#jolleyball rvb
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Redsbian vs. Lesblue- Round 2, Part 3, Poll 1
#rvb relationship royale#red vs blue#rvb#poll competition#rvb polls#poll release#ohio rvb#vera rvb#agent ohio#sherry rvb#ohio/sherry rvb#ohio/sherry#ohsherry#jensen rvb#katie jensen#volleyball rvb#jolleyball rvb
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chorus lesbians chorus lesbians chor
(its transparent)
#rvb#red vs blue#rvb volleyball#rvb jensen#katie jensen#volleyball x jensen#volleyball/jensen#jolleyball#rvb jolleyball#affjordable scribbles
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tumblr mobile, out of some kind of desperation to provide me with relevant content I guess, has been suggesting my own old femslash posts to me, and I think that's beautiful
#well you're not entirely wrong tungle#nothing is more relevant to my interests than posts I made I guess!#sure fuck i'll reread my own jolleyball fics#rvb problems#tumblr
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Everybody’s Changing
Red vs. Blue. Jensen/Volleyball. 2700 words. Rated T. Written for @rvbrarepairweek.
Even after the war, Chorus is always in flux. It's a changing world out there. Sometimes you need a constant.
Set post-season 17. Same continuity as "Hopes & Fears," and kind of a happy sequel to "Over," though you don't need to read those first.
It's chilly this morning, and Katie Jensen rolls out of bed and pulls on her old gray hoodie before even putting her glasses on.
It's silly to keep wearing it, maybe, when it's so worn out, and she really needs to figure out a way to patch the elbows, one of which has worn clean through. She could get a new sweatshirt. An offworld import would cost an arm and a leg, but they do have textile production on Chorus again.
But it wouldn't be this hoodie. Faded and pilled, with ragged cuffs and split seams, the drawstring from the hood long gone. Once bright red, the lettering on the front has worn away to a faint shadow: ARMONIA MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY.
It's the one thing of her own she still has from before the war. And as ragged as it is, the heavy knit fabric hasn't lost all of its warmth. Pulled over a long-sleeved shirt, it's still cozy and soft and comforting.
And sometimes Katie just wants something old and familiar.
Keep reading on AO3
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January Rec Day
Happy New Year all! Excited to kick off 2018 with some great recs.
Things Come Together by darthrevaan ( @darthrevaan on Tumblr). Rated T, Katie Jensen/Volleyball. Even in the midst of war, not everything is torn apart. Jensen and Volleyball during their time in the New Republic.
Lovely lovely fic, I love this so much. I’m a sucker for friends to lovers.
An Open Gate, A Flawless Sky by anneapocalypse ( @anneapocalypse on Tumblr). Rated T, Carolina/Kimball and Ohio/Sherry. A few years in the future, Carolina meets a more friendly face from her past.
FIRST of all, Carolina and Kimball being married and enjoying themselves-- enjoying peace-- at last? Yes. SECOND, Ohio and Sherry being MARRIED and amazing and adorable? Yes. Love this.
Peace Inside a War by saltsanford ( @littlefists on Tumblr). Rated T. Jensen/Volleyball. You remember the first person who made you laugh in the middle of a war.
This made my cold heart thaw. So good, so many feels.
#rvb#rvb fic rec day#ohsherry#kimbalina#jolleyball#ohio#sherry#carolina#kimball#jensen#volleyball rvb#anneapocalypse#littlefists#darthrevaan
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Growing up in the midst of screaming conflict was damaging, to say the least. They're still learning all the ways they've been affected. They're still learning how to cope, how to breathe, how to live. Katie thinks that maybe the best thing she's learned in the aftermath of her childhood, is how to be still. It's something they've both learned, and neither one of them ever passes up the opportunity to hold on to stillness. To hold on to quiet. Katie feels the ring box digging against her thigh, where she's kept it tucked in her pocket all day. Quiet is good. She won't, however, object to a bit of shrieking when Falguni says yes.
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Things Come Together - RvB Rare Pair Week Fic
Title: Things Come Together
Relationship: Katie Jensen/Volleyball
Words: 2679
Summary: Even in the midst of war, not everything is torn apart. Jensen and Volleyball during their time in the New Republic.
