#Spiderman and batman crossover
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erinwantstowrite · 1 month ago
when people send me asks or comment on my videos about how they hate spider-man and batman crossovers im like
"hey babe... now I want you to listen with your big kid ears okay? I know that's really hard for you, but we're going to make it through this... you can just... not see those things. I know, I know! super scary new concept that you've never thought of before! don't panic! but there's this thing called filtering a tag on ao3... stay with me, stay with me! and it gives you the ability to... not see those things you don't like. I know that's amazing isn't it!!!! now let's try doing that... and while we do that I'm going to teach you what a block button is so that I don't have to hit you with a cartoon hammer for going on my page to specifically tell me how much you don't like the thing i enjoy and put my time and effort into"
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sleepdeprivedvigilante · 2 years ago
I am in desperate need of a Spiderman/Batman crossover fic (Based on Dark matter by mysterycyclone) but instead of Tim and Duke being his main friends or dick and Jaso finding him on the Secidn chapter, I need one where he goes to gotham academy with damian, maybe Jon and maps or who knows, I mean Damian is 14-15 in comics rn? (depending) and Peter could be 15-16, while Duke is 2 or 3 years older than them both, so maybe they're in gotham prep and stuff.
Damian, got told to interact with his peers, seeing Peter as the most competent inteligent-wise: Your academic achievements are not as dumb as the rest of our peers.
Peter slightly freaked out but curious: Thanks I guess?
Damian: *nods* I'm glad to FIDN someoene smart here.
After a while of being friends and relaxing more, this trio of idiots
Peter: Working on this is goign to make me go insane- *bangs head against notebook, Witha concussion, and sleep deprived*
Duke: Man need any help? Maybe if you got some rest by the manor-
Damian: You woudlnt have such a headache if you Didn't bang your head agaidnt the wall parker. But go on, it's a least slightly amusing.
Peter:*slightly joking* Hey man fuck you-
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awhoreintheory · 4 months ago
Dick: Peter, this is Jason, my baby brother. Jason, this is Peter, my—
Peter, immediately gaping and going starry eyed: Oh my god, Jensen Ackles???
Jason, raising an eyebrow: uhh... no, kid, he just said my name. It's Jason.
Peter, dread pooling in his stomach: hold that thought.
Peter taking Dick's phone and looking something up. He's very clearly distraught.
Peter: NOOOO! You took Supernatural from this world! You deprived so many young, mentally ill teenagers of Dean Winchester! Jason, what about the gifs? The endless amount of gifs for any situation? You're a monster. Don't talk to me.
Jason: what the fuck.
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novelistwriter · 3 months ago
The Al Ghul Siblings
DP x DC x MLB x Marvel Prompt
Damian wasn't the only child of Bruce and Talia, but the youngest of 4.
Mariam, the Eldest daughter of Bruce and Talia, whose strategies could turn the tide of battles she is part of.
The twins, Danyal and Boutros (Peter in Arabic), Danyal, who was so good at stealth that he wouldn't let you know he was there until he wanted you to know, and Boutros, whose awareness was so sharp, that none could get the drop on him, both Twins Rival Ra's and Taila in these aspects.
Damian is the child that excels in combat out of the four, constantly trying to he like his older siblings.
Mariam had to leave the League, because of what Talia overheard the plans Ra's had for her daughter. She sent Mariam to Paris under a new name, Marinette. Where Marinette would be left with people Talia trusts.
The twins had a bit more tragic fate, Boutros was fatally wounded during a rebellion in the League, he was dipped in the Lazarus Pit, but never resurfaced.
Danyal was sent away by Talia to an orphanage, Damian wasn't told where though, but a few years later, Damian was brought to Bruce.
Mari was contacted by Danyal one day via a letter with a familiar symbol on it, they send each other letters from time to time, but can't reach out to Damian, fearing that they would be found by Ra's.
The events of Danny Phantom happened regularly, but with Danny becoming the Heir to the Throne for the Infinite Realms.
But when the Nasty Burger does explode, Danny doesn't go to Vlad, he runs away and goes to Paris to be with his other sister.
Mari became the holder of the Ladybug Miraculous, and told her foster parents about her being Ladybug a few days before Danny came to their place.
