#sherlock and mycroft
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thegreatmousebafoon · 2 days ago
… I need y’all to know… the fic is currently up to over 40 k words… I just wrapped up the first draft of the final chapter…
Y’all- this the most angsty thing I’ve ever read- except maybe a Merlin fic i read a year ago that still makes me cry to this day.
This thing is going huuurrrttt ( I’m so sorry for my actions )
So…. Y’all remember that fic I was talking about?
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immokki · 5 months ago
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My little brother
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moodboards-aesthetics · 7 months ago
Gregory Lestrade & Mycroft Holmes
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anerdynerd · 5 months ago
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The Holmes brothers
wanted to challenge myself with this one a bit so this is the result lol I‘m not the biggest fan of how it turned out but I wouldn’t say it‘s bad either🦧
Have I mentioned how intrigued I am by their altering dynamics across the different iterations yet????🥸
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divinity-in-chaos · 1 month ago
Just fucking end me, put me down. I can’t stop thinking about the zero hesitation in Sherlock’s voice when he stands up for Mycroft against their mother at the end of TFP. Sherlock and Mycroft are pretty much always arguing, or on different sides. And then he goes and stands up for him with NO hesitation and it fucks me up gooooood
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fancypersonvoid · 1 year ago
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ssayandee · 4 months ago
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17&10 ^_^
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 7 months ago
The Same Page Part 9
Sherlock and Mycroft & little sister!reader
A/N: you guys have been the epitome of patient, and I’m so sorry it took so long to update it. I got so caught up in my requests (which were all supernatural, which I also love btw) that I didn’t even realize that it’s been months. Updates are not gonna take this long in the future, I do love this series too. Thank you guys for being so patient
Warnings: angst, Sherlock’s kinda mean in this one
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“I’m asking you not to declare war.”
Mycroft’s words struck a nerve in Sherlock. He wasn’t the one who threatened a custody battle, and he wasn’t the one always trying to take you away.
“It’s not about declaring war,” Sherlock argued. “It’s about you going against our agreement. You agreed that she should stay here for a few days, and it’s only been one night.”
“Yes, and she’s already had a panic attack,” Mycroft shot back as he led the argument into the kitchen so that they wouldn’t wake you up. “My agreement was made when I thought that you would actually stay here with her, not run off on a case. And I assume that that case is yet to be solved?”
“I’m getting close,” Sherlock said, feeling defensive.
“Which means that you’ll leave again. She can’t be alone Sherlock, she just can’t. You may disagree with me on that, but as her legal guardian I’m putting my foot down; if she’s in this house, she won’t be alone. Ever.”
“How is she ever going to go back to normal if you keep treating her like she can’t do anything on her own?” Sherlock challenged.
“That’s the problem with you, Sherlock! All you can think about is getting her back to normal. Why don’t you stop and try to think about what she needs, instead of just what you want.”
“You think she doesn’t want to go back to normal?” Sherlock scoffed. “You think she wants to be like this?”
“Like what?” Mycroft challenged. “No, don’t turn away,” he continued when Sherlock started to turn, shaking his head. “Like what, Sherlock? Are you going to stand here and tell me that because she’s hurting and she needs help, there’s something wrong with her?” When Sherlock didn’t speak, Mycroft persisted. “Like. What. Sherlock?”
“Like an invalid!” Sherlock snapped. “Like she can’t spend a couple of hours alone, like she can’t eat unless you’re hovering over her, like she can’t do anything by hersel—“ Sherlock’s voice cracked as he stopped, and the blood draining from his face instantly alerted Mycroft. He turned around to see where Sherlock was staring…
“Myc?” Your voice came out in a whimper as you rubbed the sleep from your eyes. “Myc, I want—I wanna go home now.” You kept your head down, not looking at Sherlock even as he started to protest.
“N/N, I didn’t mean it like—“
“Of course,” Mycroft cut him off. “Of course I’ll take you home now.”
