#They're going to be two separate pieces
satohqbanana · 25 days
give us the coldest line you’ve ever written (and context, if you’d like)
‘I can only be your friend, Lars, and nothing more than that.’
From a father to his son. (Originally posted here.)
This is actually a(n experimental) fanwork. Said father is my OC, Lawrence. I actually don't think the line itself is cold; the dude says this with as much affection as he can spare. Lawrence is doing his best to give his son comfort. However, he just doesn't (and can't) love the woman he had to marry because of his political-gains-first noble family (further context: he's closely related to the Empire's current Empress and the one he loves is a nobody historian from another kingdom). Lawrence also recognizes that his son Lars never deserved any of this, but Lawrence can't bring himself to fully care about someone who existed from himself betraying his lover and becoming a political dog on a leash.
But, from the Lars' POV, that has to be the coldest line he's ever received from his father, who left him and his mom when he was just a kid. He finds that his father had proceeded to thrive elsewhere, while his own wife and child were struggling to support and protect themselves in a nasty environment. An a budding adult, he more or less expected that their reunion won't be anything nice, but still, the child in him yearned for his father.
Unfortunately, the hurt still resides in Lawrence's heart, and it's not something Lars, time, or any force in the universe can easily heal. (Well, at least that's what is going on, all according to this experimental situation.)
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leatherbookmark · 2 years
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[old stuff] 201119 (socool) & 220226 (famous) lhk photoshoots ✨
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wolfies-toys · 6 months
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I've been sitting on this pattern and tutorial for a while now! so time to finally share it with you! I was lamenting that the jellycat pip and sugar mice were long retired and difficult to get your hands on unless you are willing to pay much more than they retailed for each mouse, so i decided to try and eyeball a pattern and make some myself! they're not exact as i only used constructed visual references but they're close! please note that this pattern set is intended for personal use only. Rough tutorial under the cut!
This pattern is for printing onto A4 but you can check your scale with the measurements I've provided or just play around with how big or small you want to try and make them! i didn't really get any wip photos of pip mouse but it's method is largely the same with the nose being the major change, which i will detail in text in the instructions below.
for sugar mouse i would recommend using polar fleece as it will act the right way for the ears to do their squishy marshmallow looking thing. but minky should also work or other similar fabrics! for pip mouse if you can find a similar curly looking fabric with a thin backing that'll be ideal but fleece will also work well, you just wont get the furry texture, you want a fabric with a little bit of stretch to it. i however would not recommend fabrics like felt or non stretch cotton for these guys as it's likely to not take shape the same as there's no give to the fabric.
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once you have printed out the pattern and cut the pieces in your fabric, you'll want to sew the ears up and turn them inside out, then put them aside for later. just leave them as is for now but here you can see i was playing around with pinching the turned through ear into shape.
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Then moving on, sew the back pieces together along the spine and front of face. you then want pull the bottom open ends apart gently and place the open sides flat up against the base piece so that they're aligned, it can be good to pin this in place so it doesn't shift.
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then, get your tail rope, and tie a knot at either end, placing the base of it inbetween the seam at the butt so that it'll sit in the right place, then sew the seam up directly with the tail in place, make sure you sew through the rope to secure it and make sure it doesnt shift. Sew around the bases seam leaving a hole in one side so that you can then turn your mouse through.
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once turned through you will want to stuff your mouse with polyfill quite a bit so it takes shape! i like to put weighted beans in mine for extra effect, you can use dried rice or wheat too, just sew a little circle pouch a bit smaller that the mouses base with scrap fabric and fill and seal! then insert into the turning hole while you stuff. once stuffing is done you can sew the hole up with a ladder stitch. the weight from the beads will allow your mouse to sit up quite well.
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next you will want to get those ears you put aside, take each corner and bring the ends together in the middle. then sew them gently together at the ends with one or two stitches in about the same spot. you want them to look 3d so dont sew the ends to the back of the ear, just end to end so they meet in the center.
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Then pin the ears in place on the head
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then you need to ladder stitch the ears in place while they're pinned so they dont shift around, go all the way around the outside edge of each.
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now you're almost done! next they just need a face! sugar mouse only needs embroidery by way of a french knot for both the eyes and nose (you can find good video tutorials on how to sew a french knot online), pip mouse will also need a french knot for the eyes but has a separate process for it's nose. (for the pip mouses nose you will need to leave the marked nose hole open and then stitch the nose fabric to the square nose backing in line with the dotted direction on the pattern, (it should look kind of baggy when it's unstuffed) sew it up completley with no hole, then cut a tiny slit in the backing and add polyfill there before closing with a basic stitch, then you ladder stitch the nose directly to the marked nose hole)
in order to hide the embroidery anchor knots i find the best way is to start by going down through the middle of the ears and then coming back up where you want the eye to be, and then going back down and up through the ear for the finishing knot, as it creates a very easy cover for them and looks nice and clean!
then you have yourself a little buddy!
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haha they're great to squish! if you use this pattern i'd love to see your results!
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the-ancient-dragons · 28 days
How to Spot a Dragon Before it Spots You!
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(Written by a human for humans in the Wings of fire universe).
Transcriptions of my chicken scratch and closeups of each tribe can be found here (two separate posts)!
Otherwise, next week I begin Overcomplicating the Pantala tribes. See you then!
I was inspired by a bird of prey identification poster at my sister's school. It had a very similar layout. I really loved the coloured poses and the multiple silhouettes and thought it would work so well for the Wings of Fire dragons. I'd seen another artist experiment with their wings shapes and wanted to give it a try myself. This is the result! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
All the designs you see here are not final - I drew these without properly planning their full bodies, but the final versions I will try to keep as similar as possible. The only change I might make is the position of their wings. I also won't go back and change this because it doesn't need it. They look good enough like this and, who knows, the changes I make might not be enough that the final designs would be any different. I will be doing a lot of muscle and skeletal anatomy, possibly written in the perspective of a NightWing since they seem like the type to explore the insides of a dragon for science.
This, however, is written in the perspective of a very lucky human who saw these dragons and lived to tell the tale. Or maybe it was a collaborative effort between multiple people adding their own wisdoms, like the Dragon Manual in HTTYD 1. I haven't read Dragonslayer but I think they refer to the dragons as '[element] dragon' (not [Element]Wing at least). I also think that they're not sure RainWings exist (at least according to the 'Here Be Dragons?' over the rainforest, but I didn't want to exclude them from this piece).
The main purpose this guide would serve in-universe would be to help humans identify dragons, preferably before ever being seen. That's why I used a lot of auditory and movement descriptions unique to each tribe, ways that a person could identify a dragon without needing to be close.
I'll be splitting the closeups into 3 and 4 tribes each following this post so you're not scrolling for 10 years (you still will be but I'll try to keep it brief. Will I succeed? No!
Stay tuned next week for the beginning of Overcomplicating the Pantalan Tribes: SilkWings!!!
