The C file & her reverse psychology
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She's a reflection, a shadow of the past and that was graphically depicted by Storer with the very first image we had of C on the show:
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She showed up like that, not like this:
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Carmy was blindsided when C showed up unannounced and uninvited.
Syd walked into his life right in front of him and knocked first, they were face-to-face, after calling for the sous position and scheduling an interview.
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C was always represented as a mirage.
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An unwanted figure in his life, that's why he gave her the wrong number to begin with.
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The fact that later she forced herself into his life.
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And he ended up giving in and even enjoying it, as I mentioned in this previous post → He let her take the wheel, is beside the point because in this case, the point is his real intention behind that behavior all along because he was compensating - projecting - sublimating and masking with her, as I thoroughly pointed out:
So what was behind all that or underneath, what was he trying to cover with C?
His real feelings → More about that here and here.
The haunting
The haunting feeling Carmy described, is nothing but ruminating thoughts based on guilt, which is rooted in his own omission and irresponsible behavior and the fact that that relationship lacks closure, and that is what is keeping him stuck till he faces the consequences of his actions and turns the page but not just unilaterally as he did here and here, it has to be agreed upon or at the very least briefed. All parties should be in the loop for "the haunting" to end, the unfinished business is what's causing it, and giving it closure is what's gonna end it.
Reverse Psychology
What in this case triggered the ruminating thoughts was not just Carmy's inaction but also Claire's.
In the past C did the chasing now she's no longer doing that and the reactive nature of Carmy is reacting to that change of pattern C initiated. Since he noticed, his haunting began.
Typical reactive nature. If she had kept the chasing pattern they had going on, he would have either apologized and continued going out with her or apologized and ended things, but no "haunting" would have happened. One way or the other he would have "reacted" to her actions but since she halted all efforts he has no way to react, so he is stuck as I explained above.
This will end when they finally have a conversation and he reacts to her words.
As far as I know, that scene has already been shot, so we are cool.
C is a catalyst character as I explained here.
That being said her role can't be fulfilled unless Carmy is ready to realize what she's gonna show him.
Meaning: Claire shows him what he needs to heal because she's a healer, what he needs to change because after her he will be very clear on what not to do. And with her he will also learn to do what needs to be done, to use his words, to open up about what he wants and what he doesn't want, and also who he wants it or not with. She enables all of that in him. But not if he doesn't react.
So right now her role is unfulfilled because they are yet to have that conversation and that will enable Carmy to make a final decision. At that point, the catalysis will be complete and her role will no longer be necessary in the story. I'm not sure how they will go about this, therefore IDK if she will definitely break up with him after that conversation, or the other way around, or even if they will agree to give each other another chance, which is a possibility. What I do know is that when Carmy goes through this catalysis with her, she will no longer be necessary for his redemption arc because after that all those feelings that he keeps in his BOH, will move to his FOH, more details on that metaphor → here. This catalytic process will enable that.
Bonus track: The L Carmy already made a decision about his priorities, which are the restaurant, and the star, in that order. That leaves no room for C, and that decision was confirmed in the last scene where symbolically he was being "signaled" by the L to Loop back → The Loop. If he'd loop back to C, assuming she'd still have him, that is, he couldn't focus on the star, because he has always seen her as a distraction and he has already vowed not to leave Syd alone again:
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And regardless of how Syd feels, in his head, he hasn't broken that promise because the one who is haunting him is actually → Sydney.
Remember to follow my tag #Gingerpovs 💋
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hamsternamedmarinette · 2 months
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Italian microaggressions
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noelledeltarune · 1 year
EVERY SINGLE DAY there are MILLIONS of characters in their late 20s who get falsely accused of being father figures to teenagers when in reality the description of "weird older cousin" or "step-sibling that moved out before you were born" is 1000000x more apt
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hinamie · 8 days
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10 years later
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qiinamii · 1 year
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we'll do fine.
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sometimes instead of a horrid little monk, divine visions of lesbians dance in my head dispensing wisdom
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21stcenturyschizoidfag · 10 months
please check out my The nefarious anglerfish tribute video i am such a big fan
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starii-void · 3 months
going to chb must be crazy like imagine sharing a camp with
-one of the strongest demigods ever who's saved the world like at least 3 times, fought multiple gods & titans and WON (and is a tartarus survivor)
-the literal main architect of OLYMPUS who's also saved the world multiple times (also tartarus survivor)
-THE lord of the wild who's also close friends with the first two (and has helped save the world multiple times)
-an emo kid from the 1930s who again helped save the world and is also a tartarus survivor (TWICE)
-a son of apollo who survived tartarus with nothing but cargo shorts and sheer will (pun intended)
-the main designer and builder for the argo II, also the first hephaestus kid to have fire powers since hundreds of years ago (did i mention killed gaea? no? yeah he did that too)
-a girl who somehow charmspeak-ed gaea into falling back asleep (also side note daughter of super famous actor because why not)
-pretty much everybody is a two-time war veteran
-THE GOD APOLLO who just sometimes comes down to visit in the form of a teenage boy
-did i mention dionysus, god of wine madness and theatre
-also chiron, trainer of pretty much every greek hero ever
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maxgicalgirl · 7 months
Being a “Fun Fact !” kind of autistic is all fun and games until you get halfway through sharing an interesting tidbit and realize that it probably wasn’t appropriate to share in polite company and now you have to deal with the consequences :(
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Cassidy loves to scare the FNAF night guards..
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Carmy is a hypocrite
Like most cowards are
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But unlike most cowards, he had a point.
