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sarkylittlemonster · 1 day ago
guessing you won't see this until morning sooo good morning to my favorite mystrade shipper, what are your thoughts on this hc
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People often use the excuse that he could just be Greg, no longer version, but imo that's not even an excuse, because in ACD canon, he's literally just G. Lestrade. Another funny little hark back to ACD that the writers of Sherlock did with Sherlock never remembering Greg's name.
If his full name is in fact, Greg and not Gregory, I still approve of this headcanon, because I think it appeals to Mycroft's more antagonising side, which could also be interpreted as playful, which really just lends to the whole theme of the ship.
ALSO. Just guessing from his age and baby name trends, it was much more common to use the full "Gregory" and not just. Greg.
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ssayandee · 5 months ago
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teen mycroft!
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a-sky-full-of-ideas · 3 months ago
Why do you even ship them?
In the past couple of months I’ve seen a lot of people genuinely confused about one or the other ship existing, so I wanted to explain some common reasons characters might get shipped.
But before we get into it: The point is usually just good, plain old fun! The entertainment of them being together !
And for entertainment and fun, it doesn’t matter whether they’ve even been in the same room or not! Hell, it doesn’t even matter if they’ve been in the same universe or not! Basically: It’s all not that serious and the ppl harassing creators/actors/fans about said ships are usually the minority and frowned upon!
First of all, there are different ways in which people enjoy that ship:
In canon, aka it either is canon or they want it to be canon
Half canon, this means either post canon or if a very specific thing would have happened differently within canon
Canon divergent, aka it’s only enjoyable in theory or alternative universes and they don’t actually want it to happen within canon
In other words, there are different ways in which people support this type of relationship
It is the perfect relationship and everyone should strive to find and be this kind of love
While they have their flaws, this is a realistic way a healthy(ish) relationship can come out on the other end of all the horrors tm
This is (somewhat) toxic but in the universe/story line it makes sense and is the best possible outcome for them
This is the truly worst thing that could come out of it for the both of them but that’s why it is so interesting
Usually it boils down to these emotions:
It would be funny if they go together.
It would shift the impact of all that angst and trauma
It would be super cute. Plain old romcom vibes. Specially if the of story is not that at all and you just want something good for them.
Some basic reasons, that are more about the concept of them than actually them: :
They are fan favourites
They are both hot
Everyone else in the group is coupled up
They fit a certain stereotype/common trope
They resemble another popular ship juuuuust enough
The actors have played a couple/ship in another show
Spite! To annoy the author/other fans
Some personal reasons of the individual fan:
Reminds fan of their own crush
Fan relates to some aspects of their story
Fan relates to some aspects of the characteristics
Character looks like them/ like their crush
Based on the characters/stories design
They claim to hate/dislike/annoy each other but are somehow always found in each others business (willingly or not)
Opposites attract: They have opposing color schemes, personalities and/or views. The more differences the better.
Parallels: They have the same color schemes, personalities and/or views. The more similarities the better.
Based on their relations
You just want something good for this character and they (other character(s)) ARE that something good.
You just want something annoying for this character and they (other character(s)) ARE that something annoying.
Them being together would annoy this other character to noooo end
Even tho they don’t interact on screen (often), there is evidence that they did so off screen: they keep up a certain level of relationship (good or bad) despite everything else going on
Purely about the characters
They don’t pay attention to anything or anyone else nearly as much as they do about each other, especially ppl they should objectively care more about.
They’re the only ones who survived/left to deal with the aftermath. Even if they didn’t talk much prior to this, this is something to bond over. To keep the memory alive.
The expectations set on them are/were the same. And despite the different support systems and coping mechanisms… the other is truly the only one who could even find a glimpse of understanding of what they’re going through.
Yin and yang: a perfect mixture of parallels and opposites: They’ve gone through the same thing but deal with it widely differently. OR They come from widely different backgrounds and reasoning but end up at the same conclusion.
BECAUSE they’re so codependent they just wouldn’t make sense with anyone else, regardless of wether they themselves make sense
BECAUSE it is unhealthy and toxic and it’s interesting to explore such a relationship
BECAUSE if they’d be in literally any other genre/time they’d be fine. Nothing this bad would’ve ever happened if they’d just lived in another universe.
Why not ? It’s fiction.
These are all the reasons I can come up with at the top of my head but feel free to add!
