#This is a joke my dad is not dead
honorthysalad · 1 year
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Damn wish when my dad died, my Pokémon got stronger. Could’ve saved me a ton of grinding.
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littlefankingdom · 6 days
Seeing all those posts and fanfics where the batkids, especially Dick, calls Clark "uncle Clark", made me think.
If Dick calls Clark "uncle Clark", he probably started doing it BEFORE he ever referred to Bruce as his father. After all, another uncle doesn't erase any existing one, but accepting Bruce as his father was erasing John Grayson in Dick's mind, for multiple years. It makes sense for Dick's confused feelings about his situation to call Clark "uncle" before calling Bruce "dad".
So, I present you: Bruce being envious of Clark because Dick refers to him with a family's title but Bruce is just "B".
And in the same continuity: Dick being envious of Jason calling Bruce "dad" so easily.
For Dick, it feels as if the word is stuck in his throat. He can say it to joke around with others ("let's steal dad's car" he tells Jason), but to Bruce's face? He's afraid the world would end.
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egophiliac · 3 months
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doctorsiren · 7 months
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Part 8
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Give me widower Mav who has come to terms with his husband’s death and now gets to make jokes and comments about it which makes people uncomfortable while he finds it hilarious pls
As someone who lost their father a long time ago I have reached that point where I can make jokes and comments and like to my close friends it’s funny but to someone I don’t know it’s… strange cause they don’t know how to react and it’s truly a small moment of absolute joy cause they make it weirder than it needs to be
Here is what I mean:
Fanboy: Hi Mav! I like your hoodie!
Mav: thanks, it belonged to my dead husband
Mav: he’s not gonna use it so
Hangman, pointing at the ring on Mav’s dog tags: you’re married?
Mav: I was, but sadly he died on a terrible accident
Hangman: oh I’m sorry—
Mav: I’m kidding, he didn’t die on an accident
Hangman: oh thank god I thought I—
Mav: he died of cancer
Mav: my husband used to hate this movie
Phoenix: what made him change his mind?
Mav: oh he didn’t, he just died
Mav: I miss my husband
Coyote: why, where is he?
Mav: I want to say heaven but he was a weird man so honestly I don’t know
Cyclone: Maverick where is the paperwork I asked for
Mav: oh I’m sorry? I was mourning the death of my husband, in case you hadn’t noticed, the audacity, I cannot believe you would come for a widower like this—
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hey uhhhhh what the fuck
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and why are most of us dannies like is this why dannies are the way we are
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afewproblems · 1 year
Season Two Halloween AU Part Eight
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six Part Seven
Synopsis: What if Eddie had been at Tina's Halloween Party in Season Two? Featuring Steve!Whump, Stancy Breakup, and Eddie just trying to keep up with all these new revelations about who King-Steve actually is...
As always, thank you thank you to the lovely Jess @strangersteddierthings for letting me brainstorm and send spoilers!
Eddie pulls gently on the strap of Dustin's safety goggles, trying as much as he can not to snag his curls in the process.
Almost everyone is decked out in their make-shift protective gear, with bandanas over their mouths, swim goggles --hell, even an old diving mask that Lucas found in the Byers basement. Mike won the painters mask, even though it's slightly too big on his little face.
When Eddie asks if all of this is really necessary, Dustin, Lucas, and Mike all glare ferociously at him before shouting over top of one another about how the Upside Down is toxic and that Will had been lucky last year, and to stop being an idiot. 
Eddie looks to Max who shrugs and pulls down her own swimming goggles over her eyes.
"Don't look at me, I'm new here remember?" She mutters, walking towards the pile of various items the kids brought with them. She grabs a pair of rubber gloves and tosses them at Eddie who manages to catch one while the other falls limply into the dirt.
"They went in full body suits last year, on oxygen, to save Will," Dustin adds, his voice slightly muffled by the floral scarf wrapped around his face, "as little exposed skin as you can, it isn't safe".
