#alien protector
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captaingimpy · 4 months ago
Venom: The Last Dance Review
When Venom first hit theaters, many saw it as another entry in the broader struggle between Sony and Disney for the rights to iconic Marvel characters. But Tom Hardy’s portrayal of Eddie Brock and his strange yet endearing relationship with the symbiote Venom quickly set the series apart. This dynamic became the heart of the trilogy, evolving from chaos and mutual survival to a genuine connection…
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vertigoartgore · 1 year ago
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90's Venom by Rod Reis.
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starrysharks · 2 years ago
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melody hoshimoto aka pigtail star !!
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weekdaysend · 19 days ago
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It took me over a week, but I finally finished this line-up! These are key characters (+ the protagonist) that'll appear in the sci-fi magical girl story I'm writing.
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nex-has-gender-envy · 10 months ago
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🎀✧🌸< Magical girl transformation > 🌌✧💫
Links to my og posts - ed / vee
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lemondoddle · 10 months ago
Can you can draw Jessica and Taylor?
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I absolutely can
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protector-culture-is · 11 months ago
Protector culture is working through everyone's problems and loving everyone with every inch of yourself. But when your caretaker tries to have you focus on yourself you struggle to shrug off the entire systems issues to address your own
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cacciocavalloblu · 4 months ago
A Hello Neighbor Fanfiction: 31th October 1954,Raven Brooks
Note:Contains Death,Abuse and things like this
Summary:Gerda hadn't Always been the local baker and Forest protectors.Before that she was one of the bullies of the inventors club...and even before that...she was just a normal girl, that was forced to deal with big stuff,too big for her.
Principal's office-12 a.m
"Please sit down,Ms Baker" said the principal
She could tell by his voice's tone that she was in bigger trouble than usual.Not that she could really blame him for that after all,while he was a kind Person he was still a principal and that was the sixth time she was sent at his office in Just a month.New record.
Gerda sit in silence,just hoping she won't hurt him too
"Ms Baker,i hope you know why are you here" said the principal cleary dissapointed,instead of angry as she thought at first,that only made her feel even more guilty.
"i broke the nose to Andy Johnson and i have almost choked him" she said with a tone of voice between shame and guilty
He nods,now cleary more frustated "Gerda… you are a really smart girl for your age,and from what i heard from your teachers you are also very kind and polite… however your "angry issues " are a real problem.We have talked multiple times Gerda,but everytime you Always come back here.Please Gerda…tell me…why are you doing this? Why do you have these angry issues?…And if don't worry,this conversation will stay between me and you,i won't tell anything to your parents" he adds quickly seeing the girl scared expression
"I…I don't know for sure sir" Said Gerda still nervous. "Gerda…please, everytime i ask you this question you Always avoid to answer…i won't force you to answer,but i think it could be help you a lot" Gerda took a breath. "I…i… sometimes i just feel an uncontrable rage…this is clear to everyone but…i feel it's problably worse…my rage… doesn't matter how much time i supress it…i am not enough strong to control It…when someone hurt me…or my Friends…i lose control…i Just wanna hurt…make them suffer…" Gerda explained.Fortunately for her holding back the tears was her biggest skill cause she could tell she could have easily cried right now.
"From what i heard mr Johnson had made fun of your family and Mr Rossi's one too for your,humile origins…is that true" Asked The principal with patience.
Gerda simply nods,praying in silence that the principal kind soul didn't left him right in this Moment
"Listen Gerda,i had the chance to see you are really nice girl and i have no intention to give up with you.However i hope you understand that your rage is a serious problem.I Will help you if you need, however if this happens again next time there will be consequences…hope you understand Gerda" He said slowly and calmly
"Thank you sir,this is even more than what i deserve." Gerda said meeting the eyes of the principal for the first time.
The principal gave her a comforting smile and,hoping to cheer her up,he gives her some candies "You can go Gerda,i don't think any kid would like spend the halloween night at school.Even if i bet the math tests are scarier than any other monster"
That made Gerda giggle a Little, She accepted the candies and slowly got out from the office
Gerda's house- 7:pm
Gerda was hiding herself under the table, trying to avoid being hit by a flying plate again,her scars were already enough.Her parents were fighting and She has no intention to be in the middle of their brawl ever again, especially not with her halloween costume that risked to be broken.Arlo and Wally would have arrived soon.When she heard the doorbell,she ran outside before her parents could yells against her for every possible reason.