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astralibrary · 4 months
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hi @marykedoesart, this is my gift to you for @natsume-ss' spring exchange!
you said you like tanuma/natsume and heartfelt, emotional themes so i went very symbolic with this, haha. i really love the idea of using imagery from the fish pond in tanuma's backyard to represent these two and their dynamic, so that became the concept i ran with. i'll explain my whole thought process below, but in the meantime i hope you like it! 💖
pls bear with me here bc this is going to be very long and wordy lol
so there's a definite theme of separate worlds here; while the environments are both pretty abstract, the idea was that tanuma is sitting in his house looking out towards his backyard where the pond is, representing the "real world," whereas natsume is in a more fantastical underwater setting, representing the world of youkai. also there's the implication that he's sitting at the bottom of the pond, aka completely immersed in that other world, while tanuma can only perceive hints of it in the reflected light & shadow on the wall.
tanuma's side is lit by the glow of the setting sun, and natsume's by an otherworldly blue light. also, there's their clothes: tanuma is in his regular school uniform while natsume is in a yukata, something that pretty much all humanoid youkai wear.
next, their poses; they're both sitting exactly the same way as a reflection of each other but natsume has his head bowed while tanuma is looking up; this is meant to represent their different approaches to their relationship. natsume is definitely more closed off, both as a defense mechanism and because he wants to protect tanuma & keep him away from the dangers of youkai. tanuma, though, is open and contemplative, maybe even hopeful; he wants to be let in and he wants to help, even if it is dangerous.
the lighting reinforces these conflicting attitudes, with tanuma's side being brighter and warmer while natsume's is darker and colder, representing this sort of "optimism vs pessimism" dynamic.
so now, the fish. the bridge between their different worlds, basically. on natsume's side it's a real fish while on tanuma's it's a shadow cast on the wall, which is obviously the original conceit of the scene in the source material: natsume can literally see the fish, while tanuma can only see its shadow. still, even if it manifests differently, it still exists to both of them, so it's a connection between them concerning youkai.
so they're both in their separate worlds, but because of this connection they affect each other, maybe in small ways at first; as the fish crosses over the barrier it leaves little effects, little disturbances behind. on natsume's side, bubbles drift up towards the surface, little pockets of air like little lifelines showing the way, and on tanuma's side little droplets fall and create ripples in the reflected water, these small things that grow and grow outward until they're not so small anymore. little feelings that bubble up and ripple out, hoping to reach the other in their own way.
the fish brings these feelings across the barrier, endlessly looping around them as they endlessly call out to each other, trying to navigate this relationship they have; it's possible to bridge the gap between them as long as they look and listen and learn to embrace the things that make them different just as much as those that bring them together.
and that's about it! my goal was to make a symbolic piece about their struggle to understand each other but with a hopeful note, so hopefully that comes across! i hope my explanation at least sort of made sense and wasn't too confusing! (to be completely transparent i only had about half of that in mind while i was drawing it, the rest sort of came together as i was writing this. neat!)
and finally, here's a still frame in the original higher resolution so you can see it a bit nicer! 💖
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starkeygirlposts · 3 months
Boyfriend turned Step-Bro Rafe Cameron x Reader
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Summary: You've been dating Rafe Cameron for 3 years, and one day Ward and your mom tell you they're getting married.
This is a snippet of a fic I'm going to see if I want to continue writing. Please let me know if you'd like it to be continued.
I'm not diving too deep on details or character traits in this, as it's just a blurb/idea for a full fic.
Trigger warnings: stepcest, underage, drugs, pregnancy
The Rafe Cameron who became your boyfriend when you were sixteen years old was not the Rafe Cameron who people referred to your step-brother at eighteen.
The complete opposite, really.
Your parents separated when you were in your sophomore year of high school, your dad moving across the country to California when he met his mistress on a business trip while you and your mom kept a tidy home. The affair nearly killed your mom, and she learned to lean on none other than your boyfriends dad.
Ward was the perfect fill-in for your mom for a while. She was just having a good time, she'd told you. "He occupies my mind Y/N, does that make me such a bad mom?" Like you being upset with your mother being however which way involved with your boyfriends dad was so out-of-this-world believable. Truth was, yes it made her a bad mom. Not just because it put you and Rafe in an uncomfortable position, but because you were struggling yourself after having your family as you knew it blown apart.
But she wasn't just "having a good time." Or rather, maybe she was having too good a time. Because on a Thursday evening at the Cameron's dinner table that you all had gathered for, Ward held your moms hand and told you all that they were getting married.
That day, your world fell apart, and Rafe started to become someone you soon would not recognize. Rafe's hand slipped from your thigh, gone the tender loving warm fingertips, drawing lazy hearts on your skin.
You looked over at Rafe before doing or saying anything to anyone else, and his eyes were higher than yours, connecting with his father's in an expression you could only imagine was pure hatred. Because Rafe could never live up to his father in any sense, and now he was taking away the one thing that kept his feet planted to the earth. Of course he was. You flinched when Rafe's chair scraped like nails on the tile flooring, as he darted from the table outside to his truck, leaving you to pick up the pieces. How badly you'd wanted to chase after him. But when your eyes connected with Ward's, the decision made for you.
You didn't even need to ask.
"Unless you want to live with your father in California, you and Rafe will stop whatever it is you two have going on." Ward had told you.
You looked to your mom as if she'd help you - feel some semblance of remorse for you. You'd met Rafe first. Three years ago. You'd been the only reason your mother even met Ward. But why should you be so surprised that what she wanted was more important than your happiness?
From that day, Rafe started slowly slipping from you. A hollow shell of the boy you loved so deeply and painfully. He'd drink himself to sleep every Friday and Saturday night, breathe cocaine on the other nights, and wave you off when you tried to ask him to slow down.
"Y/N, you want me to stop? To make you happy? What do you do anymore that makes me happy?" You'd touch his cheek and guide his head down to make his eyes meet yours, and you'd stare into them - hoping for a shimmer of your boyfriend to snap back and remember.
He'd shrug away from you, his hand brushing you off and leave you watching his back as he'd resume slowly killing not only himself, but you too. But his coldness didn't stop him from sneaking into your room past midnight to have sex with you. Not that you wish he'd stop, because you so badly craved his touch, eager for it any way he'd offer it. Mean, rough, kind, tender; you'd take any of him just to feel connected.
So when you'd texted Rafe to meet you in your room after dinner on Thursday night nearly one year after your world truly blew apart, hoping you'd get to him before the white powder did, he locked the door behind him and the black in his eyes told you he'd already gotten his fix. But your small hand came up to his chest as he approached you, seated cross legged on your pink floral bed spread, clutching the stick in your other hand. You looked up at him and when you locked eyes, he understood, because he took your hand from his chest and squeezed it in his own before leaning down to touch his lips to yours.
"I miss you, baby. My beautiful girl."
