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Artist, Writer, Game Dev || Header by Lethe Chryseos on Facebook
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satohqbanana · 12 hours ago
yesterday I told a friend "drown your sorrows tonight but save one bottle to make a molotov tomorrow" and I'm actually very proud of that. might embroider it on a pillow
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satohqbanana · 13 hours ago
I can't believe these kids. When can I have a homework that explicitly tells me to make a creative output based on my blorbo???
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satohqbanana · 18 hours ago
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Carnivorous Plants - Character Design Challenge by selected artists: Ale De la Selva, Boell Oyino, Pierre-Alain Dubois, Nguyễn Quang Minh, Mariangela Di Biase
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satohqbanana · 24 hours ago
i made your favorite dish. i made you something you’ve never tried before. i love you. i spent twenty minutes chopping. my grandmother made this for me when i was little. i made this dairy free for you. i love you. i want to eat together. the onions made me cry. i love you. i learned this recipe for you. i love you. i made this special for your birthday. i love you. i know you don’t like peppers. i love you. i love you. i love you.
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satohqbanana · 2 days ago
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paolo sebastian | a/w 2024-2025
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satohqbanana · 2 days ago
The duality of man is thinking “children cannot help themselves and we all need to be patient with them as they explore what it means to be human in public” and also “damn, I wish this crying baby was not on the plane rn :/“
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satohqbanana · 2 days ago
You, the Mage
Born in the world of Orbis as a mage, you struggle to live. What do you hope for, and what path do you take once you learn of the trials awaiting you? Play this game to learn of a mage's fate many, many years before the events of the Arcanium series.
Instructions: Read the passages that appear. Wait for your options to load, then choose what appeals most to you.
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Arcanium Masterpost || Tag List:
Feel free to ask to be tagged or removed from the tag!
@philosophika, @amaiguri, @thecomfywriter, @wyked-ao3, @kingragnarok-writes
@seastarblue, @spideronthesun
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satohqbanana · 2 days ago
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In Orbis, a mage's name is their most valuable possession. In this compilation, learn more about the history and customs of Kaleidopolis pertaining to the Mage Naming Ceremony.
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To Raoul Brandon, my dearest bloodkin:
You tell me you wonder what it meant by naming a mage. The older mages told me this knowledge is best experienced and not simply told. All that we ponder about: who names us, how our kind are named, and why new names must be bestowed about, it shall all be answered this Mage Naming Festival.
And to our luck! This year, it shall be held! Hark, come hither to Kaleidopolis. Let us seek answers together.
Sincerely, Your flesh and thorn, Amelie Blanchard.
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Heartwood Bulletin Cycle 5, Phase QM Notice to all staff and student body:
The archives will be CLOSED for the festival season. From this week until the end of the cycle, borrowing is now banned. Items on lend must also be returned within this week. Kindly reach out to the nearest cinder rat NOW.
During this period, reservations for borrowing after the festival season will also open. Students and staff with special tasks and projects relating to borrowed items will also be given extensions with signature and written approval of the Headmaster. Kindly request forms from the Administration Office (Room 1305) for these concerns and submit them to the admin officer of the day.
Violators will incur the penalty of 5xG Dias per day. Lost items will yield the penalty of 10xR Dias. Forgers will be subject to possible expulsion.
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FOR 3xR DIAS ONLY: three moon's room and stall for two and one!
Nook room with safety vault
Complimentary breakfast
Cleaning and laundry
Groom, bedding, and feeds
Free-access library and tea room
Wagon escort to Heartwood Academy
Ten footsteps from the Herbaceous Trails
Avail a perfect view of the glitter aurorae and the City Gardens of Verdure this Mage Naming Festival with Naaira's Abode at Sablewood Road, KLP!
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Aevita XXMX, Dia 163
- Tempo Solari -
It's here! My first Mage Naming Festival! My first since I was a baby. I hate being a baby. I wanna grow up big (or even bigger) real soon! Everyone is sooo busy. It hurts to write. I hurts to hold anything. I hate flags. We get to eat three big meals today!
I'm not big enough to dance, but Big Bro is. He danced and he wore big black and white and green and blue feather fans. He also wore feathers on his head. Also he also wore face paint on his face. He looked cool! But I'm still mad a him. He made me make many flags for the street. Then he made me wave a big flag this morning. My arms are sore. My fingers are sore. I'm never touching flags again. Ever!