"Ehy guys" said Gerda at her two best friends.Arlo was wearing a pumpkin as a mask, with some farmer shirt that he proudly said have stolen from His dad old wardrobe.Wally instead,as every year,decided to wear a costume based on the Raven Man, the stupid local legend
"seriously Gerd? We already looked stupid without your stupid alien costume, didn't you have anything better?" Asked Wally annoyed
"Oh shut up already Wally,not all of us have enough money for waste them in some other costume" She rolled her eyes
"guys,guys, guys,PLEASE!i skipped dinner just for have enough space for the candies.Can we stop arguing and start our research before someone else steal them" implored Arlo
"Yeah sure Arl,we need to move"
So the trio moved to the first house.No candies for them.So they moved to the second house.No candies for them.So they trued the third,the fourth,the fifth,the sixth, and all the houses in Raven Brooks.Still no candies.
"Oh Come on,HOW IT IS POSSIBLE?" Gerda kicked a trashcan in frustation.
"The other kids must have did Trick or Treath before us,i bet it was Marvin,That dirty bastard" responded Wally.
"EHY WALLY!I told you my mom doesn't like swearing so please stop it" said Arlo. "Your mom isn't here." "Still doesn't want me to listen swears."
While Arlo and Wally continued to argue about swearings Gerda noticed Something…or someone…in the woods.
"Ehy,do you see that person over there too?" Asked at her friends. "uh…Oh yes,it's look like have a similar costume to mine,what is he doing in the woods?" asked Wally
"Do you think they could have some candies to share" Arlo cheers filled with new hopes,That made Gerda giggles a Little.
"Well there is only a Way to find out"She tried to lead the way but Wally stopped her" "Woah Gerds,do you seriously i think it's a good idea? Go during night in the forest i mean…." "Wow,the Great Wally Smith is scared of some trees?" she friendly teased her friend. "What?I am not!Never mind,Let's Chase that man!" "Said like that seems we are making a crime" "Shut up Arlo! You want the candies so bad? Then let's go!" Gerda couldn't help but chuckle to her Friends discussing. "Come on Raven and Pumpink kids,If we move fast enough we should be able to reach him"
They weren't fast enough, they had lost too much time talking,and as it wasn't enough Arlo got stuck between the poison ivy two times.
They had even reach the new church that will be build pretty soon.However the person was nowhere.
"great,we Lost it.Say goodbye to pur chance to have candies" Said Gerda dissapointed.
"AHHHHHHHHH" "Arlo i swear, if you sre stuck again in the pois-" Wally stop talking,Arlo wasn't anywhere.The two Friends started to panic.
"Arlo!Arlo!" Yelled Gerda, feeling the anxious growing quickly. "Ehy look!" Wally pointed a very deep hole in the floor "GUYS!GUYS! DO YOU HEAR ME? HELP!" Arlo's voice arrived from below.
"WE ARE COMING!" Gerda took Wally's hand and they jumped. After their fall, they found themself in a strange room.It was full of golden shining coins,Arlo was in the floor in pain. "Gerda,give a look at the room, I try to see if Arlo can walk at all" said Wally with a serious tone in contrast to his normal personality,that didn't matched at all. She stand up and look at the coins,then with a quick move put it some in her bag.She felt like a thief but after all her family had too much financy problems while whoever owned these coins was problably rich,he wouldn't have mind.
she decided that only if she would have find the owner she would have give them back.
Then her eyes moved on an old broken door
"Guys i think i have found the exit,Arlo can you walk?" "Y-yeah,it hurts a Little but i can"
The trio slowly opened the door but they then stopped at the sight of the person in costume before… with many many others
"Seriously, is my costume so unoriginal?" Wally Whispers.
But then they all stopped,they were trying to listen what they were saying but it was very difficult.However the few words they listened… were only making them feel worse.
"genocide" "Our lord" "Flood" "Physical form"…every word worse than the other...
