#Road Trip Trilogy
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hotline-ning · 3 months ago
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Alice in den Städten
-- Wim Wenders (1974)
"And you? What would you do?"
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mobius-m-mobius · 26 days ago
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#a perfectly balanced relationship 😘 (in/sp)
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jellyfishsempai · 11 months ago
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Story in which Simon and Baz go on another road trip together and everything is different and better and they’re so happy
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cabeswaterdrowned · 7 months ago
remake of this poll
sorry to those who got the notification for the other poll I felt I had to switch some things around so some would be more evenly matched
@immaterial-pearl @romantichopelessly @cowboykinggansey @robobee @redpanda-mouse @unsettling-type-of-vibe
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cabesswtaer · 5 months ago
the scene in td3 where hennessy mentioned tiktok haunts me still.. maggie ily but why
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notwithstandingclause · 1 year ago
Some of the funniest bits in the coldfire books are when Damien will say something like "perhaps we should have respect for people's basic humanity" and Gerald will immediately go "oh yeah 🙄 did you read that in your stupid little god book?"
My brother in prophet You wrote the god book
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captaingimpy · 4 months ago
Venom: The Last Dance Review
When Venom first hit theaters, many saw it as another entry in the broader struggle between Sony and Disney for the rights to iconic Marvel characters. But Tom Hardy’s portrayal of Eddie Brock and his strange yet endearing relationship with the symbiote Venom quickly set the series apart. This dynamic became the heart of the trilogy, evolving from chaos and mutual survival to a genuine connection…
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trooperst-3v3 · 1 year ago
The First Order was sending some troops to Gentes today to scout locations for a new school and I hitched a ride so I could buy some droid parts from the local Ugnaughts.
It's been so long since I've traveled with combat troopers that I forgot how awful it was. We weren't even out of the docking bay before someone needed to stop for a potty break.
Ugh. Go before you go, people! I'm sorry the transports are too small to have on-board refreshers, but I don't have time for us to pull over every five minutes. I have classes to teach in the afternoon.
Maybe I can convince AR-T13 the armorer to make stormtrooper armore more. . . absorbent.
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violetflowerswrites · 2 months ago
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Pairing: Logan Howlett X Female Mutant Reader
Era: X Men 1 / Trilogy
Summary: Logan and the resident therapist for the mutant school grow closer due to Logan’s resistance to her emotional manipulation powers. A friends with benefits situation naturally leads to falling for each other.
Word Count: 6.5k
Disclaimers: smoking, mentions of cheating, mentions of mental health issues (PTSD, trauma, self-harm/suicide), swearing, explicit sexual content. Consensual kissing, touching, oral sex, and p in v sex. Logan has a bit of a pain kink. 18+ mature only. Minors DNI.
A/N: I recently re-watched X1 because Logan has been on my mind since the Deadpool and Wolverine movie this past summer. And holy hell Hugh Jackman is SO cute and SO sexy and SO flirty in X1 that I couldn’t help but write this absolutely depraved, incredibly smutty (and soft!) fic. Seriously, it just kept getting longer and longer because of all the smut scenes. Enjoy!
The first thing you noticed was the hairy forearm laid heavily on your stomach. The heft of it acted as a natural weighted blanket, lulling you into that peaceful haze between wake and sleep.
But the laughter and squeals of kids playing in the freshly fallen snow outside your window invaded your mind with happy energy.
Excitement and adrenaline.
Winter morning sunshine and the holiday spirit.
Too bad you still hadn’t quite mastered how to dial the volume down of the outside world so you could sleep in.
With a contented sigh, you turned and gazed at the weather-tanned face of Logan, aka The Wolverine.
He was scruffy, rough around the edges, and altogether too much of a flirt to be boyfriend material.
But that was exactly how you liked your men.
Emotionally unavailable?
Morally ambiguous backstory?
Utterly ravishing in bed?
Logan and yourself definitely had a friends with benefits situation going on. Not that anyone would have bothered to say anything. Although you hoped Professor X wasn’t spending his free time dipping into the confines of your mind.
You see, you were the in-house therapist. You knew everyone’s secrets so they didn’t dare share yours. It was the best insurance policy in a school full of mutants you could have gotten.
Ever since you were young, you had always been “in-tune” with others’ emotions. Uncannily so.
Somehow you didn’t question this, but the obvious career of choice was to become a therapist.
It wasn’t until your college boyfriend cheated on you and you felt so overcome with rage that you told him to drive himself off a cliff.
And he did.
But not really.
He was so upset that you caught him in bed with another woman, that he stopped paying attention to the road on the way home and got into a little fender bender. A trip to the ER and a few bruises and a cracked rib later, it was more than enough to scare you into thinking that perhaps your influence was more than just a high EQ.
So you tested your powers. First, getting your roommate to stop stealing your food from the fridge. Then, helping your sister reconcile with your mom over Thanksgiving dinner. After that, soothing crying babies in seconds. Calming down PTSD patients in relapse episodes. Catching students in mental health crises before they did something they could never take back.
Before you knew it, you were making six figures post-grad at a fancy private clinic for celebrities in Hollywood whose biggest problems were having way too much money and convincing themselves that they had every disorder in the DSM-5.
Then, Professor X found you. And hired you on the spot to be the school counselor / therapist / shrink / lady-who-you-talk-to-lying-on- the-couch, at his school for mutants.
Sorry—at the “Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters” as it officially said on your business card.
The peaceful inhales and exhales of the human heating pad next to you put you in a nostalgic mood. So you burrowed down deeper into the covers and remembered handing that exact business card to the burliest man you’d ever seen in your little office.
That was the first thing you noticed when Logan walked in through the mahogany wooden door almost half a year ago now. How he filled up the door frame with not just height, but pure mass of muscle.
Jesus Christ, is this man on steroids? You remembered thinking.
The second thing you noticed was the hair. Thick and dark and messy, but pointed and shaped exactly like ears.
The third thing was his hands. Almost always in fists, as if he was ready to fight in a moment’s notice.
Which he probably was.
Ah. You had thought to yourself then.
This is why they call him The Wolverine.
“Good morning!” You greeted him warmly, trying to exude as much welcoming energy as you could.
It was met with a brick wall and a single grunt of acknowledgment.
Not fazed in the least, you gestured to a plush deep espresso-colored leather sofa that matched the soothing wood tones of the room.
