#got distracted with Scorpius
shrimpalbuspotter · 3 months
Scorpius is so much like Astoria that it kinda shocks Draco. He sees his wife in him every day, and instead of him slowly becoming more like his father, he just seems to becomes more similar to his mother. Draco gets to see the love of his life everyday, even after her passing, in the thing thats most important to him. Their son.
Because Scorpius is kind in a way that Malfoys aren't used to, soft in a way that the Greengrass lineage can't fathom. He doesnt talk in the way you'd expect a respectable pureblood to. He stuttersz rambles, and stammers, and hesitates. Scorpius doesn't even carry himself in a way you'd expect a respectable pureblood to, because he stumbles, shuffles, and skips, and prances.
Scorpius wouldn't be found sitting in a boring meeting, blathering on about politics. Its unnatural, its not supposed to be. Scorpius can be found sunning in the garden or with his nose deep into a book. He can be found writing owls to his bestfriend and practicing potions in the manors laboratory.
Scorpius is extroverted. He loves talking, he loves learning, he loves making friends. But he's alot to deal with, and he has a bit too much love for most people to handle. Scorpius life is a tragedy disguised as a coming of age romance story, in a way that parallels Astoria too much for Dracos comfort. He worries, that the curse may affect Scorpius. He doesn't want his son to hold any more burdens, doesn't want to even think about the rumors that would come around if he did. Draco worries. And he worries because of how different his son is. He doesn't have that natural Malfoy stubborn and charisma, that would get him out of a tricky situation if he so pleased. Draco doesn't think his son can defend himself and that terrifies him, because he knows Scorpius is being tormented and there is nothing he can do about it.
So he thinks about what Astoria would do. In a perfect world, Astoria would still be here, and she'd sit in the fields with her child, and hold him to her chest, and run her hands through his hair while humming some made up song. And maybe then Scorpius would be happier, because maybe all he needed was his mother's soothing touch. Soothing in a way Malfoys nay Greengrasses are. Soothing in a way Draco doesn't think he can replicate.
But he trys, Merlin he trys. And it won't be as sweet as it would if he was Astoria, but he knows Scorpius doesn't care. He knows his son is happy just being held by his father, getting shapes traced onto his back until he eventually falls asleep. It's kind. It's soft. And isn't it so wonderful how children rub off on you?
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prttygirlposts · 28 days
I am trying to channel Scorpius Malfoy study energy, so here are some studious headcanons about him 𓍢ִ໋☕️✧˚
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He is a three beverage on hand kind of studybug. He's got water, coffee, and tea lined up for the next few hours of learning.
His pet cat lays on his lap while he studies. He turned this into the "cat trapped" study method, where he studies until Juna- his cat gets off his lap. This usually keeps him busy for an hour or two.
He lights candles before he studies. It's his peaceful, quiet time at Hogwarts.
Sometimes he looks very proper while studying, but that's rare. Most times, he's in his pastel PJs with his hair pushed back and a face mask on.
Scorpius isn't always perfect, he gets distracted. When he does get distracted he usually doodles on his parchment.
He uses his own special parchment and ink. Draco sends him refills every month.
He usually makes Albus join in on his studying. Albus is the designated flashcard holder, practice question asker, and randomized quiz maker. Inversely, this actually helps Albus score a few more points on tests.
His two favorite study breaks are taking quick showers and taking short walks. It refreshes his brain and helps lessons stick.
When Scorpius gets a phone his fifth year, he discovers studyblr and loses his marbles. He loves it.
Scorpius continues to study during the summer. He spent a few summers studying French, then he moved on to studying muggle history, and he's currently learning Dutch.
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r-i-03-17 · 2 months
@yasammyweek Ok I guess this is a thing that exists, so I'm gonna contribute to it. Today's theme is a wedding, so I'm gonna write something that relates to that. This kinda caught me off guard but I'm gonna try my best. Enjoy
It has been about 8 years since Yaz and Sammy had "officially" gotten together, If you ask them they'll say they started REALLY dating after they made it back home, an agreement they made when they were still stranded on Mantacorp Island, in case either one (or both) of them hadn't made it, but basically everyone else agrees it was after they both brought their feelings to light. Either way it had been about 8 years, but for the past week, Yaz had been acting a little....skittish.
Yazmina was a woman of focus, commitment, and sheer flipping will. She had survived almost a year on an island full of dinosaurs, while having a sprained ankle for two of those months. She had faced down the Scorpius Rex, the Mosasaurs, and a really ticked off Galimimus (long story, but the dino had it coming). After all that, the almost dying nearly every day, why on gods green earth would a small wooden box with a diamond ring inside make her so nervous. She wouldn't even be the one receiving it, but the conclusion this poor nervous girl came to, is that the reaction of the person she wanted to give the ring to was what caused her nerves to shoot up. What would Sammy do? Cry, laugh, run, say no? All these possibilities were making Yaz more nervous than it would if she just asked Sammy the damn question "Will you marry me?". There's no reason for her to be this nervous right? I mean, the two of them have already been as intimate as you can get with another person, multiple times, so there was no grand surprise afterwards, no pressure to hold up to any "expectations" except of course actually showing up for the wedding....the wedding, the music, the people, the dresses, all the things that weddings involved made Yaz feel even more nervous. She had always considered herself the quote-un qoate "man" of the relationship, and as such she felt it necessary to perform the usual "man" rolls, she opened the doors to restaurants and vehicles for Sammy, made sure Sammy's truck was safe before she drove somewhere, and besides all that, had always gotten along better with Sammy's father, brothers, and nephews, than she had her mother in law, sister in laws, and nieces, though they all still got along well, but she had always found herself gravitating towards the guys, and had actually went to Sammy's father for advice on what to do for their first official date. But unfortunately, with Yaz fulfilling that role (that she was perfectly happy in, Sammy as well), that means it was up to her to propose. Great 😑.
Not really sure what to do, Yaz had chosen to try and distract herself from the thoughts racing in her head by going to lunch with Darius, Brooklyn, and Ben. Sammy was working and couldn't go, but insisted Yaz go and give them all a hug for her, which she had. As they sat down, the rest of the group noticed Yaz looked a little down, not that she was super bubbly to begin with, but she usually had more energy than this.
B: Yaz, are you ok?
Y: Yeah....I'm fine.
(obviously not fine)
D: Yeah sure, ok skip the BS and tell us what's up so we can help.
B: Dude, a little sensitivity would be nice.
D: What? She obviously has something that's bothering her, I'm just trying to figure out what?
B: Yeah but you can't just ASK, what if it was something sensitive?
Ben: Sensitive..... something kinda like a....ring...maybe?
Ben looked over at Yaz, who was now staring at Ben. And he instantly regretted it, Yaz had tears in her eyes, her cheeks red, and trying to compose herself as to not have a breakdown in the middle of a shopping mall food court. Yaz reached into her pocket, pulled out a small wooden box, and slid it across the table.
Y: Yeah, it's a ring. But I don't need it, it's not like I'd ever have a possibility of using it anyway....so take it.
She wiped her eyes and took a shaky breath and put a 20 on the table, asked them to pay for her food, and went to her car to go home.
Yaz made it to her truck, but didn't open it. Hand on the handle she looked at the reflection in the window, and it was a sad, sorry sight. Red in the face, tears running down her cheeks, crying like a 5 year old that had just broken her toy. What was she supposed to do? Go back to Sammy, the person that made her so happy, and dump all this on to her? And that's when the realization struck Yaz like a horse hoof to the chest, the reason Yaz didn't want to propose, wasn't because she didn't want to spend the rest of her life with Sammy, it's that she didn't want Sammy to be stuck with her. She's always been self conscious about herself, and in some ways that's a good thing, keeps a person humble, but it also can be a real pain for self esteem. Would Sammy WANT to be stuck with her for the rest of their lives, till death does them part? Why would someone like her, a beautiful, intelligent, friendly, girl from Texas want to spend the rest of her life with an introverted, relatively speaking average looking, sad nerd like her? There wasn't one, at least not one that Yaz could think of. So, she decided she wouldn't propose, and wouldn't put that burden on Sammy, so if at any time Sammy wanted to leave, she could. As corny as it sounds she'd rather Sammy be happy without her, then sad with her.
Yaz hadn't realized how long she had been standing with her hand on the truck handle, hadn't realized how long she had been crying, and hadn't realized how long her friends had been standing there, until Brooklyn had very gently put her arm on Yaz's shoulder, and was looking at her with so much concern that it almost made Yaz start crying again, but even if she wanted to, she couldn't, she was all dried up.
B: Yaz, we're so sorry, we didn't mean to push, we were just worried about you. I wasn't going to say anything, but the whole reason we came down was that Sammy was concerned about you. She said you'd been acting sad and wanted us to get you out of the house to see if you'd feel better. She's really worried, she was actually starting to think you had gotten tired of spending so much time around her.
Y: What? No, I....I didn't mean...I could never.....
B: Yaz, please tell us what's the matter, all we want to do is help you.
So Yaz did, Yaz told them EVERYTHING, every insecurity. All the hopelessness and sadness came out in one big, frankly depressing, story (including everything she said in her head, read above). At the end, Yaz was just sitting sadly on the tailgate of her truck, her friends sitting with her, looking for lack of a better term, dumbfounded and sad. They had all known Yaz had insecurities, who didn't, but they had no idea it ran so deep.
Y: So that's why I can't propose. I care about her, and I care enough to let her go.....I don't want to but.....
Ben: Yaz, kinda crazy question here, but have you... Idk......maybe mentioned ANY of this to Sammy, at all? Do you have any idea if she wants to get married?
Y: No, but I don't want to burden anything on her. And why would she want to marry ME anyways?
Nobody had noticed the black car that had pulled in the parking lot an hour before, and nobody had noticed the driver sneaking over and hiding behind the car beside them, listening to Yaz's entire story, every word since Brooklyn, Darius, and Ben had come out to comfort their sad friend. And nobody noticed the Texas girl hiding behind some strangers car, trying her best not to cry, and wanting to do nothing else but hug not just the girl she's been dating for 8 years, but her business partner, her other dog mom, and her best friend. But the little Texan girl couldn't stand it any longer and decided to set the record straight.
Sam: Yazmina Fadoula, are you kidding me?
Sammy stepped out from behind the car she was hiding behind, and gave a heart attack to the entire group sitting on the tailgate. Yaz started to get up but Sammy in no uncertain terms gave her a look that said sit back down......Yaz sat back down.
Sammy: So let me get this straight....the reason you've been acting depressed all week, the reason you come to bed later and wake up earlier than normal, why you aren't eating as much and acting super shy, is because you wanted to propose? And was worried I would laugh in your face, or reject you, or not want to be with the girl that I've been with for 8 years??
Y: Um....yes? Look it's not you Sammy, it's me...I was just....