Notes: Written for @rvbrarepairweek ! Let’s spread some Jolleyball love ;)
Available on AO3
People have told Katie a hundred times that she and Volleyball are so close, they must have been childhood friends, right?
Katie always smiles and shakes her head. Nope. We met the day I joined up.
“Joined up” is a misleading phrase. Katie Jensen didn’t sign up to join the army; she just didn’t have much of a choice. When you get pulled out of a burning building by a young man in armour who tells you, “Hang tight kid, we’ll take you back to base” – well, you don’t tell him no.
Back then the rebel army still had a required age to sign up for military operations, so Volleyball – two months older than Katie, nearly sixteen and just about bursting to get started – was loud, larger than life, a warm, bright distraction from the well of grief that sat hollow in Katie’s chest. She still went by Amira then, and she spotted Katie the moment she shuffled into the mess hall, shoulders hunched, hugging herself with her arms.
“Let’s get you some food,” she said, her voice blunt but kind. “I’ll show you which bits are vaguely edible.”
Volleyball and the others carried the conversation that day, and Katie was grateful – she could just listen, distract herself without having to worry about contributing.
She learnt all their stories in time. Most followed a similar pattern; parents or other guardians lost to some accident or calamity, they’d migrated here for safety, out of necessity, or sometimes, for revenge.
“My dad used to be part of an anti-government group,” one of the other girls told her one night. “Back when they used to do peaceful demonstrations and debates, y’know. He told me he used to get arrested every other week; that’s why Mom left him, he said.”
“She didn’t like the arrests? Or she didn’t believe in the cause?”
Katie could just about see the other girl shrug in the darkness. “Both? I don’t know. I guess, if she’s still alive, she’s a Fed now.”
Her name was Julia; she died on their third mission after completing training, a supply run in the hills west of Armonia. Katie can still remember Julia telling her about the nightmares she used to have – being shot by a Fed soldier who took her helmet off to reveal her mother’s face.
If people have family with the Feds, they don’t talk about it. It’s not a taboo subject, but it’s a pain one mostly keeps to oneself.
A few weeks after Katie joined the New Republic Volleyball turned sixteen and joined one of the training squads, so she saw a lot less of her. When Katie turned sixteen as well, she became part of the same squad.
“I asked if we could form our own team,” Volleyball told her in the dorm after lights out. “They told me I’m too young to lead one. But one day, right?”
Katie had nodded. “Yeah, definitely.”
Katie had never had occasion to hold or shoot a gun before, and she was disappointed to find she wasn’t that good at it. “You’ll improve with time,” the trainer told her, and she sure hoped so; even hitting near the target was an achievement for her right now.
Volleyball was a slightly better shot, but far and away better when it came to hand to hand. “I used to beat kids up behind the bike shed at school,” she’d say, grinning from ear to ear.
“I don’t think that’s something to be proud of, Amira,” Katie would reply, and Volleyball would laugh, her loud, raucous laugh that always made people turn and look and set off a weird fluttery feeling in Katie’s stomach.
It was when Volleyball picked fights that Katie got worried. Usually she kept it to snarky comments or sharp words, but the first time she got in a fistfight was the first time Katie felt truly scared for her best friend. It all came to nothing, ending with both combatants limping moodily away from each other after being yelled at by a senior officer, and Volleyball letting Katie lecture her as she wrapped a bag of some frozen vegetable she’d pilfered from the kitchen in a towel so it could be held to her black eye.
The second time Volleyball got in a fistfight was mostly memorable because it was the first time Katie saw the New Republic’s mercenary up close.
“Time out, wildcat,” Felix had snapped, and the way he pulled Volleyball back by the collar of her uniform did sort of remind Katie of a cat with its kitten. The other guy slid backwards on his butt, getting quickly out of range, holding a hand to his bloody nose while Volleyball glared murder at him. “Why you wailing on the guy, anyway?” Felix asked, sounding irritated rather than angry.
Volleyball transferred her glare to him. “He called Sam a bitch.”
Felix raised an eyebrow. “And no one calls people names while you’re in town, Batman? That it?”
Volleyball didn’t answer, just glared at him until he made a disgusted noise and released the back of her shirt. “Whatever. Just clear out, and don’t let Kimball find you fighting.”