"Guys,we must escape from here,let's return back and find another exi-"
"KYAAAAAH" A raven were looking and screaming at the trio.All the creepy weirdos turn around to look at them "RUN"Gerda screamed.
They tried to return back,but Arlo's leg was too hurt for running,He strumble making all the children fall on the floor,and the weirdos in Raven Mask had took Wally,and one of them put their hand on his Neck
"please… please…please stop it" implored Wally,his breath was rapidly faiding and the weirdo grasp was becoming stronger
"L-Let him g-go…p-please" Gerda implored but no one them gave her even a look
"p-please… please…" She tried again,her frustation growing.But they still ignored,And Gerda was Just even more in panic,until…her rage and frustration took over her mind. She push the weirdo against the wall.
"LEAVE" Gerda punched so hard the weirdo that the mask fell off, revealing she had made the man's nose bleed "US" She gave him another punch,his face was becoming purple and he was looking at her like he was praying her mercy "ALONE!" Without control Gerda…broke the man's neck,she realized what she did just too late.She had killed a man.
The room turned in silence,.Wally,Arlo or even the other weirdos didn't said anything,and Gerda could only imagine in fear what her Friends's faces could be under the Masks.What was worse Is that…she felt powerfull for the first time in her life, and this strange feeling was now mixed with her sense of guilty.She started to cry.
As the situation wasn't enough tragic a new voice shattered the air
"LET HER STAY! FEED ME WITH THE OTHERS''FRESH" the voice said.Gerda turned pale,looking at her Friends and at the raven weirdos.in panic she tried to find a way to escape,but there was any other door. "HERE" Wally took Gerda and Arlo by their hand and they quickly entered into vent.They moved faster than they could in that Little place and then After some minutes…they were out.Again in the woods. "WE ARE ALIVE" Yelled happy Arlo. But it was too soon to talk…A storm… One of the worse storm that Raven Brooks would have ever seen…arrived.The skyes turned quickly purple and the clouds covered the starlight.And before anyone could say anything the wind's Strenght separate the three Friends. "GUYS" was the last thing Gerda had said before she hit her against a tree, making her feel unconscious
She woke up, don't knowing where was she…but it looked…like an hospital
"you are a tough girl i see,you woke up pretty fast"A man in a police suit was at the right of the bad
"W-what happened? Who are you? Where are my friends" Gerda had millions of questions to ask Fortunately the young police officer didn't look bored
"Pleasure to meet you Gerda,I am Keith.You fell unconscious during the Storm and i rescued you.As for your friends…the police department Is still looking for them" Keith said with patience. Gerda turned pale…Arlo and Wally…where were they?did that strange group of people…
"Listen Gerda,i won't force you to speak with me…but if you are comfortable, please,i need to know what happened the last night"
Gerda started to sweat in panic at the Question.
She stayed in silence.
She was scared of every possible consequences.
She had killed a man and in part enjoyed it,she had found a some type of creepy cult,she had stole coins… She was scared…it was her fault,she had convince them to go to the woods…and now they were missing.Her skin turned pale.
As if Keith could read her thoughts,or at least her emotions,left the room giving her personal space.Now All Alone Gerda started to cry,and cry,and cry… without realizing…a raven was looking at her from the hospital Window.
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baymaxmuses · 8 days ago
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vertigoartgore · 30 days ago
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1995's Venom: Lethal Protector TPB cover by artist Simon Bisley.
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darabeatha · 4 months ago
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/ One of the things that make me go -CLENCHES HANDS ON FISTS AND KNEELS ON THE GROUND LIKE HAVING A TUMMY ACHE- is that thing when Arthur opens up with someone / slowly begins feeling more comfortable with said person, and that cheeky / teasing attitude comes out;;; like he branches out and pokes back at you, and in those moments, you can feel that semblance of a spirit, a human-like trait, it's not that rigidness of a king, nor that far away fantasy of a knight in silver armor, in that moment its;; Arthur,,,, Arthur the man; its like a dandelion slowly opening up to sunlight, it's him letting those pieces of himself to take over the spotlight for a moment, it's him taking a step back and standing next to you, not in front like a shield or your sword, but as a friend, a lover, a man, the remainings of what was left of him since the start that could not fully be discarded; for a moment he pieces them back together, consciously or not, and his eyes gain a different shine
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to-the-batcomputer · 8 months ago
i love the conflicts between batman and superman in jl and jlu. i love batman so much. that guy is always fighting so hard for humanity, taking every precaution necessary, standing up to his friends and asserting his point of view as a regular human. as forcefully as necessary. stubborn but willing to admit when he was wrong. i love batman.
