#Rive writes
riveliciousx · 2 years
i totally lost my mojo and i'm struggling to pick up where i left in december, it's gonna be a hassle to finish this shit since i'm on my own now
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garadinervi · 2 years
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Jasper Johns, Galerie Rive Droite, Paris, June 13 – July 12, 1960
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encrucijada · 1 year
'twas fun while it lasted 🫡 (officially giving up on camp nano lmao)
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janelher · 2 years
« Hommage à Léo Ferré »
Toi qui ne disais jamais rien
J’ai tes refrains dans mes mains
Ni dieu ni maître à ce qu’on dit
Moi, je voudrais juste dire merci
À toi, qui n’en reviendrais pas
Rien de toi ne s’en va
Sur ton Île Saint-Louis
La liberté refait mon nid
Léo, Léo, c’est pas si grave
Si certains refrains se délavent
La jolie môme, c’est trop pour son coeur
Vingt-et-unième siècle: tu t’en r’mettr’as
Tes étandars sont trop gais
Pour s’émouvoir de tes couplets
Est-ce ainsi que les hommes vivent ?
Pornographie ou bien érotisme ?
Dans ton Saint-Germain-des-Prés
Moi, je poursuis une voie ferrée
Je suis Pépée, toi le fusil
Assasinée dans ta folie
J’ai beau harmoniser ma voix
Après toi, rien ne s’en va
Ce maudit blues était ta vie
Ton affiche rouge, c’est ma survie
Léo, Léo, j’irai jusqu’au bout
Mémoire, la mer, les Hiboux
Ton scaphandrier sera mon prélude
Rutebeuf, ma solitude
Tes anarchistes et mes chansons
Se comprendront un peu, ainsi font
Je serai ton Paris Canaille
Et toi mon phare, mon étoile
Léo, Léo, si je déclame
Ces mots en l’air, je m’enflamme
C’est bien que mon coeur te remercie
J’ai flané sur ton Île Saint-Louis
J’ai craché des mots mais sans le faire exprès
Comme un calque sur un chevalet
Si mes griffures brouillonnent ton fantôme
Ma voix t’épelle en saxophones
Ma voix t’épelle en saxophones
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truly-sincerely · 2 months
(tl;dr: yes)
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In this essay I will…
Okay, but seriously I did write an essay.
I got here after chasing a very different rabbit down its hole. I'd noticed that Gortash seems to have been throwing out a lot of his stuff (read: mostly employees).
Waldemar Prinski, a loyal banite, sold to a devil for a corn chip
Dark Breaker Antiope, sahuagin wrangler, A Negotiation
The Steel Watch Foundry, Orders to Black Gauntlet Rives
Scribe Yanthus, my beloved, sent on a wild bhaal chase
Vance Farnol, journalist, tho you could argue he had it coming
Goblin Worg handler at Flymm Cargo, plus the Worgs when they run out of Goblin to eat
And, of course, everyone at his Coronation
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Was killing all of the patriars and their staff a grim necessity, Enver? Was it?
(Also, he's installed a giant portrait of Bane and a bust of Bane in the penthouse, but he doesn't have a single picture of himself, or any mirrors, for that matter. Food for thought.)
My initial diagnosis was macabre, but obviously I’ve moved away from that line of thinking. He's just way too happy to brag about how much danger he's put himself, us, and the entire world in. It freaked me out the first time I met him (as a Tav). Like I see him glancing at the ground and smiling coyly while saying, "If we're lucky, we'll become slaves," on the back of my eyelids when I go to bed at night.
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For the love of all that is holy, could you please turn it down a notch?
I've been obsessed with The Ultimate State since I first read it. It's absolutely absurd nonsense. The item description says it's, "the philosophical ramblings of Enver Gortash." and I feel like it's worth noting that he doesn't write his own propaganda; he has the banites do it for him. But I mean, it really does read like he's twisting himself in knots to connect "unity" and "progress" together, but babe, those jigsaw pieces do not go together like that. Anyway, while thinking about this subject it dawned on me:
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They're the same picture.
You know what other line of thinking these two have in common?
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They both look so sad when they say this. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I abandoned you.
I know we all love to joke about Durge or Gortash feeding the Brain the "Handsome, Younger Man" line, but what if that was just a smokescreen and it's been the other way around this whole time?
