#Suzi answers
mrsbsmooth · 15 days
can actually confirm suzi has all of the original idea bones actually, she's hoarding them and i would like mine back please so i can finish this damn fic
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 love you
I’m genuinely perplexed though like do they think that I think I invented the ETL or something? That I think I invented smut? Romance writing works so well because there are so many tropes that readers love and playing off those tropes in fun ways is most of the writing. What the heck 💀
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alcoholfreenayeon · 5 months
Hi, can you do Bae Suzy headcannons? both sfw and nsfw? thank youuu
Bae Suzy Girlfriend HCs
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So caring, always texting or calling to make sure you have eaten, slept, eaten your medicine etc. Will show up to your house if you are sick and take care of the whole day.
Wants to drive you around everywhere.
A big flirt and an even bigger tease.
The type of person who will remember the tiniest details.
Suzy gives you the best birthday presents.
She likes to be the one that plans the trips you both take.
She will rarely show her negative emotions, bottling them up quite often. You often scold her for it but she says being close to you resets all the negativity and even though that sounds a bit far fetched, the pretty smile she has while saying that just makes it hard to not believe her.
She easily falls for jokes and pranks so you try to make full use of that.
Suzy can get hyper easily and then she likes to just cling on to you, annoying you, cuddling you, kissing you. Anything just to use her energy.
She absolutely melt’s whenever you cook for her.
Insatiable demon, like once you two begin fucking especially if you haven’t for a while, she won’t want to stop. Like she puts you to the point where you pass out from exhaustion. And then when you wake up she wants to continue.
Kinky and open to try out new things.
Suzy is a switch and leans top or bottom depending on her mood.
Likes to push you to your limits.
Car sex is her absolute favorite. The thrill and risk of being caught, being somewhat in the open, maybe on the way or back from somewhere. All of that just adds up and is the reason why you always insist she drives or else her hands and lips end up roaming all over your body.
Suzy will often invite you to places she’s going for work simply because she misses you and also because she wants…stress relief.
Moans your name a lot when you eat her out.
Wants you to be bratty so she can put you in your place.
Wants to make you cum till you see stars.
She is really good at aftercare and will be so soft and gentle with you.
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solenstelluna · 1 month
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For @heropartnerweek Day 2 it's Evolution, and this one's a two-parter! That's crazy for sure, and I think it's cool! Hopefully, that isn't just because I finished these right now and I haven't gone to sleep at all yet.
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sexymandescendants · 3 months
totally NOT self indulgent question do the descendants have any siblings? :3
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TOO-LETTE: Oh, don’t even get me started. I have so many I can’t even count them all….
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DEE: Bullshit, I have your guys’ family photo right here.
TOO-LETTE: THAT’S NOT EVEN ALL OF THEM!!!!! You out of all people should know that, Dee!!
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TOO-LETTE: ….Wait, how did you even ge—
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SUZY: I have a little sister named Rosie! She’s turning 2 in a few days. Here's a photo if you wanna see!
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starry-blue-echoes · 9 months
okay so follow up on my last Narrator Speedwagon au. You know how Jospeh lies to Suzie in Part 3 about what he’s doing?
He can’t do that anymore thanks to Speedwagon’s narration. She listens to Speedwagon for five minutes before grabbing the nearest phone to chew him out.
Polanreff: how did she know?!
Joseph: somehow she can hear the voice of my Uncle Speedwagon narrating everything that happens.
Kakyoin: … by any chance was Speedwagon British?
Joseph: OH MY GOD!?
oh my god that's perfect
but also for the angst........ Kakyoin being even more isolated because of hearing Speedwagon's narration :)
ontop of a weird ghost buddy he also has to deal with hearing a voice occasionally talking with him and he has No Idea What The Hell Is Happening
and I don't know the specifics yet but you can 100% bet his time mind controlled by Dio is going to be WILD
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fedorah-the-explorah · 4 months
someone execute me pls
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websurfshark · 9 months
i need to know i need to know
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a-strange-inkling · 6 months
How are Dustin and Susie doing in Old Haunts?
Happily married with three kids later on in their late twenties 🥰 They sing a lot of showtunes around the house.
Peregrine Edward (Perry) Rosalind Christina (Rosie) and Arthur Stephen (Artie).
They're all nerds.
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cowgirljol · 2 months
remember who said it first
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yuno-karei · 10 months
Your oc Dread has the *coolest* bloodline ability ever, also your character designs are bangers I love the colors they’re so great. Are there any m!ik oc fun facts you’ve been dying to share but haven’t gotten around to?
