#him wearing the hoodie when u get him on his first ascension;; its like;; he discards his identity all the time
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darabeatha · 4 months ago
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/ One of the things that make me go -CLENCHES HANDS ON FISTS AND KNEELS ON THE GROUND LIKE HAVING A TUMMY ACHE- is that thing when Arthur opens up with someone / slowly begins feeling more comfortable with said person, and that cheeky / teasing attitude comes out;;; like he branches out and pokes back at you, and in those moments, you can feel that semblance of a spirit, a human-like trait, it's not that rigidness of a king, nor that far away fantasy of a knight in silver armor, in that moment its;; Arthur,,,, Arthur the man; its like a dandelion slowly opening up to sunlight, it's him letting those pieces of himself to take over the spotlight for a moment, it's him taking a step back and standing next to you, not in front like a shield or your sword, but as a friend, a lover, a man, the remainings of what was left of him since the start that could not fully be discarded; for a moment he pieces them back together, consciously or not, and his eyes gain a different shine
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cariosum · 6 years ago
✏ x 5 !! topics: food, music, social thoughts ( like how they think about how some people act, ect ), literacy, && how about... uhm... style of dress !!
send ✏ for a headcanon // accepting // thank u !! goodness i have rambled. the long one is first! the others are shorter and behind the cut but hey put the in depth-ish shit first yknow
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LITERACY. Alter can read, but often dislikes to. Documents that are long expanses of text or that have some kind of plot are very difficult for him to follow because he has trouble paying attention or remembering things that aren’t objectively important. He tends to lose his place in text easily, slipping over chunks of text without realizing, forgetting where he’s at, losing track of what the sentence he just read said, etc. Understandably, it’s a lot of work for him to read much of anything that doesn’t have large line breaks.
It’s much easier for Alter to read things that are bullet-pointed lists or short notes. His own diary is written in this style, largely bullet points and drawings with accompanying notes as to what the drawing is and why its subject is important to remember, rather than linear sentences about his day.
If someone reads to him, he’s better at remembering it (providing he finds it important, still), and even if he doesn’t find it important, he tends to like listening to the cadence of someone else’s voice. He’s the type to prefer audiobooks if there’s something he feels like reading. As such, if you try to give him a document and say “read it, it’s important”, he’ll either demand a verbal summary or ignore the document entirely because he knows it’s a waste of effort/energy to try and slog through a paper he’s not going to remember any of.
MUSIC. Alter doesn’t often listen to music, because it is one of many things he’s usually too apathetic to seek out. However, when he does bother having an opinion, he tends to prefer songs with a heavy bass line or synth use. He’s not really picky in terms of genre or content otherwise, though. Sometimes, when his tinninitus acts up, he’ll listen to music to distract himself from it/drown it out. That’s usually the only time he actively goes and seeks out music, though.
FOOD. Alter is beginning to get rather irritated with people often offering him food or bringing it up to him. He does what he can to remind people he doesn’t eat, doesn’t cook, and doesn’t want to do either, and yet people keep giving him food or asking him to cook. It irritates him mostly because it reminds him that he is still seen and will be seen as bargain bin sad Emiya rather than a different individual, and he is still the Inferior Emiya.... and also it’s a goddamn waste of food. That takes work to get, and there’s actual humans living in Chaldea! Give them the food, stop wasting it on people who gain nothing from eating (huffy Alter noises at the waste of food).
SOCIAL MORES. Alter understands proper social interactions, but that does not mean he feels like following its rules. He comes off as very cold, very blunt, and pretty rude just because he finds being polite usually a waste of time. He will be nice if he needs to lull someone into liking him, and he’s more likely to be polite when he’s tired. People who are overly formal to the point of not directly delivering information annoy him greatly.
Because he doesn’t bother with a lot of social niceties, Emiya comes across as a lot more angry and callous than he actually is. He is rather angry and callous, but usually not as much as he acts. It just serves to keep people from wanting to hang around and playact nice with him, which Emiya is all for discouraging.
DRESS. Alter, when told to blend in with human society and not wear his Servant garb, has exactly two modes of dress: ‘mobster in the 20s attending a highbrow formal event’, and ‘a thrift store exploded and coated some poor man in hoodies three sizes too big for him’. There is absolutely no in between. When he’s going out and actually doing things he tends to wear button-ups and suits, all fitted and made of nice fabric, and then spend his down time in three jackets, none of which fit, and sweatpants tucked into military boots. Alter is an enigma. (This also applies largely to his humanverse.) He’s either unnervingly well dressed or looks like a fabric monster pulled from a gutter. 
In all styles of clothing, Alter prefers dark colours with yellow or red accents. All of his modern (re: not his Servant garb) clothing has space for gun holsters and probably a knife or three.
His Servant outfit falls under the ‘fitted’ category, and upon inspection the fabric it’s made from is very high quality and remarkably durable, even if the coat-tail-thing is getting worse for wear around the bottom by his final ascension. That part he just can’t be arsed to care about. It’s the default outfit, so he’s just gotten used to it and become rather apathetic about its upkeep when it tends to regenerate much like everything else on his saint graph.
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