they are genuinely the funniest people over there.
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Timothy 😭 I’m just picturing Lucy seeing him the first time and doing that thing where she bites her lip trying not to laugh. Can’t wait.
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satellitesunset · 3 years
wow, you don't like any of the white boys of the month lmfao. 💀💀
you're making realise that forgot to mention my bitterness towards noah cintenio and timothy-
anyways apparently yeahdhdhsh I don't 💀😭
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ofmagicallonging · 2 years
Send one (or any combination) for a starter
😊 fluff
😭 angst
🥵 smut
💀 horror
🧜‍♂️ fletcher
🧛‍♂️ Francis
🐺 Timothy
🐲 Chester
🔮 Robin
📝 Nilo
👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 soulmate au
🎪 Circus au
👑 royalty au
🕯 historic au (freel free to suggest setting)
💰 mafia au
🧟‍♂️ end of the world au
🎠 funfair
🏖 beach
🏥 hospital
⛺ camping
🏞 log cabin
🚔 police station
🍻 bar
🎉 party
🃏 wildcard (your choice)
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