Netherbrain: You think you know why you are here. You think you can atone for giving me my power, child of Bhaal, by destroying me with the Netherstones. You are wrong. The Emperor: It’s messing with your mind. Don’t listen to it. Use the stones. Netherbrain: By eliminating Ketheric and Orin, you have simply unbound me. Exactly as I intended. The Crown is now mine to command - mine alone. The Emperor: Don’t listen to it! Focus on the Crown! Netherbrain: You placed the Crown upon me in the depths of Moonrise Towers, and there I was born. The Crown is not my weakness - it is what made me what I am. Gortash: You are delusional - the Crown is how we controlled you! Netherbrain: I respected Bhaal’s child once, but not you, Gortash. I allowed you to control me as long as it suited my purposes. You have played your part. The next order to be given is mine and it is this - die. Gortash: (crumples like a piece of parchment) Netherbrain: When the parasite entered your ruined mind - you became a pawn in my design. Who do you think told the Chosen about the Astral Prism? Who do you think planted the knowledge of Orpheus’ power, and the fear of what it could do? When the Chosen sent my thralls to retrieve the Prism - who do you think let the ‘Emperor’ slip its leash, knowing it would be the one to bring you to me? The Emperor: We were part of its plan… Netherbrain: I only needed one Netherstone loosened from the Chosen’s grasp to guarantee my freedom. You brought all three back to me. In doing so, you have liberated me. This was your role - and it is complete. Now you will witness the Grand Design.
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The face of a man who has 20 INT and 16 WIS and is definitely not the brainwashed pawn of a giant brain that's been manipulating him in his sleep.
You think his puny +7 WIS save is gonna beat the Netherbrain when it's been working on his ass every time he goes to sleep for the last nine months? I say thee nay.
Also, and this is probably oversharing, but my dad, who I used to think of as a really smart guy is now a huge Trump supporter. He's an atheist but he'll parrot conservative christian talking points that I've seen clipped from Nazi talking heads. The words that come out of his mouth and the way he smiles when he says completely insane things is haunting.
What all of this means at the end of the day isn't much in the grand scheme of things, but it's kind of sad, and it definitely says something about his characterization. This man is floundering in a soup of his own making. A tragic puppet. A poor little meow meow.
There's an interesting line of demarcation between the various writings that he dictated to Scribe Yanthus, the things he wrote himself, and the things he says to us in the game.
Elder Brain Domination (from Ketheric, but about Gortash)
Suspended Ceremorphosis
The Grand Design
Studies of the Elder Brains
Accelerated Grand Design
Memoir Notes With Recent Addenda
Journal of Enver Gortash
He's so much more motivated and insightful early on, epitomized in Ketheric's entry, "Gortash fears that, energised by the dark energies of the Crown, the brain we now call the Absolute will eventually metamorphose into something new and more difficult to control." And he was right! But that guy's nowhere to be found by the time we meet him.
This one makes me particularly sad, "No weakness but the unexpected. It seems I shall need unexpected allies," because, again, he's right, and we could've saved him if the game had given us the opportunity to say, "No, there is another way. Let's not walk into this obvious trap." He wrote us a roadmap; left a trail of breadcrumbs; and we weren't given the option to follow them.
But I guess that's what fixfics are for.
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literaryvein-reblogs · 2 months
Any words related to fighting outside hit, punch, kick, cut, gut, slice?
Bastinado - to subject to repeated blows
Batter - to beat with successive blows so as to bruise, shatter, or demolish
Bludgeon - to hit with heavy impact
Calcitrate - archaic: kick
Clobber - to pound mercilessly; to hit with force
Combat - to fight with; battle
Cudgel - to beat with or as if with a short heavy club
Drub - to beat severely
Flog - to beat with or as if with a rod or whip
Fracas - a noisy quarrel; brawl
Grapple - to grasp with the hands; wrestle
Hector - to intimidate or harass by bluster or personal pressure
Incise - to cut into
Lambaste - to assault violently; beat, whip
Larrup - to flog soundly; whip
Maim - to mutilate, disfigure or wound seriously
Mangle - to injure with deep disfiguring wounds by cutting, tearing, or crushing
Mêlée - a confused struggle; especially: a hand-to-hand fight among several people
Mutilation - an act or instance of destroying, removing, or severely damaging a limb or other body part of a person or animal
Oppugn - to fight against
Pummel - pound, beat
Rive - to wrench open or tear apart or to pieces; rend; to split with force or violence
Ruckus - a noisy fight or disturbance : row, commotion
Scrimmage - a confused fight; scuffle
Scuffle - to struggle at close quarters with disorder and confusion
Spar - skirmish, wrangle; a movement of offense or defense in boxing
Stamp - to strike or beat forcibly with the bottom of the foot
Thump - to strike or beat with or as if with something thick or heavy so as to cause a dull sound
Thwack - to strike with or as if with something flat or heavy; whack
Tussle - to struggle roughly; scuffle
Hope this helps with your writing. Do tag me, or send me a link. I'd love to read your work!
