#Stop Jewish hate
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odinsblog · 1 year ago
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This year’s Super Bowl was a weapon of mass distraction. If there’s any justice, future generations will remember the game not for Patrick Mahomes, Travis Kelce, or Taylor Swift but for the US-funded attacks on Palestinian civilians that occurred while so many Americans were glued to their TVs. During the game, watched by well over 100 million people in the United States, Israel launched a bombing raid of Rafah in the Gaza Strip, the most densely populated area on earth. More than 1 million people had fled now-leveled Gaza City to the refugee camps in Rafah and surrounding areas. Palestinians who have survived previous Israeli strikes are now staving off disease, destitution, and fear.
Meanwhile, CBS granted the Israeli government space for an ad about the 130 hostages left in Gaza. This ad, meant to build public support and justify the slaughter of nearly 30,000 civilians in Gaza, spurred 10,000 people to register complaints with the FCC, because the commercial did not disclose that a foreign government had paid for it. Coupled with the Rafah raid, this looks more like military synergy than happenstance. 
New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft also spent $7 million on an ad from his organization Foundation to Combat Anti-Semitism. It features Clarence Jones, a 93-year-old former speech writer for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Kraft and other pro-war billionaires use the memory of King so much, they should be paying his family indulgences for slandering his name. The ad failed to mention that Kraft has given $1 million to pro-war AIPAC and donated $1 million in 2016 to Donald Trump’s inauguration. Given that Kraft says that the Nazi march in Charlottesville was his motivation to start his foundation (Charlottesville was the one with “good people on both sides,” according to Trump), his hypocrisy is insidious.
Kraft and Israel want the same thing: a blank check to uproot Palestinians from Gaza and build settlements. One can also only imagine if a peace organization tried to buy an ad asking Israel and the United States the question: “How many dead children will be enough?” I suspect it would be denied faster than a public-service announcement about concussions.
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the-catboy-minyan · 1 year ago
lets set some things straight:
if you see an ad talking about Jewish hate and your knee-jerk reaction is to be openly hateful to all Jews, the ad was made for you.
if you see an ad talking about Jewish hate and your knee-jerk reaction is to scream "but what about the bad jews from Israel that are killing Palestinians???", the ad was made for you.
if you see an ad talking about Jewish hate and your knee-jerk reaction is to say "the ad was made by zionists so it's invalid", the ad was made for you.
if you see an ad talking about discrimination against a marginalised group and your knee-jerk reaction is to:
call them all evil
call some of them evil
claim it's propaganda by the evil members of the marginalised group to distract you from them being evil
make sure people know you don't hate the marginalised group, you only hate those who hold a political beliefs that's heavily integrated into their history of discrimination
then maybe you need to look in the mirror and ask yourself if you're part of the problem.
because this sounds exactly like the response to 9/11.
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timaeuslover001 · 9 months ago
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lazykurocat · 1 year ago
waiting for my fellow gay and trans goyim to actually acknowledge that our people were also victims in the holocaust just as Jewish people were, and that Hamas are trying to do holocaust two electric boogaloo, and so we as queer people aren't fucking safe either and should stand up for Jewish people in the way that many Jewish people have stood up for us as they are the main target here and need support. in the Jewish texts there are multiple genders aswell so they of all people will be more likely to stand for you than... well Islamist Terrorists who hate us. like... if you keep spreading Nazi rhetoric like this and are queer you are calling for your own murder and the murder of all the rest of us aswell. there are many reasons that I could be targeted by Nazis, I'm gay and trans, I'm brown and disabled... so to see so many of my own community hating Jews and spreading antisemitism scares me a lot, you don't seem to get the damage you're doing not only to Jews and their mental wellbeing, but the damage you're doing to your own community. you are giving the far right a valid reason to think the majority of queer people are insane... because y'all are insane! and you don't seem to get how greatly this could impact our already fragile rights in so many places... please just... fucking think? for five damn seconds about what you're doing I am so tired of it all. you say it's not about antisemitism... but if it's not then why are your speaking points all so... Nazi? like what the fuck do you think October 7th was about? cause it wasn't about oppression or colonialism or whatever batshit you keep spouting, it was pure hatred for the sake of hate. it's been months since October 7th which so many of you refuse to acknowledge even happened or try to defend... it's depressing, Hamas were told to give back the hostages for nothing in return ages ago but still have many of them... including children. it's like Felix Cipher all over again but in the dozens... silly little queer kids who don't get that Hamas are just like Nazis and want to kill you, or maybe you think they're cool or freedom fighters?? tf?! there's not a lick of freedom under them! I doubt I'll ever change anyone's minds but I'll keep trying anyway because I love my community too much to give up on it.