His breath was hot against your mouth, his scent so familiar and home to you. You couldn't stop the tears from falling from your eyes, your hand loosening from his hand to hold onto his forearm that connected to the fingers clutching your jaw tenderly but firmly in place, kissing you like he loved you again.
How badly you missed him, too.
"Rafe, please..."
Your hand falls and his breaks from your jaw, and you take this moment to capture his hand with your fingers and place the stick into his palm. His eyes break away from yours to look down at what you've given him, and you watch with tears streaming down your face as his brows furrow, his feet shuffling to back up and you brace yourself.
He doesn't do what you expect him to do, though. He stares so deeply down into his palm that when his eyes do reconnect with yours, confusion in his own eyes, his head tilting just the slightest and you're trembling, waiting for the shoe to drop.
"This...this is a -- you're..." His eyes screw up shut and he shakes his head like he's imagining things and he's crazy. "A baby?" He finally asks, looking up at you again and you can only nod.
"My baby?" He asks again, and you nearly scoff, because really? Was he kidding? Who else was sneaking into your room after midnight, invading your body and your thoughts?
"Yes, Rafe, I'm pregnant with your baby." You tell him, standing and he's still shaking his head, eyes bunching up as if he's being told the craziest thing in the world - because really, he is. But you've sat with this for the entire day and while your reaction wasn't as confused, you too felt the familiar disbelief.
You watch his chest rise and fall, deep breaths in and out before you're in a whirlwind and he closes the distance between you and pulls you to him, tucking your head underneath his chin, the back of your skull rested protectively in his large palm. His lips are at your forehead when he tells you
"I'm going to take care of it. They're not keeping me from my kid."
AH, what do you think? My ask box is open for feedback. Please feel free to use it to ask for what you'd like to see from this fic!
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corvidcall · 2 years
None Of You Know What Haiku Are
I'm going to preface this by saying that i am not an expert in ANY form of poetry, just an enthusiast. Also, this post is... really long. Too long? Definitely too long. Whoops! I love poetry.
If you ask most English-speaking people (or haiku-bot) what a haiku is, they would probably say that it's a form of poetry that has 3 lines, with 5, and then 7, and then 5 syllables in them. That's certainly what I was taught in school when we did our scant poetry unit, but since... idk elementary school when I learned that, I've learned that that's actually a pretty inaccurate definition of haiku. And I think that inaccurate definition is a big part of why most people (myself included until relatively recently!) think that haiku are kind of... dumb? unimpressive? simple and boring? I mean, if you can just put any words with the right number of syllables into 3 lines, what makes it special?
Well, let me get into why the 5-7-5 understanding of haiku is wrong, and also what makes haiku so special (with examples)!
First of all, Japanese doesn't have syllables! There's a few different names for what phonetic units actually make up the language- In Japanese, they're called "On" (音), which translates to "sound", although English-language linguists often call it a "mora" (μ), which (quoting from Wikipedia here) "is a basic timing unit in the phonology of some spoken languages, equal to or shorter than a syllable." (x) "Oh" is one syllable, and also one mora, whereas "Oi" has one syllable, but two moras. "Ba" has one mora, "Baa" has two moras, etc. In English, we would say that a haiku is made up of three lines, with 5-7-5 syllables in them, 17 syllables total. In Japanese, that would be 17 sounds.
For an example of the difference, the word "haiku", in English, has 2 syllables (hai-ku), but in Japanese, はいく has 3 sounds (ha-i-ku). "Christmas" has 2 syllables, but in Japanese, "クリスマス" (ku-ri-su-ma-su) is 5 sounds! that's a while line on its own! Sometimes the syllables are the same as the sounds ("sushi" is two syllables, and すし is two sounds), but sometimes they're very different.
In addition, words in Japanese are frequently longer than their English equivalents. For example, the word "cuckoo" in Japanese is "ほととぎす" (hototogisu).
Now, I'm sure you're all very impressed at how I can use an English to Japanese dictionary (thank you, my mother is proud), but what does any of this matter? So two languages are different. How does that impact our understanding of haiku?
Well, if you think about the fact that Japanese words are frequently longer than English words, AND that Japanese counts sounds and not syllables, you can see how, "based purely on a 17-syllable counting method, a poet writing in English could easily slip in enough words for two haiku in Japanese” (quote from Grit, Grace, and Gold: Haiku Celebrating the Sports of Summer by Kit Pancoast Nagamura). If you're writing a poem using 17 English syllables, you are writing significantly more content than is in an authentic Japanese haiku.
(Also not all Japanese haiku are 17 sounds at all. It's really more of a guideline.)
Focusing on the 5-7-5 form leads to ignoring other strategies/common conventions of haiku, which personally, I think are more interesting! Two of the big ones are kigo, a season word, and kireji, a cutting word.
Kigo are words/phrases/images associated with a particular season, like snow for winter, or cherry blossoms for spring. In Japan, they actually publish reference books of kigo called saijiki, which is basically like a dictionary or almanac of kigo, describing the meaning, providing a list of related words, and some haiku that use that kigo. Using a a particular kigo both grounds the haiku in a particular time, but also alludes to other haiku that have used the same one.
Kireji is a thing that doesn't easily translate to English, but it's almost like a spoken piece of punctuation, separating the haiku into two parts/images that resonate with and add depth to each other. Some examples of kireji would be "ya", "keri", and "kana." Here's kireji in action in one of the most famous haiku:
古池や 蛙飛び込む 水の音 (Furu ike ya kawazu tobikomu mizu no oto) (The old pond — A frog jumps in The sound of the water.)
You can see the kireji at the end of the first line- 古池や literally translates to "old pond ya". The "ya" doesn't have linguistic meaning, but it denotes the separation between the two focuses of the haiku. First, we are picturing a pond. It's old, mature. The water is still. And then there's a frog! It's spring and he's fresh and new to the world! He jumps into the pond and goes "splash"! Wowie! When I say "cutting word", instead of say, a knife cutting, I like to imagine a film cut. The camera shows the pond, and then it cuts to the frog who jumps in.
English doesn't really have a version of this, at least not one that's spoken, but in English language haiku, people will frequently use a dash or an ellipses to fill the same role.
Format aside, there are also some conventions of the actual content, too. They frequently focus on nature, and are generally use direct language without metaphor. They use concrete images without judgement or analysis, inviting the reader to step into their shoes and imagine how they'd feel in the situation. It's not about describing how you feel, so much as it's about describing what made you feel.
Now, let's put it all together, looking at a haiku written Yosa Buson around 1760 (translated by Harold G. Henderson)
The piercing chill I feel: my dead wife's comb, in our bedroom, under my heel
We've got our kigo with "the piercing chill." We read that, and we imagine it's probably winter. It's cold, and the kind of cold wind that cuts through you. There's our kireji- this translation uses a colon to differentiate our two images: the piercing chill, and the poet stepping on his dead wife's comb. There's no descriptions of what the poet is feeling, but you can imagine stepping into his shoes. You can imagine the pain he's experiencing in that moment on your own.
