#Symptoms of Panic Attacks
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casualvoidbread · 2 years ago
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mosstrades · 8 months ago
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Steve: Go fuck yourself
Eddie, winking: Fine but only if you watch
Steve *flood of bi panic*
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clowningaroundmars · 7 months ago
i still cannot get over The Twins like.
you have another version of you out there arguably living a life just as difficult as yours, if not more, that you can talk to at literally Any Time! and they're You so you basically already have half a convo down anytime you decide to pop on over via a portal
1610 and 42 stepping out of their respective portals side-by-side just to stroll out of an alleyway like nothin happened just going:
42: rough day too huh?
1610, brushing debris off of his shoulder: yeeep. another run-in with the rhino. again.
42: you didn't lock his dumb ass up like, last month? how'd he get out?
1610: don't know, don't care. so done with this week, i just wanna... i dunno. hibernate til spring 😮‍💨
42: man, what a mood.
1610: what happened to you? you look like you had a rougher day than me!
42, covered in visible bruises and cuts along with his bandages: mannnn... rougher week more like. well... rougher life. but. anyways.
they both nod at each other in Understanding
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cardi-c · 5 months ago
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creaturepower · 7 months ago
Yall oh my god I'm a lesbian
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bugmistake · 6 months ago
the thing about anxiety is that sometimes you will wake up in the middle of the night for seemingly no reason. and the thing about having The Condition That Makes Your Body Hurt Because Your Joints Go Too Far And Sublux When You Lay Down Funny So It's Hard To Find A Position That's Comfortable For A Long Time Syndrome is that sometimes you can't go back to sleep because your body hurts real bad
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arminsumi · 2 years ago
Everything Will Be Alright
Oneshot / A. Arlert
Armin helps you through a panic attack.
Cws; fluff, he calls you darling, discusses panic attack, mentions symptoms, pre-est relationships (Dating + living together)
Notes; I wrote this during a panic attack (not a major one, or anything) and it oddly helped me calm down
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Armin carried you to his bed, the warmth of his chest filling you with a comfortable fuzzy feeling.
After he laid you down on his bed, he leaned over you to give your forehead a small kiss. How could his lips be so soft?
"Do you need anything? Some water, maybe?"
You sniffled and nodded.
"Okay, wait here for me, darling. I'll be back."
So you waited while he trotted to the cozy kitchen of his apartment.
Nausea and nerves buzzed in your body, and soothing breaths only barely helped to steady them.
The tensing feeling in your tummy only dispersed when Armin's soft face popped back into the room.
"Sorry for being a lot to handle..." You mumbled apologetically.
He looked at you adoringly and leaned one palm on the bed besides you, pressing his weight into the bed. His other hand brought a glass of crystal cold water to you.
"Don't say that. You're so good for me all the time, I couldn't dream of someone more lovable than you." He said softly, "Here, drink this for me, even if it's a little sip."
You took weak sips on the water. Ah, refreshing lukewarm water.
"Have a few more sips, just little ones — come on, just little ones." Armin coaxed gently.
His pretty eyes captured your attention. They emanated a serene, wonderful feeling that was capable of soothing your soul.
You sipped more water, but that was all you could manage. Armin set the glass down on the table next to his bed. He made sure to do that gently, because he knew how sensitive you were to sound right now. Even the smallest noise of glass hitting wood stirred your chest.
"You're doing good, darling. You're really strong, you know that?" He praised.
"Do you need cuddles?" He asked.
You nodded, and muttered a small "Yes, please."
So Armin climbed onto the bed, his weight pressing into the mattress. The sound of fabric rustling as he cozied up next to you was oddly calming.
His arms wrapped around your body, and you found yourself able to relax at last. All the knotted tension in your body disentangled.
Armin was perfectly warm, it made you feel wonderfully fuzzy. His chest was soft, the fabric of his white shirt was soft... everything finally felt as soft as it felt before your panic attack started.
You took a deep inhale. He smelled clean, and his hair had a vaguely fruity scent.
"Put your head on my chest, my Love." He spoke gently in your ear. His voice felt like a lullaby.
You laid your head on his chest, and listened to the comforting sound of his heartbeat. Finally, the dizzy swirl of life came to a still, and the loud world muted.
"Don't you worry about a thing, okay?" He said in a calm, low pitch, "I've got you safe in my arms, nothing can hurt you." He assured, and then he began to stroke your hair.
Sometimes his lowered to soothingly thumb your cheek, or kissed your head.
"Just focus on my heartbeat, and close your eyes." He said, "I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying right here with you." He assured, like he could read your racing mind.
