#Santi White
raredye · 2 years
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Via Santigold on Instagram : Found more Stiffed pix from CBGB show 😍. Still no video though
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th3-0bjectivist · 3 months
Dear listener, I understand that having a white dude on Tumblr recommending excellent black music makes about as much initial sense as me suggesting that you upgrade your home to cutting-edge VCR and landline phone technologies. Given the current racial tensions in the US right now, all I ask is that you give this white boy’s recommendation the old community college try. This week the focus will be on Santigold, a cross-genre artist that deserves way more attention than is afforded to her. I’ve been listening to Santigold’s music for nearly a decade, and I’ve said it before, but you guys can keep your Cardi B’s and your Nikki Minaj’s because when I’m hungry for excellent music, I come to the table for something rare, experimental, smart and versatile. Santigold delivers all of that, and more. Smash play on Look At These Hoes from her 2012 album Master of My Make-Believe, and if it pleases you, join me for rolling fields of gold below.
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A genuine music industry trailblazer, Santi White started off her career as a mere A&R (her job was to find promising new artists and bring them in to sign contracts) for Epic Records. This Philadelphia-born multitalented maven started collaborating with musicians, and then in 2001 became the lead singer in a ska band called Stiffed. The best part of this group’s music was the vocals and lyrics, and after disbanding in 2005 or so, Ms White embarked upon her solo career. A solo career that has lasted nearly two decades to this year. There’s an island vibe to her music, and I’m not just talking about the style. Her music feels different than anything mainstream in terms of raw brain-power, exceptional flow and overall depth of meaning. She makes music that thinks as much as it works to go against the mainstream grain. She deserves respect and legitimate accolades for sticking to her guns and staying genuine through her career, rather than selling out and producing the equivalent of another WAP just for the sake of raking in millions from people with questionable taste in music. Along with having a sultry mezzo-soprano voice (my personal favorite lady voice type) her style is a mishmash of hip-hop, new wave, punk and electro. If you listen to her jams and don’t find your head and body bobbing to her beats, I believe I can officially pronounce that you have no actual soul in your body! If you spend any time at all studying the deeper meaning behind her jams, you will find complex themes of resilience, perception of reality and an overall complexity of character which few, if any ‘similar’ artists can even approach without immediately appearing to be outside of their mental depth. Just below you’ll find the music video for L.E.S. Artistes from her 2008 album Santogold. Enjoy!
As the first song on this post strongly suggests, Santi White ain’t no booty hoe. She’s highly educated, she’s a mother, and in terms of eloquence of execution… she’s an absolute industry badass. You owe it to yourself to take a deep dive into Santigold’s catalog and I implore you to revere artists like her as the mega-talents they truly are. Image source: https://tomtommag.com/2012/05/brooklyns-golden-child-santigold/
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cellulardreams · 3 months
Santogold Santigold by Lauren Gardner Via Flickr: Oh I loveeeeeeeee them: www.myspace.com/santogold
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the-dust-jacket · 8 months
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Congratulations to this year's Stonewall books in the young adult category!
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briteboy · 2 years
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santi’s devil spawn, syd and scully 😈 
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weisserose-comic · 6 months
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✨Meet The Characters - Weisse Rose✨
Santiago "Jesus" Del Castillo
Now, Wasima's best friend in the whole world - we finally have Santiago, last, not least, and Jesus member of the Weisse Rose <3
He is of Romani descent, Spanish and called Jesus because, well, his friends said he looks like Jesus and it stuck (it's the ~gorgeous~ hair)
As always, character sheet info here and more notes on my dearest Santi down below!
Also it's the Spanish 'Jesus' pronunciation, not English 'Jesus' pronunciation
Age: 30
Height: 1.78 (5'8)
Astrological Sign: Capricorn (oh the walking contradiction)
Languages: Spanish, Catalán, Arabic, English, French, Italian, Romanian, Portuguese
Heavenly Virtue: Chill and Welcoming - very hard to get him mad and he's very accepting of everyone; if you're a living being, you have a place in his heart
Hellish Sin: Responsibility and Commitment Issues - he's afraid of having too much responsibilities and being tied down; thinks he is only a stop for people to grow and then leave him, so he doesn't want big commitments
Current Occupation: Hairdresser - doesn't like working forever at one place and takes a lot of odd jobs as well
As tall as Marty? A little taller?
Handsome, silky long brunette hair, dark hazel/brown eyes, beard, tan skin, kind smile (the eyes turned green in the final design)
Very easy going, very chill, very nice
Love thy brother and be loved in return sort of guy
Real name is Santiago but he looks like Jesus, so everyone calls him Jesus (Spanish pronunciation)
Bassist - likes to play hard, quite differently from his personality
Wasima's best friend in the world
Kinda very Catholic family
Helped Wasima when they met at school for being outcasts
Got Wasima into the underground and LGBTQ+ scene
Always played in metal bands, but so happy to jam with her whenever she wanted him to
Loves deeply and believes in loving everyone, but thinks love will never really find him
Used to being mistreated and hated because of his Romani background
His parents tried to "cut ties" with their Romani descent so their children wouldn't suffer as much prejudice as they did
Didn't really work, but they did try
Feels more inclined to get in touch with his nomadic roots rather than conforming to a society that doesn't like him
B r e a k s when treated like an equal/with respect
Doesn't like violence, but will feel weirdly loved when Diana fistfights some nazis who are threatening him for being a 'gypsy'
The whole band breaking the club down in a fight and Santi there, crying in a corner because people love him that much
Owns a Tarot Deck and is very good at Fortune Telling, thank you very much
Can dance Flamenco like NO TOMORROW (and it's pretty good at Flamenco guitar playing too)
He's Dante from Devil May Cry
I wanted a fancy name for my dearest Santiago, a.k.a Jesus. A LOT of religious jokes with this one, just wait and see. Also, I wanted him to be of Romani descent, because of some people in my family who were - but it got lost down the bloodline as they didn't have the chance to teach what they knew. I know a couple of things my grandma and my aunt tell me, but I don't know ALL the culture - I know that it varies from country to country and, once Santiago is Spanish, it probably differs a LOT from my family/country.
We absolutely adore Gypsy Kings and Flamenco, though, so I had to give him that. I won't take it away. I don't care if people say it's cliché, he is a Gypsy Kings and Flamenco lover, I won't have any less from this GORGEOUS man. Thank you.
Same goes for Tarot and Fortune Telling, my own tarot deck sends regards
And a little thing to add: the third drawing below, the one he's shirtless and looking quite surprised, is just Santi being told he looks handsome and hot - not used to hearing himself being described like that and thinking no one would ever think he is handsome and hot. It warms my heart.
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What to do when you are a leafling: my annoying friend.
(Ah the dilemma of wanting to Write more olimin chapters and wanting to write corps chapters.)
Dingo watched as the S.S. Beagle flew away alongside the onion. Pom offered him to come along with her but it just wasn't his thing. Dingo could feel a smile crawl onto his face as he walked away. 
“SHUT UP!” Dingo screamed, everyone, even Shepherd, looked at him in shock. Dingo cringed to himself and could feel the thoughts subsiding once more. He silently prepared himself as Erma walked up to him. Dingo started to run. He climbed onto a rock and started to cry.
He could feel the thoughts coming back to him in a blast. Nothing but Dandori, he had to organize and save time, he had to…
“Hey? Are you okay Dingo?”
Dingo looked around and picked up Jack.
“N-no. I made a fool of myself. How come i seem to be the only one to resist the…well…the thoughts”
“The Connection meant to be like your comms man. We talk to each other and relay messages. So we can cooperate and survive. It's meant to keep us alive.” Jack chirruped. They held the toothpick with happy noises and did a few stabbing motions.
“Wait a moment, does that mean the Dandori thing isn't normal?”
“Dandori thoughts is a normal thing but at this strength. Does this mean someone is messing with it?” Jack said and tilted their head in curiosity. 
