#Severus Snape/reader
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Innovation requires change, and things have changed recently for young Severus Snape-- there is someone he loves now to the point of invention. He may not have intended to invent this time, but the feelings are strong enough it happened all the same, like it was inevitable.
In other words, Severus does a "task failed successfully" with his potion because his crush is existing in his general proximity.
Potion-making was an art of meticulous precision and hairsplitting specificity. Stirring exactly this many times this way, and that many times another. Heating at this temperature for this many minutes until the liquid takes on so-and-so appearance. Grinding versus crushing versus tearing the ingredients and titrating them all just so.
It was undoubtedly why such a fussy, overly-particular man as Severus Snape took to it so naturally. He had a knack for the little intricacies of things. And he was the picture of academic focus, not even stopping at studying his reading materials, but experimenting beyond them, which often meant several hours a day spent, unwavering, over a cauldron.
At least, until you came along.
You, who he couldn’t bear to shoo away, even when he was slaving over a complicated and finnicky brew—even when you rested your hand on his shoulder, and the warmth somehow spread across his cheeks and ears, and he quickly lost count—that was five—no, six? Six anticlockwise stirs, now seven…
“What are you making, anyways?” You leaned over his shoulder, and he couldn’t help but pick up the pleasant scent that he’d come to recognize and associate with you (he spent, he was sure, longer than was normal wondering what it was—your clothes, your shampoo, a spray you used on your skin?). The blush grew warmer. If you asked, he planned on blaming the potion steam.
“Just a sleeping draught,” he answered dismissively.
You moved from resting your hand on his shoulder to wrapping your arms around him in a gentle hug. He could’ve squirmed away, if he wanted to. But he only tensed briefly, more for fear that you could feel his fluttering heartbeat than out of genuine discomfort with physical contact, that the warmth of his blood rushing under his skin in response to you might make him glow with heat like a fireplace.
“Having trouble sleeping?” you asked, your voice velvety-soft with concern for him.
Yes, it turns out, the early stages of developing feelings for someone can bring on a sort of sleep-depriving mania—the high levels of dopamine and norepinephrine currently flooding his synapses were waking him at early hours in the morning and spoiling his already scant appetite for food.
“A little bit, lately.” Another brusque response.
“Sorry to hear that…” You let go of him, and the tension in his shoulders released as soon as your back was turned, your eyes turned towards the valerian sprigs you’d plucked up in your hand to busy yourself with. “Anything I can do to help?”
You were visibly startled by the sardonic chuckle that escaped him in the form of a brief, exaggerated exhale through his nose.
For once, for this one struggle of his in all the world, for all the times you’d helped him through so many other hardships, you were the last person who could help him through this. He narrowly realized how that would sound to say aloud, though, and schooled his expression back into its usual vaguely pissed-off stoicism.
“Nothing more than an actual sleeping draught will do for me, I’m afraid.”
You smirked, turning towards him amusedly with a hand at your hip. “Not with your insomnia, silly man. ��With the potion.”
“Ah—yes,” Severus ran a hand back through his positively bedraggled hair, feeling his stomach twist all over again, half embarrassment and half more of that sickening cocktail of neurotransmitters wreaking havoc on his internal organs, as they do. “Yes, actually. Lavender.” He held out his hand towards you without looking up from his cauldron, palm up, curling his fingers in a put it here sort of motion, like a surgeon awaiting a scalpel.
He should’ve anticipated the nervous fluttering he’d experience when your hand inevitably brushed his in the process of handing off the ingredient. He hadn’t… added the lavender already before this, had he? Surely he hadn’t. In it went, then…
You leaned over his shoulder again. If you were anyone else, he would’ve shoved you by now, owing to your constant encroaching on his personal space.
“Is it supposed to be turning that color?”
Never a good thing to hear over a cauldron. Dismay sank like a stone into the pit of his stomach, and he leaned over his cauldron alongside you, his crush-induced jitters momentarily overshadowed by his concern for the potion on which he’d been working so hard.
“… No.” What was supposed to be dark purple had instead turned to a substance resembling liquid lapis lazuli—midnight blue and scintillating. “I have no idea what that is.”
That being said, he immediately went for it with the nearest phial on hand, and gave it a look that you were quick to pick up on.
“Sev!” You clasped your hand around his forearm. “You aren’t seriously going to drink that? You have no idea what it does!”
“Precisely the point. So now I ought to find out.”
You gave a long-suffering sigh and rubbed your forehead. “Sev, you can’t keep doing this…”
“It’s not going to poison me.”
“You don’t know that!”
“It wouldn’t make any sense—the ingredients—oh, just watch.” He threw back the phial before you could protest any further, other than one last, aggrieved cry of Sev!
You drew your arms towards yourself, though you didn’t step back from him—he suspected you wanted to be there in case he collapsed. He did not. Though you gave it a good twenty seconds before taking that for granted.
“… Alright then, you madman,” you rolled your eyes. “How do you feel?”
He realized, then, that he could actually see you roll your eyes, in fact, very clearly, even in the grimy dark of the dungeon. Merlin’s beard, he could see the rings of your irises—no, more than that even, the colorful sinews that made them up! The individual strands of your hair, the subtle tones and shadows of color across your annoyed face, the valley of your throat—
“Incredible,” he whispered, dazedly waving a hand in a slow arc through the air, marveling at how the inky darkness of the room didn’t swallow it up like it usually did.
“… You didn’t just get yourself high on a potion, did you?” you asked through the grimace of someone who knew in an instant they would be the one taking care of him until the potion wore off in such a case.
He nearly cut you off to say, with a burst of enthusiasm, “Night vision! I have created a night vision potion—I’ve never even been taught one of those before. It can happen sometimes, you know—with the same ingredients, but different proportions and different methods. I must have made a mistake somewhere, and stumbled upon a process to create a perfectly serviceable night vision potion. Fascinating.” He went for his quill and textbook, throwing it open to the sleeping draught page, but only hovering his hand over the page for a long moment without writing anything. “… Now, if only I could remember what mistakes I made.” With a shake of his head that tossed his hair—which was absolutely grimy with potion steam and sweat at this point—he jotted down a note to simply experiment with adding and omitting ingredients, as well as over- and under-stirring, later on.
In the meantime, you’d meandered over to the cauldron, picked up a spare phial, and he just caught sight of you out of the corner of his eye in time to say, without looking up from his notes, “Don’t drink that. There could be side effects.”
You threw one hand up in the air in exasperation—the other held the phial steady. Your objection to what he’d said went without saying. He couldn’t think of a way to say that your wellbeing mattered to him magnitudes more than his own without sounding sickeningly sentimental, though, so he said no more, and simply allowed his blatant hypocrisy to marinate.
“That is impressive, though,” you admitted, gently setting the phial back down and holding your hands up to show that they were empty. He gave you a quiet nod of approval for doing so. “How much of a potions nerd do you have to be, to always be breaking new ground, even when you screw up? It must be a cold day in hell, though. I’ve never seen you defy the instructions of a potion recipe without meaning to.” You laughed at the absurdity of it all.
But Severus Snape could do no more than bow his head and try to make his untidy hair hide his quickly reddening cheeks at the reminder of why he’d made his mistakes in the first place. He’d been… distracted. Maybe having you around during his potion-making wasn’t such a bad idea after all.
#severus snape#pro snape#severus snape/reader#severus snape/you#severus snape x reader#severus snape x you#teen snape#teenage snape#fluff#pre-relationship#snape blushes easily#because he's a pale little nerd
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Cinco años rotos
Severus Snape!Estudiante x Lectora!Estudiante!Fem
Advertencias: Fluff, confesión de amor, besos ;)
Recuento de palabras: 800+
[Pueden re-postear y darle like, me ayuda mucho ;|) ]

Cinco años rotos
El aroma a pino y el ruido del hojear de los libros te ayudaba a concentrarte y despejar tus ideas risueñas sobre Snape, quien estaba a tu lado leyendo. Ambos siempre tenían ese raro ritual de ir a la biblioteca por las tardes a repasar algunas cosas sobre las clases de ambos. Los rayos de sol naranja que se filtraba por la ventana detrás de ambos hacia vislumbrar sus siluetas, la de el, alta y desgarbada y la tuya, pequeña y recta.
Al dar vuelta la página, el polvo que había en el libro entró por tu nariz, tu estornudó se ganó una sonrisa suave de Snape, lo viste por el rabillo de tu ojo. Pudiste sentir como tu corazón se derretía, quisiste decirle lo que tanto anhelabas desde hace meses. pero solo suspiraste nerviosa y seguiste con tu lectura.
Severus contuvo un suspiro casi exhaustivo, otra vez tenias esa actitud, sentía que estabas extraña desde hace tiempo, sabe que le ocultas algo.
Antes de que pudieras intentar decir algo para aliviar la situación, Remus entró a la biblioteca, se dirigió al estante frente a ustedes y busco un libro, sus dedos acariciaban a tientas los lomos de los libros. Snape no pudo evitar contener una cara de asco, aunque Remus era tu amigo igualmente lo odiaba.
“¿Qué tienes?” Dijo con un tono falso de enfado, cuando veía a uno de tus amigos sus emociones lo dejaban llevar.
