#The Book of Wisdom
namitha · 1 year
Like osho said be grateful to everyone, because everybody is creating a space for you to be transformed - even those who think they are obstructing you, even those whom you think are enemies. Your friends, your enemies, good people and bad people, favorable circumstances, unfavorable circumstances, all together they are creating the context in which you can be transformed and reach your highest potential. Be grateful to all. To those who have helped, to those who have hindered, to those who have been indifferent. Be grateful to all, because all together they are creating the context in which greatness is achieved, in which you can become the best version of yourself.
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danielinza-blog · 1 month
Un universo literario te espera en la gran biblioteca del mañana
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gingermintpepper · 23 days
I think, perhaps one of the funniest things to come from EPIC popularising the Odyssey is that now a ton of people think Poseidon wanted to kill Odysseus.
In the Odyssey, Poseidon has no intention of killing Odysseus. In fact, part of the whole reason Zeus lets Poseidon do whatever he wants even though he thinks Odysseus is rad and should get to kiss his wife is explicitly because Poseidon had no intentions of killing Odysseus. Poseidon wanted to pay back the suffering/inconvenience blinding Polyphemus would have caused. It's a really abstract thing tbh. How do you pay back someone permanently disabling your son? Poseidon's solution was just to amputate Odysseus from his other half; i.e. Penelope. The end game was never murder, it was always an endurance race.
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(Od. Book 1: Zeus reassuring Athena that he is not, in fact, a part of Odysseus Hater-Nation. Trans. Robert Fagles)
Also, for those wondering if there's any sort of in text reason for why Poseidon wasn't around in God Games - at the time in the Odyssey when Athena petitions Zeus to let Odysseus leave Calypso's island, Poseidon was -checks notes- on vacation in Ethiopia. Yep. He left to Ethiopia for a festival and thusly was very much absent for Athena's whole "please let Ody go? Please? 🥺" request.
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(Od. Book 1: While Odysseus was suffering, Poseidon went to party in the east)
I am begging y'all to read the Odyssey. It's a comedy for everyone except Odysseus and Penelope who are, in fact, suffering 24/7 365.
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y2kaee · 7 months
"You become what you give your attention to."
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lunacelebrateslife · 2 months
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scripture-pictures · 2 years
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lemonavocado · 2 months
"oh i love frankenstein! my favorite quote from the novel is i have love in me the likes of which you can scarcely imagine-" grabs you by the throat and chokes you violently
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The act of creation is an attempt to enter a mysterious realm. A longing to transcend. What we create allows us to share glimpses of an inner landscape, one that is beyond our understanding. Art is our portal to the unseen world.
Rick Rubin
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lyculuscaelus · 26 days
Yes we know Athena was Zeus’s favorite child but let us not forget how mad at her Zeus could be in the Iliad, Book 8, when Athena and Hera were rushing to save the Achaean armies against Zeus’s orders. So he was literally threatening “…not in ten circling years will you heal your wounds where the lightning bolt will smite you—so that the bright-eyed one may know what it’s like to fight against her father.”
Well…Epic!Athena did take a lightning bolt to the face
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wedarkacademia · 2 years
“Almost every woman I have ever met has a secret belief that she is just on the edge of madness, that there is some deep, crazy part within her, that she must be on guard constantly against ‘losing control’ — of her temper, of her appetite, of her sexuality, of her feelings, of her ambition, of her secret fantasies, of her mind.”
― Elana Dykewomon, Sinister Wisdom 36: Surviving Psychiatric Assault & Creating Emotional Well-Being in Our Communities
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starseedfairyxx · 2 years
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academic-vampire · 3 months
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“Talk nonsense, but talk your own nonsense, and I'll kiss you for it. To go wrong in your own way is better than to go right in someone else's.”
-Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Crime and Punishment
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enchantedwitchling · 3 months
Celebrating the Summer Solstice: A Witch's Guide to Litha
As the wheel of the year turns to the height of summer, we embrace the vibrant energy of Litha, also known as the Summer Solstice. This magical festival marks the longest day and shortest night of the year, a time when the sun stands still and the Earth is bathed in its fullest light. Let's dive into the essence of Litha, explore how witches celebrate this sun-drenched festival, and discover rituals, spells, and traditions to honor this radiant time.
What is Litha?
Litha, celebrated on or around June 21st, is a festival of light, abundance, and the peak of the sun's power. It symbolizes the triumph of light over darkness and is a time of joy, growth, and the bountiful gifts of the Earth.
How Do Witches Celebrate Litha?
Witches celebrate Litha with outdoor rituals, bonfires, feasts, and a deep connection to nature. It’s a time to honor the sun, embrace its energy, and celebrate the fertility of the Earth.
Rituals and Spells for Litha
🔥 Bonfire Rituals: Lighting bonfires or candles symbolizes the sun’s energy and power. Jump over the fire (safely) or a candle to bring good luck and cleanse yourself of negative energies.
🌿 Flower Crowns and Herb Gatherings: Create flower crowns and gather herbs like St. John’s Wort, lavender, and rosemary, which are potent at this time.
💧 Sun Water: Collect water in a clear jar and leave it in the sun to absorb its energy. Use this sun-charged water in rituals and spells for vitality and empowerment.
✨ Sun Meditation: Meditate outdoors, focusing on the warmth and light of the sun. Visualize its energy filling you with strength and positivity.
Litha and Sacred Symbols
🌞 The Sun: The central symbol of Litha, representing life, energy, and power. Honor the sun with sun-shaped symbols, colors like gold, yellow, and orange, and sunflowers.
🔥 Fire: Symbolizing transformation and purification. Incorporate fire into your rituals through candles, bonfires, or even a simple flame.
🌸 Flowers and Herbs: Representing the Earth’s abundance and fertility. Decorate your altar with fresh flowers and use herbs in your spells and rituals.
Other Litha Traditions
🥗 Feasting: Celebrate with a feast of summer fruits, vegetables, and dishes cooked on an open fire. Share your bounty with loved ones, embracing the spirit of abundance.
🎁 Gift-Giving: Exchange small, sun-themed tokens of appreciation and blessings with friends and family.
🏞️ Nature Walks and Outdoor Activities: Spend time in nature, appreciating the beauty and energy of the season. Collect natural items for your altar or as offerings.
Litha is a time to celebrate the peak of solar energy, embrace the fullness of life, and set intentions for growth and abundance. Whether through rituals, spells, or simply basking in the sun’s glory, Litha offers a moment to connect deeply with the natural world and its rhythms. As we honor the longest day of the year, may the light of the sun fill your heart with joy, your mind with clarity, and your spirit with boundless energy.
Blessed Litha to all!
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y2kaee · 2 months
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aimiesposts · 26 days
"I thought maybe if I hadn't missed it all, maybe if I had made a different call, maybe he'd be fine." But it's Hermes to Luke ☹️
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chaoticaesthetician · 1 month
abnormally large trees please lend me some of your centuries worth of wisdom
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