“He’s an asshole,” Volleyball had fumed later when they were back in the dorm.
“Has been since we joined, well done for noticing,” Chopra said from the other end of the room.
Volleyball threw a shoe at her, which she ducked with a yelp. “Seriously, though. What a fucking douchebag.”
“He kills people for money,” Katie pointed out, “Did you expect him to be a paragon of virtue?”
That made the other girls giggle, and even Volleyball cracked a smile. “What big words you use, Miss Jensen,” she said.
“I read a book once in a while,” Katie sniffed, faking haughtiness, and that made Volleyball laugh.
Volleyball got her chance at leading a month into their training. A simple capture-the-flag exercise, it should have gone easily enough.
Of course, few things in their lives went easily.
“That,” Volleyball groaned, slumping down onto the bench next to Katie, “was a disaster. A fuckin’ shit show.”
“It was only your first time,” Katie said, trying to sound encouraging.
“The first and only time.” Volleyball put her face in her hands. “Not like they’ll let me take the lead again.”
“Never say-”
“Never,” Volleyball said grimly. “Katie, we charged right into their ambush and got shot down to the last man. And woman. Last human. Whatever, we just plain sucked, okay?”
“It was your first time,” Katie said again, emphasizing the words. “No one’s perfect on the first run.”
Volleyball had just made a discontented noise and started eating her soup.
Despite mishaps of tactics, they’d both graduated to full New Republic Privates after their intense four-month training program, and begun to run real missions.
Actually being on the battlefield, Katie discovered, was nothing like being in the training hall. She desperately tried not to freeze up and lose her head, but it was hard to concentrate on anything but the sound of bullets whizzing around her, the roar of her own heartbeat in her ears.
Still, she survived where many others didn’t – though whether that was down to skill or luck, she can’t say.
Now she and Volleyball are standing with the others on what passes as the New Republic’s parade ground, listening to General Kimball make a speech about their new arrivals.
“War heroes?” Katie hears Volleyball whisper over the radio. She darts her eyes to her HUD, confirming that she’s is talking to her over their own private channel. “Do you think it’s for real?”
“I don’t know,” Katie hisses back. “Why would war heroes be all the way out here?”
Volleyball is silent at that, but Katie can tell from her silence that she’s thinking about it. “You think they’re fake?” she asks after a moment.
“I haven’t even met them yet,” Katie says, noncommittal. “But if General Kimball believes it…”
“Hmm.” Volleyball lets out a long, low sigh. “I guess we’ll just see for ourselves.”
The Reds and Blues aren’t exactly what Katie would have expected of war heroes. They’re not confident and self-assured like Felix, don’t have the quiet strength and determination that emanates from Kimball. They’re not even that good at capture the flag.
But there is something about them. They may not be perfect soldiers, but they’ve seen things. Sometimes when they speak, it seems to come from a well of personal experience that Katie can’t begin to fathom.
And sometimes they can’t talk to her without their voice breaking every five seconds like a fourteen-year-old boy.
Well. Actually that’s just one of them in particular.
“This helmet’s almost done, sir,” Katie says, fixing the last few wires into place.
Captain Simmons just nods at her; he prefers to communicate non-verbally where possible. She’s wondered if she should offer to take up learning military hand signals, if only so they could communicate more effectively.
Still, when they’re not trying to hold a conversation, it’s kind of nice to sit and work side by side. Irrespective of his communication problems, Captain Simmons is matching her blow for blow – if one reimagines the phrase as pertaining to wiring cameras into helmets, that is.
When she gets back to the dorm Volleyball is the only one still up, sitting on her bed in the near-darkness, arms crossed, just waiting. “It’s almost midnight, Katie,” she whispers, disapproving.
“Lost track of time,” Katie mumbles, pulling her armour off.
When Volleyball doesn’t speak, Katie looks up and makes out an expression of vague suspicion through the darkness. “We were rewiring helmets,” she says quickly, “Nothing weird.”
Volleyball rolls her eyes. “From anyone else that would sound like bullshit, but because it’s you?” She snorts and lies back on her bed. “You managed to get a project like that done without exchanging words? Or was it the conversation that slowed the whole process down?”