Sammy: Oh I know, I heard the whole conversation, basically everything. I came her to pick up some food to surprise you, and I see you crying and looking at the truck, you didn't even see me drive by. I was gonna talk to you, but I saw them coming over to you, and figured they'd be better at getting you to open up.....guess I was right. I'm gonna be honest Yaz, why didn't you talk to me? We're a team, you're supposed to be able to trust me, and I know that's selfish that I just WANT you to trust me, but we've known each other for almost 10 years, even before we started dating......is it me? Am I driving you away, am I being too over bearing, I just wanted to help you, I didn't mean to be too much.
Now Sammy was crying, and Yaz felt like the world's biggest a**hole, beating herself up internally for not thinking about how this would affect Sammy. She knew Sammy was sensitive, and tuned into people's emotions, so she definitely knew Yaz was upset, but wanting to respect her privacy, hadn't pushed the issue. Yaz felt awful.
Sammy: You know the worst part about this, Yaz? This entire time I was scared you were getting sick of me....I thought you were seeing someone else.
Well if Yaz thought she couldn't feel any worse, she just got proven wrong.
Y: Sammy.....you thought that.....why would....
Sammy: What? See someone else?.....Yaz I heard everything you said, and the entire time I was wondering the same thing you were. Wondering why you'd want to be with ME? I'm just some yee-haw Texan rodio, banjo playing, chubby, middle of nowhere farm girl and there's a million girls just like me within like 20 miles of just like me, except prettier and cooler. I was scared to death that the only reason you were with me is because we were stuck on the island and once you had more people to choose from.....you'd leave. Yasmina I would LOVE to marry you, of course I would, but I still don't really understand why it'd be ME you'd pick out of everyone else. You're beautiful and smart and ACTUALLY talented, you have skills that are actually cool and unique, unlike me who can do farm things yeah, but so can everyone else.
Yaz sat with her mouth hanging open, in awe of that one, her girlfriend had the same insecurities she had, and two, that Sammy thought of herself like that. Yaz couldn't understand why the girl she was so worried about proposing to had never brought these issues up to her before. Yaz decided there and then that damn the consequences, whatever her future had in store for her, Yaz was going to make sure Sammy never had to worry that Yaz would leave her again. She walked up to Sammy and kissed her, a long kiss full of love and warm feelings that made butterflies fly in both of the girls chests.
Y: Sammy, I'm so so so so so so so sorry that I EVER made you worried about me leaving, ever made you feel insecure about yourself. With our friends and God as my witness I will do everything I can to make sure you never feel like this again. Brooklyn.......can I have my ring.
Sammy opened her eyes wide, Ben and Darius gasped and Brooklyn smiled as she handed Yaz the ring.
Y: With this ring I promise to be with you forever, for every sad day, when it shines, rains, or snows. Through every up and down, left or right, whatever happens I want this ring to symbolize how much I care about you... Sammy Gutierrez, can I put this ring on your finger.
Everyone was crying now, their friends, and some random people in the parking lot.
Sammy: Of course you can, but I have one request......Don't call me Gutierrez anymore.....it's Fadoula now.
Yaz smiled, slipped on the ring, and grabbed Sammy by the hips and hoiseted her up off the ground so they could look at each other, Sammy's legs wrapped around Yaz's hips and her arms rested on her shoulders. The parking lot whistled and hollered, horns honking and lights flashing to celebrate the couple.
Sammy: Hey Yaz?
Y: Yes Sammy?
Sammy: I think the chicken thawed in the back of my car.
Everyone laughed, and Brooklyn, Darius, and Ben all drove home with Sammy and Yaz to stay the night. Brooklyn was thankful that Yaz had soundproofed her and Sammy's bedroom wall, and Yaz kept her promise and made sure that Sammy knew every bit of her was as beautiful to Yaz as anything else.
They went to the town office the next day and made it official, and Sammy bought Yaz a ring.
Woooo, that was a long one, I hope everyone enjoys my contribution to @yasammyweek. See y'all later
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hoomandoescosplay · 5 months
Checking You Out | Albus Potter x Scorpius Malfoy Oneshot
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Albus has been observing the blonde haired man for weeks ever since his schedule got changed.
This was mainly due to the fact he was unsure of how to approach Scorpius, so he would keep himself busy at work and keep glancing over at the boy whenever he wasn't dealing with other library patrons.
Albus can't help but get distracted anytime Scorpius is within his sight. His coworker keeps telling him that he should go up and talk to him, but Albus always gets too anxious to do so.
The most they ever talk is when Albus is lucky enough to be the one checking people’s books out. Even then he mainly stays quiet in fear that he’ll fumble over his words.
Albus feels bad for not being talkative. Especially on the days Scorpius tries to engage in light conversation, asking him about any books he recommends, the weather, and even about work.
The library’s doorbell jingles, pulling him out of his over complicated thoughts as he turns his head towards the door and notices Scorpius walk in.
Albus gets all flustered at the sight of him. He can barely breathe as he watches him walk inside, a bit nervous about talking to him. He's never been good with talking to people, especially when it comes to people he likes.
He just stays behind the desk, hoping that he doesn't have to talk to any other patrons so he can keep an eye on Scorpius.
Today was a lucky day for Albus for two reasons. First was the fast that today was a slow day for the library. Second, he’s working at the counter today which means he’ll get another interaction with Scorpius.
Albus takes a deep breath and waits for Scorpius to come up to the counter. He can feel the heat rising to his cheeks and the nerves in his stomach as he waits for him to get there.
He can hear the sound of footsteps approaching, and soon he spots Scorpius walking over to him. He feels his heart beating faster, but he tries to stay calm before he greets him.
As Scorpius gently places the books he collected on the counter Albus can’t help but stare at him. This guy is hot. Really really hot. Albus can’t help thinking to himself.
The more Albus looks at him, the more he begins to think to himself that this is the most attractive person he has seen in his life. He can't help but notice every little detail about him, from his piercing grey eyes, to his blonde hair, and even his hands.
Albus is getting so lost in thought that he barely realizes that Scorpius has said something.
"What was that?" he asks quietly, shaking himself out of his thoughts. He clears his throat a few times, trying to calm his nerves before returning his gaze up onto Scorpius.
“Are you checking me out?” Scorpius asks the librarian while taking a mental note of his name on his name tag.
“Huh?” Albus’s face immediately turns red. “Oh no, no I’m not. Nope definitely not.” He begins to tap his fingers on the counter nervously.
“Oh? I always return my books on time. Is there a specific reason I can’t check these out today?” He asks clueless.
"Oh no, no no it's not that.” Albus stammers, his face still flustered. “It's just... uh, it's just that…” his voice trails off as he thinks of what he’s even trying to say.
“I just…” he stops talking as he finds it hard to finish his sentence. “I’m so sorry. I um- I made a mistake. You’re all good to check these out today.”
Scorpius gives him a smile as Albus begins to quickly scan all of his books. “Thank you Albus.” After collecting all of his books in his hands Scorpius adds one last thing before leaving the library.
“Too bad you weren’t checking me out, I thought you were cute.” As he walks out all Albus can do is stare at him with a flushed face.
Albus's face turns red as he realizes what Scorpius had said. “Wait, what?” he manages to get out, but he's too slow to catch him.
He can only stand there, his face still flushed with embarrassment. But as he watches him leave, he can't help but feel a bit of a silly, dumb grin on his lips.
Luck must have been on his side however because as he looks back down at the counter he notices a small piece of paper with a number and name on it. Scorpius’s name and number.
Now today was a lucky day for three reasons.
─── ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ ───
Thank you @rewritingcanon for the prompt idea!! I loved writing this oneshot! :)
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rockingrobin69 · 11 months
competitive arse
They’re not supposed to participate, only to observe, and perhaps step in to referee if there’s trouble: and yet, again and again Potter makes his way down to the pitch, to give ‘helpful’ tips or just ruffle everyone’s hair a little and say what a good job they’re all doing.
And grin, and nod, and yell ‘go team red’ when blue and yellow are playing, and flaunt his huge arms and thick thighs and that absolutely ridiculous arse Draco doesn’t see in his dreams. Often. And stretch, with the old Gryffindor Seeker top that leaves a fair bit of his belly on display, dark and hairy and driving Draco out of his mind. What? nothing. He’s fine, absolutely fine. He’s agreed to do this.
Under wand-point, yes, but—Merlin’s balls, what is Potter doing now? On all fours on the grass and letting one of the kids ride him like a pony. One of the—it’s Scorpius. It’s Scorpius. Holding on to Potter’s hair like reins and laughing. Draco… hmm? No, he can’t, ah. Think. Anymore.
He’s going to kill Ginny. He’s going to kill her, and Astoria, and then Potter for good measure, and then he’s going to lick that glisten of sweat all the way down his neck and—argh! Not good not good not good. They’re in public and Draco’s bloody son is playing pre-broom Quidditch. Meant to be playing, too busy making heart-eyes at Draco’s forever-crush. Forever-nemesis, he means. Oh, fuck, Potter took his shirt off? When. No, why. No, when, and also, what, and also, oh, no, oh, fuck, he’s coming closer.
What to do? What to do. How to, ah, survive this now, and also what to fucking—
“Malfoy,” two steps down and a thick grin like he’s so pleased about something. He didn’t shave this morning, face full of stubble, and Draco dreams of rash and tickles.
Says: “Potter.” And then, once he’d cleared his throat of this awful, er, thing, “You make the rest of us look bad.”
“Hmm?” Potter is distracted with something on Draco’s lips. What on earth has he got? Jam from breakfast (and Ginny and Astoria holding him at wand-point), mud from the tackle-hug Scorpius gave him, grass in his hair, what, what?
“What,” Draco says without fully intending to. Shaking his head, “I mean. You’re so—all the other parents are just sitting there watching.”
He laughs. The sound is so distracting, Draco almost manages a smile. “Yeah, ‘Mione’s already told me I’m showing off. Can’t help it, though. They didn’t tell me you’re coming today.”
“Yes,” Draco agrees, because Potter is flexing his arms and Draco would quite like to choke in between them, and then, “What? What is that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing,” Potter says. Is that winking? Is he winking or having a fit. Draco’s face feels awfully warm and he’s pretty sure he’s losing whatever competition they’re currently on.
Breathes in, out, looks to the sky (blue-blue and unhelpful. Where is lightning when you need to be struck). “Well,” he says when nothing more catastrophic happens, “I suppose I could come every week-end, if, ah. If this is the kind of show I can expect to get.”
When Potter’s grin turns luminescent: “I meant the kids! The way they played was so, ah, they’re so enthusiastic and it’s great to see, ah, stop it, stop, you absolute goon.”
“Yes, you’re only here for the kids,” with a hand in his disastrous hair, disastrously handsome, coming—ah—coming closer, for some incomprehensible reason.
“Stop it,” Draco says, when he truly means—something? Potter’s so close. His chest is bare. It's, ah, stunning. “What, what do you want.”
“Usually we go to the café across the road, after,” Potter smiles from under his thick lashes. Draco, who's milked every last detail regarding the Quidditch Junior League from Astoria for the past three months, knows this to be a definite lie. “Just some of the parents and the kids. You’ll have to come too. Scorp and Albus are just starting to get along, it's be such a shame, to tear them apart.”