"But tumblr user corvidcall!" I hear you say, "All the examples you've used so far are Japanese haiku that have been translated! Are you implying that it's impossible for a good haiku to be written in English?" NO!!!!! I love English haiku! Here's a good example, which won first place in the 2000 Henderson haiku contest, sponsored by the Haiku Society of America:
meteor shower . . . a gentle wave wets our sandals
When you read this one, can you imagine being in the poet's place? Do you feel the surprise as the tide comes in? Do you feel the summer-ness of the moment? Haiku are about describing things with the senses, and how you take in the world around you. In a way, it's like the poet is only setting a scene, which you inhabit and fill with meaning based on your own experiences. You and I are imagining different beaches, different waves, different people that make up the "our" it mentioned.
"Do I HAVE to include all these things when I write haiku? If I include all these things, does that mean my haiku will be good?" I mean, I don't know. What colors make up a good painting? What scenes make up a good play? It's a creative medium, and nobody can really tell you you can't experiment with form. Certainly not me! But I think it's important to know what the conventions of the form are, so you can appreciate good examples of it, and so you can know what you're actually experimenting with. And I mean... I'm not the poetry cops. But if you're not interested in engaging with the actual conventions and limitations of the form, then why are you even using that form?
I'll leave you with one more English language haiku, which is probably my favorite haiku ever. It was written by Tom Bierovic, and won first place at the 2021 Haiku Society of America Haiku Awards
a year at most . . . we pretend to watch the hummingbirds
Sources: (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
Further reading:
Forms in English Haiku by Keiko Imaoka Haiku: A Whole Lot More Than 5-7-5 by Jack How to Write a Bad Haiku by KrisL Haiku Are Not a Joke: A Plea from a Poet Who Has Had It Up to Here by Sandra Simpson Haiku Checklist by Katherine Raine
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ratwithhands · 2 months
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A few days ago I woke up bleary eyed, sat down at my computer, and spat this out.
Mostly just a bit of goofy sketching but here's magical boy (magical man?) submas
I'm not gonna flesh this out a whole bunch since there's not much I can really do with it, but some rough notes:
Both of them have two soul stones, one in the hat and one in the staff. In their base uniform, the staff's stone is on the back of their gloves, separating when activated
They're only able to activate their abilities when they're with each other. Though they can both separately fight and return to normal, they need each other to begin the reaction and use their powers. Should one of them go missing, the other will not be able to use their abilities
The stone can be removed from the staff, returning to the hand if it is. The purpose of doing this is to replace it with a pokeball, allowing the staff to channel the pokemon's moves along with its standard attacks (electricity for Emmet, fire for Ingo)
Ingo and Emmet can trade (or steal) clothes mid transformation, switching pieces or entire uniforms. Emmet will typically borrow Ingo's darker gloves and boots if he expects to get particularly violent in battle, while Ingo usually takes Emmet's white accessories since he finds them more classy than his full black uniform
They are able to float in their magical forms, mostly using the levitation to run loops around their opponents and pressure them from all sides
The only opponent is literally Team Plasma, this power is reserved solely for beating grunts, sages, or Ghetsis should they ever cross paths (technically the code is to defend the world from evil but for any other issue they'll either settle it normally or with pokemon battling)
This was mostly for shits and giggles but I hope you enjoy 👍
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tojisun · 11 months
going feral for toxic!biker!simon or dbf!biker!simon grrrgrrrawrarrara
hhhhhehehe im going feral too omggg!!! and im sorry for how late i replied to this 😭 i was spiralling when i saw it and i couldn’t contain the desire i have for this man ahhhhhh
this got too long (and dark) and i made simon an ass so im sorry! i was hit with a writing bug and i never looked back
!! brief smut - minors dni; age gap (40s vs 20s); dad’s best friend!simon; power imbalance; toxic relationship // biker!simon mlist
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the attraction had been one-sided, you know that, so you wonder why simon's come to reciprocating your affections like this – spoiling you in front of his friends, the ones that you know he kept separate from his and your dad’s usual circle, and lovingly calling you his.
simon sent you the message at three in the morning, when you were still asleep, and it read: I’m picking you up tonight. Dress cutely, you’re meeting friends.
you replied back, asking him what he meant or even where you two were going, but simon had gone back to giving you radio silence, pretending that your messages aren’t coming in. your heart broke but it wasn't like it was anything new – simon offered pieces of himself to you, sometimes as a reward and sometimes as an apology, and you always foolishly thanked him.
then when you ask for more, he pulls away, giving you silence and letting you stew in his sudden detachment. so really, it shouldn't have been a surprise to you anymore. still, you laid on your bed, blinking up at the ceiling as you tried not to drown in the weight of your sorrow.
which is why this is new. unusual, even for simon.
he picked you up from your dorms just like he said, although you were surprised to see him roll in on his bike. he never let you on his bike, always choosing his car when picking you up. you fooled yourself into thinking it was for your safety, that it was for your own good, but you've seen simon bring dates on his bike.
you've seen how he's always brought extra helmets for the pretty dolls he proudly flaunted around whenever your parents invited friends for parties and dinners, possessive arm curled around their waist like he wants to brand his claim on them. or how he's always ignored you when they're around, his attention so sinfully glued to his dates like a man starved of affection. or how he'll sit back and watch as they pat your head and pinch your cheeks because, “well, aren't you a sweetheart?”
simon's bikes are reserved for the people he brings home. people he fucks. so it was never extended towards you. never something you had the privilege to, until tonight apparently.
“simon?” you asked, hesitating to climb up behind him.
simon grunted, twisting until he could see you and you watch yourself from the visor – wide eyes and tensed shoulders – as simon tipped his head down just enough to study the way your pretty dress fluttered as the wind blew. you did not hear it but you've seen the way his chest moved as he sighed. instantly, you felt like a bother, and you curled further into yourself as though it could hide you from his knowing eyes.
he lifted himself from his bike before turning to walk towards you. you averted your eyes from him even though his visor was still up – yet another wall that kept you away from him – before seeing scuffed boots stop just in front of you.
“look up f'r me, kid.”
you did as he told, your eyes flicking up and peering through your lashes. simon's still helmeted, still distancing himself from you, and you wondered what sick power play was he trying to accomplish.
you twisted your fingers together, waiting, obedient – just like how he wants them – even when you simmered in the heavy silence, until simon began to strip his jacket off.
you felt lightheaded, your throat parched with a sudden thirst at seeing the inked arms you have been shamefully daydreaming about. he has a new tattoo, you realized as you trailed curious glances over the fresh ink but not able to properly see it for what it was.
simon huffed a laugh and you startled, blinking up at him again only to realize that he's moved so close – closer than what he's ever allowed before. you stammered on your words, glossy lips parting in surprise, but simon remained unmoved by your clear interest and began to tie his jacket around your waist in silence, tucking your skirt underneath and securing the sleeves tightly.
