pr0cyon-lotor · 23 days
AU where Shen Yuan gets transmigrated into the body of a rogue cultivator and he finds a stray little girl. He picks her up and decides to raise her as his own since apparently she has no one.
The little girl's name? Su Xiyan.
Somehow she still ends up in Huan Hua Palace, but she manages to avoid Old Palace Master better. She still gets sent to seduce Tianlang-jun, and she still falls in love.
Shen Yuan approves because he does trust his daughter, but he does think her taste in men is... interesting. He manages to help Su Xiyan escape from Huan Hua when she realizes she has Luo Binghe. So Tianlang-jun isn't sealed either.
Years later, he meets Shen Jiu, and they fall in love. They're fluffy and cute, eventually they get married. But tragedy strikes as Shen Yuan is attacked by a demon using Without A Cure.
The wound was too large, he was too tired, his swag too swagful, his heart too big, his ass too fat. They killed my mans 😔
Shen Jiu and Su Xiyan are the people holding him as he dies. He feels fulfilled since he at least cherished his family this life.
Then Shen Yuan wakes up, he's at the hospital. He is confused at first but then a nurse calms him down and says it was probably a coma dream. Shen Yuan accepts this answer, yet he feels like he's too old for his body and his family notice he's suddenly a lot wiser and calm.
After all the therapy (both physical and mental) he is discharged. His family hover around him, and he lets it happen since he feels like he hasn't seen them in like years. Eventually they trust him to go on his own again.
Shen Yuan decides to become a teacher. He lives a rather calm life, but he can't help but feel like he left something behind. He constantly dreams about taking care of a little girl and marrying a beautiful man. (So maybe the dreams helped him realize he wasn't straight, but for some reason he felt like he already knew that.)
During one of his morning walks he encounters a cat with a golden coat and cream colored underbelly and sock. He barely managed to get a look at it before it bolted to him, meowing and yelling.
He eventually gets the memo and takes the cat with him, who seems content with it. He names her Su Xiyan after the little girl in his dreams.
Throughout the days of first having her, he notices that other cats tend to come visit. One has a completely black coat and keeps trying to seemingly catch Xiyan's attention. And another is a beautiful white cat with green eyes, who seems extremely fond of him, that is followed by a large grey tabby.
Shen Yuan ends up just getting used to the cats on his balcony and leaves food for them. They all seem to like him for some reason, probably because he gives them food.
The white cat is the most bold and just walks into his apartment whenever he wants Shen Yuan's attention. At least the grey tabby is sensible enough to wait for him to say he's allowed inside.
The white cat always hisses and fights with a tuxedo cat that always has a smaller cat following behind. The small cat is sweet, the bigger one tends to leave dead cats in front of his door...
Shen Yuan gets used to the fluffy semi-roommates. Eventually even a few kittens join the group, one from Xiyan herself and it looks suspiciously like the tomcat constantly following her. Even the hissy white cat has two little kittens following him, a little calico and a siamese kitten.
Life is good and Shen Yuan had too many cats.
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chocogoblin · 2 months
When I go through pinterest, I take a long hard squint at the black haired teenaged blue eye boys and go "is that danny phantom, jim lake, batfam, or percy jackson with weirdly blue eyes".
(it was percy jackson)
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i-support-gay-doctors · 11 months
every tv show i watch these days is just shining dark poetic man and his pathetic malewife doggy boyfriend
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le-fandom-prince · 6 months
Doctor Who fandom, glad we can all agree on
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anyways! Sherlock fandom!! how did you get into Sherlock? was it always a book/show that interested you? did you only recently get into it or have you been a fan for a while??
tell you what, and i'm not proud of it, but my first Sherlock Holmes thing i watched was...Sherlock Holmes and The Great Escape. yes, the furry Sherlock. I BET YOUR REASONS ARE BETTER!!
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yui-kimura · 3 months
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(@meglinpancake for haunted moonstone!!)