It’s a weak excuse and Draco’s weaker. “Of course,” he coughs. “If that’s something you usually do. Who am I to break such a sacred, ah, tradition.”
They both know they’re full of it. On the ground, the actual coach has grown a peculiar set of tentacles, and is carried away by one of the parents who happens to work at St. Mungo’s. The kids are all cheering, and Scorp looks up to the stands and smiles. It’s… a bright sunny day, and Draco was threatened with a bad haircut if he backs out, and besides, he wouldn’t dream of being anywhere else.
(For flufftober day 27. Find the soft AO3 collection here).
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katelynnwrites · 1 year
I’m So In Love (That I Might Stop Breathing) | Ona Batlle
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warnings: some general angst and hints of smut
word count: 4981
summary: when you’re with ona, it’s always like she transports you to somewhere else where it’s just you and her and the love you share for each other.
chosen song: paris by taylor swift
a/n: bonus chapter 2 of you were bigger than the whole sky (you were more than just a short time)
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Your First Kiss With Ona
Stargazing dates with Ona had become a regular thing since she had asked you out.
Lying beside her on an empty football field with Ona holding your hand, you think that being her girlfriend is the best thing ever. It’s always quiet, the constant breeze making sure that it’s cool out. (the last time you were here you stole Ona’s hoodie, partly for the warmth and partly because it smelt so good. just like she does).
The stars are beautiful. But your girlfriend is even more beautiful.
So while she’s pointing out the different constellations to you (her father had taught them to her), you’re focusing on her (and also her lips. which are pink and soft. like that one katy perry song about how kissable girls’ lips are).
‘That’s Cassiopeia. And over there is Ursa Major. That little one that you can barely see is Scorpius. Hey! Hermosa, are you even looking at where I’m pointing?’
‘No...I’m sorry.’ You sheepishly admit.
‘Well what’s got you so distracted then?’ She teases.
‘You.’ You mumble, cheeks flushing a bright red.
‘What about me?’
‘How much I want to kiss you.’
Ona laughs.
‘Then kiss me.’
So you lean over and gently place your lips on hers (her nose bumps yours a bit but you think this is what magic must feel like).
Her lips are so soft and she tastes like the apple she had been eating earlier.
The teenage brunette lifts her hand up to caress your cheek, a contented sort of little sigh leaving her when the pair of you break apart.
You open your eyes to find Ona looking at you with the most hopeful of looks in her eyes.
‘Can we do that more often?’
‘I think that practice makes perfect.’
Ona grins, sitting up and pressing her lips onto yours.
Ona Meeting The United Team After Three Years
Ona’s nervous, you could tell. She was clinging to your hand, breathing a little quicker than necessary.
It’s what makes you stop right before you both enter the locker room.
‘What? Why are we stopping?’ She slightly frantically asks.
‘Mi amor breathe. Take a deep breath.’
The brunette frowns but does as you ask. She relaxes marginally and you squeeze her hand in yours.
‘Don’t be nervous. They love you.’ You assure her.
Ona bites her lip and mumbles, ‘Not after what I did to you they don’t.’
You squeeze Ona’s hand again.
‘And I have already more than forgiven you for that so they’ll forgive you too. I love you Ona, I’ll be right beside you okay?’ You reassuringly tell her.
Ona eyes you for a moment, trying to see if you meant it. You keep your expression open and honest, allowing Ona to eventually lose the majority of the tension in her muscles.
She pushes open the door of the locker room.
Immediately all eyes are on her, both old and new faces alike.
Ona freezes next to you as Millie approaches. (she was scared you realise).
Before Millie can say anything, Ona speaks, ‘Thank you for looking after her.’
She looks at the familiar faces, Mary, Ella, Alessia and more.
‘Thank you, all of you for taking care of her. It means everything to me.’
Your breath hitches and Ona’s eyes fall on you right away. She squeezes your hand three times, a silent ‘I love you.’
You squeeze it three times back.
Millie sticks out her hand.
‘Swear you won’t hurt her again and we’re good.’
There’s no hesitation on Ona’s part to shake the English woman’s hand.
‘I swear. If I ever hurt her again, feel free to do anything you like to me.’ She promises.
Millie’s stern expression melts away and she pulls Ona into a hug.
That seems to be the cue for the rest of the United team to follow, enveloping you and Ona in a tight group hug.
Thanking Aitana For The Part She Played
Ona is sprawled across the bed, her head resting on your thighs when she taps you gently to get your attention.
You look over at her immediately and she gives you a cute smile in response.
‘I was thinking that we should thank Aitana. I mean she did help get us back together.’
‘Yeah.’ You nod enthusiastically.
Ona giggles and shows you her phone, ‘I was thinking we could send her some flowers?’
‘Okay. That sounds good.’
Moving closer to her so that you can see her phone screen, you lean your head against your shoulder as you do so.
She shows you several different bouquets and eventually you and Ona settle on one.
It’s only after the flowers are paid for that you look at your girlfriend.
‘Do we even know what kind of flowers Aitana likes?’
Ona laughs, hiding her face in your neck as you resist the urge to laugh yourself.
Two days later, you receive a text from the Barcelona midfielder.
‘Thank you for the flowers but I didn’t do much. You and Ona were never really friends in the first place.’
‘That is true. Friends don’t look at each other the way I look at you.’ Ona says, when you show her the message.
‘And how do you look at me?’ You tease.
Ona doesn’t hesitate, ‘I look at you like I’m so in love that I might stop breathing.’
You smile and she kisses you affectionately a moment later.
‘I love you. I love you.’ She meaningfully repeats a second time, interlacing her fingers with yours. Something about the cadence of the way she spoke let you know that she meant it wholeheartedly.
‘I know you do. And I love you too.’
You can feel her smile against your lips when you kiss her soon after.
Ona Leaving Manchester
You’d gone out to get groceries.
Hesitantly, you had asked if she had wanted to come and Ona pretended she didn’t see the pain in your eyes when she had shaken her head in answer.
She used to always go with you. Wherever you went, she went too, even though it was just to the grocery store.
Ona focuses on your face, the way your eyes shone and the little strands of hair that escape from your ponytail. She tries her hardest to memorise you. (not knowing if she’d get to see you again).
The instant the door clicks shut behind you, Ona rushes to get her suitcase out.
She throws as much of her clothes in as she can. Her toiletries are quickly packed up and then she slows down as she reaches her bedside table.
Carefully, she picks up the photo frame.
She’s kissing you in it, her hands cradling your face lovingly.
Your eyes are closed but your body language makes it clear that you are in love with her (your body orients itself around her easily).
Ona gently touches your face in the photo, her thumb tenderly brushing across it.
Before she can stop it, a tear falls onto the glass.
That seems to break her emotional dam and she’s barely able to stop herself from crying long enough to carefully wipe the tear off and put the photo frame into her suitcase.
But she knows she doesn’t have the right to cry, so she presses the heels of her palms against her tightly shut eyes and tries her hardest not to cry.
Late Nights With Ona
It was hard to relax after games, especially big wins. The adrenaline often kept you up late and Ona, well she was more than willing to stay up with you.
The brunette pulls you into her arms, making sure that the comforter covers you. (it’s cute how protective she is, even over little things like the cold).
‘Do you remember the first time I held you like this?’ Ona whispers.
You frown, trying your best to remember but failing to succeed. You were drawing a blank and that’s strange because you treasured all your memories of Ona. If it was that significant to Ona, it should have been significant to you too.
The brunette sees your struggle and chuckles softly.
‘It’s okay, I didn’t expect you to remember. You fell asleep almost immediately.’
Ona presses a gentle kiss onto the top of your head.
‘I just want you to know that that was the moment I first thought about marrying you.’
A soft surprised exhale escapes you and you lean back into her.
‘I love you. So incredibly much.’
Ona nods, ‘And I love you too. I really really do.’
Your First Birthday Back With Ona
Ona’s determined to make this your best birthday ever.
She brings you breakfast in bed. Ona had woken up early to make your favourite pancakes and put a flower beside the plate on the tray.
The brunette wakes you up with little kisses scattered all over your body.
She starts by lifting your hand and kissing each of your fingertips. Then she presses a long kiss against the pulse point on the inside of your wrist.
Ona trails kisses to your collarbone and your jawline, sucking on your neck lightly.
‘Oni.’ You mumble, smiling into your pillow.
‘Hi. Good morning my love.’
‘Bon dia.’ You whisper, opening your eyes to see her looking down at you.
‘Feliç aniversari.’
She grins, leaning in to kiss you.
You happily let her and she pulls back a moment later to pepper kisses onto your cheeks, nose and forehead.
‘Happy birthday indeed.’
Ona gives you a long kiss on your forehead, making the smile on your face grow.
‘I love you.’
‘I love you too Ona.’
Your girlfriend kisses you again and you eagerly respond.
Ona pulls away then, eliciting a frustrated groan from you.
‘Why’d you stop…’
‘Because I made you breakfast and it’s getting cold mi amor.’
Sitting up, you notice the breakfast tray for the first time. Ona had placed it on your bedside table.
The daisy beside the plate makes you tear up.
‘Thank you Oni. I love it. I love you.’
The brunette gives you that special smile she reserves just for you.
You insist on sharing the food with Ona, who reluctantly agrees.
In between bites of the delicious food, Ona tells you that she had made a reservation at your favourite restaurant for dinner.
‘Gracias mi amor but you didn’t have to do all this.’
Ona shrugs, ‘I wanted to. You deserve to have the best day.’
You blink back tears at the honesty in her statement.
Seemingly unaware of the effect her words have had on you, she continues, ‘What do you want to do today? We can do anything you want.’
‘I-I’m already having the best day. I don’t want the fancy dinner. I don’t need it.’
‘We can go somewhere else. I’m sure I can find somewhere-’ Ona says anxiously.
‘No. You’re not hearing me. I don’t want anything else. I already have everything I need.’
Ona frowns in confusion.
Your voice is gentle when you explain, ‘I have you. I just want to spend my birthday with you.’
‘I just want you, Ona. I just need you.’
Your girlfriend sniffles, pushing the breakfast tray to the side so that she can pull you into a tight hug.
‘Love you. I love you so much.’ She mumbles into your ear.
‘Te quiero más.’ You answer, tucking your face into her neck and inhaling the smell of her shampoo.
Ona kisses you once, twice and then a third time before she’s satisfied.
‘So what do you want to do today?’
‘Stay in bed with you all day? Watch a couple of movies and maybe make out with you a lot?’ You suggest mischievously.
‘Sounds like a great way to celebrate.’ Ona agrees, pulling you in for a deep kiss (a few hours later and she goes much further than just making out).
The Nightmare You Have About Ona Leaving You Again
There are a few moments where it wasn’t always the easiest for you to readjust back to Ona’s presence.
You’d had a nightmare that she had left again, that you were alone once more.