When Danny did arrive at the place, it was during a heavy storm, and Danny didn't have a coat, so he was standing in the heavy downpour, arms crossed and looking so sad and heartbroken.
After some explanations, and seeing Danny being able to resist the Akuma Hawkmoth sent to corrupt him, Danny is welcomed by Mari's foster parents to live with them.
A few weeks with Danny living in Paris, a green portal opens up in the living room with Danny and Mari in it, they are ready for a fight, but they see an older (but still the same age as Danny) Boutros stumble out of it wearing a spider themed hero suit, it's a tearful reunion, with a being in a purple robe smiling to himself elsewhere, where a family is soon to be reunited, and where an almost exact replica of Boutros would be placed back in the dimension he found himself in to prevent the timeline of that dimension from destabilizing.
The twins and the Eldest Daughter worked together with Cat Noir and other Miraculous holders to take down Hawk Moth in a few days. The Trio of siblings decided that they will take a risk, they head to Gotham to reconnect with Damian
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xan-izme · 8 months ago
Double Life 10 (ATSV x reader x Batfam)
Summary: When will you learn to trust?
Part 9, Part 11
TW: attempted assault, violence, slight angst, cursing
Loud music blasted in your headphones as you were landing multiple hits against the punching bag.
Flashes of everything that frustrated you. Miguel. Jason. Your own feelings that went against being Spiderwoman.
Your breathing increased as you hit harder and harder. Focusing all of your anger and frustrations on the poor punching bag.
You had to stop before you break the punching bag with your super strength. You took a seat on a bench and began to drink some of your water. Still stuck in your own thoughts. Ignoring everything and everyone in the gym. You sighed as you leaned your head against the wall behind you. The music playing from the gym speakers calmed you a bit.
The music being calmer than your intense hateful playlist.
You've gone back to hitting the gym. You had a lot of time to yourself. A lot of grieving. You needed to get yourself together. Even if you didn't have the mentality to do so.
After lifting a few weights for a few more hours. You head out the gym. A little reluctant to do so, but it was getting dark, and you don't really want to get a lecture from Alfred like last time.
He went on about you being a young lady, and how it was far too dangerous for you to be out at night, especially in Gotham. Which you understand. His concern for you is nice. You appreciate it greatly, but you just don't have the patients tonight.
As you walked past a diner. You could smell the food. You stopped and sighed. Trying to resist the urge. There was dinner at home.
Of course. You gave in and went into the diner. Ordering a meal and taking a seat in a booth.
You happily ate. Finally seeming to cool down. The anger you had washed away. Now you were just sad. You sighed when you finished eating. Giving your waiter a sweet smile after you paid the cheek.
You silently sat brooding to yourself. wondering of the future. Of the past. Possibilities. What will your downfall be? when will your downfall be?
will you die alone? under that mask you hid under for years?
or surrounded by family. By loved ones.
You decided it was probably time to get up and get back to the manner. You left the Diner and walked down the almost empty street. Police sirens from different directions could be heard
Suddenly. You felt your spider seances spike up. Thats when you heard a scream come from an alleyway down the street.
You wasted no time and sprinted down to the alleyway. You immediately spot about 7 men trying to assault a woman. You grab a trash bag that was filled and hit one of the men.
You were quick. Punching one of the men who had a bat and ripping it out from his hand. You get punched in the gut. And in the face. Causing you to stumble back.
Before you could do anything else. A flash of black was seen. And someone stood in front of you. Tall. Dressed in black with. . . a cape?
You noticed the men all freeze. Staring at the figure in front of you with absolute terror. You slowly look up to the figure. And you felt your heart drop to your ass.
"Batman. . ." You mumbled at you stare up at the vigilante with wide eyes. The Batman stared down at you. Just. Stared down at you. Before you could do anything else, Batman rushed to knock down all five men. You tried to search for the woman from before. But she was already running.
Your spider senses spike up again. You duck down from a punch thrown by one of the men. You turn to deliver a hard punch back. But was beaten to hit.
Another man in a suit his colors noticeable. Nightwing, grabs the man and throws him against a wall.