Dingo let out a long sigh. The thoughts slipped into his mind again. Begging him to simply do Dandori, find a cave, find a bunch of Pikmin and be a Dandori practitioner. Maybe he should give up…yeah that sounded great to do…Dandori…he should Dandori all the time.
“Dingo? If you’ve got any problems, let me know.” a voice said. Dingo could feel himself blush again, it was Erma again, what should he say? He looked up to see Erma’s lovely blue eyes. He could feel the Dandori thoughts slip away as he looked at her.
“I’ll let you kn-kn-know.” Dingo managed to stammer out before he felt faint, no he should keep himself awake. No screw it! He needed to tell her, he needed to tell her everything!
“You want to know what happened to me. I’ll tell you, it all started when Bernard and I crashed in a place with giant pink flowered trees.” 
Bernard wandered around the camp in a daze. The thoughts in his head he knew weren't his. But no matter how hard he tried, it seemed he couldn't reel them into his own sanity. Dandori is fun and the most efficient way to live life. If others were like him then maybe he would have not crashed. He never crashed in his life until now. 
“Santi…friend…why don't we…when the ONION lands…you get someone…and let them embrace DANDORI!” Bernard declared.
“Why–” Santi started
“Because if we make them embrace DANDORI…we can save everyone…if I did DANDORI earlier…the ship…wouldn't crash.”
Santi raised an eyebrow, as annoying as Bernard was, this was completely not his thing. 35 years of dealing with, avoiding and getting annoyed by Bernard has made him familiar with the positive ace pilot. 
“Bernard, are you okay?” Santi said with a hint of hesitation in his voice while light chittering began to echo in his head.
“I'm fine SANTI, I crashed the ship...I…” Bernard started, he hugged Santi tightly. Soft sobs began to sound from the pilot. Santi quietly dragged Bernard away from the general area around the base and to the rock. Oleander was sitting there and kicking their legs while Santi sat Bernard down. 
“Who is that?” Oleander said, coughing a bit of poison out.
“My rival…It’s okay…You can talk to me…Like you always do.” 
“Can you play your flute…for me?” Bernard weakly asked. He looked up with a smile as Santi took the frost covered flute out of his pack. Santi took a deep breath and began to play. Soft music danced around the air, bewitching the ears of those nearby. The thoughts in his head seemed to slip back into only his own. The soft whisperings of Dandori now seemed like a bad dream rather than a horrible reality. Bernard looked up with some sense of a smile on his face. 
“That…feels a bit better….I don't know what came over me.”
“No worries Bernard we’re…ack…Best friends after all.” Santi said with a pained smile that had a hint of warmth to it.
(my idea is that even though Santi finds Bernard annoying due to the whole fate thing. He still cares for Bernard…a little. While Bernard sees him as a genuine friend.)
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storyofmorewhoa · 2 years
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Romeo and Juliet (1968) directed by Franco Zeffirelli cinematography by Pasqualino De Santis set design by Italo Tomassi
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feralchaton · 1 year
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penguinlover27 · 2 years
I predict that DeSantis’ authoritarian ways are going to backfire on him and the GOP spectacularly. This may serve the short-term interests of getting MAGA behind his campaign for POTUS, but these antics are not going to win him a lot of support nationally and outside of that narrow base.
DeSantis and his enablers in FL are also running the risk of a serious brain-drain, with college professors choosing to work for institutions elsewhere without such an authoritarian grip. The threat to the status of tenured professors is definitely going to cause a stir.
Add to that the decimation of AP courses for high school students in the name of ideological purity. These moves are hardly based on the needs of students and are instead purely the product of authoritarian, right wing ideology. 
DeSantis likes to say that Florida is “where woke goes to die”, but I think that the push for greater inclusion and diversity in our society is not going to end there or anywhere else just by fiat.
The rage against “woke” by conservatives is nothing more than the ravings of the white-supremacist movement in its death throes. They define “woke” as being anything that threatens their hold on power over our politics and our culture, rather than the definition that those who initiated the term used.
In a sense, the anti-woke reaction can potentially be killed in the crib by destroying it in Florida before other GOP governors attempt to follow DeSantis’ playbook. Just as by stopping Putin in Ukraine we can prevent further Russian invasions of other European nations, we can stop DeSantis and his regressive agenda in Florida before it spreads. Frankly, the importance of stopping both men cannot be overstated.
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lenbryant · 1 year
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(LONG POST) Column: The story behind that Florida school curriculum that whitewashed slavery keeps getting worse
By Michael Hiltzik, LATimes Business Columnist  
(Photo) Marker commemorating the Rosewood massacre of 1923: Can Florida escape its racist past? (Historical Marker Database)
If there’s a bet that you will almost always win, it’s that no matter how crass and dishonest a right-wing claim may seem to be, the reality will be worse.
That’s the case with Florida’s effort to whitewash the truth about slavery via a set of standards for teaching African American history imposed on the state’s public school teachers and students.
The curriculum, you may recall, was condemned for a provision that the curriculum cover “how slaves developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit.” 
"Dogs and Negroes Not Welcome" — Sign posted until 1959 at the town line of Ocoee, Florida, site of a 1920 racial massacre
Another provision seemed to blame “Africans’ resistance to slavery” for the tightening of slave codes in the South that outlawed teaching slaves to read and write. 
A section referring to “acts of violence perpetrated against and by African Americans” goes on to list five race riots and massacres from American history, every one of which was started by whites. 
More on that in a moment. As the indispensable Charles P. Pierce put it, the Florida standards “look as though they were devised by Strom Thurmond on some very good mushrooms.”
I reported last week on this reprehensible project, which was publicly presented as the product of a work group of the state’s African American History Task Force. 
Two members of the task force, William B. Allen and Frances Presley Rice, responded to the scathing reaction to the curriculum from Democrats and Republicans with a defensive statement purportedly on behalf of the entire work group. 
“Some slaves developed highly specialized trades from which they benefitted [sic],” the statement read. “This is factual and well documented.” 
As I reported, however, of the 16 individuals Allen and Rice mentioned to support their assertion, nine never were slaves, seven were identified by the wrong trade and 13 or 14 did not learn their skills while enslaved. One, Betty Washington Lewis, whom Allen and Rice identified as a “shoemaker,” was white: She was George Washington’s younger sister and a slave owner.
Now it turns out that Allen and Rice were not speaking for the work group, but for themselves. Thanks to reporting by NBC News, we know that most of the work group’s 13 members opposed the language suggesting that slaves benefited from their enslavement.
NBC quoted several members anonymously as stating that two members pushed the provision — Allen and Rice. Members “questioned ‘how there could be a benefit to slavery,’” one work group member told NBC. 
Others said that the work group met intermittently over the internet and did not collaborate with the state’s African American History Task Force, which was created in 1994 to oversee the curriculum for African American studies in Florida’s K-12 schools. 
The work group’s standards were approved unanimously on July 19 by the state board of education, every member of which was appointed by Gov. Ron DeSantis, who is running a natural experiment to see whether bigotry and racism can carry someone to the presidency. 
We’ve recently learned more about Allen and Rice. Allen, as I reported earlier, is a retired professor of political science at Michigan State University. (The university removed his bio page from its website sometime in the last few days, but here’s an archived version.)
Allen served as chair of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights under George H.W. Bush, but angered civil rights activists and members of the commission itself for taking a stand against legal protections for gay people. 
At a 1989 conference in Anaheim sponsored by anti-gay Christian fundamentalists, Allen delivered a talk titled, “Blacks? Animals? Homosexuals? What is a Minority?”
Its theme was that treating gays and Black people as distinct minorities would relegate them to animal status. Allen said, “My title is as innocent as a title can be,” a position that prefigured his current defense of the Florida slavery standards as no big deal. 
