#Constance is another instance of the wah wah crust system being pegasi dung
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randomnameless ยท 1 month ago
Checking Constance's Supreme support :
Constance asks Supreme Leader to help her restore her house, as soon as their C support :
It's a small thing regarding my house. I thought Your Highness might bend some slight effort toward seeing it restored from nothing.
Supreme Leader replies that given the present circumstances, she can't do a lot :
I had a feeling that was it. I wish I could help, but you must understand my present circumstances...
(even if we know that, by that time, she already was the one who appointed Emile in Hrym!)
So while Constance tries to impress her with her magic tricks like rainbow tea, Supreme Leader's support goes on more important territory :
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Note the "I would like to talk with you about" that replaced the "I want to know".
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It's more explicit in the jp version, but apparently, Supreme Leader tells Constance that she can expect more than "being an ally and a friend and getting along with magical research" if she... reveals her secret about House Nuvelle.
Otherwise, there's nothing she can do as the Imperial Princess?
The "if you expect more, you need to be prepared" really sounds like one of Fraud's lines : they will use their influence/help the other party... only if said other party reveals some piece of intel they'd like to know.
The explicit confirmation happens in the B convo :
I am ready to enlighten you regarding the secret that House Nuvelle has kept for generations.
The cat's out of the bag :
You have my gratitude. You will be rewarded for taking such a drastic measure.
Constance will receive, supposedly, Supreme Leader's help to restore House Nuvelle, not because they are friends and all, but only because she accepted to reveal the secret about Noa's crest.
I know it didn't came through the script and/or the playthroughs of FE16, but I'm more and more wondering if Fraud and Supreme Leader having similar methods - at least here - and sort of similar goals (I mean, for the ones involving the CoS and the evil lizard lady) wasn't something the devs banked on in FE16, which led them to write Nopes' Fraud the way he is written, but without his epiphany from the timeskip.
Something like, with Billy, Fraud stops being a bootleg copy of Supreme Leader and """grows""", but before, they're two peas in a pod - which is something Nopes highlights.
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The JP version confirms that House Nuvelle isn't a, uh, very close-knit family, they marry people who aren't from their circle, but the "not bring Nuvelle's blood into other families" to me means that the children born of any union is a member of House Nuvelle, to make sure the Noa line wouldn't be spread out.
Granted, Supreme Leader already knew the secret of the House was tied to the crest of Noa, maybe it was something Uncle told her and she wanted confirmation? Or it was something shared in the Imperial Family?
Interesting... I always had the inkling that the six noble houses were eager to see House Nuvelle fall.
And yet, per Constance and Nopes!Lorenz's words, it was Ionius who ended the House, not any of the Six Great Houses...
Also, why would they want to get rid of House Nuvelle if it had little to no influence in Adrestia, nor allies?
Is the Crest of Noa so important - bar Chalice shenanigans - that it'd make other Houses upset? IDK.
but if the nuvelles are nabatean hybrids through Noa herself, it'd make more sense for Uncle or even Ionius to get rid of them
oh well, another thing left to the 10k years of lore.
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