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sher2650 · 28 days ago
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ssayandee · 4 months ago
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teen mycroft!
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mynecrosoft · 7 months ago
Another edit cause making them is making me very very happy so pls enjoy :3
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strawberrywinter4 · 2 days ago
Chapter 9 is Up!
A new song commences, muffled in the manor’s walls, but still perfectly heard. It’s slower. It has the strings of a smooth serenity.
Sherlock watches in awe as John stands to his full height. His heart stutters when the captain extends his hand.
“Dance with me,” John practically whispers.
Read here!
Tags: @a-victorian-girl @whatnext2020 @totallysilvergirl @thegildedbee @jawnn-watson @blogstandbygo @battledress @lisbeth-kk @holmesianlove @7-percent @itsonlytext @chinike @peanitbear @helloliriels @keirgreeneyes @ghostofnuggetspast @dw91165 @jolieblack @gwendelaneyisjohnlocked @cortina @kettykika78 @johnlockbbc @dapetty @bs2sjh @alihahdnaid @justjayisfine0
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A Gentleman’s Shrine
Fandom: Sherlock (TV)
Relationship: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
More under the cut!
Tags: Romance, Slow Burn, Alternative Universe—1920s, Aristocracy, Captain John Watson, Post-World War I, Blood and Violence, PTSD, Period-Typical Homophobia, Explicit Sexual Content, Protective John Watson, BAMF John Watson, Idiots in Love, Falling in Love, Forbidden Love, Age Difference, Case Fic, Some tags not listed
Sherlock Holmes has been taught that he has one purpose in life: to carry on the family legacy. “High society is dying,” his mother continuously informs him.
The Great War recently ended, which has left London in a swivel of downfall and success.
Every year when his mother hosts the Noble Legacy Gala, Sherlock wishes he could fall into a rabbit hole and never come up, dreading the pointless event.
That is until he sees Captain Watson attending the Gala, the most beautiful, dangerous, and interesting man he’s ever met.
Read Chapter 1 here!
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Note: Thank you to all who have been so patient to read this. I know I haven’t been active lately, but I promise I’ve been working hard on this, my friends! I hope you all enjoy!
Tags: @a-victorian-girl @whatnext2020 @totallysilvergirl @thegildedbee @with-a-ghost-mr-holmes @jawnn-watson @blogstandbygo @lisbeth-kk @holmesianlove @7-percent @itsonlytext @chinike @peanitbear @helloliriels @keirgreeneyes @ghostofnuggetspast @dw91165 @jolieblack @gwendelaneyisjohnlocked @cortina @kettykika78 @johnlockbbc @dapetty @bs2sjh @alihahdnaid @justjayisfine0
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nic0tinepatch · 1 month ago
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Had some technical issues (😮‍💨) but NOTHING can stop me from celebrating so I used MS paint to paint it 🕺
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sillygirlsmindpalace · 2 months ago
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When John gets a Polaroid camera 📸💫💛
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letsdropdeaduniverse · 2 months ago
Do people still remember Ambient mixer? The site where you can listen to sounds without login, without any commercial breaks? https://www.ambient-mixer.com/
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Where the imprint of old fandoms remains
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oh boy
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It's a time capsule for sure. It's so rare to find sites these days that are there just for fun instead of trying to steal your data or hide things behind a paywall.
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curlyjohnlock · 2 days ago
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I'm calling the police
theyre having a conversation and john casually jokes that when he dies, sherlock can keep his skull so that sherlock now has two skulls lol
cut to sherlock frozen terrified and absolutely hating that idea and the casualness of discussing john's death because john can't die
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chachaslizzle · 2 months ago
I love thinking about how Sherlock would act if he and John ever ended up together. Like I imagine them three or four years into their marriage with a 8-10 year old Rosie running around, and them just being so content. But I think a lot about how Sherlock’s demeanor changes. They’ve solved and put an end to Moriarty, and England’s crime rates at an all time low (now he doesn’t want to credit himself but he knows it’s because of him), so naturally Sherlock’s been relatively out of work. Which has led him to spiral into pits of depression and drug use. That is what usually happens at least. But now he’s got John and Rosie, he’s always had John, but now he’s got the government involved so now he’s really got him. But when Sherlock catches himself spiraling there’s always his bunch of Watsons chipping in with, “are you okay daddy Sherlock?” and a, “Yeah love, you feeling okay?”. When he’s woken up in the middle of the night by nightmares of his torture or any of the countless things he’s seen in cases, there’s John. He’s always there to offer open arms for Sherlock to fit his way into. Rosie’s always there placing stickers on his arms and forehead in place of his nicotine patches. And with all of the love his dear Watsons give him, Sherlock is ever so quickly snapped out of the trance he was in, back into his wonderful new life. And here he was saying mundane human customs have no real value. But as Sherlock sits in his chair, watching both of his blond (John’s gone more grey) oh very dear Watsons make a plate of biscuits and tea, with Rosie very gleefully waddling over to hand Sherlock his, he’s reminded just how much he loves and is rooted by his own mundane little family.
