#Short Tales
tanema123 · 4 months
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Managed to finish one drawing for now. Here we got dark fairy Zestial and Human Carmilla au.... I also wrote a short story.
Lost and found
Why has this happened to her?
Carmilla has been running frantically through the tangled tree branches. The trees surrounding her were as ominous and untamed as the place itself. The dark forest.
She should have known this might happen when she moved here. Her daughters have ventured somewhere, inside the forest.
The house she stayed at was just at the edge, too tempting and alluring for her young ones, who are as curious as any children were. Clara and Odette.
She shouted out their names in now strained voice. She has been calling out to them for hours, hoping to receive some sign, some sound, some hope.
Just as she was about to lose her hope completely, she noticed a light in the distance and some soft whispers. Thinking, it was her daughter, she ran to it.
She came upon a strange sight. There. In the middle of a dark forest... Was a green clearing of soft grass. The air was cleaner as well, making it easier for her tired lungs to breathe. Though the atmosphere itself was intriguing, it wasn't as much as what stood in the middle of it all.
An old tree, almost as big as a castle was rising up to the sky, getting lost in the clouds. How come no one ever noticed this? This should be visible from even beyond the forest? What kind of magic spell was this? Even more, are her children here?
She ignores her confusion and worry to continue the search. She gotta find her kids. She pushed her feet forward onto the grass, towards the tree while calling out their names.
As she inspected the giant tree, she noticed a huge hole, surrounded by dark green vines. Just as she took a step forward to inspect the hole, a purple light came from it.
A purple mass collected in the middle of it and started to spread across the opening, till a portal was formed. Carmilla could only stare in wonder at what was occurring, confused beyond belief, that is, until something came through.
A dark figure emerged. He was taller than her, with a coat dropped over his shoulders that covered his skinny, skeleton-like body. His head resembled a skull with a massive jaw tattered with teeth. But, the most ominous thing wasn't any of that... It was his eyes, 2 pairs of luminescent green, glowing in the night.
Carmilla's eyes widened at the sight. She knew who he was. She was warned about him when they moved here, but thought it was just a fairy tale spread by the local village.
There is a dark creature that resides in a forest. The dark fae. He wasn't always like that. That is until a hunter came and took his wings. Hunter has not been seen since and the creature has decided that all of humanity is doomed. Anyone who ever entered after the incident into his domain, disappeared without a trace.
Have her daughters come here? Were they taken? She has to get them back! Glaring at the creature she took a fighting stance, memories from her knight days sinking in.
The creature turned it's head to the side in a confusing manner. It's eyes seemed to soften as he scanned Carmilla standing nearby. He opened his mouth and surprisingly, english words started to pour out.
"Holla th're, fair maiden. What hast hath brought thee h're to mine own domain"
Carmilla's eyes widened in a bit of surprise. His voice was deep, husky, but he didn't sound dangerous. What is going on here? Shouldn't he have already attacked?
She lowered her stance, but stayed on alert. She wouldn't answer this question. This creature's intent is still unknown. Instead she glared, assessing him down once more.
The creature looks at her even more curiously now. He really is confusing.
"Wherefore aren't thee afeard?", he asked while tilting his head even more. She raised her eyebrow at him. What kind of Dark Fae was this? Carmilla barely responded due to weirdness of this situation, "Huh?".
"Nay math'r. Art thee looking f'r the girls?", he said while lowering his head towards her slightly. Why is he sounding more and more like a small puppy?
Carmilla decided he is not a threat for now. He does seem frightening on the outside, but... His stance, his manners, his speech... This creature is not what he seems.
She answers truthfully, as she needs to know about the girls. "Yes... Have you seen them?"
He smiled, she thinks, as his jaw does rise on the sides, as he re-enters the portal. Just a few seconds later, he emerges, holding two sleeping girls in his arms. Carmilla sighed in relief knowing her daughters were safe.
The creature took a couple of steps before lowering them to the ground. Their sleeping forms snuggled together immediately upon contact to the ground.
He retreated back to the portal quickly. Seems like the fae knew Carmilla isn't comfortable being too close to him. He does seem to have some experience with humans.
Carmilla quickly rushed to her daughters, easily picking Clar and Odette in her arms. Little 8 year old twins were just coddling up to their mother, their slumber unbroken. Camilla smiled at the sight of her daughters, kissing each stop of their blond heads.
She went to thank the Fae, but... He was already gone. With him the purple portal disappeared as well, leaving only the empty hole in its wake.
Carmilla couldn't do anything else but go home, so she did. She stumbled through the dark forest, slowly with her daughters in her arms.