“You’re not gonna ask me to lie down on that, are ya?” Logan gruffed out.
”Totally up to you.” You tried to disarm him with a smile, which he resolutely ignored. So, you handed him your business card and he begrudgingly took it, though he barely glanced at it and tossed it on top of the cushions.
Then, Logan pulled out a lighter and a cigarette from his leather jacket and took a long drag.
“Mind if I smoke?” Logan asked afterwards, with an arched brow.
Clearly he was trying to get a rise out of you, so you ignored the blatant lack of manners and simply shook your head and tried to make a joke.
“Not if you’re willing to share.” You half laughed, half coughed.
“I doubt a pretty lil thing like you smokes Malboro reds, much less a shrink.” Logan exhaled another thick column of smoke.
“You don’t know where my mouth has been.”
The words slipped out of your smiling lips before you could catch them, and you mentally slapped yourself for letting your intrusive thoughts come out.
Logan’s jaw dropped open, before he quickly shut it and kept a firm grip on his cigarette before it fell and burned a hole into Professor X’s very expensive carpet.
You felt a shift in the room. Logan’s energy was defensive, reluctant, and suspicious when he walked in.
Now, it was undoubtedly aroused.
To you.
“I apologize. That wasn’t very professional of me. I’m going to be straight with you because I know that Professor X requested that you to come here. He specifically asked me to help you recover some memories, possibly work through some PTSD and figure out who…” you hesitated, searching for a polite way to phrase what you wanted to say next.
“Fucked me up with their experiments?” Logan laughed bitterly. “No need to sugar coat it, sweetheart.”
“Ahem. Yes. But now I’ve clearly given you mixed signals—“
“Mixed signals?” Logan grinned impishly. “I’m just picking up what you’re putting out.” He leaned back into the sofa.
“Well, that’s not exactly it. You see, I have the ability to read emotions.” You explained, “and influence the emotions of others.”
“Really?” Logan looked intrigued, but not quite convinced. “Tell me what I’m feeling right now.”
”You came in unwilling and totally against seeing a therapist.” You took a breath. “And now you’re curious, and a little attracted to me right now.”
“Not just a little, Doc.” He took another drag of cigarette.
“I’m sure you tell that to all the girls.” You waved away his comment, trying to not let him make you blush.
“Nah.” Logan exhaled. “Tell me I’m lying.”
“Well, I can’t do that. But I can change how you feel.” You offered.
“Try me.” He sat up in his seat, leaning forward in a challenge. “Make me not feel attracted to you.”
You furrowed your brow in concentration. Emotions were a finicky thing to manipulate, but your powers helped you “see” the feeling, almost like an aura or energy around the person.
Logan’s right now was pulsing, wafting off his body towards you, as his locked eyes with yours.
So you tried, pushing it back. Changing its shape, its color.
Its taste in your mouth.
But it stayed the same.
Sweet, sultry, and utterly addicting.
“What the hell?” You muttered. Your professionalism fell away as you were caught by surprise yet again by this man.
“What?” Logan murmured.
“It’s not…I can’t…” you trailed off, perplexed.
“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” Logan teased, “powers don’t work on me?”
“Holy shit.” You whispered to yourself. “Holy shit.” You emphasized the expletive in shock.
Logan’s face fell when he realized you weren’t messing with him. Your powers actually didn’t work on him.
“Stay right there. Don’t you dare leave!” You thrusted a finger in his face and practically ran out the door, your eyes shining in excitement.
And you left a very confused Wolverine in his seat.
It turned out, The Wolverine had very strong resistance to psychic-type powers. Your powers were much weaker than Professor X, or even Dr. Jean Grey’s, so it was easy for him to subconsciously block them off. When you were first hired, you worked with Professor X and Jean a lot, trying to improve your manipulation abilities, but they could always tell when you were trying to change their emotions. Others like…say…Cyclops for example? Not so much.
You chuckled aloud at the juvenile pranks you pulled with Jean, like making Cyclops feel so confident he sober-karaoked on a night out, and you and Jean recorded his performance, clutching your sides with laughter.
He was actually an excellent singer, but he never let the two of you hear another note again. After all, your powers changed emotions, but not memories.
Logan shifted on the mattress, feeling the vibrations of your quiet laughter, and he let out a sleepy groan. You held your breath until he settled back into stillness, not meaning to wake him just yet.
Your mind wandered again to another memory.
“You’re gonna give yourself wrinkles, sweetheart.” A rough voice interrupted your concentration and smoothed your forehead with an equally rough thumb.
“Stop calling me sweetheart, it’s distracting!” You playfully shoved Logan in the shoulder and he didn’t budge an inch. The man was built like a tank and had absolutely no qualms attacking you.
With his constant, less-than-subtle flirting that is.
“How’s this for distracting?” Logan grabbed your waist and plopped you right in his lap. Your tight black skirt rode up your thighs in a decidedly unprofessional manner. Logan’s eyes immediately flickered down to your exposed skin, before he brought your hands up to the sides of head.
“Jesus Christ Logan, I’m trying to get better at this.” You huffed out exasperatedly, but you could feel Logan’s emotions charging up, along with your own.
Magnetic, sensual, delicious attraction to each other.
It didn’t take mutant powers to see that the two of you had chemistry. The tension had been building for months since that first day Logan stepped into your office. Now, it was another matter entirely to test if you had sexual chemistry. Which Logan always seemed to push the boundaries on.
Because now, here you were, sitting on the lap of a man who you were supposed to be helping, training with, and trying to practice your powers on.
And your attention was wholly on how thick and hard and firm his rolling thigh muscles felt under the pliant flesh of your ass. You subconsciously sank down further into his lap and Logan closed his eyes in a slow couple of blinks.
“Careful there, sweetheart.” Logan’s voice came out with more gravel than he intended.
“Oh, are we feeling a little distracted?” You whispered in a smirk, your hands practically grasping the thick aura of attraction between the two of you.
The strength of Logan’s emotion was quite literally making you feel drunk with arousal. You could tell Logan noticed the increase in the thrumming of your heartbeat and the speed of your hot breath so close to his face.
“What am I feeling right now?” Logan searched your eyes, his tone filled with barely masked self-control, desire, expectation.
“Tell me.”
You sucked in a shaky breath. “You wanna fuck me.”
“You’re damn right I do.”
