#Tim is at his youngest 16
jasontoddsno1simp · 7 days
Dear Tim Drake stans,
If you're gonna keep making fics/head canons centered on the Titans Tower fight - whether that be the fight, itself, or the aftermath - can you make it compelling?! Idk about y'all, but I'm tired of reading fics where the events are portrayed The Exact Same™ every fucking time.
Are y'all not tired?!
Or, if that's too hard, can y'all at least make y(our) fave not look like such a pathetic little bitch who needs other people to fight his battles for him?! Like, if I have to see another fic where Superboy jumps in at the last second to save Tim, I'm going to fucking Kermit.
~Signed, a Jason Todd stan who is quite fond of the night terror known as Tim Drake and would appreciate it if y'all stopped making him a sniveling little cry baby
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trappednyourheart · 2 months
A family visit
Alfred has been granted (Force) by the bats a week off, and whatever way would he do in a week?, visit his Father of course!
Alfred didn't really have a word into this, he only just been given (forced) a week off, he reason with the family ( it always works) but to his surprised! None of it came through there heads! ( Somehow they got lucky from Alfred's reasonable scolding)
What about the manor? Who would care of it? Who would assist? What will happen if-
How many times he reason and tried to budge it in there minds, none of it work?
Alfred is in horror, so the only thing he can only do is accept, remind them what's not do and do, (every single details) or atleast the common things to do, which he thinks they can handle it- if not, if he sees the house in shambles or in the news, he can now have a reason to not always take a weeks off.
In Alfred's room, he was packing some pairs of clothes, a coat, a medical kit, pairs of shoes, a book, his dark shawl that is covered with a lots of constellation's from his papa's gifts, (he always take good care of it when he left on his own, he couldn't leave his shawl even in the time of his work,) and whatever he needs.
He decided to visit and have his week's off to his papa's, it's been quite a long time ( maybe 60 years or so-)
It's not like he was an absent son, he was just busy, he would occasionally send letters or his baked cookie's ( he's own recipe but still came from papa's original treats).
The Batfam does know Alfred had a dad who's still alive?( Which the kids would joke about how his dad is immortal) outside his life here in Gotham as the only staff in the Wayne manor.
While they were chilling in the living room, they could see Alfred heading towards the door, before he stop and took out a letter, and as he did a ring in the bell could be heard, Alfred open the door, and greeted..
The mailman? ( A very hardworking ghost mailman, just saying “Jolly ho!- how may I help send! Deliver, or even package international!” which Alfred replying “International please, for in this ### #### ## address, I need it quickly delivered through his doorsteps” then the Mailman just nodded, Alfred payed him and he just disappeared)
And Alfred sighs in relief and went to get his luggage, and bid the Batfam goodbye without even explaining what was happening (Bruce dropped his newspaper)
They might had ideas Alfred wasn't human or normal, but after that bombshell, they just can't stop the urge to find out ( like the usual thing the Batfam does, but only minimal like just knowing where he went and they wanted to have Alfred privacy)
Alfred was on his way to his papa's home very much missing the feeling of home in Britain now it's been quite a long time almost but he's getting second thoughts, what would his papa think?
( and yes, hes dad was wealthy, and through family too, He lived in a manor too,
which was a very old money manor, cause Danny? he's literally the ghost king)
Alfred decided he got this, so he took a step and took a deep breath In the front door of the home he loved and cared for in his childhood, knocking three times and the only thing he imagined is that his papa would give him a big warm hug like old times when Alfred would visit once a while before he truly left home.
The bats were in disguise, well partially disguise, the british neighbors nearby can see them looking at them like there were weird (stalking is not a healthy way...sometimes) And how can they even see them?! There literally in a camouflage!!
They saw how Alfred took a step, and knock three times...the door open and there they saw- a kid? Wait what? The black haired and blue teenager might be 16 who looks like could be adoption bait look surprised and happy and he give Alfred a hug, and Alfie just return the gesture, they were having a conversation, they couldn't here it because they were out of range and no hearing gadgets ( damn it Bruce)
Then Alfred and the teen went back to the house, and the door could only shut blocking there view of Alfred and the teen.
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ferrouswheel11 · 6 months
The original batkid age differences still work in the current comic era, and I'm gonna keep assuming they're canon unless they tell me otherwise. (sequel to this post)
Damian is canonically 14 (as of 2021).
This makes Tim about 21, which fits with his recent 'college dropout who lives alone on a houseboat' character arc (also 2021). A comic in 2015 said Tim was 16 when Damian was at least 10, but since it's a minor difference I'm gonna stick with the ~7 year gap they had pre-n52.
So Jason must be 23 — as far as I know, no canon contradicts this.
And Dick is about 29. This causes some minor issues, actually — in 2014 he was supposedly 21 when he should have been about 24, and in 2018 he's described as 'mid-20s,' which could be a stretch depending on how much in-universe time passed between 2018 and 2021. Overall though, not too messy.
So that makes Cass 24, Steph 21-22, and Babs around 30.
Honestly I have no idea how old Duke is beyond 'high school age" — from at least 2015 to present. Which actually kinda screws things up, if we assume that all the other characters aged 4 years in that time. Like, in 2015 he was closer to Tim's age, and now he seems to be closer to Damian's. For what it's worth tho, I think of him as ~17.
Anyway, point is DC DOES let their characters age (at least since the Rebirth era started in 2016. pretty sure n52 was like, a stasis bubble or something). I'm sure the timeline will continue to get wonkier as the youngest generation of heroes grows up, but for now the Bats seem to be doing alright.
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hypewinter · 1 year
We've seen a lot of Danny is Damian's twin or older brother but I haven't seen many Danny is Damian's younger brother.
Dick Jason Tim Cass
I see this going two ways:
Danny gets whisked away from the league. Probably because Ra's was going to have Damian kill him as a test of loyalty but Talia or one of his nurses was having none of that. He ends up in Illinois, becomes a ghost, bla bla bla. They meet again when Sam drags Danny to a gala in Gotham with her and Damian is like "Danyal!?". Danny is utterly confused because he was too young to remember Damian or the league. Cue Damian going into overprotective 'I'm never letting you out of sight again' mode. The giw doesn't stand a chance once he finds out about them. The batfam is absolutely shocked because no one knew their youngest could be that protective of another person (Damian is 16 in this while Danny is still 14 btw). Him and Jazz are about to duke it out for custody or at least for the position as the most reliable sibling. Danny meanwhile is still processing that he has an assassin older brother. Neat.