He’s listed as a fellow of the Claremont Institute, which has been funded by a galaxy of right-wing foundations. The institute lists among its senior fellows John Eastman, who is one of the four attorneys identified as “co-conspirators” in the federal indictment of former President Trump for trying to overturn the 2020 presidential election, handed up Tuesday. Eastman is also the target of a California State Bar proceeding aimed at his disbarment for his alleged role in that effort.
As for Rice, she’s chair of the Sarasota-based National Black Republican Assn., which appears to have shared its business address with her home address. She identifies herself as “Dr. Frances Presley Rice,” but she doesn’t appear to have a medical degree or PhD; she does hold a juris doctor degree, but that’s just a law degree and doesn’t customarily bestow the “Dr.” designation on its holders.
Rice has conducted a years-long campaign to associate today’s Democratic Party with the Democrats of the 19th century, a pro-slavery party that shares none of its positions on Blacks or slavery with the Democrats of modern times. 
The normalization of Florida’s slavery whitewash has been abetted by a supine press. On July 27, for example, Steve Inskeep, the host of NPR’s Morning Edition, conducted a servile interview in which he sat meekly by as Allen spewed unalloyed hogwash. 
When Allen suggested that Black journalist Ida B. Wells had drawn “inspiration” from the slavery experience, Inskeep — had he been even minimally prepared — could have pointed out that the Mississippi-born Wells was 5½ months old when the Emancipation Proclamation took effect on Jan. 1, 1863, and 3½ years old when the 13th Amendment abolished slavery. 
Nor did Inskeep challenge Allen about the list of 16 supposed slaves that he and Rice issued in defense of their curriculum. The list had been out for a full week before the NPR interview. Inskeep didn’t mention it at all.
When Allen asserted that he was not the author of the curriculum, nor were any other members of the work group, the proper follow-up would have been: “Who wrote it, then?” Inskeep kept mum. 
The Washington Post, meanwhile, tried to shoehorn Florida’s whitewashing of slavery into a “both-sides-do-it” framework. 
The Post article suggests that the Florida curriculum and President Biden’s July 25 proclamation of a national monument dedicated to Emmett Till, a Black teenager tortured and lynched by a white mob in Mississippi in 1955 for purportedly offending a white woman, are two sides of a “roiling debate” over Black history.
Of course that’s absurd. Most Americans, and most Democrats, don’t see slavery as a topic worthy of reconsideration. That’s all on the Republican side, especially in Florida. 
DeSantis and his stooges are pretending that the truth about America’s racist past should be suppressed for fear of making white children feel bad. It’s nothing but a play for the most bigoted members of the GOP base.
That brings us back to Florida’s curriculum. Provisions other than the one about the benefits of slavery aren’t getting the attention they deserve. 
Take the part about “acts of violence perpetrated against and by African Americans.” This standard is illustrated in the text by references to race riots in Atlanta in 1906 and Washington, D.C., in 1919, and massacres in Ocoee, Fla. (1920); Tulsa (1921); and Rosewood, Fla. (1923) — rampages by white mobs lasting a day or more.
In what sense do these point to violence perpetrated by Black people? Pierce conjectures that they “might distressingly be referring to attempts by the victims of those bloody episodes to fight back.” 
The Ocoee massacre occurred when the town’s Black residents attempted to vote. When a squadron of Klansmen hunted down a Black leader in his home, his daughter tried to prevent them from taking him by brandishing a rifle, which went off, slightly wounding a white member of the gang.
“A volley of gunfire erupted in both directions,” according to an account on the Florida History blog. In the aftermath, nearly 60 Black residents were dead, their community was razed to the ground, and those who survived were driven from the town, never to return. Until 1959, a sign at the town line read, “Dogs and Negroes Not Welcome.”
Is Ocoee supposed to be an example of “violence perpetrated ... by African Americans”? Nothing would speak more eloquently to the true nature of the Florida standards for teaching Black history.
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raredye · 2 years
Stiffed - "Ain't Got Enough"
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macfrog · 4 months
backspin | bbf!frankie
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surprise! we're taking a quick detour to fuck around with our brother's best friend again. what else is new.
pairing: bbf!frankie morales x fem!reader summary: you try to get even with frankie. it works. warnings: reader is santiago's younger sister, she and frankie do not get along, enemies to lovers, mention of throwing up, alcohol consumption, cursing, oral, more dickhead frankie and more sassy reader word count: 6.3k
part one: rack 'em | main masterlist | follow @macfroglets w notifs on to be the first to hear when i post 💙
So, you fucked around with Frankie.
It’s no big deal, right? It was just a one-time thing. There was tension, you guys relieved it. Scratched an itch. Served a purpose. You still fucking hate the guy, and he still fucking hates you.
Nothing’s changed.
Mal sprays wine all over the kitchen table when you tell her. Gargles a, Sorry – fuck – sorry, through what little of the alcohol is left in her mouth.
You wipe your face clean in the crook of your elbow. It’s in your fucking eyelashes. You blink the room back into focus, and – “Jesus, Mal!”
Dark droplets teeter around the edge of the table, threatening to plunge straight down onto your mom’s chair cushions – thus damning you to her very own personal hell for all eternity. You can feel the flames licking at your feet already.
Your best friend rips a sheet of paper towel and drags it over the wood – white bleeding violet at the first swipe. “Why’d you tell me as I was taking a sip?”
“I didn’t think you’d fucking hose me down,” you hiss, taking the soaked crumple from her hands.
“You didn’t think I’d be a little surprised that you and Catfish Morales hooked up? Are you fucking ser–? Actually, you know what? I’m not that surprised.”
You glare at her from the sink, upper lip curled.
Mallory Bennett has been privy to your every thought since you were six years old. Hand in hand, arms swinging as you marched into first grade together.
Most days, you barely have to open your mouth – one flinching expression, one flash of eye contact, and she can parrot your own thoughts back to you.
Francisco Morales going down on you two nights ago is the first thing you’ve ever had to confess to her. It’s the first thing she never saw coming.
“Shut up,” you breathe, eventually thawing and sweeping over to your chair. The table sticks to your arms when you sit back down.
“There’s a lot to unpack there, alright? A lot of tension. I mean, you gotta fuckin’ feel it. You two hate each other’s guts! And you’re both single, and you’re only here for two weeks. And – he’s Santi’s best friend. It’s just…it’s the perfect storm.”
Another exasperated sigh passes your lips. You settle back, eyes closed, and lift your palm. “Enough. I’ve heard enough.”
“You wouldn’t’ve told me if you didn’t wanna talk about it. Was he good?”
“Was he?”
“I was drunk. I don’t remember.”
“Bullshit.” Her face screws up; the gold hoops wobble from her ears. “Like hell you don’t remember. Tell me.”
Your eyes slip from her over to Ange. The old pup pushes herself to her feet with a huff, her joints stiff and bones frail. She moseys over to your side. You scratch the back of the dog’s neck, shrugging to Mal.
“Maybe if you hadn’t cheated your way to a free round of drinks, I’d remember enough to share.”
“Fuck you,” she snorts, voice rounded by her wine glass. “Maybe that just means you gotta do it again – sober.”
You scoff.
Angie looks up at you – watery eyes blinking, tail slowly fanning.
Mal’s already recounting the time Frankie snitched on the two of you for raiding your mom’s makeup bag. She waves her hands in the air, eyes bulging.
Do it again. The thought actually makes you want to laugh.
You and Frankie – you and Catfish, hooking up again. As if the first time wasn’t a total mishap, the biggest mistake in judgement you think you’ve ever made.
He drove you home, he made you come, he left.
One nil, right? You have one up on him. You got yours, and he probably went home and jerked off to the thought of it. Alone in his room, tongue licking at the corners of his mouth where he could still taste your release.
You won.
You won, against Frankie Morales.
“…and then fuckin’ – Pope tried to help us tidy it up, remember? He was scrubbing the hell outta the lipstick on the mirror. But that asshole – Frankie,” she seethes, “he went downstairs as soon as your mom came home. As soon as she…And he fucking ratted!”