Logan’s strong hands tangled in the hair at the back of your head as his lips, teeth, and tongue clashed messily with yours. He didn’t hold back anything, and it felt like he was devouring you whole. Your hands clawed at his shoulders, pushing the leather jacket off and you dug your fingernails into the thick muscle of his biceps.
Logan released your mouth with a growl, and he wasted no time nipping, sucking, and licking all over your neck and collarbone.
Meanwhile, you were transfixed by how the bright pink lines of your scratches were healing on his tanned skin. Curiosity got the better of you and you tried scratching him again, harder this time.
“You trying to hurt me, sweetheart?” Logan grumbled hotly against your ear.
“Mmm maybe?” You giggled, sighing into his lips that were pressing kisses against the side of your face.
“Good.” Logan kissed down your throat, ripping apart the buttons of your work blouse as he went. “I like a bit of pain when I’m fucking.”
You peeled off the top and your lacy black bra, exposing your bare breasts to Logan and he promptly buried his face in your flesh, clearly enjoying himself with your body. Unseemingly moans continuously poured out of both of you and your lust-riddled brain somehow remembered that it was the middle of the workday and you were in your third floor office that anyone could walk by.
“Logan, hold on—I need to…” You gasped out in stuttered breaths.
“Mmph” he grunted back, his teeth having found your perky nipples and he was clearly too focused on that to hear a thing you said.
So you grabbed a thick tuft of his hair and yanked his head back, to which the man actually snarled at being interrupted.
Unafraid, you laughed with delight and kissed him deeply. He tasted of cigarettes and salt and a delicious musk that solely belonged to him.
“I need to close the curtains and lock the door, Logan.” You reprimanded.
Resigned, Logan spread his arms to the back of the couch as he watched you secure the room. Even with your back turned, you could feel that his gaze never wavered from you. The lust poured off of him in waves that pulsed with every breath he took.
It was a deep red, thick like a fog, and it filled your nostrils, your head, your senses entirely. You’ve never felt your powers be so entirely overwhelmed by a single person before.
But Logan was not just anyone.
“I can feel so much from you.” Your voice dropped down into a strained whisper as you stepped back towards him, in between his man-spread legs. You reached a hand behind you to unzip your skirt, and Logan licked his lips once he saw the little black thong you had on underneath. He quickly undid his belt buckle and threw it to the side with a clatter. You slid your hands up his chest slowly, inhaling his scent as you kissed the side of his neck, finding a single vein throbbing with his increased heartbeat.
His white tank fell in a heap on the floor. A second later, dark blue jeans followed suit. Finally, you used your free hand to yank his boxers down and he was completely bare before you at last.
“What do you feel?” Logan could not stop staring at you, at your body, and following every motion of your hands.
You straddled his lap, a knee on either side of his thick thighs. Logan released a breath he didn’t know he was holding when you sat your bare bottom on his lap once again.
Instead of replying, you whispered into his mouth, “Cut off my thong.”
Thrill licked up your spine as you watched a single blade release from his right hand, and Logan oh-so-carefully sliced the string of your panties along your hips. Silently, you both watched as it slid off your heated skin.
You rewarded him with another kiss, running your tongue along the inside of his mouth. He nudged his nose into your cheek, desperate for more.
Meanwhile, you reached down between your bodies and found his painfully erect member. Your lips swallowed the needy growl that escaped the back of Logan’s throat. It made a slow smile spread on your face.
This man wanted you as badly as you wanted him. And neither of you could wait a second longer to devour each other like animals.
“I feel your desire.” You finally answered his question, just as you pulled his thick cock towards your ready core, and you sank down in a single motion.
You both released the most guttural groan at the same time. Logan was a huge man and he had a cock to match. The head pushed against your cervix and you felt positively stretched out trying to accommodate his girth.
Logan filled his hands with the supple flesh of your hips, pulling you up only for you to slide back down, your slickness coating him well.
You braced yourself on his shoulders, raising yourself onto your knees until he was nearly slipping out of you. You glanced down between your two bodies, getting a glimpse of his glorious cock.
“Stop teasing.” Logan panted into your chest, his own already shining with sweat.
You smirked and lowered yourself again, slowing down even more.
Tantalizing The Wolverine with the hot suck of your pussy.
Pressing your soft breasts into the mass of hair on his chest.
Your mouth unrelentingly kissed his scruffy face and wet lips.
“Sweetheart.” Logan’s nickname for you was strained out through clenched teeth.
Laced with warning.
You paid no heed, continuing your teasing movements until, with a roar of impatience, Logan sunk his fingers into the soft fat of your ass and thrusted upwards as hard as he could.
You released his lips with a yelp of surprise and he set a brutal pace. Logan’s length drilled into your hot core, stretching you, spearing you far deeper than you could have ever expected.
“O-oh my god! Logan! S-slow down!” You implored, but Logan had other plans for how he was going to wreck you.
Every thrust was met with a hard slap of skin on skin, and the most you could do was simply dig your nails into his biceps, this time, drawing blood with how hard you were holding on to him.
The pain however, simply goaded him to keep railing you like a rag doll. His cock buried itself to the hilt only to pull out and push back in again, over and over, as if it could never be satisfied.
You had a feeling that Logan had stamina for hours. The Wolverine could just keep going until both of you lost the ability to move. As much as that sounded incredible, the thin trails of blood running down his skin forced you to reconsider how much sex the two of you could handle. At least for the moment.
“Logan, s-seriously. You’re bleeding.” You finally managed to say.
“It’ll heal.” Logan ground out. But, he did slow down until you sat back in his lap, running your fingers along the cuts your fingernails had caused. He wasn’t wrong; each small wound was closing up at a remarkable speed.
“I don’t want to hurt you each time we have sex, Logan.” Even if he liked pain, you didn’t feel comfortable inflicting injury on this beautiful man. Or getting too rough too fast.
“You could never hurt me, sweetheart.” Logan assured you, holding you more gently now, his breath coming in heavy pants. But, he could see the worry on your face, so he kissed the sweaty furrow of your brow.
“Okay. We’ll take it slow. I won’t be so rough, unless you say so.” He murmured against your skin. The both of you were drenched in sweat as if you had run a marathon.
You carefully untangled yourself from Logan’s body and stood up on wobbly legs. You were already feeling a dull ache of soreness between your thighs.