Danny reincarnates. He retains his ghost powers somewhat which makes him special in the eyes of Ra's. This means he gets a separate training regimen. Damian sees his younger brother winning all of his grandfather's attention and promptly proceeds to pretend like he doesn't exist when he leaves for Wayne Manor. Out of jealousy and all that. Until one of the batbros is needling him about something or another and he lets it slip. The batfam is instantly like "we gotta rescue him" which Damian is not happy about. The entire rescue mission, he's complaining about how pointless this all is and how Danny is probably living like a king until they break into his room. Danny's room is bare except for a bed and when he sees Damian, he runs to him crying "you came back for me!". It turns out that Danny's training was much crueler to truly bring out the fullest force of his powers (no better trainer than survival and all that). Danny thinks his older brother came to save him and gets attached quickly. Damian refuses to admit how much the guilt is eating him up on the inside. (In this one Damian is 12 and Danny is 10)
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Part 17: the stars are shining their brightest light
"We can get lost in fears that we make for days that feel black as night, but there in the dark, you'll find that the stars are shining their brightest light." -If You Love Someone by The Veronicas
Regent Masterlist Part 16
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“This is my girlfriend, Queen Regent Jasmine of the Infinite Realms.” 
If there was ever a way to silence the Bat-family, it was with an introduction like that. 
Sure, Jason knew the family was fully aware of Jasmine Nightingale (thanks to Replacement), but he was positive that he had just rocked their world by just casually dropping the fact that  Jazz was not only royalty of the same dimension but also ruled it in the stead of the true monarch… He was certain that his family would figure out what he wasn’t saying soon enough. 
Beautifully executed and dinner hadn’t even started. 
The shock that permeated the room was delicious, feeding his ego as he led Jazz to their seats the furthest from Bruce, with Jazz safe at his side where he could intercept any perceived attack aimed at her. He’d ignored the rule about weapons at the table, packing his favorite desert eagle at his back and an ecto-gun strapped to his ankle that was a thoughtful gift from Danny. Jasmine had her bracelets uncharmed for the evening, desiring transparency with his family, and he knew how quickly she could summon her armor and Faithkeeper. They were as prepared as they could be and it made him proud that he had someone like Jazz to watch his back.
(He loved fighting back-to-back with her.) (Almost as much as he loved keeping her safe.) (The Lady and her knight.) (He was in love.)
It was Dickolas that spoke first, barely containing his excitement, “Little Wing, I’m so happy for you!” Which allowed pandemonium to follow from the rest of his siblings. 
“Oh my gosh-” 
“A member of royalty-” “-you’re-” 
“Jason pulled-”
“New sister?”
“-is willing-” 
“A queen?!” 
“-to date you?” 
“Nice one man.” 
The once-Revenant could practically taste Jazz’s amusement, relishing in her amusement-bafflement-love as they waited quietly for the others to settle down so the couple could answer the questions no doubt waiting for them.  
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The first question Jazz could answer was probably the one that she dreaded to answer. 
“How’d you meet?” Tim asked, eyes switching from Jason to her and back again. 
Jason was swift to reply, “At a bookstore.” “Got to talking and Jason asked me out.” Jazz added with a soft smile at the memory of a blushing Jason. 
The dark-haired girl at the table, Cassandra Wayne, signed something far too quick for Jazz to read completely. Though Stephanie translated right away, “Cass asked how long it took Jason to ask you out.” 
Jazz chuckled a bit and set down her cutlery to sign her response, though the movements were somewhat stilted- she hadn’t used sign language since the last meeting with Heppa, a mute acropolis amazonian that once acted as Jazz’s sparring partner while under Pandora’s tutelage. 
Some signs were muscle memory (stop, peace, fight), but others were difficult to recall. The ghost equivalent of ASL (ESL or ecto sign language) was far easier to fall back into than ASL, given that it also used emotions to communicate. [Two days, nervous, very cute.] Jazz signed, projecting the fondness-love she felt for her soulmate as she did. Cass tilted her head, the faint prickle of curiosity evaporating into the air almost as soon as Jazz registered it, but one of the other men at the table turned the attention away from the two women’s silent conversation. “I can’t believe little wing got a queen to date him!” Dick exclaimed. 
“Tt, a member of royalty should have better standards than to settle for Todd.” That comment came from the youngest Wayne, Damian, where he sat to his father’s left. The head of the house studied Jazz with a quiet air of protect-wariness. 
Ah, yes. They’d met as their alter egos- her the Regent and him the Batman. How concerning it must be for her to find her way into his son’s life and to his dining table with his other children. Bruce no doubt saw the evidence of the extent she would go to for Phantom. 
One slash, two, three Blood is on your hands already. 
Fourth, fifth slash Ask the ghosts if honor matters, buried amongst the ash.  Slash six, seven Sharpen your love into a weapon
“Jason is a wonderful person and partner.” Jazz replied, electing to ignore the DadBat’s stare into the side of her skull. Cass’s hands moved again, a bit slower than the first time, much to Jazz’s relief. [Do ghosts use sign?] 
[Yes. Emotions with words.] Jazz answered with a small smile as she once again projected her emotions, fondness-anxiety-amusement, for those present even if they couldn’t register them. 
“What are those shadows behind you?” Duke blurted out, eyes still locked onto something over Jazz’s shoulder. 
“Shades.” The manor was full of weak shades, no doubt belonging to ancestors of the Wayne lineage. “Weak ones” she clarified. 
Bruce spoke up this time, “The weakest form of ghosts?” he asked for clarification as if he wasn’t in possession of the Ghost Files, which she knew had information on shades. 
(Among other beings.) (She tried not to think about her own file.) (The evidence of patricide and matricide.) 
“Yes. These ones are probably just curious about my presence.” It was true, as far as she could tell. Jazz was the most liminal being in existence, after all, not to mention the Crown of Fire she bared as Regent. Thankfully, she couldn’t make out any hostility from the ancestral shades, not with her permission to be here and an escort of a Fraid member (Jason) was not an intrusion. 