Tus latidos se aceleraron por el tono de Snape, no querías que se enoje por tu forma extraña de comportarte con el. Aunque Remus este dándote la espalda no podías esperar más, debías decírselo ahora o nunca lo harías. no querías perder la oportunidad, no querías que el pierda su paciencia contigo. Suspiraste nerviosa.
“¿Sería un delito decir…que estoy enamorada?” Un hilo de voz tímida salió de tu garganta. Severus se tenso, su baja autoestima comenzo a trabajar en su cabeza '¿Enamorada? ¿De quién? ¿De quién estás enamorada? ¿De Lupin? ¿Sirius? ' Estaba analizando un sinfín de nombres.
Sentías que los latidos de tu corazón se podían escuchar en toda Hogwarts por culpa del silencio prolongado de Severus, ya estabas preparándote para tu decepción amorosa ‘empaca tus cosas y vete de esta escuela, no, mejor vete del país’ no querías verlo a los ojos.
“Sería un delito ya que se trata de Severus” comento Remus con un tono burlón, para después agarrar el libro y irse.
Deseaste haberlo confrontado y cerrarle la boca a Remus, pero solo te retorciste de la vergüenza en tu silla. Tu rubor solo se profundizó. ‘¿Acaso Remus deseo que te ahogaras aun más? ¿Esto es un intento de ayuda? Idiota’ cerraste los ojos apenada.
En ese momento el rostro pálido de Severus tuvo un tono carmesí, cerró su libro rápido, el sonido llamo tu atención y se vieron a los ojos.
“¿Estás enamorada de mi?...” Pregunto tímidamente.
Un suspiro tembloroso salió de ti, cruzaste tus piernas para aliviar tus nervios.
“Yo…si” expulsaste finalmente “¿Tú no?” lo ultimo escalo débilmente tu garganta, doliendo.
Es como si el tiempo luego de que hablaras se detuviera, Severus pudo ver todas las estrellas de la galaxia en tu mirada esperanzada y un poco acuosa. Tú pudiste ver un destello en sus oscuros ojos, pasaban tantas cosas en su mirada que te quedaste perdida.
El raspo su garganta y se armo de falso valor.
“Yo también te amo” bajo la mirada avergonzado, doblo fuertemente los dedos de sus pies.
Abriste tus ojos como platos.
“¿Me amas? ¿Desde hace cuanto?” preguntaste exaltada, llena de energía.
Severus dudo en responder, suspiro.
“Desde el baile de navidad…cuando bailamos juntos por primera vez y luego escapamos al bosque….”
“Pero, eso fue hace dos años" Tus ojos brillaron de forma radiante.
Severus asintió, sintiendo que fue estúpido haber dicho eso.
De manera desesperada te paraste de tu asiento, casi te tropiezas con tus zapatos, agarraste el rostro de Snape y rápidamente quitaste los mechones de su cabello que ocultaba su rostro. Sonreíste ampliamente, cualquiera diría que te ves como una loca, pero el rostro de Severus se calentó mucho más, estaba perdidamente enamorado de tu actitud tan impulsiva y a veces errática.
Besaste varios lados de su cara rápidamente, Severus estaba encantado disfrutaba de tus labios sobre el, más de lo que jamás admitiría.
Lo besaste impulsivamente en la boca y el correspondió, fue un beso inexperto por parte de ambos, pero también fue tierno. Severus nunca había besado a nadie y tu estabas guardando tu primer beso para el. Acariciaste sus mejillas con tus pulgares, soltaste una mano para dirigir la de el a tu cintura y la sostuviste.
El corazón de ambos estaba por reventar, estaban llenos de amor, Severus finalmente pudo sentir lo que era estar en el cielo mientras tu corazón ardía en llamas.
Los labios de el eran suaves, el oído sentir como tus pestañas rizadas acariciaban sus mejillas. El sentía tu embriagador perfume y te beso más profundamente. Cinco años de amistad se rompían para renacer en una relación de amor tan puro como tu sangre.
Eran polos opuestos, pero el amor de ambos estaba en el mismo nivel de locura y devoción.

#severus snape x y/n#severus snape#severus snape fandom#severus x reader#severus x you#Severus!Student#remus lupin#fem!reader#i dont know#kisses#confession#lovers#hp fandom#Severus Snape/Reader#Severus Snape/reader#fluff#oneshot#severusoneshot#idk#friends to lovers
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jealousy. | slytherin boy headcanons

author’s note: im completely unhinged, as always. no surprise there. love me some angry snake men🥵 please enjoy.
-your boyfriend sees another guy flirting with you in the hall.
Draco Malfoy.
Sees you from down the hall as he’s walking with his friends.
“You know what, guys, I’ll catch up with you after.”
Would literally ditch his friends to make his way over, collecting himself as saunters up to you and mystery man.
Would instantly grab your ass, no hesitation, grip firm enough to bruise. When you gasp, caught off guard, he’d shift his arm up and around your shoulder, pulling you against him.
“What’re we talking about?” He’d sneer.
His voice would be laced with feign interest, smirking down at you with blaring eyes before shooting daggers at the boy.
He’d simply chuckle at you when you tell him nothing, just school stuff, leaning down to place a possessive kiss on your cheek as he grabbed your hand.
“Wonderful. let’s head to class, yeah?”
He’d pull you away from that dude, shooting him another look meant to kill, a silent warning not to fuck with him.
Finally gets you alone in an empty corridor or bathroom; would waste literally no time at all before pushing you against the wall and grabbing your neck/jaw.
“Who the fuck was that, hm?”, “he was practically eye-fucking you…give me five good reasons why i shouldn’t have him expelled or hexed into bloody Azkaban.”
He’d be furious, but he’d also know that you’d never choose some other guy over him, so he’d soften once he hears the innocence in your tone.
“You’re mine, princess,” he’d loosen his grip, kissing you softly. “Say it.”
Blaise Zabini.
Was listening to music while walking down the hall, instantly rips out his headphones the second he sees you laughing a little too hard with some dude he doesn’t know.
He doesn’t necessarily stop walking, but he’d definitely slow his pace, kind of just watching, not wanting to interfere but also not wanting to look creepy stalking you from a distance.
When the guy doesn’t leave, he’d tired of waiting, saying “fuck it”, before marching over naturally.
This man is so fucking cool calm and collected he’d just saunter right up and join in, making himself at home.
He’d practically take over the conversation because he’s literally just that chill in every situation, seamlessly fitting right in, so fucking charming and loved by everyone.
You’d kind of just end up staring at him, smiling in silent awe, knowing that this was his way of asserting his place, letting the guy know what the fuck was up.
After the dude leaves he’d just causally look at you, smirking that charming smirk, wetting his lips as he hooked an arm around your shoulder and pulled you close, leaning down for a kiss.
“Ain’t no one getting you without getting me too, babygirl.” He’d murmur against your lips. “let that be known, right now, forever, always.”
Lorenzo Berkshire.
Would literally stop everything. The second he’d see you laughing and smiling he’d be completely unable to focus on anything else and would completely zone out of any conversations with his friends.
Would get like super anxious and flustered pretty much immediately.
Wouldn’t want to intrude so he’d just kind of hang back, wait for you against the wall and try not to stare too much.
His adorable little cheeks would flush, and he’d know he seemed utterly ridiculous so he’d try to busy himself with his shoelace or something while he waits.
You’d quickly cut off the conversation and move over to him, instantly being able to tell that he’s overthinking.
He’d smile at you, though you could still see the concern on his features.
“Who was that guy, darling?”
You’d tell him he was just a friend from class, no one special at all, pulling him in for a hug and giving him a quick smoochie on the cheek.
“Don’t worry enz, no one could ever take your place.”
He’d blush, trying to play it off. “Sorry love, I know you’re my girl.”
You’d take his hand, squeezing him hard, never wanting him to doubt that for a second. “Only yours baby, forever.”
Mattheo Riddle.
“Who the fuck-“
Would literally whip his bag at Theo, hastily shoving through the crowded hallway with blazing eyes, tunnel visioned as he tried to figure out where the fuck this dude found the audacity.
You wouldn’t even have to turn around to know he’s there, you’d be able to literally feel the anger radiating off of him.
You’d already know exactly where this was heading, but you’d also know there was no attempting to stop him because it’s pointless. Everyone in the school knows that.
Matty does what Matty wants, and right now, he wants to fuck up this guys face for even thinking about flirting with you.
You’d simply look up at him, noting his tensed jaw and his dark eyes as he glances between you and the dude, before fixing back on you, wetting his lips before he says,
“Is this fucker bothering you?”
Unable to help it, you’d smirk, shaking your head as you calmly attempted to talk him down.
“No Matty, he just asked if he could borrow my study notes-“
He’d heard more than enough.
“Study notes? Yeah, I don’t fucking think so,”
Without giving the guy a chance to react, he’d reach for his collar, shoving his back against the wall, teeth barred and face contorted in a snarl as he’d hiss:
“Bother my fucking girlfriend again and the only study notes you’ll need are the ones on how to drink out of a fucking straw, understand?”