Alas I want to encourage everyone to be open minded! Either to genuinely try to understand why a ship exists or, if you don’t want to waste your time on sth. you’re sure you don’t like, just filter and block the ship and their fans!
None of us can afford to waste our very limited free time on arguing with and harassing others about something FICTIONAL …that we don’t even like. Instead, please focus on making and/or supporting art about YOUR ship! This is not only much nicer to the fans you don’t support but also to yourself! Positive interactions will result in more positive interactions after all! Mostly.
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newtmas-supremxcy · 11 months ago
Me : *gets an idea for a fic* I can totally finish this in a week
The unfinished works that have been in my writting app for over a year : 😒
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helloliriels · 3 months ago
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A MASTERLIST of this years FANDOM TRUMPS HATE 2024 works for our community: BBC Sherlock, Johnlock, and Mystrade! a.k.a. things I wanna check out (and don't wanna lose track of!)
🌹 Unremarkable by discordantwords for Podfixx :: It's an unremarkable day. John has a date. Sherlock has a case. And Mycroft & Rosie have just been shoved into the boot of a car.
🌹 Open Line by anyawen for sherlockian4ever :: Greg & Mycroft have front row seats to a spat between Sherlock and John.
🌹 There's Nothing in the Rulebook by avalanching_effect for bluebellofbakerstreet :: In which Lestrade rolls with the punches, Sherlock's body betrays him, and John is completely normal :)
🌹 Mimetidae by avalanching_effect for 796116311389 :: Magic has to make everything so complicated, doesn't it?
🌹Another Fortnight Lost in America by Biana_Amberly_Vacker for Silvergirl :: Sherlock gets offered a New York City vacation by a wealthy client. John thinks he's hiding something more, though.
🌹 The Disappointed Optimist's Guide to Sharing a Flat with a Madman by Calais_Reno for LHR_etc :: John Watson has a bit of luck when he meets Victor Trevor. Taking over his lease.
🌹 You Don't Live Here Anymore by elwinglyre for Jim88 :: Sherlock leaves 221b because he can’t bring himself to live there alone without John. Post-S4 Mary death.
🌹 In the Arms of the Ocean by standbygo for Silvergirl :: Sherlock and John are gifted an Atlantic cruise. Will either one of them finally get their heads out of the sand?
🌹 John Watsons Big Adventure by mydogwatson for Silvergirl :: There is a wedding in his future, but John Watson wants to have an adventure first. He gets his wish, but will he survive it?
🌹 The Part of You that Stays by holmesian_love & Accident for helloliriels :: Sherlock comes home a broken man and after serving as John’s best man, seemingly has a mental breakdown.
🌹 Cover for The Murder of Sir Emory J. Amat [Art] by bluebellofbakerstreet for ChrisCalledMeSweetie :: inspired by the fic. also
🌹 [Podfic] The Murder of Sir Emory J. Amat by semperfiona_podfic for ChrisCalledMeSweetie :: a podfic audio recording of the fic!
🌹Show Me Your Flaws by holmesianlove for Lock_John_Silver :: A talented stranger crosses his path and suddenly life isn’t boring. But how can John win over someone like that, when he's so flawed?
🌹A Minor Detail by meetinginsamarra for Katiegee444 :: Sherlock has found the perfect flatmate for sharing 221b Baker Street. If only there were not that minor detail in the small print of the lease ...
🌹Wasteland, Baby by LoloLolly for ShakespearelovedLadyMacbeth :: Things hadn’t felt right in 221B since John and Rosie moved back in. If only Sherlock knew it was about to get worse ...
🌹Scheherazade of the Thrift Shop by standbygo for thegildedbee :: Sherlock, cut off by Scotland Yard and desperate for something to do, decides to try deducing in a thrift shop.
🌹 Meet Ugly by jrow for 72reasons :: One encounter with a gorgeous madman is a good story. Twice is crazy coincidence. Three times might just be fate.
🌹 Cover for The Murder of Major Sayer [Art] by bluebellofbakerstreet for ChrisCalledMeSweetie :: inspired by the fic
🌹 The Mile High Club by elwinglyre for Silvergirl :: All they wanted was to get married without a fuss. Sherlock has more on his mind.
🌹 Johnlock on Holiday [Banner Edit] by a-victorian-girl for Silvergirl :: for the collection of FTH 2024 fics Silver prompted!