AAAA I'M SO GLAD THAT YOU LIKE THEM!!! I honestly had so much thoughts about them that I'm not sure what I've shared and what I have not, but one of the fun facts that rotates in my head is that Nelly's actually pretty good with plants!
... Just that it's more like:
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Suzy's so used to her shenanigans
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diamondsheep · 1 year
hi ram!!! ✍ pls draw me chrome and as a bonus your favourite one piece character😁👀
HI PETEEEER 💖💖💖💖 thank u so much for your requests 😄
Here is your beloved cheerful scientist 💙💙
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and here is my beloved green swordman 💚💚
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frostcorpsclub · 6 days
Hey queen!!! So I was watching a baking show with my mom and it got me to thinking:
What would Suzy and/or Ginny's chosen wedding cake flavor be?
I love you pookie Ty for the question! 🥰
Of course, Jack made the cake he wouldn’t have it any other way. Suzy gets to be the center of attention and he’s happy to have that for his bride but he’s getting some recognition too.
Suzy loves Cheesecake so that’s what she got! It’s massive and tiered just like any other wedding cake, with a little wedding topper (the kids got together and made it as a gift :)
However! Each tier is a different flavor of cheesecake for the guests (it’s mostly their kids LOL) preferences.
Going from bottom to top
Tier 1: Classic Cheesecake
Tier 2: Chocolate Pecan Cheesecake
Tier 3: Raspberry Cheesecake
Tier 4: Pumpkin Cheesecake
Tier 5: The piece reserved just for Jack and Suzy, small enough to split perfectly in half for each of them; Lime Cheesecake
Santa and Virginia did not give a shit about their wedding, it was a ceremony entirely devised and for hells elite demon class and Lucifer himself. So there was a lot of dessert and an impressive hedonistic feast.
Evergreen pushed Santa to ask if Virginia wanted anything at all and she just kind of shrugged and went, “I like carrot cake.”
(Virginia likes to cook a lot of greasy artery clogging food but she actually grazes on small healthy things herself)
So that’s what she got.
For some reason she took a slice like a bird and then got really pushy about Santa eating the rest. Totally strange and out of character for her /s
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alcoholfreenayeon · 5 months
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scurvgirl · 9 months
For drabble words: How about "crash"?
Took the concept >:)
Lungs straining. Coughing. Head hurts. What happened? Sirens? Ow. Fucking ow.
Eyes blink open. Sting because…smoke? Confusion. Pain! So much pain! Husband? Where is Husband? 
Hands on shoulders, noise in the air with the sirens but it doesn’t make sense. Husband? No. Not husband. Light! Too bright, can’t look away. Face - not husband. Lips move but it doesn’t make sense. 
Face is wet, legs are wrong. Pain! 
His eyes open to white walls and a beeping monitor, a calloused hand in his own. He squeezes the hand and relaxes into the bed. 
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and-stir-the-stars · 1 year
so in silent protector au mike posesses the golden suit, right? is there any scenario under which he'd have a form that's recognizably his? i'm curious what the kids would think of him looking just like their killer when they're aware he's 1. not like. A Living Night Guard and 2. a different dude.
ʸᵒ ʰᵒ ʰᵒ...
In this au, lost souls start out stuck inside the suits, with the suits acting as their new "bodies," before the souls eventually gain enough control to leave the suits and wander in their real forms. It would take Mike a long time to gain control, but eventually he would have the ability to wander outside of the suit. It's just a matter of Mike WANTING that, because for a long time, he wants to stay as far away from the physical world, the ghost kids, and his brother for as long as possible.
I can't see Mike willingly leaving the suit for a long time after his death. Once he and Evan actually start *talking*, though, I think Mike would have a hard time denying Evan if Ev asked him to leave the suit.
The question of how the other ghost kids would react to his actual form is an interesting one, because it actually hinges on a lot of moving parts.
Do the ghost kids actually know what their killer looks like?
A lot of media that I've seen depicts William as wearing the Spring Bonnie suit during his murders, so. Did William wear the suit for *all* of them? If he did, does that mean the only "face" the children have for their murderer is Spring Bonnie? Or maybe as ghosts they saw their killer's face when he took off the suit after killing them?
Do some of the ghost kids know what their killer actually looked like, while others only have "someone inside Spring Bonnie" clocked as their killer? Or did they all see William’s face as their killer at one time or another, either while they were alive or as ghosts being forced to watch him kill others?
I've already decided that the spirit possessing Foxy (Fritz) is the most inquisitive of the kids and the spirit possessing Bonnie (Jeremy) is the most reluctant to accept change, thus explaining their more aggressive behavior in the games.
Jeremy, I think, would go out of his way to avoid Mike if Mike wandered outside of the suit. Snide comments get thrown around about how ALL of them have been more on edge since Mike left the suit, and maybe it'd be best if Mike would just go back in, or at least cover up his face.
