#The House Of Drift
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aliceinwonderpants · 2 months ago
More Operator meeting the Hex fluff.
Aoi, while teaching then origami: So what kind of music you got in the future?
Operator, way too focused on getting that one fold right: A bunch of stuff. Like there's this space shanty I found while rescuing one of my frame.
Aoi: Space shanty? Like sea shanties, but in space?
Operator: I think so yes?
Aoi: Tell. Me. Everything.
Operator, huffing: I cannot believe you organized a playdate for me.
Quincy: Come on kid, the little rats in the neighbourhood are dying to meet D's little sibling.
Operator, who totes learned how to skateboard so the vent kids would keep their home: Alright, fine.
They mostly stay on the sidelines and watch the other kids, but they have a good time.
Lettie: Want to know about eldritch gods of the past?
Operator, inexplicably covered in rats: Only if I get to tell you about eldritch gods of the future.
Operator, looking over Amir's shoulder: Amir, what are you... is that frame fighters?!
Amir: Oh. It's just a little something I'm working on. It doesn't have a name yet, but it does have warframes fighting each other.
Operator: You made frame fighters! This is so cool!!
Amir: Screaming internally at being called cool.
Eleanor: Why can't I hear your thoughts?
Operator: No idea. Might be thousand years nap in the void. The grineer queen couldn't take over my body either.
Eleanor: We'll unpack that later. For now, come here, you're my nap buddy now.
The Hex have since taken many pictures of the two fast asleep and cuddling.
Arthur: I've noticed you've been acting more like a kid since you first visit.
Operator, going stoic soldier mode: Do not worry. I doesn't affect my performance in the future. I can still pull my weight.
Arthur: Kid, no. That's not what I meant.
Operator, arms crossed and definitely not pouting: Plus, you guys never let me help out around her.
Arthur, pinching the bridge of his nose: Kid. Drifter told us some of what you've been through. We don't want you on the front because despite everything, you are still a child and we are adults. It's our job to see to your well-being. From what I know from the future, a lot of people rely on you there, but here, we've got our Drifter with us. We can't do anything when you're over there, but as long as you're with us, in our time, please let us take care of things.
Operator: Fine.... Can we still go out to blow shit up this afternoon.
Arthur: Wouldn't dream of skipping out, kid.
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blurbery · 3 months ago
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“they spend too much time together”
picking up each other’s mannerisms…
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astravires · 27 days ago
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shrimpalbuspotter · 8 months ago
Scorpius is so much like Astoria that it kinda shocks Draco. He sees his wife in him every day, and instead of him slowly becoming more like his father, he just seems to becomes more similar to his mother. Draco gets to see the love of his life everyday, even after her passing, in the thing thats most important to him. Their son.
Because Scorpius is kind in a way that Malfoys aren't used to, soft in a way that the Greengrass lineage can't fathom. He doesnt talk in the way you'd expect a respectable pureblood to. He stuttersz rambles, and stammers, and hesitates. Scorpius doesn't even carry himself in a way you'd expect a respectable pureblood to, because he stumbles, shuffles, and skips, and prances.
Scorpius wouldn't be found sitting in a boring meeting, blathering on about politics. Its unnatural, its not supposed to be. Scorpius can be found sunning in the garden or with his nose deep into a book. He can be found writing owls to his bestfriend and practicing potions in the manors laboratory.
Scorpius is extroverted. He loves talking, he loves learning, he loves making friends. But he's alot to deal with, and he has a bit too much love for most people to handle. Scorpius life is a tragedy disguised as a coming of age romance story, in a way that parallels Astoria too much for Dracos comfort. He worries, that the curse may affect Scorpius. He doesn't want his son to hold any more burdens, doesn't want to even think about the rumors that would come around if he did. Draco worries. And he worries because of how different his son is. He doesn't have that natural Malfoy stubborn and charisma, that would get him out of a tricky situation if he so pleased. Draco doesn't think his son can defend himself and that terrifies him, because he knows Scorpius is being tormented and there is nothing he can do about it.