“Hold on-you said ‘each time we have sex’ as in…” Logan questioned.
“Oh we’re not done. You haven’t even made me cum yet.” You grinned at him, walking over to your desk.
You sensually bent over, presenting your slick-shiny slit to Logan.
“I doubt you could stay away from me after you’ve had a taste.” You teased him, the desperation for this man to give you an orgasm making the dirty talk stream out of your lips. Your outside persona as the put-together empath long gone in favor of the filter-less, horny, and needy slut you really were.
Logan immediately crossed over to you in a few strides, holding the weight of his still-erect cock over your waiting entrance.
As he pushed into you, one hand holding you down onto your desk, he corrected your statement.
“You’re wrong, sweetheart.” Logan explained. “I couldn’t stay away from you before you let me fuck this sweet pussy.”
His deliberate slowness was absolute torture on your body. He filled you up in a way no man, no mutant had ever done before.
“Oh! Right there, Logan!” You moaned out, barely hearing what he said. His cock now pushed against that delicious spongy center in your cunt. He then pulled out, admiring the way your juices coated every thick vein on his member.
He entered you again, just as slowly, making sure both of you felt every inch of his invasion. Your hands reached over to the other side of the desk, your white knuckled grip clutching the edge. You needed to hold on to something, anything to ground yourself or you were going to lose it with how Logan was tormenting you with his cock.
“P-please, keep going!” The desperation in your voice turned whatever you said into a whine.
A few thrusts later, and you could feel that familiar tightening in your core. You were getting so close, and you were sure that the helpless moans that kept coming out of your mouth were an obvious indication to Logan that you were about to cum.
“I knew I wanted to make you scream my name with my cock the very first day we met.” Logan finally concluded, his voice hot in your ear as he pressed his chest onto your back. At the same time he gave this sinful confession, he reached a hand down to find your swollen clit and touched you in just the right way, as if he had done it a million times before.
Your eyes squeezed shut and you came immediately.
In the haze of the most explosive pleasure you’ve ever felt, you registered three sensations at the same time.
First, wet jets of his expend painted the hot skin of your back.
Second, a rough hand clapped over your mouth, muffling the orgasmic scream of The Wolverine’s name that was ripping through your lungs.
Third, fireworks. You’ve never seen a man cum so hard that your powers registered an orgasm as fireworks. It was usually a quick flash of light like an old-school camera, but Logan came so hard that his pleasure was literally illuminating your senses like it was the 4th of July.
It was beautiful to witness.
And even more satisfying to participate in.
Breathless, speechless, and completely and thoroughly fucked, you turned around and simply grinned at the sexiest, horniest, hottest man you’ve ever had sex with.
It didn’t take long for the two of you to set up regular “Friday Fucknights” after that.
You slowly unfurled your clenched fists from the comforter that you didn’t know you were squeezing tight.
All the memories of the first time you and Logan had sex made you decidedly horny. Even after Logan had given you a good rough fucking the night before.
Flashes of last night whipped through your brain.
Your face buried in the mattress, your moans disappearing into the fabric.
The cold breeze on your bare ass, raised up to meet Logan’s face.
The scruff of his beard rubbing against your skin.
His nose inhaling your sinful scent.
His lips and tongue eating you out for dessert after he surprised you with a date to a local steakhouse.
It was one of the few dates Logan spontaneously took you out on and it would always start the same way:
“Wanna go for a ride?” He’d ask you.
“Sure.” You’d reply.
And you’d end up at some isolated restaurant with Logan inhaling a monstrous slab of meat as you complained about all the teenage drama you were trying to counsel students through.
A few drinks and naughty kisses in the back corner booth later, the night always ended in your usual sex.
And you know you were clear to him that you just wanted the sex, no strings attached. You told him from the get-go that dating wasn’t really your thing. Due to the nature of your powers, you could never be sure if your partners actually loved you or if it was your love for them influencing how they felt about you. After all, if your powers influenced most mutants, then regular humans were even more susceptible.
But sex with Logan was perfect. Even those random dates were guilt-free and stress-free, because you could finally just be with someone who you didn’t have to worry about any of that with.
At the same time, Logan was intense. It was probably a good idea that you basically saw each other once a week for sex and stayed the hell out of his way the rest of the time.
Honestly? You could only handle The Wolverine in doses.
Between his traumatic hidden memories that emerged in daily nightmares…
And his overwhelming sexual desire for you…
The man was going to be the death of you.
A pained sound, almost like a whimper came from Logan. You could see a few beads of sweat break out on his forehead, and you quickly grabbed one of his clenched fists. Your hands gently rubbed over the knuckles where his blades lay hidden beneath a thin layer of skin. In a moment, Logan’s face relaxed and his eyes began to flutter open.
You sighed in relief.
Unfortunately, even though you could only handle Logan once a week, it was clear that Logan wanted you much more than that.
After that first month of Friday Fucknights, Logan had quickly figured out that spending the night with you acted as a natural sleep drug. He suspected it was your powers, or maybe it was just you.
Because somehow, when you were in his bed, he could finally wind down and slumber nightmare free. You noticed it too - his aura turned to a soft, amber yellow when he was sleeping next to you. The emotion of peace and contentment.
“Morning, sweetheart.” Logan murmured, his fingers now interlaced with yours. He brought your entwined hands up to his lips so he could press his lips to it.
Goddammit. There it was again.
The unmistakable feeling of love - pink, swirling wisps floating gently in the air. The smell of those quintessential roses and a deep warm fuzziness in your belly that felt like home.
Logan reeked of it.
You first noticed it at the date last night. You were complaining about some adolescent love triangle that Bobby and Rogue and Kitty had tangled themselves up in and Logan was teasing you about it. He was nursing a beer, chuckling as he laughed both at you and with you.
And there was a pause right after the laughter faded where you recognized the emotion he was feeling. You clocked it as soon as he took a sip of his bottle and looked right into your eyes.
Something that you hadn’t felt before from him.
You immediately deflected by saying something sexual to distract him from thinking too hard about what he felt and his aura quickly switched to that familiar red-hot lust.
That’s all you wanted from him.
That’s all you needed from him.
From there it was an illegally-fast motorcycle ride back to the mansion for some rough fucking.
Trying to hide your unease about his feelings, you hoped he didn’t notice the elongated pause before your reply this morning. Your thoughts were racing about the implications of The Wolverine falling in love with you.