Fritz is unsettled by the reminder that the person he has been "befriending" (in a way) has had the face of his killer the whole time. There's discomfort there, but he tries not to let it get the best of him. Mike has no more control over his appearance than the rest of them have control over the disturbing wounds warping their ghostly bodies. Like each other's fatal wounds, it's just something he-- all of them-- will have to get used to. But Fritz does have a version of his killer built up in his mind (assuming he never met William in person; maybe William was the type to mingle in the arcades and whatnot, talking to all the kids as he chose his next victim). And i think Fritz would ask Mike a lot of questions, try to learn more about him, learn more to help separate Mike’s face from the killer Fritz has built up in his head and prove to himself that they're not actually one and the same.
Based on what we know about Suzie from pizza sim, Suzie would probably be one of the kids William targeted from walking around the pizzeria, though whether he lured her while inside or outside of the S Bonnie suit could probably be debated. Like Fritz, Suzie tries keeping her negative thoughts about Mike’s appearance to herself because she knows it's not Mike’s fault, as unsettling as the situation is. But mostly, she tries to keep from rocking the boat because she's never seen Evan this... happy isn't the right word, but free, maybe. There is no wondering why he had to die anymore, no more wondering why he wasn't good enough to deserve his brother's love. Evan finally has what the others lack: answers and an opportunity to heal. Suzie feels guilty for treating Evan so harshly when they first found out Mike’s spirit didn't move on. And Suzie knows that Evan needs love and support and the chance to heal as much as the rest of them, and that she and the others didn't give their Protector nearly as much of these things as HE gave THEM. If Evan can get these things from Mike, too, then she wants that for him.
That just leaves Gabriel, who I haven't put any characterization into at all, if I'm being honest. Inside Freddy, he's the star of the show by day, but by night, he almost fades into the background amidst the antics and aggression of the souls possessing Bonnie, Foxy, and Chica. He's not as active, and when he is, he tends to sit outside your door and FORCE you to use up all your power like he just wants this to be over. Like he doesn't get as much fun out of this as the others. Maybe that's what his music box is: a way of celebrating, almost. Of saying "there's no more power. You have no way left to fight. This is over now, and we can finally have some time of peace and rest before we're forced to do this whole thing again without you."
Maybe Gabriel sees Michael outside the suit, and there's a sense of hope because this has never happened before. This is DIFFERENT. Maybe they won't have to spend the rest of eternity locked inside this senseless routine of being surrounded by seas of faces night and day, all of these faces being people who cannot or refuse to help them. But this is just me spitballing ideas so I at least have something to say; this characterization isn't set in stone and I'm liable to change it if I stumble across something more interesting.
I'm very intrigued by the first thing you pointed out, about Mike looking like their killer while not being a "Living Night Guard." I haven't actually put much thought into the fact that Mike looks like the kids' killer or how they would react to him while he was still alive until now. I still haven't decided yet whether Evan knows his father was a killer in this au, but if he doesn't know, then I'm incredibly intrigued by the idea of Evan hearing the other kids whisper "that's the face of our killer" only to look and see his own brother. Michael heartlessly killed Evan; maybe it wouldn't be too big of a stretch in Evan’s mind to imagine Michael killing other kids, too. Maybe the reason Evan is the one to kill Mike isn't just vengeance against his own death, but vengeance against the other kids' deaths, too, because Evan is under the impression that his own brother went on to murder them.
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starry-blue-echoes · 10 months
in the Narrator Speedwagon au, does he narrate part 1 and 2 as well? Because I can only imagine how funny and confusing that could get.
For years Baron Zeppeli had the most annoying voice in his head narrating things, and then he meets Speedwagon and it’s like “YOU!!!” And it’s on sight
meanwhile Suzie Q has no idea who’s voice she’s always hearing until Speedwagon introduces himself to her after Joseph’s funeral. “Oh! The voice in my head!”
oh my g o d I haven't laughed this hard in ages thank you for this I love it
Zeppeli had beef with this voice because he only ever seemed to appear at the worst possible moment. His ship's being attacked by vampires and his father nearly killed him? Finding the Hamon Masters and trying to convince them to take him in? Being told he has a fucking death prophecy??? Now is not the TIME voice so please for the love of all that is holy please s h u t -
this is the real reason the Baron hits Speedwagon so hard when he explains that he wants to learn Hamon
and just. wesfcujaebfuae Suzie sweetie honey-
I LOVE the mental image of Suzie just saying this with a perfectly straight face and Speedwagon's just sitting there like "what :D?" and has honestly no idea where to take this conversation from here
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