#Star trek fic idea
luminaenebula · 7 months
My star trek tos meets rocky horror picture show idea: so, what if Dr Frankenfurter didn't die and escaped to another planet to continue his shenanigans
basically I want the tos bridge crew to go through the RHPS house of the horrors of sexual self discovery/awakening/acceptance in place of Brad and Janet and see what happens lmao
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usslakevee · 8 months
Always a Way to Win
This is an incredibly rough draft of an idea I had a little bit ago. I think I'm going to rewrite the whole thing using Spock's POV instead of Kirk's but wanted to share this first draft
"There's no such thing as a no win scenario."
"I expected you of all people to know better?" Jim Kirk blinks for a moment, who is this man. How dare he think he knows Jim.
"What?" He growls out, not giving the Vulcan a chance to answer. "You think because I was on Tarsus IV I should believe in no win scenarios?" He snarls, and his vision is red. He doesn't see the way the Vulcans eyes widen.
"I can tell you all about a man who believed in no win scenarios Commander Spock," he spits the man's name back at him. "His name was Kodos, I called him Governor Kodos, and the history books call him Kodos the Executioner."
"Mr. Kirk," someone says, and he turns his eyes on them, unseeing.
"Kodos believed that help wouldn't come for six months." He says, voice deceptively calm. "Kodos believed the only way for anyone to survive was to kill half the population. Kodos believed there was no way to win." He scowls at the group in front of him.
"Your test trains Captains to think like him." He says. "carefully configured so there's no way out, ignoring Starfleet procedures, cultural norms, and reality." He hisses.
"Now that's-" someone says, and Jim turns back to the Vulcan.
"There is always a way out. Sometimes a Captain will pick wrong, sometimes people will die. But I will never give up before I start," he states. "I will keep all 8,000 colonists alive for as long as I can. And I will research, and I will send distress signals, and I will fight the blight, and search for food. I will find a way to win, and if there isn't one I will make one." There's silence and his words ring in the empty space.
"I found a way to beat your impossible test." He says, "and you think, because I did, I don't understand its purpose. I understand it perfectly Commander Spock."
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hailbop1701 · 1 year
Ya'll know what fic we all need? After the five year mission and the Enterprise returns to Earth
Bones goes to Joanna's school or some type of competition she's competing in and surprises her with his homecoming. (in his Dress uniform of course 😁✌️ and the rest of his crew family are there too)
It would be so sweet. ❤️
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a-most-beloved-fool · 19 days
fic in which Spock is unconscious or in a healing trance, and Kirk has to carry him somewhere, and any time Kirk is touching him, Spock is purring. Kirk stops to set Spock down and the purring stops. He picks him up again? Instant purring.
Kirk didn't know Vulcans purred, and is. utterly smitten by this. Biggest heart eyes you can imagine. Keeps looking over at Spock with the World's Sappiest Smile.
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kitkatt0430 · 25 days
So Voyager returns to the Alpha Quadrant, huzzah! Party time.
And Starfleet does throw a big party in their honor to welcome back. Very formal, lots of ambassadors, a lot of the Voyager crew is quietly bored with it thirty minutes in. Where's the fun in fancy hors d’oeuvres if you can't play 'guess the mystery ingredients from the most recent trade agreement/away mission?'
Anyway, the crew of the Enterprise is there because they're in their post-Dominion War Flag Waving era. And of course, Picard is expecting a number of things from a typical Starfleet party of very fancy standards. What he was not expecting was Q and Q Jr. to show up in a flash of light or for Jr. to throw his arms around the shoe-in-to-be-Admiral Janeway and exclaim 'Aunt Kathy! You made it home, and early too. That was cheating!"
Janeway sends the teenage looking Q to go hang out with Icheb, the quiet part-borg kid who has been strategically hiding in a corner with access to punch bowl and the nibbles with the most easily identifiable ingredients. Icheb proceeds to perk up and calls Q Jr. Q-Ball. Jr. calls him Itchy. Seven of Nine, who has been quietly shadowing Icheb and scowling in such a way that she has one yard of clearance on all sides at all times, unless a Voyager crew member or her aunt come over to talk to her, turns a very narrow-eyed gaze on Jr that the young Q is clearly unsettled by. (If he gets Icheb hurt again, no power on this plane of existence could save Q Jr. from Seven and he knows it.)
Q and Janeway watch fondly, chatting about the whereabouts of Lady Q and how the Continuum is doing lately and Janeway occasionally shutting down Q's attempts to flirt with her. For whatever reason, Janeway still agrees to dance with Q and laughs when he changes the music with a snap to something they can waltz to.
Picard is trying to figure out if he can sidle out one of the exits before Q notices him. As is basically the rest of the Enterprise lead staff. Finding out that Q made Janeway godmother to his son is quite possibly the most surreal part of the evening for Picard and that includes when Q gets bored with the music a few waltzes later and turns the whole thing into a disco.