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yandere-romanticaa · 11 months
It would appear as though I have a thing for Russian men
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batmanfruitloops · 1 year
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left to right:
Abner Krill "Polka Dot Man" age 24 he/him
Antonio Diego "Bane" 29 he/him
Selina Kyle "Catwoman" 27 she/her
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left to right:
Basil Karlo "Clayface" 28 he/they
Cleo Cazo "Ratcatcher" 17 she/her
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left to right:
Jack Ryder "Creeper" 24 he/it
Darius Chapel "Music Meister" 23 he/him
Harleen Quinzel "Harley Quinn" 26 she/her
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left to right:
Viktor Fries "Freeze" 43 he/him
Nora Fries 42 she/her
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left to right:
Pamela Isley "Poison Ivy" 28 she/her
Jervis Tetch "Mad Hatter" 23 he/him
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Garfield "Fi" Lynns (generally goes by Fi or Lynns instead of Garfield 27 they/them
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left to right:
Oswald Cobblepot "Penguin" 57 he/him
Talia Al Ghul 26 she/her
Razzle Dazzle (not a rogue, but a stray that Batman and Joker take in at some point) 3 he/him
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Fluffy's posted Walon before, but might as well stick him in here too.
Walon Jones 24 he/him
There's a few more that I don't have digital drawings for so I'm just going to list them here:
Hugo Strange 47 he/him
Gentleman Ghost uh, years he/him (past tense)
Man Bat 39 (pending age) he/him
Killer Moth 33 (pending age) he/him
Bookworm (up to Fluffy, so IDK yet) he/him
The Ventrilloquist/Scar-Face 75 he/him
Babydoll 34 she/her
I'm about the start working on some asks now, but I think I should just get a lot of rogues I haven't previously shown on here asap. At least visually. That'll make it easier to ask things, I think. Also there's really no good reason to keep their designs to just myself and Fluffy.
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liketwoswansinbalance · 5 months
SGE Characters as Literary Things
(Not all of these are actual literary or rhetorical devices; some are just writing techniques, forms, genres, mediums, etc.)
This is a bit abstract, so I’m curious about how subjective these might be. Does anyone agree or disagree? And feel free to make additions if you think I left anything out, or request another character that isn’t here.
Hopefully this makes (intuitive?) sense. As always, I'm willing to explain my thought process behind any of the things I've listed.
Also, anyone can treat this like a “Tag Yourself” meme, if you want. Whose list do you most relate to, use, or encounter?
LANCELOT (I know—how odd that I’m starting with a minor character and not Rafal, but wait. There’s a method to my madness. Also, watch out for overlap!):
Metonymy, synecdoche (no, literally, to me, these are him.)
Figures of speech
Slang, argot
Rhyming couplets
Rhyme schemes
Commercial fiction
Coming-of-age genre
Line enjambment
Overuse of commas
Cadence, prose speech
Waxing poetic, verse (not prose)
Kinesthetic imagery
Phallic imagery/sword sexual innuendos (sorry)
The chivalric romance genre
Anaphora, repetition
Semicolon, periods
Line breaks
Terse, dry prose
Semantics (not syntax)
Consonance, alliteration
Narrative parallels
Sophistry (yes, there is a word for it!)
Italics, emphasis
Em dash
Aphrodisiac imagery
Unreliable narrator, bias
Rashomon effect
Syntax (not semantics)
Chiasmus (think: “Fair is foul and foul is fair.”)
