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fan-a-tink · 3 days ago
baby merlin.
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Merlin & Arthur, 1.10 "The Moment of Truth"
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sugawara--san · 8 months ago
lucy jumping head first off a tower just because she heard natsu somewhere in the distance and knew he'd be there to catch her ?? i am VIOLENTLY sick
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fireat-will · 2 months ago
AJ stop launching yourself at your friends they're going to injure their backs pls.
Although I am impressed with both Tom and Sam's catching skills (and strength, Tom's catch was particularly impressive)
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kisasan · 10 months ago
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starlightshadowsworld · 7 months ago
Sobbing over Kunikida telling Atsushi to trust Dazai and ask him for help in 55 minutes.
"I'm sure he's somewhere on the island. He's a repellent man. The worst of the worst. But if lives are at risk and you tell him you really need his help..."
Kunikida paused than deeply sighed as if he didn't want to say it. "Just leave it to him, and everything will be okay."
Also not once do they actually say Dazai's name, because they don't have too both of them know exactly who Kunikida is taking about.
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frogaroundandfindout · 3 months ago
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Ra’s kicks Tim out of the window after he outwits him and Tim accepts his death as he passes out mid fall. He saved everyone Bruce loved and made no compromises. Rick is there to catch Tim and he soon wakes up surrounded by his loved ones. Dick welcomes him home.
Red Robin #12
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midstpodcast · 10 months ago
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Season 3, Episode XV Appendices 🔎 | A Central Vault Schematic
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gouthepro · 1 month ago
Something I love so much about Pokemon Horizons is how everyone trusts each other with their Pokemon.
Friede drops Charizard off in the engine room with Orla, Murdock lets Rockruff go with Liko and Friede when they're looking for Sprigatito, Roy lets Dot borrow Wattrel for the art festival..
I just love how well this shows the trust between the group, especially since I remember watching BW when I was younger and being surprised at how reluctant to downright against it Ash was at the idea of letting Iris borrow one of his Pokemon. Because they're clearly friends who trust each other, so it always felt weird to me how reluctant he was.
So I love that Horizons shows the RVTs' trust for each other through them having their Pokemon assist each other, it really helps show what a close knit team they are right from the first episode and that means so much to me.
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junkfoodcinemas · 1 year ago
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The Trust (2016) dir. Alex & Ben Brewer
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autisticakaashitruther · 6 months ago
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He's blushing I know it
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money-and-dandellions · 1 year ago
someone: calls Lester an idiot.
meg "he is an idiot but he is MY idiot" mccaffrey: *proceeds to blow a raspberry and to plant the person in the ground, putting a dandelion onto the it afterwards*.
meg: *whistles and walks away, calling for Lester* Dummy!
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nodoubtinus · 10 months ago
两不疑 - Liǎng Bù Yí - No Doubt In Us
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Plot Synopsis:
Within the Chinese imperial court, stern-faced Emperor Xiao Jinyun and spirited Empress Xu Yu are at constant odds with one another. But the universe has an interesting way to solve their issues: an accident causes the two to switch bodies, forcing them to put themselves in the other's shoes—literally. Now responsible for unfamiliar duties and court dynamics, the emperor and empress must navigate the maintenance of their identities, unruly concubines, and the nation itself. In doing so, Xiao Jinyun and Xu Yu's personal qualities and unconventional skills find new purpose, and a sense of understanding and compassion grows between the two.
However, great threats loom within and outside the court. If the imperial astrologer cannot discover the key to switching them back in time, then internal strife and suspicion may lead to the duo's untimely demise.
(Source: MAL Rewrite)
My review:
I really enjoyed No Doubt In Us! From Xu Yu and Xiao Jinyun's reviving romance, to the court conspiracy slowly unfolding around them, to the fantastical magic element- almost every aspect of the plot lands well, with lively and entertaining characters to carry it.