You backed away as you watched The Nightwing take care of two other men who came at him with ease.
You were wondering if you should run. You turn around and attempted to leave. But you were stopped.
"Hold it kiddo." A firm grip was on your shoulder. You turn around and see Nightwing. Batman close behind. Both men staring down at you. You got really nervous.
"Hey, your safe now." Nightwing pats your head reassuringly. It was. Oddly familiar.
"We're taking you to the police station." Batman suddenly spoke. You got nervous again. You greatly respected Batman. But you were scared.
And you know they could see it. You frowned deeply and took two steps back.
"Thanks, but I'm good." You gave them a cold look. You turn to walk away. But Batman was suddenly in front of you
"Shit-!" You took a step back. Batman frowns. "Language. I wasn't asking. We will take you to the police station." He suddenly grabbed you and lifted you off the ground.
"Whoa! Hey, let go of me!" You shouted as you were thrown over his shoulder.
"Hey, um. Maybe you should put her down I don't think she's comfortable with that-" Nightwing gets cut off by Batman's glare.
"Neverminded. . . I'll just shut up." Nightwing looks down to his feet to avoid Batman's glare.
You were taken to the Police station unwillingly and had to wait for an unhappy Alfred and Jason who was mocking you for getting in trouble. Which you responded with a middle finger.
"Imagine getting arrested?"
"I wasn't arrested jackass."
"Alfred she just cursed at me!"
"Did I stutter? Or are you going deaf. From that chunk of grey hair you got, hearing loss got to be one of the many stages of getting old."
"Excuse me?"
"Your excused."
You and Jason continued to bicker in the back of the limo. Alfred reached his limit with the two of you when you two kept cursing at each other.
"If you both do not stop bickering, I will report you both to Master Bruce, am I understood?"
You and Jason were quick to quite yourselves down.
Bruce stormed around the Batcave while taking off his mask.
"What was she thinking?" Bruce grumbled as he walked up to the controls and big screens.
"She was trying to help." Dick spoke as he leaned on a wall. Watching Bruce get onto the computers and get onto the surveillance cameras around Gotham. Replaying you leaving the gym. Then leaving the diner. And then running straight to the alleyway. Into danger.
Dick frowns slight. He does agree
"She could have gotten hurt. Those men could have had guns. They could have-" Bruce clenched his fist. Stopping himself as he switched the cameras to live surveillance of the manor
". . . She's safe now Bruce. Look." Dick pointed to the live surveillance of you entering the Mannor with Jason and Alfred.
Bruce let out a small breath of relief. You were safe. At home. Were you are protected. Where he can protect you.
The next morning, you were alone with Alfred. You were in your room in your bathroom. Seemingly working on a new invention in the bathtub while listening to music.
Crying a little while working on your wires. Letting out a frustration by crying a little helped a little bit.
While you were in your own little world. Bruse came up the stairs, your bedroom door was open as always. but you were not at your desk. He sees the bathroom light on and calls out for you. But you don't respond. So, he knocked on the bathroom door.
You still didn't hear him due to your headphones. You shocked yourself a bit, causing yourself to curse and drop your little gadget. In a hurry to catch it you hit your head against the shower glass causing the headphones to fall off and causing you to curse louder.
Bruce heard the commotion going on in the bathroom. He knocked a little harder and called your name again.
"Are you okay?" You can hear the worry in Bruce's voice.
"Um- Yeah! I'm okay. Just--shiiiii. . . ow." You grumbled.
Bruce awkwardly stood at the door. "I'll just. . . wait out here."
Bruce takes a seat on your bed and just waits for you to come out. He glanced around the room. He's happy you decorated the way you wanted it. Instead of leaving the walls and shelves bare.
You came out of the bathroom. Kind of looking like a mess yet smiling at him nonetheless.
There it is. You had that smile that said something was wrong.
"Hey. Sorry I just. Tripped."
As you rant on whatever excuse you had. Bruce watched your movements. Clenching your jaw as you spoke. Pacing around the room. Rambling. Looking anywhere but at him.
You're stressing about something. But what. You won't tell him. He could ask, like he's done before. But you always seem to create this wall after he asks you if you were okay. Or how you were feeling in any emotional way.