“there,” he said, his voice a muffled rumble. “now y'r ready for the ride.”
you trembled at the sinking reality; that what had been daydreams and wishful thinking were now laid before you. you bit your lip to stop a sniffle because there simon was, holding your hand throughout as he hefted you on his bike. you felt overwhelmed with the intensity of your affections, trailing your eyes away from him again when he fixed a spare helmet on your head. you jolt when he snapped the visor down, and simon laughed, a pretty muffled sound.
you watched as he climbed in front of you, shaking hands unsure as they held onto his hips. simon, of course, noticed.
“y've gotta hold on tighter, sweet girl,” he said before tugging at your hands and wrapping them around himself. you bit down a broken squeal, feeling jumpy now that you're actually touching him. the purr of his engine blanketed your spiralling thoughts and you held him tighter when he drove off.
“why, aren't you a bonnie lass?” johnny, the one who had been too excited at meeting you, says before snorting when it makes simon wrap his arm around you tighter, pulling you ever so closer to him. “and big man's too possessive, isn't he?”
simon grunts from beside you, taking over when you continued to blink at him in shocked silence. “well, y'said it already, johnny.” you freeze when you feel his lips press on the top of your head. “my girl's too pretty, it's making me greedy.”
your breath hitches, your fingers twitching in phantom desire to fist at your dress if only to ground yourself. my girl, simon said, the lies slipping past his lips easily. my girl, he told his friends as though it is the truth. as though you could ever be.
simon’s hand glides down to your hips, squeezing the flesh, and it makes you squeak. both him and johnny croon, flashing matching grins at each other like you’re not there, while simon’s other friends – kyle, the youngest, and john, the one with a storm hidden in his eyes – snicker to each other.
“little mousy, isn’t she?” john asks, the rumble of his voice stark even amidst the booming music filling up the packed space of the bar.
simon hums, still caressing your hip, his hand occasionally dipping towards the side of your thigh, teasing the hems of your dress, before tugging upwards again.
“she is and it’s endearin’,” simon replies, still continuing the facade. because what else could it be?
simon had given you bits of his attention, entertaining you just enough that you keep running after him and chasing the softness you know he has, but he’s never given more. not an honest touch nor a whisper of affection.
so this – whatever this is – makes you tremble. it makes you ache.
you cross your legs together, squeezing just enough to put pressure in your throbbing core. the action was smooth, almost unnoticeable, and it should’ve been, but simon’s trained eyes catch the movement anyway.
he lets out a quiet groan, the sound bundled around a tinge of pleasure as he presses his lips on the top of your head again. you gasp at having been caught, bright eyes flicking up to see if his friends had noticed but johnny’s body is already turned towards a pretty brunette and kyle is tapping on his phone and-
john’s eyes are on you.
there is a moment when you are reduced to cold dread and static, lost in the smoke hidden within john’s eyes and simon’s possessive touch, before the band snaps and by then, you are on your feet. the action causes the empty beer bottles to clatter against the table which snag the attention of johnny and kyle, but you ignore them all as you sidle away from simon’s side, batting away his outstretched hand, before bolting towards the washroom.
you feel like a fool. like a doll made to entertain their sick and twisted games because that is what it is, isn’t it? simon got too bored with his dates and decided to string you along – someone easy. someone desperate for all he can give.
your eyes blur as tears pool and you barely make it to the bathroom when a hand curls around your wrist, yanking you away from the door.
“kid, stop-”
“no!” you scream, whirling around to look at simon. big and beautiful and not-yours simon. “i’m tired of playing your sick games, si. get away from me!” you try to shake him off even though you know it is futile.
simon continues to stare down at you, his lips pinched in disappointment – a look you are too familiar with.
and it’s that which makes you cry, a broken sob ripping from your throat and into the space between you two. you had hoped at least that the loud bass booming across the bar could drown it out, but you hear your whimper ring amidst the noise. jesus.
simon continues staring. continues to be silent. you don’t know how much more of this you can take.
(more. gods, you can take more as long as he allows you. as long as he is in your life. you know whatever this is between you and simon have long sizzled into something toxic. something codependent. but you need him, no matter how twisted he’s become because simon indulges you, anyway.
you remember the quickies in the bathrooms. the rumble of, “y’r doin’ so good f’r me, sweet girl,” whispered on the top of your head as he fucks his fingers into you. the marking, the nipping. the praises. the growled, “y’r only mine, aren’t you, pretty?” when he licks along your slit.
simon gives in a way that teases the yawning in your soul. in a way that carves more of himself into your very being. so how could you let go? how could you move on?)
simon tugs you towards him and you follow on unsteady feet. he wraps you in his arms, his lips falling onto your forehead. he breathes you in and you crumble, nuzzling your face into his scent – leather and ozone and forest.
“let’s get you home, yeah?” he asks.
you sniffle. “can i come home with you today?”
and simon stays silent, backing away just enough to tug you out of the bar and towards his bike. your lips wobble but you do not ask again, not when you know you can’t come back with him to his place.
the cold wind isn’t all that makes you tremble.
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RUNNING AWAY WHOOP WHOOP!! update: it’s now edited <33 yippeee
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deathdetermineslife · 24 days
fun little ooey gooey romantic selfship ask game!
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🥀 - has your f/o ever given you a bouquet of flowers? what kinds of flowers do they include?
🎉 - have they ever made a big, grand gesture for you? say, throw a surprise party, or go on an impromptu vacation?
💖 - what's the nicest compliment they've ever given you? what's the nicest compliment you've ever given them?
🌟 - have you ever stargazed with them before? if they're interested in it, where would you two like to go to see them?
🌲 - whats your f/o's ideal date spot to take you to? what's your ideal date spot to take them?
🦑 - would you two ever go on an aquarium date together? who's idea was it, and which fish is their/your favorite to look at?
🥪 - picnic time! what do you guys bring? do you pick them out together, or pick them out separately and surprise each other?
💍 - you two go pick out matching lockets to keep a picture/piece of hair/memento of the other in! what do they look like? what picture of theirs do you keep?
🧁 - you bake something together! what do you bake? how does it turn out? is it the best thing you've ever tasted? or does it suck ass?
🎃 - have you guys ever carved pumpkins together? do you visit a pumpkin patch, or buy one from the store? or maybe you grew it? what would your pumpkins look like?
🎄 - if you celebrate Christmas, what does your tree look like? what kinds of decorations would your f/o prefer? do you decorate it together, or does just one of you do the decorating?
🍝 - you guys go to a nice fancy restaurant together! what does your f/o order? what do you order? do you guys order a dessert? perhaps, to share?
🪩 - you guys attend a party together! perhaps it's formal, maybe a ball? perhaps a masquerade? what are you wearing? do you/your f/o enjoy it?
🧸 - it's valentine's day! what stereotypical valentine's day gift does your f/o give you? a box of chocolates, perhaps a stuffed animal?
📺 - what movies do you guys like watching together? is there any specific movie that comes to mind?