When I'm bigger, I'm going to dance too. Then I'll tell Big Bro to make flags because I'm gonna be the best dancer! I'll dance to greet the mages when they're done with the ritual. Big Bro welcomed them into the Heartwood. That's lame. I don't know how you can dance all day. But the dance in the afternoon doesn't last forever like the dance in the morning.
I'm show them my moves! Like this!
- Tempo Mediari -
I hate flags. I'll never touch another one. Ever! Again!
I didn't eat much at the cornboodle. My hands are too hurt and swollen. But it was sooo yummy! There were ten big roast bulls! People said there were less mages this year, so there will be many leftovers. Did you know?! Vansa promised me I'll get the best ones! Yippee! Vansa is the best!
I had my first mystery drink too. It was bubbly and gold. Vansa's was black and cold. Mine was bitter but in a good way. Vansa's was sweet like syrup.
I wish I could eat more, but I'm sooo full!
- Tempo Lunari -
Pappy was sooo busy in the kitchen cooking for the mages. Mommy let me make my own dinner. So sooo fun fun! I chose goat cheese and chicken feet. Yum yum! But it wasn't as yummy as the cornboodle. Tomorrow Vansa will give me the bull-beef. Yippee doo!
It's past bedtime, but I can stay up because everyone is busy. The sky is sooo pretty tonight. It was pretty in the day too, but I like it better in the night! There are sooo many starts. The colorful sheets in the sky are called "aurorae". Isn't that cool? Tomorrow they will be gone. I will see them again after five years. Man, I wish I could look at them forever!
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Decree XVIIIM-45-958
Thus is writ: the Mage Naming Ceremony.
Thus is to be done: Each quinquennium, during the mid of the interday, mage folk must gather 'round the roots of the Great Heartwood. For all soul of the crafts of magic that offer the verse of pledge, is to be provided a sacred name of arcane wisdom to go by 'til the last flame of their flesh. No more shall any mage folk be of none-personhood and none-identity. To the Kalei lineage and loyalty, fill their bellies, place roofs o'er their heads, and archive all names divined unto each individual.
Enacted upon the mage populace on this day, at the behest and mercy of our beloved founder, Progenitor Artogen.
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Kaleidopolis || Magia * Ingenia * Epistechnus || XVIIM The Association of Mages * Circa XIXMDL
Certificate of Naming is hereby granted to
Terse Tendersorrow Song Mage of Light and Dark
in recognition of your pledge, status, and identity as a member of the mage society ratified during the quinquennial Mage Naming Ceremony held in the Heartwood Academy.
For as long as you are true to your pledge, you will never be forgotten or forsaken ever again.
Endorsed by Helikel Kosani Head Mage
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Arcanium Masterpost || Tag List: Feel free to ask to be tagged!
@philosophika, @amaiguri, @thecomfywriter, @wyked-ao3, @kingragnarok-writes
@seastarblue, @spideronthesun
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satohqbanana · 2 days ago
A Day in Kaleidopolis
What is life like in the City of Mages? What if you could travel and spend one whole day with them? Come tour the mage's haven in A Day in Kaleidopolis!
Instructions: Read the passages that appear, then scroll down to pick your options. Choose your own adventure.
Note: This is much more cheerful then You, the Mage so please expect a lighter tone from this game. Also, the Back and Forward buttons are on the upper left portion of the screen for you to use.
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Arcanium Masterpost || Tag List:
Feel free to ask to be tagged or removed from the tag!
@philosophika, @amaiguri, @thecomfywriter, @wyked-ao3, @kingragnarok-writes
@seastarblue, @spideronthesun
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satohqbanana · 2 days ago
Nasci Pilot Scene: Renata and Casimir's Encounter
And thus is my first ever proper writing for Arcanium:Nasci. It's not setting the kind of atmosphere I want it to have, but I liked this for establishing Renata's and Casimir's characters and relationships.
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Everyone said she was too young, too inexperienced.
But with ease - or perhaps luck - Renata infiltrated the manor donned in servant's clothing. From the chaos of the kitchen, she slipped away to a dusty storage room to change into a noblewoman's garbs. With great care, she slipped the dagger under her clothes. She placed the mask over her face, and with a few deep breaths, she summoned the illusion of a new personality onto her being: that of a frivolous young rich girl who was awarded the pleasure of her first party.
She called it magic, for it was the closest to arcane arts in this kingdom that banned its use. Acting was not merely playing a role; it was embodying a fabricated identity, especially in her line of work. That was the duty of a spy.
