#xiao jinyun
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nodoubtinus · 10 months ago
两不疑 - Liǎng Bù Yí - No Doubt In Us
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Plot Synopsis:
Within the Chinese imperial court, stern-faced Emperor Xiao Jinyun and spirited Empress Xu Yu are at constant odds with one another. But the universe has an interesting way to solve their issues: an accident causes the two to switch bodies, forcing them to put themselves in the other's shoes—literally. Now responsible for unfamiliar duties and court dynamics, the emperor and empress must navigate the maintenance of their identities, unruly concubines, and the nation itself. In doing so, Xiao Jinyun and Xu Yu's personal qualities and unconventional skills find new purpose, and a sense of understanding and compassion grows between the two.
However, great threats loom within and outside the court. If the imperial astrologer cannot discover the key to switching them back in time, then internal strife and suspicion may lead to the duo's untimely demise.
(Source: MAL Rewrite)
My review:
I really enjoyed No Doubt In Us! From Xu Yu and Xiao Jinyun's reviving romance, to the court conspiracy slowly unfolding around them, to the fantastical magic element- almost every aspect of the plot lands well, with lively and entertaining characters to carry it.
Xu Yu and Jinming are my favourites of the cast; the energy and positivity around both of them really lightens things up, and they're both very endearing to me. Everyone is very colourful and three-dimensional, and while it's slow to show you the depths behind each character, you come out with at least some positive feeling for even the antagonists (or at least most of them. Not naming any names 🤭)
While the animation style is a bit strange to adjust to at first, it's used to its full potential! The comedic moments get funny little chibis, while most of the show uses a style more similar to early RWBY (both seen below.)
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It's obvious that it was made on a budget, but they do a great job with what they have regardless. The character designs are memorable, the backgrounds are stunning, and they don't shy away from making their characters expressive.
Overall, I think it's really great! More people should give it a go. It's funny, fast-paced, and everyone is endearing- you will find a new blorbo here. I promise.
Where to find it:
(I'm only providing legal sources, since they're the only ones I've used. You can totally pirate it though)
Manhua- Link!
Donghua- Link! // Link! // Link!
C-Drama- Link!
Small Theater- Link!
Wiki- Link!
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minnarr · 1 year ago
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The Trust — episode 23
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snowdrrops · 2 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Liang Bu Yi (No Doubt In Us) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Xu Yu/Xiao Jinyun Characters: Xu Yu, Xiao Jinyun, Xiao Jinming, Xu Jun Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, First Meetings, xu yu centric, Cafes, jinyun is an asshole, Dreams Summary:
xu yu meets the subject of her dreams
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Jinyun Xiao - ONA: No Doubt In Us
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oscargender · 1 year ago
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fushitoru · 4 months ago
guys wtf im not built to be a proper indian because WDYM i had ONE bite of samosa and three days later im having violent indigestion LIKE ????
ANYWAYS that's caused me to binge "no doubt in us" and OH MY GOD i know what my next mini-series is gonna be. it's the cutest fucking anime. it is now my second favorite anime (first place being jjk and apothecary diaries). it's available on netflx if you have nothing to binge this winter break BINGE THAT. it's also a manhua (COMPLETED).
if you've watched pls pls PLEASE tell me which jjk man is the closest to xiao jinyun oh my god im such a sucker for the whole cold-emperor-falling-in-love-with-his-arranged-marriaged-empress-and-rejecting-his-harem-and-concubines-to-only-bear-heirs-with her.
also if you were any one of the people that commented below my goddess!reader x rejected child!sukuna idea that you want to read it, please have my hand in marriage immediately thanks xoxo
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ririthedevil · 2 years ago
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fuachimuuu · 6 months ago
hi! i stan everything else in ur stan list but what's liang bu yi? do u reccomend it?
hey !! tysm for asking bae, its rlly appreciated !! <3
im glad to find someone else with similar interests haha ^^
liang bu yi, or no doubt in us, is a manhua/donghua series. here's the synopsis from MyAnimeList:
'Within the Chinese imperial court, stern-faced Emperor Xiao Jinyun and spirited Empress Xu Yu are at constant odds with one another. But the universe has an interesting way to solve their issues: an accident causes the two to switch bodies, forcing them to put themselves in the other's shoes—literally. Now responsible for unfamiliar duties and court dynamics, the emperor and empress must navigate the maintenance of their identities, unruly concubines, and the nation itself. In doing so, Xiao Jinyun and Xu Yu's personal qualities and unconventional skills find new purpose, and a sense of understanding and compassion grows between the two. However, great threats loom within and outside the court. If the imperial astrologer cannot discover the key to switching them back in time, then internal strife and suspicion may lead to the duo's untimely demise.'
it does have a happy ending tho !! the fandom is rather small lmao but thats liang bu yi for you !! there's a whole tumblr blog dedicated to this series, in case you want more info. i reblogged one of their posts before so feel free to rifle through my posts to find the blog <3
and as for your last question, absolutely ! it's a great and pretty underrated series. and REALLY funny to balance out any hints of angst.