Rhetorical purpose
Provocation, calls to action
Voice, writing style
Rhetorical modes: pathos, logos, ethos
Hyperbole, exaggeration
Sensationalism, journalism
Callbacks (but not foreshadowing or call-forwards)
Narrative parallels
Paralepsis, occultatio, apophasis, denial
Hypothetical dialogue
Villanelle (an obsessive, repetitive form of poetry)
Sentence fragments
Unreliable narrator
Setup, payoff
Chekhov’s gun
Epistolary novel
RHIAN (prequels):
Multiple povs
Dramatic irony
Situational irony
Chiaroscuro (in imagery)
Deckled edges
Narrative parallels
Death of the author
Omniscient narrator
Word families or 'linguistic ecosystems'
Verbal irony
Gallows humor
Narrative parallels
Circular endings
Parallel sentences or balanced sentence structure
Narrative parallels
Authorial intent (“return of the author”)
Gothic imagery
Deuteragonist (second most important character in relation to the protagonist)
Psychic distance
Sterile prose
Forewords, prologues
Works cited pages
Gustatory imagery
Tritagonist (third most important character in relation to the protagonist)
Falling action
Dedications, author's notes, epigraph, acknowledgements
Epitaph (Tristan)
Rising Action
Unrequited love
Falling resolution
Brackets, parentheses
Synesthetic imagery
Stream of consciousness style
Coming-of-age genre
Rhetorical questions
Time skips, non-linear narratives
Diabolus ex machina
Malaphors, mixed metaphors
Slant rhyme
Deus ex machina
Iambic pentameter
Filler words
Shock value
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corazondebeskar-reads · 10 months
me: sits at my desk to push through some work projects I've been procrastinating
me, thirty minutes later: comes to in a haze to find a google doc with 1.2k of werewolf!joel x reader and an outline 💀
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person24447 · 11 months
Hi again
Yall I got a question
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derrydyyke · 4 months
I'm Amanda. I'm 25, gay as hell and I live in New York. I was @derry-dyke and then tumblr deleted me for talking about the g3n0cid3 happening in p4l3st1n3. Then I was @derry-dyyke (for like a WEEK) and tumblr has already flagged my account and taken away my ability to send/receive messages for what I assume is the same reason.
This blog will be dedicated to my It movie brainrot. I write, I roleplay, I project onto Richie Tozier, etc. My ao3 is derrydyke if you wanna check it out but any writing I post here will be tagged with #amanda's writing.
Ya'll can message me to roleplay or to be friends if you want as long as you are 21+. You must have your age in your bio or in a pinned post. People who are younger than 21 but still 18+ can follow me and rb my stuff, I just don't want to be friends.
This blog is NOT a place for: zi0nism, terfs, transphobia, homophobia, racism, sexism, ableism, antisemitism, islamophobia, xenophobia, classism, sizeism, colorism or any other form of bigotry. don't bring that shit here, you will be blocked. This applies to people who support known bigots as well (I'm looking at you ST fandom. I don't want to see coconut head on my dash, thanks.)
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Steve harrington likes having his hair pulled
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allastoredeer · 5 months
Hello! It's the Archangel anon again! I finally found the time to type out some "general" headcanons I have about the Archangels! Also, I'm sorry that even when trying to keep things short and sweet, I still ended up writing a damn novela🥲
Okay! A quick refresher first! Before he fell, Lucifer was an Archangel, along with his father (the Metatron) and his five siblings (Michael, Raphael, Uriel, Gabriel, and Zadkiel). We see, presumably, the other six Archangels during Lucifer's brief flashback in episode 5. I headcanon that the two angels with the biggest, most ornate halos are the Metatron (the leader of the Archangels) and Michael (the Metatron's second in command). The Metatron is on Lucifer's right, and Michael is on his left.
There! Nice and refreshed! Now for the others. The angel standing directly behind Lucifer, I feel, is Zadkiel. The angel on Michael's left is Uriel, and the one on his right is Gabriel. This means Raphael is the tall angel standing between Zadkiel and the Metatron.
Now for more detailed general headcanons. These are all a hodgepodge of actual attributes I found after researching the Archangels, along with ideas I liked and thought would work. To keep from going on and on about their personalities and stuff, I made lists of characters that reminded me of the siblings. Hopefully, that will give you a quicker idea of what I think these guys are like.
Michael (He/Him): Patron Archangel of Warriors (also chivalry, the sick, the poor, the suffering, and tradesmen ((grocers, bakers, fishermen, etc.))