The wall always seems to be getting bigger and bigger.
"I wanted to talk to you about setting a curfew. And, laying down a few more rules." Bruce spoke as he stood up from your bed.
You paused. "Oh, okay."
Bruce sighed. "I just- You haven't told me about what happened last night." He was still upset with the attitude you gave Batman(him) that night. Completely different from how you are with him.
"Oh, I just thought since Alfred already told you. . ." You stuttered a little.
"Things like this. You were in serious danger. Why didn't you just call for Alfred to get you?"
"If I did that. What would have happened to that lady then?" Your tone firmer now. It seems you want to stand ground.
"You could have called the cops. Call out to other people to help. But you went in alone!" Bruce spoke with a deep frown as he took a step forward.
"Cops would be too slow. There were people around but they were doing nothing. Even after she screamed!" You didn't like how Bruce was scolding you. Scolding you just like how she used to.
"She was alone. Screaming for help. If I didn't do anything she would have been-"
"You could have been met with the same fate if those vigilantes didn't get there when they did!" His voice raising slightly. Silence fell upon the room as your jaw clenched, you avoid looking him in the eyes. You were getting angry.
". . . I had it handled."
"No you did not! It was you against a bunch of grown men. There was nothing you could have done to prevent what could have happened." Bruce was just worried. Frustrated. Angry.
You look back at him, your eyes narrowed as you took a step forward. Speaking before thinking. "And what do you know huh? You know nothing 'bout me! you know nothing! You think you can waltz in my damn life and take me away from all I know you can tell me what I'm capable of?" Your voice began to raise as your tone became more aggressive.
"You might got the papers to prove you my pops. But you're not, you're not! So, stop playing daddy and acting like you know every fucking solution to my life when you weren't even there!"
Absolutes silence
It took you seconds to realize you just lashed out. And so many things that should have been kept in.
"I- Im sorry I didn't mean it. . ."
Bruce lets out a small sigh as he turns around and spoke in a solomed tone "Your curfew is 9:00." He shut the door behind him.
". . . Fuck."
A/n: So, whoever wants to get tagged for this series than comment so I can tag u. Ik a lot of people have been asking and I'm sorry I'm late. I also got a question of the readers age, she's 16.
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theoisdaydreaming · 9 months ago
There's an awful lot of marvel/DC crossovers where Peter is stuck in Gotham-- but what about batman/batfamily being stuck in the marvel universe? Where are those fics?? Because you cannot tell me that that would not be immensely funny, if not funnier.
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geekishfangirl · 9 months ago
Seen so many Peter Parker in Gotham fics, and while I love them, I would love to see a Batfam in Marvel fics. Especially with the Richard Grayson is Richard Parker idea!
I like to imagine they somehow end up in Peter’s New York (idk how, haven’t thought about it that much) and in their attempts to find a way back to their home universe end up catching the attention of either SHIELD, the Avengers, or just Tony. They are confronted by whoever catches them and, maybe under duress or the idea that they don’t have the resources to get home alone, explain their situation. It all leads to them staying with Tony while they’re there and it all comes to a head when they meet Peter. Because that looks just like Dick! They start trying to spend more time with him to figure out if it’s just a crazy coincidence or not, and eventually realize this is the alternate universe version of Dick’s son!
I love this idea because it makes me wonder about so many things and I feel like it has a lot of possibilities. Like, the batfam is extremely cagey about who they trust, why and how do they end up telling the truth about what happened to them? If we’re talking the MCU (I honestly just like to pick things I like from each universe and make my own but whatever works lmao) Do they end up meeting the Avenger’s pre-Civil War or after? And if after, what would their thoughts on the Accords be?
How would they react to Peter’s story? He barely remembers his father, if he does at all. How would Dick react to the idea of his son growing up without him? To never meeting Bruce and his siblings (if they even exist in Peter’s world) and instead getting adopted by another family? There was never any Robin or Nightwing. He is DEAD in this universe and is watching his adult or near adult orphaned son look to a billionaire superhero as his father figure, just like he had! it would be interesting to highlight both the similarities and differences in the relationship of Tony and Peter to that of Dick and Bruce.