Ona wakes when she feels you tossing and turning. You’re mumbling her name and it’s a startling realisation for her when she feels that your cheeks are wet with tears.
‘I’ve got you. I’ve got you. I’m here mi amor, I’m here.’ Ona soothes, tapping your shoulder to wake you up.
You flinch as you do so, staring at her with wide eyes for a few seconds.
The brunette holds you carefully and she tucks your head under her chin. She lets you calm down, simply holding you close.
‘C-Can I hold you?’ You tentatively ask after a while.
‘Of course.’
Ona readjusts immediately, letting you spoon her.
It’s only in this position, with your arms wrapped around Ona as you listen to the sound of her quiet breaths that you’re able to fall back asleep. (she’s still here, here with you, is the one thought you’d held onto as you drifted off).
Your First Date Back With Ona
‘Hey, are you doing anything tonight?’ Ona asks, twisting the bracelet on her wrist anxiously.
‘No. I’m wide open.’
‘Good. Um…do you maybe want to go on a date? With me?’
You giggle at her shyness.
‘Yes. I would love to go on a date with you mi amor.’
Ona lets out a breath of relief immediately.
Kissing her cheek reassuringly, ‘I’ll love whatever you have planned Ona. Don’t worry about it.’
The brunette blushes and murmurs, ‘Dress warm. I’m taking you outdoors.’
Ona ends up taking you back to the training grounds.
As soon as you’re there, you realise what she has in mind.
The blanket and assortment of snacks that she takes out from the trunk of the car lets you know that you’re right.
Ona’s taking you to stargaze, just like the both of you used to do as teenagers, back in Barcelona.
Lying on a blanket, in the middle of an empty field, you can’t help but hold Ona’s hand and ask, ‘Will you point out the constellations to me again?’
Ona hums agreeably, looking intently up at the clear Manchester night sky for a moment before using her free hand to point at a little cluster of stars.
‘That’s Cassiopeia. Over there is Draco…’
Ona Seeing The Engagement Ring You Bought Her
Ona drops a kiss onto the top of your head.
Her hand finds its way under your sweatshirt (it’s actually Ona’s) and she strokes the skin there gently with her thumb.
‘Do you know what kind of ring you want me to get you?’
You hum contentedly, ‘I’ll love any ring you get me.’
Ona sighs, ‘I know. But do you have any preferences?’
‘Ona. Mi amor.’ You turn around, cradling her face in your hands and kissing her.
‘Look, I promise I will love any ring you get me. Even if it’s just a ring pop from the grocery store. You know me and I trust you.’ You assure her.
The fullback relaxes slightly and you kiss her again.
‘Will it help if I show you the ring I got you?’
Ona stiffens immediately.
Her voice is barely above a whisper when she asks, ‘You kept it?’
‘Yes. Do you want to see it?’
Ona remains lost in her thoughts so you get up and withdraw a shoebox from where it’s hidden, deep inside your clothes closet.
Opening it, you take out a small velvet box.
Ona is still frozen, eyes transfixed upon it.
You set the ring box onto the bed in front of her, leaving the decision to open it up to her.
Your girlfriend (or was it fiancée now that she had unofficially asked you to marry her? you were still waiting on her actual proposal) takes a moment to herself before picking up the box with shaky hands.
She opens it and gasps, covering her mouth with her free hand.
‘It’s beautiful amor. It really, really is.’
Her chocolate brown eyes shine with tears and you find yourself tearing up too.
It’s a simple, elegant ring, set with a diamond in the middle and two smaller pearls on each side of it, Ona’s birthstone.
‘C-Can I wear it?’ Ona stammers.
‘Of course. It’s yours.’
Ona’s hand trembles even more as she takes it out of the box and you cover her hand with yours.
‘Can I put it on for you?’
Ona can’t seem to find the words to express herself so she settles for nodding vigorously.
Sliding the engagement ring onto Ona’s finger, you bring her hand to your lips and kiss it lightly.
When You Find Out Ona Has Abs
You knew Ona was fit. You knew her body was toned. She had always been slim. But what you didn’t know was when exactly Ona got abs.
It was like between one day and the next, they had just appeared on your fifteen year old girlfriend.
And you were obsessed with them (and ridiculously attracted to them).
You don’t know how Ona hadn’t yet figured that out.
Resisting the temptation not to touch them is too hard and you find yourself tracing them as she sleeps.
Resisting the temptation not to look at them is easier so as of late, you had begun looking at the floor tiles of the locker room as Ona changed out of her kits.
This doesn’t go unnoticed by her and eventually she asks you about it.
‘Amor? Did I do something wrong?’
She eyes you anxiously and you frown, ‘No. You’re perfect.’
‘Then why won’t you look at me?’
‘I don’t understand.’
‘You talk to me as I change but you won’t look at me. You used to look at me, maybe I’m just imagining things but you seem to find the floor more interesting than me now.’
‘Lo siento mi amor. I-I just-’
‘You what?’ Ona seems desperate and she sits beside you, on her bed.
‘You’re going to think it’s so silly.’ You guiltily admit. (you knew this was coming, your girlfriend was far too observant, far too attuned to you for her to not have noticed).
‘Amor, nothing you do is too silly for me.’ Ona assures, taking your hand in hers.
‘Y-You have abs.’
Ona nods slowly as if she was trying to understand what you were trying to get at.
‘I think they’re hot and it makes me want to stare at them every time you’re changing. I didn’t know if you would feel comfortable so I tried my best not to look at you.’
Ona laughs loudly.
Your cheeks flush a bright red.
‘Oh mi amor. I love you so much. I love that you’re so respectful of me and my body. But you are my girlfriend and you have my permission to look, to touch, to do whatever you want really. I trust you. I’m comfortable with you.’
Your girlfriend pulls you nearer to her, pressing a kiss onto the side of your head.
‘I’m sorry for worrying you.’
Ona simply giggles and kisses you again.
‘It’s okay.’ She murmurs, in between the kisses that she presses to your cheeks, your nose and your jaw.
Ona Wanting To Reward You For A Goal You Scored
‘So what would you like?’
You blink up at Ona in confusion. The match had just ended and the fullback was still in her kit and cleats.
She sits down beside you with a smile, watching as you strip your socks off.
The Spanish woman keeps looking at you expectantly and you frown.
‘Ona I don’t understand what you’re getting at?’ (you don’t like the feeling of not understanding your girl, it was not a very common one and that made you dislike it all the more).
‘Your reward for scoring that amazing goal.’ She matter of factly explains.
‘Oh! I don’t need one.’
‘Are you sure? Because I am more than willing to do anything you want…’
The way Ona’s voice lowers suggestively on the last sentence, it leaves you with no doubts as to what she’s hinting at.
A bright red blush paints your cheeks and you duck your head, hoping that none of your teammates would spot it, in the crowded locker room.
‘Well an orgasm or two would be nice…’ You whisper and Ona laughs, kissing your cheek affectionately.
‘Just two?’ She asks skeptically.
Your girlfriend leans in closer to murmur in your ear, ‘I can do a lot better than just two…’
Ona’s Proposal
Ona had a ring. With the help of Millie, Laia and Leila, she had chosen it.
She rubs her finger over the ring on her own hand, a habit she had recently developed.
The Spaniard traces the pearls and the diamond, thinking over her plan to propose to you.
It was almost complete, she just needed to do three more things and well the rest was up to you. (she already knew you would say yes but she was still nervous. she thought that was a good thing).
One, requires her to go to a tattoo studio.
She had known what she wanted for a while and now seemed like the perfect time to actually get it done. It would be her engagement gift to you.
Two, she takes you back to Spain. Back to her family home and bedroom where she squeezes into her childhood bed with you.
She pulls you against her chest, leaning against the headboard. Her hand finds yours and her heart skips a beat when you squeeze her hand in return.
‘Do you remember the first time I brought you here?’
‘Yeah. You introduced me to your cheetah.’ (her stuffed cheetah that currently resided in an armchair in your shared Manchester apartment).
Ona giggles.
‘Yes. But that’s not what I remember the most.’
She quietens and you gently play with her fingers, knowing not to push her but let her come out with it.
‘I remember being nervous and anxious. I mean you were the prettiest girl I had ever seen and we had only known each other for a few weeks. I wanted you to like me, I wanted you to want to be my friend.’
‘Well I wanted to be a lot more than just friends.’ You tease and Ona smiles.
She runs her fingers through her hair before softly telling you, ‘What I remember most is Joan saying I looked at you like I wanted to marry you.’
Your breath hitches and she continues, ‘I’m sure he meant it as a joke then. He was just being an idiot who wanted to annoy his sister but his words stuck with me.’
Ona cuddles you a while longer before taking in a deep breath and moving one of your hands to her right wrist. (she had worked hard to keep it hidden from you).
You don’t question her, simply turning her wrist over.
The black initials inked there knock all of the air out of your lungs.
‘Ona. Mi amor. This is, this is too much.’
‘No. It’s not too much. Nothing is too much when it comes to you.’ Ona resolutely tells you.
You gently trace over her new tattoo, her new tattoo of your initials.
There’s tears in your eyes as you stare down at the inside of Ona’s wrist.
They are the reason you almost miss the ring that’s in the open palm of Ona’s other hand.
The sob that you give in response has her soothing you with a kiss placed on the side of your neck.
‘I love you. I want you. I am yours. You are my world and I will never leave you. Wherever you go, I will follow. Your smile means everything to me and I promise I will spend the rest of my life making you smile as much as possible. Will you allow me the privilege of being able to call you my wife? Will you marry me mi amor?’
‘Yes. Yes Ona. There’s nothing I would love more than to be your wife.’
You turn around to kiss her, pouring everything you have into it. Ona responds in like, conveying every ounce of affection, love and relief that she has into it.
‘I love you.’
‘I love you too.’
Ona blinks back tears, carefully sliding the engagement ring onto your hand.
It matches the one you’d given her, except that the pearls were exchanged for your birthstone.
You think that it’s stunning.
The smile on your face can only be rivaled by Ona’s.
How Special Ona Made Your Engagement Ring
You’d been wearing it for a week before you realise Ona had it engraved.
It was only because of safety concerns that you had to remove the engagement ring Ona had given you so that you could train. Wedding rings could be taped up but the stones on the ring meant that taping would be useless.
You hated to take it off but that action allows you to notice the words inscribed inside.
‘I want you.’
Crossing the locker room, to where Ona is chatting with Tooney, you wrap your arm around her waist and lean your head against her shoulder as you wait for her to finish her conversation.
Thankfully Ella doesn’t take long and you have Ona all to yourself.
The brunette doesn’t seem to notice the depth of your emotions. She does however cover your hand on her waist with her own as you both walk out to the training field where the rest of the team is gathering.
It’s not until you have to separate from Ona whereupon you give her an intense kiss and murmur, ‘Thank you, I want you too.’ that she notices.
Ona has to wait until training ends before she act, lacing her fingers with yours.