Not interested in the response, he’d shove the guy away, eyes softening instantly as he moved back over to you, thrusting a hand through your hair as he kissed you like it’d been a hundred years, right in the middle of the hall for everyone to see.
And judging by the intensity in his grip, you’d already know, later that night, he’d be extra fucking sure to ask you who the fuck you belong to while he’s fucking you.
When he finally pulled back, he’d smirk at you. “Some bloody nerve on that guy, huh?”
You’d just shake your head and laugh, taking his hand as the two of you headed for class.
Theodore Nott.
He’d spot you from down the hall, his eyes instantly narrowing, gaze darting around as though he was missing something, as though this was some sort of sick joke.
Surely, this dude is mentally unwell, right? There’s no fucking way that he’s-
Doesn’t bother to think about it for even another fucking second, instantly shoving through the crowd to make his way over.
Proceeds to wrap his arm around your waist, other hand finding your jaw and pulling your lips to his before you could even process it.
Would proceed to full-on make out with you in front of the dude, and I mean tongue and all, his grip on your jaw so tight you’d know exactly what he was trying to do.
His hand around your waist might even slip lower, grazing over your ass, and then that’s when you’d attempt to gather yourself and push him back, completely embarrassed.
He’d just shrug, smirking down at you before he’d finally acknowledge the guys’ presence with literally nothing more than a glare meant to kill.
“Move along,” he’d say to the guy while pulling you away, grip tighter than ever. “This one’s fucking taken.”
As soon as he got you alone he’d be damn sure to remind you that you’re his, and only his, making you beg and whine his name before he fucked you like you deserved the pain.
Tom Riddle.
Lowkey kidding but not really.
No one would even dare because that man would make it clear as fucking day what would happen if they tried.
#harry potter#draco malfoy smut#draco malfoy#lorenzo berkshire#tom riddle smut#tom riddle#tom riddle x reader#mattheo riddle smut#mattheosmut#mattheoriddle#mattheo smut#mattheo riddle#severus snape#tomriddle smut#tomriddle x reader#tomriddlesmut#blaise zabini#blaisezabini#theoriddlesmut#theodorenottsmut#theodore smut#theodore nott x reader#theodore nott smut#theoriddle#theo nott x reader#theo nott smut#theodorenott#theo riddle#dracomalfoy#draco smut
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Saving My Fanfiction Work
First. Side note: This post was only intended to give resources to fanfiction writers and enjoyers. My talk on recent political events was a context/reasoning on why I made this post. Also I’ve had to add more information to this post over time due to people’s confusion in my comments. Explaining it was to make sure that this post didn’t come off as out of the blue for my followers and this community. Which is fanfiction.
Also, why I made this post was from people asking if they could download my fanfiction because of the recent political events in America hence why I named it “saving my fanfiction work” and added my context. So this was also a post to tell people that liked my fanfiction they could download it as long as it was for their personal collection. I merely just wanted to list resources to people who wanted to download fanfiction and don’t know where to start or don’t have the immediate resources. I’m not here to fear-monger. I am just giving resources and the reasoning on why I’m giving them along with urging people to look into those information/recent events as staying aware is important. I respect everybody who’s given their opinion and yes, some of my grammar in this post is not adequate as this post was merely made for giving/stating resources.
Lastly, I will no longer update this post with comments as I’ve said my peace, nor will I pay attention to the notifications as they are muted. As my page is for fanfiction not politics. Thank you for the people in this community who share this post for the resources see you around the tags! Stay safe friends!!✨ Remember I love you! And you are loved!💛
Due to the recent events in the United States. To clarify the recent events being Trump becoming president of the United States, Project 2025 more than likely going to be integrated. If you are not familiar with Project 2025 I urge you to look it up.
Along with the KOSA bill that has many problems and it has passed the senate now needing the finally vote in the house, which both are majority red. Go here to learn more on why it needs to be stopped and how you can. This is another component that will harm our communities. Go to: stopkosa.com
With all of its harmful plans some of the plans are to take down/restrict internet sites that have LGBTQ+ communities that means communities like the fan-fiction communities/sites in the United States.
I am only giving resources to those inside and out of the US in case they banned sites that hold fan-fiction. Better safe than sorry.
Being that I live in the US the possibly of mine and many others Fanfiction has the possibly of being in danger. Therefore I'm giving you recourses. (I'm not leaving or stopping my writing, I'm here for the fight!)
For those wanting to save my fanfiction, I give you permission to download them off of AO3 and to be used for your personal collection. Meaning, your eyes only. To clarify I’m saying this as others have asked if they could download my fanfic so for those who would like to you can.
If you do not know how to download them many others on online have tutorials on how to download them and add them to our phone libraries.
Here are some links to tutorials:
Downloading Fanfic
Adding to Iphone & Android Library
Adding to Kindle Library - Video on How (On TikTok)
Adding Book Covers (At the bottom) - Good EPUB Cover Changer (I use this)
Types of Files and What they mean
Please stay safe out there! Remember to follow the rules below.
DO NOT share the downloaded file anywhere online.
DO NOT repost the downloaded file under your name.
Fanfiction is protected under copyright law when plagiarism is involved. If you plagiarize my work, either a piece or whole in any language, I will take legal action. Inspiration or the same idea does NOT apply to this, only word-for-word plagiarism in any language.
♥ mx-pastelwriting does not consent to their fanfiction being copied, copied & credited, translated, used in videos and/or audios, screenshotted, used in AI, or reposted on any other platform without permission.
♥ mx-pastelwriting does give consent to "reblog," sharing links to direct work, and being in recommend lists.
Please stay safe out there friends! I love you so much! Know that there will always people that love you and in for the fight to make sure you are loved!
And here are some resources in case you don’t feel okay! Resources here

#tony stark x reader#carlisle cullen x reader#daryl dixon x reader#eddie brock x reader#remus lupin x reader#severus snape x reader#charles smith x reader#hosea matthews x reader#hank anderson x reader#dutch van der linde x reader#thomas hewitt x reader#thomas shelby x reader#hannibal x reader#cardinal copia x reader#negan smith x reader#cooper howard x reader#klaus mikealson x reader#john price x reader#silco arcane x reader#viktor arcane x reader#vander arcane x reader#papa emeritus iii x reader#papa emeritus iv x reader#papa emeritus ii x reader#papa emeritus i x reader#tumblr fanfic#fanfiction writer#fanfic writing#fanfiction#ao3 fanfic
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Do you ever read a really questionable fanfiction or a spicy love story and think "what the fuck did I just read"
#miguel ohara angst#miguel o hara x reader#miguel o'hara x reader#gally x reader#cedric diggory x reader#draco malfoy x reader#george weasley x reader#fred weasly x reader#weasley twins x reader#severus snape x reader#lucius malfoy x reader#harry potter x reader#remus lupin x reader#sirius black x reader#slytherin boys x reader#slytherin x reader#luke castellan x reader#aris x reader#minho tmr x reader#newt x reader#milkman x reader#francis mosses x reader#pavitr prabhakar x reader#hobie x reader#fantiction#like wtf#wtf did i just read#the fuck#harry potter#percy jackon and the olympians
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Walking through the snowy forest with Severus 🖤
(Soooo happy to be done with this illustration!! hold tight for another Snape art ya'll)
#severus snape#professor snape#snapedom#young severus#pro severus snape#snape fanart#snape x reader#harry potter#digital art
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detention. // remus lupin
professor!lupin x fem!reader
plot: on your last day of sixth year, you get detention with professor lupin, developing a huge crush on him since then. two years later, you graduated from hogwarts and were invited to join the order of phoenix by the weasley twins, so you arrive at the black family house where you've been provided with a place to stay by the order after recently being kicked out of your home. is then when you discovered that you would have to live under the same roof not only with sirius, but also with your big crush from years ago, remus lupin.
tw: professor x ex-student, nothing inappropriate happened when y/n was a minor, like a huge age gap (reader is 19, almost 20), mostly romance/fluff i guess, a little angst, mentions of the reader being a slytherin, reader is friends with the twins but she's older than them by a year, mentions of smoking, sirius black being sirius black it's his own warning, low caps on purpose.
notes: english is not my first language, thank you for the support on the other one-shots!!! ALSO HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! ♡♡ xoxo.
ps: i wrote this listening to speak now (the whole album) by taylor swift and it was an INTENSE experience.

it was your last day of sixth year and you couldn't believe that your last hours before dinner and taking the train were going to be spent on remus lupin office. now you really regretted following the twin's ideas for once.
in your eyes it was an innocent last-day-of-school prank, but it ended up with you three accidentally setting the whopping willow aflame for like twenty seconds before the three of you managed to stop the fire. yet, professor snape was the one to see the whole sequence of events, meaning he was completely livid and not so forgiving as others professors could be so he sent you and the twins straight to detention.
and that's how you ended up in professor lupin empty classroom, in detention, for three hours. of course snape separated you from the twins, so not only you were going to be sitting in one of the classroom benches for a long time, you were also alone.
remus was finishing getting some papers in order as he supervised you, and you sat quietly in the front row, completely bored as you looked at what he was doing to entertain yourself. in one moment, his eyes went to you, noticing your clearly irritated face.
the moment snape appeared in his door grabbing you and made him take care of your detention time (only to put more work on him last minute, he believed) you made him remember the times he used to do the same stupid shit with sirius, james and peter.
so, for the sake of the old times and the fact this was the last day of school, he decided to make your detention a little bit more entertaining.