You shouldn’t.
You couldn’t.
Fuck, you needed to distract him.
And yourself.
“Good morning, Logan” you finally snapped out of it and smiled at him. “You feeling alright?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” He opened your palm up and kissed it again, this time, giving your skin a little teasing lick.
“You were tossing in your sleep a little.” You explained, “but I’m about to make you feel all better.” Your voice dropped flirtatious and low.
“Is that right, sweetheart?” Logan’s lifted a brow as you burrowed under the blanket, feeling the waves of heat emanating off of him.
You quickly shimmied down until your face was right in front of his thick cock. After all the sex last night, Logan hadn’t bothered to put on clothes again before he fell asleep.
Neither had you.
Your tongue found his shaft first, while your hands gently caressed his balls. They felt heavy and warm in your palm as you licked up and down his cock.
Above you, Logan immediately twitched and grunted at your touch.
“Mmph - that’s—!” Logan could barely say.
“More?” You teased from under the covers.
“Y-yeah. Please, sweetheart. Give me more.” He groaned, one hand tangling itself to your hair. He gave you a slight, sharp tug that made your arousal flare up.
You took a deep breath before closing your mouth onto the head of his cock, and sucking hard and holding him hostage in return.
“Fuck!” Logan swore, blood rushing down to his member. You could feel him growing in girth, opening your jaw wider, your tongue sliding under him. You refused to let him go, hollowing out your cheeks, drawing him deeper until you had to surface for air.
“Yummy.” You grinned devilishly, swiping away the trail of saliva down your chin.
“My messy girl.” Logan pulled your chin closer until his lips pressed against your mouth. You threw the covers off of the both of you, and climbed on top of him.
“Mmm.” You moaned, his tongue was dancing with yours and it was driving you crazy. “As much as I love kissing you Logan, I think I’d rather ride you today.”
“Be my fucking guest.” Logan smiled against your mouth before releasing your face with a filthy wet smooch.
You admired the ripple of his abs as he leaned against the pillows, his huge arms thrown behind his head. The sight made you lick his taste off your lips, and liquid heat rushed to your core.
“You know what I’ve been thinking about all morning?”
You knelt beside him, your knees squeezing into his hips as you reached below you. God, he was huge. A fact you admired every time you took his substantial girth into your hand.
“What, sweetheart?” Logan gazed at you with a bemused expression on his face.
“The first time we had sex.” You continued. The head was breaching the tight ring of your pussy now.
“That was a great day.” Logan’s chest rose as he sucked in a breath, holding it as he watched you sink down until your bottom was flush to his strong thighs.
“That was a fucking incredible day.” You moaned at the feeling of being so full, so full of him. “And I was sitting pretty in your lap, just like I am right now.”
“Y-you spoil me, sweetheart.” Logan released his breath in a whoosh, his words starting to stutter just like his hips.
“Ah ah ah.” You pulled his hands away from your ass and up to your breasts. ”Don’t rush me.”
Logan responded with a frustrated groan, even as he kneaded your soft flesh and pinched your nipples.
“Fuck that’s good.” You praised him and rewarded him with a roll of your hips. You let his cock slide out only to suck it back in with your next movement.
“I want to feel you, Logan.” You leaned down to press a kiss onto his open mouth. “All of you.”
Without waiting any longer, you bounced your ass on top of his cock, suddenly riding him like your life depended on it.
Logan wrapped his arms around your back as you buried your face in the crook of his neck.
Expletives flying and a whole host of unseemly sounds spilled out of the both of you.
But nothing compared to the sweet sound of his cock and balls slapping against the soft cheeks of your bottom.
And the messy wet squelch of juices that were streaming out of your pussy and coating his length.
“S-sweetheart! I c-can’t!” Logan’s whine almost made you laugh. Your pussy was so good that it made The Wolverine beg to cum. What a fucking power trip.
“Cum for me Logan!” You encouraged him, your pussy was throbbing with need. Something animalistic was unlocking inside of you and you just had to feel his release inside of your cunt.
After all, you did say you wanted to feel all of him.
And that included his hot, delicious seed.
“Let me—” Logan started to pull you off of him before you grabbed his hands and ground down onto him.
“N-no!” You panted out, still bouncing on him hard. “Cum inside.”
Logan’s eyes widened. With a roar, he sat up and locked his arms around you, his hips jutting up into you once, twice, three times.
And you felt his cock release inside of you at last.
“Oh my god!” You bit into his shoulder, seeing fireworks again, not just for Logan, but for both of you. The room was heavy with the smell of sex and lust and sharp bursts of light that danced across your vision. You could vaguely feel yourself falling back down onto the bed with him, your cheek pressed into his hairy chest.
Your mind was somewhere in space, simply overwhelmed with sensation. This man, this mutant, this Wolverine, gave you the most explosive orgasms every time he fucked you.
Then, as if the sky had cleared after a storm, you saw the fireworks fizzle out. And creeping in from the corner of your eye, you saw it again. That pesky pink fog and the smell of roses.
“Goddamit Logan” you muttered out, lifting your head up to look at the man before you, and your heart immediately softened. His eyes were closed, chest falling and rising rapidly as he recovered. Seeing Logan in that post-sex glow always felt special to you.
He was beautiful.
“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” Logan’s eyes shot open on high alert and he stiffened underneath you, picking up the annoyance in your tone.
You blew out a breath and pushed yourself up on his chest, staring at him before deciding what to say.
What to do.
What to feel.
Logan’s eyes darted across your face, searching for an answer as you battled internally. You could feel the heat rise to your cheeks and your heart started to beat in double time.
Fuck it if he was falling for you.
You were addicted to this man.
You were not about to let him go.
“I can feel you, Logan.” You confessed, “I felt it last night, and just when you woke up, and right now.”
“What is it?” Confusion, and a hint of trepidation flashed across his face.
Logan’s brows shot up and he stared into your soul with wide, chocolate-brown eyes. But you stayed silent, waiting for him to deny it, confirm it, something.
With a rustle of sheets, Logan carefully sat up, and you with him. Then, he deliberately placed two warm, calloused palms on both sides of your hot cheeks.
And he kissed you gently.
So fucking gently.
Somehow, that simple kiss felt way more intimate than any of the sex the two of you had ever done.
“Would it be so bad if I loved you?” Logan asked in a low murmur against your lips.