I hope you guys enjoy this! feel free to use in whatever manner you want, idk how posting ask games works. if anyone wants to send me one, go crazy!
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raitonsfw · 6 months
Idk if people usually ask for this or not, but I'd love to see sfw hc of Gojo and reader first falling in love with each other (sort of like love at first sight/meeting for both of them or smthing). It doesn't matter if it's when they're teenagers or adults 💞
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synopsis: a sfw requested variety piece of gojo and reader falling in love - in this case teen!gojo and reader.
warnings: gn!reader, teen!gojo, sorcerer!reader, both are high school students, geto suguru mention, love at first sight, slight talk of violence involving curses, gojo's a bit pretentious (I mean...confident?), he's got a hat on cuz he was playing baseball prior, its short mah bad.
a/n: decided to make this a two-three parter just cuz i wanted to write teenage gojo AND adult gojo... and maybe their life after they get together in a small one shot mayhaps? wc: 600ish. m.list
divider credit: @benkeibear & @firefly-graphics
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•┈••✦ your teenage years were nothing short of good luck– the white haired boy staring at you from the other side of the hallway as you tried to master your cursed technique. you were stationed out in the garden area when you felt his eyes on you; practically drinking in your every move with his best friend trying to nudge him out of the way as he had stopped walking right in front of him. 
•┈••✦ he just found you so beautiful, completely in awe and he nearly bounced off the walls when he found out your name from geto suguru, the best friend who was just trying to walk down the hallway behind him. apparently you were an exchange student, from one of the sister schools– trying to hone their skills through one of the prodigy students who was supposed to be assigned to you soon.
•┈••✦ you didn’t know who was going to be; you just remember being told it was someone who was destined to be one of the greatest sorcerers of all time, so it got you a bit on edge. the classroom was empty as you waited patiently for the other student and of course, who ends up stumbling late with a backwards baseball cap on? 
•┈••✦ gojo satoru — the boy who had ogled at you in the hallway in between the glass separating you two from the space you would take up later in life together.
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“Oh, it’s you!”
Your face immediately flushed red as Gojo pointed at you, the baseball falling to the floor as his jaw dropped. It bounced towards you and you caught it in your palm in a light bend, an awkward chuckle leaving you as you stood up to hand it back to him. “I beg your pardon?” 
His usual facade — the cocky student that crowded the hallways with nothing but pride spilling from his lips — had collapsed as you approached him; his breath was literally pulled from his lungs as he took in your beauty, his words suddenly feeling like lead on his tongue. You were so much prettier up close in the dewy glow that framed you– golden dripped amongst your features and it made your eyes sparkle as you looked at him, waiting for an answer. 
Suguru warned him about this– don’t make the mistake of falling in love. Or else the curses would crawl from the corners of the Earth and take what was his, bloodshed within the sharp edges of their teeth– but he was Satoru Gojo. He could handle a million curses with his stained hands if it meant he could get you to love him sincerely– or maybe just go out on a date with him?
You had noticed his eyes were brighter than you mistook through the paneled glass of the school back in the garden and it made you incredibly flustered as he basically stared you down. You knew of his clan, of everything that made him a Gojo– but you didn’t expect his eyes to be almost glowing within the midst of the breaking daylight. 
Suddenly his hand wrapped around the baseball, brushing it against your own as he plucked it from you. You swore that the clouds had stopped moving outside as you looked down at your hand absentmindedly, then back to the baseball as he threw it in the air.
You made the mistake of looking back up into his eyes that held you hostage– taking in everything that he had to offer you. His smile had you almost falling to your knees, complete with a coy endeavor as he decided to dodge your empty question, his slick demeanor taunting you because he wasn’t like this seconds ago.
“Your technique needs work. But I’m here to help you.” A flash of his perfect teeth and a wink that shrouded the blue depth of the vividness, you knew right then and there you had to make him yours. 
“I’m Satoru. Don’t bother calling me by my surname– it’ll be yours soon.” 
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taglist: @izakyun | @classyempathmongercloud | @satorawrrr | @noxioustoxin | @rubyparsonx | @mirrors-musings | @faerie-soirxx | @salmonpoki
a/n: wanna get tagged in future writing posts? join my taglist!
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trek-tracks · 2 months
Okay, hear me out. TOS 4 is the time travel movie. So AOS 4 is the time travel movie, but it's not about whales.
It's about a conversation AOS Spock had with TOS Spock before the latter died, when TOS Spock mentioned that things didn't really go irrevocably wrong in his universe until Admiral Kirk disappeared with the Enterprise-B. AOS Spock wonders what repercussions this has had on his own, somewhat more distressing universe, and when the AOS Enterprise bridge crew finds itself assigned to protect Earth by examining an unstable temporal ribbon that seems to be crossing through the galaxy--well. Spock wonders. Is this the Nexus? They find out soon enough that it is. And since Spock's the first one in, technically, the Nexus gives him what he wants, which is what the Nexus has--the ability to cross universes as well.
Now everyone, out in two groups on separate missions has to resist succumbing to the temptations of the world of the Nexus while they try to rescue Admiral Kirk, making sure his mission is still completed (so as not to destroy anything for the TNG folks' reality) but that he survives, so that they can figure out how to get through the Nexus and pop him back in his universe right as he's supposed to leave on the Enterprise-B. AOS Spock is sure he can figure out those calculations somehow. Some of the temptations are funny, some are sad, but we find out where Uhura and Sulu and Scotty are in their lives, and where they want to be.
Like Spock got to meet TOS Spock, TOS Kirk gets to meet Kirk (and Spock, and McCoy, and eventually the rest of the bridge crew). AOS Kirk learns that the life he's been envious of all this time didn't turn out well in the end because TOS Kirk ran toward duty alone despite what he had, and TOS Kirk learns that a) he could have suffered so much more loss, b) he's just one of a set of infinite possibilities, just like AOS Kirk is, and c) he's been wasting eternity exploring those other possibilities of happiness in the Nexus when he could have been content with what he already had.
He finds out what happened to TOS Spock, and it's agonizing. He sees this weird young Spock and Bones, both of whom could bench-press him, and he misses his Spock and Bones so much that the Nexus starts trying to change the fantasy world, to their detriment. It's only when the crew sticks as close as possible together and all concentrates on wanting the same thing that they're all able to shift the Nexus to their goal. Then Picard shows up. Things get complicated.
We hear, from Generations: And in the end, what did it get me? An empty house...Not this time.
and from Star Trek V: I knew I wouldn't die because the two of you were with me.
I thought you said men like us don't have families.
I was wrong.
TOS Kirk decides that, yes, he wants to leave, and he wants to go back. But they're not entirely sure how to line up Picard's plan and TOS Kirk's plan and the AOS plan and have it all work. It's a lot to figure out.
To simplify things, AOS Kirk decides he's going to volunteer to go die in TOS Kirk's place so that they can return TOS Kirk and at least one of them will have a decent ending, because his own life still feels so uncertain. This seems like it's going to work until his Spock and Bones both read him the riot act. But it's Bones who really goes off.