Katie feels slightly defensive at Volleyball’s derisive tone, though she tries not to show it. “It’s just a fiddly bit of work. That’s all.” She clambers into bed, pulling the covers snugly down over herself. “I’m going to sleep, V. I’ll see you in the morning.” Volleyball only grunts in response.
They don’t really talk about the whole team leader thing. Volleyball is smart enough to know that she’s not really cut out for the job – her head for tactics hasn’t noticeably improved since their first dramatic failure – but Katie knows it stings nonetheless. Having your teenage dream crushed isn’t a pleasant experience for anyone.
But it’s not like being team leader really means anything, not when you’re disposable enough that your Captains prefer to sneak away in the night just so they can leave you behind.
And then get killed. There’s that, as well.
Katie’s hiding in an unused section of the base when Volleyball drops down beside her, huffing out a breath as she hits the ground. “Thought I’d find you here,” she says, voice soft.
Katie sniffs and says nothing.
They sit in silence for a while before Volleyball says, “They left to protect you, y’know.”
Katie bites her lip. “And if we’d been there, if we’d had their backs like we were supposed to, they might not have-” The tightness in her throat cuts her off.
“Not from the way Felix tells it.”
“Fuck Felix,” Katie snaps, so forcefully that Volleyball jerks round to look at her. “He doesn’t know, not for sure. We could’ve done something.”
“I…” Volleyball stops, the fingers of one hand tapping against the other, as if she’s not quite sure how to put into words what she wants to say. “Don’t take this the wrong way, Katie,” she says after a moment, “But I’d rather have you than them.”
Katie looks at her long and hard, then glances away. “That’s only sentiment talking.”
“Maybe.” Volleyball taps two fingers on the knee plate of her armour, two quick sharp taps. “But aren’t feelings what makes all this matter?”
Katie can’t, as it turns out, argue with that.
As they gear up for their assault on the capital, Katie often finds herself thinking back to that quiet night rewiring helmets with Captain Simmons. It’s always seemed so strange to her, how someone can be so alive in one moment and so very dead in the next. How someone’s memory can linger like a ghost, almost as corporeal as their living body, even after they’ve been put in the earth.
Volleyball comes to her the night before they leave for Armonia. There’s a ledge about halfway up the walls, easy enough to scramble to up the cliff face at the back of the motor pool, and from it Katie can lean back against the rock wall and look up through the gash in the earth that hides them, out at the starry night sky.
She hears Volleyball grunting with the effort pf climbing and the scrapes her armour makes against the rock face long before she sees her. Her friend finally hauls herself up onto the ledge, out of breath, and flops down beside her. “You make it look so easy,” she complains. “Scrambling up here like a monkey.”
“One thing I can still beat you at,” Katie says with a grin.
“Yeah yeah, cocky,” Volleyball taps the side of Katie’s helmet with her fist gently, a gesture that’s come to replace ruffling someone’s hair among the troops. “What’re you contemplating up here all alone?”
“Our possible imminent death?”
“Cheery.” Volleyball mirrors Katie’s casual slump against the wall and folds her arms. “You don’t think the plan’s gonna work?”
“It might work, but I also might die in the process.”
“You could have died in any of our missions.”
“Yeah,” Katie shrugs, “But this is taking the capital. It’s on a whole other level. Kimball’s not hiding the fact that there’ll be casualties.”
“I can’t see it being you,” Volleyball says confidently.
“Because you don’t want it to be me,” Katie says.
“No, I’m pretty sure you’re too smart to get shot.”
Katie can’t tell if she’s joking, but she laughs anyway. “No one’s too smart to get shot.”
Volleyball makes a noncommittal noise and says nothing.
They sit side by side for a long time in the quiet night, neither saying anything. The only sound is the wind whistling through the caverns, night creatures rustling and calling, and a few quiet noises of late night activity from the base.
After a while Volleyball reaches up and pulls off her helmet, taking a deep breath of unfiltered night air. “I’m gonna miss this place if things go south,” she says quietly.
Katie snorts. “This hole in the ground?”
Volleyball smiles in the darkness. “It’s more than that. The people… the people make it more.”
“So what you’re saying is, you’ll miss us,” Katie says, and also reaches up to take off her helmet. The humid, hot air hits her skin, bringing with it the smell of earth and the jungle.