So he thinks about what Astoria would do. In a perfect world, Astoria would still be here, and she'd sit in the fields with her child, and hold him to her chest, and run her hands through his hair while humming some made up song. And maybe then Scorpius would be happier, because maybe all he needed was his mother's soothing touch. Soothing in a way Malfoys nay Greengrasses are. Soothing in a way Draco doesn't think he can replicate.
But he trys, Merlin he trys. And it won't be as sweet as it would if he was Astoria, but he knows Scorpius doesn't care. He knows his son is happy just being held by his father, getting shapes traced onto his back until he eventually falls asleep. It's kind. It's soft. And isn't it so wonderful how children rub off on you?
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breakdownsbuttlights · 6 months ago
I have a question, I'm new to your blog but your Dratchet Hcs is what drew me in, but I'm curious
Do Ratchet and Drift ever decide to adopt a kid or have a surrogate?
You're not the first person to ask this! The answer is no-- Drift and Ratchet are not childrearing types. They are, rather, the favourite if slightly feared guncles within Ratchet's extended family, and the loving but laissez-faire parents to a mess of dogs (and one cat).
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coveredinsun · 7 months ago
what i think about sometimes is that it’s lowkey crazy that it took 130 years for an eldest girl vs. younger boy succession conflict to break out into Actual War among the targaryens. i mean, in every single generation after the conqueror’s sons (in which there were no daughters at all) the eldest child of that generation had always been a daughter, but their inheritance was never formally scorned until rhaenys.
firstly, rhaena was aenys i’s eldest child, but she was quickly married off to her brother, not necessarily with the explicit intention to prevent a succession conflict, but prevention was a result; it made for a simple father-son succession with a built in queen consort.
of the next generation, there were 2 daughters elder than jaehaerys’ eldest male child aegon (who died as an infant and actually left a presumed female heir for a few years, daenerys!): aerea and rhaella. rhaella was sent away to be a septa, but aerea was even proclaimed heir! her claim against jaehaerys, like rhaenyra and daemon later, was a matter of king’s daughter vs. king’s brother. however, her inheritance was unofficially spurned, and with less publicity and outcry than rhaenys, because A) her father aegon “the uncrowned” was, as his nickname implies, never officially crowned king; and B) she was proclaimed heir by maegor, which left a bad taste in everyone’s mouth. but jaehaerys was indeed chosen over her because of the male primogeniture that put viserys over rhaenys! and rhaena, her mother, held a valid resentment over that.
and then finally after jaehaerys is crowned king and has ruled for a little while, he actually has an eldest female heir, daenaerys, for ~6 years—and her mother alyssanne specifically contended for her right to be heir! but then she dies, and jaehaerys gets an uncontroversial male heir, AND a uncontroversial male backup. but then both of those male heirs die, and like 4 of their daughters die/run away/are sent away in rapid succession (alyssa, daella, viserra, saera, maegelle) and suddenly there are TWO possible options for jaehaerys’ children, so he turns to his children’s children, and we all know how it goes.
TLDR: the dance of the dragons was not the first succession conflict based on gender. it is simply the only one that did not have a clean “wrap up” (sorry for such an insensitive turn of phrase), and thus turned into a war. targaryen women have been spurned since day 1, but it was never officially ordained until rhaenys, and never viciously fought over until rhaenyra.
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amoritasart · 8 months ago
No one talks about how much more disturbing the Wittebros story would be if Philip was the older brother.
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bonefall · 9 months ago
Learning you play petsims makes. So much sense
Noooo, what makes sense about the autistic butchthing who loves making intricate, elaborate charts tracking cat families and timelines while micromanaging their personal relationships being a huge enthusiast of the genre of game notorious for encouraging you to make intricate, elaborate charts tracking possible offspring combinations and micromanaging lots of individual pet profiles. It's a total nonsequitor anon. How could you ever manage to connect the two so very clearly different and totally not similar things
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koroart · 22 days ago
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Some more Pacific Rim AU Old Man Yaoi with half-assed bios
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owl-falls-au · 3 months ago
Ladies and gentlemen, I am asking for your help in finding fanfics with the following ideas:
No Stancest or Pinecest!