Karl Urban gets a great speech as Bones about how both Spock and Kirk met their counterparts, a chance which he will likely never be afforded and neither of them learned anything from it. Spock went off and punctured the walls of a universe even though TOS Spock indirectly destroyed AOS Vulcan through it. Kirk is trying to run away and die again because he doesn't know what to do with himself, even though TOS Kirk had an unhappy ending to a good life because at the end he ran away and tried to die again. Bones just tries to pick up the pieces. You don't fix things by tearing them apart, and you don't fix them by tearing yourself apart. You fix them by healing the rift. AOS Kirk's eyes light up. They're going to fix the rift.
They're going to give this random meaningless villain what he wants, throw him into the Nexus, he can have infinite joy, then they're going to seal it and heal it.
After all, AOS Bones says. He had a drink with TOS Kirk at the man's insistence, even though the Saurian Brandy didn't taste like anything, and Kirk told him he could cure anything from a rock to a rainy day. The tasteless brandy? Apparently Bones is the person who can actually perceive that nothing here is real, so he doesn't want anything except for everyone to remain safe.
From Beyond: Better to die saving lives than to live with taking them. 
Bones says: Better that no one dies at all. This time, no one dies.
So TOS Kirk and the Bridge crew go with Picard to subdue Soran and honestly, it's not that tough with all of them. Nobody had to die. And as they fix the rift, with TOS Kirk and Picard's Enterprise about to be thrown back into their universe on one side and the AOS Enterprise into theirs on the other, Picard suddenly realizes that he never clarified how they were getting Kirk back to his own time. And how will they explain his status?
TOS Kirk grins. Good thing I know how to slingshot around the sun, he says. And when they report me missing, I'll just say I didn't go in the first place. Clerical error. Who are they to argue with an alive man?
AOS Kirk has so many questions, but the two of them merely salute each other, and then they're thrown back.
Back in his own time, TOS Kirk walks into a Starfleet Academy apartment, and hear him say:
Bones, I heard you got laid up with Andorian flu and Spock was taking care of you, and this I just had to see! How many hypos? Don't let him talk you out of any, Spock. They're all important, every single one, even ones he hasn't heard of.
A pause.
Yes, I know I said Starfleet needed me. I just thought maybe you two needed me more this time.
Back in the AOS universe and Spock's calculations are totally off in getting home, because he didn't account for the gravitational pull of--
Vulcan. The planet that apparently still exists.
TOS Spock still came into their universe--he was always going to live longer than his ties to his Enterprise family. But his actions had been tempered, less destructive, which had clearly resulted in the Enterprise being able to save the planet. They were going to have to find out how.
Not everything had changed, of course. Nero had still been Nero, they had still come together. But Jim only vaguely remembers dying, now, as though it had happened to somebody else. He feels more settled than he ever has before. Some of that's the time travel revision, and some of that's the meeting with his alternate self, and some of that's Bones' yelling. Spock feels a sense of closure. Bones is just relieved that nobody died this time.
Uhura suddenly and quietly alerts them to the chronometer. It's a week before they left, which means there are now two Enterprise bridge crews on Earth, and that they need to lie low for a week to avoid running into themselves.
What should we do, Captain? she asks.
Jim smiles.
Let's go to Yosemite.
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hana-no-seiiki · 7 months
Interested in seeing Yun's A/B/O arc. I am very picky about my omegaverse content BUT. Idea: Alpha/Omega Batfam desperately wanting reader who is a beta, unbothered by their nonsense. They're gnawing on their enclosure as reader says, "The fuck is their problem???"
@sophiethewitch1 just to inflict more damage to your psyche 🩵
like it when you guys use my name so much huhu
Beta Reader who is just unbothered and unwilling to care about the whole second gender hierarchy and just wants to get a normal job at Wayne Industries
But it’s literally impossible when they have Alpha! Dick as their childhood friend.
You should thank him really, he gave you a spot at your dream (totally) job. You should thank him for many things actually. You’re the only beta he ever told his hero identity to. He gave his whole heart and trust towards your irrelevant beta self. As such, you should be grateful that he asked you out right? Wrong.
Unfortunately, you were already in a relationship with Omega! Tim. Who you met after the death of your partner Beta! Jason. His omega tendencies and the fact that you were unable to fully take care of him as a mate saddened you, but sacrifices must be made for love right?
Omega! Tim who’s just so fucking obnoxious about bagging you. He leaves his scent all over your items. Warding off Alpha! Damian who had been crushing on you since forever.
Alpha! Damian who kept bullying you for being a Beta up until that fateful day Batman suddenly died(disappeared), and you were the only one that stepped up to comfort him. Sure, you didn’t know he was your tormentor (God was he thankful you couldn’t smell his arousal and pheromones going haywire when you hugged him) but you were the only person he felt safe being so vulnerable with. So un-alpha like with. You knew who Nightwing was right? You must know who he was and cared for him eitherway.
Beta! Jason who comes back with a vengeance. Cursing Joker for separating you two. Who hated you for being a beta even though he was one himself, but learnt to love you and eventually his second gender. Whose first coherent thought was to return to his mate, but is heartbroken upon the sight of his replacement.
Alpha! Batman who lurks within the shadows. He knows of his children’s obsessions, he knows you’re the final piece needed for his gamble to succeed.
You who’s unknowingly walking into the jaws of the most unhinged men on Gotham.
… Captured! Beta Reader who wakes up to the leering eyes of the Dark Knight. Scalpel in hand.
“It’s time to fix you.”
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gffa · 9 months
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"You hold it against Damian, who sat across from me, helpless, as it happened. You hold it against Richard, who was not himself to help you fight Bane. You hold it against Selina for make you feel it was not safe to come home for a moment longer." This conversation still hits like a truck, because this is Bruce's vision of Alfred when he's been drugged and trying to get his act together, this is Bruce acknowledging the things he's buried in his heart and hasn't let go of yet and it strikes me so hard that these are the people who were most involved in the story around Alfred's death--and then Dick, too. Who wasn't involved at all. Yet is still brought up as one of the jagged pieces of glass still lodged in Bruce's heart. It's so striking that Alfred-as-Bruce's-mouthpiece says that he holds it against Dick for not being there, because isn't that exactly the issue? That Bruce holds onto Dick as the one he always, always counts on for support. That, even when Dick is an amnesiac who doesn't remember anything of his life, some part of Bruce is still relying on him to be there. He's not involved in this at all, but Bruce still makes him part of this, in a way that doesn't apply to Jason or Tim or Cass or Babs or Cass or Duke. That it doesn't matter where Dick is or where he goes or how little he's involved, when it comes to these deeply personal things, like the death of one of his family, Bruce cannot let him go. Dick is the one who knows him the deepest, who Bruce relies on to be a constant rock in the raging torrents of their life, who Bruce needs in a way that I think only Alfred ever really matched. So much of that was from those early years, when it was just Bruce, Dick, and Alfred, they forged each other, they laid each others' foundations in this life. Yeah, Bruce was doing this for awhile before Dick came along, but it wasn't until that hurricane child barged into his life that Bruce really became who he is now, that he found any kind of balance in this life at all. And Bruce has never let go of that, he struggles to accept that Dick is an adult in a separate city and with his own priorities now, but some part of him will always have the deepest rockbed of: Alfred and Dick were the ones who knew him the clearest and who would always pull him out of the dark. Others will find their way into the twisting paths of Bruce's heart, Damian and Selina are part of this, he has equally thorn-filled dynamics with Tim and Jason, but, oh, Dick and Alfred. Those two are the ones Bruce used to build himself upon their framework. They will always be at the core of him, even when they're no longer physically there.