🌹 A Magical Holiday by PipMer for Silvergirl :: He had wanted to wait until after the new year, but it seems John needs a pick-me-up.
🌹 Never Trust to General Impressions [Cover Art] by helloliriels for thetimemoves :: a.k.a. Never Judge A Book By Its Cover (unless its cover is smexy)
🌹 What if John never disposed of the gun he shot the cabbie with? by safedistancefrombeingsmart for khorazir :: a story told in GIFs.
🌹 Shadows of the Fallen Oak by sherlockian4ever for luckettey :: Rosie Watson is kidnapped by a vengeful criminal from Sherlock's past. Their rescue mission tests their bond and reaffirms their love.
🌹 Always a Soldier by Lock_John_Silver for Silvergirl :: Mycroft arrives at Baker Street with disturbing news Sherlock can’t ignore.
🌹 The Cavern by elwinglyre for Katiegee444 :: Sherlock doesn’t believe in magic, he believes in making rock & roll history. His best chance is with John's band.
🌹 Full of Life and Full of Love by anyawen for ChrisCalledMeSweetie :: She watches over them. Still.
🌹 Bloods Tracks & Love Attacks by topsyturvy_turtley for Katiegee444 :: Six people enter a chairlift at the bottom of the mountain. Only five arrive at the top. All of them dead. Casefic.
🌹 Confirmation Bias by thalialunacy for Silvergirl :: A casefic featuring Harry Watson, knights, con men, and body farms.
🌹 Fan Edits for The Secret Writer by emilycare for Lock_John_Silver :: This is a collection of edits inspired by the story.
🌹 The Pillar Upon Which England Rests [Art] by khorazir for thetimemoves :: based on the fic by discordantwords.
🌹 36 Views of London by helloliriels for thegildedbee :: A patchwork image of John & Sherlock’s London, as seen through their eyes.
🌹 and back again by anyawen for helloliriels :: a book familiar and meaningful to both men offers guidance and hope.
🌹 Take My Hand by her_ladyships_soap for Mouse9 :: A tale of closeness, moving fwd, and finding comfort in unexpected places.
🌹 Minuit te va si bienby fireandhoney a translation for ChrisCalledMeSweetie
🌹 The Case of the Missing Patty-Pan by ChrisCalledMeSweetie for chainedtothemirror :: When Mrs. Hudson invites Sherlock to tea, his own cleverness gets him in trouble. Fortunately, Dr. Watson is eager to come to his rescue.
🌹 Every Song Reminds Me of You by ChrisCalledMeSweetie for alexxphoenix42 :: Music hath charms to help John acknowledge his feelings for Sherlock.
🌹 The Campari by CorvidCordelia for Silvergirl :: Technically, it’s a forced vacation for Sherlock, but when wouldn’t it be?
🌹 Sleeping Irene by Khorazir for ChrisCalledMeSweetie :: Cover for the wonderful fairy tale inspired fic
🌹 Pretty in (A Frankly Alarming Shade of) Pink by helloliriels for thetimemoves :: a Rock Out edit prompt from 80's album.
🌹 Every Song Reminds Me of You [Cover Edit] by a-victorian-girl for ChrisCalledMeSweetie :: for the fic of the same name!
🌹 What If I'm Not? [GIF] set by safedistancefrombeingsmart for helloliriels :: Johnlock :: for the fic of the same name.
🌹 No Going Home by emilycare for 13Monkton :: When Sherlock dies ... What if instead of John moving on, they both realized what they meant to one another when he returns?
🌹 Through The Rain by Snowfilly1 for Raechem :: A missing person from John’s past sends Mycroft and Greg on an investigation to Dartmoor.
🌹 Where It Is Always 1670 by Iwantthatcoat for khorazir :: Sherlock and John go on a diplomatic mission away from the heart of London to a little village called Adamczycha. The year is 1670.
🌹 The Red-Headed League by JRow for bluebellofbakerstreet :: Can Sherlock figure out what Rosie's teacher is involved in? And can he prevent the inevitable, namely Ms. Shea falling in love with John?
🌹 FTH2024 Artwork for A Case of You by Silvergirl by DemonicAngeling for Silvergirl :: Inspired by the fic
🌹 The Missing Half by aquileaofthelonelymountain for reveling_in_mayhem :: It was a fancy box of chocolates, the kind you didn’t get in supermarkets ... “So”, Greg said cheerfully, “you’ve got a secret admirer, then?”