“You are aware we know your identity,” Damian stated, with a glare that would cut down weak men. “And that you know ours.” 
(Well, no shit Sherlock.) (Jason’s Red Hood.) (No need for a corkboard and red string.) “Demon spawn-” Jason growled, but Jazz took his hand in hers to calm down the anger she could feel bubbling up to the surface. He took a deep breath in and out before he squeezed her hand back. “Damian. I trust Jazz with my life, she won’t betray us or our secret identities.” 
“Phantom trusted you with the Ghost Files. If he considers you worthy, then so will I.” Jazz swore. 
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Dinner passed far quicker than Jason expected. He sat back and basked in his Lady’s presence at the dining table as she answered questions, as they had agreed before arriving. Bruce hadn’t spoken much, no doubt content to watch the interactions between his kids and Jazz. 
Jason hoped the old man could see how wonderful his Lady was. She was his guiding hand through darkness and fire, made his worries melt away, and offered him peace in his second chance at life. 
Gave him her heart, him, the eight-heads in a duffel bag crime lord. Let him meet her little brother, her reason for surviving thus far, her world. Let Jason’s scarred and bloody hands hold her close to his still-beating heart and Proto-core. 
He couldn’t offer her much, not really, but he could offer her a piece of him- this, his family, his Fraid. It wasn’t a lot, not when compared to what Jazz had given him before he ever knew her name, but it was all he had to give that couldn’t be offered so easily. 
(Jazz would never hurt his family.) (Not unless they hurt him first.) 
One day, the two of them would be comfortable in this manor side by side, but not now with the newness and wariness he could feel from his Fraid
Perhaps he shouldn’t ask Bruce for that favor quite yet. 
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A/N: I am thrilled to announce that with this update the Regent is no longer in Hiatus! With the AO3 version comes more fuel to write (comments & kudos) and of course that gives me more encouragement to write. There will be gaps between posts still, but I will be posting parts again. AO3 link in Regent masterlist, parts combined into longer chapters. beta'd by the awesome @meditating-cat
Thanks for reading!
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zahri-melitor · 4 months
Poking at timeline stuff again:
So Kon was ‘born’ in 1993, and hatched from his tube aged… 15ish? He turned 1 in Nov 1995 (Superboy Annual #2 of his series) – note Kon is STILL AGING here, and after this point he’s usually described as 16 physically. His age ‘froze’ in July 1997 (Superboy #41) and then started aging again after Sins of Youth in May 2000 (Superboy #74) Kon died in May 2006 (Infinite Crisis #6) Kon returned in June 2009 (Final Crisis: Legion of 3 Worlds #4)
2000-2006 is about a year in Comics Time. I think it’s 100% fair to say Kon was physically 17 year old, at his youngest, as at his death, and mentally 17-18.
Kon enrolled in Smallville High on his revival – he’s almost certainly in Year 12/a Senior – and 2009ish is known as the ‘start’ of a school year by a bunch of correlating factors (Steph starting college is one). Flashpoint interrupts and this school year likely never finished. He may or may not have celebrated his 18th birthday before Flashpoint but it either happened or was due imminently.
Known timegaps – Kon lost slightly over a year between Infinite Crisis and Final Crisis. His aging stopped either for over a year (if you use Bat timelines) or more like 6 months (given it was 3 years real time). In total I want to say Kon’s ‘age’ went backwards about 18 months to two years over this period. His mental age, however, probably only lost 15 months or so.
By Flashpoint, Kon probably was due to celebrate his 18th birthday in his personal timeline.
In comparison: Jason Todd died aged 15 (if you take canon at its word) or 14 years 9 months (if you use the canonical birthday and death day dates). He was officially dead for 6 months before getting resurrected (- 6 months) and then in a coma for a year (-12 months). He then had a fun amnesiac period which does not have a defined length of time before Talia got sick of it and pushed Jason into a Pit.
Using Bat timelines, 18 months after Jason’s death is probably some time around Contagion or Legacy. Legacy in particular makes a lot of sense for Talia to see Jason in Gotham and pick him up to take home with her. He probably had to go into a Lazarus Pit during No Man’s Land, given Bane and Bruce start the ‘destroy all the Lazarus Pits’ campaign post-NML, culminating in Death and the Maidens in 2003-2004.
Either way, Jason Todd is still mentally 15 years old as of 2000.
Jason’s not in a position to return to Gotham with Talia’s urging until AFTER the rebuild for the famous bomb the Batmobile moment (realistically probably 2000-2001), and from the rebuild process IN DC comics 2001 is a better call than 2000 if you don’t still want rubble everywhere (they didn’t manage to get Ivy out of Robinson Park until Jan 2001)
He then does his world travel training trip… but is back in Gotham for September 2003 and Hush (and Tim’s 16th birthday).
Given Tim’s birthday is canonically on 19 July, the longest Jason’s world training trip can be is 6 months, and is probably more like 3-4 months given the required futzing time either side.
Jason doesn’t legally turn 18 until March 2004 (Tec #790). He’s still almost certainly mentally 16 years old here. He’s arguably physically 17.5 here.
A set of preboot timeline facts from all of this that is hilarious (to me):-
Jason and Tim are mentally about the same age, given their canonical 23 month age gap by date of birth. Depending on how long a period Talia keeps Jason around as an amnesiac, Tim may actually be mentally older.
Yes. The Titans Tower fight was essentially two 16 year olds having a spat.
Kon, despite also having fun death times, is 100% mentally older than Jason for all periods, though they’re close to drawing even after Final Crisis. He’s probably close to physically the same age as Jason for a lot of the time up to Infinite Crisis.
Tim may actually have spent a similar amount of time training in Paris (between Robin I and some time during Legacy and the summer leading up to Cataclysm) as Jason did on his Lost Days world trip.
Anyone who questions how Tim can be one of the greatest bo staff fighters in the world when he’s working off the same time frame of intense training from masters as Jason is (and has a far more substantial training time with Bruce and Dick) is honestly discounting that Tim has more extensive vigilante experience than Jason does, particularly in terms of Gotham-focused skills.
Kon and Tim end up by Flashpoint as within a few months of each other in age.