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le-fandom-prince · 8 months ago
have some Sherlock pics while i fight writers block
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okay, peace
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thegreatmousebafoon · 2 days ago
… I need y’all to know… the fic is currently up to over 40 k words… I just wrapped up the first draft of the final chapter…
Y’all- this the most angsty thing I’ve ever read- except maybe a Merlin fic i read a year ago that still makes me cry to this day.
This thing is going huuurrrttt ( I’m so sorry for my actions )
So…. Y’all remember that fic I was talking about?
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thegreatmousebafoon · 1 month ago
( y’all this is a long one- but trust me it’s worth it lol )
5 y/o Rosie ( in a strangers car ): You said my dads where at the hospital?
Kidnapper: Oh, yeah-… he was in a car accident. They just wanted me to take you home.
Rosie: right… and um, which one is it?
Kidnapper: um… the.. tall one. Your other dad is staying with him.
Rosie: hm, ok!… so, you drive a mini-van.
Kidnapper: uh.. yes? So?
Rosie: but you have no kids?
Kidnapper: …. No, I don’t- how did you-
Rosie: hm and no ring… can’t find a husband?
Kidnapper: Hey listen here you little-
Rosie: It’s probably because your well past your prime. I suggest some surgery. Not even working out or a touch if make up will help you-
Kidnapper: HEY- you- this is not worth it- I’m stopping the car- GET OUT!
Rosie: … I know what you’re trying to do.
Kidnapper: … what?
Rosie: We don’t have a car to get into an accident with and my dad, the taller one, thinks hospitals are a waste of time. My OTHER dad is a doctor, so if he was hurt he would probably take care of it.
Kidnapper: ok well… what are you gonna do about it? I’ve still got you.
Rosie: ( slowly hold up something in her hand )
Kidnapper: … you have a phone?
Rosie: No im too young for a phone, this is a pager.
Kidnapper: oh yeah? And who are you gonna page?
Rosie: my dads. About 45 seconds ago.
Kidnapper: …
Rosie: judging by your complete lack of skills, you where not hired by any of my parents various enemies, therefore you do not know who they are. I’ve been sending them Street names so they know where we are. I say you have about ( checks her hello kitty watch ) 15 seconds until they get here.
Kidnapper: …
Rosie: since we have some time, here are some critiques of your technique. First of all, actually do some research before you go into-
Kidnapper: you’re giving me advice? Shouldn’t you want to prevent me from doing this again-
Rosie: oh well, one of my dads, Sherlock Holmes by the way, in case you’ve heard of him, hasn’t had a case in a week and he’s just about lost his mind. If you where to manage getting out of this alive, I was hoping I’d have a case to give him, and I wanted you to make it interesting for him.
Kidnapper: … that’s… morbidly sweet.. I think?
Rosie: yeah, well, it’s kind of pointless now judging by the red dot on your head.
Kidnapper: Wha- ( turns around to see a laser pointed at their forehead ) … Oh shit-
Rosie: ( checks her watch again ) 20 seconds, they’re getting slow. By the way, my other dad, the shorter one, and the one that I’d guess is pointing the snipper at you right now, is a retired military veteran from Afghanistan, with nearly perfect aim. He has killed about-
Rosie: He had bad days. Ok! Byeee-
Kidnapper: Wait- if you knew what I was doing, why did you stay in the car?!
Rosie: I was really hoping you’d be able to get my dads out of the house. They’ve been driving me crazy. Sorry you where such a disappointment. Have fun in jail!
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sher2650 · 2 months ago
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Happy 171st birthday to Sherlock Holmes 🎉🎉🎉
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sertralinestardust · 1 year ago
i love seeing my fellow teenage superwholock fans becoming the adult ourgoodshadows fans
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mynecrosoft · 7 months ago
On my third rewatch and thinking about the first episode John calling Sherlock an idiot and Sherlock smiling and asking him to dinner in the softest tone the man has ever used.
The man was really down bad after one case together
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