“miss (l/n).” he called you, his voice calm as always.
“professor lupin.” you answered, still irritated but with the energy to speak ironically.
“what were you trying to do with the twins?” remus asked you, a subtle smile on his lips. he was looking at his work while he talked to you.
“when?” you answered smiling, trying to play dumb because the fact that the prank went terribly wrong embarrassed the hell out of you.
remus stopped organizing his paperwork as he raised his eyes from his work to give you a serious “don't pretend you don't understand” look, making you sigh in redemption.
“okay, im sorry professor, stop looking at me like that. it frightens me a bit.” you admitted as you rolled your eyes. “we were trying to set fireworks that were meant to activate when everyone went outside to take the carriages.”
his eyes relaxed when he got and answer and he continued with his work. he seemed to be just minutes away to finishing with his paperwork, though.
“you know, when i was your age i did the same kind of things with my friends.” remus said, chuckling a bit.
“no way.” you answered, clearly in disbelief. remus looked at you smiling softly for a moment.
“i swear” he added, and you instantly laughed.
“for merlin's sake!” you exclaimed, enjoying his confession and now feeling less alone than before. “the mysterious and innocent looking professor lupin ended up being a troublemaker, who could have guessed it?” you said, laughing.
he smiled as you laughed, still working on his papers.
“mysterious?” remus asked, an eyebrow raising in curiosity.
“y'know, what the other girls always say about you.” you added, trying to reference the constant things you heard from your classmates. “that you're mysterious because of your-... y'know.” you pointed at your face to reference his scars with all the delicacy you had. being a slytherin didn't helped a lot with having much tact, but for remus you tried. remus on the other hand, was usually uncomfortable with his scars but it warmed his heart a little that his students didn't think his face was completely unpleasant, as he did.
“they also say that you appear to be sweet and kind” you kept enlisting what you always heard, things that you also thought. things, that you firmly believed he didn't needed to know you thought. “and of course what i consider a classic at this point: that you're beautiful.” you ended up, a little smile on your lips.
remus stayed silent for a second before answering. a yawn scaped your lips as you were really tired. the whole thing with snape scolding you and the twins into oblivion had left you exahusted, yet you guessed remus wouldn't let you sleep on detention.
“those are all the things they say about me?” he asked, calmly. his apparently soft lips giving you a warm smile. somehow inside your chest you knew he wasn't as pure as he appeared.
in your eyes, remus had the look of a wounded man who couldn't afford to be innocent because he was already rotting since long ago, his soul marked with the kiss of something beautiful enough to torture a man.
there had to be a reason for the way this man was always looking like he knew something you didn't.
“yes. i think all the girls have a crush on you.” you said, answering his question like if your mind wasn't lingering on the way his fingers moved while manipulating every paper in his desk. that's what finally made you realize that in some point you were included in the affirmation you said, because remus lupin was too kind with everything and everyone for you to not end up completely mesmerized.
yet, you thought it was natural for you to develop a crush when this man guided your hand with his in class and whispered sweet instructions in your ear when he picked you to make a demonstration. i mean, who would not feel butterflies around him was the right question.
“i never noticed.” he lied, because in fact he did noticed, but it was fun to have someone gossiping with him about the class rumours. not that remus specifically enjoyed them though, but sometimes he felt like a gossip when discussing with, for example, minerva about all the things other students commented about him.
and right now, you were the one making him feel like a gossip. he honestly believed that you were his funniest student but also the most oblivious one.
oblivious, because you truly believed he didn't noticed you were one of the girls crushing on him too.
you smiled at remus, looking at him for a moment. you were aware that he probably lied about not noticing what the girls commented of him. he had this delicate demeanor in his face features that you couldn't fully explain, even if his skin was full of scars.
and every single one of those scars felt like a whole mistery waiting for you to solve. what you didn't knew yet, was that his scars were a prophecy of his damnation.
“i thought every teacher noticed.” you stated, smiling tiredly at him. as your thoughts became a little cloudy, you could notice that you were about to fall asleep, so you felt like you had to ask remus if you could rest a moment, or at least warn him. “professor lupin” you called him.
“yes, (y/n)?” remus answered, using your name. a chuckle settled in his lips as he used the same ironic tone you used earlier when he called your name.
maybe it was the fact that you were sixteen at the time, and your hormones were crazy or the way you suddenly started struggling to stay awake, but something in the way your name came out of his lips made you feel like you had a cloud of furious butterflies inside your body, eager to come out of you. his voice made your name sound so elegant that every letter curled in your guts and twisted your heart like a siren call straight from the deepest ocean.
a subtle blush settled on your cheeks, and you took a deep breath as you noticed how his smell was all over the classroom: chocolate, parchment, coffee, old book pages. autumn.
being in sixth grade meant that the amortentia was on your class program, and after some time alone with professor lupin, you quickly connected the dots of what was exactly the scent you smelt that one time snape put a calderon full of amortentia in front of your class and asked what was it.
yet you were getting too sleepy to deal with the huge crush you just realized you had with remus lupin in that moment. « i'll handle it next year �� you thought, like if he wasn't in your amortentia scent, before finally answering him.
“nothing, i was just going to ask if it would be possible for me to take a quick nap here” you asked him, smiling clearly tired. “please professor lupin, snape exahusted the hell out of me.” you added, as if the plea would do something to help your case.
remus looked at you clearly trying not to laugh at the things you said. if you only knew he detested him just as you did, and that he always got exahusted from dealing with severus too.
he let out a deep breath before answering.
“go ahead. you do seem tired.” he said, having a little mercy on you. “i'll wake you when detention it's over.” remus added, now having finished with his paperwork and opening a book he had in his desk. it was the last day of school, and he felt like you deserved a little of good will from him.
you rested your head on your arms against the bench, closing your eyes softly.
“thank you professor, that's why you're my favourite.” you said, finally letting the sleep trap you in his arms.
remus watched over your dreams with the affection only him could possess. the sweetness he lacked as a wolf, he had it as a human.
so, when you had sleep over almost all your detention time, remus stood up from his desk chair and walked over you to finally woke you from your well deserved nap, fifteen minutes before dinner.
“y/n” he said, calmly. “y/n” he repeated.
you opened your eyes, moved your head a bit and looked up at him, standing up in front of you.
“good evening, professor.” your answer came out sleepy, pieces of your dreams lingering on your body.
“good evening, y/n.” he smiled at you from above. “here, take this.” remus said, placing a piece of chocolate in your bench, next to your head. “it'll wake you up a little.”
you didn't answer, as you were still trying to keep your eyes open.
“i need to get all these papers to my office, please leave the classroom door closed when you go to the great hall” he added, ruffling your hair with kindness before grabbing a pile of papers on his desk and leaving you alone in the classroom with the piece of chocolate as his only remain.
when you were awake enough, in the solitude of the classroom, you ate the chocolate piece and left, too excited and flustered with what just happened to remember that you had to leave the class door closed.
after that day you went home, spent your vacations there until your seventh year started, and when you got to hogwarts and dumbledore announced that your new professor of defense against dark arts was going to be alastor moody, your stomach dropped to your feet in deception.
that was the exact moment you damned your sleepy ass and how you thought you could do something about your crush «next year». you couldn't. you wouldn't.
and the worst part is that you knew that even if remus were there, nothing would have ever happen. he was a good man, and you were just a stupid girl thinking you stood a single chance with him. or maybe not, but still you wanted to see him every day again if it was possible.
the first night of your seventh year you cried like a heartbroken girl in your bed because you thought you wouldn't see remus again, and none of your dorm mates knew what happened to you or how they could help.
the only ones who knew what was happening to you were fred and george, because they were your best friends, and even if they did everything to make you feel better you were still crying for weeks like if someone had died.
and, being aware that harry potter surely would know what happened with lupin, the twins borderline interrogated him for days until he spilled out what he knew. so fred and george came back to you with the whole story: lupin was a werewolf and he had to quit because snape sniched on him with the students parents. obviously, you scolded them because harry had enough to think about with someone slipping his name into the goblet of fire but you were extremely grateful, and now you had an excuse to murder snape.
yet, you also had an answer to all the questions you had about remus. why his face was full of scars, why he looked so emotionally wounded, why he always seemed to know something you didn't, why he disappeared once per month. he was a werewolf.
so, settling with the fact that you would probably never hear of him again you kept your broken heart and your silly little crush in a box, graduated from hogwarts and went home. until one day, an owl with a letter woke you up early in the morning crashing into your window. you recognized fred's messy calligraphy.