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dairy-farmer · 4 months
What about semi-normalised incest?? It’s not technically allowed, but if it’s between siblings when they’re teens then it’s just treated kinda like being caught drinking or smoking?? Slap on the wrist, parents talk about how they fucked your aunt and uncle constantly as kids, some really cool parents let their kids do it whenever they want, etc? Just, maybe they’re all close in age in this au, all teens who’re not adults yet, all still in school, and Dick, who’s 16-17, hosts some house party while Bruce is away working and Alfred is on vacation, and one thing leads to another and people post vids of Jason fucking Tim in front of everyone into their story like how they would someone chugging a beer or something?
Dick and Jason taking turns with him, by the end Tim’s just left laying on the table, brain melted from how much he’s been fucked, pussy dripping with his brother’s cum? Maybe Damian’s older, or Tim’s the youngest and all of them take turns?
just kids sneakily getting off with each other in secret because technically they're not allowed to do that stuff until they're older 🥺🥺🥺!!! stricter parents ground their kids for having sex or making out because that's for when you're bigger!!!! other parents are cool about it because hey, they did it as teenagers and it was nice! it was fun being able to have sex when you were 13 and awkward and just starting puberty or when you were 17 and literally incapable of NOT being horny for 5 minutes!!!!
but bruce didn't get it. he just didn't understand because he grew up an only child. he knew about it though. he knew some classmates who would always be eager to go home and fuck their siblings or siblings who would get detention because they were caught making out in the stairways. but bruce couldn't relate which was why he was so against allowing all his boys to indulge and test out the waters even though dick and jason would hear about how good pussy was from classmates who had older and younger sisters. so when bruce went out of town for work and alfred was away on vacation both jason and dick decided to take their chance.
they had damian stay over at a friend's house and invited a bunch of their friends from school over for a party, they made sure to invite the ones who would brag about hooking up with their siblings. partly to maybe get some advice and so they didn't mess up and hurt their baby timmy.
by the time bruce comes back dick and jason have gotten very used to the pleasing sight of tim plugged on their cocks. the manor is also cleaned up with no evidence of a party so they're certain they've gotten away with it to. only for bruce to immediately ground them because it turns out some of the guys from the party had posted on twitter and instagram photos and videos of jason fucking tim on the couch. tim was red cheeked and whining as jason ground against him and fucked his red, twitching baby cunt until he was filling him up nice and deep.
jason and dick get grounded for throwing a party :(
but bruce also comes around to letting them fuck tim.
'so long as you're doing it when i'm home' he says. them doing it while he's home and can help in case someone gets hurt is better than them sneaking around behind their back and doing it in a place where they might get filmed.
bruce is particularly frustrated about all the pictures and videos circulating. he'd lectured the three of them more on that than anything else because if college admissions offices saw those pictures they could kiss their applications goodbye.
so jason and dick agree to be more careful and bruce agrees to let them continue fucking they sweet little brother and his wonderfully tight pussy.
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audhd-nightwing · 3 months
au where selina adopts dick instead of bruce
- selina goes with bruce to the circus as a date
- when the Graysons fall, she knows bruce is reliving what happened to his parents
- she kisses bruce on the cheek and stealthily makes her way through the crowd to the youngest Grayson
- selina has always had motherly instincts, it’s why she has so many cats. she’s known for taking in strays, so what’s one more?
- she pulls dick into a hug and he melts into her, he just needs someone to hold him right now
- selina reminds dick of his mother- the same warm brown skin, the same tight embrace, both kissing the top of his head and whispering reassurances with a slightly accented voice
- she whisks him away from the police (she doesn’t trust them in general, let alone with a newly orphaned child) and lets bruce deal with the consequences. dick sits on her couch with a cat in his lap as selina introduces herself and explains everything to him
- dick is just glad he doesn’t have to go with the cops or social services (he knows not to trust them), and his gut is telling him he can trust selina. after all, animals are a great judge of character and all of the cats seem to love her
- bruce is aware selina took dick in, but considering how quickly the police give up looking for the boy, bruce doesn’t mind her essentially kidnapping him
(selina eventually becomes a foster parent and legally fosters dick, but it’s years later and the police/legal system don’t care enough to worry about a previously missing persons suddenly appearing as a foster kid. gotta love Gotham)
- dick is still young and angry and wants revenge on tony zucco. selina is honest about her identity as Catwoman, and he asks her to help him get back at the man who killed his parents
- together, they steal his most prized possessions, bankrupt him, and overall ruin his life, and then they hand him over to the cops with evidence of his crimes duct-taped to him
- dick is a natural at stealth, thanks to his acrobatic abilities, and he begs selina to train him. he wants to be like robin hood, stealing from the rich and giving to the poor, and who is selina to deny him that?