She growls, balls her fists. Screws her eyes tight shut like the enraged eight-year-old she was back then. She still has the same little crease between her brows. “What the hell got into you that night? We hate him, junior!”
Ange slumps to the floor with a sigh.
“Me too, girl,” you mutter to her, twirling the base of your glass. You look back up at the crazed woman opposite. “I don’t know,” you insist. “I was drunk, we were on our own…It just happened, alright?”
Her shoulders roll in a shrug. She lifts her glass to clink the neck of the bottle against the rim, purple wine spilling in a swirl. “Maybe it’s the start of something.”
You scoff. “Mal. Come on.”
“I’m serious. Perfect storm.”
“Nope. No storm. Stop that.”
She jabs a tipsy finger in your direction. “Let me get this straight. You’re telling me that you messed around with your arch fucking menesis– arch fucking…with – with Frankie, and you just – still feel nothing for him?”
“No,” you admit, “I feel plenty for him. I hate his fucking guts. I used to wish every birthday that he’d disappear. One time in church, when Father Joseph told everybody to bow their heads ‘n pray, I actually asked God to kill him for me.”
“Not Father Joseph!” Mal shrieks, grinning. “He was so fucking hot, by the way, for a dude with no hair. When the sunlight caught that cueball just right…that was a real fucking miracle. Goddamn.”
You bat her snicker away. “Me and Frankie used to brawl so bad that our moms had to separate us,” you continue. “I had to sit in the front seat if we drove anywhere – and that still didn’t stop him! He’d reach around the headrest and flick my fucking ear.”
“You gave as good as you got, though. I’m surprised he can even still get hard, the number of times your foot…” She swings her leg and kicks your thigh softly. “He was an ass, I know.”
“He was an ass then, he’s still an ass now. That’s all there is to it.”
��Okay,” Mal concedes. Her dark, glossy hair surfs around the lip of her wine glass when she leans in. “But you wouldn’t’ve told me unless it was still on your mind. ‘s all I’m saying.”
You throw yourself back with a quick, angry shake of your head. Your tongue flicks over your top lip.
“All I’m saying,” she repeats, holding her hands up.
But I won, you think – in a petulant little whine. Like you could shake your fists and stamp your feet at the same time. You got one up on him. He – he made you…
He made you come. He saw you. Felt you. Tasted you.
He knows what you sound like, whimpering his fucking name. Drunk on him, begging him not to stop. And now, the image of him fisting his cock over the memory of it feels less like a victory, and more like –
Another fucking loss.
You have no idea what he looks like, coming undone. No clue what his fragmented moans sound like as they tear from the bottom of his throat and rain down over you. You don’t know the weight of him in your hands, the wet slip of his tip as he leaks over your tongue.
Mal’s onto something new. Taken by a Facebook post from some girl you went to high school with. Biggest head I ever saw on a fucking baby, she mutters, wincing and then sprinkling a handful of salted peanuts on her tongue.
Frankie’s cocky smirk clouds over the sight of her at the opposite end of your kitchen table.
Francisco fucking Morales. The asshole wins again.
All at once, you hear his rotten little jeers in your ear – curbed painfully by his middle finger searing across your lobe. You feel his heavy palm on your skull, fingers scrunching roughly into your scalp.
A temper boils between your ears, heavy over your head. It feels juvenile, as if it’s armed with a Barbie in one fist and a juice box in the other. Sunken and wallowing in shame and rage, red-hot waves which wash over you as Mal cackles at some video on her phone.
You feel Frankie’s hands around your legs; the flicks of his hair tickling the inside of your thighs. The swarm of butterflies deep in your belly as you watched his figure swagger back across the street to his truck.
Loss after loss after loss. Each one wearing a satisfied smirk and a Standard Oil baseball cap.
Each one staining deeper than red wine in varnished oak.
You grit your teeth.
Frankie –
fucking –
Santi floats the idea of a barbecue. Because of course he fucking does.
He says his place is too small, too many neighbors in earshot – and as long as Ms. Teller takes both hearing aids out, she won’t even know it’s happening.
“Just the guys ‘n us,” he chirps. “You, me, Will, Benny…Fran-kie…?”
You gag down the line. Body instinct whenever his name is mentioned, worsened by the latest developments in your relations. Ange glances up from her spot beneath the oak tree – her milky fur stark against the velvet green grass.
Santi chokes on a laugh. “Mal, too, if that helps with the Catfish thing.”
You lean the phone on your collarbone, sitting forward to apply a second coat of polish to your toes. The red gloss shines in the early morning light. “He is not welcome in my house.”
“First off: not your house. Second –”
“My house for the next eleven days.”
He says your name flatly. It sounds like a door being slammed. It shuts you up as though you’re nine again. “…Second: he won’t be in the house. He’ll be in the backyard.”
“You owe me,” you protest. “For ditching me the other night. I’m cashing in, Santiago. You want a cookout? No Frankie.”
Your brother sighs. “And how am I supposed to explain that to him, hermana?”
“Don’t,” you tell him. “What he doesn’t know can’t hurt him.”
Santi mutters something incoherent, though you know from the razor-sharp tone of voice that it’s no compliment. Still – he’s a man of his word.
Eventually he agrees: no Frankie at the barbecue.
The store is chilly, plucking goosebumps along your arms.
You round the aisles, scanning your list. You’ve been battling with a janky front wheel which has squealed and veered off-course at every fucking turn. It almost mowed over an elderly woman in the meat aisle.
You’ve cleared most of what Santi told you to get. Drinks, ice, buns, meat, corn on the cob. He wanted to use Mom’s dinner plates – but that, you countered, runs the risk of them being scraped, chipped, or worst of all, smashed.
That’s not a risk you’re willing to take. So you’ve piled in some paper plates and plastic cutlery, too – just to be on the safe side.
The cashier cuts a familiar figure at the checkout: her navy apron and full-cheek grin. She’s a staple sight from your childhood – a pair of dimples and sweet giggle trailing after you as you’d follow your mom’s skirt back out to the parking lot.
Her eyes widen and she clasps her hands when she notices you approaching. “Well, would you look who it is?” she sings.
“Hey, Pol,” you say, fanning yourself with your scrawled shopping list. “How you doing?”
The belt jolts your supplies closer to her bejeweled fingers.
“Same as always, honey. Rockin’ and rollin’. What brings you back to town?”
“Housesitting, dog-sitting…Santi-sitting. Mom and Dad are on a cruise.”
“Oh, that’s right,” she says, nodding. “She told me last week. Caribbean, right?”
You nod, sucking a deep, unenthused breath in.
Pol hums, smiling to herself as she clicks the barcode for your hotdogs into her computer. She begins telling you what her granddaughter thinks of second grade – her two times table and the tadpoles they’re keeping in class.
Your eyes sweep around the store as she chats. Everything looks the way it always did, a time capsule from the nineties. Speckled floor and fluorescent lights; placards hanging overhead which sway each time the great glass doors pull open.
Baskets of fruit and veg lined alongside a lawn set on offer. Beside that, heaps of flowers and stacked planters. Beside those, a discarded shopping cart. And beside that –
Frankie fucking Morales.
Well – the silhouette of him. It’s pretty bright outside. But you’d recognize the outline of that dumb baseball cap anywhere. He’s talking to one of the assistants.
You hand Pol the cash Santiago gave you, and she trades it for a receipt. Dumping your bags back into your cart, you nod to her in thanks and stalk off towards the sliding doors.
Frankie tosses and twirls a pack of cigarettes in his hand. The assistant is telling him about some big college football game.
Your grip tightens on the janky-wheeled cart. You feel your skin begin to heat; prickling all over your arms, flushing down between your shoulder blades. Gathering somewhere south of there.
But you walk by him with purpose, choosing to ignore that warm feeling. Choosing to ignore…him.
He doesn’t turn. Thankfully.