“I’ll miss you,” Volleyball says softly. When Katie turns to look at her, she says, “You in particular, I mean.”
“Really?” Katie says, feeling a grin pull at her lips without being able to suppress it.
“Yeah,” Volleyball says. She sounds breathless. “I mean… you… You and me are…”
“We’re what?” Katie breaths.
Volleyball hesitates, then whispers, “Fuck it,” and leans in to kiss her.
Katie stills, and there’s a single, magic moment when everything goes quiet, as if the world is holding its breath. Volleyball’s lips are soft and warm against hers. After the first second of surprise, Katie kisses back as best as she knows how.
After what seems like hours, Volleyball pulls back. “Sorry,” she whispers, “Probably should’ve given you a little more warning on that one.”
Katie shakes her head. “That was good,” she says, her voice just as soft, “Didn’t need any warning.”
Volleyball laughs quietly. “What?”
Katie blushes, hoping the darkness will hide it, and says, “I’m trying to tell you that you can kiss me whenever you want, idiot.”
#rvbrarepairweek#rvb#katie jensen#rvb volleyball#red vs blue#one day we'll cruise down blood gulch avenue#mine
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some jolleyball art i drew for my friend @ltab …ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
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Redsbian vs. Lesblue- Round 1, Part 3, Poll 2
#rvb relationship royale#red vs blue#rvb#poll competition#rvb polls#tex rvb#agent texas#south rvb#agent south dakota#texsouth rvb#texsouth#tex/south rvb#jensen rvb#katie jensen#volleyball rvb#jolleyball#jolleyball rvb
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RVB Romantic Relationship Royale- Round 2, Part 3, Poll 15
#rvb relationship royale#red vs blue#rvb#poll competition#rvb polls#south rvb#agent south dakota#carolina rvb#agent carolina#southlina#southlina rvb#south/carolina rvb#jensen rvb#katie jensen#volleyball rvb#jolleyball#jolleyball rvb#jensen/volleyball#jensen/volleyball rvb
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RVB Romantic Relationship Royale- Round 1, Part 3, Poll 30
#rvb relationship royale#red vs blue#rvb#poll competition#rvb polls#utah rvb#agent utah#georgia rvb#agent georgia#utah/georgia rvb#jensen rvb#katie jensen#volleyball rvb#jolleyball#jolleyball rvb
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Fascinating developments in the first 24 hours- I’ve learned about a few ships I didn’t know existed, and am having a lot of fun with the fact that some rarepairs were submitted before fandom heavyweights.
Also, to the people who have been submitting wlw pairings despite their under-representation in the fandom, I am kissing you on the mouth.
The overall tally as it currently stands is under the cut!
Church/Tex, aka Chex (2 submissions)
Grif/Simmons, aka Grimmons (3 submissions)
Tucker/Wash, aka Tuckington (2 submissions)
Caboose/Donut, aka Pastry Train (3 submissions)
Church/Tucker, aka Chucker (3 submissions)
Caboose/Wash, aka Washingboose (2 submissions)
Grif/Tucker, aka Grucker (1 submission)
Sarge/Wash, aka Sargington (2 submissions)
Doc/Wash, aka Docington (1 submission)
Doc/Donut, aka Docnut (1 submission)
Church/Caboose, aka Churboose (1 submission)
Donut/Wash, aka Washnut (3 submission)
Tucker/Donut, aka Tucknut (1 submission)
North/York, aka Nork (1 submission)
Florida/Wyoming, aka Flyoming (1 submission)
Locus/Felix, aka Lolix (3 submissions)
Delta/York, aka Dork (1 submission)
Kai (Sister)/Tucker, aka Sucker (1 submission)
Sarge/Dr. Grey, aka MedicGun (2 submissions)
Church/Donut, aka Churchnut (1 submission)
Kimball/Felix, aka Kimblix (1 submission)
Kimball/Doyle, aka Kimboyle (1 submission)
Lopez/O'Malley, aka Lomalley (1 submission)
Kimball/Dr. Grey, aka Greyball (1 submission)
Kimball/Carolina, aka Kimballina (1 submission)
Jensen/Volleyball-Player Lieutenant, aka Jolleyball (1 submission)
Locus/Wash, aka Locington (1 submission)