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nodoubtinus · 7 months ago
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okay i ADORE this one
if anyone could tell me what the crossover is, or what the event being celebrated is, i would give you my firstborn child 🙏
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jaimebluesq · 2 years ago
The Trust - CDrama Recommendation!!!
This post will NOT contain spoilers for the show, just my enthusiasm and spoiler-free screencaps :D
All righty! So I discovered this show on Viki the other day and binged it all in a week (yeah, I might have also been trying to relax my brain from panicking about 2 RBB fics to finish). I've actually had a hard time finishing shows lately - many I look up because there are actors I like but they're in the background and the main protagonists don't interest me much (looking at ChongZi - I wonder if they would issue a "Wang ZhuoCheng" cut without the main couple?). So often I'll look at shows and just give ones a try that sound interesting even if I've heard nothing about them from the peeps I follow on Tumblr or Youtube, and sometimes I hit gold.
What it's about:
The bulk of the story is about a Chinese Emperor and his Empress who've been estranged, and something happens in the first episode that has them switch bodies - yep, an Imperial political/harem drama that does a bodyswap! - and the consequences of this. It's mostly a rom-com type, lots of humour and the occasional silliness with some really good poignant moments, but the main 2 actors are also really good and have great chemistry! Not only do they have to act as their original characters but as each other as well. And there's a neat little thing the show did, that the Imperial storyline is actually fiction, part of a project written by a modern day couple in the middle of a divorce, so often the emotions and such of the Emperor and Empress mirrors that in the modern day couple. I just find it's a neat storytelling device!
As I mentioned, there's also imperial politics (the empress now has to deal with court and courtiers) and harem drama (the emperor now finds out what it's like to be one of his concubines and how they really act when he's not around) and I can't speak to any historical accuracy because it's not my background, but I found it to be very fun to watch.
Why I think my mutuals will like it:
Bodyswap shenanigans!
Good acting
Genuinely funny and made me smile.
... The Untamed/CQL actors!!!!! (Found accidentally, always fun when that happens!)
Aside from the main villain, I came to enjoy all of the characters, even the harem concubines that seemed to be villains in the beginning.
Now let me introduce you to some of my favourite characters and ships because I am SO tempted to write for some of them. -- All images screencapped by me while watching on my PC
Let's start with Emperor Xiao Jinyun and his Empress Xu Yu: they're adorable and sweet together, have very different personalities and aptitudes, and really learned what it's like in the others' shoes. Not tempted to write for them, but I thoroughly enjoyed them.
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Next, THIS PAIR who may very well live rent-free in my brain for a long while to come:
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Recognize the guy on the left? It's our beloved Ouyang Zizhen channelling NHS as the Emperor's useless fan-carrying younger brother! And next to him is the court astrloger/diviner who carries the brain cell between the 2. I lived for every second these two were on screen together. Like this:
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And this:
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Yeah, I'm dead!!!
But they're not the only ones to pique my interest - nor the only ones with a familiar face! Because there is also these two:
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To the left is the Empress' brother, and to the right... Wen Zhuliu! But no core-melting this time, he actually plays a doctor! And these two are quite sweet as well, like here:
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And here:
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But you know what? Why let the boys have all the fun? Because we also get these two schemers:
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Vying for the Emperor's attention at first, but when his attention is elsewhere, well, girls gotta stick together, right?
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And last but not least, these two - one of whom we've already met:
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I am just SO FUCKING ENAMOURED with them! My bisexual heart is a-fluttering. I won't say anything about the lady on the right because it might be too spoilery, but I was very, very, very pleased with how they handled her storyline (again, I'm white/Canadian so take that with a grain of salt).
If you'd like to give it a try, it can be found on Viki, and I just found it on Youtube with English Subs
So that's my little spoiler-free recommendation! Have I tempted you yet?
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nemainofthewater · 3 months ago
Huge congratulations to the Emperor of Southern Qing from Joy of Life!