Somehow, the trip home was extremely short, just a couple of mere minutes. As she entered her home, and put her daughters in their own beds she wondered if it was his doing...
The mysterious dark Fae that everyone warned her about... Yet has helped her so graciously and easily. She signed as she sat on her bed, pondering over the previous events.
How come he helped her?
Was it just a coincidence? Or was it an attempt of some kind? A deceit to get her to trust him? But... If that was the case, he would have already made a move.
Fae are powerful creatures. Stories describing them always mention how tricky and cunning they are. Powers they hold are unknown, but anyone that gets on their bad end never lives to see another day.
She finally laid down fully, exhaustion hitting her hard. The last thing she thought of, before her eyes fully closed, were of the Fae that helped her... Would she ever see him again?
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oooopipito · 3 months
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Hello. I almost died at work. Bye. (Don't dig the ground under the sun in a black leather Panama hat.. don't repeat my mistake..)
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gun-roswell · 28 days
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Chapters: 23/? Fandom: Star Wars: The Bad Batch (Cartoon), Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Clone Force 99 | Bad Batch & Other Star Wars Characters (Star Wars) Characters: CT-9904 | Crosshair, CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo, CT-9901 | Hunter, CT-9902 | Tech, CT-9903 | Wrecker, Omega (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Batcher the Lurca Hound (Star Wars), Pabu Island Residents (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Clone Trooper Characters (Star Wars), Clone Trooper Howzer (Star Wars), Clone Trooper Mox (Star Wars), Clone Trooper Stak (Star Wars: The Bad Batch: Paths Unknown), Clone Trooper Deke (Star Wars), Clone Trooper Vik (Star Wars), Original Clone Trooper Character(s) (Star Wars), Socks and Booker (OC Clones), Lula the Tooka Doll (Star Wars), Asajj Ventress, Clone Trooper Nemec (Star Wars), Shep Hazard, Clone Trooper 99 (Star Wars) Additional Tags: Summer of Bad Batch 2024, summerofbadbatch2024, Fan Events and Prompts, Pabu Island (Star Wars), family and friends, Fun under the Sun, Snippets and Scenes, Ficlets, family time and bonding, Fun and Fluff, Humour, Light Angst, Fights and Squabbles, Family Dynamics, Adventure, Flashbacks and Missions, Everyone working towards a common goal, Nature and Weather, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Nightmares and Bad Flashbacks, Mount Tantiss (Star Wars), Suicidal Thoughts, The Techno Union (Star Wars) Series: Part 1 of A Summer of Bad Batch 2024 Summary:
Each chapter containing individual ficlets in the life and times of the Bad Batch and their friends, clones and other Pabuers and one warm summer spent on the peaceful island of Pabu. There are a few flashbacks stories from the past there as well.
Tales as per inspired by the corresponding weekly prompts (see below).
Part of Summer of Bad Batch 2024 collection and series
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writeblogstuff · 4 months
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How this blog got started . . .
--(c)2024, klc
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lokilickedme · 1 year
I sigh and reach for my coat.  Have a blessed day the barista chirps at us on our way out.  Blessed.  She doesn't know what we're about to do, that in ten minutes we'll be parked a few miles away, laying in the cluttered back seat of your car tangled up in each other murmuring blasphemies you'll repent from later.  But I won't.  I refuse to ask for forgiveness for anything we've done.  How can something that heals me be a sin?  If it saves me, how can it be wrong?
If you're willing to keep doing it with me, how can it be forbidden...?
New installment in the series!
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solesamor · 2 years
🎋𝐅𝐥𝐲 𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬🦅
©️ @solesamor Hace ya mucho tiempo un maestro sabio compartió conmigo la siguiente reflexión para filosofar un rato…o más… bajo un cerezo en flor: Al despertar el día, expande tus alas de águila y vuela alto hacia las montañas, para mirar más allá de lo evidente, emergiendo del agua. Al hacerlo recordarás que el fuego de las fortalezas de carácter habitan en el interior mismo de tu…
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laestoica · 1 year
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thestuffedalligator · 28 days
“Are you the witch who turned eleven princes into swans?”
The old woman stared at the figure on the front step of her cottage and considered her options. It was the kind of question usually backed up by a mob with meaningful torches, and the kind of question she tried to avoid.
Coming from a single dusty, tired housewife, it should’ve held no terrors.
“You a cop?”
The housewife twisted the hem of her apron. “No,” she muttered. “I’m a swan.”
A raven croaked somewhere in the woods. Wind whispered in the autumn leaves.
Then: “I think I can guess,” the old woman said slowly. “Husband stole your swan skin and forced you to marry him?”