‘Never doubt that I want you. You’re always going to be my first choice.’
That’s how you end up borrowing the engagement ring you’d given your fiancée and taking it to a jewelry store.
The words, ‘You’re my first choice.’ are engraved on its inside when you give it back to her.
The Day You Marry Ona
Ona’s mother insists that you follow tradition and spend the night before your wedding apart. She also insists that it’s bad luck for either of you to see the other in your wedding dresses before walking down the aisle.
That meant that you wouldn’t see her until it was time to say your vows.
You hadn’t been separated from Ona for this long ever since she came back to you but Ona’s mother was adamant.
It made your heart ache but you knew that it would be worth it.
As it is, you’re barely able to contain your excitement of being able to marry the girl of your dreams. In an hour you were going to be able to call her your wife…
Your makeup and hair are done, your dress already on. You had never been more ready for anything in your life. Millie, your bridesmaid, had left you alone at your request because you just wanted a minute to take it all in. It’s not every day that one of your biggest childhood dreams comes true.
Tracing the initials (Ona’s initials because you couldn’t let her be the only one with a physical reminder) you had just gotten inked on the inside of your right wrist (you planned to show your new tattoo to Ona during your vows), you wonder what Ona would look like in her white dress. She’d be beautiful, you had no doubt about that.
A knock on the door of your dressing room pulls you out of your head and you make to open it only for a quick, ‘No don’t open the door!’
‘Don’t open the door okay?’ Ona says more softly.
You smile, knowing immediately that this was Ona’s way of compromising her mother’s instructions.
There’s some muffled noises outside and then a small, shy, ‘Hi.’
You laugh.
‘Hi Ona.’
She giggles as she leans her head back against the door. The brunette had settled herself comfortably into a seated position, being careful not to crease her wedding dress (she feared her mother’s wrath if she did). She couldn’t wait for you to see her in it.
‘How are you feeling?’ She asks.
‘Really excited. And happy. So so happy. I can’t wait to be your wife mi amor.’ You answer easily, mirroring the other Spaniard’s sitting position on the other side of the door (not that you could see her or she, you, which was the whole point really).
‘I feel the same. I can’t wait to be your wife too.’
You grin and through the door, Ona is doing the same.
‘I missed you last night.’ You tell her.
‘I missed you too.’
Even though you can’t see her, you know there’s a pout on her face.
The two of you sit in a comfortable silence, the knowledge that the other was there, on the other side of the door being more than enough.
Until Ona wonders out loud, ‘Do you think our twelve year old selves knew what they were doing? Like did they ever think they would end up getting married?’
You laugh, ‘No. But I don’t think they would be disappointed. I can’t speak for you but I know my twelve year old self would not believe she would be marrying the most beautiful girl in the world.’
Ona’s smile widens, a breathy laugh escaping her, ‘If you’d told twelve year old me she would be marrying the girl she had been crushing on since she ate the granola bar shared with her, she would never have believed you either.’
‘Yes my love?’
‘I love you.’
Her response is instant.
‘I love you too. More than anything.’
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Spanish Translations:
hermosa - beautiful
mi amor - my love
bon dia - good morning
gracias - thank you
te quiero más - i love you more
amor - love
lo siento - i’m sorry
Catalan Translation:
feliç aniversari - happy birthday
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blue--ingenue · 2 months
"As You're Told"
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Author's Note: i'm hitting our boys with the steel chair in this one. tw for violence i'm so sorry y'all
Read on ao3
His lungs heaved and his legs burned, but he couldn’t stop running. Somewhere in their terrified scramble to dodge Delphi’s hexes he’d lost sight of Albus. The name was at the tip of his tongue, but calling out into the darkness could land him right back at square one. The electrified ropes binding his wrists together flashed and crackled with each slight movement. Despite the searing pain, they were his only light source as he thrust his bonds into the shadows, searching for movement. He wanted to cry. He could feel fat tears burning at the corners of his eyes, but he didn’t dare let them fall. 
Albus. He had to find Albus. They’d taken advantage of Delphi’s momentary distraction as Craig - . His breath caught. Craig’s body had hit the ground, and as she stood above him, admiring her work, they’d made a run for it. The Forbidden Forest had been the closest source of cover, and so they sprinted into the shadows. A flicker of regret whispered at the back of his mind, telling him it’d been a mistake. At least when they were on the pitch, they were together. Now, Albus could be anywhere, so could she. What if she’d already found him? What if - 
No. He couldn’t let himself think of what Delphi would do if she got her hands on Albus again. He pushed it all to the back of his mind. All thoughts of Craig’s empty husk hitting the ground, Albus begging for Scorpius to be left alone - anything except the directive to find Albus was pushed away.
Albus was tired of running. Despite the cocktail of fear and guilt burning through his veins with each exhausted heartbeat, he was enraged. He didn’t think Scorpius was capable of making sounds like the ones forced from his lips as she tortured him. He knew he’d never forget them. Albus wasn’t sure who he hated more at the moment: her, for torturing Scorpius, or himself for putting them in this mess and being powerless to stop her. For now it didn’t matter. He just needed to find Scorpius. Then he could spend the rest of his life trying to make things better. But for now -
A branch snapped behind him. It was the only warning he had before he found himself pinned against a tree. It felt as though a weight was bearing down on his chest, pressing him against the rough bark and making it difficult to draw in a full breath. He struggled against it, but the force only pushed harder.
“You should’ve heard him scream,” a voice lilted from behind him. Albus froze, ears straining to anticipate where she was approaching from.
“I suppose you already have, but those were nothing compared to the sounds he made before I found you.” Delphi’s voice seemed to come from everywhere all at once. “Albus please! Albus, help me!” she crooned. She whipped from around the tree and took his face in her hands. Her nails dug into his skin and he thrashed his head from her grip. Delphi tutted, disappointed, before she thrust a fist into his curls and slammed his head against the tree. Hard.
His world shook with the force of the impact and he saw stars as she released his head. He cried out as he lifted his head. The world around him was soupy and slow. He was hearing everything from underwater, and he duly registered the back of his head was damp where it had struck the tree. The world shifted and slowly coalesced to form a single figure in front of him. Delphi.
“He’s got some fight in him, your little loverboy,” she spat. “I’ve never seen anyone last that long under the cruciatus curse. He was begging for you, you know. Begging for you to help him. And where were you, Albus? In the end, it was practically a mercy killing.”
He looked her in the eyes. Took in her smug grin, teeth bared like a wolf merely playing with its food. “You’re…you’re lying,” he croaked. She had to be. Scorpius couldn’t be- . It wasn’t possible.
The mask fell from her face. “Would it matter if I was? He’ll be dead soon, anyway, if you don’t do as you’re told.”
  For the first time that night, Albus’ defiance wavered. He couldn’t imagine a world without Scorpius in it. Couldn’t fathom it. Maybe he could buy them time? Pretend to go along with her plan, just until someone found them, or they figured something else out. She seemed to read his mind.
“I still don’t think you understand the gravity of the situation,” she whispered into his ear. Albus hadn’t realized she’d moved so close. She pointed her wand at his throat and hissed, “But you will. Imperio.”
Everything fell away and Albus was floating. There was a fog inside his head that chased away the pain and promised that everything would be alright as long as he listened. It was all so easy! He felt the burning ropes dissipate from around his wrists and sighed. The fog was safe. It was warm. It promised everything would be okay. He saw Delphi moving at the corner of his vision, but paid her no mind. Nothing would hurt him, and he was perfectly content to let the fog envelop him until he received his instructions. Delphi concealed herself behind a copse of trees a few meters away.
Call out for him, her voice whispered. He obeyed. It felt good to call out Scorpius’ name, knowing that his best friend would soon emerge and they’d be together again. What a wonderful suggestion. Do it again, and sound scared, came the next order.
Albus didn’t understand why he needed to sound scared, but he didn’t anyway. He just wanted Scorpius to be here. What did it matter what his voice sounded like? Just moments later a figure crashed through the trees, all lanky limbs and soft hair, moonlight-white. Scorpius.
Go to him, the voice coaxed. Albus ran forward, holding his friend by the elbows and gazing at his dirt-streaked face. Even now he was the most beautiful thing Albus had ever seen. A ripple of disgust rolled through the fog in his head, and Albus frowned. Scorpius was saying something, concern etched along his forehead. Albus tilted his head, confused yet intrigued. He wanted to listen to Scorpius, but the voice demanded his attention. Hold his face in your hands, it urged. Be gentle.
This was his favorite instruction by far. Albus placed one hand at the back of his neck, and let the other gently cup his cheek beneath a fresh-blooming cut. Whatever Scorpius had been saying seemed to fall away. He was gaping at Albus, lips parted in shock and brow furrowed in confusion. He rubbed a thumb soothingly against Scorpius’ cheek and threaded his fingers though the soft locks at his nape. “Albus?” he breathed.
The voice’s next instructions were crisp and clear. Put your hands around his throat and squeeze. 
His fingers twitched, but remained in place. Hurt Scorpius? He couldn’t do that. It went against every fiber of his being. Scorpius should never be in pain. Never.
The fog didn’t like that. The voice reared back, and he felt the instructions rattle through his skull: Obey!
Albus’ hands shot out of their own accord and he felt his brain cleave in two. It was as though he were watching someone else entirely. He fought and raged against his own body, but could only watch as the rest of him obeyed the voice. His hands were wrapped around Scorpius’ neck. Hands came up to pry them away, but they were still bound and did nothing more than paw at Albus’ unforgiving grip. Scorpius looked more frightened than Albus had ever seen him. His eyes were blown wide open, cheeks flushed and mouth agape in a desperate bid for air. 
He scrabbled uselessly against Albus’ hold, lips moving in a silent plea for him to stop. A horrible rattling wheeze punctuated each fruitless attempt to prise the fingers choking the life out of him. Albus could feel his pulse jackrabbiting against his palms, frantic and terrified and slowing, slowing, slowing…
Scorpius grew heavier in his grip, and he followed him down as he sunk to the earth. The corners of his eyes were crinkled in pain, lashes fluttering as his eyes slipped closed. His lips were tinged blue. Why were they blue? Scorpius’ lips were always pink. So perfectly pink.
Albus hadn’t noticed he’d been kicking his legs until Scorpius went still beneath him. Fledgling gasps died in his throat as he grew limp. Horrible whines and choked-off whimpers petered out. His bound hands fell away. Soft grey eyes pleaded a silent question, Why?, as a single tear escaped his fluttering eyelids. His eyes rolled back and he convulsed once, twice, and lay still. Completely still.
And still Albus held him, hands wrapped in an iron grip.
The air rushed out of him in one fell swoop, and it took the fog with it. Albus, in shock at the sudden change, remained frozen. Understanding hit him all at once and he pulled his hands away. A sound tore through his throat, half sob and half scream. He scrambled forward on his hands and knees and pulled Scorpius into his arms. He lay still.