Playfully, Renata danced around the hallways, pretending to check out every doodad and every painting that decorated the obnoxiously ornate manor. As expected, servants scolded her for wandering around. Renata played her role well for the first time, by simply invoking the non-existent power and influence of her supposed wealthy guardians. Thus, the servants had little choice but to escort her to the main hall and told her to stay out of trouble.
She spotted the older spy who had gone ahead of her: Soltair, whose good looks landed him in the ballroom to serve esteemed guests. Renata, playing her role, chatted him up a bit, flustered him a little, before attempting to take the wine.
"Oh, this isn't for you!" he said in a cheery tone. It was a clear signal: their target was not in sight.
Waiting was the hardest part of being a spy.
The merriment carried on. Fake laughter rang here and there under the grand chandeliers that overlooked the guests. Regal clothing swished to the rhythm of the music, and couples every now and then slipped off to little private rooms.
All the while, Renata spent a good hour buttering up a few noble adults and appealing to them an adorable child. A few nasty perverts attempted to touch her rather inappropriately, and she made sure to simply laugh it off, hiding her disgust. If she was to sacrifice her body, then she'd rather do it for a big target. Plus, it would do no good for anyone to discover she'd been hiding a blade.
As Renata was making friends with youth as old as herself, Soltair interrupted them, offering them non-alcoholic refreshments. The target was in sight, but would be difficult to reach. Renata's new acquaintances scoffed at the "baby drinks"; even when she accepted one glass - one sip just to "be polite" - she feigned abhorrence and used it as an excuse to part ways with them.
She surveyed the crowd as she "recovered" from the sweetness of the drink. Hounded by admirers and rivals alike was Minister Feliksander, considerably young and quite arrogant, proudly showing off his face in a masquerade party. Anger welled in Renata's chest as she recalled what he represented. He was the replacement for a good older woman, who was well-beloved by the masses for her wit and compassion, but in a play of power and unjust accusations had been wrongfully imprisoned just recently.
Renata felt her hidden blade from under the layers of skirts. Her palms went cold with fury. The people must have their vengeance; the council needed to hear what their citizens truly think of them--
But someone yanked her aside. She only heard, "Care to dance?" before she was spinning in the center of the crowd, heart pounding fast, mind suddenly aware of the danger she'd placed herself in. The young man who pulled her onto the limelight of the dance floor was neither Soltair - who stared at her with his mouth agape from the sides - nor any other ally she'd expected. Her masked partner's painful touch was unfamiliar, and so was his voice and gestures.
The cold smile on his face said it all, however. If there were spies on the side of the citizens, there were spies on the other side as well.
"You had quite a scary face earlier," he purred into her ear. He was too close for comfort, too young to be corrupted by their malicious rulers. But she held onto him tightly, her body too clumsy for sudden motions. "Do share with me, Young Miss. Had Minister Feliksander perhaps spurned your affections? And now you look at him with such contempt?"
"And what does a boy like you know of a lady's affections?"
"You're right. I know not much. But I think you could use a distraction."
As ballroom dances go, Renata twirled as gracefully as her double knees would allow her to. She'd not make the same mistake twice, or she'd risk involving Soltair in this mess as well.
"Perhaps I do," she said, trying to slip back into her facade. "I had had the displeasure of meeting quite… unsavory personalities earlier."
And quite unsavory it was to have a dagger, though sheathed, just above her thigh, when she was this close with the enemy.
Now that her attention was on him, she spotted through the enemy's mask the iciest blue of eyes. His calm but confident and authoritative gaze sent cold shivers down her neck.
"Do I dazzle you?"
"… you… you do. Young Sir. How may I, ah, well, how may I address you?"
The young man tugged her harshly, and she was sure his rough hand left prints on her spotted flesh. Only a revenir would be this strong, and he was more than happy to confirm her assumptions and flash his long fangs at her. "Unit 6OR3, Cadet Casimir Kawzorsky. Or perhaps, we should say, future Private Kawzorsky."
How humiliating this encounter was. His commanding officer must have brought him here for his practicals. And his eager keen eye spied this young lady, suspicious and naive, whose mere heated gaze towards her target had exposed her. The warning was clear, and his other hand copped around her skirt, trying to find a weapon. Renata could barely calm herself and tried to pull herself away--
And they bumped just into the right person. The glass shattered between herself and her captor.
"My apologies, please forgive me, I wasn't looking," said her savior. Soltair's voice brought relief to her ears. "Oh, no, I ruined the lady's dress! Come; I'll tell the servants to help you clean up."