The doors grant you exit and you give your cart one good shove across the threshold, back out into blinding daylight and sticky heat.
“Alright, man,” Frankie’s voice calls from behind. “Good talkin’ to ya.”
You nail your eye on the car. It’s, like, fifteen paces. You can make it fifteen steps without having to deal with him, right? If you take longer strides, it’s probably more like ten.
Ten steps, and then you’re in the sanctuary of your car. You don’t have to see, speak to, or deal with him.
So why are you slowing down?
You’re slowing down. You are. You’re borderline fucking loitering. Quietly hoping he’ll notice, catch up, maybe talk to –
You click the unlock button. The car beeps in response.
Five steps out. The front wheel is rattling. You’re doing your best to ignore it.
The wheel spins, flitting like a confused compass needle, and stops dead in the opposite direction. The cart hurtles out of your grip for less than a second before you recover it and haul it close to your car, cursing under your breath.
But a force – stronger, steadier – reaches around your body and takes hold of the thing. It guides it back to course. A force which, when it speaks, sounds a shit ton like –
“Woah, lil Santi,” Frankie mutters, and your chest leaps.
You freeze in your tracks. His weight is still around your back. He’s right fucking there, when you turn to look.
The brim of his cap bumps against your head. He steps back with a smirk on his face. He’s so fucking smug, you could slap him. “You tryna cause a goddamn accident with that thing?”
You pull a disingenuous smile. “Hey, Fish. Ever tried minding your own business?”
He feigns a wounded sound and clutches his chest. “Ouch. I’m just looking out for ya.”
“Feels more like you’re pestering me.” You pull on the door handle and slot the first bag along the backseat.
Frankie lifts his chin, peering in at the contents. The star-spangled plated, the dripping bags of ice. “Having a party?” he asks, one eyebrow cocked.
You yank the bag from his sight, spinning to push it alongside the others. “Nope.”
He crosses his arms. “Sure looks like you’re having one.”
“Well, I’m not.” You slam the door and turn back to him, staring blankly.
“Forgot,” he sniffs, “you need friends to have a party.”
“Hilarious. Those shit jokes how you make all your friends?”
He nods, impressed. Pouts his lips like an annoying little fish. Suits his stupid fucking nickname. “Then why’d Benny call ‘n ask if I’ll be at Pope’s parents’ tonight?”
Shit. Fucking – Benny.
You sigh, eyes rolling closed. Your fingers massage your temples. “It’s not…it’s…”
“Cookout, right? Yeah. That stings, baby. No call, no text. You owe me, remember?”
“I owe you jack sh–”
“Two drinks,” Frankie clips, holding a finger up to shush you. “Three, if you count saving your car from one hell of a scratch.”
“Fuck off,” you breathe, and then give voice to, “It’s a small gathering of friends, and – now you, apparently.”
He sways forward, bumping the cart into your hip. “You need me to bring anything?”
You heave it straight back at him, hopefully hard enough to bruise. “Tranquilizer gun, if you’ve got one.”
“Can get something even stronger, if it’s a party you’re after.”
Your eyes thin. “Wouldn’t be my mom’s favorite for much longer if she found out you were doing coke in her backyard.”
Frankie smiles. That trademark Catfish grin. “I’ve done worse in her kitchen, baby.”
He’s so goddamn cocky. So full of it, it makes you want to scream. He studies you, eyes shadowed by his cap. His hair flicks out around his ears, dark curls doused in golden sunlight.
When your eyes trace the shape of his jaw, the wiry hair above his top lip – the faint flicker of a memory glows across your skin.
The weight of his hand on your stomach, pinning you to the bed. The bristling feeling ghosting the inside of your thighs. Your desperate wet, his tongue covering ground across your body like claiming territory.
Every shade of wrong. Ignoring every atom in your body – betraying every version of yourself for ten minutes of euphoria. He brought every numb nerve under your skin to attention, the second he knelt between your knees.
But he’s looking at you now, the same way he did the other night. It’s boyish and dangerous. A naked match just waiting to fall.
Maybe you’re waiting for an excuse to drop it.
Frankie gives his cap a quick tug, and makes off for his truck.
“See you at seven, Garcia.”
Daylight melts into dusk and with it, goes the sharp sting of summer. A pale blue rolls across the horizon, covering the yard in a hazy sort of chill. A relieving breeze, like satin over newly burned skin.
You’re still fucking sweating.
“Are you going to help me, or you just gonna lie there and text your girlfriend?” you call across the yard.
The dark figure spilling over the edge of the hammock grunts in response.
Your brother groans, rolling free from the marigold fabric. He strides across the lawn, swinging an arm down to ruffle Ange’s ears. “Not a girlfriend,” he says, slipping his phone into his back pocket. “She’s…she’s more of a…”
You lift your hand. “Not something I need to know.”
He laughs and looks at the spread on the table. He lifts the corner of a tricolor napkin, straightens a plastic fork. The foil over the hamburger buns crinkles. “We did a good job. Looks great.”
“We?” You scoff, slapping his wrist away. “Yeah, me and the fucking dog, more like.”
“How much did it all come to? The food and shit?”
You shrug. “Like, forty dollars. I don’t know.”
“Gave you sixty. Where’s my change?”
You frown, hands on your hips. “If you don’t know how to budget properly, that’s not my problem.”
“And if you don’t know when to just lie and say you spent it all, that’s not mine. Twenty bucks, kid.” He holds his hand out, fingers beckoning.
The squeal of the gate interrupts, followed by a barrage of voices. Will and Benny and Mal and – as you lean back to watch them parade through the yard, you spot the figure of Frankie at their heels.
“Pope?” Will calls. “Pope, do me a favor. Remind me which one of us threw up at Busch Gardens that one time. Remember – right after we rode Gwazi?”
Santiago chuckles. “I remember Mallory wearing her raspberry slushie.”
Will guffaws in Mal’s face.
“I spit up!” she protests. “I spit up in a flowerbed. I was not wearing my slushie.”
“You were fluorescent pink the whole day,” Will says. He slings an arm around your shoulders. “You remember, lil Santi?”
You frown. Yeah, you fucking remember.
You remember being forced to sit between Frankie and Mal the entire way home. Santiago got dibs on the front seat by pretending he was carsick, and Mal had to sit by an open window so she didn’t stink your dad’s car out with all her raspberry-flavored puke.
You and Frankie bickered the whole journey. Both absolutely certain that the other was leaning too far over your seats. Your dad vowed he’d never let you both in his car at the same time, ever again.
“Mhm,” you grit, shooting daggers at your best friend.
She mouths a Sorry, and then places her salad bowl in the middle of the table. “Enough about throwing up. I’m starving. Let’s eat.”
The boys spend twenty minutes arguing over how the barbecue works, before a single bit of food is cooked. You and Mal watch from the table, sneaking Ange slices of cheese and giggling when Will and Benny break into their fifth argument of the night.
Santi and Frankie take charge, shoving the brothers out of the way.
Pope passes over the meat, while Frankie mans the grill. He lifts his cap and wipes his brow with his bicep, giving his head a shake as he flips burgers and turns sausages.
And no, you’re not watching him. You’re focused on Mal and her story about some guy from work. Or – it might be a guy from her yoga class. The instructor, maybe? You’re not sure. Frankie just flapped the collar of his shirt and the hem lifted, exposing a sliver of his tummy.
You’re not watching him, though.
He runs his tongue along his top lip, focusing on the sizzle and spatter of the grill. His arm tenses, turning the tongs over and over. Wide shoulders stretch when he reaches for a plate.
He’s laughing quietly at whatever Santi’s babbling about at his side. His eyes are stuck on the barbecue in front of him. His fingers twirl around the tongs again. He never looked so lean and so broad and so fucking different, all at once.
Weird different. Good different?
You feel your cheeks flush with heat. This time, it’s not so much anger, as it is –
Oh, shit.