Characters I associate with Michael: Zuko (AtlA), Hunter (The Owl House), Alucard (Netflix's Castlevania), Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney), Donatello (Rise of the TMNT)
Associated color: Royal Blue
Primary weapon: Shortsword
Tells everyone his favorite instrument is the harp
(it's actually the accordion)
(Lucifer is the only one who knows this)
Raphael (He/She/They): Patron Archangel of Healing (also travelers, lovers, the blind, and children/young people)
Characters I associate with Raphael: Katara (AtlA), Nani Pelekai (Lilo & Stitch), Willow Park (The Owl House), Martin Blackwood (The Magnus Archives)
Associated color: Green
Primary weapon: Pike
Favorite weapon: Bo staff
Favorite instrument is the bugle
Is the "wine mom" sibling
(Keeps a secret flask on them at all times)
(Uriel is the only one he shares his booze with)
Uriel (She/They): Patron Archangel of Wisdom, Truth, Purification, and Devine Flame (also the arts and sciences; ALSO also, was assigned by the Metatron patronage over "Light" after Lucifer's Fall)
Characters I associate with Uriel: Garnet (Steven Universe), Luisa Madrigal (Encanto), Yasha Nydoorin (Critical Role: Campaign Two), Daria Morgendorffer (Daria)
Associated colors: Red, Yellow, and Purple
Primary weapon: Claymore
Favorite instrument is the lyre
Gabriel (He/Him): Patron Archangel of Messengers, Postal Services, Communication, and Communication Services (👈 remember this one, I'm gonna send a separate ask later, going into more detail...😈)
Characters I associate with Gabriel: Literally every single blue character Ben Schwartz has ever voiced, specifically Rise of the TMNT's Leonardo (I don't know why, but I feel in my bones that Hazbin Gabriel is a Ben Schwartz Blue Guy™️. Maybe it has to do with the association I have between Gabriel and the Greek messenger god Hermes?🤷)
Associated colors: White (and light blue)
Primary weapon: Glaive
Favorite instrument is the trumpet
Lilies are his favorite flower (likes to wear them in his hair)
Stamp collecting is a secret hobby of his
Zadkiel (She/Her): Patron Archangel of Mercy, Forgiveness, and Freedom (most well known for being the angel that stopped Abraham from killing his son Isaac)
Characters I associate with Zadkiel: Luz Noceda (The Owl House), Keyleth (Critical Role: Campaign One), Jester Lavorre (Critical Role: Campaign Two), Charlie Morningstar (Hazbin Hotel)😊💖🌈
Associated color: Violet
Primary weapon: Dagger
Favorite instrument is the drums
Goes by the nickname "Kiki" (Keekee, the cat is named after her)
Second most skilled Archangel at hand-to-hand melee combat
Out of all her dad's siblings, Charlie clicks with her Aunt Kiki the best
Pre-Fall Lucifer, aka "The Light-Bringer" (He/Him): Patron Archangel of Humility, Music, and "Light" (both literal and metaphorical)
Associated colors: Gold and Pink
Primary weapon: His FISTS (the most skilled Archangel at hand-to-hand melee combat)
Favorite instrument is the violin (he calls it a fiddle to annoy Mike)
Loves all his siblings but is closest to Mike and Kiki
In the event of a prank-war, he can either be your greatest ally or your worst nightmare
Can always get his siblings to smile and laugh no matter how down they are
Is his father's second biggest mistake
And that's the six siblings down! All that's left is the Metatron. But, to be perfectly honest, that piece of work is gonna need an entirely separate ask dedicated solely to him. Plus, I have another separate headcanon ask about Gabriel that I desperately want to type out first. So I'll have to get back to you about Old Man Meta at a later date.
I will say this, though, out of all the shitty dads that exist within the Hellaverse, the Metatron is on a completely separate level all his own.
Oh! Also, he and Roo have MAJOR beef with each other. The Metatron and the Root of Evil go way, WAAAAAY back🙂
Whoa O.O That is...that is indeed a lot.
I am writing them down. I might not use all of them, but they seem like a very good foundation to build on. I like all the little tidbits and fun facts about them too XD And specific relationships they have with each other.
Also, everytime I see Metatron I read it as Megatron and I'm surprised by it each time. What are Transformers doing in the Bible. Hahah, but yeah, I didn't even know of the Metatron until "Good Omens." Very interesting that he and Roo have some beef that goes WAY back.
It makes sense, in a way, but still 👀 I like it.
Thank you for these!!
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bluecoolr · 7 months
Y'all gotta stop me from giving Darron and Baeron another older brother
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questionable-idea · 10 days
I'm getting follows with no interaction that aren't porn bots so I'm over here sitting at night with a shotgun pointed at my door in case these hellish beasts stop peering through my windows and dare come in
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don't call yourself a real ineffable-gallimaufry fan unless you've at least watched these classics that i'm super nostalgic for always (watched them like. four years ago)
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