#Shark & co
timethehobo · 2 months
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Making myself some squad charms cos official gives us nothing. 😅 Finally got around to finishing them.
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Regulus: Sorry we're late, Sirius had an accident. Regulus: He was born.
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frillu · 1 year
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☁️◟ SHARKIE !! … reblog if using. req by anon. (^-^)
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yourfriendphoenix · 25 days
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Finally done! I love how colorful it turned out!
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dizzified · 1 month
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Eyeless, born without eyes, Red's strongest trait is her sense of smell and feeling, she discerns her surroundings via scent and head/muzzle bonking [Specifically her Taurolystris partner, Blue]
Meorlark's normally don't get attached to their young, they name them standard simple things, Red was named after her coat color. Red however broke this cycle of disregarding litters and gave her all to protecting and loving her own offspring as a result.
Red lost the majority of her first litter to a violent Venuella, she ended up snatching up the only surviving kit and fleeing with Blue to safety, the entire ordeal made her extremely protective of not only her surviving kit, but her future offspring.
Children: 2 unnamed kits [Died being crushed by a rampaging Venuella] Akeko [First Son - Alive - Lived to adulthood], Alabaster [Albino - Deceased - Died of disease from rotten food], Allum and Beru [Third Daughter and Son - Deceased - Stillborn], Karumi [Fourth Daughter - Stillborn], Azure [Fifth Son - Alive - Named After Blue - Survived To Adulthood], Carmine [Sixth Daughter - Deceased - Survived to adulthood], Yulum [Seventh Son - Deceased- Stillborn], Purple [Eighth Child - Nonbinary - Deceased - Murdered but also was questionably evil], Jabble [Ninth Son - Alive - Named after a friendly Jabblebashhe and survived to adulthood], Salmon [Tenth Son - Alive - Survied to Adulthood], Talu [Eleventh Daughter - Deceased - Birth Complications], Arulo [Twelvth Son - Alive - Survived To Adulthood], Kruma [Thirteenth Daughter - Alive - Final Child]
Wok [Adopted - Alive - Was a grown man when he was adopted but loved anyway], Caper [Grandchild - Carmine's daughter - Survived To Adulthood]
Fun facts: Red is dead set on the belief that Alabaster is still alive and often copes with her grief by saying so, she's adamant that her daughter is perfectly fine despite her obvious death.
Akeko contracted the same illness that killed his younger sister, but ended up surviving after a serious death scare, he was briefly paralyzed but recovered well.
Akeko was one of her most productive children.
Her daughter, Carmine, went off on her own at a young age despite Blue's attempts at keeping her close to the family, while she reached adulthood, she still ended up dying due to her own recklessness, a trait of which she picked up from her mother. She left behind a daughter who weaved back into the family via Blue bringing her home.
Purple was an odd child, the first thing they did when they were born was bite, and it didn't stop as they aged. I wasn't long before this aggressive habit got them killed, nobody in the family mentions Purple. They try to forget. Red and Blue are both happily living in their old age, while still adventuring, they've had enough of raising children for one lifetime and want some time to themselves, a trip around the islands could do them good.
Red had a habit of throwing herself into fights she shouldn't, due to her blindness, she's extremely defensive, and she's not above attacking anything that she thinks slights her or someone she cares about. This has led to multiple near-death experiences, the large scar on her chest is proof of that.
She absolutely despises her extended kin, her littermates aren't exactly the best individuals and after one visit, she'd decided she never wanted to see them again, which was probably for the best.
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artbytesslyn · 1 year
Angelina Jolie Fish from Shark Tale?
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hoyotunes · 3 months
BITE! from BITE! Lei Yuxin, Jacob Crooked, Peter Sierzput, Lei Sheng, Sān-Z, HOYO-MiX
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reggiestein · 11 months
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My predictions for the Cookie Run Survivor Lineup
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amii-dump · 2 years
How about a fem!teru during these trying times
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eardefenders · 7 months
Are you still going write transcripts for the mailbag episodes? No pressure if your busy
Oh yeah I am! I've had work (audit and now it's month end again 🥲) so I've been trying to snatch moments where I can.
