#Jason is at his oldest 19
jasontoddsno1simp · 3 months
Dear Tim Drake stans,
If you're gonna keep making fics/head canons centered on the Titans Tower fight - whether that be the fight, itself, or the aftermath - can you make it compelling?! Idk about y'all, but I'm tired of reading fics where the events are portrayed The Exact Same™ every fucking time.
Are y'all not tired?!
Or, if that's too hard, can y'all at least make y(our) fave not look like such a pathetic little bitch who needs other people to fight his battles for him?! Like, if I have to see another fic where Superboy jumps in at the last second to save Tim, I'm going to fucking Kermit.
~Signed, a Jason Todd stan who is quite fond of the night terror known as Tim Drake and would appreciate it if y'all stopped making him a sniveling little cry baby
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woodland-gremlin · 6 months
Meeting the Kids
Today was the day that Dick’s boyfriend, Danny, would be introducing him to his three kids. He has heard so much about the gremlin trio that he could recite how Danny adopted them and what they are like forwards and backwards in his sleep at this point. And as he fidgeted outside of his boyfriend’s apartment in Fawcett that was exactly what he did.
Ellie is Danny’s biological daughter that was officially put under his guardianship when he was emancipated at 17, but unofficially he has been watching over her for much longer. She is the oldest of the three, being 11. Exploring and causing untold amounts of chaos, usually with her two younger brothers, is her bread and butter in life. Will not hesitate to turn that controlled chaos onto you if you hurt her family, if the stories of what she does to her sperm donor is an indication. Tales of all the places he has traveled when he was in the circus and stress he has caused Bruce at galas are his best bet to not getting pelted with glitter the moment he walks in the door.
Billy is the most recent addition to the family after living on the streets for the last few years. He is the middle child at 10 years old. Being forced into foster care, which is a death sentence according to Jason, and living on the streets, which is apparently better than foster care (again according to Jason), has made him vary of adults. The only reason he trusted Danny enough to be adopted, was through a long campaign of food, a safe place to sleep that he could leave at any time, the other kids, and a few private emotional moments. From the stories he is a sweet kid whose swearing could make a sailor blush. He brought some of Alfred’s homemade food and stories of Jason for him.
Damian was taken in 6 years ago when Danny was 19. His birth family was in a cult, raising him as its heir before trying to sacrifice him to some higher being, when Danny found him. Even with the ruff start he is very in touch with his home country’s culture, Danny even getting in touch with people from his culture to teach the whole family so they can better understand and respect it. He is the youngest of the trio at 9 and loves animals. He has also seemingly inherited Danny’s adoption tendencies when it comes to said animals. He is also the most likely to challenge him to a duel for Danny’s honor, he does it to every potential partner of Danny's, much less one actually dating him. Mentions of Batcow while accepting said duel should help Damian at least tolerate him.
All three of them are the stars of Danny’s life. Dick has heard all about the bullshit Danny gets for being a father of three, two which are in the double digits, at 25 and how protective the Nightingale family is of each other. And that isn’t even counting his older sister, who he has met over the phone, and all the others claimed extended family. How often Danny has broken up with his partners over the kids or said kids driving out those partners if they didn’t think that they were good enough for their dad. So, no Jason, he wasn’t being paranoid, considering that they ran the last one out in tears, covered in neon, biodegradable glitter and paint, he was being practical!
What Dick did not know was that as he was panicking and making plans the gremlin trio was making their own plans. Plans of his demise.
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toast-on-dandelioms · 1 month
I could like to ask for a request it ok you don’t do it!
So I was thinking about Yandere Batfamily x MaleGojo reader like a reference from Gojo of JJK the same figure and the same goofy personality and charming personality like he was not their family or blood relative or anything they just fell really hard for M! Gojo reader for his personality and eyes like they even kidnapped him and they all fell for him since M! Gojo is between his 19-20s and he like dumb he just let it happen cause he like attention and he got a lot of ego so he just like “Meh I get free stuff and gifts and like in a mansion for free” even thought M! Gojo is really rich he just goofy. 
Ok so, I am incredibly sorry it took me so long to write this, I never had the right idea until now but I hope you like it!
Dividers made by @thecutestgrotto and by @cafekitsune
Also I wrote this when I mostly didn't sleep so, whatever weird thing reader is thinking it's totally my fault but I am not apologizing for it.
The pronouns for the reader will be he/they, so if you don't like it, don't read it.
Wc: 6k
Fyi (my own warnings for yall): reader is an egomaniac, Bruce flirts with yall, inappropriate thinking from yall, I decided the ages please don't take them seriously, the ages are only used for this ask only,
Bruce: 45 - Dick: 27 - Jason: 23 - Tim: 20 - Stephanie: 20 - Cass: 22–23 - Damian: 15/16 - Duke: 19
age of reader: 20
Tw: big age gap, Bruce Wayne, romantic yanderes (except Damian, he's a minor in this story), drugging and spiking food, mention of unwanted touch, inappropriate thinking, mention of death, mention of grooming and sex trafficking, MINORS PLEASE DON'T INTERACT WITH THIS ONE BECAUSE SOME THEMES MIGHT BE BAD,
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You were a model. A symbol of beauty that people paid money to use to promote their products. People adored you thanks to your eyes, a blue so intense that even the rarest sapphire looked like a common one compared to your eyes. Well, it was thanks to your eyes that you were a model, they seemed to attract people. You were proud of your eyes and your face, you knew they were the reason why you were famous and you made sure to never ruin it. You were proud of being a male model. At least, that's what you felt before you went to Gotham.
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You were in the car with your agent, Katelyn, who was still talking about things you weren't allowed to do in Gotham, which made you incredibly bored since that's what she all talked about ever since you accepted the job and was told to go to Gotham with Katelyn.
One thing that stuck to you from her annoying nagging, especially since she wouldn't stop talking, was that you weren't allowed to be near the billionaire Bruce Wayne, even though he was the one who hired you to be the star for his new products At least, that's what you remembered since you tuned out Katelyn's voice after 20 minutes of her talking.
You weren't sure why you weren't allowed near the billionaire but you didn't really care, from the photos you searched online of him you didn't see anything interesting so you decided that he wasn't worth your time. The only reason you chose to do this was the pay.
When you finally arrived at the hotel you immediately demanded a cocktail while waiting for Katelyn to check the two of you in the hotel.
As you waited near the bar in the hotel, you saw a few individuals who were trying to subtly stare at you, to which you didn't care since you were used to people staring. But, as you also looked at them with no shame whatsoever, you noticed that they were all wearing or using a Wayne product.
The oldest individual in the group was a man with pitch black hair and who was sitting on one of the many sofas in the lobby. For a few seconds, you could've mistaken him for the younger version of Bruce Wayne when he was, maybe, 25 or 26 years old. His wrist was decorated with a chunky watch that had seen increased sales after Bruce Wayne promoted it, which was probably how the man had heard of it. If you were to guess, the watch was probably one of the limited edition that not many people bought since only 10 were released of the special line. You knew that because you cried when you found out the watch was sold out and you weren't able to buy it.
The second oldest, another black haired man, who was leaning on a wall near the first man, with a weird white streak in his hair but was built like a soldier, especially with how muscular his arms were even though he was wearing a jacket, probably a leather one but you weren't sure since he was a bit far away. 
You did know it was a Wayne jacket because you just saw that same leather jacket and design on the magazine you were reading on the plane while ignoring Katelyn and told her to order one since you wanted it.
Another man was next to the watch guy, which you almost didn't see until he suddenly appeared to try and grab a cup of coffee out of the watch guy’s hands. 
You did see he was using a laptop, which made you a bit confused since you could see a W and also a D, but from some bits of Katelyn's lecture about Gotham’s rich people that you were listening to, you don't remember anything about the Wayne and Drake’s companies merging or a collaboration. 
As you continued to stare at them while sipping on the cocktail you finally received, you noticed a kid, maybe a teen but you didn't really care, who was talking on the phone the entire time with an angry scowl on his face that made you wonder what angered such a young person. 
Strangely enough, you did know who the kid/teen was. He was Damian Wayne, also nicknamed ‘Wayne’s poodle’ after you heard of his obsession with animals and how many he has in his Manor. 
You gave him a quick glance, a bit surprised that he was the one openly staring at you before smiling at him, trying not to laugh when he looked away with a visible blush on his face. 
After seeing Damian Wayne in the lobby, you were quick to assume that the other three men you looked at before were the other children of Bruce Wayne. 
You set the cocktail on the bar and walked away to Katelyn, glad she was done and grabbed the key to your room before walking off, not caring about them being at your hotel. 
You took the elevator to your room and came face to face with a blonde girl and an black haired asian. You politely smiled at them and stepped to the side so they could exit the elevator before entering it, quickly pressing the button to close it since you could feel the black haired girl stare on you the whole time. 
While waiting in the elevator, you did wonder who all the people in the lobby were before shrugging and going back to playing on your phone, not caring about them anymore since they weren't important. 
As you waited for the elevator to arrive at your floor, you suddenly felt it stop a few floors before yours, and when you looked up you saw an African American kid staring at you, his mouth slightly open. 
You looked at him and chuckled softly at how surprised he was at seeing you, finding him cute since he kept stealing glances at you the whole time you were in the elevator. 
You smiled when he glanced at you once again and finally said. 
"Y'know if you were just going to stare, a picture will last longer dearest." You giggled, smiling softly as his skin went a dark shade of red.
"I- I wasn't staring-!" He stammered, the slight quiver in his voice giving him away.
"Mhm, so the wall behind me was just soooo interesting you had to keep looking right?" You smirked, raising an eyebrow at him as you crossed your arms.
The boy stared blankly at you for a solid few seconds. "....yes." He replied in a completely serious voice, which prompted a flurry of laughter from yourself. 
You walked out the elevator when it finally reached your floor and winked at him when he looked at you, continuing to walk to your hotel room and finally changing, after entering the room, after hours of being on an airplane with Katelyn.
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After adjusting to Gotham’s nightlife and also enjoying the city without any rogue attack, you finally walked in the WE building to do the photoshoot about whatever product you needed to advertise. 
Did you care about the product? No but you just wanted to be paid so you didn't care. 
As you walked inside the building with Katelyn next to you, needing her to know where to go and also to give the makeup crew a list of the makeup products that you were allergic to and a bag with substitutes if they didn't have any in hand. 
You entered the elevator, completely ignoring Katelyn and her instructions and just waited to arrive on the floor where the photoshoot or whatever you needed to do was, playing a stupid game on your phone while waiting. 
When you finally reached the floor, you followed Katelyn without saying anything, a small smirk on your face as you saw many people looking your way and staring. 
You entered the photoshoot and ignored the other model, already annoyed since she wasn't as good as you but you could manage since your beauty was enough to make this session perfect. 
As you entered your makeup station you completely disregarded the fact that the Bruce Wayne was standing near the station, not caring if he was staring since you knew why he was staring. I mean, who could blame you? 
You were perfect and a symbol of beauty that so many people wanted for their own pleasure. 
During the photoshoot you could hear people talking about the poses and what to edit in between photos, making you annoyed since you wanted everything to be perfect and your co-model was getting reprimanded most of the time. 
You also noticed how Bruce kept staring at you the whole time you were in the photoshoot, making you wonder if he was interested in you before shrugging and going back to sippin on some water since you were on break after your co-model Mercy Jacques, yes he wants people to use both names, kept messing up and even destroyed a prop. 
Time passed slowly while your annoyance kept growing before you finally gave up when Mercy Jacques accidentally dropped a heavy prop on your leg while doing a weird pose, making you incredibly angry when he didn't even apologize. 
You got up and wanted to punch the man, not caring if it would create a scandal. No one could treat you like an inferior model when you were one of the best in the whole country. 
As you prepared to punch him, someone suddenly grabbed your arm and held you from behind, completely stopping you from even trying to hit Mercy Jacques, making you even more angry. 
"Calm down sweetheart, anger isn't a good look on you," a voice whispered against your ear, the person's gentle breathing making a shiver run down your spine. 
You picked up the sound of movement and felt the hands clutching your waist loosen as the person came to stand by your side. 
It was Bruce motherfucking Wayne. 
"Mercy Jacques, I'm afraid we can no longer work with you. Please see yourself out." He said simply, the taught smile on his face was much too sinister for your liking.
You pulled away from his arms after Mercy Jacques was escorted out the room before looking at Bruce, a small smirk on your face before quickly acting like a damsel in distress from the prop that fell on your leg, a bruise was already forming which helped your act. 
Were you doing this to get pity and also to make sure Mercy Jacques’s reputation would be in shambles? Also yes, you already knew Katelyn was making sure he would never find a job in Gotham. 
She was good at ruining people's lives, that's why you kept her around even though her voice was incredibly annoying. 