In that instant, your mind recalled everything you loved about Logan.
His gentleness with the students, especially the ones that had powers that were more dangerous or harder to hide. He understood what it felt like to be an outsider. To be feared when you just wanted to belong.
His “I don’t give a fuck” energy when he did, in fact, give a lot of fucks about those he cared about. It showed up in the way he asked about how your week was, and patiently listened to all your complaints before taking you to bed. The way he noticed when you were stressed, or tired, or just needed the comfort of not being alone. The way he put your emotions first before his own.
His ridiculous reputation as the resident flirt, when he was actually so loyal to you. He might have made moves on Jean or Storm or every eligible and un-eligible lady at the school, but you were the only one he called “sweetheart.” You were the only one who saw what Logan looked like when he was afraid, when he was vulnerable. When he was in love.
And of course, his deep respect for Professor X, who he was always just a little bit more well-mannered for. He had changed so much since coming to the school. You could see it In the way he fought on X-missions even though he was so used to fighting for himself, by himself. Now, he was a soldier. A protector.
“No,” you slowly replied. You paused, and covered his hands with your own. ”It would be wonderful.”
Your ears were blessed with the most unbridled, joyful laugh from Logan as he smothered you with his 200 pound body and rained a cascade of kisses all over your skin.
Every press of his lips against your own felt like an I love you over and over again.
“Logan!” You couldn’t help but laugh with him. “Stop!”
“I can’t,” Logan lifted your leg up to his shoulder and drove into your pussy. You were so overwhelmed with his emotion that you hadn’t even seen his cock engorge itself again.
“L-Logan!” You cried out his name again, this time in pleasure.
“I can’t help myself, sweetheart.” Logan kissed you soundly. “Not when I love you this much.”
You held his face, caressing his rough beard and staring into his eyes, shiny with emotion that mirrored your own.
“I love you, too.”
The rest of the morning, laughter and kisses and smiles flooded the room, basking the two of you in the soft, pink glow of the best emotion there is.
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illiterate-izzy · 1 month ago
I need y'all to start reading the farseer trilogy ASAP. So far the third book is a road trip to find dragons in which everyone is in love with the most cursed, dumbest, poor meow meow assassin ever.
My poor man just wants the earth to reclaim his bones but instead he's forced to learn what non-binary means while oblivious that everyone in a 5 mile radius wants to kiss him 😔
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kyojurotrans · 2 months ago
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hi, presenting my silly fella here too, his name is alejandro and he’s a goth NOT affiliated with the eltingville club, he has his own club. it’s a little extensive to resume his whole backstory so I’ll concentrate on how his relationship began with bill, who he met one day he was roller skating at the street and the boys were rolling their dices in the middle of the road, this caused alejandro to trip over and provoke for their dices to end up in the sewer; of course bill started insulting him along with the group, but he was the louder one and who caught alejandro’s attention, fighting back. the second time a new spiderman issue came out, the planet of the symbiotes, ale as a spiderman fan saved money to buy it, he entered joe’s store and noticed the last copy of the issue was prettily positioned on the shelf, once examining it closely he felt a hand on his shoulder asking him harshy to not buy it since he wanted it to himself, guess who it was? obviously, william alan dickey being an annoying little bitch, anyways alejandro ends up getting it and bill gets super pissy about it.
finally, their third encounter was at a blockbuster, bill wanted to rent the star wars trilogy, browsing the sci-fi shelf he looked up and noticed alejandro right in front of him just a few centimeters away, his face focused on the cover of ‘wes craven’s new nightmare’ (he loves horror movies), to resume bill starts walking behind him yelling at him that he stole his precious comic but then notices the tape on his hand, to which his attention picks up and starts getting interested in alejandro; a few weeks later their situationship starts and both suffer for the other cuz they’re stupid.
thanks to anyone reads this, if someone does !
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silly thing also, creds in the image :-)
if you wanna know more about my silly creature just ask me in my inbox I suppose !
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cyberphuck · 1 year ago
Assassin's Apprentice: Who are you? Oh, you can talk. Thanks for taking care of my dog. Yeah I promise I won't eat poison
Royal Assassin: You sure like hanging out with the King, huh? Alright dick, you can stop making up songs about who I have sex with. Where are you from? Oh shit who punched you? Alright you'd better get out of here, bye
Assassin's Quest: thanks for taking care of me even though my face is ugly now apparently. Oh, you're coming on the road trip? Sick! Dude stop pretending to be gay haha. No seriously dude no homo. Yeah friends kiss each other on the mouth sometimes. Oh word? Okay bye
Fool's Errand: (the fantasy equivalent of making out with your friend at a party "as a joke")
Golden Fool: DUDE I SAID NO HOMO-- wdym "divorce"???
Fool's Fate: (part one) nothing I could possibly do could make him more angry at me than he is now. Okay maybe one thing. ...Maybe a few things. Wow he's really pissed. (Part two) it's not gay if I pull out. (Part three) We're married, but like. Friend-married.
All of the F&F trilogy: my name is Fitzchivalry and this is my wife The Fool
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robogalaxies · 6 months ago
☎️ - The Unneeded But Happily Researched Crumbs Of Everything We Know About The Commissioner
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“If anything happens… I’ll deny I ever knew you.”
The Commissioner is, as we all know, a mystery, and I hope it stays that way, but I put it upon myself to wrangle every little tidbit of information we have on him outside of giving cases! I do this solely because of three things:
I have nothing better to do
I find myself strangely endeared to his character (i.e. I do a gay little "favorite character" clap every time I hear him mentioned)
I want to share all my random knowledge with you all because I go digging for it in every S&M media there is
I'll be dividing this up into 4 sections for ease of access: comics lore, games lore (HtR, Telltale, TTIV), cartoon lore, and misc. lore. Some things MAY be assumptions based on other characters' reactions to what he MIGHT be saying or say about him, sure, but I will source all information on where to find it & provide images when they can be easily provided!~ If anything new comes up or I have forgotten something, I'll update. Until then... hope you love both hyperlinks and "at least I laughed at it" style commentary! ☎️
Comics Lore
The introduction of The Commissioner, as with everyone else! Small tidbits of his quite understated character outside of being The Phone are here, obviously, including:
the Commissioner's one and only speech bubble! (Bad Day on The Moon)
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the beginnings of the implied "I love you" statements towards Sam & Max with an "XOXO" on a postcard (Bad Day on The Moon)
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he shows SOME disdain towards Sam & Max's attitudes towards achieving their goals, being the one specifically to tell them to go on a road trip (On the Road #1, "Prisoners of The Casbah")
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Games Lore
Hit the Road
The Commissioner is barely a character in this game (big surprise, right?) and you do not get much information on him minus the bare minimum of "he is Sam & Max's boss," so there's not much to be said here. In fact, I don't know why I mentioned it. Great game, though, go play it! Now! I'll wait until you get back :)
Save The World
Welcome back! There're only minor silly tidbits here, but they're needed for this comprehensive list. Everything is worth mentioning about a character with nothing to his name but "The Commissioner." I mean, you're reading this post, right?