Carmy was quick to judge his brother and get out of the family household to "show him".
But he didn't take this into account:
Michael Berzatto is immortal
Carmy expects Syd to be legally obligated to push him and let herself be pushed, but when he's pushed he can't handle it:
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Carmy wants to change the menu every day but when Syd wants to make changes, he prefers to go his way:
Granted there is a valid explanation for that I already went over
Here → Yeah, right.
And Syd can easily put an end to it by signing the agreement and exercising her rights as a partner. But she's avoiding it and delaying it and making things worse as time goes by, so it's a 50% / 50% here.
But in terms of Carmy's discourse, it's nothing but hypocrisy, no matter how unconscious his behavior is and what reasons he has to justify it.
Carmy wants Richie to accept his apologies because he loves him but he won't accept Donna's who clearly wants to reconnect with her strange son, while he avoids her:
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And the list can go on and on and ooooonnnnnn...
Because he is a HYPOCRITE and as with all hypocrisy, it's rooted in what in essence can be labeled as a "lack of balls".
He's clearly not the kinda guy who avoids conflict, as a matter of fact, he's the opposite because he's → Donna's son and → reactive in nature.
But he's scared shitless of true mature behavior, he's not ready for that, as I explained here. And if we dig deeper, we can clearly see that part of his fear has to do with his mommy issues, which I mentioned here. And of course, also with his many psychological conditions that remain untreated, which I elaborated on in previous posts such as:
Let's put the ship in partnership
Carmy Berzatto and his erotic transfer
Or are being incorrectly treated, because the AA meetings are like trying to put out a wildfire with a glass of water, in his case. He needs a whole team of professionals who develop a personalized healthcare plan for him and follow up regularly with him to help him stick to it. Especially since changing his surroundings is not an option.
So summing up, he's a hypocrite.
He has a point, which is, that if he stops being a hypocrite, he will have to change his ways, which requires courage, and balls, sure, but most importantly, he will have to face the truth about his feelings for Syd, face the C person and act like a man and go on an apology tour, which is something that requires something he doesn't have yet:
He's a kid trapped in a 30-31 year old body. And that's exactly what happens to abuse/trauma victims. There's this arrested development that mentally freezes them up in the time of their lives when the abuse began. And they can look like very adjusted people for most of us, they can look like accomplished chefs, like wannabes who are really into their artistic hobbies that are actually nothing but escapism, like people who "just want to do what's right", perfectionists even, etc... but in their case, that's nothing but a mask that hides their level of immaturity. They can ONLY HANDLE getting their asses kissed all the time, anything else is something they just can't take. Imagine a toddler: if you go and say (in a baby voice, ofc): "Oh you're soooo cute, I love your drawings! Wow! Did you make this? I love this! OMG! It's soooo cute! Awwww" the kid will be all smiley and over the moon, right? They will love it.
But try telling a 5-year-old:
Don't yell.
Drop that.
No, you're not right.
They will always find a problem with accepting limits and behaving BECAUSE THEY ARE TODDLERS. They will probably even throw a TANTRUM, even in public sometimes... They won't care how it looks. They are not above making a scene. All parents have to deal with that for a few years, no matter how well-adjusted and healthy their kiddo is. It's normal behavior IN A TODDLER.
Well, adults can be toddlers too (mentally). And that leads to HYPOCRISY. Like in Carmy's case.
Fortunately, maturity levels and development are dynamic. Hardly ever static. So Carmy is not a hopeless case.
I'm confident that S4 will be the season in which he will FINALLY GROW THE FUCK UP.
Because he has already reached his breakthrough.
Remember to follow my tag #Gingerpovs
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savanir · 2 months
DP x DC prompt [15]
Danny accepts that because of his half dead status he won't be able to become an astronaut and he has to find a different way to feed his space obsession.
He decides to get really into astromancy (yes, the magic. He already knows everything about astronomy). He gets himself the more spiritual star charts, old surprisingly authentic tomes about the art and divination cards to go with it all and gets to learning.
Tbh he kind of went into this not expecting much but it turns out he had homo magus heritage from his Nightingale roots and he actually manages to call upon the power of the stars.
He figures he can blame the vaporized wall on ghosts.
Meanwhile, a foreboding feeling like cold shivers run down the spines of several magic users that they can only describe as "a child having figured out they need to switch off the safety on their mini nuke launcher in order to fire it"
The JLD is scrambling to locate the source of the surge in magic power before someone with bad intentions can get there.
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vamptits · 1 year
you're all joking about not wearing earplugs to concerts, right? we're not out here rawdogging 120dB. right.
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anbaisai · 3 months
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10 seconds before Kalim asks him what he's smiling at and he shoves his phone into his pocket at light speed
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Fat people deserve mobility aids, too. No matter if it's connected to their fatness or not, because having a mobility issue that is connected to one's fatness won't change that they're still fat and still have the issue at hand. Fat people don't deserve to "tough it out" because fatness should be this divine punishment doled out to those who "deserve" it. Fat disabled people deserve to have the peace of mind that they can exist in whatever way is most comfortable and accessible to them
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allysketches · 7 months
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"I loathe him. And, despite myself, I respect a worthy opponent...Which he isn't because he's a demon and I cannot respect a demon. Or like one."
decided to draw a small part of the bookshop opening deleted scene bc not one day goes by where I don't think about it 🥺 we lost so bad by not getting this one 😭😭 especially bc it contrasts the season 2 finale so well… I could write entire dissertations about it 🤧
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