- selina will still steal jewels from museums and such for herself, but she does that solo. together, the two of them go after corrupt rich people and steal their money, distributing it to the poor
- dick teaches himself how to hack and is able to access bank accounts, making it much easier to steal large amounts of money. selina is extremely proud of him
- selina makes dick his own suit and he goes by Stray. he is typically the one to give out money to people on the streets, and he’s eventually known by most of Gotham. bruce carefully ignores this happening, because he recognizes that Stray is helping the people of Gotham in a way Batman can’t
- bruce still finds and adopts jason, but his costume and name are obviously not Robin. probably Batboy. anyway, dick hears about Batman’s new sidekick and immediately thinks “friend? potential friend?” so he follows them around and befriends jason
- jason knows about Stray, and has a slight hero worship of him ‘cuz he’s like robin hood!’ which dick (and selina) find adorable
(dick is about 10 when his parents die, 12 when he becomes Stray officially, and 16 when jason (13) becomes Batboy)
- tim, when he finds out about dick being fostered by selina kyle after being declared missing for years, of course goes to confront them. dick was (still is) his childhood hero, and he was so worried when the older boy was declared missing
- at least until he recognized dick as Stray, but he couldn’t exactly confront him then
- anyway so tim shows up at selina’s apartment and demands to see dick. selina is like “you are tiny, come inside” and calls for dick. it takes dick a moment but he recognizes tim and hugs him. tim clings to him and dick just accepts it
- tim gives him the photo they took together and some others he found in the newspaper of dick and his parents. dick cries and thanks him
- they get to talking and dick & selina are like “how did you get here? where are your parents?” and tim is just like “oh they’re in egypt. i rode my bike here :)”
- this of course leads to dick and selina stealing tim and leaving bruce to deal with the consequences once again
- it’s easily resolved, selina becomes tim’s emergency contact and they talk to his parents; whenever janet and jack are away, tim will stay at selina’s. blackmail might be involved but a deal’s a deal
(dick is officially fostered by selina right after jason is adopted by bruce, and about 6 months after that tim (10) confronts selina and reunites with dick)
~ time skip ~
- dick goes to Gotham University and lives on campus but stays with selina every weekend. his major is undecided and he eventually drops out to start paramedic training
- when bruce doesn’t believe jason (15) about Garzonas, he runs away to selina’s where dick (18) and tim (12) comfort him. he tells them about sheila haywood and they research her, but jason ends up deciding not to go after her
- selina has a Talk with bruce and he apologizes to jason, inviting him back as Batboy. jason agrees but visits selina’s apartment far more often. he is Batboy for a few more years before offering the mantle to tim and going off to college
- tim respectfully declines being Batboy, and since jason never dies and bruce never goes off the deep end, it isn’t necessary for him to take on that role
- babs is still Batgirl and then Oracle, and tim decides to train under her with computer stuff instead of going out in a mask. tim helps both Batman and Stray when they need it
(babs becomes Batgirl around the time dick becomes Stray, and becomes Oracle a year into jason’s run as Batboy. she views jason as a little brother, and has a sort of Batman/Catwoman relationship with Stray (aka dick flirts with her as Batgirl and she pretends to hate it. they don’t actually date but end up becoming good friends) dick goes after the joker when babs gets paralyzed and breaks both of his legs. he is Oracle’s #1 fan and is super happy when tim decides to train under her)
(babs is about 2 years older than dick, and balanced being a college student/graduate with being a vigilante. she’s a total badass and works more with the Birds of Prey than Batman, but always has time for dick jason and tim)
- babs becomes a lawyer. dick becomes a paramedic and gives Stray to tim, instead becoming Nightwing- a medic vigilante. tim takes on the mantle of Stray and does the robin hood gig. jason leaves the vigilante life behind and goes to college, majoring in english and minoring in education (he wants to become an english teacher and give Gotham kids good educations)
~ the end ~
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wondersinwaynemanor · 6 months
Batfamily New Year shenanigans
The Wayne family decided to have their New Year's celebration at one of Paris' finest hotels. Fireworks begin to erupt on the Paris skies as people start to gather outside their hotels and homes to check the view.
Alfred prepares the dining table so they can have The New Year's meal after a few minutes when the clock strikes twelve.
Bruce glances at the time on his watch - Ten minutes to go.
He calls from the balcony as he admires the Eiffel Tower which is perfectly situated right across their suite. The tower doesn't fail to illuminate beauty even when Bruce has seen it hundreds of times.
He hears his sons and daughter response in unison behind him and a few of clicking of the doors.
Cass joins him by the balcony, including Alfred.
A few minutes, people below start to count from 20.
Bruce - Boys, hurry up. You're gonna miss the fireworks.
17! (the main door of their suite opens and closes)
Bruce - What the fu-
The loud kaboom comes from the rooftop of their suite and fireworks of rainbow colors erupt above them.
10! Another KABOOOOOOM!!!!
Alfred - Oh my goodness.
Bruce turns around and his three sons are not to be seen. Only Jason, who hurriedly places his book down on the bed to join the rest of his family by the balcony.
9! Another KABOOOOOOM!!!!
Bruce - PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY (he shouts as more fireworks explode above them) PLEASE DONT TELL ME THOSE AREN'T YOUR BROTHERS!
5! Dick, who just pops out of nowhere beside Bruce - DEFINITELY NOT MINE!
4! Bruce looks at Dick and Jason in horror - ARE YOU TELLING ME?
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! The crowd on the streets shout as Bruce, Dick and Jason leave the room in a hurry to go up the rooftop of their suite.
When the three reach the rooftop, there is no one on sight, only a few remains of the fireworks on the ground.
Bruce doesn't even look at the beautiful display of lights on the skies, but turns his head slowly to his two eldest - Care to explain where your brothers are?
Before they can answer, Alfred gives a call saying that Tim and Damian are in the room. The three go back to the room to find the two boys by the balcony, looking up at the display of fireworks.
Bruce - Boys, where have you been? (he tries to keep his cool)
Tim says calmly, shrugging - To get more coffee, Bruce.
Bruce - And you're telling me there's no room service for that? (he crosses his arms and focuses on his youngest this time).
Damian - Don't look at me, Father. I was merely going with Drake's shenanigans.
Bruce pinches the bridge of his nose with a sigh, but before he can question them if they had something to do with the fireworks...
Alfred speaks and claps cheerfully - Time for New Year's Meal! Happy New Year, Waynes! <3
Cass - Finally! :D Happy New Year, Bruce! (she kisses Bruce's cheek and the rest of the family greet each other).
Later that night when Bruce is already in the other side of the suite on his bedroom (starts to hack on the hotel's camera to see if his children did have something to do with the fireworks) and when Alfred is also resting in his room, the rest of children began to talk.
Jason - So, who lit the fireworks first?
Tim - Me. My firework machine was better than our baby brat here (he pats Damian's head).
Damian - Tt. Drake was cheating. He said there was a kitten on the street, so I had to look down to be certain and I lost my momentum. He used my weakness against me.
Tim smirks proudly - There was a kitten!
Dick - Aw you lost, Dami. That's okay.
Cass brings Damian closer to her so she can give him a side hug - We all know you're still the best, Dami.
Jason - Athough, I am impressed. You both managed to get here before me, Dick and Bruce can get back to the room. You outran the Batman!
Dick - Where did you hide your firework machines?
Damian - Janitor's closet.
Cass - Oh no. What if Bruce sees you on the security cameras?
Tim holds his tablet - Already on it. Easy peasy.
Dick - So Timmy won, which means.... I won the bet.
Jason - I voted for Damian and he said Tim was cheating, so I won.
Damian - Todd wins the bet cus I won and I didn't have to use anybody's weakness against them!! >:(
Tim - It's a skill you wished you had, Dami ;)
Cass - Shush now, you both are winners. Why don't we all head out to the Tower and enjoy some family time?