Meanwhile Riker learns he was actually brought to Voyager by Q once and then made to forget it and is thus considered an honorary Voyager crew member along with Barclay. Riker decides he's cool with that and helps plan the after party with Tom and Harry. (He also tries to talk Harry into starting a jazz band with him.)
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libraflyter · 2 months
I want a post Dr. Bashir I Presume fic where after the reveal, Garak is angry. Not because of the lying, but because Julian had a secret that was a blackmailer’s dream and yet he still befriended Garak. Garak the exiled spy. Someone who not only could have uncovered the secret but had incentive to use it against Julian. He is incandescently angry that Julian Bashir has such terrible self preservation.
I want a whole feelings fic about this. Garak trying to figure out why he’s angry and not impressed. He should be impressed! Julian is a better liar than he knew and that should please him, not anger him.
Garak has never had the anger you get when you find out after the fact someone you love did something that could have hurt/killed them and yes it’s okay now but you need them to know how unacceptable it was, how they need to understand they can’t hold themselves so cheaply and promise to never do it again.
Where there’s a confrontation (because of course Garak is avoiding Julian and that only works until Julian is fed up with him) and it turns into a big fight which is ultimately about how much Garak cares about his dear doctor. Garak finally understands why he’s so upset. That the augment reveal was the last straw in his tangled feelings about how much danger his doctor was in that he didn’t see. He didn’t see the changeling and he didn’t see this (and he didn’t save his father) and safety is both an illusion and something Garak is supposed to provide to His People.
If Julian is going to be so reckless, if Garak can’t stop him he must have enough information to protect him.
(Odds of Garak planting hidden trackers on Julian: very high. Julian is going to feel both violated and relieved when section 31’s kidnapping is uncovered so quickly.)
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theawesometomboy101 · 20 days
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wwillywonka · 2 months
hello lgbt community. i just wrote over 2000 words of a star trek fanfic in two hours
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laney-rockin · 1 year
Kirk is the type of person to bring Spock weird flora he finds on planets when the Vulcan isn't on the landing party.
Like he'll see something that he thinks Spock would absolutely love to analyze and he brings it right to him once he's back from the landing party.
I like to believe that Kirk corners Spock in one of the labs and gives him the assortment of flora he's found and Spock is just very smitten by the whole thing.
But one day Spock isn't in the science labs so Kirk just runs around the ship looking for him. And the entire ship just sees their captain walking full speed towards their first officer holding what always seems to be a bouquet.
Needless to say the Enterprise rumour mill just starts turning from there.
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dustykneed · 8 months
god mcspirk is so terrific. i love when jim and spock scheme together (ok jim schemes but he ropes spock into it too and spock just can't say no to his captain) to fluster bones.
sometimes jim just wants to see his boyfriends make out with tongue... is that too much to ask?
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prompt fill for @mcspirkevents' mcspirk bingo prompt "sloppy kissing" ←⁠(⁠>⁠▽⁠<⁠)⁠ノ
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spirkbitch · 1 year
people who write spirk fics that are plotted and formatted like a tos episode but just with spirk included
i love you and i want to kiss you on the mouth
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spocksbrainworms · 8 months
Spock’s hands aren’t actually that sensitive compared to human hands. It’s all about context, after all.
But he still lets Jim believe his hands are overly sensitive. He likes the way it makes Jim flush and stutter when they happen to bump one another in the turbolift or grab one another in an emergency. Something about it is entertaining to him.
Until they meld and Jim discovers he’s been making a fool of himself. But now it’s been so long he can’t train himself to think any other way. So now he has to live with the fact that he accidentally gave himself a hand kink.
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ahhrenata · 1 year
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a little more steddie Star Trek au! Most of these are scenes from @sparklyslug’s amazing fic t’hy’la !! (although ones technically a redraw- I wanted to spruce it up a bit) and the last one is an extra doodle of them about to sneak a kiss :)
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tues-dayy · 3 months
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some Zeroes (and friends) in various hats for @fate-motif and in anticipation for season 2!
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a-most-beloved-fool · 1 month
I've read a number of very good Spirk fics where the duo gets trapped on some planet alone and, because they're alone and in peril, end up confessing their feelings and getting together.
It's an excellent Spirk trope, and I understand why you'd want them to be Alone, but I also do think there's comedic potential in trapping Spirk on a planet with like. A single random ensign. Who is forced to watch their two commanding officers pine over one another, while also being in mortal peril.
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risingchaos · 3 months
Somebody please make an angsty Spirk fic with Kirk’s monologue to The Companion in Metamorphosis about how because Companion and Cochrane are such different species they can’t be in love. How Companion can’t understand love because she isn’t human, and Spock hearing that come from the guy he loves. I would love the fuck out of that fic, holy shit.
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