A "Relativity falls" fanfic where Stanley is the protagonist and the one who finds the diaries
A "Drifting stars" x "Relativity falls" fanfic where Stan falls into the portal and meets Dipper
An adult Stanford fanfic, (can be post-portal or post-weirdmagedon) meets Mullet Stanley or a Teenage Stanley
A fanfic where Stanley is the protagonist, and there are magical powers involved
A fanfic where Stan's tattoo gives him magical powers
A fanfic where Stanley is rejuvenated as a little boy and adult Ford finds him and they have adorable adventures.
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feralpeasures · 6 months ago
Unchain My Heart by Hugh Laurie but it's Hilson from Wilson's perspective...
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haveyouheardthisband · 6 months ago
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1980ssunflower · 2 years ago
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🏡💙So Good to See You!💛☔
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randomnameless · 1 month ago
Checking Constance's Supreme support :
Constance asks Supreme Leader to help her restore her house, as soon as their C support :
It's a small thing regarding my house. I thought Your Highness might bend some slight effort toward seeing it restored from nothing.
Supreme Leader replies that given the present circumstances, she can't do a lot :
I had a feeling that was it. I wish I could help, but you must understand my present circumstances...
(even if we know that, by that time, she already was the one who appointed Emile in Hrym!)
So while Constance tries to impress her with her magic tricks like rainbow tea, Supreme Leader's support goes on more important territory :
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Note the "I would like to talk with you about" that replaced the "I want to know".
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It's more explicit in the jp version, but apparently, Supreme Leader tells Constance that she can expect more than "being an ally and a friend and getting along with magical research" if she... reveals her secret about House Nuvelle.
Otherwise, there's nothing she can do as the Imperial Princess?
The "if you expect more, you need to be prepared" really sounds like one of Fraud's lines : they will use their influence/help the other party... only if said other party reveals some piece of intel they'd like to know.
The explicit confirmation happens in the B convo :
I am ready to enlighten you regarding the secret that House Nuvelle has kept for generations.
The cat's out of the bag :
You have my gratitude. You will be rewarded for taking such a drastic measure.
Constance will receive, supposedly, Supreme Leader's help to restore House Nuvelle, not because they are friends and all, but only because she accepted to reveal the secret about Noa's crest.
I know it didn't came through the script and/or the playthroughs of FE16, but I'm more and more wondering if Fraud and Supreme Leader having similar methods - at least here - and sort of similar goals (I mean, for the ones involving the CoS and the evil lizard lady) wasn't something the devs banked on in FE16, which led them to write Nopes' Fraud the way he is written, but without his epiphany from the timeskip.
Something like, with Billy, Fraud stops being a bootleg copy of Supreme Leader and """grows""", but before, they're two peas in a pod - which is something Nopes highlights.
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The JP version confirms that House Nuvelle isn't a, uh, very close-knit family, they marry people who aren't from their circle, but the "not bring Nuvelle's blood into other families" to me means that the children born of any union is a member of House Nuvelle, to make sure the Noa line wouldn't be spread out.
Granted, Supreme Leader already knew the secret of the House was tied to the crest of Noa, maybe it was something Uncle told her and she wanted confirmation? Or it was something shared in the Imperial Family?
Interesting... I always had the inkling that the six noble houses were eager to see House Nuvelle fall.
And yet, per Constance and Nopes!Lorenz's words, it was Ionius who ended the House, not any of the Six Great Houses...
Also, why would they want to get rid of House Nuvelle if it had little to no influence in Adrestia, nor allies?
Is the Crest of Noa so important - bar Chalice shenanigans - that it'd make other Houses upset? IDK.
but if the nuvelles are nabatean hybrids through Noa herself, it'd make more sense for Uncle or even Ionius to get rid of them
oh well, another thing left to the 10k years of lore.