“Mycroft.” Sherlock glared at his brother. “Let me talk to her.”
“Myc, I want to go home,” you repeated, your voice a little more desperate now. The meaning was clear, even if you didn’t say it—you didn’t want to talk to Sherlock.
Mycroft turned on his heel and led you towards the door without responding to Sherlock.
“We haven’t finished discussing this!” Sherlock argued.
The only answer he got was a slamming door.
“I can do it,” you insisted, ignoring Mycroft’s outstretched hand as you reached the stairs leading down 221B.
“Please let me help you.” Mycroft was already reaching for your hand as he spoke, but you snatched your hand away.
“I can do it!” You repeated.
Mycroft pulled his hand back, but remained close as you made your way down the stairs.
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled after a moment.
“It’s alright,” Mycroft assured you, and the two of you remained silent after that.
Mycroft was too preoccupied thinking about Sherlock to speak anyway. As much as his little brother had been out of line, he hadn’t been completely wrong. Surely you wanted to go back to the way things had been, at least a little. What was Mycroft going to do if you stopped needing him around? Of course he wanted you to go back to school, to start sleeping regularly again, to eat right, all of that…
But what if you went back to Sherlock? Mycroft realized suddenly that he didn’t want that, even if you completely recovered mentally. He liked you living with him, and he was pretty sure you liked it, too.
But it wouldn’t be fair to you if that wasn’t what you wanted. But Mycroft could no longer tell what you wanted. He was trying to give you what you needed, and it was clear that you weren’t ready for the level of independence that Sherlock was pushing for, but…but what if one day you were? Would you stay with Mycroft, or go to Sherlock?
Mycroft was starting to realize that he needed you to need him too much, and he wasn’t sure what he would do once you didn’t need him. Would no longer needing him mean that you no longer wanted him?
“Is everything ok?” John’s voice interrupted Mycroft’s thoughts as the two Holmes’ passed him in the stairwell.
“Not really,” Mycroft sighed. “We’re going home.”
“What? I’m sure you and Sherlock can—“
“Not now, Dr. Watson,” Mycroft insisted. “We’re going home.”
You were quiet the whole way home, and when Mycroft asked if you wanted to sleep you just nodded silently.
As Mycroft got you settled in your bed, he talked quietly to you.
“I don’t want you to worry about today, alright? Any of it. Sherlock and I are going to figure out our custody arrangement, you’re not going to be left alone again, and…and Sherlock didn’t mean what he said, alright? There’s nothing wrong with you, so don’t think about it.”
You blinked up at your brother for a moment before turning on your side and closing your eyes. Mycroft sighed, turning to sit in his chair by your bed. You hadn’t gone this silent in months.
This could be harder than Mycroft had thought.
Mycroft stirred at the sound of sniffling. He hadn’t realized he’d fallen asleep—he was usually able to keep himself awake until you fell asleep, but he must’ve dozed off.
He squinted in the dim light to see your short hair, sticking out at a few angles as you cried face-down in your pillow.
“Y/N…” Mycroft was at your side in an instant, but when he pulled you away from your pillow you started to shake your head and push at him. “It’s ok,” he insisted. “It’s ok, it’s just me.”
You continued to shake your head, but Mycroft noticed that your fingers had a vice grip on the front of his shirt.
“It’s alright…I’m right here.” Mycroft pulled you into his arms, and you stopped fighting him. You still didn’t speak, and Mycroft just held you in his arms until you cried yourself to sleep.
“Sherlock, what have you done?” Mycroft muttered to himself.
You had barely managed to hold in your tears until Mycroft fell asleep in his chair, but it didn’t matter, because you’d woken him up anyway. You couldn’t bring yourself to speak as you tried to fight Mycroft off, or even as he held you close. You didn’t actually want him to go away, but after what Sherlock had said…
“She can’t do anything for herself!”