« dear (y/n):
well that sounded awful. anyways, how is it going? be kind enough to write us a letter one of these days, we've been missing you.
since you're sooo good doing crazy shit with your wand (almost like us) me and george fred george recommended you to our parents for a little organization that's starting to rise again. we cannot explain more since y'know, the ministry is intercepting owls like crazy.
please come on september 9th at night to 12 grimmauld place. don't use flu. or maybe just come to our house first and we can take you there. yes, that's it, come to our home and we'll go together to grimmauld place.
we expect a letter to confirm your answer. or maybe just a letter telling us about you. please write us we're desperate!! and we miss you!!
ps: lupin will be there ;) SO SAY YES!!
sincerely yours,
fred george george and fred fred and george weasley »
you laughed at the whole letter, and when you read about remus being there, you decided to do what they asked you. you quickly wrote an answer and sent the owl back to them saying yes, but your parents ended up finding their letter.
your parents weren't the most tolerant people, being wizards with an opulent life and purist ideas just like the malfoys, so of course they weren't happy about you receiving a letter not from one but two weasleys. and for once you stood up to fight them back, confessing you planned to go with your friends.
that was the last straw, and days before of what fred and george stated, you were in their front door because your parents kicked you out of home with promises of disinherit you. you were a blood traitor on their eyes now.
the weasleys kindly received you and finally explained for what organization they were trying to recruit you: the order of the phoenix.
you agreed to join gladly, out of rage for your parents ideals and out of impotence because you openly believed what harry said: voldemort was back.
and, just as fred and george promised, on september 9th everyone went to grimmauld place, you included. it was a shiny full moon night and when you and the weasleys stood in front of the door, for a second you wondered if remus was okay. if his transformations were painful, if he was going to be comforted after.
when you got inside the house, the weasleys revealed to you that the plan was for you to stay at grimmauld place, and keep sirius black (who you recently found out that was an innocent) company the most part of the year. you were told that everyone would pass from time to time and that remus was probably going to be staying there the most of the time too.
so, you met sirius, who guided you to his deseaced mother's room and told you to leave your things there since you were going to be living there full time. you settled up and after a lovely dinner that molly prepared, you officially joined the order.
it almost felt like a fever dream, days ago you were at your parents house, and now you were joining a resistance and just hours away from seeing remus lupin again. a part of you was excited and other was scared of falling in love with him, heartbeat going crazy just at the idea of sharing a home with him.
you went to bed in the middle of a haze, the sheets embraced you with tenderness as you closed your eyes and the fatigue of all the events clouding your life catched up with you. you had a dreamless sleep until a scream suddenly waked you.
you didn't found time to change as you got out of bed almost running, worried that something had happened. yet, the moment you went down the stairs you saw arthur, sirius, moody and molly (who was clearly agitated and you guessed she was also the one who screamed) looking at someone laying in the sofa of the living room.
it was late for you to go back unnoticed, as sirius instantly saw you.
“(y/n)” he said, tenderly. “i apologize if we woke you.”
you didn't answered because in the exact moment he talked to you, arthur moved from his place and you saw the face you never thought you would ever see again.
remus layed on the sofa, his face was extremely pale and full of scraches, he had a nasty wound on his chest and in general, he looked sick. molly was helping to treat the deep cut on his chest and you quickly realized that was probably what made her scream.
you looked at sirius, your expression soaked in concern for remus state. it was almost unrealistic seeing him like this but you finally understood the violence involved in being cursed by the moon.
it was the first time you saw him in two years but your eyes couldn't fully believe what they were seeing. the one you adored so much in deep secret, was injured and almost unconscious.
a part of you knew you didn't had to seem extremely worried if you intended to keep your secret, but it was hard for you to restrain your feelings.
“is he-...” you doubted before the words escaped your lips. “is he going to be alright?”
no one but sirius payed attention to your presence as they were focused on remus. he looked at you with reassurance as you stood on the doorframe.
“yes, yes. do not worry, he has been worse.” sirius answered, giving you a calm smile. “go back to sleep, tomorrow it's going to be a long day and we'll have a meeting.” he added, as his attention went back to remus.
your feet refused to move for a couple of seconds and just when you were about to turn back and go to bed, remus eyes met yours. his gaze subtly widened and you felt like a deer in lights, provoking you to almost run upstairs just the way you did a couple minutes ago.
but as you left, remus felt ashamed of himself. after not seeing you for so long, suddenly now you knew what he was, who he was. what the beast inside of him provoked every full moon.
at the same time everyone treated his wounds, trying to make him feel better, in his mind he cursed his lycanthropy. remus couldn't help but feel like a constant burden, a beast who had to be kept captive.
as a couple of days went by, you didn't saw remus at all. molly insisted on him resting some days in bed since he was injured and his transformation had been quite violent so you only heard the news that she or sirius brought back of remus state when they went to check on him.
until one night you couldn't sleep, and you decided to go downstairs for a cup of tea. you tried to be silent as you got out of your room in your pajamas and went to the kitchen.
but oblivious as you always were, you didn't noticed that as you prepared your tea, your back facing the doorframe, someone else was also getting into the kitchen but with the intention to get a coffee.
“good evening, miss (l/n)” you jumped back as the teasing voice of remus lupin scared you, making you drop a bit of tea over the counter.
“shit-... prof- sorry-...” you said, surprised and nervous. the words struggled to find an order while coming out of your lips but you realized in time that remus wasn't you professor anymore and that he was probably joking.
the way he said your last name scratched your brain in a oddly specific way. or well, everything he said had that effect on you.
“im sorry, i didn't meant to-...” remus started to say but you interrupted his words, turning to face him.
“don't worry it's okay, i didn't thought someone else would be awake.” you answered, smiling at him.
the moment you looked at him you noticed that remus had the same loving and sweet gaze he had two years ago. all this time you believed that you may had been delusional about your crush over him, that maybe you had set a extremely high standard or that this was all a product of the idealized remus you had on your brain, but no.
as you saw him standing there, a comfortable brown sweater on his body and his now healed scratches on his face you realized that the man you've been crushing on was as wounded and broken as you once remembered. the same tender look on his eyes being a constant reminder of the cruelty of his destiny at the hands of the moonlight.
“you can call me remus, by the way.” he clarified, smiling at you and you nodded.
“remus... sounds good. better than professor lupin.” your answer was a little bold but you felt relief when he chuckled. “so, what are you doing here this late?” you asked as the cup of tea went to your lips and you took a sip, testing the temperature.
“i could ask you the same, you know?” remus smiled as he walked closer to the counter, meaning he was closer to you too. “i was craving coffee, and since the days after the full moon i can never sleep, a night coffee it seemed like a good idea.” he added, as he started preparing one. “also this is the only place in the house where molly allows me to smoke.” he said whispering playful like if he was telling you a secret.
then you gave a quick look at the ceiling and noticed that had some stains. stains caused by the cigarette smoke, you guessed.
you smiled at him and took another sip of your tea.
“are you feeling better, then?” you finally asked him, curious and nervous. the question had been repressed in your chest for a couple of days.
“well, sirius and molly took good care of me.” remus said, still preparing his coffee. “i feel a little numb this time, though. it was more intense than usually.”
“i was a bit worried.” you admitted, looking at his hot coffee on the counter, and then directing your eyes to his.
“i know, i saw you. and i heard you.” he answered, now grabbing a cigarette he had tucked behind his ear. “i thought you were scared of me, by the way you ran upstairs when i looked at you.” remus smiled a bit while speaking, but it became a melancholic smile when he said those last sentences. then he put he cigarette on his lips like a tender death kiss.
you realized how he was probably insecure about his nature. for him, a death omen. but for you, it felt like the moon loved him so much she needed to have him for herself once a month. but it was a exhausting love, the kind of love that consumes you to the core of your being and hurts your soul.
yet you wondered what kind of love remus had to offer, and if he indeed had feelings for someone inside his chest, who would be the one blessed with remus love.
when remus lighted the cigarette, he took a deep drag and released the smoke with a certain elegance that you couldn't explain.
“no, i could never-...” you stopped yourself from saying something you would probably regret. “i wasn't scared, i was embarrassed. i thought i was being intrusive. it was one hell of a entrance after not seeing you for two years, though.”
he smiled at you, more relaxed than before as he leant against the kitchen counter. the hand that didn't held the cigarette was now grabbing his coffee and your eyes quickly made their way to his fingers against the cup. you felt like you were sixteen again, looking at his hands.
when he answered your gaze found his again.
“you're right, it's been a long time.” remus took a sip of his coffee. “i hope you didn't got in much trouble after i left.”
“i became a bit worse.” you admitted. then your lips kept moving, saying things you didn't thought you would ever admit. “i used to have a crush on you, back in hogwarts. i was sad when you left.”
remus smirked, the cigarette separating from his lips before he responded.
“i know, the twins told me some weeks ago, before one of the meetings.” he confessed, a soft laugh escaping his lips. “they said you cried.”
a deep blush crept into your cheeks, and a intense feeling of embarrassment settled in your stomach. you left the tea on the counter, and covered your face.
“oh for merlin's sake, i can't believe they told you.” your hands left your face and you stared at the floor for a second.
“if it makes you feel better, i already knew.” remus said, finishing his cigarette.
you stared at him in disbelief.
“since when?” you asked, feeling like you could die of embarrassment.
“since the day you had detention with me.” he answered, calmly. “it is true? you cried?” remus curiosity won over him.
you sighed, defeated.