wears bifocals! 👓 ("The Mole, The Mob, and The Meatball")
was once in contact with & worked with Harry Moleman, as he sent him to be the mole for the Toy Mafia. Crossover of the century... I wonder if he knows how far poor Harry has fallen ("The Mole, The Mob, and The Meatball")
Takes Sam & Max out for dinner sometimes, apparently, if they do well enough on their cases! Squirrel Garden sounds disgusting, but I'd be jazzed too if they also had the free breadsticks ("The Mole, The Mob, and The Meatball")
likely just a quick jab, so I don't really know why I'm putting it here other than humor, but Max apparently doesn't trust him! I hope that gets solved; Commissioner is sorta signing his meager paychecks ("Bright Side of The Moon")
Beyond Time and Space
The middle child of the Telltale trilogy, this game has barely anything in terms of tidbits given that he really only assigns the beginning cases in 1 out of 5 episodes, and even then, that doesn't give a single thing away. Despite this, there's gotta be one or two tidbits we should learn, right? Sure!
is aware of Sam's insistence on answering the phone & seemingly asks straight up why he didn't answer (What's Up, Beelzebub?)
Can confirm an "I love you" towards Max... d'aww! (What's Up, Beelzebub?)
The Devil's Playhouse
The Commissioner barely shows up or is referenced in this game, mainly due to the story existing outside of the common framing of "assigning cases," but we learn two small yet revealing tidbits:
British Columbian! 🇨🇦 (The City That Dares Not Sleep)
Has provided books on cultural and racial sensitivity for Sam & Max because they kept "reducing people to obvious stereotypes." (The City That Dares Not Sleep)
This Time, It's Virtual!
The phone exists yet again... but in your VR HEADSET! Some fairly funny Commissioner lore in this one even if you, like almost everyone I've seen in this fandom, dislike or even hate this game:
His family is in hiding, and I'm assuming Witness Protection?! Must come with the territory (phone call after completing first three Freelance Training segments in-game)
Can confirm an "I love you" of some sort said to Sam ... d'aww! (phone call after completing first three Freelance Training segments in-game)
Signs off even official, legal wanted posters with "The Commissioner," asking people to seek the help of Freelance Police & associates himself as PART of the Freelance Police!
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signs your certificate at the end of the game, which mentions the Illuminati in conjunction with his name for some reason! What kind of policing are we running here....??
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Cartoon Lore
Truly, the 90s cartoon is where most Commissioner lore lies if we take into consideration all of these happen within the same universe, which we likely shouldn't. This being said, the cartoon provides us with the only picture we have of the guy (see post photo above the cut). Alongside this, we also get a LOT more information than any other media:
before we even start the information in the ACTUAL cartoon, Sam & Max say within the show's initial Bible believe he's out to kill them, in some way, saying they're the "troubled, ungrateful sons he never had." That's so sweet ... in a way. As well, there's a very small section dedicated to the Commissioner as a character, though not much is said that we don't already know (Sam & Max Cartoon Series Bible)
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has Geek's number, or at least a number to the Sub-Basment of Solitude, as he calls it more than once over the course of the series, which makes me wonder how well he may or may not know Geek! Like a grandniece or something (episodes 1, "The Thing That Wouldn't Stop It" & 3b, "They Came from Down There")
cried over the story of Sam & Max having to get rid of John, their beloved alligator son... must be a shared parental instinct (episode 6a, "That Darn Gator")
apparently sends sticker books in case briefings on a semi-regular basis, as Sam comments that he "loves when the Commissioner does that" as if it has happened before - how whimsical! (episode 6b, "We Drop at Dawn")
confirms the Commissioner as a legitimate police commissioner alongside being Sam & Max's boss (episode 6b, "We Drop at Dawn")
seemingly very fussy if not given his private bathroom and honor bar. Fancy stuff, Commissioner, & he apparently allows Sam and Max up there! Or not, they just sorta bust in. Whatever! Sharing is caring (episode 6b, "We Drop at Dawn")
the Commissioner has a DAUGHTER! and somehow, Sam & Max got invited to her WEDDING! I think she's beautiful and I hope she doesn't resent her special day getting ruined (episode 11a, "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang")
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that iconic, signed, chest only photo given with the solemn, loving, promise of "If anything ever happens, I'll deny I ever knew you," followed by Max crying that it's "It's just... so him." - what a loving, tender and slightly bordering on oddly familial relationship he has with Sam and Max... stop, I'll start crying! (episode 13, "The Final Episode")
Misc. Lore
These are lore tidbits that are present in mediums either outside of the media itself, belong in a game that is not technically part of the larger S&M canon, or has to do with out of media context, but should be included anyway because why not!
gifts Sam & Max a new floaty pen from a different United State every Christmas ... but not really anything else! (Poker Night 2)
Sam & Max discuss the Commissioner's power in response to doubt about his existence, claiming "Don’t you know he’s everywhere? He knows we’re talking about him right now!" - which is sort of scary, but I'll let it slide because it implies that the Commissioner's surveillance is of a much higher caliber than we initially thought and that is BANGER (in-character interview for Telltale, found here on Steve Purcell's Sam & Max FB page)
He's affectionate yet surly & I'm sure all those "I love you" statements contribute to that! D'aww... (Skunkape Origin Video)
Voiced by a member of Bay Area Sound, Julian Kwasneski, in the Telltale trilogy! Talked about and even has a LINE recited in this specific developer commentary! We love a mysterious boss who sounds like an adult in Peanuts.
