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happy bomb in a tribble tuesday 
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mostly-natm · 11 months ago
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The student becomes the teacher.
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teetering-dinosaur · 1 year ago
“my congratulations captain, a dazzling display of logic” yall might as well just fuck on the bridge at this point
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trashmammal-7 · 10 months ago
As someone who watched star trek tos and loved it, I am absolutely terrified to eventually reach aos because of what I've seen of aos Kirk. Tos Kirk is my best friend and I cannot bare to see him change.
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odo-apologist · 1 month ago
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Hold on I think I'm on to something
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bumblingbabooshka · 9 months ago
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His name is Spring and when Amandus told him that that was a season on Earth he stared at him blankly until he changed the subject [didn't know how to respond] [Patreon | Commissions]
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misasuns · 11 months ago
star trek: enterprise s3e15 harbinger also known as the episode where trip and t'pol have a sex scene IMMEDIATELY followed by malcom homoerotically beating the shit out of his rival
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ghostshipglamour · 10 months ago
What if they were in a Voyager kind of situation what if they were in a Voyager kind of situation what if-
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hypertechnica · 1 year ago
dude… why did rules of acquisition go so hard with pel’s love story with quark??? that shit was beautiful and gut wrenching… and quark was so relieved his heterosexuality remained intact (as if)
in all seriousness though, really good, i love the ferengi society centered episodes, their writing fascinates me for so many different reasons that i’ve gotta write about sometime
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youngpettyqueen · 1 year ago
cause why are Quark and Odo Like That.
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lightshiningforth · 10 months ago
I just KNOW Stamets is going to start Season 4 pissy with Michael for putting him in that escape pod at the end of Season 3. It’s easier for him to be angry with Michael for not allowing him to save Hugh and Adira than it is for him to be angry with Hugh and Adira for leaving him behind and risking their lives.
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defendglobe · 2 years ago
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there's Something about garak and kira laughing hysterically together right before they storm dominion HQ
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isagrimorie · 2 years ago
I again wish Species 8472 remained a nebulous villain in Voyager. I didn’t love the way they were softened in season 6.
Janeway had just cause to believe they were even more of a threat to galactic life than the Borg.
An uneasy coexistence is something I wish continued.
Also another missed nemesis for Voyager: The Vaadwar.
I thought they were gonna come back and Voyager had to help stop their forward progression into taking back their former territories. But nope, we get Flesh and Blood holograms instead.
Yeah, I know I’m recently hostile towards holograms.
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Anyway, these are one of the moments where I wish there was more of a considered arc-y storyline for Voyager to show how dangerous and unstable the Delta Quadrant is.
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bumblingbabooshka · 11 months ago
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Tavnians are the kings and queens of mlm vs wlw hostility
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enkays-den · 2 months ago
Enkay Watches the Imp and Skizz Podcast #127 (featuring @joehills)
First of all, if you are not watching Joe Hills on either youtube or twitch, DO IT!!!! He's streaming pretty much every day and the conversations are always so interesting and he has the best little windows into the workings of Hermitcraft. Folks will pop by and have super interesting conversations with him! He's one of my favorite hermits and I think his unique way of experiencing minecraft, life, and hermitcraft is something that deserves more eyes on it, because I know people are sleeping on him.
First off, THIS is how you show up to the Imp and Skizz Podcast! Classy, on brand, and unique!
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I love Impulse's little nest of pillows, he's so cozy nestled in there, holding his mandated amount of water like a security blanket
I love that the reason they wanted Joe on was to talk about the coup SPOILERS: they never even touch on it
joe's dad being a logician makes so much sense tbh
"a creationist universe where god wants you dead and i play minecraft like a greek hero idiot" is such an amazing way to talk about super hostile maps
Joe having his wedding taking place during the recess of a vehicular manslaughter trial feels so strange and yet so Joe
"YOU'VE GOTTA BE JOE KING" okay he mentioned on stream that there was a joke that maybe two people would get and I will proudly claim to be one of the two.
"fighting to become an artist" is so validating to Skizz's journey so far. It's gonna be his year anniversary of being a hermit soon and im gonna get emotional about his path this last year
Joe WOULD put on the Scottish Parliament sessions as background noise, love that
"I don't trust any platform with my art. I'm the one that makes the art and the audience is the one that appreciates my art" "I need to be as platform/brand agnostic as possible" "next time Amazon does something terrible to the unions" 👏👏👏
talking about his streams like a bar and like,,,,, he's so smart about the role of creators and fandom and i just appreciate joe so much
it's funny that they're shocked about the relationships can be formed within fandoms when like,,,,, that's how they met tango
((also if we talk regularly and read this i love you guys <3))
skizz, the worst chat reader ever i love you
i need hermitcraft standup. please. custom texture snowballs as tomatoes or flowers to throw
thinking about a younger skizz using a tape recorder to record his 'genius ideas' and quotes he likes and annoying the crap out of his friends
I'm glad that we got to hear Joe's JFK impression
COURT CASE TALK!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Bdubs will only let Doc win if it's funnier for doc to win, because that's how guilty doc was"
Joe quoting Sun Tsu and then going on the stand and said "Your Honor, Your Highness, my client is a baby" in an asymetric star trek dress, that's the Joe Hills Difference
"DELICIOUS" skizz i love how schadenfreude you are
"FIVE DIAMONDS PER F TIER BOOK???" impulse my favorite wet cat
"I'll make one sale every two months" and also implying that the shopping district has property taxes
the delivery on "two. some people say four" was SLICK
"tumblr defines sexyman to mean 'most bizarre, cryptid, creepy thing' " not wrong there.
"well scar is obviously going to win the sexyman competition"
"once i found out that it's for weird, cryptid energy, I knew "oh nevermind I'm gonna win this"
joe hills is my favorite weird guy and he deserved to win
cleo as our nonbinary icon placing third place in the tumblr sexyman poll
All in all, fantastic podcast, and not long enough imo. I hope Joe gets to be there in person one day like he originally envisioned, and there's just an untapped well of information that could go into future podcasts
Reminder that you should subscribe and follow Joe!
BONUS, edited by me, please credit if you use it, I HIGHLY ENCOURAGE you to use it (original screencap under cut):
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autisticburnham · 23 days ago
Conservatives who insist that storytelling has no deeper meaning are so wild. Always thinking about my former coworker who said he didn't like tng because they made the Klingons allies when they were such cool villians, and I was like "Well, I feel like the story was inevitably going to go there. The animosity between the tos era Federation and Klingon Empire is US-Russia Cold War shit, and Star Trek's vision of the future was always that we would move past that, that's why we get a literal Russian on the bridge in season 2. It makes total sense that the next iteration of Star Trek would show the Federation moving past their in universe hostilities in addition to humans having moved past our own real world ones."
And he said "What are you talking about? The Klingons aren't Russians, they're just cool aliens." As if Worf didn't grow up in a country that at the time tng started airing was part of the USSR
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