🌹 Momentary by BlueMoononTheRise for StellaCartography :: Greg Lestrade has just been diagnosed with cancer. Unable to come to terms with the reality, he decides to go on a trans-Canada roadtrip.
🌹 The Beginning of Always by mydogwatson for thegildedbee :: John Watson wants to be a doctor. Sherlock Holmes wants to be a consulting detective. Most of all, they both want to be loved.
🌹 Handbook for Unrequited Love by Bluebuell33 for holmesianlove :: Life was one cruel joke after another for John. Mary lied and left him. Sherlock wanted nothing to do with him. How had his life ended up here?
🌹 John Watson and the Tale of the Bloody Finger by ChrisCalledMeSweetie for PatPrecieux :: A childhood tale comes back to haunt John.
🌹 An Ounce of Cure by BakerTumblings for safedistancefrombeingsmart :: When John needs elective surgery, Sherlock isn't at all thrilled about it. And when it doesn't go as planned. John finds himself fighting for his life.
🌹 Life finds a way. by Bluebuell33 for felinefemme :: Anthea convinces newly retired Mycroft that he needs a pet for his quiet cottage life. He comes home with more then a new cat. <3
🌹 The Rescuing by BakerTumblings for Podfixx :: Sherlock, off in Serbia, has been captured and severely injured. Mycroft recruits John to aid with freeing him and then overseeing his recovery.
🌹 A Gentleman's Agreement by Peanitbear for Enterthetadpole :: Sherlock is an alpha that doesn't want an omega. John is an omega that doesn't want an alpha.
🌹 Cover for My Pictures of You by bluebellofbakerstreet for 72reasons :: inspired by the fic.
🌹 The Murder of Sir Emory J. Amat by ChrisCalledMeSweetie for PatPrecieux :: A Sherlock Holmes mystery, as recounted by Dr. John H. Watson. Can you follow the clues to deduce whodunnit?
🌹 The Light Gets In by Raina_at for Besotted08 :: John comes back to Baker Street on a rainy Wednesday in January. He wants to feel whole again. Maybe that’s not achievable. But fuck, he wants to try.
🌹The Very Essence by StellaCartography for LittleFluffyClouds :: In which Mycroft embarks on a relationship with Greg Lestrade and is haunted by his doubts in the form of Lady Bracknell.
🌹 All the Things I Need by thalialunacy for Amaruuk :: In which John is shoved into moving forward, Sherlock actually manages to be surprised, and Mycroft turns out to be an A+ uncle.
Posting here, as not all of them yet appear in the FTH 2024 collection on Ao3, but I knew they existed! *whew*. Please let me know if I missed any???
Glad to see I wasnt the only procrasti-writer this year! (my first year offering fic) and so proud of those of you who made it to the finish line and HOLY mother of fandom those of you that wrote more than one!!! (bowing lowly to the floor). Writing for FTH made me more in love with those of you who do this every year. It's a brilliant challenge and all for charity!
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professordrarry · 11 months ago
This is how hyperfixation works:
This is a three second scene. Maybe four if I'm being generous.
But Mycroft and Greg have an entire conversation through glances in those four seconds.
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And those conversations? They only happen when you've been together for y e a r s.
This four seconds is all it took to shove me off a cliff of OTP obsession.
And the kicker?
Sherlock isn't even awake...
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mxflowercheck · 5 months ago
some lil part of me wants Anthea to be somewhat close to Mycroft because she's his assistant. For many reasons, but especially for COMEDY
I mean, I'm 100 percent sure Mycroft Holmes doesn't know how to flirt properly and doesn't really know how to..casually talk to people. Or how to casually message them. He simply doesn't understand what should he write to Gregory. Communication face-to-face is easier but well, now they're in different countries.
So I just need a bit of crack with a very confused by personal relationships Mycroft and Anthea who's been watching these two like it's the best series she ever saw and well, who else can help her boss with that?
Anthea: ask him how was his day
Myc: Anthea, i already know how it was
Anthea: no, you know facts, and he will tell you his emotions
Myc: Again, I-
Anthea: Jesus Christ help me
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caramelarrowswife · 3 months ago
We all know sherlock would’ve terrorised every teacher when he went to school, but he had to have learned from someone, right?