Eddie can't help but picture the last Sci-Fi pulp story he read in a zine with government conspiracies and men in yellow suits investigating supposed 'crash sites' in the desert. 
He shivers and pulls his own black bandana from his back pocket to put on.
Steve hasn't moved since they parked and hauled everything out of the van for their descent.
He sits in the sliding side door of the van with his head between his knees and the bat between his hands. Steve had insisted on coming with them, despite the fact that he'd only just managed to stop vomiting about five minutes ago and the nausea is still kicking his ass.
Stubborn idiot.
Eddie shakes his head as he turns back to Dustin to find the kid has wandered closer, standing right beside him now.
"He's dating Nancy," Dustin says quietly, tipping his head towards Steve as surreptitiously as he can.
Eddie freezes at the words and tries to keep his face blank in the way he's seen Steve do, he's not sure he's managed it but the way Dustin rolls his eyes. 
Eddie opens his mouth to respond, with what he isn't sure of given the chorus of shitshitshitshitshit playing on a loop in his head. 
Dustin beats him to it.
"But Mike told me they've been fighting lately, if it helps?" 
Eddie just stares, his mind running a mile a minute, his eyes search Dustin's face for any hint of malice or disgust. But there's nothing.
"You don't…care?" Eddie says slowly, softly, he looks around to the other kids to see if anyone else is listening.
They all continue to argue and bicker over the equipment  except for Max who has walked over to Steve to hand him a pair of rubber gloves. She leans down and tilts her head to look at Steve who still hasn't moved from his position in the van door. 
Dustin shrugs, "why should I? I know what people say about it, but you protected us, you stayed," he looks at Eddie with fierce blue eyes, "bullies talk a lot of shit about other people for what they like".
"And you're not bad Eddie, you're good, just like everyone here". 
Eddie blinks trying to ignore the tightness in his chest at the words and the sting behind his eyes. 
'You're a good kid Ed, that's all that matters,' Wayne had told him the day he came out. 'And I'll love you no matter what'.
So that was at least two people who didn't think he was the town 'freak' -- but a stubborn image of Steve's expression that night by the pool comes to mind as he vehemently argued against being scared of Eddie during the now infamous Halloween party.
Three people then.
"If it helps, he wouldn't shut up about Dallas after he and Nance watched the Outsiders last year so," Dustin shrugs again, this time with the slightest teasing grin. 
Eddie is overcome with such a strong feeling of fondness for the kid that he reaches out and pulls Dustin into a one armed hug that's really more of a headlock than anything else. Eddie takes off Dustin's hat to ruffle his hair before putting it back on and tugging it down over the kids eyes, he snorts at the squawk that Dustin makes in response.
"Dallas huh?" he says with a grin before clearing his throat, "I've always been more partial to a pretty boy myself". 
He laughs as Dustin pushes him off muttering under his breath, "everyone's obsessed with relationships," which only makes Eddie laugh harder. 
Maybe it's the hysteria of the situation, maybe it's the exhaustion loosely wrapping itself around his hands, but in this moment Eddie lets himself push away why they are standing in the middle of this field in the pitch dark, and lets himself reach out for what was previously impossible.
He claps Dustin on the back and tips his head towards the rest of the party getting ready. 
"How distracting can you be?" Eddie asks in a low conspiratorial voice.
Dustin frowns, his eyes dart from where Max is struggling to pull on a second blue rubber glove after getting the first one on to where Steve is finally managing to sit up in the van, pulling on the gloves Max left him with, and rolls his eyes again.
"Yeah, yeah, you get five minutes," Dustin drops his voice slightly, and if it's an imitation of Eddie barking orders at the kids earlier, it's pretty good actually. 
Eddie huffs and sends Dustin a wink before turning on his heel and making his way to the van.
Steve has managed to finally sit up properly and in the moonlight it appears that the green caste to his face is also gone. He looks up as Eddie approaches, and sends him a wane smile. 