“Scorpius?! Scorpius please!” he wailed. He pressed a trembling hand to his too-pale neck, but was shaking too frantically to find a pulse. He recoiled, gasping in horrified, snatched gasps as the moonlight illuminated the angry bruises ringed around his best friend’s neck. Albus swallowed down a sob and pressed an ear to his chest, holding his breath. The silence dragged on. Scorpius lay still. The wind whistled, leaves rustled, and Albus’ world collapsed. And then - 
There. A weak thump. And then another. “Scorpius,” he sobbed brokenly. “Scorpius please, I’m sorry!” He cradled him in his arms, hands frantically brushing soft strands of blond hair from his deathly pale face. “Please come back!” he wailed. The air shifted behind him.
“Remember this. Next time, he won’t come back. Remember this feeling, and do exactly. As. You. Are. Told.”
Albus was confused, barely registering her words through his grief and terror. He barely heard her whisper rennervate before Scorpius was coughing and spluttering in his arms. Tears of relief blurred his vision, but when he blinked them away, Scorpius looked terrified. The blue tinge was fading from his lips, but as Albus watched he twisted himself from his grip. Albus couldn’t bear the look on Scorpius’ face. He reached out a hand to comfort him, but he flinched violently away, curling in on himself. His gaze flicked between Delphi and Albus like a frightened animal caught in a trap.
Albus felt something give within him. He didn’t even react as Delphi recast the burning ropes around his wrists. As she ordered them to march back toward the quidditch pitch, time turner in hand, he saw Scorpius inch toward him ever-so-slightly. Almost imperceptible, but it was there. Their gazes met, and he could tell that Scorpius understood. He seemed to understand Delphi had used the Imperius curse. Scorpius leveled him with a look of understanding, of forgiveness. Albus looked away, guilty. He would never forgive himself.
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chevvy-yates · 10 months
got tagged by @alphanight-vp. Thank you sm 🤍
As I got four boys I will only pick Ryder for now, as I assume he's the secret crowd favorite. If it happens I get tagged again I'll pick another as I do not have the energy to do all four atm.
Decided to let Ry answer. All in italic is what he thinks for himself as further answers as he usually doesn't like these sort of rather boring and timewasting questioning and even more so doesn't tell that to strangers. So it's not a must to let the oc speak but I felt like doing it for this one. It's just Ryder thinks a lot for himself especially with strangers. He holds back his true wants and interests very often and only gives harsh answers to them that don't tell much about him.
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"You scanned me, right? It says 'Ryder' — and that is how you are allowed to call me. No last name, Just Ryder. Is all you need to know." — I'm a fucking von Scharfenberg, some high royal German Corpo. If I would spit that into your face you would probably only laugh and your answer would be "This is a joke right?". Kein Scherz, I'm the son of the CEO of Militech. The useless boy who disappeard several years ago. I had reasons enough to leave this shitty live.
"You are a rando so for you I am still 'Ryder', ist das klar?" — My nickname is 'Ry' but I only allow my closest friends and loved ones to call me like that. Thyjs calls me 'snoep' and I think that sounds beautiful. He only says it when we are just for us. So ein Süßi.
"Cis male."
"It spans 210–240° ecliptic longitude under the constellation of Scorpius, so it's Scorpio." — Sometimes though I feel like a cancer in a leather jacket rather than a true Scorpio.
"I'm 1,88m tall. Translate it to inches, feet or whatever you count in by yourself." — Why can't this world have a consistent meassurement system? Geht mir so auf die Nüsse! Apple hat's doch auch vor gefühlt 50 Jahren geschafft Thunderbolt dem USB-C Standard anzupassen und heut' gibts das nicht mal mehr!
"Gay. Top only."
"I rarely eat fruits. They are expensive as fuck these days."
"Clearly Fall. I like the wet rainy air way more than hot sweaty summers."
There we go— the standard questions are popping up once again. Wieso jetzt Blumen? This is getting lame. — "I always forget the name. Ask Thyjs, not me. He knows it for sure. It's pretty. Dark purple is all I can remember."
"The smell of a thick dark and green German forest. Cedarwood, moss and earthy scents. That paired with rain? Beste!" — I miss that a lot. — "If you want to know a fragrance instead: Aramis. Its notes? Like the way I'm smelling for you right now minuse the cigarette smoke." — I see you start sweating. Unübersehbar. Aramis never fails.
TEE? — "Brudi, Tee kommt mir gar nicht in die Tüte! Give me a fucking beer! Faust. Astra. Or a Tannenzäpfle. Man, I even take your lousy American beer or a Heinaken if I have to but please — no fucking tea!" — Coffee in the morning is alright though and gets me going.
"Man, why always these lame questions? Fucking hell. I do not track my sleep. If I sleep, I fucking sleep! If it's 4 or 8 hours – I do not care!" — To be honest, I rarely got a good sleep – not before Thyjs came into my life as he distracts me a lot. I mean if I found sleep, i slept, but there's been a time I slept like two hours and I needed booster meds to stay awake. Beast pounds almost 24/7 in my head — try find some sleep with it. almost impossible …
-Sighs rather agressively- These questions are getting on my nerves. — "Dogs."
SEH ICH SO AUS ALS WÜRD ICH DAS NEM RANDO WIE DIR MITTEILEN WOLLEN!? -tries to stay calm- — "Just be somewhere alone with my soldier visiting several spots in Europe. Where is none of your business." — I would love to show Thyjs where I've grown up and played as a kid. Back then life was easy and carefree. I would love to see Amsterdam. Love to travel up to Sweden or Norway and see the Aurora Borealis, have a great look at the stars as Night City's massive lighting during the night blocks nearly ever star up there. I miss Berlin and the clubbing there. Want to go back and lay down onto the old tarmac at Tempelhof. Explore old ruins along the Rhein and I want to do it all with my soldier.
"None. Don't read. Not much of a tv or movie fan either." — I wasn't allowed to read or watch anything that has to do with 'fandom' as it was only distraction and nonsense. I was told TV programs are there to keep people dumb and busy from looking away from what happens in the world and from edjucating themselves. But once I met V and he did his 80s retro movie nights I liked Indiana Jones a lot.
"Next question!" — Only one blanket and Thyjs in between. At least for a bit because we separate fast as the heat, our bodies emmit, becomes too much waking us up all the time. But I love to fall asleep with him this way. He calms me and it's like he pushes Beast into a corner, silences it for a while just by his presnece. No one else is able to do that.
"What would you do if I told you I am a cyberpsycho?" — -stares at you with a steady gaze and bared teeth- Now, pack your things an go before it gets worse. I'm holding back already.
@imaginarycyberpunk2023, @elvenbeard, @morganlefaye79, @ouroboros-hideout, @aggravateddurian, @dreamskug, @wraithsoutlaws, @gloryride @cherryrockpops and @streetkid-named-desire
as always not a must and idk if u been tagged already or not, but feel free to do anytime, especially if you got more blorbos than one!
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potter-weasley-lupin-malfoy clan vlogging
@scrxpz :)
when phones are first introduced into the wizarding world, harry buys one and begins taking ridiculous amounts of photos of the wotter clan, all of which are printed out and stuffed into "the picture book" which is a collection of all the pictures taken.
james loves stealing harry's phone for pictures and eventually figures out how to film videos. he takes videos of random shit - teddy changing his hair color, victoire braiding the dominique's hair, albus and scorpius snuggling in perhaps the gayest fashion possible together on the couch, etc. harry eventually relents and buys a family phone so that they can all take videos, and hence, the vlogs begin.
shortly after they've begun their vlogging, harry says that they could technically upload them to the muggle internet if they're careful about teddy's metamorphmagus powers, pots cleaning themselves, etc. all the kids love this idea and make an account labeled "the weasels" which is where all of their videos go.
james always volunteers to film, but he is notorious for not holding the camera straight and catching anything but what's meant to be filmed.
teddy goes through all of the videos before they're posted and makes sure that there's no magic in them.
the kids take turns with the family phone and when they can't be together, they'll film little tidbits of their life in their homes.
albus is the best at filming, but scorpius constantly distracts him and they all end up having to do it again.
all of the videos are genuine, and half the time, their most popular ones weren't meant to be filmed.
sometimes, when a person can't be there, teddy will fill their place.
the internet raves over the weasels and absolutely adores their dynamics, although some things are a bit speculative ("anyone noticed the giant hoops in one of the backyards?" "why do they have a closet full of brooms? their house isn't that dusty.." "they don't have a dishwasher!" "am i crazy or did i see an owl at the window at 4:39 in the video?")
some videos are very short and simple, like hugo talking about a flower he found outside or roxanne complaining about fred's antics.
when the account was newly made, people kept asking for a family tree because fuck, is that family huge. because nobody can remember what kid belongs to what parent, they link it in every video.
teddy x victoire is a very popular ship among the muggles on the internet and it drives victoire insane.
same thing with albus x scorpius, which honestly, nobody was surprised about, causing both albus and scorpius to be insanely embarrassed because they thought nobody suspected them.
occasionally, draco & astoria or andromeda will pop in one of the videos and the comments will be flooded with "the family can't get much bigger, can it?"
their most popular video is the whole family going to an amusement park. it features teddy and victoire secretly getting filmed while going on a "date" (teddy offered to pay for victoire's ice cream)
harry is dubbed "everyone's favorite uncle" because he got teddy a motorcycle for his eighteenth birthday and he has a pet snake.
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headcanonandburn · 1 year
Headcanons about the Weasley Potters i found on Reddit
That Albus Severus' family were completely accepting of him being in Slytherin, and James would threaten while Lily would hex anyone who said othewise.
-They were also fine with the fact that him and Scorpius Malfoy were best friends, and this was the reason Harry became determined to get on somewhat OK terms with Draco. He succeeded, and the Potter residence is like a second home for Scorpius (not to mention that James is extremely overprotective over him, since he believes him and Albus are meant to be and that he'll get over Rose soon enough).
-Harry cries every year on May 2, and Ginny has to assure him there's nothing he could've done. He couldn't have pulled Fred out of the way, he couldn't have defeated Dolohov so Remus wouldn't have to duel him, he couldn't have kept Tonks at home, he couldn't have caught Lavender when she fell off the balcony or stopped Fenrir from getting to her, he couldn't have made sure Colin had gotten on the train, couldn't have distracted Vodemort and gotten Snape out so he could tell them everything. They both know it's a lie, that he could've done those things, but he didn't know and it breaks both of them.
-For his 11th birthday, James got an owl, and it looked exactly like Hedwig, a bittersweet coincidence. What he didn't know was that it was one of her grandkids, as she had mated with another Snowy Owl in 6th year, seemingly knowing her time was coming. -Albus' ferret is something Harry always reminds Draco of whenever he gets the chance. Albus himself didn't get what was so funny until Scorpius mentioned in passing that his father had been turned into one by Barty Crouch Jr and he nearly spit out his orange juice. -Dean and Seamus adopted a girl when she was two, and she went on to date James. It's somewhat of a tradition to bet which one of them will kiss the Gryffindor seeker, either on a dare or because of their true feelings, and if the other will break a glass afterward. They dated from 4th year up until their marriage, so needless to say, everyone lost.
