#rvb volleyball
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jumpymystic · 4 months ago
Jensen x Volleyball <3
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day 2 for @rvbrarepairweekdos
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bugsontoastt · 5 months ago
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tiny silly volleykatie? katievolley? katieball? for days 1 & 2
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websurfshark · 2 years ago
i need to know i need to know
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anneapocalypse · 2 years ago
Deeply moved to learn that RvB fans still a) love Volleyball, and b) have no idea what a lieutenant is.
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str4ng3rdanger · 2 years ago
let's go lesbians
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everything i could think of over the past two days it's so great they get to be visible this week 🧡🤍💗
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dgknightblue · 2 years ago
Soooo I want to read fics where Simmons is actually leading his troops on Chorus.
I’ve been thinking about it.
I don’t know all of the girls under his command.
There is Volleyball and Jensen, but who are the others?
I’d love it if Simmons integrated dancing into his fight style since he loves dancing! He’d have a troop that goes for gold!
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leonardalphachurch · 3 months ago
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something you should know about me: i will ALWAYS take the opportunity to make a relationship chart
theta and junior are the main characters here so while i could include other ppl and relationships on here i tried to keep it to like. only the stuff that would directly affect their story as much as possible.
list of each character and their relationships under the cut in a maybe easier to read format?
if a characters name is small and i don’t give them a full name here it’s bc they’re not actually a real character and only exist bc there needed to be a person there
[C parents] Parents of Caboose; Grandparents of Smith. [C sis] Sister of Caboose; Mother of Smith. [Caboose] Michael J. Caboose: Uncle to Smith; Friends with Church and Tucker. [Smith] John Elizabeth Andersmith: Nephew of Caboose; Part of the teen's friend group.
[Price] Aiden Price: Caretaker to Church; Unrequited feelings for Director. [Director] Dr. Leonard Church: Widowed husband of Allison; Father of Church and Lina; Grandfather to Theta; Unrequited love interest of Price. [Allison] Allison Beth Church: Dead. Wife of Director; Mother of Church and Lina; Grandmother of Theta. [Lina] Carolina Church: Daughter of Director and Allison; Sister to Church; Ex fiancées with York. [Church] Leonard L. Church: Son of Director and Allison; Brother to Lina. Father of Theta; Unlabeled exes with North; Coparenting Theta with North; Friends with Tucker and Caboose; Rivals with Temple; Complicated relationship with Tucker. [York] Anthony York: Ex fiancées with Lina; Unrequited love interest of North.
[S/N parents] Parents to South and North; Grandparents to Theta. [South] Sarah Dakota: Sister of North; Aunt to Theta's. [North] Noah Dakota: Brother of South; Father of Theta; Unlabeled exes with Church; Coparenting Theta with Church; Unrequited feelings for York. [Theta] Theta Dakota: Child of North and Church; BFFs with Junior.
[J dad] Father of Jensen; Stepfather of Simmons. [S/J mom] Mother to Simmons and Jensen. [S dad] Divorced father of Simmons'. [Jensen] Katie Jensen: Half sister to Simmons; Unrequited crush of Palomo; Mutual crush with Volleyball; Part of the teen's friend group. [Simmons] Richard "Dick" Simmons: Half brother to Jensen; Complicated relationship with Grif. [Volleyball] Valerie Kimball: Daughter of Vanessa Kimball; Mutual crush with Jensen.
[G parents] Mother of Grif and Kai. [Grif] Dexter Grif: Brother to Kai; Helps take care of Bitters; Complicated relationship with Simmons. [Kai] Kaikaina Grif: Sister to Grif; Mother of Bitters; Exes with Tucker; Flirty casual thing going on with Georgina. [B dad] Father of Bitters. [Bitters] Antoine Bitters: Son of Kai; Taken care of by Grif; Boyfriends with Matthews; Part of the teen's friend group. [Matthews] Madison Matthews: Boyfriends with Bitters.