He even hummed for you, and it was the song that reminded him of when you two fell in love. How did it go again? Do you remember? What song was it that played when you realized your love for each other?
He hushed you when you groaned.
He handled you with a gentleness that only Armin could have. His whole focus was on you, and keeping you safe in his embrace, your body pressed tightly against his body.
"I'm scared." You muttered into his shirt.
"Of what?" He asked, slowing his petting.
"Of the future... everything happens so fast these days. I don't want all the good times to end, and I just get left behind."
"Aw, my darling... don't you even worry about that, okay? The future only comes one day at a time. And you wont get left behind; I'm going to be right here with you through everything."
He giggled, and added, "I'll carry you on my back like a backpack if I have to!" He joked, and played with your nose.
Then he leaned down to bump his nose against yours, which got you laughing gently. He always knew how to get you smiling again after a rough time.
He paused, then raised his face and kissed your forehead, and murmured against it, "I love you so much, my darling angel."
You mumbled those three words right back, but in a dozy voice.
He let out a cute laugh through his nose, "So cute." He cooed.
With your body clinging to him in this position, he felt so happy. You were just his little darling.
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When I edited this, I was quite taken aback at the fact I wrote this in such an awful state. It turned out better than the things I write in a good state, how does that make sense!
P.s. I'm alright! I seldom get panic attacks, and they are not severe. It's just that this month has been a bit rough with school and mental health.
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hauntedkeys · 20 days ago
Hey gang should I be worried if I’m suddenly very dizzy and can’t breathe?
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bigskydreaming · 7 months ago
Thank you for the assistance. I have got my meds, I am good to go, it'll take a few days for my synapses to all get back to firing properly but they have everything they need to do that now which is. A huge relief. Back to the No Distractions Cave!
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scenedenial · 6 months ago
dr cut my lexapro dose and now i’m violently shaking and my limbs and head feel like cement … hmmm 🤔
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c0rpseductor · 1 month ago
i think i might have just had a panic attack? hard to say. i felt physically really awful and like i was having massive anxiety/panic bodily, but there was no like...emotion behind it? like i felt stressed but just because of what my body was doing. i didn't feel scared about anything specific. in the shower it felt like my heart was Pounding and my chest was kind of tight and i'm still struggling to like, keep bodily calm by regulating my breathing. mentally i feel, like, fine. just really confused. also this has lasted a while now, aren't panic attacks supposed to be brief?
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thestarseersystem · 2 years ago
Tiktok videos on DID are usually dramatized because it's much more entertaining that way. And most people who make them, UNDERSTAND THAT. So why is it that viewers, don't seem to understand???
Have you ever actually dressed up for when an alter fronted? It's always been intentional, because they want that, they wanted to dress up, or show who they are because of their clothes.
Or like, making a skit on how it feels like to have DID, or anything. SKITS ARE INTENTIONAL, THEY'RE SCRIPTED.
This makes me so mad that people treat DID tiktok videos like they're the epitome of the reality of living with DID, and it's so dumb, and it makes me incredibly furious and triggered and upset.
Living with DID is boring and if people actually showed on what goes on day to day, no one would click on your videos, so no one does that. Even "switches caught on camera" is a clickbait-y title to get you to watch that video.
Everyone who makes DID videos understands and knows that they are making something intentional. You can't accidentally make a video on DID. You don't trip and fall and edit something, you don't roll into your clothes, it's not a mistake when you have a skit about your disorder.
So I don't know why it's so hard to understand for those who are watching, that most of it is a dramatic recreation. Its like watching a movie, you suspend your disbelief for a little while and you go back to daily life. You know those are just movies.
People aren't faking for clout, they're just intentionally recreating something or catching something on camera so they can post it online. Unless the user has a security camera in their house or recorded without their consent, every video you see made by someone with DID was, in some way, something that didn't just happen by accident.
DID is visually boring, its time viewers learn the truth.
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astraltoon · 4 months ago
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Hey all, I work night shift and I barely made it through. Had a panic attack immediately after getting home, still dealing with symptoms from that while I type this.
Fight, in what ever way you can, even if it's just staying alive. They want to exterminate us, do not let them win.
Remember how we got these rights in the first place. Try to find your community and do what you can do to help, even if it's small. Even if all you do is cause a scene before getting taken away, you could inspire generations to come to fight for what's right. If you have to hide away and all you can do is help from the sidelines, spread awareness in any form, donate to orgs, etc., it's still help.
The future will be rough, but it has yet to be written. I know how many of you are feeling hopeless right now but that's exactly what they want. They want this to be easy, don't let it be.
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abutterflyobsession · 11 months ago
actually deeply apprehensive about opening up my strange magic fic documents |:
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