As you faked being incredibly hurt, you used Bruce’s closeness to lean onto him, secretly using the opportunity to feel the chest of the man and being a bit surprised at how muscular the man actually was. 
Unfortunately for you, you didn't see how dark Bruce’s eyes got when you leaned on him and acted all hurt, 
You pulled away when you heard Katelyn call for you and noticed her close to Bruce so you pulled away from him, a bit reluctant since you were still touching his chest and body with no shame whatsoever. 
You turned to her and just made a motion with your hand to make her cut the session so you could go back to the hotel and relax in a nice bath and turned around to go to the makeup station so they could clean your face. 
You barely managed to take even a step before you suddenly felt Bruce’s hand wrapping around and grabbing your wrist, which made you think of another body part he could wrap his hands around. 
You looked at him with a half surprised half whatever dirty thing you could think about his hands before realizing he was talking and you completely ignored what he was saying to focus on his hands and how good they must feel on your body. 
When you finally clocked in to listen to what he was saying, you just heard the last part. 
“So, what do you think sweetheart?” he said, his voice was a deep baritone, the type of sound that would have anyone on their knees within seconds of meeting this man, which, in all honesty you would do everything if he called you that in that same voice. 
Unfortunately, you couldn't just admit that you weren't listening to the richest man you knew, the man who hired you as his model so you just put on your best fake smile. 
“That sounds amazing Bruce, can I call you Bruce?” you asked, a bit confused and almost panicked when the man stared at you in silence. 
You almost cried when he finally laughed because you were scared as fuck that you somehow offended him by calling him by his first name and he was gonna kill you. 
“I’ll pick you up at 7 at your hotel” was the last thing he said to you before walking off after patting your shoulder, making you almost kneel down since god damn his voice and smile was too much. 
You waited until he was far away before immediately turning to Katelyn, who you knew was near and probably heard everything. 
You quickly walked up to the poor innocent woman and grabbed her from her shoulders, your eyes staring right into her soul and seeing her deepest and darkest secrets before asking in a desperate tone “what the fuck did I just agree to?” 
To which the woman sighed, already knowing you got distracted by the man and how hot he was in your eyes before finally telling you what you agreed to do. “You just agreed to go to dinner with Bruce Wayne, the man I told you to not interact with because of the type of scandals he might cause you if the two of you are seen together.” her voice sounded so annoyed but also resigned at the fact that you never listen to her.
You stayed silent when she started her usual rant about you needing to be more careful and knowing when to listen before noticing you were just looking into whatever was in front of you with a dreamy look on your face. 
“OI Romeo! Stop day-dreaming and go get the makeup off! Your date is in 2 hours and I know you will go no matter what so at least let me pick the suit” 
You immediately nodded and hugged her, kissing her on the forehead before running off to the makeup station in heels, making Katelyn wonder how you could do that since she couldn't even walk with normal heels.
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It was almost 7 pm and you were finally finishing putting on some makeup, making sure your suit was the right colors so it could make you look gorgeous for this date. 
Did you care that he was probably gonna use you as a one night stand? No, you were gonna use him to have a pleasurable night and also to make your friends back home jealous. 
When it was finally 7 you quickly went to the lobby of the hotel, stopping when you noticed the same people in the lobby when you first arrived, who were all staring directly at you. (Except Damian) 
It almost felt like you were standing nude before the people in the hotel, my body bare for their piercing gazes to lay upon. I've always felt absolutely secure in my body and looks, you knew you were hot and felt pride in knowing that. But their unwavering eyes still made you feel insecure, like they were scrutinizing every tiny detail about your appearance, making you feel like you were being criticized by your parents when you weren't the best at a photoshoot. 
You shivered and quickly pulled your eyes away from them, trying your best to simply ignore the gazes that you could feel still stabbing into my back.
You smiled in relief when you saw Bruce arrive in a Lamborghini and you hurriedly ran outside, continuing to feel their gaze on your back as you reached the car at the same time Bruce was walking out of it. 
You smiled at the older man and thanked him when he opened the door for you, sneakily glancing back to the hotel and seeing all those people staring at both you and Bruce. 
You swiftly sat in the car and looked inside, amazed at how amazing the car was and didn't notice how Bruce looked back at the lobby of the hotel and smirked before walking around the car and driving off with you. 
In the car you didn't say much and just looked at the road, sometimes stealing glances at Bruce and admiring his body in his suit, especially how his pants were perfect since they were tight enough to show his bulge. 
God you so wanted to see him without those pants. You wanted to see all his body without his suit, wanting to feel how strong he actually was and if the rumors that you heard from other models about him being a god in bed were true. 
You finally stopped imagining Bruce naked when he pulled up at one of the fanciest restaurants in Gotham where it's impossible to get a reservation there. Katelyn tried and you watched her cry when she failed, a smile on your face as you watched her tears ruin her makeup, enjoying her pain. 
You got out of the car and gracefully grabbed Bruce’s hand, especially since you were wearing very high heels that made Katelyn make a weird face at how narrow the heel was but you didn't care. 
The heels made the outfit perfect and also helped you be at the same height as Bruce, you refused to let that man have the upper hand with his height if you change it.
You walked inside the restaurant while holding onto Bruce’s arm, the classic fake smile on your face for any photographers who were near the restaurant and for the staff, even winking at the waiter who led you two to a secluded table.
You thanked the older man, who didn't look a day over 30, when he slightly pulled the chair out to help you sit down before pushing it near the table. 
You were a bit surprised he got a reservation at this restaurant before scolding yourself mentally because he's a billionaire, he probably threw some money and got a reservation. You were now wondering who lost their reservation tonight to make space for Bruce Wayne. 
As you sat down you smiled at the older man, knowing that he invited you here to flaunt his new catch and how he only wanted you because you were pretty and young. 
Did you care? No, you were used to it and you were gonna use everything you had to go to bed with him and get paid for your silence afterwards. That's what always happened when a rich person was attracted to you and by now you started to use it for your own gain. 
You were used to rich and powerful people being attracted and using their wealth to have you for a while, they only wanted a pretty thing and not you. You just knew that if you slept with them then you would get more modeling contracts and more publicity.
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You think you were 11 when it started. 
The exact date was hazy in your mind, you just knew that after spending an hour or two with a photographer, alone, that your parents told you was famous for not giving any models a break during photo shoots, was now giving you special treatment and kept touching you in weird places during the photoshoot. 
You can still remember the agonizing pain in your arms from struggling against the man’s grip on your wrists to keep you still, the strain in your throat as you kept begging, pleading and downright crying while asking him to stop and to let you go back to your parents; you can still smell his horrible breath on your face when he told you to shut up before kissing you. 
You were 12 when it developed into a weekly occurrence.
You could remember everything even though you wished you couldn't, you could still feel that man’s touch and hearing his laughter as your body was being used for his own pleasure against your own will. 
12 years old and being forced into acts even adults would feel ill at the idea of. At the time you were rising in fame thanks to a few small roles in some shows and movies and alongside your modeling gigs that kept pouring in. 
You were 14 when you told your parents for the first time. 
You remembered the confusion and feeling ashamed when you told them about what happened, not understanding why they just told you that you did a good job and that doing that meant that the producer liked you and was going to give you more opportunities to make the world see your beauty. 
You never understood why they didn't help you. Why your mother just looked at you with no emotion in her eyes as you cried when you told her what that man did before telling you to stop crying and that you had a photoshoot with that same man in two hours.
You could still feel the pats on your back that your father gave you when he saw how many modeling gigs you had been offered by that man and just told you to keep it up. 
You were 15 when you began to give up on finding any help. 
You slowly stopped telling your parents and just let the photographers, stylists and directors do what they wanted when you realized that your parents didn't care about you and just cared about the money you were making for them.
You were 16 when you stopped believing in finding help altogether.
You stopped trying to understand and just gave in the pressure that everyone kept putting on you. You created a mask from the pieces of your broken self and just kept going.
You stopped fighting, you stopped pleading for them to stop and just used their greed and lust for you as a way to advance in life. You knew it was wrong but you didn't care, no one ever taught you or told you what was right and what was wrong.
You were 17 when you learnt how to pretend you liked it.
You convinced both yourself and others that it was okay, the way you'd been treated for your adolescence. If you had no problem with it and tricked yourself into believing it was what you wanted, it wasn't wrong. 
And it worked. 
You pretended to enjoy it. You pretended to adore the fame and money you got from what you did. You pretended to smile happily at your parents as they told you there was another meeting you had with the director later that day. You pretended to look forward to those meetings. 
You pretended so much you forgot how not to. Your personality, likes, interests, everything about you was completely fake. But the world is easily swayed by fakeness if it's decorated with rhinestones and glittery gowns.
Like a mannequin in a boutique window, beautifully dressed in high-end clothing, with jewelry adorning the delicate neck of the faceless creature. Thousands of eyes gaze upon the mannequin, almost as if they're awaiting its demise.
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(no more talk about gr*ape for now, will inform if there's another)
As the night progressed you noticed how Bruce never made any comments about your body or what you could do for him, making you a bit frustrated since you knew he was attracted to you. 
You saw how he looked at you, you felt his eyes linger down when you walked beside him. You weren't oblivious of it. You knew what he wanted but you hated how he kept asking you questions about your life and hobbies. 
Why was he actually so interested in you?! He’s just another old man wanting to flaunt to his rich friends that he fucked a model so why is he doing all this?! 
You kept drinking wine and starting to act drunk, thinking that maybe he was one of those old men that would use you when you were intoxicated and then manipulate you into thinking that you also wanted it. 
Plus, no one knows it thanks to your influence in the media, but you weren't a lightweight. You trained yourself to act drunk after two glasses of wine so that people would never know that you were an easy person. 
After the waiter brought the check and left you were fuming and got too tired to act like you were interested in him after a whole dinner with him not insinuating anything that you should do for him. 
You got up, the chair screeching as it suddenly moved, and glared at him, too angry to keep acting like your stupid ass self that is too focused on their fame and ego to care about others. 
“...how many mind games are you going to play” - you pointed a finger right to his face, your voice shaky from frustration and anger -“huh? How many TİLL YOU SLEEP WİTH ME?! I know what you want! Everyone I ever met that wanted to go to dinner with me always wanted the same thing! Answer me!! And don't you dare waste my time!”
You kept glaring at him before feeling a tiny prick on your neck and before you could look you started to feel drowsy, like when your parents used to give you a glass of water that tasted weird when you were younger.
You pointed a finger at him before mumbling out a “you sick fucker, you could've told me you wanted to do it with me sleeping” and then collapsing on the floor, your fall being stopped by Bruce. 
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Bruce: he has always been interested in you after he saw you at your first big runway after you turned 18 and was finally free of your parents control. 
He saw you walking on the big stage, your hair all messy in the wildest haircut possible that he guessed you did, complete with a wild outfit and the wildest makeup he ever saw. 
He forgot what the theme of the show was because he only remembered you and how, even while wearing rags and looking like you just went through the most heartbreaking breakup, you looked like the most beautiful man he ever saw in his life. 
After that day he just kept going to whatever event you were also in and enjoyed watching you from afar, he even had a full room in the Manor ready for you after he heard you talk about the perfect bedroom to relax but also have stuff to do so you could still be productive. 
Next to that same room there was the room filled with almost every photo, magazine clips and whatever he could find about you plastered on the walls. 
He slowly became more obsessed with each day that passed that he wasn't with you, his love for you growing into an unhealthy obsession that he actually sent people to spy and take care of you in your company while also finding out everything about your past as a child model. 
He did ruin the lives of every director, photographer and almost every person in the modeling industry who used you in a sexual manner after he did some digging since he needed to know everything about you, wanting to be the perfect husband for you when he will finally marry you. 
Even though he never talked to you and was double your age, he didn't care. He wanted you. 
(Everyone’s obsession for you starts when you turn 18, if you got confused sorry)
Richard/Dick: he was the first one who got influenced by Bruce’s obsession with you after just 3 months since he was living at the Manor during that time because there was a case that he couldn't crack and was using the batcomputer to find some more clues. 
He accidentally walked in on Bruce admiring one of the many runways that the older man registered and just watched from the doorway as the TV played in the background, staring at how beautiful you looked while walking, staring directly into the camera and in Dick’s soul. 
After that day he started to research on his own and eventually stumbled into Bruce’s obsession room about you and didn't feel disgusted or weirded out when he saw all the photos and magazines photos about you and didn’t feel connected to Bruce when he realised that he and the old man shared an obsession. 
No, he felt jealous at how it was Bruce that first found you and not him. Bruce had the privilege of having you for himself before he found you and he hated that. 
But he also managed to one up Bruce by being the first of the two to get a photo with you after disguising himself as a waiter during a gala, especially because he knew the man flew to the city where the gala was held just to see you, even if you were with an old guy who looked like he could be your grandfather. 