[Tucker] Lavernius Tucker: Father of Junior; Exes with CB; Reluctantly helps take care of Palomo; Friends with Church and Caboose; Complicated relationship with Church; Budding romantic feelings for Temple; Exes with Kai. [CB] Dead and we're all glad about it; Exes with Tucker; Father of Junior'. [Junior] Junior Tucker: Son of Tucker and CB; Friends with Palomo; BFFs with Theta; Rivals with Biff Jr.; Part of the teen’s friend group. [Palomo] Charles Palomo: Friends with Junior; Very happily taken care of by Tucker; Unrequited crush for Jensen.
[Temple] Mark Temple: Coparenting Biff Jr. with Georgina; Friends with Georgina; In love with Biff; (Also very close friends with Biff I didn’t put it here but you know); Manipulative but kind of genuine romantic feelings for Tucker; Rivals with Church. [Georgina] Georgina Buford: Widowed wife of Biff; Mother of Biff Jr.; Coparenting Biff with Temple; Friends with Temple; Flirty casual thing going on with Kai. [Biff] James “Biff” Buford: Dead. Husband of Georgina; Father of Biff Jr.; Unrequited love of Temple; (Also very close friends with Temple I didn’t put it here but you know). [Biff Jr.] James Buford Jr.: Son of Georgina and Biff; Raised by Temple and Georgina; Rivals with Junior.
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rvb-relationship-royale · 2 years ago
Fascinating developments in the first 24 hours- I’ve learned about a few ships I didn’t know existed, and am having a lot of fun with the fact that some rarepairs were submitted before fandom heavyweights.
Also, to the people who have been submitting wlw pairings despite their under-representation in the fandom, I am kissing you on the mouth.
The overall tally as it currently stands is under the cut!
Church/Tex, aka Chex (2 submissions)
Grif/Simmons, aka Grimmons (3 submissions)
Tucker/Wash, aka Tuckington (2 submissions)
Caboose/Donut, aka Pastry Train (3 submissions)
Church/Tucker, aka Chucker (3 submissions)
Caboose/Wash, aka Washingboose (2 submissions)
Grif/Tucker, aka Grucker (1 submission)
Sarge/Wash, aka Sargington (2 submissions)
Doc/Wash, aka Docington (1 submission)
Doc/Donut, aka Docnut (1 submission)
Church/Caboose, aka Churboose (1 submission)
Donut/Wash, aka Washnut (3 submission)
Tucker/Donut, aka Tucknut (1 submission)
North/York, aka Nork (1 submission)
Florida/Wyoming, aka Flyoming (1 submission)
Locus/Felix, aka Lolix (3 submissions)
Delta/York, aka Dork (1 submission)
Kai (Sister)/Tucker, aka Sucker (1 submission)
Sarge/Dr. Grey, aka MedicGun (2 submissions)
Church/Donut, aka Churchnut (1 submission)
Kimball/Felix, aka Kimblix (1 submission)
Kimball/Doyle, aka Kimboyle (1 submission)
Lopez/O'Malley, aka Lomalley (1 submission)
Kimball/Dr. Grey, aka Greyball (1 submission)
Kimball/Carolina, aka Kimballina (1 submission)
Jensen/Volleyball-Player Lieutenant, aka Jolleyball (1 submission)
Locus/Wash, aka Locington (1 submission)
Felix/Tucker, aka Fucker Tucklix (1 submission)
Bitters/Matthews, aka Bitthews (1 submission)
Bitters/Smith, aka Bittersmith (1 submission)
Bitters/Palomo, aka Bitlomo (1 submission)
Bitters/Jensen (1 submission)
Florida/Counsellor, aka Florice (1 submission)
South/Carolina, aka Southlina (1 submission)
York/Carolina, aka Yorkalina (1 submission)
Sheila/Lopez, aka Sheilopez? (1 submission)
Red Zealot/V.I.C. (1 submission)
Maine/Wash, aka Mainewash (1 submission)
C.T./479er (1 submission)
Tucker/Crunchbite (1 submission)
Kai (Sister)/Tex, aka Sex Texsis (1 submission)
479er/Guy Moving The Crates (1 submission)
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dragongirldg · 1 year ago
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Missing someone?