Mal gets up for a refill at the same time Santiago jogs inside to grab more meat. You and Frankie are alone on the patio – Will and Benny are kicking a ball for Ange to chase on the grass.
Morales turns, and you instantly stare down at your beer. You take a forceful swig as he approaches.
“Hotdog?” he asks, holding a plate down to you.
He glares at you and scoffs. “Are you dumb? Hotdog.” He slips it onto the table in front of you.
You squint at the grill marks, and then squint up at Frankie. Puzzled and…offended, at the same time. You come back to your body with a jolt. “Why the hell are you–? Have you laced it with something?”
He shoots a glance over his shoulder, tongue between his teeth. “No, I haven’t fucking laced it with anything. I just figured you should have the first one, since you put all this on for us. But – Jesus, give me it.”
Your fingers lock around the paper plate when he tries to steal it back. For all that he’s a dick and might actually try to poison you – you’re fucking starving.
You figure you can stomach the poison.
Frankie sighs. He lets go. “I’m tryna be nice, alright? You know nice?”
“I know nice. You’re not it.”
“Shut up and eat your hotdog, lil Santi.”
You mimic him in a squeak as he strolls off, shaking his head. Still, the second he’s back at the grill, you rip into the hotdog.
Frankie stays at the opposite end of the table for the entire meal – closest seat to the barbecue, and furthest seat from you. There’s too much chatter, too much hilarity being thrown back and forth between you for either of you to kick up a row.
Probably better for the guys’ sakes, but – you want to fucking row.
It’s like a hit, now. A rush of electricity, any time Frankie looks at you for longer than it takes his face to twist into a grimace. You’re hunting for ways to ignite something – anything. Looking for an excuse to drop that naked match and set the whole thing alight.
Because it’s fun, when you’re in the heat of it. Feeling his eyes on you, as hot and angry as flames. Being suffocated by the smoke of it all; breathing in less and less air and more…him.
And, anyway – who knows you better than the one person who pisses you off the most?
As the sun is snuffed by the heavy hand of dusk, you disappear to a quieter corner of the yard. Tucked between two thick beech trees, you throw yourself into the hammock – one leg draped over the side, swinging idly through the night air.
A beer bottle balanced on your tummy, the round base seeping a chilled ring into your shirt. The swish of leaves overhead and the annoying midges at your ears for company.
That is – until the sound of footsteps over crisp grass, and the creak of an old, splintered garden chair disturb your peace.
Frankie adjusts his cap, flatting his fringe beneath it, and sits back. “You never change, do you, Garcia? Still the same little longer you always were.”
You hold your hands out, gulping back beer – and glee. “Can I fucking help you? I’m minding my own business.”
“Thought you might want some company.”
“Not yours, dickhead. You think I’m way the hell over here ‘cause I wanted you to come annoy me?”
He hums, picking at a flake of paint on the armrest. “Sure wanted me to annoy you the other night.”
“Alright,” you clip. “Cheap shot. You been practicing that one all afternoon?”
“Since I saw you at the store.”
You roll your eyes.
Frankie slips a cigarette from its pack and lights it, tipping his chin to blow a white cloud to the sky. “You’re too much fun,” he tells the stars.
You squint through the dark, staring at the glowing cherry. “What?”
“You. You get so pissed, so easily. Always have.”
“Well, you antagonize me. Always have.”
His cheeks lift. It’s something softer than a smirk, still laced with too much attitude to be a smile. “That’s ‘cause you were always around. Everywhere Santi went, there you were. Closer than his shadow.”
“Well,” you glower, “’s what happens when you have a big brother. You’re void of love; I wouldn’t expect you to understand.”
“No, I get it,” he says. “It just got fun to mess with you, after a while.”
“Uhuh,” you take another swig, “so is that what you’re doing? Messing with me?”
Frankie’s shoulders jump. “You tell me. There were two of us in your room that night.”
You swing your legs down to the grass. It’s brittle under your socks when you stand, still focusing on the end of his cigarette. “Damn, you really can’t shut up about it, can you? How many times have you tugged one to the thought of it?”
“Tugged one,” he snickers, but he seems nervous – watching as you approach. “What age are you?”
You push his knees wider, slotting between his thighs. “Which part does it for you? What sends you over the edge?”
“Come on, lil Santi,” Frankie says, averting his eye. “You’re embarrassing yourself now.”
One knee up, resting on the crease of his jeans. You lean forward and nudge his hip, lay your hands gently on his shoulders. “I bet you still hear me in your dreams.”
He scans up and down your body, lingering on your bare thigh. “Not – not gonna work, kid,” he promises, shaking his head. “You still annoy the fuck outta me.”
“Right, right.” You pinch the pale stick from between his teeth. “’cause nothing’s changed, yeah?”
His head sways in agreement. He’s distracted, watching as you lift your hand to your mouth.
You smile down at him. “’cept you know how I taste now, so.”
You slot the damp end of the cigarette between your lips and suck. Sharp, acrid heat sails over your tongue and down your throat, filling your chest in one inhale. You cough a little, batting the smoke as you blow it out.
“Tastes fucking disgusting,” you croak. “How can you smoke these?”
Frankie’s eyes never leave your lips. “You get used to it.”
You take another draw, letting the smoke soar through the space between you. “Gross,” you say, and prop the cig back between his lips. “Just like you!”
“Sh…shut up,” he groans, adjusting in his seat.
“Make me.”
But he doesn’t bite. Doesn’t flinch. He just stares back, rolling the smoldering stick between his thumb and finger. Running his tongue along his teeth.
You spill the last of your beer onto your tongue, cocking an eyebrow at him, and push from his lap.
You make it no more than five steps, before that same weight from the parking lot is around your shoulders.
He pings the cigarette somewhere in the grass, and grabs onto your elbow.
“Fran– Jesus – Where are we–?”
He drags you through the dull dusk to the other side of the lawn, ignoring the click of the motion sensor. You’re thrown through a wooden door onto cold concrete before the yard light floods over you.
It takes a second for your eyes to adjust. Weak slivers of moonlight illuminate each tool hanging from the wall. The fairy lights outside lose their battle against the darkness the second they creep through the window.
Before you can sling something mocking at him, Frankie has you pinned against the wall.
“You want me to make you shut up?” he growls, teeth grazing your neck. His fingers slip behind the waist of your shorts, plucking at the button. “I’ll make you shut up. Make you shut up all goddamn night.”
“Frankie,” you gasp, grabbing hold of his shirt. You push on his chest, walking him backwards over to the workbench.
The thing shudders when he rocks against it.
“The fuck are you doing?” he murmurs, watching as you kneel before him.
“Getting used to it,” you reply.
You pull his belt apart, loosen the fly on his pants, and pull until they’re low on his hips.
Frankie holds onto the bench with a white-knuckle grip. He lays his hand over the crown of your head, rubbing small circles. A laugh slips across his tongue. “This what you’ve been thinkin’ about?”
You ignore him, instead focusing on the solid shape in his underwear.
His hips flinch when you drag your palm along it. He’s hard already. He hisses at your cold fingers on his stomach, tensing as your knuckles skim below the elastic.
And then…he’s in your palm. All of him. Frankie fucking Morales.
You’re trying not to think too deep about it.
Your fingers wrap around him, barely meeting around his width, and you slip him from his boxers.
His cock springs free, swaying once, twice – then settling to the right.
Your mouth fills with saliva. Suddenly – there’s no way not to think too deep about it.
He’s…he’s big. He’s thick; smooth and sculpted, veins trailing around his shaft. It’s not like you ever considered what he’s walking around with before, but looking at it now – you can’t believe it’s him.
Without thinking, you lean in and kiss him all the way down to the hair at his base. A wet trail, lips curving around the size of him. You run your tongue up and down, circling the tip and toying with it.
Frankie cups your cheek. “Pretty little mouth,” he utters. “Put it to good use, huh?”