Did he rub it in Bruce’s face right after, especially when he knew the man was there and especially when he knew that the man still didn't approach you because he didn't know every single thing about you? Yes, yes he did and he did it with pride since he managed to one up Bruce. 
He also killed the man before going back to Gotham with his old man,making sure that old bastard suffered through every moment and felt everything, especially when Dick started to slowly break his fingers, making sure he broke them so much that the man would never be able to use them even after surgery and therapy. 
Plus he wouldn’t need to use them given that Dick killed him at the end by strangling him as he insulted him, making sure the man could see his face filled with joy as he was strangling him.
Jason: he found out about this when he was at the Manor with Tim and Duke since the three were working on the same case given that Duke found some thugs using weird alien technology while robbing a bank that unfortunately got destroyed during the fight. 
Tim got involved because he saw a gang fight that were using similar weapons thanks to Duke’s descriptions and to Barbara given the fact that she provided video evidence that perfectly showed the weapons during the fight. Unfortunately, Tim couldn’t retrieve the weapons because the gangsters spread out during the chase but he managed to capture a few for questioning where he found out that the next shipment of those weapons was gonna happen in a few nights in some part of Crime Alley, to which he asked Jason for help. 
That day the three were at the Manor to see if they could find more information via the remnants of the weapons Duke brought from the first fight and were witnesses of Dick taunting Bruce with the photo while wearing a shirt with the photo of him and you right in the middle of it. 
Thanks to it and the fact that Bruce looked so angry and and on the bring of punching Dick in the face that the three got to work on finding out what was happening and immediately falling in love with you during their research. (They also stopped the thugs)
Jason, at first, was surprised at how long you’ve been working in the modelling industry before starting to dig about your past and when he found out about what your parents and what all those directors and photographers did to you he was enraged since he knew what it felt like having adults you trusted use you. 
He quickly went to Bruce and just told him that he wouldn't be available for a few days before leaving and after he came back the news started to talk about all those people missing and some who were found dead with a letter written with all their crimes, alongside a usb filled with video evidence of their crimes that immediately got uploaded to the internet after an hour of getting found thanks to Tim. 
He did hurt your parents and almost killed them but spared them, unsure if you actually hated them so he just made sure they would be stuck in the hospital for a long while. 
Tim: (you already know how Tim and Duke know about you so I'll skip it). 
Tim was surprised when he found out about you because of how obsessed Dick and Bruce were about you. But he also did his own research where he then shared it with Duke since the guy was also curious about you and he couldn't hide it from him. 
As he studied you and your past, like everyone else, he found himself more interested in how you stayed so strong after everything that happened. 
He also helped Jason in his revenge week and made sure all the evidence about those people wouldn't get deleted by hackers or the modelling industry. 
He didn't understand why he felt so close to you but after a bit of research and also with Duke continuing to point out how similar you and Tim were he started to understand. 
You were a trophy kid for your parents. Your parents had you and mostly used you as a way to make themselves look better when you became incredibly famous as a child model. 
They didn't care about you and they only gave you actual attention when they needed to show how good of a parent they were for the public. 
And that's what he experienced with his own parents and he knew what it felt like. But the only difference between the two of you is that Tim was neglected but didn't get used for money since he was a billionaire child while you got used to your parent’s greed. 
Duke: (you know, I know, we all know) 
He was one of the most sceptical to fall in love with you because he didn't feel an immediate connection with you like it happened with Dick, Bruce, Tim and Jason. 
Even after knowing about what happened to you he still didn't feel anything and he felt wrong because he saw everyone getting obsessed with you while he just thought you were attractive but didn't feel like the others. 
After a year he finally met you thanks to a gala he went to with Bruce without the others since they already ‘met’ you by being creeps. 
That gala was the start of his obsession with you. 
You were ethereal and wearing one of the most beautiful white suits that he ever saw, he actually thought you were an angel at first as you slowly walked down the stairs in 4 inch heels thanks to Barbara’s telling him via comms. 
After a bit of him watching you from away he finally mustered enough courage to walk up to you and ask for your autograph and you were so nice to him. 
Like you didn't ignore him or act annoyed, you actually talked with him as you signed what he wanted and joked a bit about some runways you did that he loved. 
And after that day he was hooked, he couldn't get enough of you that he actually beg Bruce, on his knees, to send him to any gala if you were gonna be there, even though you didn't really go to many galas unless it was something that made you interested, which was difficult to understand and use for their own gain. 
But he made sure to brag about it since he had video footage thanks to Barbara. 
I am done and I won't do the others because I don't want to sound repetitive for y'all. Please don't ask about the others though.
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frogaroundandfindout · 5 months
Random highly specific dick grayson fanfics I’ve been craving
An exhausted 18/19 yr old Dick finding Jason trying to steal the wheels off of Nightbird (his car) and instead of reprimanding him he just launches into a really proud rant about his car and how much work he put into her and god kid you got a good eye for parts. I just replaced the tires with ones where the rubber self heals. And none of that commercial crap either, actual self healing rubber that could get a bullet shot through it and still close up a second later. Oh and did you notice the seats? Just polished the leather on em! Go on sit, sit! Comfy, huh? You wanna get a bite to eat? Cool. I think bat burger’s hero-meal comes with a bat-mobile toy. Not as cool as my lovely lady of course, but close enough. Jason is absolutely baffled. This is Nightwing? The one all those new gangs that moved from bludhaven decided facing was worse than fighting for territory in the narrows? Fleeing unsuccessfully might be add considering Nightwing’s presence in gotham. He was so…nice? In that weird slightly off putting way that most of the real good people he knows have.
Dick and Damian both longing for the days where it was just them: Batman and Robin. The best. Dick having a whole moment where he curls around nearly completed adoption papers and sobs because Damian was his. For a year Damian was his to protect, his to guide, his to love. But now they aren’t even in the same city and barely go on patrols together let alone have movie nights cuddled up on the couch (it’s only reasonable Richard. Penguins huddle to conserve body heat). And Damian in the manor staring blankly at his drawing of gotham that Bruce hung up in his office. He didn’t make it for him. He made it for Richard. But what was he supposed to do when Father saw a piece dedicated to “dad” while Damian was flipping through his sketchbook? Tell him it was actually for his oldest son instead of him? Tell him that sometimes Damian wishes bruce never came back so that Richard didn’t have step back from them?
Dick who cooks tons of different cultural dishes within the same meal (like rice and curry served at the same time as sushi and fried plantains) and when questioned about it he’s just like ???? That’s what my mom used to do??? We lived in so many different places it felt weird limiting our food to one culture per meal.
Dick being like Garfield Logan’s big brother long before Jason comes into the mix. Gar frequently turning into a baby elephant just because it makes dick coo over him more than any form. Even a kitten!
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ryoalouette · 1 year
Brain demands a dp x dc prompt.
So I shall answer.
Just recently there has been an urban legend. Every single night, without fail, in the same time down to the dot- there will be a specific radio channel that will transmit a bone-chilling message.
Help. SOS. Help. S C R E A M- NO N O- (And then a series of numbers, shakily said) (a sob)
This has started since about one month or two ago.
Tim has been notified by one Bernard, and searching through the Batcomputer yielded little results. Jason happened to be behind him when Tim was researching, and between them, there were several things to be noted. Speaker sounded young, like in the middle of puberty. 13 years old is probably the youngest estimation, 19 being the oldest. Male. Doesn’t seem like acting, the message sounds too real. Amongst other things, prolly, since. Detectives.
Time passes, and they got a pinpoint of location that was oddly blacked out by the government itself. Hm. Suspicious.
So Jason, the one who’s still legally dead, no one would look for him (aside from Batfam and some), no one has expectation on his image considering he’s legally dead, took off, maybe with his team of Outlaws or nah, to get to the location.
What they found was a ghost town with many scars in Midwest, and a shade (ghost??) of a young man wearing glasses and beret who would appear in the radio station of this small town to air his (town’s) plight.
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flamingpudding · 1 year
DPxDC Family Week June 19 (Day 2)
Prompt: Siblings | Play
A/N: All I gotta say is this was heavily inspired by Wayne Family Adventures. I think I focused more no the Play prompt than Siblings, either way please enjoy my Day 2 contribution :D
AO3 Link: DPxDC Family Week Contributions
Danny was in a tricky situation. He carefully checked his surroundings as he crouched behind a bookshelves to reload. The Meta Alliance was off the table. Duke got taken out by Dick. He had seen Damian hunting down Tim earlier, muttering something about using the same trick again despite his warning. Jason was still wandering the halls in search of him loudly offering Danny a new Alliance promising that he wouldn't be shot on sight. He had lost sight of Cass earlier but he knew Steph was hiding on the second floor waiting for Jason to take revenge.
When Dick had come to him and Jazz earlier that day Danny did not expect for the oldest Wayne to hand them each a paintball gun with a wide grin. Only for them to suggest taking part in a game they played every year called Assassin. It was apparently a secret from Bruce that only the children of Bruce Wayne aka Batman took part in.
He had been suspicious of it at first, Jazz and him had only joined the Family for a couple of months now and Dick had suggested they join the game as a bonding experience between siblings with the rest of the family. When Danny didn't let up on his suspicious staring he also offered that it was a way to train and test Danny's stealth against his new siblings.
Only partly convinced, at least in Danny's case, they had joined. The moment they entered the sitting room everyone else was in, Harper, last year's winner according to the others, decided to start with a special alliance to ease Jazz into the game. Only for her to get accidentally taken out. She had made the mistake of forming the alliance with all the girls including Jazz, without prior information that till then only Danny had been privileged to with how often his own sister had souped him. To Harper's credit, she didn't know about the bad aim his sister inherited from their dad. The girl alliance got pretty quickly dissolved then and the Fanton siblings formed a new one, since Danny knew best how bad of a shot Jazz was.
Though Danny additionally had the one with Duke until he got taken out. They honestly had thought that with their Meta-powers they could overwhelm the others. Hell they were a power duo on patrols, this should have been easy. That was until Dick got Duke and Duke in all the dramatic sibling fashion 'died' in a distracting way that made Dick and Danny laugh only for the Ghost to then escape.
"AH FUCK!" Looks like Jason got taken out now too from the sounds of it. Danny didn't stay to find out who took the revenant out. He went invisible and phased through the wall behind him and floated up a floor through it. Carefully to avoid Bruce as well as Alfred so that the two adults shouldn't grow suspicious. Suddenly there was rusting behind him and Danny turned around quickly. He was still invisible so aside from Duke no one should be able to see him right now.
"I know you're here Danny. Show yourself."
"You're wearing your mask with heat-vision?" The question came out before he could help himself as he stared at Tim. Both his hands raised as he held them up, showing that he meant no harm, his paintball gun in his right hand pointing at the ceiling for extra measures while Tim was grinning at him with his gun pointed at Danny.
"Your body temperature is lower than the average human one, especially when you use your powers. It's the easiest way to find you since it was decided that both you and Duke were allowed to use them."
"I see." Danny nodded along. "I take it, you want to take me out right now?"
"If you don't agree to my proposal. Help me take out Damian and Cass."
Danny hummed thinking about it for a second before he noticed movement from the corner of the hall. He grinned, shrugging with his shoulders. "I would but… sorry maybe next time!"
He let himself fall through the floor as Tim cried out, blue splotches on his back appearing. Danny barely missed getting shot too as he fell onto the first floor. An orange splatter left on the wall at the height his chest had been mere seconds ago. Cass standing at the end of the hall as they made one final eye contact before he completely disappeared from sight through the floor.
But he did not get a second of rest as he fell into one of the down stairs sitting rooms. The moment he was through the ceiling and made eye contact with a stunned but then grinning assailant. He flipped to the side barely dodging the colorful rounds shot at him and aimed his own gun. Ten shots, nine missing but the last one finally got his target's leg.
"Gotcha!" He cheered as he floated down grinning brightly at Dick.
"Not bad baby ghost. I didn't expect you and Jazz to be this good. Sure you guys didn't have formal training?" Inspecting his leg the elder smiled, happy at seeing Danny enjoying himself this freely. He still remembered the first month in which Danny barely spoke to anyone aside from his sister. Dick had been a bit worried when he asked the Fanton kids to join their game but he was glad that he did now. The Fantons had come a long way and it appeared that they finally saw the rest of the Waynes as siblings too.
"No, everything is self thought. Though, Jazz hitting Harper was totally an accident considering she had been aiming at-" Their phones buzzed and both each took their own out. Dick whistled. "Baby bird took out Steph. So now it's only you, Jazz, Dami and Cass left. Looks like this year's game will even be over before patrol starts."
"Did it take longer last year?"