“yes, i cried.” your words were shy, but then you became a little confident. “fred and george told me snape was the one that made you quit, so he became my pranks target and i got a lot of detention time.”
remus laughed, and that made you blush even more and your heartbeat raised to the ceiling. he finished his coffee and spoke.
“i pity him, i wouldn't dare to provoke the rage of a young woman.” remus answered. “even less yours.”
“why-...?” you were about to grab your cup of tea again as you responded but his hand moved to the kitchen counter counter in that exact moment, meeting your hand with his.
when your hands touched, it felt like a shock of electricity running through your whole body. you instantly pulled back from his contact, looking at the floor.
feeling like you had your heart stuck in your throat, an inevitable realization came to you like a rush of adrenaline. you were too far gone for this to be only a crush. you've spent two years loving him endlessly, and now that you were with him you could only wonder if you would've kept loving remus like this if the twins hadn't recruited you, and he weren't beside you in this exact moment.
the typical boldness that layed on your chest had left you for a moment and you needed to take a deep breath. when the words came to you, they were far more brave that you could ever imagine.
“what if this crush never faded?” your voice trembled for a second. “what if it became worse?”
remus sighed and took his hand to your chin and forced you to look a him in the eyes in a sweet gesture.
“we can't, i'm too old for you.” he said, almost in a whisper.
“i never cared about that.” you answered in a heartbeat.
“well, i do care. it's not only the age, it's-...” he made a brief pause. “i'm dangerous, (y/n). im not good for you at all.”
“i don't care, remus. i'm not scared of you.” you moved closer, you could be in front of him.
remus was taller than you, a detail that never failed to make you weak before him. you looked up at his eyes.
“you don't even know me properly.” his voice sounded a bit shaky.
“i never thought i did, yet i always had the desire to do so.” everything he had to said, you've already had thought an argument ages ago thinking of all the things he could say if this situation happened.
and you never thought it would, but luckily the gods or whatever above heard the constant plea of your heart.
“i can't keep a job because i'm a werewolf, (y/n) please think of what you're saying for a second-...” you interrupted him.
“you could say your face will turn green every night and i wouldn't care. please, just give me one chance.” you said, almost in a whisper. a sweet plea for him to spare your heart.
remus thought you were a beautiful woman, brave, ambitious and oddly astute. an intelligence made for chaos and not exactly for books, but he knew better than to ruin you and in his eyes just even trying to date you would feel like setting on fire to your promising life.
he was a monster, fearful that his lycanthropy could hurt you or affect you forever, not to mention he was frightened that his children could end up being cursed like him.
but then he looked at you, so willing to have him, so in love and he felt his heart melting.
maybe you could try, right? just a try.
“i-...” remus began to say. “i think we can try.”
you sighed in relief as you got closer to him, your chest almost touching his.
his smell clouded your mind the same way it did years ago and you knew in your insides that if you someone put amortentia in fron of you, you would feel his scent as you once did: chocolate, parchment, coffee, old book pages. the smell of autumn itself.
his eyes, his voice, his smell, all of him provoked your chest to feel like it was about to explode, enchanting your mind like if some sort of love spell was being casted on your soul.
and now, he was yours. all yours.
one of your wildest dreams came true, and you knew your heart needed to seal the moment the best way you could. there was a gift, an offering to be made at the altar of your love.
there was something you never dared to give anyone else before, because no man was like him.
“you know, i saved something special for a moment like this.” the confession came out of your lips as you grabbed his face to lure him like a beautiful nymph and make him lean into your direction.
and even if he didn't say anything. your words hit remus straight on the face, twisting his guts and he just couldn't believe how nervous he was.
when his eyes looked at you as you grabbed his face and got closer, to him you looked divine just as a superior being could be.
in the moment you kissed him, it was a sweet kiss that made remus shiver from head to toe and take his hands to your waist almost like if you were made of glass.
the first time you kissed someone and it was him. it felt like you were putting a blessing on his soul, fixing even if it was just fo a second, the damage of his eternal curse.
remus wondered if he was the one who would fell in love deeper, noticing the control you had over him just with a kiss, how he suddenly could fall to his knees if you asked.
the soft exchange between your lips ended when a voice interrupted you both.
“for merlin's beard, moony.” sirius voice spoke from the doorframe. as remus avoided his look ashamed, you looked at him a bit irritated for interrupting. “don't look at me like that, (y/n). i didn't expected to find people kissing inside my kitchen when i came here to drink water.” he smirked, mocking you both
after a couple of seconds you laughed at his words, and remus followed you. the first fifteen minutes into this uncommon thing you had and you were already laughing at sirius together.
remus felt relieved and for a moment he believed that any difficulties you could have, you'll both be able to work it out together.
maybe it didn't matter if he was a werewolf or if you were this younger, or if he was frightened to hurt you.
because maybe remus wasn't as cursed as he thought.
i hope you enjoyed this, i spent DAYS writing it and im glad i got to release it for halloween!!! xoxo.
#remus lupin x reader#marauders imagine#sirius black x reader#marauders#sirius black#remus lupin smut#james potter x reader#the marauders#harry potter#lily evans#severus snape#james potter#remus lupin#sirius x reader#sirius black smut#remus x reader#marauders fanfiction#james potter smut#harry james potter x reader#professor lupin x reader#professor lupin#halloween#happy halloween#❛ 𖤐 ❜ ˙∘˙⊹ ch: remus lupin
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Pairing: Severus Snape x Reader
Words: 2.4k
Summary: Lupin and Y/N are affected with sex pollen by accident and she goes to Snape for him to help her.
Warning/Content: smut, sex pollen.
She would kill Remus as soon as she fixes that. Great idea, why not open the suspect power he got from a student and smell it. Y/N groans, walking down the dungeons, hoping that Snape was still awake. Noting the light under the door of his classroom, she knocked softly before opening the door. There he was, working some potion when she entered.
Snape soon noticed Y/N entering, looking at her oddly. It wasn’t common for her to be there, especially that late. “Are you alright?” He asked, looking at her.
Y/N was sweating slightly, feeling her body warm and her face was probably red by now. She would kill Lupin for that, that’s for sure “No…”
He took notice of her flushed appearance and he immediately felt a sense of concern and a bit of confusion as he approached her slowly “What happened? Are you sick?” He asked, trying to keep his voice neutral even as his worry for you grew.
“No...” Immediately, Y/N took a step back, not wanting to be close to him, especially in those...conditions. Oh, she would kill Lupin. “
Snape took another step forward once she took a step back, as a reflex. He paused at her taking a step back again, feeling more confused “Then why are you sweating?”
“I...” How would she tell him that? “Merlin, this is embarrassing...” Y/N looked down, trying to control her breathing and her mind, that kept telling for her to just forget everything and jump on the man right in front of her. And his deep voice wasn’t helping her case.
Snape tilted his head in confusion, his concern slowly turning into irritation “Spit it out, I don’t have all night.”
“So...” Y/N started “Lupin confiscated a small vial from a boy on his class... and he decided we should check it...”
“And?” His eyes darkened slightly as you mentioned Lupin, he disliked the man like the plague, and he had to hold back a scoff.
“And it had this kind of powder...”
Snape as getting even more irritated as she being proposedly vague in her answer “What powder?”
Y/N looked at her hands, ignoring his question “And we thought ‘hey, we should check this...”
He was starting to grow frustrated now, his patience wearing thin, as she ignored his question. He took a step closer, his voice growing a bit sharper “I asked you a question. What powder?”
She sighs, looking back at him “It was a pink powder...it seems like...like an aphrodisiac or something like that...”
“You’re joking…” He said, trying to remain composed as he looked at Y/N, his mind going over a thousand scenarios suddenly.
Y/N shakes her head, biting her lip before she spoke again “Yeah...funny thing though. Lupin accidently spilled on us and we end up inhaling it.”
If his eyes widened more, they would pop right out of their sockets. “You what.” He said lowly, his voice taking on a dangerous edge as he stared at her, his entire body growing rigid.
“We didn’t know what it was!” She quickly says in her defense, but she had to agree that it did sound stupid.
“Are you two idiotic?” Snape snapped, his voice now filled with a mixture of disbelief and annoyance. He couldn’t understand how two adults who worked at a school could be so careless, and honestly, neither did she. “Spilling and inhaling any form of powder without knowing what it is...You could have poisoned yourselves beyond repair!”
“It was an accident.” Cleary, she didn’t have much to defend herself and Lupin. It was stupid, but they didn’t think a student would have a poison. But considering some students...they should.
“If you would have been poisoned you could have died, you understand that, yes?” He asked firmly, his eyes never leaving her face, suddenly thankful she was still breathing.
Y/N sighs. Snape was right, like always. “Not our brightest moment, I admit.”
“Not your brightest moment?” He repeated, his voice taking on a mocking edge as he looked at her “You should know better. The both of you. Grown adults. Careless enough to do this.”
“Please, just tell me you have some potion that can help me with...this.” She looked at him, almost begging. The effects were worse by the moment, being here, with him, alone, wasn’t helping. His mind was racing to come up with any solution as she spoke the words, and he silently cursed the situation in his head. Cursing Lupin for being an absolute idiot, cursing Y/N for being so careless.