You don’t need him to ask twice.
You sink down on him. Every inch of him – every aching, choking inch. Your jaw slackens to take him; nails digging into his thighs when he bumps the back of your throat.
“Oh, shit, baby,” he hisses. His hand comes down on your head a little too heavily.
You yelp and pull back, gasping when he slips out. “Prick,” you breathe, closing your lips around his tip again.
“Just too sweet with it,” he murmurs, guiding himself back across your tongue.
You suckle on him, using your hands to pump the inches your mouth can’t take.
Frankie’s head tips back, panting at the roof. His hips thrust to meet your movements. “Feels so – goddamn – good,” he moans, and you hum with glee.
You take his balls in your hands, kneading them as you work your way lower. He’s so deep in your mouth that it makes your eyes water. Each slip of his tip against the back of your throat makes you gag, pulls a lewd, muffled sound from your chest.
It shouldn’t feel like this. You shouldn’t be enjoying it this much. But he’s falling apart under your fingertips, he’s unwinding right before you. He’s whispering your name, begging you not to stop. Just like that, just like that, just like that. Oh, fuck, just like that.
It’s addictive. Now that you know how he looks, how he feels, you’ll never go back to before. When the most thrill he gave you was a burning temper; feeling your pulse jump in your throat with rage.
This – whatever the fuck this is – is all you know, now. Pulling threads from one another, watching the way they unravel. Watching each other unravel. Flashes of eye contact, salt and slick and sex dripping from every secret word.
Frankie’s hips jerk. His cock spasms.
You don’t want him to come down your throat. You don’t want him to climax when he’s too deep for you to taste it.
You want him all over – your lips, your tongue, dribbling down your chin. You want to mix him with your saliva and swallow; warm, salty, Frankie.
He got his taste. Now you want yours.
You bring your hands up to his thighs, purposefully pushing back off him.
His grip loosens, and he looks down. Brows low and close, eyes blown wide like he’s higher than any drug could take him.
He’s as addicted as you are.
“My mouth,” you mumble, head of his cock circling your glistening lips. “In my mouth.”
“Yeah?” he says, and the weight of his cock slaps on your bottom lip. “That where you want it, baby?”
“Mhm.” You wrap your lips back around him.
“Fuckin’ filthy,” Frankie spits, laughing. “Shit – just like that. Yeah, that’s it.”
Three, four more soaking strokes of your tongue and he’s twitching again.
You pull back only enough to rest his tip on your tongue, feeling the pulsing heat as he comes. Watching the way his face tightens, the pull of his brows as it overcomes him.
His eyes stay locked on you. Your fluttering lashes, your puffy, glossy lips. He fills your mouth and then some – semen spilling from the corners and dribbling down your jaw. And the sound he makes – this broken, scattered moan, bordering on a fucking whimper – is fucking perfect.
Frankie’s hand locks at the base of your skull, holding you steady until he’s done. His cock slips from your bottom lip. He gives one last satisfied sigh, petting your head as you stroke him slowly, tenderly – swiping kitten licks at the dripping mess of him.
“Fuck,” he moans, letting his eyes close over. His weight slumps against the workbench. “The fuck do you spend so much time yapping for when you’re that good with your mouth?”
You hum in amusement, tongue dragging along the underside of his cock. He’s softening, but still a decent size. Still a weight to it that makes your cunt clench around nothing.
One last little kiss, and you tuck him back into his boxers. You drag the back of your hand across your chin.
Frankie holds his hands out, and you pull yourself up. He fixes himself into his jeans, turning away to do up his belt. He had his cock in your throat two minutes ago, and here he is pretending to be shy.
He turns back around, half disappeared to the dark shed. “I, uh…I don’t want you to think that I came here just to…just for that.”
Your tongue dabs at the inside of your cheek, all salty. “Then this is awkward, ‘cause that’s the only reason I hadn’t kicked you out yet.”
He laughs, dropping your gaze. “You…” he shakes his head, “…are such a little shit, you know that?”
It’s nicer than he would’ve worded it half an hour ago. But still – having an exchange with Frankie that doesn’t involve spitting insults or jagged glares, warms your blood in a way that’s new and…unsettling.
“We should probably…” You toss a thumb over your shoulder, eyes flitting to the string bulbs outside. “We don’t want them wondering what’s…you know.”
He nods and strides over to the door. The wood squeals against concrete as he pulls it open.
The summer swirls around you again, sweetening the stuffy heat of the shed. Mal’s voice surfs through the breeze – she’s still arguing over the Busch Gardens story.
You make to step out, and Frankie’s arm halts you.
He opens his palm. “Even,” he tells you. “We’re even.”
He seems sure of himself. Sure of you. He looks you in the eye and doesn’t blink.
You smirk. Your hand slips into his, letting him shake your fist once. You stare straight back at him.
“We’re just getting fucking started, Francisco.”
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cellulardreams · 3 months
Santogold by Lauren Gardner Via Flickr: Oh I loveeeeeeeee them: www.myspace.com/santogold santigold
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liberalsarecool · 1 year
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This is one of the thousands of reasons white supremacist Ron DEE-santis is not qualified.
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moonshynecybin · 11 days
Any updates you’d want to share of your incredible marc 31&unfucked/airport rosquez wip? Or do you move in silence
twink for sale. never fucked. part one here, part two here ! yet again i have not reread the previous parts so these idiots might very well be talkin in circles. c'est la vie i am what i am.
Marc leans against the counter of the bar, a thick slab of slightly sticky wood covered in a mess of elbows and drinks. It’s not exactly a dive, but it’s unpretentious, laid back. Marc likes it. Likes the sound of the music and the smell of cigarette smoke.
The Ducati crew are all here, plus the Gresini people— celebrating an all-Ducati podium that saw Pecco roaring away into the distance before anyone could figure out a way to catch him, shades of Jorge Lorenzo. Marc had snapped up P3. Whatever.
He sighs. Studies the menu like he isn’t just going to order the same thing he always does.
Alex is feeling sick— staying at the hotel— and he doesn’t even know why he’s here. It's nice, but he doesn’t really know anyone. He wants to text Santi, see what the people at Honda are up to, but he balks. Someone might run a headline, and he doesn’t want to deal with that. He'll call them later, when he gets back to Spain, and link up for dinner then.
He orders his mojito and pauses, caught as a warm hand lands on his shoulder. He looks over, expecting one of his mechanics or someone from the factory team. Instead— Valentino. VR46 must’ve been invited as well. 
A grin splits his face before he can help it. 
“You still order the same drink.” Vale muses, like poking that particular bruise doesn’t even hurt him. He just— remembers Marc’s drink order like it’s nothing,
Marc ducks his head. “Shut up,”
“No, it’s just, you said– you are older now, yes? I thought maybe you would make a change?”
“Why should I? I like what I like.”
Vale flags the bartender and asks for a Negroni, curls his long hand against the glass. Marc catches his eyes on the bones of a wrist, the way it looks in the low lighting. He blinks.
He doesn't know what’s going on with him lately. 
Vale leans closer, looks around, conspiratorial. Grin white sharp in yellow light, shirt gaping at the collar to expose the long lines of his neck. He raises a finger at Marc.
“You know, Bez has a bet about you,”
“Bezzecchi?” Marc asks, pulling back into himself— he’s never called him Bez, isn’t about to start now.
Vale tilts a chin over to the corner, where Bezzecchi and Pecco seem locked in some sort of boozy, animated discussion. Marc catches snatches of words in Italian: tattoo, turbo, braking.
“What bet?” He asks, turning back to watch Vale take a sip of his drink. It’s a wonder there’s not a camera on them. Although— he thinks about that headline. Friends again. Maybe he wouldn’t mind.
“That you will not win another title,” Vale says casually, smacking his lips around the bitter of his drink. 
They’ve never been two people known for playing it safe.
Marc hums, fiddles with his bar napkin. “Oh, does he?” He doesn’t mention the bet he’s been told Uccio has. Four thousand dollars towards the same.