Everyone agrees and they all enjoy some dawn strolling in Paris. It's nice being normal humans for once ; no vigilante work and just family bonding. And if Damian picks up a stray kitten and thinks maybe Drake was telling the truth, it makes him love his brother even more.
Happy New Year to the batfamily and to everyoneeee!! <333
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thordottir45 · 1 year
The Outlaw's Spirit pt.2
Part 1 below
Jason- 21~22
Danny- 16~17
Jazz- 18~19
Damian- 11~12
Tim- 18~19
Dick- 25~26
Bruce- 37~38
Alfred- immortal
Cass- 22~23
Steph- 18~19
Duke- 16~17
"Woah..." Danny's voice trails off as he takes in the cave.
"Welcome to the Batcave, home to all the bats and birds of Gotham. My name's Jason." Red Hood tells Danny as he takes off his domino, revealing swirling tealish blue eyes.
"Oh, I'm Danny, can't believe I forgot to mention that before..."
"It's fine, Danny. Let's get upstairs for some food, huh?" Jason says with a smirk before leading the way to an elevator.
"Me want to go." Bizarro speaks up as they pass a seating area.
'I'll stay with B, as much as I love to watch the matches between you and you family, the less people the better for this, I feel." Artemis pats Jason's shoulder before peeling off with Bizarro, leaving Jason and Danny to continue on alone.
"Alright, then... So, everyone you'll meet is either a vigilante or the butler, Alfred. No matter what the media says, Alfie's the real force behind the Wayne family, believe that." With that casual reveal, Jason steers Danny into the elevator.
"Wayne. Bruce Wayne? The fruitloop who's known for being a playboy... is Batman?!" Danny's voice echoes around the small space with his exclamation.
"The one and only. Prepare to be interrogated. He won't hold back just because you're a kid." The elevator doors open with that warning, revealing a study with wood paneling, many bookshelves, and quite a few picture frames.
The desk is covered with paperwork, paperweights, picture frames, and writing utensils. The leather chair behind it is made cozier by a throw blanket. Perched in said chair is a pre-teen boy of middle-eastern complexion with an intense expression and the green eyes to match.
"Todd. Who allowed you to bring in a civilian through the cave? I doubt Father is aware of this, as we have not been made informed via briefing." Damian glares at his second eldest brother.
"Oh, shut it, you demon. I'm taking this kid in, with or without the old man's approval." Jason continues to steer Danny out of the room, letting the grandfather clock close behind them. A single toll of the clock's chime rings out as the two leave the study.
Danny looks back at the clock, seeing a green post-it note sticking out from behind the glass. "Clockwork," He whispers, turning back to face the black-haired man. "You're taking me in?"
"Kid, your parents are never going to see a single hair from your head again if I can help it. I won't be your dad, but I can be a brother." Jason looks Danny in the eye as he says this, wanting to get his point across.
"My sister... she should be coming to Gotham soon. Can you keep an eye out for her? Her name's Jazz, Jasmine, Fenton. But she'll likely change her last name soon."
"Will do, kiddo. Just give me a picture later. Now, any food preferences or allergies? Alfie'll want to know." The two continue the trek through the manor as the dialogue continues to flow.
"Well, this is the dining room. Take any seat that you're comfortable with. Don't feel forced to answer the old man's questions." With those instructions, Jason opens the heavy oak door to the room.
As Danny enters, he's shocked by the amout of people with black hair and blue eyes. Jason acts as Danny's bodyguard as they approach the long, stately table.
"Jason, who is this?" The man at the head of the table asks.
"This is Danny. I'm taking him in." Jason tells Bruce, who lifts a single brow.
"Father, Todd brought the boy in through the cave." Damian tattles to the bat as he enters behind Danny and Jason. The latter of which glares at the youngest while muttering under his breath.
"Did this one have a chance to figure it out? Or did you fully skip that part of the tradition?" Tim asks from his place three seats to Bruce's left.
Jason gives the stalker a tongue-lash of an answer. Duke chuckles as the response, earning an elbow to his ribs for it.
"Never see me sit next to you again," Duke hisses to Tim for that hit.
"Nephew or baby brother?" Cass asks as she appears in the room, startling all but Danny, who had noticed her while Jason was responding to Tim.
"To be determined, but brother is more likely." Jay tells his little big sister as she glides over to the table to claim her seat.
"When was this decided?" Bruce begins his interrogation before the two even take their seats, earning him a look from his father-figure.
Dinner passes somewhat uneventfully, at least for a manor of vigilantes. Danny answered whichever questions he was comfortable with, while also making some small puns to keep the atmosphere light.
"You just happened to come across a punster, huh?" Tim asks Jason as Alfred serves dessert.
"Didn't realize it until twenty minutes ago, so, yeah. Dickie must never find out." Jay growls as he looks around the room, fully expecting his older brother to just pop in at the mention of his name.
"I must never find out what? Oh, who's the new face? Hi, I'm Dick!" The acrobat drops from the vent, landing in his designated chair before turning to Danny with a wide grin.
Sensing the impending pun-off, Bruce, Jason, Tim, and Damian groan.
"You go by that willingly?!"
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@avelnfear @iglowinggemma28 @ark12 @gin2212 @kisatamao @meira-3919 @sjrose1216 @screamingtofillthevoid @kyrianclawraith
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cherrystainedknuckles · 9 months
okay but like everyone is aware that jason is only 2 years older than tim, right. we haven’t been so brainpoisoned by flashpoint that we genuinely think jason is 6-10 years older than tim, right. because every single titan’s tower AU places jason at like 20 minimum and tim at 13-14, which is insane because tim was 17 and jason was 19. that was not jason beating up a kid, that was him beating up someone who is very much his age.
“source?” jason was 15 when he died— this part is undisputed— and tim was 13 when he became robin, two events that happened in basically the same year. it stands to reason that they would continue to be 2 years apart.
reasonably, if time actually moved linearly in DC comics, you could claim:
- tim was 13 when he became robin (1992-1993)
- tim was 15 by the time he joined young justice (1998) — given that steph was 16 at this point, and he was always one year younger than her.
- tim was 17 during identity crisis and war games (2004-2005) and surrounding events, which includes jason’s attack on titan’s tower.