I'm eight minutes into mailbag three so I think I'll have that posted on Wednesday. And then I'll get started on mailbag four, which I want to get out before our next mailbag next Monday.
I've also been working on the John Twitter archive, writing some fanfiction, and creating the Sherlock & Co 18+ Discord (invites will be posted later this week).
Plus my son is turning three in a couple weeks so I'm splitting my time on that too lol
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timethehobo · 1 month
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My self-indulgent KTJL charms are here heheh. 💪🥺
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flyin-shark · 1 year
tumblr tip from a fellow satanist: make sure you thoroughly check any satanist blogs u find here, quite a few are Nazis and/or just fetishizing our religion, just shitty stuff tbh, half my block list is made up of such blogs
but we also have quite a community of cool satanists, so welcome ^^
Oh yikes thanks for letting me know.
Fuck nazis
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crazybutgood · 1 year
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🔦*spotlight* 🔦 can a shark dance? 🤔😎
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lemonsharks · 1 year
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I did not get the job I interviewed for on Friday but i am almost done making my own skull jar
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seaquestions · 1 year
not a man or a woman but a secret third thing (girlguy)
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Hey can I’m have a platonic request with pitaya dragon cookie ananas dragon cookie lotus dragon cookie lychee dragon cookie and longan dragon cookie x sorbet shark cookie all of them adopt sorbet and become absolutely overprotective parental figures to them please headcanons imagine the reaction of the other cookies soon they know about this lol
Mmmm dragons
I just combined them all into one because yes, didn’t feel like dividing them up only for each one to have one or two
The Dragons & Sorbet Shark
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ It’s basically a custody war between all five dragons. They switch off with Sorbet Shark every few days- all the dragons are just attached to this small mershark cookie.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Lotus was actually the one to originally find them. They decided to being Sorbet over to one of the dragon reunions and everyone basically said ‘Your child? No, communism. Our child.’
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Longan was against it at first, but once they found out that this cookie wasn’t even really a cookie- originally being a shark- they started to come around to them. Longan likes to sit down and read books to Sorbet Shark, who is completely enthralled by the concept of stories.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ No one except Lotus can understand them, and, as such, Lotus has become the official translator. Sometimes they use this to their advantage, especially when it comes to their turn on taking Sorbet Shark, but the dragons have come to learn what a lot of the little bubbly noises mean, along with the fact that Sorbet doesn’t exactly try to hide their body language at all.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Lychee often takes Sorbet on little adventures! They love getting into mischief with the cookie, and will often prank the other dragons with Sorbet Shark. After the pranks, Lychee tends to use Sorbet as an escape route, basically just telling them that they can’t be angry because it was originally the mercookie’s idea. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn’t. Most of the time it doesn’t, actually, but that doesn’t stop Lychee from trying.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Sorbet Shark has tried to copy fighting moves from Pitaya, which mainly includes charging at a random tree with a stick as a sword. Pitaya finds it amusing, and they go out of their way to try and teach the little cookie the things they’ve learned during fights, and how to defend themselves if need be. They’re a very proud parent whenever they see Sorbet defeat a foe or enemy with a tactic they taught the mercookie.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Ananas likes to take Sorbet flying, often times in their dragon form. They find it interesting how Sorbet seems to communicate with the little fish that swim around their islands, and will often spectate them. The dragon has no clue what they’re saying to each other, but they find it amusing none-the-less.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Lotus will fulfill every little wish the little cookie has with zero hesitation. They’re literally spoiled rotten when they go to the lotus paradise. Lotus loves to walk with Sorbet around the water gardens, observing water lilies and lotuses and all the other water plants.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Sorbet Shark enjoys spending time with every one of their parents, and though they feel a little bit left out at not being a dragon, they don’t mind it too much, and enjoy all the time they have been gifted with!
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