Vale nods. Places an elbow next to Marc on the bar and leans. Marc catches a whiff of his cologne— something spicy.
“Why should I care?” Marc shrugs, plays confused. He doesn’t— it’s Bezzecchi. He’s always been a bit weird about Marc. After Valencia last year, Marc has just written him off completely. One of Vale’s devotees too caught up in their history to think clearly for himself.
Vale laughs. “I guess you shouldn’t.”
“And what about you?” Marc prods, a little spiky. He's pretty sure he knows the answer. “What do you think? Will I win?” 
Vale tilts his head. 
“You could do it,” and Marc stares. “—if it rains.” Is the punchline that drags a smile back to him like a punch to the gut.
“Ah, I see. Master in the wet.” Marc waggles his eyebrows and Vale chuffs a laugh, scrubs a hand down his face like he’s embarrassed he finds Marc funny. 
“No no, but you’re the only one crazy enough— Brno 2019,” He reminds Marc. “Why was it raining for us and not for you?”
Marc doubles over, presses his smile into his palm. He still can’t quite believe this is happening— that Vale still knows how to twist the knife enough to make it sweet instead of making it hurt, teasing in ways that make Marc bark a laugh instead of blink away the burning feeling in his stomach. Now the joke is— how bad it got is almost funny. The ludicrousness of their falling out. His injury. Vale retiring. Leaving Honda. and Marc shouldn’t be laughing really, but Vale’s always found a way to thrive in the comedic incongruity of a situation. How the hell did we even get here? Is the question, and they both seem to find it abruptly hilarious, tension snaking ephemerally away from them as they giggle like children.
Vale regroups, catching his breath, “Bah, anyways. Pecco will be very, very strong. Hard to beat when he is giving 100%.” 
It’s probably the truth. It’s what he should say. Marc doesnt think he means it, and his smile grows.
He pretends to think. “Yes. He is. But I'm not trying to be greedy— nine is, nine would be a good number.” Continuing their theme—half a jab, half a joke—a test. Are they there yet, he's asking, can Vale take the same treatment from Marc? Daring Vale to confirm all his worst assumptions. If he’s going to pull back, get it over with. Pull him down to earth from where it feels like he’s floating away.
“Not as good as ten, no?” Vale says smoothly, and it would sound like taking the bait but his voice is still a tease, and his smile is still there, and he’s still next to Marc. Leans closer, even.
Marc doesn’t think he’s blinked in the last 45 seconds.
“No,” Marc lets every bit of his confidence into his voice. Nine times world champion is good, but Vale is right. He wants ten. “No, it’s not.”
“Ah, so that is the plan? Beat me?” Vale pulls another sip from his drink, leaning on the bar like he owns it. 
Marc shrugs, grins hugely. “Beat everyone. These guys— they are not better than you, and they are not better than me.”
“Maybe not.” Vale’s looking at him, eyes sparkling, and Marc’s melting down, like sugar dissolving into tea.
He clears his throat. Maybe the mojito is stronger than he thought. He hasn’t— they’ve never talked about it like this. He hasn’t wanted to talk about this. But he likes that it’s happening now, somehow. That it’s happening like this, like it’s the past instead of the present.
“Eh, you know, you’ve been coming to a lot of races.” 
“I have people I want to see.” Vale says, which could mean a lot of things, and “Old friends included,” which could mean less things but also isn’t necessarily any less confusing. Then he taps a finger on the edge of Marc’s drink, a non sequitur. “Can I try?”
Marc nods, feels like his brain is running a step behind his body. Watches Vale move the straw to take a sip from the rim, then think through the taste hitting his tongue.
“Do you like it?”
Vale shrugs, noncommittal, then pushes his glass towards Marc. He puts his hand on the back of Marc’s neck. 
“Here. Try mine.”
“No, no no— I have had Negronis. Too bitter.” Marc says, even as he raises the drink to his lips. There's no straw in this one, just lips against glass. He wonders if it’s the same spot Vale had been drinking from earlier.
Bitter aromatics burst in his mouth. He makes a face against the strength of it, feels Vale’s laugh through his hand on the back of his neck. He shivers a little, it’s— he doesn’t know why he's doing that.
He decides not to think about it. It could be cold in here, he hasn’t really been paying attention.
“Ah, you’re one of those with a sweet tooth?” Vale takes his drink back from the well of Marc’s hand, and their fingers zap a little static shock that makes Marc feel brave.
Marc winks. “I am guilty.”
Vale just— looks at him. And they’ve done a lot of that in their history, looked at each other, tried to ascertain the next move to make on track or the next mind game to use in a press conference— but this feels different. Marc feels different. His skin feels tight and his head feels dizzy and his heart is pounding, and through it all Vale keeps looking, and he doesn’t quite know what to say or what to do, but he knows he doesn’t want it to stop.
There's a big cry from the other side of the room, breaking his train of thought— some mechanics in a rowdy conversation of some sort, and Marc becomes hyper aware of how exposed they are right now. Anyone could see— well, he doesn’t know quite what, but he knows he doesn’t want them to see it. He shifts, darts eyes to the exit.
He wants to leave, and it could be the alcohol, but Vale’s face is pretty much the exact thing that Marc wants to see right now.
“Want to head back?” Marc asks, feeling a little reckless— it’s a flyaway, he’s pretty sure they’re all packed inside the same hotel.
Vale considers him for a minute, and as Marc waits for him to speak he wonders if the booze is catching up to him. The world feels like it’s rushing around his ears. 
“For sure.” Vale murmurs, and when he takes his hand off of Marc’s neck he can feel it slide all the way down his back.
When they get into the Uber, Marc looks at his phone and gives a little groan. Tries to shake it off. Feel more sober. Reassert some normalcy from their earlier tension. Vale and him– they haven't been friends in eight (Or nine? Marc thinks, Is it nine?) years. There’s bound to be growing pains.
“It’s so early.” He groans.
Vale nods. It is.
“I’m old.” Marc continues, reminded of their conversation in the airport. It’s true now— with Aleix going, he’ll be the veteran. How did that happen. You can’t talk to me about old, Vale had said. But he finds that he wants to.
“You are not old,” Vale echoes, with emphasis, like Marc’s insane. What does he know, he’s even older.
Marc puts a hand on his bad arm, which hurts. Slides down in the seat a little, loose with alcohol. He's such a lightweight now. He lets out a big sigh.
Vale nudges him. He's got a look on his face— that same conspiratorial one from the bar earlier, and Marc cranes his neck up.
“Yeah?” God, his eyes are blue.
“Tell me— do you want to pay Bez back?”
“What?” Marc croaks, not really processing what he’s saying. He doesn’t want to talk about Bezzecchi— he can still see the skin between Vale’s shirt and his neck, can’t stop looking at it. He leans in heavily. Thinks about a world where Vale puts a hand on the inside of his thigh and leans right back.
“Yeah.” Vale flips up his hand to flash a hotel key card. probably Bezzecchi’s. He grins, waiting for Marc to get the joke, and after a moment— it clicks. Laughter explodes out of Marc’s chest. 
It's been a minute since Valentino and him were on the inside of something. In cahoots, instead of at odds, and he feels— energized. Adrenaline creeping into him like an old friend. Suddenly, he doesn’t feel old at all, and he wants to get out and do something— sweat, dance, move, fuck. Get Vale to keep smiling at him. Ruin Bezzecchi’s day. Win another race this year. Win a championship.
For once, he sure that Vale feels about the same.
It's quick work for them to break in and hide all of Bezz’s socks.
Marc overhears him, the next race in the paddock—that Vale wasn’t supposed to be at but is anyways. They’re talking about the missing socks, and Vale is loudly and smoothly blaming it on Pecco. When Marc passes, Vale catches his eye, easy,  and shoots him a sly wink.
Marc floats on air all the way back to his box
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