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Write in candidates this week are:
-Xiao Zhongjing (Dashing Youth) nominated by @feng-huli
-Emperor Taizong (The Long Ballad) nominated by @marilearnsmandarin
-The Heavenly Emperor (Love You Seven Times) (I think, let me know if this isn't him) nominated by @barananduen-blog
-Xiao Jinyun (No Doubt in Us) nominated by @oodlenoodleroodle
-The Qianlong Emperor (Story of Yanxi Palace) nominated by @tavina-writes
-Duan Yunzhang (The Legendary Life of Queen Lau) nominated by @mekare-art
Thank you everyone for your votes, your reblogs, and your propaganda! Thee next poll is 'character most likely to fight their own clone' - I look forward to seeing you there
The wording of this week's poll is very important!
Good or bad, no one can deny that in a court drama, the Emperor is often incredibly important - he's the central authority, the one with the power. Sometime's he's inept, sometimes he needs a painkiller to deal with all the shenanighans and, the rarest of all types, sometimes he's a good ruler.
Whichever the flavour, the best thing an Emperor can be is entertaining!
*Most enjoyable to watch, not necessarily a good person
**(If I get the Emperors' titles wrong, please forgive me! I'm trying to standardise across the series but there isn't always a consistant/any title that i can find, and I'm finding it tricky to differentiate between reign names and temple names, especially for Emperors with no historical counterpart)
***I haven't read the novel of a League of Nobleman so I don't know what the Emperor's book counterpart is like but I thought I could add the Emperor from The Imperial Uncle into the same category as it's the same universe
Propaganda, write-ins, and examples heartily welcome!
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firstpetal · 2 years ago
I love them
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beameized · 6 years ago
if you've read No Doubt in Us plsss talk to me I'm beggin u
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caiuxraven · 2 years ago
No Doubt In Us Season 2 Part 2 Release Date Slated on February 1, 2023
Our favorite emperor and empress are coming back once again as the story of their gender and the role-switching adventure continues in No Doubt In Us Season 2 Part 2 after the 1st part of the donghua’s 2nd season has ended its stint on January 3, 2023.
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The good news is that fans do not need to wait that long since the 2nd cour of No Doubt In Us Season 2 had been scheduled for release just 2 weeks after its 13th episode aired yesterday. Emperor Jinyun Xiao and Empress Yu Xu sure are going to deliver yet another exciting and adorable escapade of their time living the lives of each other after they mysteriously switched bodies after falling off into a pool.
No Doubt In Us Season 2 Part 2 Release Date
Alright, the donghua is slated to return on February 1, 2023. That only means that avid viewers and fans of the series will only have to wait for a few weeks.
Nonetheless, No Doubt In Us Season 2 Part 2 will open up with such a huge task that our Emperor has to deal with and that is an infectious disease that plagues the empire and is contracted by the Empress who suffered from smallpox. How will he respond to this ordeal is something that we should all look out for. Will this dilemma bring a new opportunity for the couple to reignite some more bond between each other?
Source: https://www.yualexius.com/2023/01/no-doubt-in-us-season-2-part-2.html
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nodoubtinus · 4 months ago
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matching set. xiao jinyun's hater ass spirit shines on even in his wife's body <3
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nodoubtinus · 5 months ago
Divergences in The Trust so far:
The first episode (past the modern-day segment, which I'll tackle in another post) starts with Xu Yu and her servant disguising as men and sneaking into court, because Xu Yu wants to see her father for the first time in three years. It's a fun change, and it establishes that Xu Yu is on very thin ice. It's a strange bit of characterisation, though- in the manhua and donghua she doesn't deliberately break the rules as she does here, and she isn't so assertive or argumentative in the aftermath as she is here.
The servants get a lot more personality. Xiao Jinyun's personal servant, Wudu, and Xu Yu's servant are both entirely new characters.
They've gotten rid of Consort Zhao? She's been replaced with Lady Pei, who... seems to be exactly the same so far. Maybe this one isn't the Emperor's cousin!
The harem seems about the same, but more fleshed out. Tao, Li, and Qin are all there. (Qin has a role in the manhua, but in the donghua she's just a name and a face.)
THEY'VE REPLACED HUNA????? MY WIFE??????? 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭
I love their clothes!! In the manhua and donghua you only get about three outfits between everyone, but here everyone has different outfits! And Xiao Jinyun isn't stuck in fucking. Butter colours any more XD
This time, what swaps their body is a protective bracelet General Xu (whose name we get! Xu Ding!) gives to Xu Yu, that he got from the northern border.
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