#Snape supremacy
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ohyeahthecoolaidman · 2 months ago
I watched the entirety of Harry Potter, and though so many tears were shed (and so many parts utterly broke my heart), I have one thing to say…
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(This little Snape Supremacy is made by me, I HAD to make one for him!🤭)
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ashboilol · 1 year ago
Why do so many people use James maturing to defend him?
Alright, I get that he matured. But just because a bully stops bullying others, does not mean they suddenly become a nice person. Maturing is the minimum a bully can do. It is enough to say they are self-aware, but not enough to call them nice.
Did James apologize to his victims? As a former Marauders stan, I actually used to think that James bullying Snape was justified, and the height of cool. I too became like him for one absolutely cringeworthy year. And like James, I matured. But the thing is, I actually made an effort to mend things with my victims. James never did that, not with Severus, not with Bertram Aubrey, not with ANY of the thousands of kids he hexed for fun. Hell, I know he could not have apologized to all the kids he bullied, but he could have made a speech in apology.
Another thing people use to defend James is that he joined the Order of the Phoenix. That is because he was raised in a cult that worshipped the Light, which also gave a damn about him. He is basically Draco Malfoy but raised in the Light, while Snape is a Harry Potter who was indoctrinated towards the Dark. Both ultimately did the right thing, but like Draco and Harry, Snape was braver than James.
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sevilynne · 7 months ago
There's no more iconic duo. ;3
Name a more iconic duo than a twink (Severus) and a redhead (Lily)
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outromoony · 2 months ago
The only thing James and Snape could ever agree on was that Lily Evans was a freaking goddess.
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made-by-moon · 3 months ago
The Marauders era characters as things people in my school said:
"He is such a sweet man and I always have to write to him as i murder his family"- Barty Crouch Jr., after becoming a death eater
"I ascend to godhood while blacking out."- Sirius Black
"I may be an academic weapon but you're an academic terror"- Remus Lupin to Lily Evans
"Someone has to pussyfy this land."- Mary MacDonald
"It makes you a bitch and a dick at the same time. It makes you a ditch."- James Potter to Severus Snape
"Snitches get stitches and get no bitches."- James Potter to Sirius Black after the prank
"I'm a skinny legend so I need skinny cigs."- Dorcas Meadowes
"Life of a gangster is not that easy."- Evan Rosier after Barty Crouch Jr. got the shit beat out of him during a fight
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poitionsprince · 8 months ago
"Remadora or Wolfstar?"
Snupin. Next question.
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shootingthe-stars · 10 months ago
with every god awful take about james potter on the internet an angel loses its wings.
what do you mean he didn’t care about the dark arts and death eaters until it affected him personally. what. you mean the famously blood traitor potter family? you mean one of the only actual canon things we have about james being that he hated the dark arts? you mean the james that yelled at snape for calling lily a mudblood?? you mean the james that went on the front lines of a war he had the privilege to not fight in????
please anti blood supremacy is literally ingrained in his core beliefs can we just keep this ONE THING about him 😭
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timdrakemybeloved · 3 months ago
rant time:
people LOVE sirius black, and they don’t even know it. they want their faves to be sirius black so fucking bad, but their faves just aren’t, so what do they do? they give all of sirius’ complex, sometimes bad, sometimes good, extremely iconic and well known character traits to their faves, and make sirius one dimensional. meanwhile canon is right there proving them wrong, and their faves are a knock off sirius black, and canon sirius just does it better 🤷🏾‍♀️. they hate him so bad bc their faves could never.
like they make barty crouch jr and that evan rosier dude impulsive and sometimes cruel copy pastes of sirius in “slytherin skittle” fanon, even though we have like two seconds of canon from rosier and everything we know about barty is from insane circumstances. we know nothing about rosier, and we only know that barty is good at dada, kind of a competent teacher, insane and devoted to the dark lord. the entire time we know barty, he’s literally pretending to be someone else. and he’s succeeding, so much so that dumbledore, who knew moody for forever didn’t realize.
they makes regulus a heroic champion for disenfranchised groups even though he literally does not give a fuck. he didn’t care until his house elf was harmed. and they make sirius a bad guy for not rescuing regulus like hello?? sirius rescued himself. it was not his responsibility to rescue regulus. if regulus wanted to be rescued so damn bad, maybe he should have done it himself. they make regulus a scapegoat in the black family as if he wasn’t the perfect son who believed in their bigoted beliefs and swore as a death eater willingly… like if you want a rebel, someone who was disowned for their beliefs SIRIUS IS RIGHT THERE. and andromeda now that i think about it.