How would they react to Spider-Man and the snap?!
I need someone to write this honestly, there’s so much potential here, I can feel it in my bones.
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ghostlyglitches · 1 month ago
I've stumbled down the Peter in Gotham rabbit hole and I've never been the same. Currently I'm on the whole Dick Grayson is Peter Parker's Biological Parent kick along with the Peter contains (part of) the Soul infinity stone. If I were combine these two many misunderstandings may arise for angst, drama, and comedy.
Apologies for my ramblings of this ridiculous possible fic idea.
Isekai'd protagonist Peter Parker is sent to Gotham a few months after the events of No Way Home. He enters Gotham as Peter NOT Spider-man.
Curses his Parker Luck™ and navigates around. -> Bat fam is not going to be involved much in the beginning until shit really hits the fan <-
Won't be spider-manning but that ain't going to stop him from helping the little guy. Since we are combining the soul infinity stone plot, Peter's eyes turn golden at time when he unconsciously uses the stone's abilities. (If you see my vision, you'll know where I'm going with this.)
Peter tries to keep a low profile but he does end up making a bit of a name for himself. It's not until a Gothamite catches wind of eyes that they get terrified and think he's a rogue talon. It doesn't help that the spider bite messed with Peter's thermoregulation (idk if it's canon but I do see this from time to time) so they see that he's vulnerable to cold weather.
Dick is away on a space mission when all this is going down. (I remember a comment on one fic that said Dick's life changing events happen when he's in space. Peter can relate.)
Rumor reaches Bab's as well as the Court of Owls too.
The court sends someone who gets bested in a fight with Peter but they survive being terminated on the pure chance that they got a bit of his DNA. Guess who it matches? Gray Son of Gotham
It's not until the talons are being spotted all over Gotham that puts Peter in the bat's attention.
The bat fam pretty much think Peter is a rogue talon that was raised as a replacement for Dick. Dick’s horrified that his son (his son!) ended up taking his place and trying his hardest to bring Peter home. They think that Peter's abilities are all from the Electrum enhancement. (Wrong) Peter is ignoring and evading the court and the vigilantes while helping out a person or two.
The stone just cranks his spider-sense to over 9000. It will take a while for Peter to realize that he can talk to ghosts cause of this since their visibility can't be distinguished from the living. (Souls are tricky!)
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loser707 · 2 months ago
My favorite headcanon that I’ve seen is that red robin as a restaurant doesn’t exist in the dc universe so any multiverse crossover shenanigans get 10x funnier with Tim Drake and literally any show/movie/comic/whatever that has red robin. Please see my vision
Those are my contributions to what this scenario can look like.
Peter parker: wait so youre named after the restaurant Red Robin?
Tim Drake: What restaurant?
Peter: you know… the restaurant called Red Robin.
Tim: Ive never heard of that place in my life.
Tim (in costume): My name is Red Robin.
Danny Fenton: Yum!
Tim: …Im sorry what the fuck?
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bbbbbbbbatman · 1 year ago
JJ Jameson is so impressed with Peter's photos of Spiderman that now he's sending Peter on a new assignment: photos of the elusive Batman. Not a single newspaper has been able to get a photo that isn't shitty cryptid level of blurry, and Jameson has decided that the Daily Bugle will get the prestige of having the first clear photo of the bat menace, and will be able to hold it over the heads of the incompetent Gotham papers.
So he sends Peter to Gotham for a week with instructions not to come back until he's got that photo. Peter, unfortunately, can't come up with a good excuse as to why he can't get Batman photos the same way he gets Spiderman photos, so he sets off to Gotham, confident that he can probably get at least one decent photo, less confident about what the bats will do to him if he does.
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karmaspidr · 1 year ago
Batman: What is the situation, Commissioner?
Gordon: Some of Joker's guys tried to rob a shipment of Ace Chemicals. My guys got an anonymous tip, most likely from those responsible for this, saying where they are and that the situation has been handled. And to also bring a few ambulances.
Batman: Scans the scene. Paramedics are treating men with clown face paint. Cops are struggling to cut down tied-up men in ridiculously high places. Some were receiving emergency surgery.
Batman: Any idea who did this?