Even if Mycroft claimed it wasn’t true, you couldn’t get that voice out of your head. You’d barely said a word since then, and you weren’t ready to change that yet. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to, it was more like the weight in your chest was so great, that even if you wanted to speak, you didn’t feel able anymore. Your anxiety clawed its way up your throat, choking even the idea of speech.
So instead of speaking, you just let your big brother hold you in his arms until your exhaustion won the fight with your anxiety, and you finally drifted off to sleep.
Mycroft was concerned almost as soon as he woke up. After you’d gone back to sleep, he’d returned to his chair but stayed in your room, just in case. But when he woke up, he saw that you were already awake—your eyes were open, but you hadn’t moved.
“Are you ready to get up?” Mycroft asked softly, and your eyes flickered to him at the sound of his voice. You pushed yourself up wordlessly, and Mycroft began to wonder just how long you’d remain silent. “Let’s go downstairs and get some breakfast,” Mycroft added, being careful not to phrase it like a question; he knew your answer would be no—you never felt like eating when you got like this—but Mycroft wanted (more like needed) to keep you on your eating schedule.
You didn’t protest as Mycroft helped you down the stairs, or when he put a plate of toast in front of you. But you didn’t eat it, either. Mycroft sighed, exhausted.
“I need you to eat. Just a little bit, for me?”
You blinked up at him before returning your gaze to your lap.
“Just a bite or two,” Mycroft added. When you didn’t move, he sighed and pushed the plate aside. “Alright, we can try that again later. Do you want to play our game? Tell me what you see.” Mycroft was desperate for any kind of interaction with you, but you remained unmoving and silent. “C’mon, you can’t—I can’t do this again, please. I can’t. I need you to—“
Mycroft cut himself off when your hand reached out and grabbed his in a death grip, your breath suddenly coming in gasps.
“I can’t do this again, please. I can’t. I need you to—“
Panic gripped your heart as Mycroft struggled to speak.
“I can’t do this again.”
This. You.
Would Mycroft get tired of trying to cater to you, the way Sherlock seemed to? Would he get sick of the way you “couldn’t do anything for yourself”?
You’d sought out Mycroft’s hand without even meaning to as your fear forced itself up your throat, restricting your breath.
What would you do if Mycroft got sick of taking care of you? Where would you go?
You remembered the earlier days of living with Mycroft—when CPS workers came over to “keep an eye” on your custody switch. They’d taken one look at you and tried to convince Mycroft to bring you to some care facility. If Mycroft didn’t want you, was that where you’d go? You wouldn’t last a week there, you just knew it—not without your brothers.
“Y/N! Y/N!” You’d been so lost in your own head that you didn’t hear Mycroft calling out your name until he was shaking your shoulders and yelling in your face. “Yes, good, look at me.” Mycroft breathed in relief when your eyes finally met his.
“I’m sorry.”
Mycroft couldn’t even take a moment to be relieved that you were speaking again as you sobbed in his arms.
“I’m sorry,” you repeated. “Don’t leave me, don’t leave me, don’t—“
“Hey, hey now,” Mycroft cradled your face in his hands, trying to get your attention back. “I’m right here, I’m not going anywhere. I’m here Y/N, I promise.” You finally seemed to focus on him, so Mycroft just repeated “I’m right here,” again and again as he wracked his brain for a reason behind your sudden change to hysteria. He’d been speaking just before you started to panic—what had he said?
“I can’t do this again…”
Oh no. You hadn’t understood him; worse, he hadn’t made himself clear to you. Now you thought…
“Hey.” Mycroft made sure he had your full attention before he spoke. “I need you to listen to me now. I…I didn’t mean that I can’t—or won’t—take care of you, ok? I didn’t mean that I’ll leave you. I’ll never leave you, never. You understand me?” At your hesitant nod, he continued. “Good, good. I never meant to make you think that, I just…I just meant that I don’t want to see you in so much pain again. You didn’t talk for so long, and…and I know how much you were hurting. I don’t want you to hurt like that anymore.”