they make sirius short and dramatic and twinky and one dimensional and dumb so remus can be a tall genius who pulls people left and right. meanwhile, sirius got all o’s while putting in zero effort his entire time at school, he’s tall and charming and he’s an extremely complex character. oh and REMUS IS SHOWN READING A BOOK ONE TIME. how does that make him a genius. sirius is in fact one of the least one dimensional characters in the entire series, one of the few people with a nuanced view on dark and light, good and bad, death eater and non death eater, slytherin and non slytherin. and he teaches harry that, he tells him how the world isn’t divided into good people and death eaters, he tells him how everyone has good and bad in them and the only thing that matters is your actions. i firmly believe that if sirius found out about harry almost sorting slytherin, he would not have been phased.
they make sirius conflate harry with james, when that’s literally not true. he lashed out when harry wouldn’t agree to meet in gof, because harry cared more about sirius’ safety than sirius did, because sirius needed to help harry. and the “nice one, james” isn’t even canon to me, or canon in the books. but his priority, always, is harry’s safety and happiness. just because molly weasley wants to hide information from harry, that he’ll later find out anyway in horrible ways from people who use it against him, doesn’t mean sirius is a bad parent. just because molly thinks hiding information from harry will signal to voldemort that harry is a child and shouldn’t be attacked, doesn’t mean sirius is a bad parent.
sirius is actually the best parent for harry, because he understands that whatever harry wants, harry will be a target. harry needs information to keep him safe. i mean, see what happens when people don’t tell harry that the dark lord wants something in the department of mysteries and would try and trick him there! sirius is VERY vocal about harry not being reckless, and harry listens to him! when he send a note not to be reckless, harry thinks snidely about sirius’ hypocrisy and then does exactly what sirius asks, like a normal teenager. this is the balance needed to be an effective parent to a child like harry potter. and you know who DOES conflate harry and james, even though they’re two very different people with very different pasts? SNAPE.
and what is it with people giving harry a third parent, and it’s like…. regulus, who they erase lily for. they erase james too bc in what world would james go for a death eater? he has SUCH rigid beliefs, to the point of harming people for being death eaters in school. or it’s remus, who doesn’t give a fuck about harry, and doesn’t even remotely have a relationship with him. he gives up chances to be in harry’s life constantly, and he’s not at all reliable or a constant figure in harry’s life. or it’s fucking snape, who verbally abused harry for the entire series… like do y’all really think the dark lord was monitering snape and crucio-ing him if he sees signs of snape being a neutral teacher? snape’s actions towards harry (and neville actually) are reprehensible and entirely his responsibility, not some act to satisfy voldemort.
and sirius is right there!! harry trusts him, harry loves him, harry VIEWS HIM AS A PARENT, and those factors literally aren’t there for any other adult in the series. sirius was there for harry the second he could be, and he reached out over and over to make sure harry knew he could come to him, and you know what? harry did come to him. when harry had a dream of voldemort and his scar was hurting, when harry was entered into the triwizard tournament, sirius did so much for harry and never complained because he loved him and he was devoted to harry.
and sirius has a fuck ton of flaws too! he has ptsd and anger issues, he lashes out at harry when he wants harry to meet (because he values harry’s safety far over his own, while harry doesn’t), he hurts people intentionally, he hates kreacher (not because he’s a house elf, but because of his actions, and sirius’s trauma), he can be reckless, he doesn’t give a shit about legality, like he’s a flawed dude. but some things he’s not are an unmitigated asshole to children, a bigot, or an irresponsible parent.
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sapphiresenthiss · 11 months ago
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"So tell me, Severus... when were you planning to tell me... that this boy here... IS A HORCRUX OF MINE?!", Voldemort asked calmly.
Welp... Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows gone wrong, rip to Dumbledore's entire well-planned plan 😂
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rudamaruda520 · 5 months ago
Lily, while walking with Severus: *fully turns around to get a better view of the ass of a hot seventh year Hufflepuff witch*
Severus: ew, that was gay.
Lily: Oh really? Maybe cause I am G A Y, Severus. How much longer you're gonna live in denial?
Severus: ...
Lily: That's right. You befriended a muggleborn lesbian.
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i-crave-the-forbidden · 9 months ago
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More dunmeshi ver.! Sev and Lily + Marauders. Unfortunately, their meeting was much more problematic than in the hp canon. However the sentiments are still pretty much the same, it's like that "would we be friends enemies in every universe?" trend.
More first meeting + others headcanons under the cut: (mild spoilers of the manga)
- Lily and Severus are researchers after they graduated in the magic academy, Lily focusing on the spells in the dungeon and Sev on the flora and fauna, mostly the poisonous ones and creates antidotes for it, he's also interested in ancient (aka dark) magic.