Dick nodded. "It went right into patrol time. But maybe it's getting over faster this year because everyone is at the Manor." He didn't mention that he had specifically asked the others to not draw out the game too long. Despite the couple of months, Danny and Jazz were still new to Gotham and the family and they both didn't need distractions during patrol and support.
"Speaking of being at the Manor. Why hasn't Alfred said anything about the paint splatters yet? He is omnipresent, I thought he would be the first to notice." The halfa tilted his head in light confusion. Really with the way Alfred always knew what was going on in the Manor Danny had long since expected for the butler to gather them all to give them a stern talking about playing with paintball guns inside the building.
"It's fine as long as we clean up after ourselves." He raised an eyebrow and Dick rubbed his neck nervously. "And as long as we don't go overboard and damage anything permanently. Besides, sometimes Alfred even ends up joining in on these games to teach us a lesson or to get back at us for all the grief we gave him with injuries in the past."
Danny raised a suspicious eyebrow. "He… won't just do that this time, will he?"
"Nope, but we should clean up here before Bruce comes back. It also helps that most of us only shoot when we are sure that we will hit the others and not something else." Danny nodded, muttering an embarrassed 'sorry' remembering how he let more than one shot lose at his targets. Dick only chuckled, patting his head and offering a cloth piece to wipe the paint from the wall.
Once it was clean Danny gave a grinning Dick a little finger salute before going invisible again and leaving the room. There were only four players left. He wouldn't be able to find Cass but he could try and take out Daimien. Choosing to be as silent as possible Danny used his ghost powers to also float. He turned off his ghostly powers as he came across Bruce and Tim by the stairs. The man was asking Tim about the paint on his neck that he must have splattered there when Cass had taken him out earlier.
"Damian and I got into a disagreement when I passed his atelier earlier. He threw one of his paint brushes at me like a dart."
"Damian wouldn't just do that because of a simple disagreement. What sort of argument did you two get into this time, for it to art out like this?"
Danny frowned slightly. The others never had mentioned what would happen if Bruce found out. He hid his gun on his back under his hoodie.
"Hi Bruce, I think someone must have pissed him off at school. He threw one at me too, when I asked him what got him into a sour mood." Danny decided to add to the lie. Really the youngest stabbiness was a really nice trait that made these lies even more believable. Tim gave him a thumbs up for the support hidden from Bruce's eyes.
"Hello Danny. Maybe I should have a talk with Damian. I cannot have him bring another knife to school again." The man muttered with a sigh as he walked away from them. Tim and Danny grinned at each other before once again Danny saluted before making his way back to the second floor. He had a feeling that he would find Damian or Cass up there.
Hearing voices by the end of the hall where Damian's Atelier was, Danny decided to try and be sneaky. The door was only a gap wide open, he peaked into the room. It hadn't been long since he had meet Bruce with Tim by the stairs but apparently the man was quick with his actions. In the room were said man and the youngest Wayne, Bruce was apparently trying to get Damian to tell him why he was in a sour mood and hurl his paint brushes at his siblings.
Danny snickered, the man's back was to the door and he grinned the moment Damian noticed him peaking in by the door. He gave the youngest a little bit of a mocking wave with the addition of a wide grin as Damian scowled. Bruce apparently took it that Damian did not like the reinforced rule of no knives at school.
Still grinning the ghost boy pulled his gun from the back and aimed it through the door carefully so that Bruce wouldn't notice him. Damian was now flat out glaring deadly at him, daring him to do it in the presence of his father. Waiting for the right time Danny watched Bruce and when the man appeared to look at something at his side he fired a shot. Hitting the youngest square in the chest who quickly despite his deadly glare turned towards one of his unfinished pieces and grabbed some of his art supplies to explain that color splatter as a lapse of his own judgment and frustration of the topic they were discussing.
Danny definitely knew he would be paying for this action later. Damian wasn't as stabby with him like he was with others thanks to Danny's ghostly powers, but that only meant that the youngest was creative in other ways to get back at the halfa. Though right now it only mattered to Danny that he was able to get two of the bat-kids out of the game with no formal training. That grin was whiped of his face when he felt a short sting on his back and his head whipped around to see Cass behind him smiling brightly.
"Lacking situational awareness."
"Okay yea, that was my bad." Letting out a sight he admitted defeat as he in a bout of dramatic essence chose to lay flat on the ground only lifting his head a little to face an amused Cass. Taking out his phone he proceeded to text the group that he had taken out Damian but in return got taken out by Cass. Looks like Cass would be the winner this year, he commented into the chat.
"Finally found you Danny!" Looking up stunned as well as hearing shuffling towards the door from the Atelier Danny looked up to see Jazz standing by the end of the hall now her paintball gun aimed at Danny as Cass dived to the side away from him. Right, his sister was still in the game!
"Let me handle this!"
"Wait Jazz!"
Too late his sister fired multiple shots and in a feat the half ghost honestly thought impossible, the projectiles ricochet off of decorations, leaving small splatters of paint behind them everywhere. The door next to him opened and Danny stared wide eyes up at Bruce and Damian.
"What is going on-"
At the end of the day Cass was declared the winner while Jazz was declared the honorary winner by being the first one to ever hit Bruce Wayne aka Batman square in the face with a paintball gun.
Though the siblings all got a stern talking to from the man for playing Assassin inside the Manor as well as Alfreds disappointed look™ that was followed by an amused smile whenever the butler side eyed Bruce. The smiles and looks all the siblings exchanged promised that next year's game would be filled with revenge plans. Maybe till then Jazz's aim would become better with the shooting classes Bruce decided to sign her up for with a knowing smile.
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
The thing about Jason is that he IS a feminist and racially inclusive character but because he treats the women and poc in his stories well,not because he's 'female-coded' or a substitute for canon poc.Now i do support transfem readings of Jason or Lina as i like to call her and consider him canonically afrolatino but that's because i love trans women fictional and real and am afrolatino myself so Jason reads as afrolatino to me from personal experience.And a big part of the latter is the diversity of his cast!!
His adoptive mom is an arab-chinese woman,his love interests are a wasian/half cambodian woman an egyptian woman and a darkskin black woman,his brothers he gets along with are that mom's bioson and his eldest brother on his dad's side who's romani and the remaining brother he's on good terms with is THE FIRST EVER BLACK ROBIN who is also the ONLY one he's always liked and been nice to and the only white character he actively likes is also a girl and has a completely platonic relathionship with him.This along with Jason's personality and other individual traits is why i have such a black view of him,because he feels afrolatino to me
That's what gets me about fanon Jason being claimed as a minority!!!Canon Jason actually works as one with a design update only but it CAN'T be just him!That's not representation or good writing!Instead of Talia bashing or some random ass white woman replacing her,she should have her pre-Morrison history employed and act like a typical brown/asian mom in a positive relatable and accurate way.Instead of sweeping Jason's girls under the rug for BEING girls and acting like it's not misogynistic because you're shipping him with Roy as if og Rhato dosen't have racialized misogyny fused into it's formula,explore their romantic dynamics with him and how they diffenterate and have in common and fucking care about Rose,Artemis and Dana as their own characters too as they're much,MUCH more than just 'DC's failed attempts to make Jason straight'.Instead of infantilizing Dick and animalizing Damian,make Dick Jason's cool reliable older brother he was close to as Robin but never mollycoddles him as Red Hood which JASON dosen't want as seen by his dislike of Roy and give him and Damian equal respect if not Damian way more since he's done way less bad fore more understandable reasons.Instead of lying about their age difference,aknowledge that Stephanie in current canon is 19 at the oldest while Jason is 23 at the youngest and in pre-reboot he was 19 when she was in high school and very specifically NOT a senior so yeah,it IS a minor x adult ship in almost every scenario they meet in the ship content
And for fuck's sake,STOP LEAVING OUT DUKE!!!!!!!The blue eyes Batkids rule isn't real,it's never been brought up in canon or joked about in official sources,it's segretation y'all made up!'Honorary Batkid' my ass,he's so literally Robin-coded the writers gave him light powers and 'The Signal' as his mantle!You know NOTHING about superheroes if you actually think Duke's not a core Robin,a Batboy AND a Batkid-Or if you think Jason's supposed to be a normie,a power fantasy or an abuser!He's a tragedy and commentary and an adventure and a comedy and same goes for Talia,Rose,Artemis,Dana,Dick,Damian,Duke AND Stephanie!Jason wouldn't wanna be Jason without them and they also do NOT exist just for him because they're his loved ones,not his tokens!Y'all want Jason Todd?Ight,then you want the Red Hood cast too because they're a package deal.You don't?Then keep that shit to yourself and invest in a dating app since you clearly can't write anything except white ass porn
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dichard-grayson · 3 months
Someone correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t discowing from when Dick was like 18/19 or very early 20s at the oldest, aka his most violent. And parallel that to Jason coming back to Gotham and the UTRH stuff happening when he’s about 17/18. There’s definitely something there about late teenage angst and peak violence for the bat boys
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sliipppy · 3 months
Because I am insane and sleep deprived, here is my attempt to make sense of the batfamily ages and what I believe they are currently at, with full explanations. Fair warning, although I have done like, legit research and have reasonings, some of these still fit into headcanons.
Bruce - 45
Dick - 28
Babs - 30
Jason - 23
Tim - 21
Steph - 22
Cass - 23
Damian - 14
Duke - 17
Bruce is the oldest, obviously. However, when he first adopts Dick he is still young himself. Hence why along with their father-son relationship, they sorta have a brotherly relationship. (Specfically in classic comics, Bruce would often refer to him as a brother. ) I like how it complicates their relationship and how it shows he wasn't really ready to nessicarily handle a child. I like to hc that he got adopted at 8, which would make Bruce 25 when he adopted him.
It was difficult to settle on this age because the age in which Dick became Robin has been changed so many times. Originally, he was 7. New Teen Titans says he was 8. Other comics say he was 10, 12, and even 15. I feel like most people say 8, and for the sake of my own agenda, I'm saying 8, and you can not stop me.
I think 28 is a good age for Dick. Babs similarly should be around his age as they grew up together (at least in newer canon since she used to be quite a bit older.), but she's always been portrayed as older even when around her age, and to kinda account for the weirdness surrounding her age I put her as 30. She becomes Batgirl at 18, and likely becomes Oracle when she's in her 20s, probably around 23.
Batman tells Cass multiple times in Batgirl 2000 that she and Jason were the same age, so that makes it easier to rule the two together. Addiontally, Cass, Steph, and Tim are all around the same age range, Cass being the oldest, so that makes things easier too. Cass starts operating as Batgirl at 18 which would make Tim around 16 when she takes the cowl. This works since Tim became Robin at around 13 and he had been Robin for a good amount of time before Cass became Batgirl. I think it's a litttle longer than I'd like. But whatever. I was considering ignoring canon and saying he becomes Robin at 14, because I think 2 years as Robin before Cass rather than 3 is more fitting but whatever. It does fit since Tim was introduced way earlier than Cass, however real time doesn't really affect these ages. Anyways, big sister Cass supremacy I think people forget she's one of the oldest. I think she might have been de-aged to be around Tim's age but FUCK that she was originally Jason's age and this is my headcanon and I like to thing N52 didn't fuck everything up in my happy Tumblr space.
We know Steph is 1 year older than Tim because she's a freshman in college during Batgirl 2009, and he's a high-school dropout in Red Robin 2009 as he searches for Bruce. Stephanie becomes Spoiler at 15, and Robin at 16. She comes back when she's around 17-18. This lands our 2000s trio with ages at 23(Cass), 22(Steph), and 21(Tim).
Jason is a mess. At least I thought he would be, but it actually turned out kinda perfect. We know Jason and Cass are the same age, so he's at 23 with her. He becomes Robin at 12, and dies at 15. He comes back as Red Hood at 18 and was dead for around 3 years. Jason Todd is 18 when he comes back to life because right before War Games, Bruce takes Cass to Jason's grave, on his 18th birthday!!! and of course the event that acts as a sort of aftermath to War Games is Under the Red Hood so Jason is 18 when he first becomes Red Hood. Cass is still a fairly new character when UTRH happens, so i think her being 18-19 when he comes back fits well. Tim being around 16 kinda fits nice too as hes around the same age as Jason when he died. I think Steph being so close in age also helps since so many parallels are drawn between the two.
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Detective Comics #790
Duke is still a teenager, and he is regarded to be one of the youngest bats, but still quite a bit older than Damian. In We are Robin, Duke is 16, as shown in the who are the robins bonus art. He is still a newer character and hasn't been Signal for long. I assume that by the time Batman and the Signal rolls around, he's 17 and is still currently 17.
