#Robron mention
dannymillerfansite · 11 months
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Danny Miller interview from inside soap magazine
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sugdensdingle · 2 months
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thelovetheystole · 8 months
Made a list with dates for the Robert mentions (plus other somewhat Rob related show content) we've had since Aaron's return in October 2023. Please note that the quotes are not exact as I wrote them down from memory.
Will put a pin in it and hopefully add more as we go 🤞
○ October 18 - Aaron tells Vinny 'maybe I like the memories' after moving in to the second Mill flat
• October 27 - Rhona quips 'That worked out really well for Robert' in front of Aaron when he was talking about going after Craig
• December 13 - Victoria tells Aaron 'You sound like you're speaking from experience' when Aaron said she should wait for Jacob if he's the one. Followed by her then saying 'Speaking of the one, Robert's doing okay'.
○ January 15 - Aaron's drunken pause to Victoria
• January 18 - Charity reminds Aaron of the time he and Robert were 'raising Seb together', * first Seb mention in years
• January 30 - Aaron rattles of all the 'ghosts' on his list to Mack, but Robert was the only on there that's still alive, * first time Aaron has spoken Robert's name since his exit episode in 2021
° March 1 - Aaron tells Vinny he will probably never have kids, so zero chance to pass on a faulty gene
• August 8 - Victoria tells John about their brother Robert, she also says to Eric that she's going to tell Robert about John, later Aaron has a very visible reaction to learning he's unknowingly hooked up with Robert's half brother and John looks at an old Sugden family photo at Vic's house
• August 9 - Aaron emotionally tells his mum that 'It's brought everything back - about Robert' and that he 'can't go there again'
• Aug 13 - Aaron says to Chas that he 'never would have gone there' if he had known John was Robert's brother
○ Aug 16 - Aaron advises Vinny that it's no use 'pining for someone who isn't there anymore'
• Aug 27 - Vic tells John 'It's nice to have someone in my corner, I haven't had that since Robert went away'
° Aug 29 - Victoria tells Aaron and John that this is 'messed up' and questions if Aaron wants to sleep with all her brothers
• Sep 2 - Vic tells Aaron him being involved with Robert's brother is 'a bit weird', Aaron tells her 'John won't replace Robert' for either of them, later John says he's 'not been auditioning as Robert's replacement'
• Sep 23 - Vic has found old family photos and wants to show John, mentions 'Rob and Andy' twice. Later, she finds out John's still seeing Aaron, and tells him 'You know Aaron is married to Robert, our brother?' (Yes, is, not was!)
Link to my post with clues about John ⬇️
Links to my posts with Danny's quotes about Robert/Ryan from 2020-2024 (updated to include their interactions on social media and their pub meeting) ⬇️
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bobbie-robron · 1 month
I don’t expect you to understand but… things are different nowadays, Edna.
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hawleywilby · 8 months
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actual-exhusbands · 8 months
How all these Robert mentions have got us Robron fans feeling like:
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reinacadeea · 8 months
me almost to afraid to open tumblr to see the latest emmerdale shit show
Robert mention: 😍😍
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damnitiloveyou · 8 months
I watched the clip. It was very Robert of Aaron to make a drunken ass of himself in public, and the pause was definitely about Robert.
That's three
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runandhideguys · 8 months
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rubs hands waits for gif makers ❤️
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starrythomas · 1 year
Robron's daughter Rose comes over to talk about her boyfriend, Ash. Robron go out for lunch and enjoy each others' company. Their foster kids Isaac and Hermione go to see their mum again.
Robert could hardly contain his excitement. He sat in the wood-cabin office desperately trying to concentrate on the export permits he was supposed to be filling out, but all he could think about was waiting for Aaron to return from his scrap pick-up so they could go out to lunch together. Lunch. Together. Just the two of them.
I hope you love it! This came out SO much longer than I thought it would haha. Enjoy getting your teeth into this chunky update, which includes a lovely interlude of Aaron and Robert just… going out for lunch and having a nice time.
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renamusing · 8 months
clearly mack will make aaron reconsider leaving the village next week since the second flat pics show chas and paddy telling eve about chas' illness at aaron's flat, but why would they even do that? did they take eve there to say goodbye to her brother? also, in one of the spoiler pics, chas is looking over paddy's shoulder most presumably at aaron who is there when the explanation happens. then a day or two later, paddy and mandy give chas money so she can go on her holiday... how does it all fit?? and another spoiler says moira is relieved after cain tells her his secret, so it's either 1) something personal about cain (which will lead to his heart to heart with chas?) or 2) a secret concerning SOMEONE ELSE that cain has kept quiet about?
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scrapyardboyfriends · 12 days
I feel like I'm good at mostly ignoring this story until I catch up on the show and then I have to rant about it so....
the rant...
Obviously the premise of this story was already bad from the conception of John as a character. It was already kind of lazy and one single character was not going to rebuild the Sugden family anyway.
But every decision they've made since that character conception has been more baffling than the next really.
Because they could have just told a straightforward story about Vic finding a long lost Sugden brother and him coming to the village and getting to know Vic and Harry and Sarah and meeting Aaron and them trauma bonding over his army past and them getting together after that even though the Robert of it all is weird and maybe causes some surface level angst because god forbid they actually do anything with that.
And like...that would have been pretty dull and boring but it would have been a vaguely functional story.