Xu Yu and Jinming are my favourites of the cast; the energy and positivity around both of them really lightens things up, and they're both very endearing to me. Everyone is very colourful and three-dimensional, and while it's slow to show you the depths behind each character, you come out with at least some positive feeling for even the antagonists (or at least most of them. Not naming any names 🤭)
While the animation style is a bit strange to adjust to at first, it's used to its full potential! The comedic moments get funny little chibis, while most of the show uses a style more similar to early RWBY (both seen below.)
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It's obvious that it was made on a budget, but they do a great job with what they have regardless. The character designs are memorable, the backgrounds are stunning, and they don't shy away from making their characters expressive.
Overall, I think it's really great! More people should give it a go. It's funny, fast-paced, and everyone is endearing- you will find a new blorbo here. I promise.
Where to find it:
(I'm only providing legal sources, since they're the only ones I've used. You can totally pirate it though)
Manhua- Link!
Donghua- Link! // Link! // Link!
C-Drama- Link!
Small Theater- Link!
Wiki- Link!
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thebrokenmechanicalpencil · 21 days ago
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Medical Exam.
@quibble-auk Hehehe your boy!!! Just a thought that came to mind, please ignore the crappy anatomy on Com. He hasn't outgrown the distressed chirp thing...
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okmcintyre · 1 year ago
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Bellamy Blake Appreciation Week: Day 6: Favourite Head!Bellamy Moment- ‘Saving Clarke in the Rover'
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queenjulia11 · 2 years ago
Re-listened to the whole first season yesterday (because I’m chill and normal about my interests) and wow is Phineas the perfect example of how toxic masculinity completely changes a person.
In his introduction, Phineas does exactly what he needs to in order to get the job done. He doesn’t use excessive force, and is able to solve the problem without anyone getting hurt. In any other world, this would be impressive.
Spahr is proud of him, but reminds him to play it up more for the media. Okay, noted, he’ll do better next time. He did exactly what was asked of him, just not in a manner that makes The Trust sound badass and cool to the kids listening back home.
He doesn’t break even — sucks, but no time to be sad about it! Here’s Backpack with her microphone! Look on the goddamn bright side, Phineas!! He still feels his feelings, but does way more than he should to cover them up around other people.
The gala goes well for him, a much needed confidence boost; he takes pride in not accepting handouts. But he doesn’t just say “no thank you,” like episode 3 Phineas might have, he’s offended that Mr. Loxlee expected he would want his help. That would make him weak. Mr. Loxlee clearly just doesn’t get it. This righteous reaction to turning Mr. Loxlee down says more than I realized at first about The Trust’s propaganda that Phin’s been consuming literally since childhood.
Then Spahr basically tells him to stop having social anxiety. Phineas has been feeling so many emotions, asking himself so many questions, trying to put on the Starship Troopers G.I. Joe face this entire time — looking for the answer. Looking for a guiding light to tell him how to be who he’s been told he’s supposed to be. And what answer does Jonas Spahr give to sweet, mild-mannered Phineas Thatch?
Don’t show weakness.
Or else he’s out. Last warning. Is it really that surprising Phineas lashed out against Sherman the way he did?
Spahr is certainly surprised — woah, this is not what he meant. But regardless of his intentions, this is what he fostered. This ruthlessness. This cruelty. This Adsecla who Phineas never would’ve seen himself as back in episode three. “An impulsive fucking idiot.”
“Phineas sees Jonas Spahr. But Jonas Spahr does not see Phineas.”
In more ways than one.
And after finally doing as he was told (to the best of his understanding), Phineas’ mentor, his hero abandons him. He didn’t want to, he never meant for it to go this far. But Phin doesn’t know that.
And now here he is, chewed up and spat out by the system he was born into. After following all the rules, he has become one of the indebted former trustees he was tasked to hunt, with no hope of ever getting back to where he was — let alone breaking even.
This is what propaganda does. This is what toxic masculinity does. This is what a cult does. And it doesn’t happen in a way you can easily see, it slowly simmers until it boils over into something unrecognizably sharp.
Oh, Phineas. I’m rooting for you, buddy.
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