- As said in ch. 57 of the manga, researchers often hire adventurers as guards (kinda like Mr. Tansu with Namari). The Marauders are a famous band of dungeon adventurers.
- Lily met them first, and she offered them the job. She also mentioned a companion, a co-researcher (Sev) but he's currently preparing/taking care of some stuff so he wasn't there.
-James, fell for Lily at first sight. He didn't really think anything about the companion she mentioned except some light feelings of jealousy and suspicion.
- James and Sirius are really vocal about not treating short-lived races as inferior, (elves were really racist in the story, Mithrun even answered " inferior races" when he was asked what elves call the shorter-lived races in the adventurer's bible).
- Severus met them alone when he was waiting in the tavern for a second meeting after they accepted. It did not start well. Lily was ordering some food to eat and the marauders arrived when she was not there.
- Like Thistle in ch. 69 in the manga, James immediately flagged Severus as a half-elf, and like Thistle, James assumed that Severus was researching dungeons to be a "complete elf" and is really mean about it, citing the unstable life span and growth speed, as well as the infertility associated with half-elfs.
- Severus, being proud of the fact that he's a half-elf, a thus capable of outliving any other race, even elves, did not take the whole thing lying down. He started to say things back to James, leading to a fight. Sirius immediately sided with James, with Remus and Peter trying to stop the fight.
- Lily arrives, and boy is she mad. She overheard the things James said to Severus, and thus revoked the offer to hire them as guards. Sirius says something about not wanting to work with a half-breed anyways, and James was miffed about losing the job, and blamed it on Severus.
- And thus created the bad blood between them, which lasted for years.
Other headcanons:
- Lily and James would die in a dungeon run by Voldemort (tallman), Harry would be taken in by Sirius and Remus. Peter would still betray them to Voldemort, escaping by turning to his familiar, Wormtail, via dark magic. He would be a chimera due to the magic.
- Severus would go on to seek Voldemort, defeat him, and be the new dungeon lord. He studied for years and tries to revive Lily with ancient dark magic multiple times. Unfortunately, since Peter escaped as a chimera, it alerted the western elves about the use of dark magic and Severus was captured.
-Sirius would condemn him to be a canary, and Severus would have his ears pierced and nicked to label him as a criminal.
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snapesmorningcoffee · 1 year ago
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I don’t know if this made it before
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ottogatto · 2 years ago
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look at him
looks so frail
and short
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marriso1 · 4 months ago
these r actually addicting i dont think ill stop making them
don’t forget to unmute
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sevilynne · 7 months ago
Trying to work on my very bad writing. ( I swear, I need to work on my kiss + smut scenes, it feels so awkward because it's just weird? Idk. ) So have a cliffhanger.
Severus's breath caught again as he felt James's hands settle on his waist, the touch tentative yet earnest. The unexpected gesture made Severus's heart race, and he found himself subconsciously leaning in. As his hand moved to rest on James's shoulder, the other lingered on James's Gryffindor tie, the fabric cool and familiar under his fingers.
A torrent of thoughts and emotions surged through Severus's mind. This was James Potter, his enemy, the source of so much animosity, the barrier between him and Lily. Yet here they were, Severus's lips tingling with the ghost of a kiss that shouldn't have been. It was wrong; everything about this was wrong. James was arrogant, infuriating, the very essence of everything Severus had come to despise.
Why was he feeling this way? James was everything he despised; arrogant, infuriating, the embodiment of everything he'd fought against. It was wrong. This was wrong. All of it was wrong, he loved Lily and Severus... Severus loved her too.
Now I see why Lily fancies him, if only the git didn't go out of his way to torment me. He thought to himself.
A few days later, the guilt consumed Severus. It was all so wrong — seeing Lily so happy about being Head Girl while his thoughts were haunted by that kiss with Ja- Potter. He couldn't shake the feeling, no matter how hard he tried.
Lily's voice rang with excitement as she called out, "Sev! Can you believe it? I've been named Head Girl!" Her eyes sparkled with joy, but her smile faltered when she caught sight of his expression. He struggled to mask the turmoil within, guilt gnawing at him for betraying her trust by kissing her crush. It felt like a betrayal, yet it also felt right. Fuck, when can my luck be so terrible.
( My poor baby, Lily and Sev. 😞 )
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wellpresseddaisy · 1 year ago
Just imagine -
Severus Snape giving one of his 7th years such a ticking off. In the middle of his tirade he stops, accios a chair, and climbs onto it so he can loom more effectively as all the 7th years are taller than he is.
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