-Lily's bat-boogey hex is even better then her mother's; some poor boys who were hitting on her found out the hard way, not to mention, to add insult to injury, got a hard lecture from both Potter boy's afterward.
-Harry has seen the Mirror of Erised only once after first year, when it was brought into his Department to get inspected. When he looked into it, he saw himself, his wife, his kids and their friends, as well as his old schoolmates and those who had taken him in he still remembered or kept in touch with. Nothing very unusual. However, it expanded, and he also saw his parent's, and Cedric and Cho happily married, Sirius next to his dad while Remus and Tonks stood with her parent's, including a content Ted behind a smiling Teddy, Mad-Eye with the Weasley's, Fred and George both with their trademark mischievous grins, a blonde girl with a purple headband blowing a kiss, an all-too-familiar camera flash from "the one who should've taken those pictures", a slightly happy? looking Snape with a peaceful Dumbledore next to Ariana and Aberforth, together once again, and above it all, a snowy-white owl, flying high. It was no wonder the other's found him staring into it still, an hour later, a faraway look in his eyes.
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tomjamesavery · 6 months
Dinner Revelations Written for the Ginnyversary Bingo Challenge with the prompt: I20 — "She went to the toilet and on her way back, opened the wrong door." Read on: AO3
Ginny was in a wonderful mood, it was Friday afternoon and they were just getting ready for a long awaited Potter-family dinner.
She stepped into the dressing room, looking through her clothing, she wanted to go for something classy for the night. Pulling a long black dress from the dresser she eyed the garment carefully, before she took a red one out as well, comparing the two pieces.
Eventually deciding on the black one, which would perfectly work with the new pair of dark grey Jimmy Choo’s, Harry had gotten her for her birthday two weeks ago.
She stepped into their bedroom, where her husband was getting ready as well, currently struggling with the buttons on his white shirt. “You need to stop putting on muscle!” Ginny giggled, ogling her husband “Or we’ll have to get you a new drawer soon.” She joked, earning her a rude hand gesture from Harry.
“It’s just my button-downs.” Harry declared. “I bought them just after finishing School, and well, I’ve grown out of them.” He stretched his arms, as he managed to finally close the top button, earning him a wolf whistle from Ginny.
She focused her concentration back on her own clothing as she stepped into her dress, feeling the silky garment fall around her body perfectly. “I am happy Scorpius is joining us tonight, especially with the news of Astoria being so sick, the boy needs some distraction.” Ginny started. “ And I can understand him wanting to spread his wings a bit now, he and Al will be turning 16 soon, and I noticed there’s something between them.” She explained, gesturing for Harry to help her with the zipper of the dress.
“For as oblivious I normally am when it comes to things like that, I’ve noticed it too,” Harry admitted, as he pulled up the zipper on her back. “Those boys have become more than friends, but maybe they haven’t realized that yet.” He finished, as Ginny stepped away from him, letting her long red hair fall back over her back.
She could feel his eyes on her body, as she gave him a little spin. “Well, let's see what happens tonight, it’s quite the romantic setting.” She joked. “Minus the entire family being there of course.”
She finished her turn as she faced Harry, who swallowed as his eyes wandered up and down her body, making her grin.
“Less drooling more dressing, come on, we have to leave in ten minutes, Jamie and Lils are probably already waiting downstairs.” She told him, before she slowly leaned in, now whispering in his ear. “I promise, you can peel it off me as soon as we’re home.” With that sentence she turned, smirking, as she left a drooling Harry staring after her. “I’ll be waiting downstairs!”
The dinner was a loud affair, the restaurant they had booked had a fancy dress code, and the entire family was dressed up fancily.
Ginny watched as James and Lily were bickering over something and shot her husband a grateful look as he only rolled his eyes, trying to sort out whatever they were fighting over.
Other than some classic Potter family infighting, the evening had been relatively uneventful, yet she could feel the tension that lingered between her second-oldest son and his best friend. The two boys had barely spoken throughout the evening, and now Albus had excused himself to the loo, while Scorpius had left to get them all some lemonade at the restaurant bar.
“No, you are a skrewt!”
“No, you are one!”
Ginny sighed as James and Lily continued their bickering, Harry unable to control their spawn, and she decided she needed a loo break as well, even if just for the momentary silence.
She got up, just avoiding a flying handkerchief Lily had chucked towards James and missed. Goodness, she thought, when would those two ever grow up?
She quickly found the toilet, swiftly doing her business before she went to wash her hands at the sink. Her thoughts drifted towards Al and Scorpius again, the two of them hadn't returned yet, maybe they had a fight, or maybe they were trying to keep some distance. She turned off the water, drying her hands on the paper towels to her left.
It all did seem rather odd she thought, Ginny knew 16 could be a complicated age, but still, those boys had been best friends from the day they met on the Hogwarts Express, and of course there had been fights, like with every friendship, but this… tension… was new.
She was so lost in her thoughts that as she stepped from the room to go back, instead of going back through the door on her left, towards the dining area, she accidentally went straight, pushing open the door to the men’s bathroom, not expecting what she would find behind it.
She snapped out of her thoughts as her mouth almost fell open and she had to suppress a loud gasp of happiness. Just in front of her, leaning against one of the stalls, there was her second oldest son, only that he wasn’t alone, but closely entangled with his blond-haired best friend, who it seemed, was currently snogging his brains out.
Ginny reacted fast, swiftly spinning back around and silently shutting the door behind her. She couldn’t believe it, she had been right, there was more between them, so much more. She quickly held still to listen if the boys had noticed her, but it seemed they were too preoccupied with their mouthy activities.
Ginny simply couldn't contain her grin as she paced back towards the dining area, that was a new development she couldn't wait to follow.
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gryffindorkus · 8 months
I know I promised weekly updates on Scorpius Malfoy vs. The World but I got EXTREMELY distracted by a passion project last week (I wrote 90k in 10 days like holy shit). BUT now that the first draft of that is done I'm going to shift focus for a few days to get the next chapter of SMvTW out and get back on my weekly update schedule!
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dangermousie · 1 year
Farscape Rewatch: Die Me, Dichotomy, 2x22
First off, what a great title! But also Die Me, Dichotomy is both one of my favorite episodes and one that turns me into a blubbering mess even on rewatch. Arguably, John at the end of the ep, thinking Aeryn is dead and it’s his fault (he never ever excuses himself and takes the easy way out; the doctor tells him he was not in control so it’s not his fault and he rejects it), Scorpius victorious, John not even able to speak but just to scream, is the lowest he gets (though I suppose you can make an argument for DWTB. Farscape’s end of seasoners were always brutal).
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  In fact, I can never watch DMD without popping in S3’s opener Season of Death soon after (apt name, isn’t it? Season three is even darker than two). I came to Farscape in Season 4, so I can only imagine how insane it must have been to wait over the hiatus for continuance. You know what occurred to me on this rewatch? Why do Moyans simply not tie and sedate Crichton from the start? Fine, they don’t realize how truly dangerous he is and don’t realize he can sabotage the ship, kill any one of them etc etc…But he is clearly not only a loose cannon at that point, he is also in a horrendous amount of psychic pain (man is shaking and mumbling and falling apart even as Aeryn holds him), not to mention is self-harming all over the place: the scene where he looks at himself in the mirror and sees Scorpy so he smashes it through but mirror ‘reappears’ and he keeps smashing and smashing and smashing, and Aeryn comes and sees him basically breaking his hand on a brick wall because of course the mirror is long gone. 
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Interesting parallel of course, to Aeryn in The Way We Weren’t, where she was the one ‘making hamburger’ out of her hands and John was her voice of sanity. But that is the thing: Aeryn was upset, you can talk it out. Crichton is certifiably insane, and you can’t talk it out at all. Aeryn’s ‘walk it off’ approach where she tries to be the pep coach telling him he is strong and ‘I need you to face reality’ is not working because John is NOT in any way in control of himself. I feel for Aeryn tremendously there. John is not just the man she loves, but he is, for all the Moyans in a way, a little rationality check, and it’s gone completely (never to be reassembled fully again btw). I suppose they don’t sedate him because they are just overwhelmed with everything else that is going on: burnt Moya, Jothee’s back etc etc. And also, because except for Zhaan (who has her own take and brand of insanity, but is also the most distracted; and in fact the chip explores her weakness to break free - I think one of the reasons she sacrifices herself to bring Aeryn back in s3 is because of guilt she feels since it was because of her Chip in control of John got out and Aeryn died), they are all much too pragmatic/practical to really get the danger of a mental collapse and foe because it’s not something physical to shoot at. At least not until it’s too late. But if this is Crichton at his lowest, I have rarely loved Aeryn more than I do here. She has to be strong and together in some horrible circumstances, and the fact that she chooses to tell him she loves him at this juncture (where he is off the edge of despair) is mind bogglingly awesome. But this is Farscape, so we never get what we want even when we get it. Aeryn telling John she loves him is something I wanted to hear for years and as she was saying it, I was cringing away and covering my eyes, because she doesn’t know it, but Crichton is already gone, and now it’s the chip in control so she is spilling her heart to the disgusting abomination of shadow Scorpius. She is so vulnerable there and you can tell how the chip is delighting in ‘playing along’ and toying and UGH. When he uses all these seemingly romantic lines but it’s the gross perversion of every feeling John has ever felt about her, and he delights in ruining something that was a light for John in all that horror. 
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And when he knocks her out instead of kissing her and licks her face going “that’s my girl.” That is a sheer level of wrong, of horror, that is worse than the Aurora Chair for me because this is so utterly a negation of everything John is and everything he feels for Aeryn and just - this is an ep that keeps cranking up the awfulness and does not stop.
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And John telling Aeryn he loves her, in words? Even though neither we the audience, nor the Moyans, nor Aeryn herself, were in doubt for ages? So great, right? It comes during the scene where I always cry: Aeryn’s funeral. Honestly, that whole sequence and the sequence leading to it, kill me. Because Aeryn flying after John, who is completely taken over by the chip, and you know, that no matter the cost to herself, she will shoot him down because she knows John would rather be dead than in Scorpius’ hands. And the chip, wrecking her plane, and so she has to bale out, but she is descending not on solid ground but a frozen lake and her thrusters will melt it…I start sobbing when the chip tells her of that fact ‘in deference to that part of Crichton which still cares.’ 
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And then, nothing else could have made Crichton temporarily free of the hold of the chip but the sheer horror and loss and enormity make him break through and his desperate ‘baby, you are not going to die like this’ makes me sniffle no matter how many times I see it, just as Aeryn’s accepting calm does (she is always a pessimistic fatalist, isn’t she? And combat trained. We see it in Prayer in S4 very starkly, but it’s here as well). 