A nod.
“And you can’t turn back into a swan until you find your skin again.”
A nod.
“But I reckon he’s hidden it, or burned it, or keeps it locked up so you can’t touch it.”
A tiny, miserable nod.
“And then you hear that old Granny Rothbart who lives out in the woods is really a batty old witch whose father taught her how to turn princes into swans,” the old woman sighed. “And you think, ‘Hey, stuff the old skin, I can just turn into a swan again this way.’
“But even if that was true – which I haven’t said if it is or if it isn’t – I’d say that I can only do it to make people miserable. I’m an awful person. I can’t do it out of the goodness of my heart. I have no goodness. I can’t use magic to make you feel better. I only wish I could.”
Another pause. “If I was a witch,” she added.
The housewife chewed the inside of her cheek. Then she drew herself up and, for the first time, looked the old woman in the eyes.
“Can you do it to make my husband miserable?”
The old woman considered her options. Then she pulled the wand out from the umbrella stand by the door. It was long, and silver, and a tiny glass swan with open wings stood perched on the tip.
“I can work with that,” said the witch.
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mentalbox6 · 6 days
Mis progenitores siempre me dijeron que debía comer de todo, sin embargo hay tantas opciones, que pueden variar por su sabor, su color, la textura, lugar de origen, es decir, combinaciones infinitas y me atrevo a pensar que jamás repetiré el mismo alimento, al final de cuentas los humanos son tan variables...
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museuranae · 2 months
🔴🩸Un regalo
🩸Leyó y leyó el libro que le concedería su ansiada libertad, en la esquina de aquella oscura biblioteca, pero no lo suficientemente oscura para esconderla, su cuerpo tembló por el intimidante y peligroso frío, por el profundo miedo que su señor le provocaba, aquel libro fue arrebatado de manos, el borde de esa página blanca se manchó de rojo, su señor estaba furioso, su mente y cicatrices sabían perfectamente lo que iba a pasar, intentó justificarse la temblorosa marioneta, alegando que solo quería entretenerse, su señor se impuso con violencia, tirándola y acercándola a su endurecido rostro por las cuerdas.
“No debes ni puedes hacer nada a menos que yo lo ordene…y por ello, recibirás un castigo por desobedecer” dijo su señor con la rigidez de un glaciar. La marioneta estaba de rodillas, en aquella habitación resonaban crueles chasquidos, su espalda lloraba color carmesí y contaba cada chasquido con gritos desgarrados, desde el primero hasta el décimo, las gotas de olor a hierro mancharon la madera oscura y helada. Cuando la marioneta entró a la bañera, las lágrimas carmesí tiñeron el agua. Aquellas huellas de serpiente habían vuelto, estaban rojas e irritadas y al contacto de la sábanas, la marioneta siseó bajo y temblorosamente. Su señor la mimó y le acarició el rostro, observándola con hambre y obsesiva posesión.
“Lo recibiste tan bien…debería darte un regalo…dime ¿qué quieres que te dé?” Libertad pensó la marioneta, quiero libertad, quería gritarlo la marioneta, sin embargo sabía que no podía decir aquello, pensó y pensó, hasta que de sus labios entumecidos salió un susurro.
“Quiero un gorrión…”
“¿Un gorrión?…es algo muy simple, sabes que puedes pedir lo que quieras, te lo mereces…” Libertad suplicó en su mente.
“Quiero un gorrión…”
“Entonces un gorrión será…”.
🩸Al despertar por su señor, su cuerpo tembló intranquilo, su señor le susurró con venenosa dulzura. Él la guió por las cuerdas hacia el jardín, al sentir la fresca brisa, estoy cerca pensó. Su señor le dió un puñal de alpiste y soltó sus cuerdas, caminó algo temblorosa, alejándose solo algunos pasos. Estiró sus manos con alpiste y un regordete gorrión posó en sus manos, alimentándose. Lo observó fijamente, atentamente, era el momento, no debía tener dudas. Dejó volar al gorrión y el silencio se extendió, la marioneta lloró en silencio, lista y sin titubeos, su señor se preocupó, su marioneta no debía llorar, debía sonreír por su regalo. Estoy cerca, pensó otra vez. Y sin dudas, cortó las cuerdas de su cuello, cayendo al césped, su señor se enloqueció, agarró su cuerpo, tomó su rostro y lo hizo mirarlo, la marioneta seguía llorando, esas eran sus primeras y últimas lágrimas de felicidad, su sonrisa era roja y chorreante, las gotas de olor hierro tiñeron a las gotas de felicidad.