"How you feeling?" Eddie says softly. He crouches down on the balls of his feet so he and Steve are at eye level and reaches out for his shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. It's as though a dam has burst ever since he was able to gather Steve in his arms in the van, he can't stop reaching out for him. 
"Like my head has a pulse," Steve answers after a moment, "kinda how it felt after Jon cleaned my clock last year, but worse". 
He shrugs and gives Eddie a small smile that stretches his split lip until a small bead of red appears, Steve winces and swipes his hand over the cut, "I'm kinda hoping it doesn't become a yearly thing, you only get so many concussions ya know?" 
No Eddie doesn’t know, but he was also never a jock, dodging elbows, or balls, or apparently monsters in the woods on the regular.
He looks back at the kids, only to see Dustin pointing at the watch on his wrist; even in the dark Eddie can read Dustin's expression.
Hurry up.
Eddie swallows roughly and turns back to Steve, who doesn't move his gaze quickly enough to hide his own stare.
The wistful pinch of Steve's brow is still there, plain as day, and it cements Eddie's decision.
He leans closer, close enough that his nose is nearly touching Steve's own.
"I need to tell you something, and I need you to let me get through it because we don't have a lot of time, okay?" 
Steve blinks once, his wide hazel eyes search Eddie's face as he slowly nods, his mouth opens but Eddie reaches up and presses his palm to gently cover it.
"You caught me off guard before," he whispers quickly, before Steve can move the hand on his mouth, "when you told me about your Nonna". 
He sees Steve's eyes go even wider and feels him freeze under his hand, but he has to keep going. 
"And I thought, you couldn't possibly be saying what I thought you'd were saying, I couldn't--"
Eddie forces himself to meet Steve's gaze this time, as though he could simply transfer his thoughts directly, save himself the embarrassment of trying to make the words come.
He takes a deep breath in, releasing it slowly through his nose.
"I couldn't let myself hope, not then".
"But when I thought you were dead on the floor, that Billy had broken you into a million pieces and we would never be able to put you back together again and I realized," Eddie moves his hand now, letting it travel along Steve's jaw, to the back of his head. He swipes his thumb along the crest of Steve's cheekbone and tries not to let the way the other man holds his breath deter him.
"That I might not get another chance to be that person your Nonna told you about, if I didn't tell you how I felt". 
Steve blinks again and Eddie halts, letting go of Steve completely as he watches the wide hazel eyes grow shiny in the moonlight. 
Oh fuck.
Steve's nose flares slightly with how rapidly he's breathing and his mouth opens and closes in quick succession as he seems to struggle to find the words to respond.
"Steve! Eddie!" Mike calls out from behind them, "we are running out of time! Let's go!" 
Eddie curses under his breath and whirls around; Mike stands at the edge of the cavern, his hands on his hips in a similar position to one Steve held earlier, the painter's mask pulled up to reveal the irritated frown on his face.
Dustin has his own face in his hand but looks up soon enough to offer Eddie a resigned shrug.
He catches Max watching the exchange with curious eyes, her face tilting between Eddie, Dustin, Mike, and Steve, but he can't think about that now. 
Not with Steve pushing himself up from the van on unsteady legs, he brushes past Eddie, reaching up with a shaking hand to pinch his nose. 
Eddie darts a hand out to catch Steve's elbow, halting his path.
Steve lets him.
Eddie takes a step closer, wracking his brain, trying to figure out what he could have said to make Steve so upset, had he read him wrong after all, had he overstepped somehow?
"Steve," he says softly, his grip on Steve's elbow is loose but steady as he pulls him closer.
Steve doesn't turn to look at Eddie but he doesn't move away either.
"What the hell is the hold up assholes!" Mike barks out again and Eddie lets himself throw a dirty glare at the kid, which Mike merely rolls his eyes at. 