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theocddiaries · 15 days
Alfred: I don't understand. What are we watching? Bruce [Pointing at a camera footage on the TV]: Okay, look. I fell yesterday at the market. Dick and I have been having a little disagreement as to what happened. Just watch. I stop to fix my shoe, and then Dick… Right there. He makes way for this very attractive woman, whom he conveniently leaves out of his retelling of the story. Now, right here, Dick backs up, pushes his butt into the cart, pushes me into the cans. Do you see that? It's all his fault! Just like I said! I was right! Suck it! Cass: When did you get this? Jason: Oh, my God. That's why you wanted to come separately. Steph: You went to all that trouble just to prove you were right? Bruce: It really wasn't that much trouble. I went to the store, found your friend Jordan, the bag boy, who got me the manager. He gave me the address of the off-site security office. I filled out some paperwork. Sally faxed it to corporate. Three minutes later, I'm buying a pack of DVDs and burning a copy. Piece of cake. Tim: …It's like a sickness. Bruce: What? None of you believed me, so I got proof. You should all be sucking it right now. Kate: Please stop with the "sucking it," Bruce. They're children. Clark: Yes, children are very impressionable. You'll never know what they'll pick up. Lois: Ugh! Okay, Clark, I'm sorry that I blamed it all on you, okay? But we both need to look at our actions. I mean, if we're thinking about adopting another baby, then we need to-- Diana: You're adopting another kid? Clark: That's not the way you make an announcement! Banners! Banners! [Puts on music] 🎶Ah, let's give the boy a hand 🎶 Jason: What the hell's happening here? Dick: Is that from Footloose??? Clark [Turns off the music]: Really, Lois? You couldn't even share telling our friends. Kate: Why are you upset? This is such good news. Lois: No, we're a little on edge because Conner has been acting out, like he doesn't want a sibling-- Clark: Yeah, because Lois taught him to hate sharing. Lois: And, or, because Clark wears him like a fanny pack. Alfred: Oh, stop blaming each other. No kid wants a sibling. I remember Bruce hated his cousin so much, he stuck her in a dryer when she was two. Kate: You put me in the dryer? Bruce: …I did. But it wasn't 'cause I hated you. My friend Thomas said that it wouldn't run with a kid inside it, and I knew it would. I was right. Dick: Good governor. It's been going on since you were five? Bruce: …Oh, my God, it is a sickness. What would make me have that need at such a young age? Kate: How long was I in that dryer? Because- I-Is this why I'm afraid of tumbling? I had to quit gymnastics! Dick: A childhood without tumbling?! [Faces Alfred]. You knew this, and just stood by and did nothing? Alfred: Okay, okay. What's done is done. All you can do is learn from your mistakes. And in that spirit, I would like to propose a toast to our young master Damian. This week, he did something he wasn't supposed to do, like we all do-- Diana [Interrupting]: Like we all do!. Cheers, my young warrior! Alfred: No. Not yet. Master Damian stood up like a man. He admitted he was wrong, and he took his licks. And I'm very, very proud of him. Diana: Aaaand now we clink. Alfred: No, we clink when I say we clink. So Master Damian made a mistake, but he didn't take the easy way out. He's got guts. He's got integrity. And as far as I'm concerned, he's the best-- Damian: Okay, stop, stop! I didn't do any of that! Miss Diana broke into the locker and threw the necklace inside, and then we ran away like cowards! I'm sorry, Alfred! I'm sorry! Alfred: Aha! I knew it. I was right! I was right! Everyone: … … [In realization]: Ohhhh. Makes sense. Alfred: … [Drinks in silence].
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alastorss · 7 months
Hii I love your writing! Is it alright if you do headcanons for platonic Alastor x teen reader where we're his teen daughter? I feel like he'd be fun to gossip with- is it alright if you do some headcanons on what he'd be like if guys asked us out too?
a/n: hi hello sweetest! thank you for reading 🫶 please enjoy these headcanons!
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
• Oh Alastor... he's absolutely a huge gossip. He knows everyone's business because he's always poking his nose around where it doesn't belong
• Also, he's got connections all over town so you best believe he knows everyone's business even outside the hotel
• I honestly don't think Alastor knows all that much about parenthood, only that it's now his responsibility how you turn out as an adult
• Passes down his mother's recipes to you so that if you two are separated when you get older, you'll always have a piece of him
• He's not good at expressing how much he cares about you so doing little things like that are the easiest way for him to get his point across
• Frets over you to make sure you're dressed properly, makes sure you're fed every day, and has endless stories to tell you about in case you get bored (would tell you about all the murders he did when he was alive and look so proud)
• Doesn't take you talking back to him well. Makes his problems with your attitude very vocal but never lays a hand on you
• (Upon further discussion with others, learns to just give you space when you're going through something)
• He wouldn't know if he'd want you to be just like your old man (evil, sadistic, insane) or if he wants to see you be redeemed and to shape you into that type of demon (kind, patient, sort of like Charlie)
• Would be so proud of you for killing other demons but then worry about your future if you end up staying in Hell
• Alastor is an overprotective dad. I know it, you know it, we all know it. There are few things he cares about in his afterlife, but you are close to the top if not the top of the list of his priorities
• Oh boy. Someone's flirting with you? They better be worthy of the Radio Demon's child otherwise they're in for a world of hurt
• Sulks and complains in his own roundabout ways when you bring guys home, bitching about them because he thinks they're nothing more than pests flocking around you
• If anyone breaks your heart... let's just say you're no stranger to hearing some familiar voices in your dad's broadcast
• Alastor scoffs at those who try to ask you out, having the balls to show up at the doorstep of the hotel. They're not worth any of your time but as long as you're not bothered by it, he'll allow it
• Still doesn't see the appeal in all this romance stuff. Is delighted when you just turn people down and acts so proud because you take after him
taglist: @the-lake-is-calling @dragons-and-dwarves-are-nice @averylonelysea @bri22222 @cxrsedwxrlds @amarokofficial @anae-naea-zacheria @for-hearthand-home @fantasy-is-best @angixyc (send an ask to be added!)
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