“I’m sor—“
“No, no don’t.” Mycroft wouldn’t let you apologize again. “Don’t ever apologize for being in pain, that’s not what I wanted. I just…I really want you to forget about what Sherlock said. He didn’t mean it, he didn’t. There’s nothing wrong with you, ok?” You didn’t nod this time, but Mycroft didn’t push it. “But it doesn’t matter. Because no matter what happens—with Sherlock, with wherever you decide to live, with all of it—I will never leave you, alright? I’ll be here whenever you need me. I’ll always be here for you.”
Mycroft willingly let you pull him into a hug, and when you all but collapses your weight into his embrace, he held you up without wavering.
“Please tell me you know that. Tell me you believe me. Because I promise it’s true.”
“Ok,” you sniffled. “I-I believe you.”
“Ok,” Mycroft sighed. “Ok.”
Mycroft eventually led you over to the couch where you dropped in exhaustion, and soon enough you were fast asleep, remnants of tears still staining your cheeks.
Once he was sure that you were asleep, Mycroft reached into his back pocket and pulled out his phone, pressing a number and placing the phone to his ear.
“Sherlock? Yes, it’s me. I need you here, now. You’ve got a mess to fix.”
@navs-bhat @isabellavere @chaoticglitterkitten @peachycupotea @justforrose @severussimp
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strawberrywinter4 · 10 months ago
May 9 | Prompt: Intimidation
Warning: Depictions of violence and drug use.
“You’re just too much sometimes, that’s all I’m saying,” his mother comments as she troubles herself with the dishes.
Mycroft rolls his eyes. He knew it would be a poor idea to come visit. He should have just settled for a call.
“You almost scared John away,” she says, scrubbing a class clean. “Your comments and glares at dinner are not helpful, you know. Sherlock almost had your head.”
“John is anything but frightened by me, Mummy. He made that perfectly clear when we first met.”
“Sherlock told me about that first meeting.” She sighs, turning toward him with a scolding expression. “Mycroft, why did you do that?”
Mycroft wills his cheeks not to flush crimson in embarrassment. “It was merely for precaution.”
“Sherlock is a grown man. He can take care of himself.”
Mycroft’s hands clench the kitchen counter. She doesn’t know. She hasn’t seen the extent of Sherlock’s pain like Mycroft has.
“All I’m saying is that I think you should be more considerate to the people who seem to actually want to be around him,” she says. “And John…well, he’s a very polite man. I think he’s good for Sherlock. Very good.”
Mycroft doesn’t answer her. Realizing she’s not going to get a response out of Mycroft, she leaves the kitchen with a tut under her breath.
Mycroft’s eyes are trained to the sink.
The front door opens and shuts loudly, Mycroft wondering if the force of it broke any vases. Ignoring his brother in the lounge, Sherlock runs up the steps, his little feet going as fast as they can. Mycroft hears his bedroom door shut.
Mycroft sighs, getting up and leaving his science project. Heading upstairs, he turns the corner and knocks on Sherlock’s door.
“Go away, Mycroft!”
Mycroft is silent for a moment, then tries for the door handle lightly. Locked, of course. He rests his head on the door.
“If you open the door, I’ll make Ginger Nuts.”
A few seconds pass and the lock clicks, the door creaking open. One of Sherlock’s blue eyes peak through the crack. “Do you promise?”
Satisfied with the reply, the door fully opens. Mycroft holds his grimace successfully, but it isn’t a simple task.
Sherlock’s eye that wasn’t peaking through the door is a mixture of purple and black, a few bruises gracing his jaw. His lip is cracked and blood is oozing down his chin.
Mycroft attempts to keep his voice leveled. “Sit on the bed, I’ll grab the first aid kit.”
Returning with the kit, Mycroft is pleased to see Sherlock took his advice for once, sitting on the sheets, eyes focused on his legs as they swing back and forth over the edge.
Without comment, Mycroft sits beside him. “Up,” he instructs, tilting Sherlock’s face to the correct position. He applies alcohol to a cotton and begins dabbing the application to his brother’s lip.