God bless the guy, he had a rash! Does this matter? No. Will it ever matter? Likely not, as it was from the sadly cancelled Sam & Max: Freelance Police trailer. Sighs. At this point, you can tell I'm just adding whatever mentions we get of the guy. Makes me giggle, though.
In the end, the Commissioner is a mystery, and always WILL be a mystery. Hell, I sort of never want to know as it will ruin every single thing I have worked so hard to archive, but it is fun to comb through the different canons! Of course, it is likely any of this can be tossed out or considered non-canon in the blink of an eye because Sam & Max always loves to give a middle finger to character details if they don't affect the main plot & likely a lot of these are mere gags. The Commissioner is phone, and always will be only phone. However, it's always in my best interest to try to find ANYTHING to push back the curtain even the tiniest inch, and I hope my efforts were worth it. Now, to sign off, just press that phone! You got it, you got it! ☎️
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destielaureversebb · 2 months ago
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Coming soon for the @destielaureversebb: “And All The Devils Are Here” 
Author: @entropic-saudade Artist: @basketcasebetty
Rating: Explicit Archive warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, rape/non-con Length: 25,000 words Tags:  Murder Husbands, Torture, Cannibalism, Necromancy, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat Relationships: Dean/Castiel, Harry Spangler/Maggie Zeddmore, John Winchester/Mary Winchester, John Winchester/Kate Milligan, John Winchester/OFC, Zachariah Adler/Naomi, Gabriel/Kali, Brief Dub-Con Dean Winchester/Others
A road trip across America turns into Hell on Earth for the Ghostfacers when they pick up a hitchhiker named Dean on their way to Captain Castiel’s Museum of Monsters and Madmen. 
The fallout is as bloody as it is horny, as nothing—not the law, not prison, not the Devil himself—can keep Dean and Cas apart. 
Inspired by Rob Zombie’s Firefly trilogy.
“So what’s your brilliant plan?” Cas asked, looking over at John, with a possessive arm over Dean’s shoulder. In the cramped cabin of his truck, Dean had to sit sandwiched between them. 
“Ice cream truck up ahead,” Dean murmured under his breath, with a note of hope. 
“We should make a pit stop, take a moment to regroup there,” Cas suggested. 
“We need to keep going,” John said. “Gotta get to the desert before nightfall, pick up supplies. The longer we’re out here unprotected, the worse off we’ll be if we get caught.” 
“Come on, it will only take a few minutes,” Cas argued. 
“We need to save the cash we have on hand.” 
“I’m sorry, ‘we’? That’s my hard-earned money you’re talking about,” Cas pointed out. “What did you bring, aside from this overcompensating eyesore of a vehicle?” 
“Well, I was kind of too busy taking fire and defending my home to grab anything else—where were you two?” John shot back. 
Cas returned his glare, unwavering. A slow, lewd smile spread across his face. “Do you really want me to answer that? Because I can and will go into detail.” 
Dean slurped what was left of a popsicle—the cheapest thing on the dinky truck’s menu—off the stick with contentment. Cas ran a finger down Dean’s neck to catch a droplet of stray juice and licked it, grinning smugly at John. 
“Goddamn clown,” John muttered. “Makes me miss Hell.” 
Cas cackled. 
Dean leaned forward, turning up the music to drown them out before they started fighting again. 
“Well, sweet-a little sista’s high in Hell, cheatin’ on a halo!”
Posting date:  March 3, 2025
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ryebecca · 7 months ago
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── It's my birthday! So let's celebrate. 🥳
My birthday is this Saturday (8/3) and I'd like to come out of moodboard retirement for a bit and make some boards! Requests will be open through Saturday, 8/3 and I'll post them as I get to them!
This party has two rules and two rules only!
Requests are open to followers only!
One request / moodboard per person, please!
✨ Send me a character + a vibe or a few AUs for me to choose from (within reason! I reserve the right to do as I see fit because as a wise person once said "it's my party and I'll cry do what I want to") and I'll whip up a board!
You can choose from the following fandoms/characters:
Star Wars (OT characters - Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Princess Leia; Sequel Trilogy characters: Poe Dameron, Finn, Rey)
Top Gun: Maverick (Bob Floyd, Jake Seresin, Natasha Trace, Bradley Bradshaw, Mickey Garcia, Javy Machado, Reuben Fitch, Beau Simpson)
Outer Range (Rhett Abbott)
Twisters (Tyler Owens, Scott)
Bridgerton (Anthony Bridgerton, Benedict Bridgerton, Colin Bridgerton)
Law & Order: SVU (Rafael Barba, Sonny Carisi, Terry Bruno)
Masters of the Air (John Egan, Gale Cleven, Harry Crosby, Robert Rosenthal)
Jane Austen...anything, really. 😂 Same goes for Shakespeare. Hell, Regency!AU is always an option for any of these!
That being said, enjoy! ✨
COMPLETED BOARDS (under the cut!)
Dadley Dadshaw (for @notroosterbradshaw)
60s/70s Rooster (for @roosterforme)
Scott (Twisters) @ MIT (for @hederasgarden)
Wedding Date Ryan (Yellowstone) (for @writercole)
Tyler vs. Rhett (for @a-reader-and-a-writer)
Picnic Time with Bobby (for @attapullman)
Camping with Tyler (for @imjess-themess)
1950s Bob (for @auroralightsthesky)
Modern Emma x Knightley (for @lafaerie)
Regency!Jake (for @desert-fern)
Bodyguard!Nat (for @startrekfangirl2233)
MotA / WWII Bobby (for @lenafromthenordiccoven)
Beach Bobby (for @wildbornsiren)
Fluffy Jake (for @afriendlyneighborhoodhufflepuff)
Werewolf!Mickey (for @briseisgone)
Dagger Olympics (for @thiswaytoinfinity)
Road Trip with Scott (Twisters) (for @theharddeck)
Coffee Shop Bradley (for @oh-great-authoress)
Fake Dating Bruno (SVU) (for @rhettabbotts)
Benedict's Wedding Day (for @sorchathered)
Honeymoon Jake (for @bradshawbaby)
Post-War Buck (MoTA) (for @luminousnotmatter)
Teacher!Bobby (for @bradshawsbaby)
Feral Anthony (for @sometimesanalice)
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ceslatoil · 7 months ago
I finally finish the gravity falls Fiddauthor trilogy I started in 2016 and it’s about Ford and the gang going on a mindscape road trip to the Theraprism to get Bill to sign divorce papers
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