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not-lupus · 2 years ago
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propertyofjameswilson · 1 month ago
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he looks like a mashmello here
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detective-jane-rizzoli · 7 months ago
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hooksmoak · 5 months ago
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Random gifs of Emma Swan 268/∞
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rvspecter · 2 months ago
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nonhicsumus · 24 days ago
sucks to be Krycek, Part III
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gleecontext · 9 months ago
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GLEE S03E16 Saturday Night Glee-Ver
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hexedwinchester · 6 months ago
Supernatural S03E16 No Rest For The Wicked
Sam looks so hopeful in the beginning of this episode
Dean is only ever honest when he is close to death and you know what? This is the Dean I like. Honest to admit he is scared and doesn't wanna die, so human, so vulnerable. I'd trade the Devil-may-care Dean for this one any day
Ok, the creepy face Jared has to make!! I wanna see bloopers and how many takes it took to get it right
gonna go with Dean on this one. I've said it previously, his instinct are quite right. Either because he sees the world in black and white or because he has a lot more hunting experience than Sam
Ruby: umm.. demon. Manipulative is kinda in the job description.
Sam, baby, she told you the truth and still got you. My gullible baby
i must say.. Dean threw a punch at Ruby and sure as hell didn't expect to get two back in the jaw 🤣🤣
Bobby: do I look like a ditchable prom date to you?
Sam, nervously: no, Bobby, of course not 🤣🤣
When Bobby confronted Dean about hallucinations, Sam is hurt that Dean didn't tell him but you know what? He didn't bitch about it like Dean would have
You don't understand, Jared Padalecki attempting to sing Dead or Alive off key is so precious to me!!
Bobby to Dean: you're almost Hell's bitch..so.. you can see Hell's other bitches🤣🤣
You know how I say Sera Gamble writes the best Sam, Ben Edlund writes best Dean? You know who Kripke writes the best? Bobby! 🤣🤣
So, Lilith on a vacation acts bratty and terrorizes families as a bratty child?
How did Ruby get out of the devil's trap?? Seriously?? How?!
question for the masses: in regards to point #3 in my list, how sure are we that when Dean saw Sam's face distort into something ugly, it was in fact a hallucination and not due to the fact that Sam has demon blood in him (from Azazel)?
on the agenda for today: how do we sexually assaulted Sam? Force a kiss from Lilith
Lilith to Sam: Your lips are soft (every Sam girl out there: you bet they are!)
I've seen Dean die a thousand times before (thank you very much, Trickster) but nothing tops this Hellhound death. The Hellhound ripped him apart and it is still one of the difficult scenes to watch tbh. Poor Dean.
so im guessing Lilith's powers didn't work on Sam because he is Lucifer's vessel?
Sad to imagine, Sam carrying Dean's torn body, bleeding trails of blood all the way to the car and burying it.
I'm gonna appreciate Jared's ugly crying because it feels real and vulnerable. Thank you for your service
The Hell scene is equally terrifying especially knowing how physically painful it was for Jensen IRL
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scootypuffjr · 1 year ago
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broadwaybalogna · 10 months ago
So I was think of pining Katara I desperately need more pining Katara fics. So the prompt is pining Katara in Ember Island being just a tennager trying to make sense of a pretty boy
Hey Anon! When you said “ember island” I’m sure you meant during the ember island players. HOWEVER, I think the headcanon that Zuko dropped Katara off at Ember Island after TSR and her realizing her feelings THEN would also be hella cute!
“You sure you’ll be alright by yourself?”
“Yeah, I just need some time alone.”
“Alright… I’ll be back with the others by sundown.”
Zuko began to walk back to Appa, who had just groggily woken up.
“Zuko?” Katara called, once he was secured on the flying bison. She didn’t turn to him, she barely even acknowledged him. But she still called out to him.
“Thank you.”
“Of course,” and with that, Katara could hear the sound of Appa leaving the ground and flying away. Now, she was by herself, alone with only her thoughts. She had at least twelve hours to herself before Zuko came back with the rest of their friends.
Hours one and two:
Katara decided to spend the first two hours or so walking along the beach of ember island. The sun was still rising in the horizon, which was able to give Katara some sense of calm. She continued to walk until her feet started to hurt, then she walked all the way back to camp.
Hour three:
Katara sat at the edge of the dock massaging her feet and stretching her legs. She hummed an old hymn her mother used to sing to her when she was little.
Then she remembered Yon Rha. And after hours upon hours of her night already thinking about him and what she could’ve done, she cried.
She cried louder than she had ever let herself. No one was around to hear or judge her, so she cried even louder. She cried until her eyes were as sore as her feet, and then, when she finally gained control of her body again, she cried some more.
So many emotions that she had left under wraps for years came bubbling up and exploded, and she couldn’t stop. She couldn’t stop to the point where it physically hurt to continue. Even more, she couldn’t stop because it felt so good to let it out.
Katara came to the conclusion that she was an ugly crier.
Hour four:
Once Katara had finally calmed down, she walked into a nearby lake to wash herself off. The ocean was too salty for her to feel like she was properly cleaning herself, so she found an abandoned lake to lay in. She sunk under the water until she was only breathing out of her nose and closed her eyes.
An image of Zuko flashes across her mind, if only for a second, and Katara shot up. Why would she think about him now of all times?
She scowled and got out of the lake, it had been ruined now anyway.
Hour five:
Katara decided to make herself lunch by the beach. She caught a fish and used Sokka’s fire starting technique to cook it. She thought about how much easier it would be to cook if she had Zuko’s fire.
Hour six:
She just couldn’t get Zuko out of her mind! What was wrong with her!?
Maybe it was because he actually encouraged her to face her mother’s attacker instead of telling her to just forgive him. Maybe it was that he empathized with her pain instead of separating himself from it. Or maybe it’s just that he was there when she needed someone to be.
Hour seven:
She felt really bad about what she said to Sokka, she needed to apologize to him when they got back.
Hour eight:
She can’t stop thinking about that one time she grazed Zuko’s lips while in the catacombs. How she had laid her hand on his scar in sympathy and grace, and how her thumb had just lightly touched his lips, and how soft they felt.
Hour nine:
She wonders what Zuko might’ve looked like had he been in the lake with her washing off.
Hour ten:
She stares up at the sky and the changing of the tides by the beach. She smiles.
Hour eleven:
She thinks about confronting Aang and Sokka when they get back. Also Zuko, maybe a little bit too much Zuko.
The more she thinks about it all, the more her face hardens. She wonders if Aang and Sokka will understand. She wonders if they’ll listen.
She goes to the end of the dock and holds her arm in her hand.
Hour twelve:
Zuko, Toph, Aang, and Sokka all arrive not long after the twelfth hour has passed. Aang goes up to her and tells her he’s proud she chose forgiveness.
“You’re wrong. I didn’t forgive him, and I don’t think I ever will.” She pushes past Aang who stands alone and climbs up Appa. Out of the corner of her eye, she sees Zuko walk up to Aang.
“You were right-“
She turns her head around and blocks their conversation out.
She can’t cry now.
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churkey · 2 years ago
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not-lupus · 2 years ago
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now what do house and wilson have to do with this................
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propertyofjameswilson · 10 months ago
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concentrated handsome doctor
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detective-jane-rizzoli · 10 months ago
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hooksmoak · 8 months ago
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366 Days of Killian Jones [203/366]
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rvspecter · 3 months ago
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