“¡No te atrevas!” gritó con desesperación su señor.
“Era lo que yo quisiera, ¿verdad?…y usted me lo dió…y ahora…yo le doy mi regalo…”. Sus ojos perdieron su brillo y poco a poco se enfrió, tan frío quedó su cuerpo, que ahora era la marioneta quien lastimaría a su señor.
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literaverseo · 2 months
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Mary Sue and her little brother crawled under the fence. Everyone was distracted by the tournament, so it was easy for them to trick the nursemaid, lock her in the wardrobe, and run out of the castle. This wasn’t the first time they did something like that to play out in the fields, but it was the first time they met an ork. 
Of course, they knew the nomadic tribes wandered through the region but they were surprised to find one so close to the city. And, for all they knew, those were merely barbaric savages that ate people on sticks. So, Mary Sue and her little brother feared.
However, as children do, the shy ork girl was also afraid. She carried a handful of mushrooms that she’d dropped as soon as she saw the humans. Mary Sue, who wouldn’t want her little brother telling her friends how scared she was, mustered all the courage she needed to point at the girl and shout.
“I ain’t no thief!” answered the ork girl, offended albeit still intimidated. 
“These mushrooms are on our land, they don’t belong to you” replied Mary Sue.
“You didnae plant ‘em, they’re wild mushrooms.” protested the ork girl.
Poisoned, the children couldn’t agree. Mary Sue’s little brother was growing more and more scared as his sister shouted louder and louder. Eventually, he couldn’t take it anymore. Crying, the boy got a small stone and threw it at the grey-skinned girl. The stone hit her in the head. It didn’t hurt much, just a small cut and a drop of blood, but she ran away nonetheless. The siblings went back to the castle, too afraid not to tell their mother the story.
The Lady of the castle told the Lord of the castle, who told the children that the orku were certainly planning their revenge and, because of their disobedience, by nightfall, they would raid the city. Mary Sue and her little brother, now grounded, learned a valuable lesson that day.
And the orku? They did not plan such a thing. And they wouldn’t. But they were slaughtered by imperial forces anyway. The little ork girl did not survive. But some others did, and they too learned a valuable lesson about the empire of humans who came by the sea.
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tanema123 · 5 months
Ozzy: hey, zestial, buddy, want to chat?
Summary: Short drabble. After Carmilla tells Zestial her feelings and him thinking it's another guy she loves, Carmilla pulls on drastic measures. She calls the Lust ring and asks Asmodeus for help.
The talk
Asmodeus: Buddy. We need to talk.
Zestial: If I must to.... Has thou my lady been different lately. She had been telling me of thee fellow she fancied, when she suddenly walked away from me... What have Thy done wrong?!?!
Asmodeus:... Ah, yes. About that. Your lady has contacted me for support. You see Zestial...
*Zestial stares at him with his four eyes. The top left one raised to show interest and confusion. A bit of sadness on his face*
Zestial: Thou she don't want to see me?... I understand if that is so... She has a man she fancies now... It's quite common to stop communications with thy male friend if you have a new one now...
*Asmodeus gives him a blank stare*
Asmodeus: No no, Buddy, she ain't leaving you...*sighs*Like Hell, she would.... Anyways, Tell me. What is the definition of a friend to you.
Zestial: ...Someone who you hold dear and share plessentaries with... Ain't that thy definition?!?! *confused spider puppy eyes Oo×oO*
Asmodeus: Ok, good, good... *Mutters a bit under his breath* Ozzy breath, you can do this... *continues normally* And what are those plessentaries you share with Carmilla?
Zestial *smiles happily*: We... We spend it around each other. Tea times... Reading sessions... Helping her with her daughters... Doing business proposals and plans together... Taking care of our shared household... She helps me... Her presence is enough to fulfill the void that thy feel in my heart.
*Asmodeus gives him the most unamused stare ever.*
Asmodeus: ... And you never wish it was something more?
Zestial in a sad voice: How could thy not? Her smile is the most enchanting thing ever. Her intellect is one to admire. And her power and will reach bounds no man could ever reach. Truly such person that shall never feel the same as thy... And she got a fellow she fancied now...
Asmodeus: ... You are a complete fool Buddy.
Zestial: Huh? OowoO
Asmodeus:... The woman came to you. Described the exact person as you. Said she loved him and then confirmed it was you... Yet you still don't get she loves you!
Zestial: Heh? She considers me her friend.
Asmodeus glares: No... you Buffon! She has no other man but you in her life!
Zestial happier: She doesn't? Who was she talking about then. The person that looks and acts exactly like me? OovoO
Asmodeus: You are the most oblivious person I ever met. Maybe you need a comparison... you know Lilith and Lucifer, the queen and king of Hell?