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shewhoeatssand · 6 months ago
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they are similar
#painting is Interlude by Jeremy Lipking#my beautiful Neki#I must tell you all how beautiful he is waking up in the morning.#he tries to blink the drowsiness from his eyes but he gives up so quickly#he isn’t fully awake for another half hour or so!! but I rush ahead#he’ll sometimes do some stretches when he gets out of bed#common one is the Touka Stretch! he reaches his arms over his head and grabs the opposite elbows!#he has very pretty arms. pretty muscles. his complexion is very even but his skin is a little dry#Kaneki likes to leave the curtains undrawn overnight so when the morning comes it illuminates him so wonderfully!#I love how he looks bathed in light he is truly a marvel#I love when he wears t shirt and shorts or briefs to bed unbeatable boy combo#anyway when he leaves his room he might go take a pee or splash his face or something (usually it’s bathroom time) but immediately after#he sets up the kettle to boil so he can have his morning coffee#the coffee is extremely important!!!!!! it is what will actually wake him up!!!!!!!!#until this point his house could’ve been moved to a different planet and he wouldn’t even notice#this is a secret but sometimes while waiting for it to boil if he’s leaning against the counter and no one else is up#he’ll start drifting off again…… don’t tell anyone 🤫 it’s really cute#and when he sips his coffee.. he may do a little sigh…#he’s only up that early when he has somewhere to be though otherwise my boy will sleep in so late#and then he goes to sit with his friends or somewhere where he can watch them a bit while he gets himself together#maybe Banjou will look at his bed hair and say “huh. you look like a dandelion”#and it’s true he is the most wonderful dandelion there is because you don’t even have to make a wish#he alone is like every wish come true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#my Kaneki!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🌱🥰#kaneki time#kaneki ken
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eggonicayto · 3 months ago
I’m bored, and I’d love to receive drawing requests!
Depending on what it is, it could be a small doodle, or a full blown rendered piece!! Depends how I’m feeling.
- Poppy Playtime (specifically the Smilling Critters + SC AUS)
- Doki Doki Literature Club
- Super Mario Bros. (I’m hyperfixiated on the Koopalings rn)
- The Loud House (don’t laugh)
- Five Nights at Freddy’s
- The Amazing Digital Circus
- Sailor Moon
- Animaniacs
- South Park
- Gravity Falls
(More will be added here as I get into more fandoms.)
- Frowning Critters
- Problematic Critters
- Reborn Critters AU
- Randomized Critters
- Dadaphant (the one where Bubba is a father)
- The Endsville Critters (The one that takes place in the 1920’s)
- Inverted AU
- Sibling AU
- Family AU
- Human Koopalings AU
- Orphan Koopalings
- Relativity Falls
- Drifting Stars
- Twin Swap (Dipper and Mabel personality swap)
- Rebornica AU
- Affinity AU by Mobox87 (I do NOT condone her actions, I’ve just grown an attachment to her characters due to them being a huge part of my childhood. They’re mine now.)
- Dayshift At Freddy’s
- The FNaF Movie
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So, yeah, if you’re interested in any of these, then submit a request!! :)
Je m’ennuie, et j’aimerais recevoir des demandes de dessin!
Dépendant du sujet, sa peut être un griffonnage minuscule, ou un pièce rendu complet!! Sa dépend comment je me sense.
- Poppy Playtime (spécifiquement les Smiling Critters + des universe alternative des SC)
- Doki Doki Literature Club
- Super Mario Bros. (J’suis hyperconcentré sur les Koopalings)
- The Loud House (me moque pas.)
- Five Nights at Freddy’s/Cinq Nuits à Freddy’s
- The Amazing Digital Circus
- Sailor Moon
- Animaniacs
- South Park
- Gravity Falls
(Je vais ajouter au liste au temps que je développe un nouveau intérêt.)
- Frowning Critters/Les Critters Refrognée
- Problematic Critters
- Reborn Critters AU/UA de Critters Renaître
- Randomized Critters/Critters Randomizer
- Dadaphant (l’un que Bubba est une papa)
- The Endsville Critters (L’un d’année 1920.)
- UA inversée
- Sibling AU/UA frère et sœur
-  UA de famille
- UA Koopalings humaines
- UA des Koopalings orphelines
- Relativity Falls
- Drifting Stars
- Échange de personnalité (un UA ou Dipper et Mabel échange leur personnalité)
- Rebornica AU
- Affinity AU par Mobox87 (Je ne soutien pas ses actions, c’est seulement que j’ai developer un attachement à ses personnages au cause qu’il jouait un gros rôle dans mon enfance. Ils appartient à moi maintenant.)
- Dayshift At Freddy's
- Le filme de FNaF
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Alors, si tu est intéressé en quelque chose (n’importe de quoi) dans cette liste, m’envoie des suggestions/idée!! :)
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