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Protector Trooper
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Atlantis Alien...
CRACKTHEORY The Protectors are actually descendants of aliens!!! Jonas really did die on the way to his home planet.
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They have no home.
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sir-abaddon · 2 years ago
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"Final Sunrise"
When it's hot, but you have a giant friend and you're a little bean.
Arthur looks for a signal to call for help, as he and Philip are stuck on a planet where it's quite tolerable at night, but the heat will fry them during the day.
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shyastralsuccubus · 2 years ago
Can someone hold me¿¿
Whisper in my ear
Say you're here masters here
Tell me that daddy sent you
That my wishes have been answered
Wipe my tears away
Lay me down take advantage of me
Somebody please fuck this pain away
I feel so God damn numb
Force my heart back into my chest
Hold me close
Fuck the pain away
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ben-talks-art · 2 years ago
Thoughts on Ben 10
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I've seen that some people started doing reactions series of the original Ben 10 show on Youtube, and seeing their reactions got me kinda nostalgic and in the mood to talk about it a little since I honestly really, really like this show.
So I figured, why not just make a post about my feelings towards the franchise, characters, aliens, storylines, and overall just sharing what I liked about it?
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Guess I should start with the obligatory "For those who never watched the show or know nothing about Ben 10..."
Basically, this series is about this one kid who has a watch that allows him to turn into a bunch of different aliens for a short period of time, and uses it to help people and fight bad guys while going on travels around the country with his grandpa and cousin.
At first he starts with only ten aliens (thus giving the show its name) but as time goes on he keeps adding more and more to his list trough different ways (thus completely invalidating the show's name). Sometimes he will unlock a new alien at random, sometimes he will meet someone that will use a code on the watch that will unlock it for him, and other times he will collect the DNA of other aliens he fights.
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The aliens the kid turns into are the highlight of the show.
Each one has its own unique design, ability, voice, body behavior, way of moving and other little things that make all of them feel distinct and unique. (You can check out one of the official artist's DeviantArt page to see some of his comments on many of the designs and how hard they were to animate.)
What was cool about the show is that you never knew what alien Ben was going to use to save the day so it made the experience feel fresh and exciting as you kept wondering what was going to happen, kinda like when you play a gacha game and you don't know what you're gonna pull out.
It's like having an entire Justice League or Avengers team inside one person. You had all these great characters that you knew little to nothing about and you would just watch and wait to see what was cool about each of them, and the show always did the best it could to make each alien feel as cool as possible... Except for Ripjaws, it was clear that after a while they had no idea what to do with him.
Everyone had their favorite aliens who they hoped would get used in the episode, but it was also nice to see other aliens you might not think you would like also getting the spotlight and making you realize everyone can be useful if given the chance and used in the right way.
It promoted the idea of experimenting with new things and exploring untapped potential.
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Aside from the alien roster, the show also had fun playing around with its premise. Usually Ben would do something that affected his normal human form and that would have some effect on his alien forms as well.
For example, one episode Ben got showered by the fountain of youth and turned into a kid, so all his aliens de-aged as well, other time he went inside a videogame so his aliens started to wear gaming clothes like Sora in Kingdom Hearts 2. Another episode had Ben get a cold so his fire alien turned into an ice alien, another had him be stuck for one alien form for the entire episode, another one had him break the watch and anytime he transformed it would randomly combine two aliens.
It felt like the writers were trying to do anything they could with the idea of a watch that turns you into different creatures, like they were trying to have fun with its own premise.
Like, you would see the episode where the aliens get younger or older and you would go "well, now I want to see what all of them younger or older look like!" and that would just make your imagination go crazy.
Same thing for the episode where they mix two aliens together, imagine the massive amount of fanart that this episode inspired!
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There were also episodes where Ben would turn into Halloween creatures like a werewolf, a mummy, or a ghost, but each of them still had the "that's an alien not a monster" theme around them, so again you would go "What would a vampire alien look like? What would a demon alien look like? What would a dragon alien look like?"