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We are Robin #4
I'm pretty sure Damian was 14 in Robin (2021) but I could be wrong it's been a while since I've read it and I never finished it so idk if he ever aged since then. He became Robin at 10, so in those 4 years, he's obviously grown and matured a lot, but I mean, who doesn't those are formative years. I was gonna bump him up to 15. However, this doesn't work. He is supposed to be 10 while Tim is 17. (Babs says he's ten during Batgirl 2009, and we established Tim is 17 during this.) To keep it consistent with the others, I'm keeping Damian at 14.
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Batgirl 2009 #17
Feel free to correct anything I said here if it's incorrect. I am not perfect nor all-knowing. Also I'm horrible with math and numbers so I probably fucked something up here so feel free to make fun of me for that. Or you can make fun of the issues I have below.
Issues :
Dick can't be Robin at 8 if I stick with these ages because that would mean at the time Tim is 1 which means he wouldn't even be able to remember the show which means he would never be Robin.
I would've liked Bruce to be a little younger when first taking Dick in, but also I think Bruce is at his best when he's a middle aged man and I didn't want him to be below 45 because I wanted him to be on his late 40's.
It's hard to characterized Duke after We Are Robin because he's supposed to he a teenager, however he was 16 in We Are Robin and it feels like he should have been Signal for a bit longer than that. This isn't as big of a deal, because I still think it's believable for him to have only been signal for about a year, and it's mainly just DC inconsistency, but it still bugs me.
Damian's entire age is sorta messy and there's definitely issues with it lol.
I think Cass' age is around the same as Tim's post 52 to fit with him since their the same generation. But i chose to ignore that, and you can't stop me I choose what canon I want.
Anyways, if you've read all of this, I fear you might be a little crazy. However, thank you!!!!!! Feel free to like leave your own opinion/headcanons. I LOVE hearing them. Thank you! Bye!
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Bat Family Ages (with Sources & Panels)
Notes: I'm NOT using a "year zero"; the calendar year before "Batman: Year One" is "1 Year Before Batman".
Ages at the end of Preboot (Batman: Year Twenty)- Bruce (45), Renee (37-38), Kate (33), Babs (27-28), Helena (26-27), Dick (26), Cass (21), Jason (20-21), Steph (19), Tim (17 18), Damian (10-11).
Bruce Wayne- 26 Years Before Batman
Renee Montoya- 7th September, 19 Years Before Batman
Kate Kane- 14 Years Before Batman
Barbara Gordon- 8-9 Years Before Batman
Helena Bertinelli- 8 Years Before Batman
Dick Grayson- 1st Day of Spring™, 7 Years Before Batman
Cassandra Cain-Wayne- 26th January, 2 Years Before Batman
Jason Todd- 16th August, 2 Years Before Batman
Stephanie Brown- 1 Year Before Batman
Tim Drake-Wayne- Batman: Year One
Damian Wayne- Batman: Year Nine
Long Version
Bruce Wayne- 26 Years Before Batman
On the 4th of January, Year One, a 25 year-old Bruce Wayne returns to Gotham after 12 years abroad on 4th January, months before his first outing as Batman (Batman: Year One #1). Unless his birthday is between Jan 1-4, Bruce turns 26 the year Batman is born.
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Dick Grayson- 1st Day of Spring, 7 Years Before Batman
Dick Grayson's origin story is appears in the tail end of Batman: Dark Victory, which takes place in the 4th and 5th years of Batman's career.
In its sequel, Robin: Year One, Dick begins attending Bristol Middle School. And in Batman & Robin (2009) #13, Dick, as Batman, tells the Joker he had already figured him out at 12 but The Joker doesn't appear in Robin: Year One. So, Dick is probably 11 when he becomes Robin, in Year Five (Dark Victory). Dick is 19 years younger than Bruce.
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Important for later, Dick becomes Nightwing, aged 19 (Nightwing: Year One and Batman #116) in Year Thirteen.
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Jason Todd- August 16th, 2 Years Before Batman
According to his death certificate, Jason Todd was 15 years and 8 months old when he died on the 27th of April (Batman Files). His birthday is August 16th (Detective Comics #790). At this time, Dick Grayson was 21, having left the Robin mantle 2 years earlier; at 19 (Batman #436). Jason is around 5 years younger than Dick. He was hence Robin for less than 2 years, from when he was 13 going on 14 in Year Thirteen up to 27th April, Year Fifteen.
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Stephanie Brown- 2 Years Before Batman
Steph is 15 when she debuts as Spoiler (Secret Origin 80-Page Giant). At the same time as her debut comic, Deathstroke (1991) Annual 1 has Dick saying he, one of the oldest Titans, is no older than 21 (the age he was when Jason died). Dick is 6 years older than Steph. So Steph debuts in Year Fifteen; the same year Jason dies and Tim becomes Robin.
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Steph becomes Batgirl right before her freshman year of university, aged 18, going on 19 (Batgirl 2009 #1). This is in Year Nineteen. Which means that Preboot ends in Batman: Year Twenty as Steph has not yet entered sophomore year. Convergence takes place after of course.
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Barbara Gordon- 8-9 Years Before Batman
Batgirl (2000) #45 shows that Babs was already Batgirl at 18. As an adult, Babs is 5'11" and yet she did not meet the minimum height requirements for the GCPD or FBI during Batgirl: Year One. She must have become Batgirl before she stopped growing, and so was at most 16 during Batgirl: Year One. She also says that she is older than Dick in Batgirl: Year One but they must be close enough in age for them to go to prom together (Detective Comics #871). My theory is that Babs didn't go to her own prom because she skipped grades and was or felt too young so her high school prom was actually when she went with Dick to his. Babs is somewhere between 1-2 years older than Dick.
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There's more evidence for this. Dick is already a Teen Titan during Batgirl: Year One and in New Titans #89 said that he knew Donna Troy since they were both 13. So Babs likely became Batgirl between Year Seven and Year Eight, when she was 15-16 and Dick was 13-14. Also, Dick and Babs have a picnic as friends 12 years before The Black Mirror, in Year Twenty, so these ages are pretty perfect.
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Important for later, Babs is shot by the Joker just before Jason is killed and becomes Oracle before Tim becomes Robin. This is in Year Fifteen; she is roughly 22 here given that Dick is 20-21 at the time. No panels just math :P
Cassandra Cain-Wayne- January 26th, 2 Years Before Batman
Cassandra Cain debuts in No Man's Land aged 17 (Batgirl 2000 #1) and turns 18 on the 26th of January the following year, though she only learns this after it has passed (Batgirl 2000 #33). Later that year, Bruce brings her to Jason's grave on the 16th of August, the day he would have turned 18 (Detective Comics #790). She is 7 months older than Jason.
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Helena Bertinelli- 8 Years Before Batman
Helena Bertinelli was 8 when her family was murdered and the events of Huntress: Cry for Blood takes place 15 years after, following directly after No-Man's Land. Huntress is hence 23 following No-Man's Land. Cass turns 18 soon after No-Man's land, so Helena is around 5 years older than Cass.
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But, Cass is born in January and Helena could be born later in the year. Helena Bertinelli is 21 years-old during Huntress: Year One; when she becomes the Huntress. She soon moves back to Gotham after Carvinal in Venice (late Jan-early Feb), and encounters Barbara Gordon as Batgirl. Babs is at most 22 here so Babs is close to 1 year older than Helena and Helena is slightly older than Dick. Huntress debuts at the tail end of Year Fourteen.
Damian Wayne- Batman: Year Nine
Dick and Stephanie call Damian a 10 year old in Batman and Robin #2 and Batgirl #17. One takes place before Steph starts uni (since Damian appears in Batgirl 2009 #1) and the other takes place during Steph's second semester of freshman year (Batgirl #13). So Damian is 9 years younger than Stephanie. He first appears aged 9 at the start of Year Nineteen and becomes Robin later that year, aged 10.
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Renee Montoya- 7th September, 19 Years Before Batman
In 52 #14, published in 2006, we see Renee's passport and date of birth: 9/7/1970. It is the 14th week of the year so she would be 35 going on 36. 52 takes place in Year Eighteen, the calendar year Damian turns 9, so Renee is 27 years older than Damian.
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She debuts as the second Question in 52 #48 the same year, aged 36.
Kate Kane- 14 Years Before Batman
Kate Kane is 32 at the time of Batwoman: Elegy, in Year Nineteen, since she was in the same class at West Point as the real-life activist Dan Choi, which means that she was part of the US Military Academy Class of 2003. Damian is 10 at the time so Kate is 22 years older than Damian.
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Tim Drake-Wayne- Batman: Year One
Tim's age is THE weird one because DC are hellbent on keeping him at 17. It's too much for my brain, like how is he still 17 in Red Robin?? Let's say he seems to be only a year younger than Stephanie Brown a la Secret Origins 80-Page Giant or that he was bitten by a strange vampire bat during the One Year Later time skip. Your pick.
Fun fact: Dick permanently becomes Batman at 25 (in Year Nineteen), which is possibly the same age Bruce was when he became Batman.
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creepylittlelady · 6 months
How old is everyone in your AU? Like, could you list their ages.
Hi! Thank you so much for this ask, and thanks for everyone else for sending me asks whilst this account lay dormant lol. I’ve been super busy with school and now I’m on break for 2 weeks so hopefully I’ll get to everyone!
This is an ask I’ve been waiting for LMFAO I love to make master lists!
Youngest - Oldest
Oliver Henderson: Eternally 7 years old, died in 2007
Lily Kennett: Eternally 8 years old, died in 1998
Lifeless Lucy: Eternally 8 years old, died in 1997
Sally Williams: Eternally 8 years old, died in 1966
Lazari: Between 8-10 (the forest works in confusing ways)
Grinny Cat: 11 years old (made in 2013)
BEN: Eternally 12 years old, died in 2002
Nina the Killer: 13 years old
Lost Silver: Mentally about 14 years old
Smile Dog: 15 years old (made in 2009) (damn he’s the same age as me)
Lulu: Eternally 15 years old, “Died” (sacrificed her eyes) in 2003 (resurrected immediately after)
X-Virus: 16 years old
Judge Angels: 16 years old
Bloody Painter: 17 years old (I know he’s canonically like 40 but I aged him WAY down for plot convenience)
Puppeteer: 17 years old
Nathan the Nobody: Unknown, but assumed to near Jeff’s age
Jeff: 17 years old
Liu: Eternally 18 years old, “Died” in 2008 (resurrected in 2012)
Jane: 18-19 years old
Clockwork: 18-19 years old
Toby: 19 years old
Kate the Chaser: 19 years old
Stripes: 20 years old
Bleeding Man: 20 years old
Zero: 20 years old
Eyeless Jack: 21 years old
Sadiya: 22 years old
Masky/Tim: 25 years old
Hoody/Brian: Eternally 26 years old, “Died” in 2014 (resurrected shortly after MH ended)
Rouge: 30 years old
Nurse Ann: Eternally 35 years old (died in 1945, resurrected in 1958)
The Dollmaker: 45 years old
Hobo-Heart: Claims to be exactly 100 (unknown creation date)
The Rake: 100 years old
Jason the Toymaker: 124 years old (created in 1900)
Dr Smiley: 125 years old (born in 1899, made immortal in 1936)
Candy Pop: 150 years old (created in 1874)
Laughing Jack + Jill: 159 years old (created in 1865)
Splendorman: 164 years old
Trenderman: 166 years old
Body itself: 124 years old
Charles: Either 45 or 169 years old
The Operator: 1000+ years old
Zalgo: 170 years old
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nox140497 · 9 months
The Waynes
Authors Note: So this is my first male reader insert..... and it's pretty bad....... so if you don't like it, don't read this one.
Summery: Dick and the others are slightly ooc (maybe not though) in this one. Ok, Dick's vvveeeerrryyyy ooc..... sorry... not sorry.
Warning : uhhh, language cause Jason's in this one.
Also, really long, sorry
Info: I mean you could be female but I'm gonna be using he/his/him if you guys want I'll do the female one of this too, let me know if you guys want that.
Background: You are m/n Queen son of Oliver Queen and Nyssa (spelling of that please?)Al Ghul. You, like your dad, 'brother' and 'cousin', are an archer however you have other powers too.
Control of all ellements including shadow and light.
Shapeshifting like Beastboy, you're not green though, all your animals are black.
Your favourite form is a large wolf that people believe is a dog when in civvies.
You are also half demon... thanks alot Ras...
You also have super speed like Barry who is your Godfather.
Your Suit is similar to Dick's though it is just black.
Nobody knows the batboys' secret IDs yet except for m/n in this one. Also Dick and m/n have been dating for 4 years and m/n is very protective of not just Dick but of all the batkids. The team doesn't know this though 'cause they don't show it as Nightwung and Ghost (if you have a better hero name for him please let me know cause i'm thinking he's going to pop up in alot of my other oneshots, pehaps another book, and I can't come up with anything better than that so please help), though they are close.