I present to you Mycroft Holmes, with a track record of getting three different professors fired with information he shouldn’t have. Mycroft Holmes, the principal’s little angel because he keeps the top marks of the school high. Mycroft Holmes, who most likely raised his little brother to be a little asshole - hence the lack of sadness or anger when Sherlock is being annoying in the future.
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gravesofdismals · 5 months ago
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a kiss a day keep the Johnlock's problem at bay
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emmastarr999 · 2 years ago
I cracked it. Seeing Gabriel and Beelzebub fucking off to the stars felt exctly as if Mycroft Holmes and Greg Lestrade came out as gay at the end of Sherlock season 4.
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ssayandee · 5 months ago
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I liked the cat (he did too)
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twixial · 5 months ago
I really wish more people listened to classical music... Especially people in online fandom spaces. Like, you're telling me you made a Mycroft Holmes character playlist and there is not even one Chopin etude? Come on. That man is a Late Classical / Early Romantic Era stan and you know it.
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rabiessnail · 6 months ago
please somebody write a story where greg and mycroft are married but whilst on an arrest greg gets injured & put in a medical coma to keep him safe
when he wakes up mycroft is beside him--the doctors said gregs memory would be temporarly gone whilst he recovered but now greg wont stop hitting on mycroft and its getting to the stage were its increasingly difficult to keep a straight face when talking about medication
"owch hey mister cute umbrella can u move the pillow abit:)??"
*mycroft fixes pillow inches away from gregs face*
greg: *whistles* "i'd kiss u so hard right now if i didn't have six broken ribs, a punctured lung + a fractured hip."
myc : gregory your parents are in the room
mycroft: ah- the doctors have given me some more pills, these ones are a bit large so hopefully you wont have much trouble swallowing them"
greg: *takes a look* nah its fine im good a swallowing....uhhh big things *wiggles eyebrows half asleep* geddit
mycroft: gregory MY parents are in the room
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helloliriels · 2 months ago
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So excited to participate in my 4th year with FTH! I will be offering 2 works this year: 1 artwork or edit cover each.
I am hoping to offer fic again next year, as it was a brilliant experience! But I'm doing the hard thing rn and telling myself NO until some WiPs get wrapped up! 🤞 Forgives me!
Fandoms I will create for include: BBC Sherlock, Johnlock, Mystrade, or any solo/gen char within; or from Granada, ACD, or RDJ Holmes/Watson or solo/gen char
Any other SH fandom/pairing or crossover I would need to verify first if I am familiar with it enough to work on! 🎈See posts (when up) for more details and/or check out my previous works to get an idea of what I am offering:
The 💖 Hello Art & 💖 Hello Edits Collection
FTH 💖 2024, 2024, 💖 2023, 💖 2022 & 2022!
Want a story cover designed? Artwork of a specific scene or prompt? Maybe you want art of another's story that is near and dear to your heart? A crazy crossover idea? Visual storytelling edit? Or a new PFP or wallpaper for your blog? I've even made art from listening to a song! 😎 Movie poster and album cover edits are also my jam! or pretty much any kind of AU!
As always, feel free to reach with questions if it's something you're unsure of? or if you wanna bounce ideas beforehand. Happy bidding!
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@chinike @rhasima @johnlocky @fluffbyday-smutbynight @friday411 @ghostofnuggetspast @thegildedbee @totallysilvergirl @thetimemoves @whatnext2020 @chriscalledmesweetie @safedistancefrombeingsmart @lisbeth-kk @a-victorian-girl @thalialunacy @stellacartography @johnlocked-swiftie @lavenderandvanilla @annecumberbatch @copperplatebeech @amyreadsandstresses @solarmama-plantsareneat @jobooksncoffee @deelaundry @impalaparkedat221b @naefelldaurk @missdeliadili @iwlyanmw @meetinginsamarra @peanitbear @dragonnan @sgam76 @janetm74 @elwinglyre @scrub456 @actually-a-girls-name @loki-lock @discordantwords @raina-at @khorazir @kettykika78 @bluebellofbakerstreet @inevitably-johnlocked @sarahthecoat @7-percent @alltingfinns @gregorovitch-adler @theofficialinternetloner @aquilea-of-the-lonely-mountain @holmesianlove
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virfujiwara · 6 months ago
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I always draw them in the rain.... Summer retirement vacations somewhere or something
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mrsmaudieholmesteapot · 7 months ago
I want a romcom starring Mark Gatiss and Rupert Graves.
call it BBC Mystrade or something else
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