Felix/Tucker, aka Fucker Tucklix (1 submission)
Bitters/Matthews, aka Bitthews (1 submission)
Bitters/Smith, aka Bittersmith (1 submission)
Bitters/Palomo, aka Bitlomo (1 submission)
Bitters/Jensen (1 submission)
Florida/Counsellor, aka Florice (1 submission)
South/Carolina, aka Southlina (1 submission)
York/Carolina, aka Yorkalina (1 submission)
Sheila/Lopez, aka Sheilopez? (1 submission)
Red Zealot/V.I.C. (1 submission)
Maine/Wash, aka Mainewash (1 submission)
C.T./479er (1 submission)
Tucker/Crunchbite (1 submission)
Kai (Sister)/Tex, aka Sex Texsis (1 submission)
479er/Guy Moving The Crates (1 submission)
#rvb#red vs blue#red vs blue polls#tumblr polls#poll competition#we had jensen/volleyball before yorkalina call that gay rights#edit: thank you to the person who let me know the jolleyball ship name I didn't know they existed as a ship but I'm enamoured
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Deep apologies for the late update, folks, midterms are drowning me like the reds drowned the Meta. Anyway, congrats to OhSherry and Sex on their victory! Next round's polls will be posted starting tonight!
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Today’s update, plus a little clarification for some frequently raised uncertainties!
-As it currently stands, I intend on doing my best to include any ship that is submitted and isn’t one of the few rejected ships detailed in my pinned post. Does that mean this is liable to get chaotic? yes- but this is the rvb fandom and chaos is our bread and butter. if we end up with 128 ships, then 128 ships it shall be.
-I am accepting poly ships and crack ships (here’s looking at you, vic/zealot). Every ship you’ve ever shipped, or just the ones you think would be funny to see people fight over- feel free to submit. Anything that’s not in the exclusion list is fair game, folks!
So without further ado, here’s the numbers for day two!
Church/Tex, aka Chex (2 submissions)
Grif/Simmons, aka Grimmons (6 submissions)
Tucker/Wash, aka Tuckington (2 submissions)
Caboose/Donut, aka Pastry Train (4 submissions)
Church/Tucker, aka Chucker (8 submissions)
Caboose/Wash, aka Washingboose (3 submissions)
Grif/Tucker, aka Grucker (2 submissions)
Sarge/Wash, aka Sargington (2 submissions)
Doc/Wash, aka Docington (2 submissions)
Doc/Donut, aka Docnut (3 submissions)
Church/Caboose, aka Churboose (2 submission)
Donut/Wash, aka Washnut (3 submission)
Tucker/Donut, aka Tucknut (2 submissions)
North/York, aka Nork (1 submission)
Florida/Wyoming, aka Flyoming (2 submissions)
Locus/Felix, aka Lolix (5 submissions)
Delta/York, aka Dork (3 submissions)
Kai (Sister)/Tucker, aka Sucker (3 submissions)
Sarge/Dr. Grey, aka MedicGun (2 submissions)
Church/Donut, aka Churchnut (1 submission)
Kimball/Felix, aka Kimblix (1 submission)
Kimball/Doyle, aka Kimboyle (1 submission)
Lopez/O'Malley, aka Lomalley (2 submissions)
Kimball/Dr. Grey, aka Greyball (1 submission)
Kimball/Carolina, aka Kimballina (4 submissions)
Jensen/Volleyball-Player Lieutenant, aka Jolleyball (1 submission)
Locus/Wash, aka Locington (1 submission)
Felix/Tucker, aka Fucker Tucklix (1 submission)
Bitters/Matthews, aka Bitthews (1 submission)
Bitters/Smith, aka Bittersmith (1 submission)
Bitters/Palomo, aka Bitlomo (1 submission)
Bitters/Jensen (1 submission)
Florida/Counsellor, aka Florice (1 submission)
South/Carolina, aka Southlina (1 submission)
York/Carolina, aka Yorkalina (2 submissions)
Sheila/Lopez, aka Sheilopez? (1 submission)
Red Zealot/V.I.C. (1 submission)
Maine/Wash, aka Mainewash (3 submissions)
C.T./479er (1 submission)
Tucker/Crunchbite (1 submission)
Kai (Sister)/Tex, aka Sex Texsis (4 submissions)
479er/Guy Moving The Crates (1 submission)
Florida/Sarge, aka Flarge (1 submission)
Kai (Sister)/Kimball, aka Kaiball (1 submission)
Locus/Donut, aka Locnut (1 submission)
Church/Sarge, aka Charge (1 submission)
Locus/Doyle, aka Loyle (1 submission)