Instead, they've been promoting this story like it's this big A story with Aaron sleeping with his ex husband's brother and being seduced by the Sugden charm and having sizzling passion overtake them all the time etc etc. And then on screen they're always like the D story and half the time you wouldn't even know what the scenes are trying to get across if you hadn't read the spoilers.
And then they keep missing out on actual story by going surface level with any of the Robert mentions, by not giving anyone any kind of motivations realistic or otherwise and constantly undercutting any potential drama before it even happens.
They've paralleled a bunch of random Robron affair scenes for no apparent reason other than to vaguely remind the viewers of Robert and Robron cause they want it to be dramatic but then it's not in the actual story and because they think that's all it takes to sell a romance story for Aaron? Unclear.
They've really done very little with the Robert mentions other than get them in there so they can put his name in magazines. But Aaron seems to have gotten over it all very quickly around the time John "kissaulted" him in the barn.
Their entire relationship thus far is based on sex. They've never even tried to have a conversation about anything else. Certainly not on screen. Aaron appears to have feelings according to the spoilers but we've seen very little evidence of it on screen and they haven't given any reason why he might like John. John is just blank. And I don't even feel the sexual attraction or sexual chemistry between them in any way because they have to sell it by John constantly telling him "I know what you want" etc. So I just have no clue why they're even doing this.
Then you have Vic who's stalking him because she's desperate for family, which I get but also he's kind of mostly been an asshole to her but that doesn't matter cause he's family and she must have it.
Then you have Mack who they created this animosity between him and John out of thin air for no apparent reason to the point that Lawrence doesn't even know why his character hates John.
And then they have Vic catch them in the barn and then tell everyone so you can have Mack be all weirdly jealous and tell Aaron he deserves better and have Aaron lie to him about still seeing John and lie to Vic because she doesn't want them to date so they won't break up and John won't leave.
And like fine I guess.
But then you do this fire story and have John be the big hero and now Chas is fawning all over him when before she had some minor reservations and you have Mack thanking him for saving his life.
So is Mack still going to be that upset when he finds out Aaron and John are still loosely a thing? I feel like they totally undercut that bit of future drama. I guess he can be upset Aaron lied to him but he's gonna be mad for like one scene and then everyone will move on.
And then is it going to be that dramatic when Vic finds out and has...*checks notes* the exact same reaction as before most likely?
Where is the story?
There isn't one.
And it's not like when Robert and Aaron's affair was discovered and Robert's whole marriage imploded and then eventually he worked his way back to Aaron and they got together properly.
Aaron and John are already basically together?? I guess?? Like there's nothing stopping them. It's not like there's any story in them getting together properly after they're discovered again and everyone has their very tepid reactions?
And then there's the Aiden Moore mystery they threw in there, which everyone has mostly guessed will be someone he lost in the army.
And is that supposed to explain his whole character and why he pushes everyone away? Cause he lost one person in the army?
Stacked up next to the trauma porn king, Aaron Dingle?
John tells Aaron about losing Aiden and Aaron's like "Yeah I can relate" and John's like, "Really, you lost someone too?"
And Aaron's like "Yeah take your pick. You want the boyfriend who got hit by a train and was paralyzed who then made me help him die and then I was on trial for his murder and started self harming? You want the boyfriend who was killed by the local serial killer and then my sister was arrested for it cause she was drinking so much at the time she couldn't remember if she'd killed him? You want that same sister who was then killed in a storm by a falling caravan that I probably could have stopped if I'd told people about my mom having an affair? And that's not even getting into the Robert of it all and what losing him did to me. Or there's you know my whole childhood wrecked by my father abusing me or my traumatic coming out and suicide attempt."
And John's just gonna be there all...
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Just...like...I'm sorry...his little traumatic army past is not going to hold a candle to Aaron's litany of traumas or explain enough why he is the way he is.
And then what...they trauma bond. People find out they're still sleeping together and are vaguely bothered about it for one scene and then they're just...together?
Just what is the point of it all?
Why create all of these obstacles to them being together to then not actually really use any of them?
And then is Oliver going to want to leave in a year and then it's all for nothing anyway?
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thelovetheystole · 1 month
The ridiculousness of the spoilers knows no bounds this week. I thought I was prepared for how bad this is going to get, but no. I'm not even going to post the full articles on this, sorry. And I couldn't help but let the highlighter loose, because it's so glaringly obvious they are just checking off Robron moments off a list, and peppering the articles with words like 'passion', 'lust', 'chemistry' and 'spark' hoping we'll think that's what we're seeing.
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And yeah, I'm bound to agree with your original sentiment there Aaron. Being compared to one brother pretty much shaped Robert's whole life, so...
And what charm?? Have we seen it at all?
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And look, it's John the hero brother...
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Then, there's an interview with Lawrence, and Mack and I are on the same page, which doesn't happen often...
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Clearly, John had nothing to do with the bull. It'll be something else, like Moira in her confused state or something.
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And finally, according to InsideSoap, Aaron and John are the gift that keeps on giving. And the bosses are doing a good job, apparently. The only thing I agree with here is the Robert part. Because now we have hurried along past 'lust' and 'passion' and moved into 'romance' territory. Please 🙄 (But do we actually want Robert in this mess of a show?)
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bobbie-robron · 3 months
She wanted me to be honest, so I was. Maybe it was hard but it’s better than telling her what she wants to hear.
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hawleywilby · 8 months
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