Dick Grayson is a clingy, cuddly teddy bear. .
They will sometimes flirt with one another.
Bruce trusts him with the birds 'cause he's technically Damians causin and part demon.
He is the only 'meta' allowed in Gotham.
Also the boys all listen to him and like to cuddle when they seek comfort or warmth. (He runs hotter than a normal human and can adjust his body temperature)
Also Dick has an accent that he hides as Nightwing and m/n absolutely adores it, Dick has no idea why.
Red Hood: 16
Red Robin/Robin: 14
Robin: 10
Ghost: 19
Kidflash: 20
Artimis: 20
Miss Martian: 20
Supperboy: 21
Aqualad: 22
Beast boy: 15
Lagoonboy: 16
Wondergril: 14
Bumblebee: 21
Zatana: 21
Prompt List
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Nightwin's P.O.V.
It's a normal day at the cave. We were all doing our own thing when the Zeta beam lit up.
'Recognized Batman 01'
Everybody groaned as the big bad bat entered and ordered us to the mission room.
I groaned softly as I looked at the screen and saw a family photo of us on it. I could hear 'Red' Robin do the same slightly behind me and m/n snickering softly beside me. I nudge m/n in the ribs rather harshly and hear him grunt softly in response and I smirk.
"Team, as you probably know, this is the Wayne family. Recently, the oldest, Richard Grayson-Wayne, has been receiving death threats..."
Out of the corner of my eye I see m/n get a dark look on his face as he glares darkly at the wall behind Bats. I also see a slight green glow behind the lenses of his mask. How others don't notice it is beyond me but whatever.
"and Bruce Wayne has asked for our help in protecting his kids." Bats finishes.
"So what? We have to babysit a bunch of rich brats?" Lagoonboy growls in question. Batman and m/n twitch slightly.
"Yes." Batman says blandly. "And Nightwing, Robin, and Ghost will not be joining you." He finishes, and all three of us do a doubble take mostly 'cause Ghost wasn't going on the mission.
"Excuse me?" M/N growled, stiffening beside me the glow behind his lenses intensifying slightly. I descreatly take his hand and squeeze before letting go.
"You have a more important mission." Bats said. M/n raised a questioning eyebrow. Bats just gives him a look, and he relaxes beside me and nods once. The glow of his eyes lessened but not disappearing.
"What, why do they get to sit this one out?" Wally whines childishly
"Because Nightwing and Robin are comming with me to try and find the source of the threats and as I said Ghost has a more important mission to attend to" Batman growled making the others take a step back. Wally just pouted. I heard m/n snort in amusement at his godbrother (godcousin?).
With that, batman walked back to the zeta tubes, and the three of us followed him out and to the batcave.
Recognized Batman 01
Recognized Nightwing B01
Recognized Ghost B02
Recognized Robin B12
"So what is this ever so important mission that I am supposed to have B?" M/n asked curriously, tilting his head slightly to the left as we all removed our masks.
"You're going to make sure that my boys don't kill each other before whoever this is gets the chance, as well as making sure that they don't kill the team." Bruce said as he sat down at the Batcomputer. M/n nodded, and mock saluted before turning to me and Tim with a smile.
I smiled back as we headed to the changing rooms and then upstairs. Tim slipped upstairs and into his room as we headed into the kitchen for a small snack ( he is a speedster after all) and then headed to the living room and calapsed onto one of the coutches, to cuddle and whatch tv until dinner.
At some point, I must have dozed off because the next thing I know, I'm being lightly shaken by my boyfriend.
"Dinner time, Dickiebird." He said softly, gently brushing hair out of my face.
I hum softly as I start getting up and stretch slightly. I hear a soft chuckle from beside me, and I blush lightly, looking over at the dark-haired boy.
"What?" I ask with my accent shining through earning a soft smile and a kiss from my boyfriend. He loves my accent. I don't know why.
"Nothing, my love. You're just cute when you wake up, that's all." He says in a soft voice, causing me to blush more. I hear another soft chuckle before I am pulled up along with him. That's one of the things that I love about him, despite almost being as tall (cough taller cough) and almost as muscular as Bruce he's always so soft and gentle with my brothers and I. Unless absolutely neccessery like when breaking up a fight and even then he never uses his full strength.
"Comon before Jay eats all the food." He says in an amused tone, and I chuckle slightly, following him into the dining room and the chaos that is a normal dinner at Wayne mannor.
M/N P.O.V.
I woke up the next morning with my beautiful Bluebird cuddled up to me still blissfully asleep. I noticed a while ago that he sleeps better when he's with me, so I come over as much as I can. I mean, I do have my own place in Gothem and have been thinking about asking him to move in with me.
He is only barely 18, and I really don't want DaddyBats breathing down my neck. Thank you very much.
Anyway I do need to go get some clothes and stuff at home but I'm so comfortable and I really do not want to get up and besides Dick's finally getting some sleep and I know if I move he will most likely wake up.
Still M/N P.O.V.
It's about an hour later that Dick starts to stir in my arms.
I smile and lightly run my fingers through his hair. He moans softly and snuggles closer to me.
"Good morning, my love." I say softly into his hair.
"Morning." He mumbles back.
"We should probably get up and go to breakfast before Alfred sends one of your brothers to get us." I say gently, rubbing his back.
"Mmhhnmmm." He hums back. I chuckle slightly and nuzzle his hair again before starting to move to get up.
"Mmmmm." He whined in protest, clinging to me like a koala and trying to keep me in bed with him. I chuckle again and run my fingers through his hair again.
"Com'on Dickie you need to get up and eat, and I need to go to my apartment to get my stuff." I say in a soft voice.
"Nnnoooo." He whines.
"Yyyeeesss." I say in the same tone. He lets go of me and crosses his arms with a pout, and I smile before pecking his lips.
He sighs dramatically and grabs my hand before following me out of bed and then downstairs to breakfast, where all the others already are. Bruce smiles at us from over his newspaper as everybody else just looks up at us. I smile back and thank Alfred as he places coffee and breakfast in front of Dick and I.
"The team will be here in about an hour, and then I will be leaving and leaving you boys in m/n's hands. Please behave and don't kill anyone." Bruce says once he puts the newspaper down.
"They know better than to try B. Don't worry, we'll be fine." I chuckle softly while being glared at by 3 sets of eyes. I turn to the three younger boys and raise an eyebrow at their glares. They flinch and turn back to their food. I spot an amused smile on Dick, Bruce, and even Alfred's faces.
After breakfast I peck Dick's lips and leave the manor to go and collect my things from home.
By the time I return to the manor and slip in the front door unnoticed, I notice that the team is already here seeing as I can hear the chatter comming from the lounge room. I slip over to the door of the room after placing my things at the foot of the stairs to take up later and lean against the doorframe whatching silently. I notice a set of teal eyes as well as a set of steel blue eyes (Jason and Tim who are facing the door) flick up to see who was in the doorway. I also saw the other two birds stiffen a bit before relaxing when their brothers did nothing but return to watching the team.
Most of the team looks somewhat annoyed at having to be here, or maybe it's just Jason or Damian annoying them who knows. I smirk, waiting for someone other than the birds to notice me.
They do not.
I stand there for 10 minutes before clearing my throat and taking satisfaction in whatching them jump. I know the boys noticed me the minute I walked into the doorframe, and probably when I walked in the front door, but the rest definitely did not. They really do need more training.
The team stares or glares at me as Dick jumps up and practically throws himself into my arms.
"Some protection you lot are. If I wanted to kill you all, I could have." I snarled as I held Dick to my chest, and he snuggled into my neck.
"Ghost, what the hell are you doing here? Batman is gonna kill you when he finds out you aren't on that important mission he sent you on." Artimis growled through the now established mind link. I meerly raise an eybrow and scoop Dick up, making him squeak, and carry him inside and sit on the couch with Dick in my lap and the other 3 boys get up to curl up either beside me leaning on my shoulder (Tim and Dami) or sitting on the floor leaning on my legs (Jason).
"You can talk to me outside the link they know my secret identity." I sighed as I ran my fingers through Jays hair.
"THEY WHAT!!' The team exclaims. I feel Jason and Tim flinch a bit, and I run my hands through their hair to calm them down slightly. I meerly glare at the team.
"I've known them since Dick was adopted, so what? 10 years? 11? And as you can see, we're really close, so yes, they know my identity." I say slightly annoyed.
"11." Dick murmers softly, still snuggling into my chest, eyes closed. I smile softly and kiss his hair.
The team just sits and stares at me.
"Does Nightwing know your new plaything is a rich brat?" Wally asks through the link again.
"Yes." I drawl cooly. Sneering and glaring at the fact that he just called my boyfriend a brat and implying that he is meerly a plaything, an object.
Only I get to call him a brat.
Still M/N P.O.V.
It's been a week, and I want to stab something. Peferably someone on the team. They are infuriating. They won't leave the boys alone. It's getting on their nerves as well as mine, and worse, Zatana won't stop flirtting with Dick. Because of their frustration, I've had to break up more fights than I normally have to, and Dick's become even more clingy, not that I mind that, though. We have resorted to hiding in the cave, and I have considered taking them to my place instead, but that would result in DaddyBats breathing down my neck, and again, I don't want that. It doesn't help that they can't go out on patrol to let out their anger either.
I really hope Bruce finds this guy soon.
Ok so I swear to God if B doesn't hurry the hell up and get his ass back here soon I'm gonna cut a bitch or I'm gonna let Jason or Damian kill them. I can see that Dick is close to thinking the same thing. And THAT'S saying something because he's probably the most sensible of us. So if they continue this they're doomed.
We've taken to hiding in the Batcave more often because otherwise there's gonna be blood and alot of it, and it helps seeing as we can try and get a lead on the guy threatening my bird.
The team being so invasive has messed with the boys' sleeping schedule, not that they had a very good one to begin with (Read, don't have one at all). They've all become more clingy because they're tired and while I don't mind the boys being clingy the snotty and down right rude comments from the team over the mind link are starting to get to me, to the point where if Dick isn't with me at all times I fear I might go Demon on them and nobody wants that. I know I won't hurt the boys if that happens, but still not something I want to happen.
Currently, the boys and I were cuddling on the couch while the team sat around the living room chatting over the mind link. I wasn't paying them much mind instead focusing on my own mind conversation with the birds, something the team didn't know I could do. Then again, the team doesn't know my full power . Not even my 'cousin' knows. Anyway, I wasn't really paying attention to the teams conversation until a comment caught my attention, and I tensed under Dick who was again in my lap.
"I don't see what n/n sees in that brat. I mean look at him I bet he can't do anything without n/n holding his hand. I mean he can do sooo much better than these rich fakers, the kid probably doesn't even love him and is using him, I mean look who raised the kid, Bruce Wayne is a playboy and his brats probably take after their father." My 'cousin' said through the link obviously forgetting that though I was not participating in the conversation I was still connected to the mind link and could infact hear them.
Dick looked at me when I tensed and noticed that my eyes were starting to glow green. He quickly shifted in his spot and wrapped both arms and legs around me to try and calm me down. Once I was calm enough I turned to the team and gave them a glare so powerful all of them shrank away from it.
"You have no idea what you're talking about. Maybe instead of judging them based on what the danm press says about them, do the intelligent thing and get to know them first." I snarled coldly through the link, and they all flinched. I got up with Dick still being a koala bear on my waist and walked out closely, followed by the other three birds.
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callsign-bunnie · 2 years
Hi! May I have something in the yellow area with Ghost and Soap? Like Ghost is the slasher (Jason type of killer) and Soap is the victim trying to survive?
This is for Horror Night! I love final girl stuff so much! I've got this final girl esque idea for Aledaria, but it's in ABO. I've not had much of an excuse to use it
Soap had had a bad feeling about this particular school trip. His best friend, Rodolfo, had gotten sick, though he suspected that had something to do with his boyfriend finally getting back from a trip (gross) so he'd had to go alone.
He didn't like many of the the other students, which was fine, though there was only 12 of them. He'd not managed to find a particular niche at his college, yet, but he'd only been going for a few months.
It was to see this weird historical thing in the woods. Maybe that was what unnerved him. Who the fuck planned a class trip out in the middle of the woods?? Granted, they were all adults, but still! It was fucking weird.
Soap rolled his eyes, hearing a shrill voice, Mary, he assumed, tell her boyfriend to knock it off. Mary did not like either him or Rodolfo. She was... a bitch. Rodolfo was a really smart student and so she felt threatened in the classes they had together.
Soap was the best friend, so naturally, she didn't like him either. He hoped she'd trip and hit her head on a rock or something- no that was cruel.
They all approached the old house. It was a cabin, sort of. His teacher was a fucking weirdo. Creepy as hell. He was fascinated by that stuff. "Take it in, kids." They were all adults, they didn't need to be called kids. Soap was 19.