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And he sits there, helpless, knowing that he had done this, he has caused the death of the person he loves more than anything, and for whom he is willing to sacrifice anything, his soul and Earth included. And OMG, when she tells him ‘I meant what I said in the neural cluster [I love you]. I hope you did’ and you realize he has no idea what she is talking about, he doesn’t know she told him she loved him, he doesn’t understand her last words I…I…I…I…And then she sinks through the ice but she fights to the surface a time or two and he is trapped there, unable to do anything but watch and there are tears in his eyes, and his stare is utterly blind and he whispers ‘What have I done’ and you can tell he is so numb he is beyond numbness.
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And then the funeral, with that music and his face…it’s utter self-loathing (though none of it is his fault. It is not his fault he was tortured and chipped, after all) and a frozen sort of grief. And then OMG, he is cuffed and he asks D’Argo for his knife and he goes to the coffin and I seriously thought he was going to off himself and he looks like he wants to, he stares at the knife, but that’s the thing, he can’t…the chip won’t let him. But also, being Crichton, he probably thinks it’s not punishment enough. And instead, he awkwardly cuts a lock of her hair, and tells her “Aeryn, forgive me. I love you.” For the first time. OK, I am getting wet-eyed again.
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And then (I love how Aeryn’s death snapped him so much the chip can’t get control any more, though a darker interpretation is the chip doesn’t care any more since it already signaled Scorpius), he goes for the surgery and when Doc tells him he has to temporarily cut his speech center (and Crichton, more than anyone else, is all about words) he says ‘go ahead, there isn’t anyone I want to talk to anyway.’ This season has broken him down so completely.
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And when he is asked (they can be removed) he keeps all memories of Aeryn and I love that so much, I love that he will never take the easy way out, that he will rather live with the horror of his guilt and pain of losing her than not remember her. And of course, then, he is left on the operating table, screaming, not able to talk, Scorpius walking off with the removed chip, leaving John to be destroyed by fruitless search for revenge. 
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You know, I don’t think Scorpius gets John as yet (neither does Harvey, not for a long time). It’s not hate or revenge that moves Crichton, it’s love. Yes, he would kill Scorpius if he came across him, but if Aeryn wasn’t dead, he would never go looking for him. He is obsessive, true (a way to displace and deflect, IMO), and his obsession makes him a loose cannon without Aeryn as focus (see late S3) but revenge is not his default obsession. Perhaps Scorpius is thinking John is like himself and in a way it’s a twisted compliment. Oh, and I realized something. In order for John to break through chip in DMD when Aeryn is dying, chip must have allowed John to watch all this while helpless. Yikes. (As contrasted with neural cluster when he seems not to have remembered anything at all). Talk about sadistic. Oh, and a final comment: I love that even in such an extremity as he is in DMD, John doesn’t want to be saved if it means killing the frozen Interons. It’s not pure goodness though, it is a deep sense of unworthiness of anyone’s death for him. Oh, and Stark’s proposal to Zhaan? Melts my knees to butter. Melts Zhaan’s too.
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PS Because I am a packrat for quotes and things, I saved a quote from the long-defunct TWOP’s recap/analysis for this episode which discusses why it’s named what it’s named. It’s perfection.  “I know he wants to die; I know he's split in half. I know one side of him burns like the sun and the other is cramped and bound by darkness. I know he dies three times, in three different ways, and they all have to do with the other side of himself: he becomes Harvey; he loses Aeryn; he loses wormholes, the ability to beg for forgiveness, or pity, or death. I know that the only thing worse than losing speech is losing the desire to speak. I know he begs for death in every way he can throughout the episode. I know that the only thing that keeps him alive is hate, which is a kind of death. I know Aeryn didn't even consider the possibility, because she believes in him so strongly. I know watching it kind of makes you want to die. It's a two-part process, a dichotomy of soul and spirit. If he would lay down his life for her, then the one you mourn is the one that lived.”
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capitalisticveins · 1 year
D(a)emon Headcanons (Ft Starlight, Freelancer, and Precious)
Again, I call Regulus’ listener “Precious” because I really don’t know their nickname
- Gavin flosses 4 times a day
- Avior wears glasses with chains attached
- Warden has worn the same flower crown for so long that it’s dead, nobody has the heart to tell them
- Scorpius fakes his accent
- Whenever Freelancer wants to sleep in, and Caelum won’t let them, they open their phone, go onto Youtube Shorts, and show him someone playing Subway Surfers.
- This distracts him for 10 minutes to 3 hours, and usually ends the 3rd time he sees Family Guy.
- Avior has never had coffee, so when he and Starlight planned on going to the coffee shop, he was actually looking forward to it
- Vega loves Regina George from Mean Girls.
- Cam has a Zen garden, it’s his pride and joy
- Gavin ADORES jelly donuts
- Regulus can draw…like..scaringly good
- Whenever he modifies memories, Scorpius usually steals some traumatizing memories as well
- Warden loves Zootopia
- Gavin only knows “pecs” as “tits”
- If your version of Cam has long hair, he wears it in a ponytail
- One of them has a badass spear, I just don’t know which
- Avior uses cable boxes to watch TV
- Caelum doesn’t know his ABCs, or how to talk telepathically
- Caelum watches PBS kids
- Scorpius has a dress somewhere and it looks SO damn good on him
- Delphinus has the calmest smile ever
- Warden has never fed on sadism, they didn’t know it was something they could do. They hated doing it for the first time with Vega.
- Scorpius plays tic tac toe with himself and hates it when he loses
- Vega has a chipped horn
- Avior CANNOT jump rope
- He WILL fall on his face after being caught on it
- Warden can only jump rope if they do it backwards
- Due to the way Regulus grips his pencils, he can only draw traditionally
- Despite popular belief, Cam prefers Lemon Tea
- Gavin microwaves water just to piss off Damien, especially if there’s a kettle in front of him
- When Warden first coalesced, their first words were incoherent and LOUD. They were just taking in the beauty of Aria for the first time and didn’t know how. Their steward/ess was concerned about them. They got embarrassed when they realized what was going on.
- Scorpius hates streaming sites purely because of their raising prices
- Caelum was forced to soap his mouth out after one of his older brothers’ tricked him into saying “comé mierda” to Delphinus. He thought it meant “I love you”
- Warden uses Instagram reels
- Vega only talks telepathically because he bites his tongue with his sharp teeth so often he took a vow of physical silence
- Avior hates fantasy books because of how much they get wrong
- Cam and Warden used to have tea time on Wednesdays before they decided to “rehabilitate” Vega
- Regulus can’t operate a camera
- Caelum likes to pretend to be a dinosaur and have Cam try to defeat him
- Gavin has a unicorn onesie somewhere in his closet he wears to sleep with Freelancer
- Warden always blushes when they smile. It’s not a romantic thing, their cheeks just go red.
- If your Warden is darker skinned, their pupils expand when they smile.
- Scorpius has broken covert for fun, like, 7 times
- Regulus uses Tarot Cards on himself. The first time he used them, his future was the “6 of Lovers: Attraction, Upside Down”^1
- Avior does the Velma “My glasses! I can’t see without my glasses!” thing whenever Starlight steals them. He doesn’t need them, but he likes how they look
- Regulus likes to kiss Precious’ hand as a romantic gesture 
- Warden wears glasses for fun, inspired by another inchoate demon they befriended
- Vega refuses to call bananas “berries” and glares at anyone who does
- Cam believes in astrology
- So does Caelum
- Delphinus is TALL, I’m talking 6’11
- Gavin wears shirts with boob windows, if it wasn’t obvious enough
1: Infatuation, Passing fancy, Lust
Taglist: @ryn-halo26
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sweet-s0rr0w · 2 years
Six Sentence Monday?
Thanks for tagging me @maesterchill and @tackytigerfic, you lovely optimistic people. I'm afraid I'm in a bit of a state about my writing, can't seem to form sentences anymore and just got a few things I'm sort of dabbling at here and there. In hope that I may one day post again, here's a silly couple of paragraphs from a post-mpreg fic I've been poking about with for a while.
They’d only touched on the subject once, things being how they were. It had been in John Lewis, of all places, the two of them strolling unseeing past rows and rows of strange looking Muggle contraptions, everything new enough that Draco’s breath still caught when Harry’s fingers brushed against his sleeve. Harry had worn a Glamour, of course, although at four months he was hardly showing, and Draco – uncomfortable enough in this strange new territory – couldn’t swallow his envy at the other couples browsing, the loud-voiced dads-to-be in cream-coloured sweaters and the tall, elegant women clutching at their arms.
What should we call him, then? Harry had asked, words low and deliberately casual, as they stood in front of a charmingly arranged nursery scene. His eyes were on the bunting which hung over the cot: A-M-E-L-I-A it read, each letter made up of tiny hearts, and Draco, blindsided, had stumbled over his response at first, and then gone quiet and still. Harry’s hand drifted towards the concealed swell of his own belly, until, looking for distraction, he’d bent to pick up a stuffed rabbit instead.
I wondered about Scorpius, Draco had offered eventually, his voice wavering as the word passed his lips, like laying his heart out on the pastel-coloured rug beneath their feet. Harry hadn’t answered directly, but had brought the bunny up in front of his face. Purebloods, am I right? he'd asked it, expression serious, although his voice was horribly fond, and then a man in a suit had called out the number on their ticket, and swept them up into a nightmarish whirlwind of travel systems and baby monitors, and Draco hadn’t bothered to bring it up again. There would be months to worry about all that, after all.
Now the rabbit was at home – in Harry’s empty house, propped up in a corner of the baby’s empty cot.
“Baby Potter,” Draco says quietly. “That’s what they’re calling him. For now.”
Tagging @the-starryknight, @onbeinganangel, @graymatters, @skeptiquewrites, @nv-md, @makeitp1nk, @pineau-noir, @shealwaysreads, @lqtraintracks as well as my lovely artist friends @bluebutter-art, @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm and @caroll-in, plus anyone else who fancies it!
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sandee4eyes · 2 years
So I actually liked the design of the Scorpius Rex and its roar is awesome but I never got how it actually differed from the Indominus.
Okay so it's uglier. It climbs and it's a bit more violent with how it kills. But I-Rex also killed for sport so?? How was Scorpius a failure but Indominus wasn't?
Wu makes a big deal in his video diary about how it's "docile one minute and aggressive the next", so I thought we'd get a scene where it's about to kill a camper and suddenly goes into playful & blissfully ignorant animal mode. Not like the Indoraptor playing dead and toying with its food, but genuinely just vibing with a human, making them suuuuper uncomfortable and terrified beyond belief, before it gets super defensive and violent at the snap of a twig or the blink of an eye. How damn scary and tense would that be?? I would have loved to see that! But they never utilise that. It just gets distracted by fire, or prioritises chasing down its rival Scorpius whenever it hears a distant roar. We never see it NOT being aggressive, so what was the point in that line?
Basically I think Scorpius is a cool idea but is never used in a way that's different than any of its successors. In terms of plot elements, it's just another Indominus. Another Toro. Another Rexy. Except it can climb and there's two of it. Oh yeah, and poison quills
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