It just kept building and building on top of different possibilities.
Ben 10 was so good because it made you feel rewarded for being a kid, rewarded for being curious, for having creativity, for enjoying weird and out-of-the-box ideas.
It rewarded you for wanting to have fun and wanting to play around with different ideas.
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Even the villain. You could teel that the creators were trying to have fun with what they could come up for Ben to fight with.
They had a guy that was some sort of abomination that combined all of Ben's aliens, a dude with the head of a squid that could turn off Ben's powers with the touch of his finger, a mad scientist that always kept trying to steal the DNA from Ben's aliens and fusing it with animals, and even one of Ben's own aliens who managed to come to life and escape from the watch.
Watching this show was basically a game of "Okay, what idea are the writers gonna explore this time? What crazy thing will they do now?" Like, they later make it so his cousin can use magic spells, and they also later reveal his grandpa was a secret agent who happens to have a lot of high-tech, and they would mix all this stuff while fighting crime and saving the day.
It was just fun. This was just a really fun show.
But... It wasn't perfect...
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The biggest problem of the series was that the sense of character development was non-existent.
This series had three main characters, Ben, his cousin, and his grandpa, and the relationship and chemistry between then is pretty much the same throughout the whole thing.
Ben is always immature and jumping into things without thinking, his cousin is always nagging and butting heads with him, and his grandpa always has a pretty good lesson to teach that everyone is just going to forget in the next episode.
There are so many times that I'm watching this and going "Ben should know better than this" because he keeps making the same mistakes over and over again and it gets really tiresome after a while.
Same thing with his cousin, they keep writing scenes where her and Ben just keep bickering and arguing for no reason and it just makes them feel so annoying to watch.
I never got why animated shows think watching people bickering is fun, to me it's just obnoxious. My least favorite part of any Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle show is when Raph and Leo just start fighting because the plot says so. I guess you could say it's realistic that teens would argue but... Just because it's realistic doesn't make it enjoyable.
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There is also the fact that I never felt the show truly dived into why we should root for Ben or why he wants to be a hero.
For instance, there is a scene where Ben sees a city getting attacked and he just starts smiling as if he's glad he gets a chance to be the hero and fight bad guys.
I never felt Ben wanted to help people because he cared about people, honestly it felt like he just wanted to feel the joy of being a superhero. Which, again, he's a kid, so probably it's realistic, but realistic doesn't instantly means good.
For a show about a kid that could turn into ten heroes, they never really sold why Ben had what it takes to be a hero.
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That's not to say they didn't had episodes about Ben being humble, noble, or heroic, they actually had a lot of them. They had episodes about him facing his fears to save his cousin, learning the value of teamwork, learning to put others' needs before his, learning to let go of personal desires for the greater good... But these things just never stacked on.
I never got a sense that Ben was growing from his experiences, it felt like he was just learning some random lesson to get through the episode, which is a shame because a lot of those were some really good lessons, and good lessons for kids no less, but they would just be forgotten by the time the next episode started because... I don't know, I guess they just liked Ben being very flawed and immature.
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But honestly, even with this tiny problem, it's still a really good show. It has a lot of creative action, some really inventive designs, and like I said, It just does a great job promoting the idea of having fun.
I particularly love the scene where they show Ben inventing "diamond surfing", like, how can anyone look at that and not think this is gonna be a fun show?
So yeah, small lack of character development aside, I still recommend this series.
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I also want to talk about the other pieces of media that also take place in this series' timeline.
"Protector of Earth" is a licensed game that came out around the Ps2/Ps3 era and I remember being honestly a lot of fun. It was a beat-em-up where you could play as five aliens while having access to some honestly really creative attack combos. It was also how I, a non-English speaker, finally found out why the alien "XLR8" was named like that.
"Secret of the Omnitrix" was a movie that had a premise of the watch accidentally going into self-destruct mode and had Ben travel through space in order to find the inventor of the watch so he could ask him to turn it off. Really good movie overall, just wish they had tried to be a tiny bit more creative with the action scenes. There are way too many "laser shooting" fights and the final battle is basically Ben getting an "I win" button. It was kinda anticlimactic tbh.