- tim was 18-19 during battle for the cowl (2009), then, mostly because he inherits a company and gets engaged(?) or claims to be (I have not completed RR) which are activities generally restricted for people who are of age.
jason was 15 coming out of the grave, and theoretically spends 3-4 years training with talia before returning to gotham, or lost days (2010) has a LOT of explaining to do*
*talia and jason sleep together, which is unethical in every single way, including the fact that jason was BARELY LEGAL, and was talia’s ex-lover’s ex-son. the fact that damian could actually like for real be jason’s son if he was a few years younger is actually my villain origin story. ANYWAY SIDE NOTE OVER
so please, PLEASE stop acting like tim was 13 in attack on titan’s tower. he was 16 at the YOUNGEST, and much more reasonably was 17, which makes jason 18-19. they are basically the same age. stop babyifying tim.
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jonmyblaze · 1 month
So for my miraculous Batman crossover(Which is here by the way)
(The premise is Adrien is the biological son of Selina and Bruce)
I could have Bruce be as young as in his late '40s
Here's how I did the math.
Bat family ages
Dick Grayson and Bruce Wayne are 9 years apart from one another. Dick was taken in when he was nine. He went out on his own as late as 12. he left at 18 and became Nightwing at 22
Barbara Gordon and Bruce Wayne are 4 years apart in age. Dick and Barbara are 5
Dick and Bette Kane (og, Robin and Bat-girl / Nightwing in flamebird) are only months apart.(Dick being only slightly older
Again, dick leaves at is at minimum 18. He was still Robin for a few years,.l When he becomes Nightwing At 22.
So this is like a good decade of him being Robin.
Jason Todd got picked up when Dick already left the Manor. When Dick was already Nightwing.
Jason was 13 and he died at age 15.
Tim Drake is 13 when he becomes Robin. (Jason should be 16 )
Stephanie is around the same age as Tim
Nightwing is still in his twenties. Bruce is in his thirties.
Tim Drake lives to be somewhere 17 or 18 when Damien comes into the picture
Damien is 10
Now for my fanfic
I want a 7-year-old Mar'iander Grayson.
Damian would be 2 years older than Adrian And marianette.
(So he could potentially be born during or after nightfall)
And the youngest Helena is a baby.
If I make Adrien 17
That would make Damien 19
Tim Drake would be 29
Jason would be 28-29 ish
(Ain't that a whiplash)
Dick and Bette would be late ' 30s early '40s
And Bruce could be at worst in his late '40s to '50s
(Somebody checked my math please )
Point is for the most part I I'm surprised I got this much of the mental math down. (I got if my math works out
Bruce and dick are 9 years apart
Dick and Jason are 9 years apart.
Honestly, I kind of like that idea Jason thinkings. He's on the older end of the family but he's really not..
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creepylittlelady · 3 months
How old is everyone in your AU? Like, could you list their ages.
Hi! Thank you so much for this ask, and thanks for everyone else for sending me asks whilst this account lay dormant lol. I’ve been super busy with school and now I’m on break for 2 weeks so hopefully I’ll get to everyone!
This is an ask I’ve been waiting for LMFAO I love to make master lists!
Youngest - Oldest
Oliver Henderson: Eternally 7 years old, died in 2007
Lily Kennett: Eternally 8 years old, died in 1998
Lifeless Lucy: Eternally 8 years old, died in 1997
Sally Williams: Eternally 8 years old, died in 1966
Lazari: Between 8-10 (the forest works in confusing ways)
Grinny Cat: 11 years old (made in 2013)
BEN: Eternally 12 years old, died in 2002
Nina the Killer: 13 years old
Lost Silver: Mentally about 14 years old
Smile Dog: 15 years old (made in 2009) (damn he’s the same age as me)
Lulu: Eternally 15 years old, “Died” (sacrificed her eyes) in 2003 (resurrected immediately after)
X-Virus: 16 years old
Judge Angels: 16 years old
Bloody Painter: 17 years old (I know he’s canonically like 40 but I aged him WAY down for plot convenience)
Puppeteer: 17 years old
Nathan the Nobody: Unknown, but assumed to near Jeff’s age
Jeff: 17 years old
Liu: Eternally 18 years old, “Died” in 2008 (resurrected in 2012)
Jane: 18-19 years old
Clockwork: 18-19 years old
Toby: 19 years old
Kate the Chaser: 19 years old
Stripes: 20 years old
Bleeding Man: 20 years old
Zero: 20 years old
Eyeless Jack: 21 years old
Sadiya: 22 years old
Masky/Tim: 25 years old
Hoody/Brian: Eternally 26 years old, “Died” in 2014 (resurrected shortly after MH ended)
Rouge: 30 years old
Nurse Ann: Eternally 35 years old (died in 1945, resurrected in 1958)
The Dollmaker: 45 years old
Hobo-Heart: Claims to be exactly 100 (unknown creation date)
The Rake: 100 years old
Jason the Toymaker: 124 years old (created in 1900)
Dr Smiley: 125 years old (born in 1899, made immortal in 1936)
Candy Pop: 150 years old (created in 1874)
Laughing Jack + Jill: 159 years old (created in 1865)
Splendorman: 164 years old
Trenderman: 166 years old
Body itself: 124 years old
Charles: Either 45 or 169 years old
The Operator: 1000+ years old
Zalgo: 170 years old
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halfagone · 1 year
Magnetism, Cont.
I am currently working on the outline for Magnetism (no I am not unnecessarily avoiding sleep, what are you talking about?) and find myself no closer to figuring out who I want to ship Danny with.
Keep in mind Danny can't be super old because his 'reign of terror', if you will, has only just begun and he's only starting to establish himself as an anti-hero after Everything. At the youngest he can be 16, oldest 24. That age can change depending on who he's shipped with, of course. (The younger he is, the angrier I make him. I make the rules and they will hurt you.)
I've seen a few ships thrown out there, and I've narrowed down a few possibilities. I'll even offer you what their ship dynamic would look like in the fic to help you choose wisely. ;3 Make sure to check UNDERNEATH the poll for the reasoning.