Sharkface/Carolina, aka Sharkolina (2 submission)
Sarge/Locus, aka Sarcus? (1 submission)
Ohio (Vera)/Sherry (3 submissions)
Blue Team Poly (2 submissions)
Church/Wash, aka Churchington (1 submission)
Kai (Sister)/Caboose, aka Kaiboose (1 submission)
Caboose/Tucker, aka Tuckboose (1 submission)
Kai (Sister)/Church, aka Chai? Sischurch? (1 submission)
Jensen/Volleyball/Palomo (1 submission)
South/479er (1 submission)
Alpha/Maine (1 submission)
Doc/Donut/O’Malley (1 submission)
Church/Caboose/Tucker, aka Chuckboose (1 submission)
Sigma/Maine, aka Sigmaine? (1 submission)
Gamma/Wyoming (1 submission)
C.T./South, aka Southicut (1 submission)
Carolina/Dr. Grey, aka Greylina (1 submission)
Caboose/Sheila (1 submission)
North/York/Wash, aka Norkington (1 submission)
Sharkface/Locus (1 submission)
Sharkface/Donut (1 submission)
...And there are 68 ships overall!
#rvb#red vs blue#rvb polls#rvb relationship royale#would have put this out earlier but. had to go to the ER for a tetanus shot#blame it at least 30% on being distracted by thinking about rvb
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Red vs. Blue. Jensen/Volleyball. 560 words. Rated T. Set pre-season 15. Written for Femslash February.
Katie’s under the hood of a car when it happens, which is pretty normal for her. Not even a military vehicle this time. An actual civilian car that managed to survive the war, and which Matthews brought in to see if she could fix it up. And she can. She definitely can, if she can just get the parts. You can still find plenty of junkers and abandons, too broken down to salvage whole, but still with some functional bits if you know where to look.
She comes home home with grease still under her fingernails, keys into the apartment she shares with Sarita in downtown Nova Armonia. Small by most standards, she supposes, but after so many years in mining barracks, it might as well be a palace.
Sarita is glued to the TV as Katie comes in, taking off her boots in the door and going to the kitchen sink to give her hands a more thorough scrub, but then— “Katie,” Sarita says, and the tension in her voice stops Katie in her tracks.
“Sarita,” she says, “what is it?”
Keep reading on AO3
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end of (ch 2/8)
And here’s chapter two! I might reformat the post I made for chapter one, but who knows...
Characters: Jensen, Volleyball (Pairing, Jolleyball)
Warnings: Canon-Typical Language/Violence, mentions of graphic injury (not explicit)
Summary: For as long as Katie Jensen can remember, she has lived and breathed war. She tries not to get attached, tries to keep to herself, just wants to make it through this civil war in one piece.Then Danai "Volleyball" Carter barrels into her life.
Chapter 2: punching walls and taking names
No one who’s grown up on Chorus can say they’ve led a great life, but Danai “Volleyball” Carter has tried to make the best of it.
Shoved into baby boot-camp with her classmates at age thirteen? Danai told herself it was a great opportunity to make friends and, much more exciting for her, a great opportunity to play sports, particularly volleyball. Surprise surprise.
Enlisted by age sixteen and thrown into battle a week later? Perfect opportunity for Danai to build up work experience for when she got a real job. Maybe she would move up to a position that didn’t involve bullets whizzing past, and sometimes thunking into, her armor. Not that she doesn’t enjoy her rep as Volleyball, the girl who can intercept a grenade midair and spike it back with an arm that puts Lieutenant Andersmith to shame.
No matter what this hell called Chorus throws at her, Danai keeps her glass half full and stands up when she falls.
And then Avi goes and gets their arm blown off.
Read the rest on AO3
#rvb#h writes#jensen#volleyball rvb#jolleyball#still getting a feel for these characters but what the heck i love em
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