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slumbering-princes · 1 year ago
i dont even know what my tumblr is for anymore... most of what I see is antisemitism or fellow jews pointing out and addressing antisemitism.
tumblr used to be a fun place for me to decompress and see funny memes but now it just depresses me
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little-desi-historian · 4 months ago
Not remotely gentle reminder that in his time and place 1) Robespierre was right. 2) the terror was not great, it was mass murder but not genocide to assert as much is disrespectful to the Haitians who the French including Napoleon did try to genocide for real and reinstate slavery, and also incredibly disrespectful to brown and black people in the global south since as long as colonialism as a construct existed (14th century), and it is disrespectful to all holocaust victims but especially the Jewish people. So stop framing the terror that way. Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI were complicit in the slave trade in what later through violent justified uprising became Haiti. Stop trying to woobify rich cushioned colonizers. — a brown person who has studied this extensively for novella writing purposes and can include 10+ citations and is tired
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jewish-vents · 1 year ago
I hate the fact that ads to stop Jewish hate make a pit in my stomach now. Watching another game (not the Big Game as it were), I saw them run and all I could think about was the bullshit people would come up with about it this time. The fact that an ad to stop people being antisemitic makes me afraid of people being antisemitic in response is disgusting, and I hope the people who are responsible never know what it's like to feel that way. Because this paranoia, this constant fear, is awful.
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love-for-overalls · 7 months ago
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obislittleone · 1 year ago
Tw: suicidal thoughts (don't be alarmed I'm just venting)
I am so tired. I am so worn out. It doesn't matter what I say. It doesn't matter what I do. I have been financially and physically giving to Palestinians and Israelis who have been injured and were innocent victims through this war. The organization my family and I are working with has done so much to try and save lives. I have done all I can possibly do, but it's not enough. Those of you who drop in my dms or my asks to call me a 'genocidal colonizer' are so truly lost. I hope you all get help, because the amount of hate I've seen against not only myself but against literally every Jew I know is absolutely abominable. Don't say 'from the river from the sea' unless you know what it means, and if you say it, don't say it to a jew. You may hate Israel, and you may even think that all the people there deserve to die, but have you ever taken into consideration that the innocent Jews of either Israel or the rest of the world have nothing to do with their government or the mistreatment of Palestinians? Did you ever once think before you commented on a Jews post to 'wipe Israel off the face of the earth'? Chances are you did not. Chances are also that if you did, you probably just hate jews. Don't comment any bullshit on this post, I'll just remove it. I'm not here to fight anymore, I'm just here to say a few words, and give a perspective to those who think I'm some devil worshipping satanist just because I'm jewish.
These are the asks in my inbox on the daily:
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Do you have any idea how this mentally affects a person? Do you even know how horrifying it is to know that so many people want you dead? I've had run ins with depression and suicidal attempts and thoughts my entire life, but never have I been this influenced by outer forces into thinking that I should be dead. Never once has anyone encouraged me to pull a trigger or off myself. Not until this has happened.
The comments and reblogs on posts about my best friend who lived in Israel, and her mother (who is arab, btw) that was killed in the October 7th attack are beyond wild. I can't even imagine how crazy it must be to live in the middle east as a jew. This is only a fraction of the hate that I experience in my day to day life, now.
The middle fingers I get from pissed off passersby at Walmart because I wear a star of david, or the slurs I get called because I told someone I had to leave an event early for Shabbat. It's all hatred, and it all sucks.
The violence, and the aggression that innocent jews are getting from random people who hate them. The little old man who stood on a street corner and held a sign in protest of Jewish hate that was killed today by a pro-hamas protestor. Its all too overwhelming. Why? Because even if you choose not to see it, or even if you condone it and think its 'not that bad', Jewish hate is getting dangerously close to what it was during the time of the holocaust. What's worse? It's being praised. Not just accepted, but encouraged. I posted on my instagram asking for prayers over my friend who's having to hide in a bomb shelter because of the war. The amount of comments saying 'just let her die' were astounding.
I have to ask you, where is your humanity? When jews can not only feel compassion but openly support Palestinians and try and give their services to save their innocent women and children from dying in the war, where is your compassion for innocent jews? Where is your willingness to feel an ounce of sadness for the loss of a life? Are you so hateful that you will condemn a teenage girl to die because of the violence her government commits? And if it happens, will you be so heartless that you will praise the notion that she is dead?