This fic will be rated Mature for blood and violence. And by violence I mean that Danny kills a FUCK ton of people, wow. Also, going along with the influence from the X-men's Magneto, there will be political commentary/deconstruction that can and will influence the tone and manner of the ship dynamics. Also, Ghost King Danny.
Jason/Danny - Anti-hero meets anti-hero, true love at first blood, baby. I think these two would get along the easiest, but they also would be very poor influences on one another. Jason is likely invoking Danny's bloodlust even more, only minimally helping him keep a cool head. However, this could also be a learning opportunity for Jason. It's his turn to see what his friends and family saw from him when he first started beheading people. Could either happen at the start of Jason's Red Hood career, or when he's closer to the family. Very flirtatious, very bloody.
Angst score: 5/10
Dick/Danny - There's a little more friction between these two, but at the end of the day, Dick sees the angry child he had been in the grieving, desperate version of Danny that he is now. Danny is very charismatic, matching Dick's charm. They talk around each other a lot, arguing their points constanly because Dick knows Danny doesn't really want this, but Danny knows this is the only way. Dick could be younger, only just beginning his career as Nightwing to match Danny's rising anti-hero career as well. However, this means we only get kid!Jason for the Batfam (and maybe kid!Tim). You could still have him at 24 like most of my fics, of course. Softer, lots of innuendos.
Angst score: 7/10
Bruce/Danny - Oh boy, here comes the Unhealthy, Unresolved Sexual Tension. The political and moral debates between these two make any onlooker believe they're either about to murder or fuck each other. I believe it was @thatrandomsarahchick that pointed out that Magneto has a thing with Professor X (which, you're not wrong about btw), and there were other choices technically, but the Big Three were the ones that stood out to me the most. I couldn't separate Clark and Lois, though, and honestly I think Danny and Diana would get along... a little too well. And thus, we get lots and lots of UST. Bruce knows Danny's anger all too well, which is why he wants to try to convince Danny to change his path, but Danny sees Bruce as too soft to kill, to do what needs to be done, and they are just so broken up over it. However, this would be set at, the earliest, Year Three so no Batfam other than possibly baby!Dick.
Angst score: 12/10 (Highest Score!)
John/Zatanna/Danny - Now these guys, hohoho, let me tell you... These guys are a shit show and a half. This throuple offers you some of the bloodiest, wildest fight scenes I will probably ever write. If you think Jason is a bad influence on Danny, then you are not prepared for what these three have going on. John is unintentionally egging Danny on, Zatanna is trying not to get everyone killed, and Danny is- quite frankly- unused to this kind of attention. More worldbuilding than political debates, honestly the least interesting of all the proposed ships. But still worth mentioning! Their ages have a wide range, however, with potentially a 14 year age gap between Danny and John, as he is the oldest. Zatanna would be between them.
Angst score: 4/10. Whump score: 8/10
Kara/Danny - Now this one is probably the most unique of the ships, just because it has some of the most noticeable impact on the plot progression. I believe it was @thevigilantspider that first proposed this ship for the fic. So in this case, Kara would have to be new to Earth. She's inexperienced with all that the planet has to offer, still grieving her planet, her people, and her family. She's getting used to how, ah, delicate humans on Earth are and just overall not having a super great time. So she would agree to find out more about this anti-hero to prove herself capable and get a feel of the political scene of the planet. This also means that she gets a very interesting lense on everything thanks to Danny, and it really shapes her as she continues with her possible hero career. I think Danny would be the most... Danny, for the lack of a better word, with Kara. However this means there is bound to be a lot of Emotional Hurt/Comfort.
Angst score: 8/10
(Do be aware that these angst scores are for the couples themselves, not the plot as a whole. The plot will be plenty angsty on its own.)
A great many things to think about. Think hard, choose wisely, my friends.
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arabian-batboy · 1 year
Do you know how old each of the Robins were when they became Robin/got adopted? I tried looking it up but I got different answers.
The only one has an inconsistent age is Dick, he originally got adopted (yes I know he was a ward first, but that's only because single men in the 40's couldn't legally adopt, but that's so old-dated so lets just pretend he was adopted from the get-go) and became Robin at age 9, which is the youngest age anyone became Robin, but that changes with every retelling of his history. Personally, I still like to go with him being 9 year old when he met Bruce, since its the one that makes the most sense time-line wise.
Jason didn't have an established canon age when he became Robin, but they did mention that he was 12 year old during his early days of fighting crime, so we know that he was at least 12 when he became Robin and like Dick, he got adopted at the same time he became Robin.
Tim's an easy one, he straight-up told us he was 13 year old on his first appearance where he immediately became Robin, although he only got officially adopted at 17 year old.
Stephanie was never adopted and she became Robin at 16 year old, which would make her the oldest person to ever become Robin.
And Damian of course became Robin at 10 year old and while he isn't adopted, he did join the family at the same time.
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dacsheyes · 2 years
Gotham Knights Character Timelining
Finally finished getting all of the landmarks, and got some Belfry dialogue that helps.
According to the Belfry, Dick was taken in by Bruce and became Robin at age 12.
According to the Wayne Centre for Children landmark, Gotham Child Services began operating out of the upper floors ten years ago, and that’s where Bruce officially accepted custody of Dick.
Assuming Bruce got custody of Dick the first year they were operating out of there, Dick is 22 in Gotham Knights. Combined with the calculations of Jason’s age as about 3 years older than Tim, that gives the Robins a nice age gap of three each: Tim 16, Jason 19 and Dick 22. And with Bruce at 42, the idea that Dick is Bruce’s illegitimate son that Dick leans into in his interview isn’t so unbelievable. 
Robin being around for ten years works with the GCPD report on Robin thinking it’s only one person behind the mask and that they’re around age 18, they think Robin started at the youngest age that Dick has in the comics.
With a ten year timeline on Robin, the last three of which are Tim’s tenure, that leaves seven to cover Dick and Jason. Bruce’s audio log says Jason barely got a chance, so he didn’t have a long tenure as Robin. Going with 1-2 years, giving Dick 5-6 years as Robin, means Jason was taken in at 14-15.
Bruce’s audio logs go from operating solo in 28, to both Batgirl and Robin in 33, so there’s not long between their debuts. As Barbara started at 16, that makes her about four years older than Dick, ergo:
Barbara - 26, Dick - 22, Jason - 19, Tim - 16
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