“You’re sure it’s an…aphrodisiac?” He asked lowly, narrowing his eyes slightly as he looked at her.
Y/N rolled her eyes at him “Yes. I’m very sure.”
He returned her eye rolling, his expression hardening “I’m just trying to make sure I give you the correct information. What are you feeling, exactly?”
“I’m feeling warm and...you know, aroused.” She says, her voice a little lower now. Snape whole mind went blank for a split second. He hadn’t expected her to be so straightforward with it, and he didn’t know how to handle it.
“Warm, and…aroused?” He echoed, his voice sounding hoarse as he spoke.
“Yes. Aroused.” She felt like he was doubting her? No, it was something else. “What else do I need to say? That I feel my panties soaked? That I just want someone to fuck me right on this moment so this will pass? That I feel like I’ll die if I don’t get a dick right now?”
His eyes darkened as she spoke, the words going straight to his body and making his mind fill with more thoughts he tried desperately to push down “No, there’s no need for that…” He said firmly, a hint of agitation in his voice as he clenched his jaw again. Merlin, why was this situation suddenly so much torturous for him?
Snape took a deep breath before continuing, trying to pull himself together “I’m not sure there’s a specific potion for this sort of predicament.”
Y/N groans frustrated, leaning against the wall. Great. He could practically see the frustration rolling off of her. He took another step toward her, despite feeling as though he should do the opposite “I’m trying to find a solution, have a bit of patience, will you?”
“Easy for you to say. You’re not the one affected by the aphrodisiac.” Y/N says a little sharp than she intended.
He couldn’t help the slight twitch of irritation that crossed his face as she snapped at him “Oh, forgive if you and Lupin can’t use a single brain cell to think that open an unknow powder would be a bad idea.”
Another sigh of frustration left her lips “I know, I know. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to snap at you. It’s just...hard to think right now.”
“It’s fine…don’t apologize, just give me a moment to think…” He was irritated, yes, but he also understood what she was going through.
She nods and put some more distance between them. “I feel like I’ll die if I don’t fuck.”
“That’s the effect of the aphrodisiac. I’m trying to find a way to help.” Snape was thinking of every potion he knows, every book he ever read about the subject but he couldn’t think of nothing to help her with the effects of the powder.
“You can help.” She says, looking at him. Yes, probably her brain turned to jelly right now for her to be saying that. But she couldn’t help, she couldn’t stand anymore what she was feeling, all the desire, all the lust she have for him taking over.
“How can I help?” He said, his voice suddenly sounding a bit huskier than before. He was starting to struggle with his own thoughts.
Y/N takes a few steps forward to him “You know how.”
His body tensed as he looked at her, the words sinking in, and he found himself torn between trying to fight his own thoughts and desires, or giving in to the situation “You know I shouldn’t…I’m your colleague...”
“I don’t care right now.” She says while her hands reach the buttons of his robes, opening one by one. A shudder traveled over his body as he felt her hands working on his black robe, her fingers slowly moving across the buttons. His heart began to speed up further, his breathing growing a bit harsher as he looked down at you.
“Merlin…” He breathed, his voice a strangled tone.
The robe had a lot of buttons, but soon she finished, discarding somewhere on the floor. She started opening the white button shirt. Snape no longer trying to fight against the situation. He knew there was no point, not anymore. And he wanted this. He wanted her. His shirt soon fell to the floor, leaving him in the undershirt and pants, feeling the heat in his body spreading over his body like wildfire as he stared at you.
“How many layers do you use?” She asks while she pulls the undershirt off his body, also discarding with the other pieces of clothes.
Snape couldn’t help a small chuckle at her question while she left him in just his pants now, before he spoke “Too many…I’m starting to regret that decision…”
Y/N was fast to pull all of her clothes off, she was desperate for his cock right now. She didn’t waste any time and soon she was naked in front of him pulling his pants down with his underwear.
He didn’t protest as she free him from the last pieces of clothing, his own eagerness to be free from the tight material fueling the movement more than his own actions. He was finally completely naked in front of her. Y/N pulled the potion master to a kiss, a messy and desperate kiss while their bodies were finally together.
His arms immediately wrapped around her, pulling her even closer to him as his tongue quickly made its way into her mouth, tasting her desperately.
A low moan left her mouth both from the kiss and from the feeling of his body against her. His hands began to roam over her body as the kiss continued, his touch desperate and hard as it slid over every inch of your skin. Her hands did the same. He started to maneuverer both of them towards his desk, his mind consumed by his need for her now that he has her right there.
He lifted her by her waist and placed her on the edge of the desk, his body pressing between her. Her hands kept exploring his body, until she stopped by his hard cock, slowly stroking him.
“Careful…don’t tease me unless you want this to end quickly…” Snape says, looking her with lust in his eyes.
“Merlin, no.” she chuckles softly before she wrapped her legs around him to pull him impossible closer. She then whispered on his ear “I need you now.”
A soft growl escaped him as his hands moved to her hips, pulling her closer against him as he positioned himself against her entrance. His eyes never left hers when he slowly entered her with ease.
Y/N moans, the feeling even more intense because of the effect of the powder. Snape’s mind went blank for a moment, his body shuddering against hers as he finally became completely enveloped inside her. He let out a strangled moan, struggling to keep any form of control as he starts to thrust.
“Faster.” She says with a small moan. She needed more. He didn’t respond verbally, but his body reacted automatically, his hips snapping against hers as he fastens his pace.
“Yes...”Y/N moans again as he speeds up his pace.
It didn’t take long for Snape starts feeling her tightening on him and he knew she was getting closer, and in that moment, he wanted nothing more than to hear she coming for him. He was breathing hard, his mind lost in the sensations as he continued to move against her, his pace growing faster and more desperate.
The sounds of their moans started to get louder as did the sound of their skin against each other. Y/N couldn’t hold back anymore. Her orgasm hit her harder than any time before. Her back arched and her eyes rolled from the intensity.
Snape felt the clenching around his cock and it didn’t take long for him to cum, spilling his hot seed on her.
The aphrodisiac finally stopped working as she tries to control her breath. She felt relief like she never felt before after being so affected by the powder. She finally found her voice to speak “Thanks...”
He looked at her as he pulls out of her, his breathing still coming out in harsh pants as he spoke “You’re…welcome…” Y/N suddenly started laughing, confusing Snape. It was almost absurd that a situation like this ended with her laughing, but here she was “What’s so funny?”
“I can’t believe you just fucked me on your desk.” She says between her laugh.
He chuckled, his expression still a bit amused “You find it funny that we did it on my desk…and not the fact that this whole situation occurred because you were affected by an aphrodisiac?”
“That too.” She says, chuckling and slowly getting off the table.
Snape chuckled again, watching as she slowly stood up. He quickly reached for his wand, cleaning the mess of the desk before speaking “I suppose this means the aphrodisiac is no longer a concern, then?”
Y/N nods, grabbing their clothes from the ground and giving his to him.
He takes his clothes back, a somewhat awkward feeling beginning to settle as he began re-dressing, not looking at her “And I assume you’ll want to forget this whole…situation, yes?”
She did the same with her clothes “I...”
As she spoke, he paused, his hands stilling at the button of his shirt as he finally looked over at her with a slight raise of his eyebrow “You what?”
Y/N looked at him, all dressed “It would be too bad if I said I don’t?”
Snape paused for a moment, his heart giving a slight flutter as he heard her words “Are you…saying what I think you’re saying?” She looked at him, apprehensive of his reaction. Maybe this was one side thing. He held her gave for a moment before walking over to her and kissing her. The kiss was different. It was more gentle, more soft. He finally pulled away, his hand coming up to play with a piece of her hair "Remind me to thank Lupin for being an absolutely moron."
#severus snape#severus snape x reader#severus snape x y/n#severus x reader#professor snape#snape fandom#snape smut#harry potter fandom#harry potter smut#kinktober 2024#kinktober
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#snape#severus snape#pro snape#harry potter#severus#snape x reader#professor snape#severus snape x reader#snape imagine#professor snape one shot#professor snape imagine#severus snape defense#severus fanfiction#severus snape edit
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I need to tear that man apart with my teeth(/pos)
#arthur morgan x reader#kieran duffy x reader#bumblebee x reader#loki x reader#bucky x reader#deadpool x reader#t'challa x reader#doctor strange x reader#10th doctor x reader#11th doctor x reader#lester sinclair x reader#vincent sinclair x reader#thomas hewitt x reader#stu macher x reader#the lost boys x reader#poly!lost boys x reader#medic x reader#demoman x reader#severus snape x reader#beetlejuice x reader#könig x reader#ghost x reader#soap x reader#gaz x reader#astarion x reader#jacob frye x reader#arthur fleck x reader#mad hatter x reader
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#dont get me wrong#i love my soft fluffy men#but sometimes a gyal needs toxicity and a strong chokehold#fictional men are better#actually mentally ill#toxic men#x reader#villain x reader#billy hargrove x reader#anakin skywalker x reader#regulus black x reader#joe goldberg x reader#geralt of rivia x reader#lucius malfoy x reader#slytherin boys x reader#klaus mikaelson x reader#bucky barnes x reader#draco malfoy x reader#damon salvatore x reader#loki laufesyon x reader#sebastian sallow x reader#mattheo riddle x reader#jonathan crane x reader#tom riddle x reader#severus snape x reader#foryoupage#tumblr fyp#explorepage#relatable#fictional men
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Because I’m always cold, imagine first time staying the night with Snape in the dungeons (maybe before it was her quarters or spinner’s end) anyway, he wakes up in the middle of the night to see you gone and starts spiraling only to see you moments later sneak back into the bedroom with every single blanket you own from your quarters
pairing : severus snape x fem!reader
genre : fluff
summary : as in the request
it’s deep into the night when severus stirs, the usual stillness of the dungeons disrupted by an unsettling absence. he reaches out instinctively, fingers brushing only cold, empty sheets where you should be.
his heart clenches. he sits up, breath sharp, mind already crafting worst-case scenarios. had you left? decided the cold, the dark, he wasn’t worth enduring?
the thought is unbearable, slicing through him like ice. he swings his legs over the edge of the bed, ready to search the castle if he must.
the bedroom door creaks.
he freezes, breath held, wandless but poised. until you stumble in, arms piled high with an absurd number of blankets, your face scrunched with determination as you wrestle the door shut with your foot.
you’re too focused on balancing your load to notice him staring, wide-eyed.