The attitude on these kids.
Mike does eventually turn, pulled by Dustin, back to the rope that Lucas is securing to the nearby fencepost, hopefully distracted for long enough to let Eddie figure this out. 
But before he can say anything, Steve is pulling himself away from the grip on his elbow, “Eddie--”
"Please,” the word falls out of his mouth, desperate, louder than he wants, “please Steve, just, promise me we'll talk”.
Steve turns his face slightly, just enough that Eddie knows he sees him. 
His eyes are no longer wet, but still red rimmed, his nose slightly pink, the same way he looked that night at the halloween party sitting on that rock in the dark. 
“Okay,” Steve whispers into the night air, quickly and quietly before he presses forward. 
Eddie lets him go, his empty hand drops limply at his side as he watches Steve make his way back to the kids. He snatches an unused pair of goggles from the nearly empty pile on the ground and checks the post where Lucas had secured the rope. 
Eddie watches from the sidelines as Steve seamlessly moves back into Babysitter mode, and while some part of Eddie is relieved at this, he can’t help but miss the way it felt to hold Steve, to put him back together again. 
Even if it was just for a moment.
Part Nine Now Up!
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And a few people I think may be intersted!
@steddierthings @steddie-there @stevesbipanic @henderdads
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valdeswan · 1 year
"What do you call a dog with no legs?"
Cale suddenly broke the silence in Alebru's office with a emotionless voice.
The redhead was lying on the sofa and did not look up from the documents with which he was helping the blonde
Alberu rised his head from his own documents, confused by the question without context.
"Doesn’t matter what you call him, he won’t come anyway."
Cale grins when Alberu chokes and keep reading the documents calmly.
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aetherdecember · 9 months
Look, I love BBC Merlin and how they told the lore, but I’m a sucker for the relationship between Arthur and Mordred in the mythology. Specifically, I love how Mary Stewart (author of The Arthurian Saga**) and Nancy Springer (author of I Am Mordred**) wrote about the father/son relationship between them. So naturally, my brain has been conjuring up how I can include that in my Flipping the Coin au.
Since the main premise is Merlin died/Arthur lives, and now Arthur is the one waiting for Merlin to come back, things would stay consistent with canon up to the last episode (when Merlin flips the coin of their destiny and sacrifices himself so Arthur can live and thus stop Camlann from happening altogether). Which is where this idea will start:
Gwen is barren. She and Arthur never have kids. Eventually, everyone Arthur knows and loves dies. He can’t rule Camelot forever, and after Gwen’s death, he no longer wants to, so he fakes his death and wanders off figure out why he’s still here. He never gets an answer for that. Arthur spends the next millennium waiting. He keeps living. He meets people, experiences things he’d never experienced before, and learns things he’d never dreamed of learning. He can’t stay anywhere long, or else suspicions will rise, but he gets to see the world change, how technology advances, and witness humans continuing to be humans. When war breaks out, he joins the battle. It’s familiar. The rush of adrenaline is the same whether he’s wielding a sword or a gun. Only, he can’t see the enemy’s face anymore.
Peace comes again. At some point, he sleeps with a woman, and she happens to become pregnant. Bisexual disaster that he is, he’s had all sorts of partners from both sexes, but has never had this happen, even before the advent of reliable birth control. Later, he’ll learn her name is Morgause. She doesn’t look like the Morgause he knew before, nor does she act like her, but her name haunts him. After the baby is born, she gives him to Arthur, says she has no intentions of being a mother, and leaves. The last thing she had said to him was the baby’s name.
That night, Arthur holds Mordred and weeps.
There is irony in his son being named Mordred. First, in that the legends surrounding him, Merlin, Camelot, the Knights of the Round Table, and all of it, had long ago decided Mordred was his son. And two, in a retelling of that legend, it had aptly phrased what he sensed was happening now. Granted, he isn’t a sorcerer, he doesn’t have magic, so he can’t support his feeling with anything other than he’d been around a long time and knew to his very core that it was true. Mordred’s birth is a signal of the beginning of the end.