A common phrase used when I ask pro-hamas bloggers what their stance is on the beheading of children or the raping of women is, it usually comes out as: "well what do you think declonization looked like?"
I am always shocked. Every. Single. Time... why? Because I hope with every shred of naivete i have in me that people who have lost so much will understand the pain of those who are also losing so much. When you condemn one government for killing your children, and bringing a genocide upon Palestinians, why do you not also condemn the murdering of children and innocent Jews? Is it because 'that's not your team?' Is it because you want to win so badly that you don't care what the cost is? Do you think that turning into the thing that killed your people will make you a hero? The only thing I can possibly think of that would make a person respond that way is bloodlust. When you condemn an entire nation (including the innocent people) of killing your own, then turn around and do the same thing to their innocents, do you think you've proved something?
Whenever I address these things I'm usually met with the same stuff about how I'm a Jew so I'm biased and I don't get to have an opinion... but I don't think it's fair to say that to someone who's literally living with the repercussions that your hate is causing. Don't tell me to be quiet if you're spreading nazi rhetoric about jews and telling people to kill us.
Again, don't bring any bullshit on here. It will be deleted, and you will be blocked. I've spoken my piece. If anyone is interested in learning more about the organization I work with and donating to help Palestinian and Israeli families getting caught in the crossfire, please drop me a message, I'd be glad to give you more information.
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odinsblog · 1 year ago
We are some 4 months and 30,000 murders into this “war” on Palestine. At this point if your hot take is still just repeating over and over how everyone is maligning poor old Israel while almost never mentioning that Israel is routinely murdering thousands of noncombatant civilians, then please STFU
I see you. I see right through you
You couldn’t care less about all of the innocents being murdered in Gaza 🇵🇸
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capybapybara · 9 months ago
This should go without saying but some of you need to hear it
Being against the war in Gaza does not excuse antisemitism
Being anti-jewish is not activism, and it will do nothing to encourage a ceasefire.
I am pro-palestine because I support peace, and for that same reason, I support, and stand with jewish people facing antisemitism in america (and everywhere else).
I hate that in many spaces “anti-zionism” has become synonymous with “anti-jewish” and if you truly think you are helping Palestinians by harassing jewish people, and promoting jewish hate, then your morals are very flawed.
I stand in support of Jewish people, I also support a ceasefire in gaza. Both of these statements can be true at the same time. They should be true for everyone who considers themselves an activist.
Promoting hate will not create peace. Remember who you are fighting for, not who you are fighting with.
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happynowblog · 26 days ago
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the-catboy-minyan · 10 months ago
can you guys stop bringing up the "Jewish student got stabbed in the eye" thing? because it's literally false, literally according to the articles you keep sharing.
they weren't stabbed on purpose, they were jabbed accidentally, it's not like there's not a million other examples of antisemitism in these protests, just use them.
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meerawrites · 5 months ago
Updated DNI <- which I made solely for my own comfort, linked and in my pinned and to set boundaries. I cannot police what anyone says or does but I can set my own boundaries and space, but, since nothing obvious is obvious anymore.
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I will spare you all the essay cause I am 99% sure a very smart J.ewish academic wrote it already, but… if you parrot anti-Semitic rhetoric you are parroting the same rhetoric of the R.omanovs in Russia and England in the 1890s (that being the rhetoric of hating J.ews and anyone who is different or not fitting in your narrow word view and I therefore hate you), anyway, I am brown and I support a Free P.alestine and an end to all colonialism and as a l.eftist who is brown, genderqueer and bi I am so tired of hearing anti-J.ewish rhetoric and being used as a shield for other hypocrites unfiltered and harmful ignorance. Never again means never again for everyone but especially for the J.ewish people (who are a culture and a religion and would be a people even if the state of I.srael stopped existing).
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freepalestinebastard · 4 months ago
Daily reminder that supporting palestine does not give you an excuse to be antisemitic
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little-desi-historian · 4 months ago
Tough questions on the BDS movement answered
Mandatory listening.
TLDR: the BDS movement originated at the most anti-Semitic conference in history. I do not condone the current events in the Gaza Strip. But to dehumanize the Jewish people is a speed run to Nazi rhetoric and neo-Nazism and anti brown and anti black racism. Stop it, you are not anti colonialism you just hate the Jewish people.
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