“what are you doing?” his voice cuts through the quiet, rough with lingering worry.
you jump, nearly dropping your pile. “you’re awake.”
“clearly.” his tone softens despite himself. “explain.”
you shuffle over, unceremoniously dumping the blankets onto the bed with a relieved sigh. “it’s freezing down here. i couldn’t sleep.”
he blinks, processing. “so you... raided your quarters for every blanket in existence?”
“yes,” you huff, rubbing your chilled hands together. “and i’d do it again.”
relief floods through him, warm and overwhelming. you weren’t leaving. you were just cold.
you glance at him, suddenly self-conscious. “sorry if i woke you.”
he exhales slowly, pulling you gently into his arms, your cold fingers pressed between his warmer ones. “next time... wake me.”
“thought you might think i was being ridiculous,” you admit softly, leaning into his chest.
his fingers tilt your chin up, dark eyes softer than you’ve ever seen. “never.”
your breath catches, warmth blooming in your chest as he brushes a strand of hair from your face, his hand lingering against your cheek.
then, slowly, deliberately, he leans in, pressing his lips to yours. soft, steady, grounding.
when he finally pulls back, his forehead rests gently against yours. “let’s get you warm.”
with practiced efficiency, he layers every blanket you brought, wrapping you securely in their shared warmth. when he pulls you back into his arms, you fit perfectly against him, your cold feet tucked against his legs without a word of complaint.
“better?” he murmurs.
you nod sleepily, already drifting off in the safety of his embrace.
for the first time in longer than he can remember, severus falls asleep easily. heart full, and arms even fuller.
#harry potter#harry potter fluff#xreader#hp x you#hp fanfic#hp x reader#fluff#hp imagine#slytherin boys#slytherin boys x you#severus snape fandom#severus snape imagine#severus snape x reader#severus snape fanfiction#severus snape#severus snape fluff#severus snape x y/n#severus snape x you#snape x y/n#snape x you#snape x reader
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Leer antes de solicitar!♡
• Remus lupin HP
• Severus Snape HP
• alastor HH
• Lucifer HH
• Angel Dust HH
• Husk HH
• Niffty HH
• Vaggie HH
• Charlie HH
• Sr.Pentius
Cosas sobre las cuales SI escribo:
Obscenidad, fetiche de sangre/dolor, relaciones abusivas, Relacion Profesor-Estudiante (Donde ya es sabido que la alumna es mayor de edad), etc.
Fetiche de mierda/orina, pedofilia, incesto, homofobia, transfobia, racismo y esas cosas relacionadas.
Siéntete libre para solicitar lo que quieras, no temas de ser específico♡
Puedes confesar cosas pienses o creas de como son o que hacen Snape y Remus, podríamos reírnos jajajaja
#severus snape#severus x reader#remus lupin x reader#remus lupin fanfiction#remus x reader#severus snapexy/n#remus lupinxy/n#hp fandom#hp#severus snape/reader#severus snape imagine#remus lupin imagine#severus snape fandom#remus lupin fandom#hp fandom spanish#spanish#hazbin fandom#hazbin hotel#hazbin fanfic
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Kinktober Day 1: Stuck
Severus Snape x GN! Reader
Summary: Stuck in the shelving of Snape's potion storage room, leaving only him to help you.
Warnings/Tags: Claustrophobia Warning, Established Relationship, Smut, Stuck, Grinding, Dry Humping
Kinktober Masterlist
Minors do not interact!
Hearing dusty potions being taken down one by one placed on a new surface, no longer rattling a threat against your struggle with their old one. Comforted by the warm hand of your Severus, pressed softly against your body, taking the brunt of the shelf's wooden detail that had kneaded at your skin.
Faintly tasting freedom away from the dark, rotten wooden shelving of the potion storage room. Slowly and steadily backing out right into his lap, halting progress.
Instead of moving out of the way, you feel him grind up against your ass, pushing you back to square one. Feeling as his hands hungrily traveled down, seeking out your hips. Landing on them quickly, pulling on them, inviting you to feel his tented cock.
“Hold still” his deep voice moaned echoing in the small room, announcing his pleasure. Soft humps sharply turned into feverish grinds, further nailing you into the shelving. Nails digging into your riled hips, peeling away the clothes that prevented his cock from entering you.
Obscured from the view of Severus's face, how his eyes engaged onto your body, wanting only to feel your warm insides. The next piece of clothing to go was his. Released from the fabric prison, his cock falls with a slap against your ass, causing a light hiss to escape from his lips.
“Severus” you whined as he steadily drawing his cock around, lubing it up with your arousal, making sure every inch was covered. Squirming under his teasing, your moans quickly heated the small space of the bottom shelving; the pleasure from his actions buckled you down onto the wood.
Arching your back, giving a full view of Severus. Relishing in the growing bliss as his cock finally glides into you. Igniting nerves at every inch, fogging up your mind and vision. Stirring the feeling of thrill and fullness, his cock and hips tilt down, burying further into you.
Hearing as the shelving shook with rhythm, threatening Severus to calm. Ignoring the threats, hands pulling you against him, cock carving deeper, electrifying new nerves. Feeling he explores the new soft terrain, charming gasps from your throat, ecstasy building with every one of his thrusts.
Hurried moans sound from Severus, warning you to his buckling hips. With one last pull, you are free from the bounds of the shelving. The pain mixed with the blinding thrill of cumming to his cock, hearing as he did so too. Pulling out quickly, spilling ropes of his warm cum on your bare ass.
Hello, I hope you enjoyed if there is any grammar mistakes or misspellings sorry about that feel free to let me know in the comments, have a great day/afternoon/night!
♥ mx-pastelwriting does not consent to their fanfiction being copied, copied & credited, translated, used in videos and/or audios, screenshotted, used in AI.
Fanfiction is protected under copyright law when plagiarism is involved. If you plagiarize my work, either a piece or whole in any language, I will take legal action. Inspiration or the same idea does NOT apply to this, only word-for-word plagiarism in any language.
Kinktober Taglist: @littlebitchsposts @shadyloveobject @reidsbookcase @hoffmanfan13 @fullmoonwolfer1 @lokis-right-femur @marlboropremiumblack @camilla-black @teriyakiscavern @chaoticweirdogeek @akneld @jay-cosplay-bin @spacebananabud @allyandhope @m-281 @draenei-kitten @hoffmanfan13 @oxyjenn @nerdywitchgeek @caffeine-addict3295 @supergingerlocks @chocolqtelle @laurenyas @taylorthetable @lightupsketchersperson @f-ckm3hhhg @racco0ngirl13 @fran-soup @hope69world @hotchners-wifey @crustyowos @fly-on-the-wall @georgina21 @nyx2021 @www-interludeshadow-com @carolb111 @thays0 @0banes0 @musicfuelued @bibella8swan @madeleinerg @lokiiified @asmalls0723 @wonderlandofsilence
#severus snape x reader#severus snape x you#severus snape fandom#severus x reader#snape x reader#severus snape x y/n#severus snape smut#severus snape#kinktober 2024#kinktober#мχ-ραѕтєℓωяιтιηg ωσякѕ
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do you ever fall for a fictional character so hard that when they are shipped with another character you wanna kill yourself
#miguel o hara x reader#gally x reader#lucius malfoy x reader#cedric diggory x reader#hobie x reader#minho tmr x reader#severus snape x reader#luke castellan x reader#aris x reader#newt x reader#slashers x reader#slytherin boys x reader
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I’ve been thinking about painting Snape in his classroom since the moment I stepped there in Hogwarts Legacy, sooo
Ummmm I… ughhhhhhhh
Hello yes. well. here it is.
Why is he looking like he wants you to stay after class…..
#severus snape#professor snape#snape x reader#Snape lives#pro severus snape#snapedom#pro snape#harry potter#digital art
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