There was a general silence and Soap got the feeling no one else quite got it, either. "It's a house, Mr Scott!" Soap snorted as he heard Jason, Mary's aforementioned boyfriend, call. He hated him too, but he could be funny.
"It's not just a house. This is where the Riley family murder took place! On Christmas Eve, too. The oldest Son, only 14, slaughtered them all."
Soap cringed. It felt... weird. Bad. He didn't like going through some random kid's dirty laundry like that. Even if he had killed his family.
Mr Scott led them in and Soap stayed near the back, unsure if he wanted to go in. He considered refusing and just staying outside. He'd brought a pack of cigarettes. Maybe he could smoke and not have to listen to his professor talk about some kid's crimes.
No, Rodolfo had asked him to tell him everything. So, he went in, rolling his eyes as he heard his professor already listing off frankly too much detail. "Simon Riley. He was known for being psychotic. No friends at school and his father regularly beat him."
Jesus fucking christ, man, no need to air him out like that.
"After the murders, he disappeared. He's presumed dead, but... no one knows. He'd be about 21 years old."
Soap frowned, a little unnerved by that. "Wait, wait, you mean to tell me, that no one knows where this dude is and we're all... standing in his house??"
"Sounds like Mactavish is scared." Someone, he recognized them as Erik, one of Jason's friends, laughed.
Soap snorted. "Uh, yeah. He murdered his entire family and then fucked off 14 years old! I'm not entirely sure I want to fucking find out what he can do, now!"
No one laughed, that time, and Soap turned to Mr Scott, who looked irritated. "He's likely dead, Mactavish. There's nothing to worry about."
Soap snorted but went back to listening. He did get kind of curious and looked around. Mr Scott wasn't saying anything important so he tuned him out, looking at the pictures on the wall. He wondered why they left it so perfectly in tact.
"Don't touch anything! But feel free to explore!"
Yeah, whatever. Soap went right outside. He was not going to stick inside and wait to find random couples in closets "exploring". If he wanted to do that, he would have stayed behind and hung out with Rudy and his boyfriend, Alejandro.
God, they were ridiculous. Both were clingy as hell and borderline gross with how affectionate they were. Soap got out a cigarette, lighting it, and rolling his eyes when he saw Mary and Jason trying to sneak off to the woods.
Gross. They were all adults, couldn't they wait until they got back home?
Whatever. He leaned back against the house and shook his head. He thought back to Simon Riley. He'd read about him before the trip. Had to.
It'd been pretty gruesome, apparently. A few cops had puked when they saw it. Soap had been more interested in the actual kid, though. He'd apparently had a lot of problems that had gone under the radar.
Potential schizophrenia. Sexual and physical abuse by his father, Frank Riley. Not to mention being a social outcast. The poor kid... he'd felt sympathy for him. He was clearly going through a lot, and he'd just snapped.
He shook his head. Whatever. Regardless of whatever shit background he had, he was still a murderer, and he didn't like being in his house. What if he came back?
Soap noticed movement in the distance and frowned a little. Weird. He straightened, realizing it had been in the same direction Mary and Jason had gone. Gross! Couldn't they have gone out a little farther?
Soap rolled his eyes and turned away. Then he heard a bloodcurdling piercing scream come from the direction. He whipped towards it, immediately, seeing Mary run out from the woods.
Soap's stomach dropped. Not from her running. But because she was covered in blood and a knife was sticking out of her head. She paused once she got to the clearing the house was sitting in, meeting Soap's eyes in horror. Several other students had came out and she let out another blood curdling scream before collapsing, assumedly dead.
Several students screamed and a few went to run off the porch but Soap threw his arm out and stopped them. "Don't! You fucking morons!"
Mr Scott shoved his way out through the door and his eyes widened when he saw Mary's body on the ground. "Alright, alright! Stay calm!"
"Stay fucking calm?!" Erik yelled, immediately getting in Mr Scott's face. "My best friend's girlfriend is laying at the end of the fucking woods with a knife out of her fucking skull and you want us to stay the fuck calm?!"
"Yes!" Mr Scott glared at him. "I'm going to call the police-"
"It's a fucking dead zone! You told us before we got on the fucking bus that we'd just have to talk to each other to entertain ourselves." Another student, Kate, spoke up. She was one of the ones Soap had stopped from running.
"Miss Thomas, the language is not necessary." Mr Scott clearly was trying to defuse the situation.
"What about Jason?" Soap spoke up, cringing when everyone turned to stare at him. "She went out there with him. He could be dead or need medical help."
"You're right, Mactavish. Someone should go and check." Mr Scott nodded. All students looked at him and he swallowed. "That someone should be me. Mactavish, you come with me. Just in case someone needs to run back for help and since you saw what direction they went."
Soap made an indignant noise. "You're fucking kidding."
"No, and watch you language. Come on. Everyone else, just... stay in the house. Stay together."
Soap rolled his eyes but followed Mr Scott off the porch. He knew Mr Scott would just leave him as bait, but Soap planned to beat the shit out of him, first, if he tried it.
Soap led the way. Mary had left a blood trail, so they followed it, coming up on a large blood pool on the ground, coating some leaves. Soap frowned when he saw blood drip into it, looking up.
There was Jason's body. Or some horrific form of it. He'd been cut down the middle of his abdomen and strung up by the flaps on what looked like fish hooks and wire. His intestines hung out, dripping blood down into the puddle of it and his jeans were still down around his knees.
Soap hunched over, throwing up immediately. Closing his eyes put the image right back in his head, so he puked over and over. He wiped his mouth when he was finally done, avoiding looking up. He looked around and noticed Mr Scott was done.
Fucking bastard. Soap cursed and looked around. Should he go back?? Was it even safe to go back?
Soap decided to try. Better than staying and meeting whatever psychopath had done that.
The name Simon Riley tugged at the back of his mind, shaking his head. He'd known this was a horrible idea. Motherfucker was still alive and they'd went to his house.
Soap followed the trail of blood back, before realizing it was much thicker than he remembered. Anxiety pierced his heart as he started to guess what could have made it thicker.
Sure enough, the trail led to Mr Scott. Soap covered his mouth with his fist, gagging again. Fuck, he was going to puke, again.
Mr Scott had been impaled by a stick or something, his back arched backwards. However, the worst part was his head, which was twisted around to face Soap. Soap was behind him.
Soap looked away, immediately, unable to handle that view. He tensed, feeling something cold and metallic touch his neck. Someone pressed against his back and Soap's heart raced with fear. He closed his eyes, trying to appear calm, though.
"Simon?" He asked, carefully.
No response. The person at his back was large. He could feel it. Soap took deep breaths and, carefully, slowly, turned around. The person jerked but didn't stop him.
Soap looked up, met with a blood stained skull mask and piercing blue eyes. They didn't look murderous. They didn't look cold. They looked... curious.
"Simon, right?" He asked again.
There was no response at first, but then the man shook his head. "Not anymore. Ghost."
Soap frowned. "Oh... Okay." Not, anymore. So he was, once. "I'm... I'm Johnny." He was going to die, anyway. Might as well give him his real name.
"Johnny." Ghost stared down at him. Then, a peculiar thing happened. His eyes softened and they seemed to scan over Soap's face.
Soap seized the opportunity, hoping maybe he could empathize with him. Maybe he could convince Ghost to spare his life. "I'm sorry... We shouldn't have came to your house. He shouldn't have spoken about you, like that."
"Shouldn't have." Ghost agreed, looking angry. Soap tensed, immediately when the knife pressed against his back, instead, and he squeezed his eyes shut.
Soap decided to keep going. "I read about what happened... what you were going through... I'm sorry that no one listened to you... You tried so hard to get it to stop and no one listened and I'm sorry..."
There was silence and Soap let out a shuddering breath. "Please don't kill me like you killed Jason and Mr Scott... You can kill me just... please don't fuck up my body..."
The knife pressed firmer to his spine and he felt like he couldn't breathe. Oh god, this was it. He was going to die...
Tears welled up in his eyes and he opened them again. Now the eyes were hard. They were cold. But... a gloved hand reached up and wiped the tears away.
Soap frowned, surprised. He looked up at Ghost again. His eyes were unchanged. He closed his eyes again and took a deep breath in.
He waited to feel the knife sink into his back. But instead, a sharp impact hit his skull and it all went black.
Soap awoke to night time. He was on his back and there was something hard under him. He groaned and held his head, wincing. Fuck.
He was soaked in something. He opened his eyes and touched where the majority of the pain was, looking at his fingers when he was done and seeing blood on them. Then something dripped on his face.
He focused on what was beyond his fingers and met horrified eyes above him. Erik's head was staring directly down at him, his body hanging slightly above it.
Soap jerked up, immediately. He looked around and covered his mouth, bile rising again. He wasn't even sure he had anything to puke up, but fuck was his body going to try.
He was surrounded by gore. He was right outside the house, having been laying on the stairs, and he was surrounded by bodies, all in horrific positions.
Soap couldn't help it and hunched, puking. He saw his body in the process, realizing he was soaked in blood. He realized one of the bodies was still moving, when he was done and looked over at it.
He saw a dark figure stop them and lift their head, slitting their throat. Then the figure stood and turned to Soap.
Soap recognized the eyes and mask immediately. He turned and ran, not even thinking about it. However, Ghost was much faster. He caught Soap right at the end of the clearing, tackling him.
Soap struggled, getting on his back and shoving at Ghost. He hit him as hard as he could but Ghost was firm, barely flinching.
"Stop!" Ghost snarled, after a bit, and Soap went still, immediately.
Ghost's eyes looked pleased. He got up and grabbed Soap under his arms, dragging him to the house again. Soap kicked, this time and tried to jerk away from him, managing for a brief moment.
Ghost grabbed his throat and lifted him up so they were face to face. Soap shook with fear and stared into his eyes, hyperventilating. Ghost stared back before letting him go and then picking him up, throwing him over his shoulder.
Soap was not a small man. He was short, but he worked out regularly and from the few times he'd flopped on Rodolfo, who immediately yelled at him that he was too heavy to be fucking doing that shit, he knew he was fairly heavy.
So, the fact Ghost tossed him over his shoulder like he was nothing but a sack of flour was... an unnerving display of strength.
However, Soap did have a lot of survival instinct so he kept kicking and screaming, beating at his back. He was taken into the house, which was luckily free of blood. Soap continued to struggle, almost managing to fall off a few times, but Ghost held him firm.
Ghost dropped him on a bed. "Behave!"
Soap stopped and looked up at him, his breath heaving. He didn't move, though, staring at Ghost.
Ghost seemed pleased with the obedience. He hunched over Soap a little and then he was reaching up, pulling off his mask. Soap's eyes widened a little.
He was met with a young looking face. Definitely 21 years old. Save for some scarring around his mouth, he was... fairly attractive, actually, with blonde hair, a little messy likely due to the mask. Soap flinched back, unsure why he was doing this.
Ghost seemed to be scanning his reaction, waiting.
"Why??" Soap finally got out. "Why am I alive??"
Ghost shrugged, still staring at him.
Soap didn't like that response. He looked around for a way out, but Ghost snapped his fingers to get his attention. He crouched down in front of Soap. "You sympathized with me."
Soap frowned. "I did before! You killed my classmates!"
"You said they should have listened to me and that you were sorry."
"You ARE A MURDERER!" Soap reiterated, not wanting to have this weird ass conversation.
"You're pretty." Ghost smiled, clearly amused.
Soap turned dark red. He wasn't expecting that. "I- what?"
"For a boy, that is. You're one of the prettier boys I've seen."
Soap looked away, immediately, hating how flattered that made him. "Thank you." He mumbled, anyway, to appease Ghost.
Ghost continued to watch him.
Soap considered and tried a different tactic. He straightened up and looked at Ghost. "Why'd you throw me on your bed?"
Ghost seemed to freeze. "It's not my bed."
"Okay. Your parents bed then. Why did you throw me on it? Is it because I'm pretty?" Soap gave him a half smile, leaning back a little. "Is that why you let me live?"
Ghost didn't respond, just kind of staring at him. Soap wondered if Ghost had had any real human contact in the past 7 years.
Was Soap about to fuck a serial killer to say his own life? Yeah, apparently. Soap leaned forward again and touched Ghost's face. "I think you're pretty, too."
Ghost tensed and his eyes followed Soap's hand. Soap trailed his fingers down Ghost's face, down to his neck, before jumping as his wrist was harshly grabbed.
"What are you doing?" Ghost narrowed his eyes at him.
Soap shrugged. "You threw me on your bed and called me pretty. I'm just doing what you want." He pulled his hand back from Ghost and then gently grabbed the shoulders of his shirt, leaning forward to kiss him.