Gordon: Figured it wasn't your squad. Hands Batman a note. It reads, 'Courtesy of Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends. P.S., sorry about the blood.
Batman: Turns to some of the thugs.
Thug 1: The Devil... The Devil is in Gotham. He's come for us all!
Thug 2: It was like fighting three different people at once. One moment he was throwing baterangs at us and the next he was caving our fucking skulls in.
Thug 3: I don't know how he did it. He was like ten feet away. I shot him. I should have hit him. But when I fired, he was in my face. And he made fun of me!
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mikyapixie · 3 days ago
Tumblr media
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toonerdformyself · 12 days ago
Lately I've been wanting a Spiderman/DC crossover fic but the twist is that it's the Batfamily that travels to the Marvel universe and ends up in Queens, it would be so funny, just imagine.
Nightwing: so you take care of all the crime here? Not only supervillains but also problems like kittens in trees?
Signal: He's like a meta spider firefighter
Red hood: And he doesn't have any crazy clown and he doesn't have to pretend to be a billionaire fool to hide his identity
Red robin: Well, to be fair, he does have a green goblin
Redhood: I'd take that crazy guy any day over the joker, WOW old man you must be so embarrassed
Spiderman: (noticeably worried but flattered?) Thanks for all your compliments but I think I should take you to my wizard friend to solve this little multiverse problem....
Batman:......even kittens?
Robin: Stop embarrassing yourself father, I'll take care of that in Gotham.
There would also be a little romance between Jason and Peter because why not? it would be so fun (and don't even tell me Jason wouldn't be dazzled by Peter)
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awhoreintheory · 4 months ago
Something i haven't seen yet in Peter in gotahm fics (wink wink)
Batman, holding a phat envelope out to spider-man: here, this week's pay
Spider-man, skeptically: with all do respect, I don't do this to get paid
Batman: I fund the justice league, who do you think signs off their checks?
This was supposed to be convincing.
Spider-man, entirely aghast: the justice league is a corporate scam too??
Batman, clearly struggling: no, it's—
Spider-man, swinging away, yelling about "not being put under uncle Sam's thumb":
Slow clapping erupts from behind Batman. He turns dramatically to reveal Red Hood laughing his ass off.
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carmelitacreep · 11 days ago
Spiderman meets the Justice League
You kknow those fics where spiderman ends up in Gotham, or the ones where the JL (Justice League) finds that Batman is a dad and ends up meeting the batfam?
Well, what about a fic where the JL meets Spiderman, but not in the way where he ends up in the DC universe (in one way or the other) in the middle of a JL meeting or the Watchtower, but like as a batkid
Let me explain, Gotham is still Bat territory, the JL dosen't really know what happens there if Bruce dosen't tell them; so they don't know about Peter arrival in Gotham and the fact he became a vigilante there, and they don't know that Bruce adopted him (or Dick or Jason did) and that he became part of the batfam.
So when they meet him is like at random, for example the JL needs help in some chemical thing or something and Batman propose to ask help to one of his kids, and the JL is like: "Tim? Wasn't he good with tech and logistic stuff like Victor? (Cyborg for those who don't know)"
And Batman confused: Not Tim, Peter
JL: Jason?! Wasn't he more interested in literature (because for those who don't know, Jason full name is "Jason Peter Todd")
And Batman is just confused, for then to realize that the JL never met his new son Peter Parker, aka Spiderman who comes from who knows where and that is a genius in chemestry, biology and engineering. So he calls him and the zeta-tube activates saying Spiderman code and from them comes out this chill guy (in spiderman suit because he just finished patrolling with Duke) with a smootie and greets them like is the most normal thing and the JL is just shocked because Bruce adopted another meta
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highmidvoiddemon · 1 month ago
I have read too many Batman crossover fics on AO3 that I have created a commination of the various phases of the crossovers. Including: Percy Jackson, Danny Fenton, Spider-Man, and Miraculous Ladybug.
My proposal to fanfic writers of this genre is that Percy Jackson-Dick Grayson- Peter Parker- Danny Fenton- and Luca from Miraculous are all the same person.
I don't care about time lines or how illogical this is, just imagine the chaos.
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