"I hate fem!yuu" "I hate yuu harem" " I hate a dainty/lady like yuu" yeah well you know what i hate?
They are minors.
They are children.
There to busy studying for test and doing school work to think about that.
And some how yuu harem and having a female!yuu is worse just think for a second about the difference writing smut about minors or having a silly little harem romance you tell me what's worse
Oh and you can't fix it buy say "all characters are 18+!" Like no stop using that as an excuse for writing smut on underage characters it fucking disgusting
Anyways that just my personal thoughts on this.
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every character in animorphs is actually fascinating and fucked up in their own, realistic way
Jake: a confident kid who is put into a leadership position. He constantly has to make choices that determine whether he and his friends live or die. So he matures faster and loses his childhood. Then he experiences a loss and just completely breaks down.
Marco: a kid who always used humor to deflect bad situations, slowly driving himself insane because those bad situations are now near constant. Worried he’s going to snap one day and he probably already has. Convincing himself hes “ruthless” to cover up that he’s so scared about what he’s doing.
Rachel: a fun fashionista who was always kinda competitive and anger-prone who now finds herself addicted to the war she’s been forced to fight in. Someone who’s worried, not because killing is too hard, but because it’s too easy. She knows what she brings to the group, she brings an ability to kill that the others take advantage of her for. It’s a two way relationship; they need her when they want someone to die but it not to weigh on their consciousness, and she needs them to assure her that she’s still human, still sane.
Cassie: a pacifist until she’s not. An animal activist who has to choose between her morals and her species near constantly. Who still tries to cling onto her moral code because if she lets go she might lose herself.
Tobias: an already messed up guy who never felt wanted, now trapped in a body that is not his. He’s slowly losing elements of his humanity. He constantly feels like he’s not enough and that he can’t turn to his friends for help bc he thinks they’ll leave him.
Ax: a kid in a strange land who just lost his brother and is honor-bound to avenge him. He has such high opinions of his species and has to continuously have that worldview shattered. All his friends turn to him for knowledge and he doesn’t know enough to satisfy them. He has to choose between his loyalty to his culture and his loyalty to his new friends.
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movzxr · 5 months
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They are literally children im so glad she posted this bc so many people on tiktok are making sexual joke about them and its pissing me off
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p0sta1-dud3 · 3 months
how i look at people who write smut about any of the bowers gang(you are weird)
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angrymonkie · 6 months
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They do have trauma from seeing the two beings they love losing their lives before their eyes.😭😭😭😭
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mehnight15 · 6 months
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mikytgl89 · 2 months
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Every promise is debt! "Pots and Storybooks" is a 16k one-shot inspired by @IrinaHeroe's tweet and idea.
I hope it lives up to all of you's expectations ❤️
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venstm · 1 month
we be out here being entirely desensitised to the fact that these kids are ?? fifteen ?!! not just the training camp but like the save bakugo mission LIKE ? ?
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fallenrunescape · 2 years
Anyone else get emotional over seeing Damian's handwriting...
There's this specific image comparing both his and Demetrius' handwriting during Daybreak's arc, and seeing how clumsy his handwriting is reminded me that he's six years old and shouldn't even be going through extreme lengths to be noticed by either of his parents
He's aware of his neglection, he knows when people lie to him about his father.. HE'S A SIX YEAR OLD BOY this is taking such a huge toll on me
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blupoh · 2 months
“gen alpha doesn’t know how to use a controller” “gen alpha doesn’t know how to read or write in cursive” “gen alpha is doomed they don’t know how to socialize” OH MY GODDDD THEY ARE CHILDREENNNN TEACH THEM!!! SHUT UP AND TEACH THEM!! WHAT IS THE POINT OF AN OLDER GENERATION IF NOT TO TEACH!!!
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ivyines · 2 years
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renegadesstuff · 1 year
“Fine. But if Pekka Rollins kills us all, I’m going to get Wylan’s ghost to teach my ghost how to play the flute so that I can annoy the hell out of your ghost.”
Brekker's lips quirked. “I’ll just hire Matthias’ ghost to kick your ghost’s ass.”
“My ghost won’t associate with your ghost”, Matthias said primly, and then wondered if the sea air was rotting his brain.
~ Six Of Crows, T1. The Crows ~
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allymv5 · 6 months
They are kids, THEY ARE KIDS 😭😭😭😭
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levforfakes · 9 months
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nova-myths · 9 months
there is an AU behind this I’m just not telling
Have an axolotl sea-creature Tom
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xeweryeen · 2 years
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putting this picture on my nightstand to look at everyday first thing when i wake up and last thing before i sleep, glueing it into a locket so I can carry it with me every second of the day and sticking it into the brim of my hat like a soldier in his helmet so i can pull it out and cry
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