Ghost didn't kiss back. He didn't move. Soap kissed to his jaw. He felt Ghost slowly start to relax, his eyes closing.
Soap pulled away after a bit, planning to undress. But, his head snapped back at yet another impact.
Soap cringed when he woke up, bright hospital lights in his face. His head was seriously throbbing.
"Soap! You're awake! Finally!" Rodolfo, his best friend, popped in his face. "I was so worried... The police said they found you in the woods, at the Riley Family House, surrounded by dead bodies..."
Soap frowned, confused. "Where am I?"
"The hospital." A new voice, which he recognized as Alejandro, Rodolfo's boyfriend. "Sorry, Rudy wanted me here."
"I don't care, man. Was... another man rescued with me?" Soap frowned, remembering Ghost. He had been... trying to kiss him and then... what?? Had Ghost just knocked him out??
"No, it was just you. But... Soap, don't... don't freak out. But, they found a carving on your side." Rodolfo cringed.
Soap suddenly became aware of a stinging pain on his side. He immediately lifted his shirt, only seeing bandaging. "What was it??" He asked Rodolfo.
"It just said Ghost, apparently." Rodolfo frowned. "Weird, right? They think it was Simon Riley."
Soap frowned and laid back in the bed. Ghost had... marked him? "I... weird..." He lied, since he knew it was Simon Riley. "I'm sorry, can you.. can you come back later? My head is killing me."
"We'll leave you be," Alejandro said before Rodolfo could protest and dragged his boyfriend out, closing the door behind him.
Soap groaned and held his head, deeply confused. Not only had Ghost spared him but he'd... carved his name into Soap's side. He knew he'd be freaked out, later, but his head hurt too bad for him to even think.
Soap looked to the side, frowning when his eyes fell on a note. Wrapped around it was black ribbon and a skull wax stamp was on it. He carefully pulled the note apart and his blood ran cold at the words.
I'll be back for you. You're mine. -Ghost.
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s-c-g-s-c-g · 11 months
Friday Fic Recs
Bruce Wayne! Batman! Father who is... well, he certainly is one! Today, I've got three fics as usual, one for each of his three oldest sons (sorry Damian, I'll get you some recs with Dick one day). These are arranged by sibling order and I've added a note about the identity or age of the kid in question. All of these are positive about Bruce's parenting.
When I Touch The Water by audreycritter - Nightwing!Dick & Bruce
Bruce is trying to deal with an old injury alone, and alone is exactly the opposite of how Dick Grayson is willing to let him handle it. I love how well Dick and Bruce seem to know each other here. They've spent years together and years apart and both of those really show. I love Dick and Bruce's relationship as adults and this is a really nice portrayal of that. There isn't really a plot here but the feelings and relationship makes it feel dense in a wonderful way.
Mermaid Tears by minnow_doodle_doo - Robin!Jason & Bruce
And if real mermaid tears were what Jason wanted the world to have, Bruce would make Aquaman cry glass. This is honestly just Bruce thinking about how much he loves his boy and not saying it out loud. He loves his kid so much! I love all the unspoken and spoken things about their relationship here. Bruce is so wistful and Jason is very sweet.
TALK TOO MUCH. by orpheusaki - Tim (19) & Bruce
"So, he kissed you," Bruce repeats, looking over the rim of his teacup to peer down at his son, who's face down on the carpet, "And you said…?" Tim goes to Bruce for relationship advice. This one makes me smile so much. Tim's young love problems and Bruce's internal commentary are both incredibly entertaining. I love their relationship here, it's very cute!
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ekat-fandom-blog · 1 year
Reverse Batfam AU
I don't have all of the Batfam in this line-up because I don't know them at all. There are some that I'm not in any way confident I could characterise so I might make a second version of this with the more well known Batfam members and exclude Duke, Steph, Cass, and Barbara. But, for now I do like my idea. I'm not planning to write a fic or anything with this so if anyone wants to use this specifically, go ahead.
But this is extremely long so everything's under the read more link.
I had to mess around with ages quite a bit because otherwise things do not fit at all. I did want them to come into the family in reverse order as well as reverse their ages.
Age differences: Duke->Damian - 1 year younger Damian->Steph - 4 years older Steph->Tim - 1 year younger Tim->Cass - 3 years older Cass->Jason - 6 months younger Jason->Dick - 4 years older Dick->Barbara - 1 year older
Oldest to youngest: Damian, Duke, Tim, Steph, Jason, Cass, Dick, Barbara
Ages when Dick arrived: Dick 8, Cass 12, Jason 12, Tim 15, Steph 14, Damian 18, Duke 17
Ages when Barbara joined: Barbara 14, Dick 15, Cass 18, Jason 19, Tim 21, Steph 20, Damian 24, Duke 23
Their Stories:
Duke Thomas- The first ward since he was taken in after Damian in canon (as far as I remember). Got into hero business at around the age of 9 because his parents got caught in a Joker attack and he created a "We Are The Knight" group consisting of kids that had suffered from the aftermath of the various villain attacks. A few years later, he became Batman's second sidekick - Signal. After moving out of Wayne manor kept the moniker and joined the Outsiders hero group. He still works with Batman but tries to keep his distance due to him being overbearing. He remembers growing up with Damian being hard, but they mended their relationship by the time Damian moved out. He survived Damian because (1) he wasn't adopted, (2) his parents are still alive, and (3) his powers.
Damian Wayne al Ghul- He took great pleasure in ridiculing Duke for everything from his hero name to his role in the family, but eventually grew to really enjoyed his younger brother's company (even though he'd never admit they were brothers or that he enjoyed Duke's company.) He became Batman's first sidekick, Shadow, (at the age of 10. he arrived 1 month after Duke.) as tribute to both his time spent in League of Shadows and his start to becoming Batman's shadow. He created a teen group outside of Gotham called the Titans (composed of him, Superboy, Raven, and Beast Boy) when he and Bruce started fighting but never quite left Gotham entirely.
Stephanie Brown- She joined the crusade as Spoiler at 11 and lasted only a year before being killed by Black Mask. However, that was enough time for Damian (16 when she died), Duke (15), and Bruce to become attached to her. Her death (and Bruce's subsequent burst of overprotection leading him to kick out Damian and Duke) caused Damian to shed the mantle of Shadow and become Nightwing. She does come back 6 months later leaving the others feeling confused and a bit betrayed, but mostly happy she wasn't actually dead. She creates the moniker Batgirl after Bruce tells her she can't be Spoiler any more.
Tim Drake- He joined the crusade at 13, 4 months after Spoiler's death, which hit Bruce really hard, caused a fight between Damian and Bruce (that ended with Damian and Duke moving out), and Batman became more violent than he had ever been. After failing to convince Damian and Duke to join Batman on patrol and stop avoiding him, he became Drake. Damian didn't like him initially, but tried to be there when Tim needed him. Damian also convinced Tim to change him moniker to Shadow because "Drake" was too close to his name to be effective at hiding his identity. Before Steph came back, he went through the Joker Jr thing and Batman and Signal helped him recover from the majority of it since Nightwing was on a Titans mission. He was just finishing up his training with Shiva when Cass joined the crusade. He was officially adopted one year later shortly after his parents died (because Steph and Cass were around to catch onto his shenanigans).
Cassandra Cain- She joined at 10 years old shortly after Tim did and shortly before Jason did. She originally called herself Orphan, but switched to Black Bat once she was adopted by Bruce.
Jason Todd- He joins a few months after Cass does (age 11) and gets adopted quickly. He and Tim get along extremely well and bond by making fun of Bruce. He takes on the moniker of Batboy when he joins the crusade. He avoids dying in Ethiopia because his siblings decided to go after him while Batman was investigating the illegal weapons trade there.
Dick Grayson- He becomes Bruce's ward at age 8. The entire Batfam was there when his parents died. Everyone's there when he shows everyone his first suit designs and the moniker he chose and why. They try very hard to convince him to choose darker colors and add more armor. He stanchly refuses because he wants his hero name and uniform to honor his parents. They do manage to convince him to add pants to the design. He convinces Alfred to make the suit with the promise that he won't go out until he has Bruce's approval. He doesn't uphold that promise and is crime fighting by the time he's 9.
Barbara Gordon- She'd been watching the bats for a few years before she decided she wanted to become a vigilante as well at age 14. She followed Batgirl for a while asking to be her sidekick or help with the tech stuff. After a few 'no's, she created her own outfit made out of Spoiler, Black Bat, and Batwoman halloween costumes. Names she came up with for herself were Red Bat, Batshadow, and Batlady. When she officially joined the group, Steph gave her the Batgirl moniker and took back the name Spoiler.
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diddle-riddle · 2 years
Batkids - Evolution Board
Here comes how I headcanon the Batkids’ legacy (centering on the main Batfamily, I’ll make an extended version afterwards if you want ^^) through the ages and the titles they wear, first in canon then into their future!
Starring the team by oldest to youngest instead of by appearance :)
1) Barbara Gordon
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Batgirl > Oracle > Mayor of Gotham
- Batgirl (at 18 when she makes her own path into vigilantism then teams-up with the orginal Dynamic Duo). - Oracle (after the Joker shot her while, as an adult in her early thirties, she distanced from vigilantism and was wearing her Batgirl uniform only occasionally). - Mayor of Gotham (she gives her ‘Oracle’ title to a reformed Edward Nygma who fully joined the Batfamily and dedicates herself to politics the official way since then, until her election as the new Mayor).
2) Dick Grayson
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Robin > Nightwing > Batman > Nightwing > Retired
- Robin (at 11 after Bruce took him under his wing). - Nightwing (the disco suit version at 18 after he quit, then the black and blue classical one after Barbara became Oracle). - Batman (during the transition period over which Bruce was presumed dead). - Nightwing (after Bruce returned). - Retired (after Barbara and him married and he decided to fully dedicate himself to being a husband, a father and Babs’ main support over her political campaign).
3) Jason Todd
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Robin > League of Assassins soldier > Red Hood
- Robin (at 10 after Bruce took him in and up to 16 when he was murdered by the Joker). - League of Assassins soldier (up to his early twenties when he lived with Talia al Ghul and followed her training). - Red Hood (first a villain when he returns to Gotham, then an antihero who progressively grows closer to the Batfamily. He keeps his Red Hood title up to his old days).
4) Cassandra Cain
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Batgirl > Black Bat > Batman
- Batgirl (at 16 when she arrives in Gotham and after Barbara then Bruce and Tim took her in and considered her a true ally then a family member - she keeps her title until she gives it to Stephanie when thinking Bruce has died and she doesn’t want to fight for him anymore). - Black Bat (once she returns to Gotham after living a couple years in Hong Kong away from the bats-and-birds). - Batman (when Bruce solemnly hands over to her his cape and cowl, he chooses her as his rightful heir).
5) Tim Drake
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Robin > Red Robin > Phoenix > Dark Phoenix
- Robin (at 13 after he stalked Bruce and until they cross paths, less than six months after Jason’s death). - Red Robin (after he was forced to quit for a short period when his father found out about his activities and after Stephanie’s death, he couldn’t take back his old costume so he upgraded his outfit and his name along the way). - Phoenix (over his mid-twenties when he decided to make a name for himself and take a chance into the ‘other side’ of the fight). - Dark Phoenix (a nickname given by the press he ended up adopting after his team and him killed the next generation of Batman and Superman, aka Cassandra and Kon-El, what signed his definitive tipping point).
6) Stephanie Brown
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Spoiler > Robin > Spoiler > Batgirl > Nightwing > Batman
- Spoiler (at 13 to frame her dad and spoil his plans before she bonded with Robin!Tim ; she takes nearly eight months off the Game to handle her pregnancy at 15 and its aftermath, needing time to recover after putting her baby up to adoption, then resumes the fight and meets Batgirl!Cassandra plus Oracle!Barbara). - Robin (at 17 when Bruce finally takes her in). - Spoiler (after Bruce fires her, leading to her ‘death’ and her spending nearly two years far from Gotham, in Kenya to recover with Leslie Thompkins. She returns at 19 wearing her original alias). - Batgirl (at 19 when Cassandra abandons the title and she takes up the mantle for ten years to come). - Nightwing (at 31, after two years off the the game to welcome her daughter Taylor ; she passed the Batgirl mantle to her apprentice Nell Little during her pregnancy). - Batman (the one she never wanted to take up, but endorsed after Cassandra’s death to carry on the legacy).
7) Damian Wayne
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Robin > Angel > Nightwing
- Robin (at 10 when he arrives in Gotham and meets his father, then forms a Dynamic Duo with him and with Dick during the transition period Bruce is out). - Angel (at 20, he gives the Robin title to Carrie Kelley the same time Steph gives the Batgirl mantle to Nell Little). - Nightwing (when Stephanie becomes Batman).
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