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grif-hawaiian-rolls · 6 months ago
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Left to right: Valora "Volleyball" Balin, Katie Jensen, Charles "Charlie" Palomo, Antoine Bitters, John "Smith" Andersmith and Mitchell Matthews Definitely a picture taken post war to me, but I had to give the rebels some love they deserve <3
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websurfshark · 1 year ago
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too joyous
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fischiee · 2 years ago
you’re so right i am so sorry i have forgotten nearly everything after s13 she WILL be added asap
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rvb ft. goofs and gags pt. 2
bonus: a slide i made while trying to convince my friend to watch rvb:
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rubykgrant · 2 years ago
Summer Time! Rvb Characters at the Beach~
-Sarge is trying to get sunburned on PURPOSE so he'll be RED all over. After ignoring Doc's explanations regarding skin protection, O'Malley has filled up an extreme water-gun with sunblock, and Donut has to physically cover his own mouth with his hands because he doesn't trust himself to NOT accidentally say something about this situation that doesn't come out... wrong
-Simmons wore lots of sunblock from the beginning. He still got fried. When Grif takes a nap in the sand, Simmons builds an elaborate sand castle on top of him (Grif wakes up, and just starts suggesting using little sticks and shells to make a village around him. they're both having fun). Wash accidentally falls on it later, and Simmons calls him a big bully
-Donut was informed this was NOT a nude beach, and he has begrudgingly accepted this (he's still wearing the most minimal thing he could find, though). After chilling on a towel and catching some rays for a while, he decided to float around on an inflatable mattress in the ocean... he fell asleep and drifted away, then yelled about it "You all just watched me drift out to sea!? You were all just gonna let me go, good-bye Donut!?"
-Carolina is destroying some unsuspecting people at beach volleyball (remember Azula in the beach episode? she's that). Wash is determined to learn how to surf (he can skateboard, he should be able to do this, dang it!). Tex and Lopez are metal-detecting, and Church is collecting the "junk" they don't want (like cool bottles and smooth beach glass, like a bird finding shiny things), Doc is also helping find trash and recycling it
-Tucker and Caboose are playing "rock dive", in which they each find a big rock and jump off a cliff into the ocean, so they sink super fast, grab a handful of sand, and then swim back up to prove they touched down there. Wash is nearby, designated life-guard
-Kai is flirting her way into getting free icecream pops from new people that go by the icecream truck every hour (her brother is very jealous, she won't share)
-Locus is hiding over by a tidepool. All the little critters in there are neat (and Caboose joins him)
-Eventually everybody plays a game of "wave standing", where they see how long they can stand up waist-deep in the ocean, before waves eventually knock them over or pull them away from the shore (they're not in a riptide area or a spot with a dangerous undertow. still, Church gets swept away right off the bat)
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dgknightblue · 1 year ago
Okay so I’m watching Kung Fu Panda again and now I want a RVB AU.
Grif is obviously the Dragon warrior.
Grif - Panda
Crane- Simmons?
Tigress- Locus?
Snake- Donut
Shi fu- Sarge ???
Oh god that would mean Lopez is Tai Lung because that’s his son.
Or since its an AU of RVB none of the Reds and Blues are main characters of the universe and Master Chief is the Dragon warrior while the Reds and Blues are background characters trying to survive the craziness.
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Hm… turning them into background characters in the universe and thus making it easier as they get their own back stories and stuff….
And I’d have more variety of animals to pick from.
Now let’s see….hm…..I don’t know think about it later.
I want to incorporate Simmons 2 OC daughters plus Maroon team (20 soldiers/ Daughters I’ve given faces and names to them other than Jensen and Volleyball)
Of course they have to have an animal version of them.
How to make it Grimmons because that’s the o my thing on my mind at the moment. Also give Simmons a knife because he needs it.
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rvb-relationship-royale · 1 year ago
Redsbian vs. Lesblue- Round 2, Part 3, Poll 1
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mixterglacia · 2 years ago
Have you considered Chorus Lieutenants for RvB RWBY teams? You'd have to make up ones for the Feds, but I see three teams. One that's the Rebel Lieutenants (Team JACK cuz John Antoine Charles Katie), one that's Fed Lieutenants, and one that's Matthews, Dr Grey, the volleyball girl from Simmons's squad, and the red fed with the bug minigun. Just an idea. Idk semblances or any of that though.
I haven't! I'd have to get caught back up, but I'll definitely look into it!
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