Soltair gave a polite bow towards the cadet before ushering Renata towards one of the private rooms. Once he closed the door behind them, Renata's knees buckled and she fell upon the floor.
"You're too young to be out here," reprimanded Soltair.
Renata hurled her dagger towards him, and with deft fingers, caught it without injuring himself. Between her aborted mission and the insults she would suffer from the humiliation, Renata might've preferred being arrested.
"You ratty human," she scoffed. "Do you think they noticed?"
"You think they go after small fry? Use your head, Renata. Don't forget who you are."
A minor nuisance. That was what Renata was, in both the eyes of the resistance and the state. She clenched her fists. When was she going to be strong enough, loud enough to incite change?
In spite of her feelings, Renata picked herself up, changed out of her soiled dress, and allowed herself to be whisked away to a marked carriage. The coachman shared a knowing smile with Soltair, before shaking his head and riding off.
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Arcanium Masterpost || Tag List:
Feel free to ask to be tagged or removed from the tag!
@philosophika, @amaiguri, @thecomfywriter, @wyked-ao3, @kingragnarok-writes
@seastarblue, @spideronthesun
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satohqbanana · 2 days ago
Didn't get a big enough sample size, but this for me says that the audience this post has reached is more or less divided in opinion.
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satohqbanana · 2 days ago
These make me hunger for MOAR GREENS.
now everyone thinks i’m a bad cook. brb im about to find pictures of what my cooking actually looks like to redeem myself
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satohqbanana · 2 days ago
draw your oc day five (bonus!)
PT: draw your oc day five (bonus!) End PT
take the doodle page! From this!
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@bunnymermaidsblog take thy doodles!!
I’d have added the whole page too but sadly I couldn’t get a good photo :(
art taglist go!
@bamber344 @inspirationallybored @leahnardo-da-veggie @cepheusgalaxy
@urnumber1star @melodxi @write-with-will @teratheo @bioniclechronicles
@oros-ash3s @satohqbanana @carb0n-m0n0xide @ominous-faechild @sunflowerrosy
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satohqbanana · 2 days ago
Draw Your OC Day Five!
[PT: Draw Your OC Day Five! End PT]
today’s prompt was “Drunk”! To be fair I did make a whole doodle page for this but I only colored in this one haha—maybe I’ll share the rest later.
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she’s going to get her ass handed to her or she’ll be doing the handing… idk… stay tuned >:D
art taglist go!
@bamber344 @inspirationallybored @leahnardo-da-veggie @cepheusgalaxy
@urnumber1star @melodxi @write-with-will @teratheo @bioniclechronicles
@oros-ash3s @satohqbanana @carb0n-m0n0xide @ominous-faechild @sunflowerrosy
and here’s the challenge!
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satohqbanana · 2 days ago
Draw Your OC Day Six
[PT: Draw your OC Day Six. End PT]
bruises, blood
todays prompt was “Beaten Up”! I could have done a lot more with this but the art juice wasn’t really there so :(
part two to yesterday’s!
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Art taglist go!
@bamber344 @inspirationallybored @leahnardo-da-veggie @cepheusgalaxy
@urnumber1star @melodxi @write-with-will @teratheo @bioniclechronicles
@oros-ash3s @satohqbanana @carb0n-m0n0xide @ominous-faechild @sunflowerrosy
here’s the challenge ^^
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satohqbanana · 2 days ago
Writing share
Tagged by @the-golden-comet in a kiss tag here and by @gioia-writes-and-others in a mixed rice tag here
Lines from my wip TPCP: chapter 16
Galen pov They might have to call a full stop if they kept at this pace, but Hill knew what he was doing so he left it to him as he walked over to Daimhín who was glaring at a map. He softly asked, “Did Amon do something to it again?” It wouldn't be the first time that he'd been the source of map frustrations…even Oisìn was exasperated sometimes. Daimhínn chuckled and said, “No, I'm just charting the reported movements and it doesn't make sense.
@thatuselesshuman @gioiaalbanoart @lychhiker @thecomfywriter @evilwriter37 , @saebasanart @the-golden-comet @mauannacreates @kind-lion @alinacapellabooks , @kuebiko-writing @kaeru483 @theink-stainedfolk @mysticstarlightduck @demon-sneeze , @smellyrottentrees @honeybewrites @the-letterbox-archives @illarian-rambling @paeliae-occasionally + @tragedycoded @satohqbanana @leahnardo-da-veggie
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satohqbanana · 2 days ago
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