"Destroy all Aliens" is another movie but this time done in 3D. I actually liked this one a lot. They had Ben be stuck with some sort of randomizer feature so he keeps shifting from alien to alien every couple of minutes while fighting a guy that can teleport, so we get some really creative action scenes with all the aliens as they keep going from one part of the globe to the other.
There is also a live-action movie called "Race against time" that... Surely is a movie that exists...
Honestly, the most I can say about it is that I'll never understand why they didn't give the title "Race Against Time" to the movie about the watch going into self-destruct mode, kinda feels like a no-brainer to me.
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Then we have the sequels, Alien Force and Ultimate Alien...
And I'm going to sincerely apologize to all of its fans right now but I really don't like either of these shows.
I don't want to talk about them too much since my feelings towards them are mostly negative and I don't want to dunk on what could possibly be someone's favorite show... But they just did so little for me.
Now, I'm not saying they're bad, just saying that I myself didn't like either of them very much... But while I don't like these shows, I do like certain things in them.
Alien Force is about Ben, who's now five years older, teaming up with his cousin again, as well as one of his former enemies now turned ally, and getting a new set of ten aliens.
The idea of ten new aliens seemed cool at first. Honestly, when I first heard about the show I thought the new aliens were like fusions of the old aliens, like one looked like a fusion of an ice alien and a ghost alien, one looked like a fusion of a cloning alien and a small alien, and another looked like a plant and fire alien. They looked really cool and they had some really creative designs.
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The plant/fire one and the ghost/ice one actually became some personal favorites of mine. They had some really fun and creative powers.
The ice one in particular apparently got really popular with fans due to the idea of being a moth that rested its wings in the shape of a cloak, kinda like they used to do in Gargoyles, and because they gave it an interesting episode where it gives birth to a ton of babies... That, as far as I know, we never see again. 🤔
As for the others aliens... They were there... I'm sure they all have their fans, I'm just not one of them.
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Ultimate Alien was basically more Alien Force, except now some of the aliens could "Mega Evolve."
And again, a lot of the evolved forms didn't really do much for me, except for the ultimate form of the clone alien, which legit felt both really cool and really creative. I just loved that design.
Aside from that though, not really much positive I can say about these two shows. It just wasn't for me.
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And finally, there was Ben 10 Omniverse, by far the most ambitious Ben 10 show.
They ditched the whole evolution thing but Ben now had access to basically every alien he ever had in the entire franchise, as well as every villain he ever had before, and they were a lot more open about the idea of exploring other planets and seeing different alien worlds. The world-building (universe-building?) took a major focus in here.
They also kept trying to push this odd gimmick of going back to the original 10-year-old Ben.
Sometimes Ben would travel back in time, or flashback to when he was a kid, sometimes he would switch brains with his body from the past, sometimes he would shrink into a kid, and other times he would visit another dimension from when he was still young and see how he would have turned out if he had no grandpa.
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Basically, the name of the game changed from "how can we explore the idea of a person with access to ten aliens in a creative way?" to "how can we tie back to the original show?"
It seemed like they were trying to go back to its original focus of exploring the potential of its premise, but this time going a lot more out-of-the-box than ever before.
Getting to see every single past alien again was really cool but many of the new aliens added kinda felt like filler.
There is like one or two that I really liked, like this one alien that's like a living planet with its own gravity, but most of them just looked lame to me.
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But, again, every alien from the past is here, so even if had an episode where you don't like one or two of the aliens used, you would still have five or six of the classic ones to enjoy, which was always refreshing.
The writing still didn't have that big of a sense of progression but I liked this Ben a lot more than the old Ben from the first show. I actually think this series had the best character writing out of all of them. Everyone here has great chemistry and is a lot more charming than before.
Sometimes the tone was also hit-and-miss. It would often try too hard to be humorous and end up losing a sense of stakes, making you feel like you were watching a cartoon instead of an animated show, but still had plenty of things to like.
They tried a lot of new things (sometimes way too many), most of them I liked, some of them I didn't, but I still appreciate them taking the risk to try.
Ben 10 is overall a very interesting franchise and I'm always curious to see what they try to do next with it.
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