Fatherhood brings him a new sense of purpose. Gone are the days of loneliness and drudgery. Every day with Mordred brings a new light into his life. Each smile is a miracle. Seeing Mordred experience things for the first time brings a new appreciation. Being there to watch him grow makes time fly like it never has before. But Arthur is afraid. He doesn’t want to be his father. He doesn’t know how to be a father, or what the right way to do it is. In all the years he’s been on the Earth, he’s never known a man who could concretely say, “This is the way to raise a son,” and actually reap the fruits of their efforts. Too frequently, he’d seen sons grow outside of the visions their fathers molded for them and receive only disappointment and disdain in return. So he was afraid, because he too had been that son.
*cue a series of fluffy father/son one shots of Arthur raising Mordred until Merlin comes back, takes one look, and is is like WTF????? No, I won’t have Mordred for a step son >:(*
**Mary Stewart and Nancy Springer have several other works, not just the stories I mentioned. The ones mentioned are the ones I’m pulling inspiration from ^^
Additional notes below the break:
Guinevere’s barrenness is not a headcanon I typically subscribe to for BBC Merlin. My headcanon is that after Arthur’s death, Gwen gives birth, and their child eventually succeeds her as ruler.
I’ve always seen Mordred’s appearance as the harbinger of Arthur’s downfall. Thus, the reason for the plot bunnies in my brain going crazy with this idea of how I could bring him in, still remain mostly canon compliant with BBC Merlin, and build off some of my favorite parts of the lore. (Mandatory disclaimer: for BBC Merlin, I don’t headcanon Mordred as Arthur’s son. But for the mythology, I do wholeheartedly support that canon.)
Arthur’s choice to participate and live once Camelot is gone is a decision to contrast my headcanon of how Merlin handled it. I don’t think Merlin thrived. I think he stayed busy, and tried to remain hopeful, but I think he was anxiously consumed with the anticipation of wondering when Arthur would come back. In this au, Arthur may or may not know that Merlin is supposed to come back (I’m still working on that detail), but he’s always been around others. I think he would seek camaraderie, and companionship, and that he would connect with others but only to a superficial level. I don’t think he’d exist in a void of loneliness. Plus, he doesn’t have the guilt of knowing he failed because the pressure from the prophecy is very one sided *coughcough*causemerlinnevertoldhim*coughcough*
Anyways, that’s enough rambling from me about this. I’ll probably share some snippets of writing next because there are some fantastic scenes coming together in the draft so stay tuned! ;D
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douche-canoe-regatta · 4 months
Harrow meeting Kiriona:
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gale-gaze · 1 year
my game keeps crashing currently and I had to give up for the evening, but to cope with that stress I put slutty little glasses on images of Gale and I am not normal after doing so
dork wizard vs dilf wizard
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have mercy, for I am weak
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o Captain, my Captain - give me Dead Poets Society Gale
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lifeinpoetry · 2 years
i want all the things i want. i don’t cry anymore. it is what it is.
— Ollie Schminkey, from "the scab to peel back," Dead Dad Jokes
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syncatt · 3 months
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Imagine if meta knight was there in that exact moment in that exact episode
If you know you know
Also Kirby right back at ya fans where are you
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cupajoscafe · 9 months
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in case you haven’t caught on, i just slipped my dick down your throat. and you thanked me for it.
idk why but i had the burning desire to draw miguel as negan from twd🧍‍♀️
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mclsquared · 1 year
please officer— that's my emotional support traumatized and reluctant father figure character
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bugwolfsstuff · 6 days
I find it funny how my version of Travis stoll is the most fucked up, angsty and complex character ever
And Connor is just: Gay, ace, hangs with Drew and Lacy and has no fucking clue about the state of Travis's mental state (it's not good)
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