They sit in silence, Sherlock hiding his winces and Mycroft cleaning the blood and bruises.
“When are they coming back?” asks Sherlock.
“I’m not sure. Probably not for another few days.” Mycroft is used to their parents being gone for business trips, but Sherlock is still wrapping his mind around it.
Silence falls again. Then Sherlock speaks up:
“Are you really making Ginger Nuts?”
“I don’t believe you.”
It takes everything in Mycroft not to crack a smile. “Why is that?”
“You don’t like Ginger Nuts and you only do things that benefit yourself,” he says bluntly.
Mycroft hums. “You really think so little of me?”
They both share a grin.
Mycroft’s face hardens as he wipes another trail of blood on Sherlock’s cheek. “Did you decide to make another quip?”
Something changes in Sherlock’s expression. Something akin to…embarrassment? Shame? Mycroft’s not sure, but he’s never seen his brother acquire such a look.
“I didn’t,” Sherlock replies.
“Then what happened?” Mycroft demands, though his voice is quiet.
Sherlock shrugs. “I don’t know.”
And it truly seems like he doesn’t know. “Then tell me what could have possible occurred.”
Sherlock looks down, his finger trailing the design of the solar system on his bed sheet. “I thought I made a friend.”
Mycroft blinks. “A friend?”
Sherlock nods. “He said he wanted to be my friend. At break, he offered me to join him at the back of the building to play, and I said yes because…well, I told you about the pond that’s back there.”
Sherlock enjoys observing the frogs that live around there.
“I thought I’d show him the pond,” Sherlock says, this time more quietly. “But then we got there and he pushed me in the mud. His apparent friends came around the corner and…”
“Did that,” Mycroft finishes, nodding to Sherlock’s face.
Sherlock nods in answer.
Mycroft will never understand it. Out of all things, he will never understand this. Yes, Sherlock is odd. He has required rudeness over the past year, but Mycroft fully believes that Sherlock has just been taking after him.
Then there are the admittedly good things about him. Sherlock enjoys rambling about scientific discoveries, he likes to play in ponds and rain, he likes to help Mummy bake, he likes to play Pirates (which is actually quite fun), and he is a swift and independent learner. Mycroft admires these qualities. And though he’s never been good at showing his affection (and possibly never will be), he and Sherlock know how to make their relationship work.
“I will take care of them,” Mycroft says as Sherlock wipes tears from his eyes.
“They’re big,” Sherlock says. “And scary.”
Mycroft snorts. “Bigger than you. Not me.”
Hesitantly, he puts a hand on Sherlock’s shoulder. This seems to give a sign to Sherlock that he’s been waiting for, and he hugs Mycroft tightly. Stunned, Mycroft settles for patting his curls awkwardly, but this doesn’t will Sherlock away. Sherlock continues to hug him and cry, and Mycroft wants to make it all go away.
After a while, Sherlock releases him and sniffles stubbornly, wiping more tears. “Can I have Ginger Nuts now?”
Mycroft stands, nodding to signal Sherlock to come along. “You’re assisting me. I know you know how to make these in your sleep.”
In a random building, in a random place. That’s usually where he is.
Mycroft hears either miserable sounds or nothing at all. He sees stranger’s eyes rolling to the back of their head while taking sedatives or pills.
The curls are unmistakable. Sherlock is huddled up in a corner, a blue hoodie wrapped around him loosely. Mycroft nudges him. He then turns him and is not startled to see his pale skin, his unhealthily sharpened cheekbones or his dull eyes.
Mycroft sighs.
He helps Sherlock up and practically drags him to the vehicle parked thankfully close outside.
Carefully putting him in the passenger’s seat, Mycroft gets behind the steering wheel.
Mycroft glances at him, and is overcome with what his brother has turned into.
“Brother mine. Why do you hurt yourself so?”