Asmodeus: She holds the same love they hold for each other, but to you. She loves you enough to die for you...
Zestial:...But she could never... How... Huh...????
Asmodeus: The woman has dragged you into her life. Introduced you into the family, her most precious thing. Made you a business partner. A house partner. She draggs you almost everywhere around Hell with her. She freaking slept with you in multiple occasions. You are an absolute idiot! She was talking about you! Not some other male that is like you! It was you! You Buffon! She loves you enough to marry you for REAL!
Zestial in total confusion and disbelief:.... What...
Asmodeous: She loves you for real... Let ist slowly sink in Buddy.
Zestial:... Dios mios... She loves thy for real! How.. Uhh.. *blushes green*
Asmodeus: ...Finally... You are the most oblivious fool I had to talk to. How have you survived for so long and became one of the most powerful overlords will confuse me till the day I die. Now. Go tell your lady you love her. And apologize for being a fool. Maybe buy her a nice ring. Go!
Zestial: ...Ah, yes... Right away.
*Zestial runs away quickly. Asmodeus later received a very thankful call from Carmilla Carmine. His nickname was Miracle worker from that day onward.*
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depressed-n-stoned · 2 months
Veo bocas que me hablan y me llaman que vaya que todo allá es hermoso y que el sufrimiento no existe solo hay placer y belleza, solo hay tranquilidad y paz, pero no puedo, no puedo ni quiero ir. Esas bocas que ríen y que me llaman se callan. No puedo ver otra facción de su cara, pero se nota su disgusto y puedo darme cuenta porqué ya no hablan y tan solo hacen muecas de disgusto. No tienen ni nariz ni ojos pero de alguna forma se miran entre ellas. "¿Por qué no querés venir?" Me dicen. "No quiero porqué estoy a gusto acá, acá tengo mis cosas. Tengo mi ropa, tengo mis mascotas, tengo mis vicios y tengo todo lo que quiero y necesito" les respondo. Y ellas replican "Acá tenes todo lo bueno y nada de lo malo. Acá tenes el placer de fumar sin enfermar, acá tenes la dicha de comer y no engordar, acá podes correr sin miedo a caerte, acá podes ser feliz sin sufrir" y yo les pregunto:
"¿Que seria de mi vida sin el dolor, sin el sufrimiento, sin los vicios? ¿No sería acaso algo muy aburrido?
Los Angeles se fueron y yo me desperté.
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gun-roswell · 1 year
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Our Flag Means Death (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet Characters: Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Stede Bonnet Additional Tags: Fandom Shorts, Ficlets, Spoilers s2e3, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Mermen, what if, Idiots in Love, Inspired by Fanart Series: Part 13 of Fandom Shorts, Part 8 of Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet Summary:
Random takes and scenes in space and time for fandoms I love as inspired by Fan Art and the Fandoms themselves.
Filling in the gaps of the mermaid scene (S2E3). So spoilers I guess?!? Got the idea from the most gorgeous fan-art out there before actually seeing the episode. But now I have seen it. So here goes; a short tale of mermen in love.
Part of Fandom Shorts / Ed/Stede (OFMD) series
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writeblogstuff · 4 months
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Topics: *stories *opinions *facts *creativity *humor *notes
We're just getting started!
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dosietedos-unveiled · 6 months
...Veintidós, veintitrés, veinticuatro... Aunque creo que dos o tres horas más han pasado desde la última vez que dormí. Mi corazón está acelerado por haberme mantenido despierto tanto tiempo, fuera de lo normal para mí, pero de verdad que es necesario.
Un leve ruido, como una piedrecilla en la ventana de mi habitación fue el inicio de esto. La alarma debía sonar media hora más tarde, pero yo ya estaba lo suficientemente consciente como para escucharlo claro. Una piedrita, pensé, luego otra, una más... Quizá alguien llama. Al asomarme, no ví nada en particular, la misma calle de siempre, iluminada por esa débil lucecilla matutina del sol que recién se asoma, un coche que aparece y desaparece de mi campo de visión yendo a no sé dónde y nada más.
Me recuesto nuevamente y a los pocos segundos vuelve a sonar. Me asomo rápidamente y alcanzo a ver un borrón semiopaco que se desvanece frente a mis ojos. Me levanto, prendo la tele y me preparo un café, tratando de dejar eso en el olvido.
... Aquí sigo, tratando de ocultarme, más de un día después. Esa cosa me ha estado siguiendo, no sé que es, ni sé qué quiere, pero está cerca...
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