He knows Sherlock doesn’t hear him, doesn’t understand his whispers.
Maybe that’s for the best.
“I worry about him…constantly.”
John stares at him. “That’s nice of you,” he murmurs.
“But I would prefer for various reasons that my concern go unmentioned. We have what you call a difficult relationship.” Mycroft keeps his voice impassive. His heart aches.
John’s phone pings. It’s obviously from Sherlock.
They continue with comments back and forth. Mycroft feigns an impression that he’s only wanting Sherlock’s whereabouts for personal gain. John seems to believe it wholeheartedly.
Mycroft can’t decide if John is worth Sherlock’s time.
Probably not.
Mycroft analyzes him to get a rise out of him.
“Are we done?” John asks, attempting to keep his frustration to a minimum.
Anger issues. Of course.
The rest of the meeting goes not so smoothly. John leaves obviously bothered and Mycroft doesn’t know, he doesn’t know if he can trust this man to even come close to deserving Sherlock’s friendship.
No one does. It’s the truth.
Mycroft has been called overprotective. He’s been called annoying. Unfair. Unethical.
Mostly by Sherlock.
But what are big brothers for?
You can read it here on ao3 as well.
I hope you all enjoyed! Love me some Sherlock and Mycroft lore.
Prompt by @calaisreno Thank you!
Tags: @a-victorian-girl @whatnext2020 @totallysilvergirl @ninasnakie @thegildedbee @whodwantmeasaflatmate @with-a-ghost-mr-holmes @sherlocknjohn221b @jawnn-watson @blogstandbygo @lisbeth-kk @holmesianlove @7-percent @itsonlytext @chinike @peanitbear @bakerstreetbe @curlyjohnlock @helloliriels @keirgreeneyes @ceceliajupe @ghostofnuggetspast @dw91165 @jolieblack @gwendelaneyisjohnlocked @cortinita @kettykika78
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happygirl2oo2 · 9 months ago
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"While your half-blood sibling might have deceived, exploited, and then spurned you, I might suggest that the final outcome is not as tragic as you make it out to be."
Season 4, Episode 20: Art Imitates Art
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the-little-pierre · 2 years ago
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Dr. Sherly visited Dr. Liam during working hours 💙🤭❤ So the hospital director, Mycroft, gave him a punishment 🫠 Now, he has to see more than fifty patients before the end of the day 😅👌👨🏻‍⚕️
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thegreatmousebafoon · 30 days ago
Mycroft: You’ll be back! You know why? You’re too competitive. It’s your worst feature… well, actually your ears are you worst feature, but competitive is right up there ( slams the door ).
Sherlock: My god- Can you believe him?!
John: No. I always thought your boney feet where your worst feature.
Sherlock: Ok- ouch. If we’re gonna talk about worst features, I am particularly adverse to the mustache.
John: Hey! I shaved that ages ago-
Sherlock: I still know it was there.
John: ….
Sherlock: ….
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meandhisjohn · 5 months ago
Mycroft's filofax:
My brother and Dr. Watson are back from Paris, unaware that they will be back there much sooner than probably intended.
I have some very unpleasant news to share, but I will grant them a few days in peace before I instruct John Watson about recent events that unfortunately involve his past.
If you want to be well informed,which I always consider useful, I advise you to read @lisbeth-kk great and detailed story: " Always a soldier " before the account holder torment you once again with edits that involves my brother and Dr. Watson.
I can assure you, that my sources already confirmed such plans to me.
Most likely next week.
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moodboards-aesthetics · 7 months ago
Mycroft Holmes aka The British Government
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anerdynerd · 2 months ago
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Sketched some characters/scenes from the play “Sherlock Holmes: Der Fall Moriarty” (The Case Moriarty) that I got to watch live today on my way home from there, Toby was a balloon dog, it was brilliant😭
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divinity-in-chaos · 5 months ago
Its sure been a while, huh? Anyway I made a few more Myc posts, go nuts, my little autistic folk in my phone
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