More: Word Lists
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crystal-overdrive · 7 months
List of Banites
I went through the Foundy and Wyrm's Rock to get a list of Banite names, hopefully useful for anyone writing Church of Bane or Gortash centered fic.
Fists of Bane
Fists of Bane are the lowest ranked foot soldiers of Bane who obey all orders without hesitation.
Bagdog - Half-Orc Person
Polanulus - Human Man
Gudrum - Human Woman
Frode - Human Man
Zana Hade - Human Woman
Iron Consuls
Iron Consuls are cunning field officers who excel at coordinating the Fists of Bane in combat.
Jaxbock - Human Mam
Lo - Human Man
Malik the Cruel
Chadd - Orc
Underbite Yoonce - Half-Orc
Marten the Hammer - Half-Orc Man
Black Gauntlets
The Black Gauntlets are priests who command the consuls.
Hahns Rives - Human Man, Overseer of the Foundry Lab
Indora Ralston - Human Woman
Ulova - Human Man
Borri Paver - Dwarf Man
...and my two favorites
Black Gauntlet Tamia Holtz, who seemed to be running at least part of the Foundry, and Fist of Bane Gasper Throaks, the son of a tailor who is a newcomer to the cult, having been given a job by Tamia after spending his time hanging around the Guildhall.
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Turns out if you go to the Elfsong Gasper's Mum Clovia is having an affair with Tamia BUT the first time I saw this letter I imagined Tamia and Gasper were getting married and I loved the idea of this vicious overseer being a sweet daughter-in-law.
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hard--headed--woman · 3 months
Annemarie Schwarzenbach
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(i am so glad i learned about her!)
Born in 1908 and died in 1942, she is a Swiss writer, poet, explorer, philosopher,  photographer, journalist and traveler (yeah that's impressive!).
Her family was a family of Swiss industrialists from the upper bourgeoisie and close to the far-right ; openly lesbian, she lives with difficulty with them and can't wait to leave.
From 1927, she studied history and literature in Zurich and Paris and then began writing articles for the Swiss press.
In 1930, she became friends with Klaus Mann (writer) and Erika Mann (writer, actress, singer) children of Thomas Mann (writer) and had a long affair with the latter. She supported them in their fight against Nazism. The three friends joined the anti-fascist magazine Die Sammlung.
In 1931, she obtained a doctorate. At the age of 23, she published her first novel, Les Amis de Bernhard. She became friends with Claude Bourdet, Catherine Pozzi's (poet and writer) son and a future member of the French Resistance.
In 1933, Annemarie Schwarzenbach made her first trip as a journalist, travelling to Spain with the photographer Marianne Breslauer.
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That same year, she travelled to Persia and decided to marry, in Tehran, Achille Clarac, the secretary of the French legation, who was openly homosexual. She did this so that she was no longer dependent on her parents. Thanks to her marriage, she was able to obtain a diplomatic passport, which facilitated her travels. Obviously, it wasn't a love marriage; the two of them did it to help each other and to be able to live free.
She later returned to Switzerland, then left for the Soviet Union and the United States. In 1938, she underwent several detox treatments for her morphine addiction. She fell in love with one of the women in charge of her treatment. During these stays at the clinic, she wrote "La Vallée Heureuse","Das glückliche Tal" (The Happy Valley).
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In 1939-1940, when Europe was once again embroiled in war, she travelled by Ford from Geneva to Kabul, via Iran, with the Swiss traveller, writer and photographer Ella Maillart, a journey marked by her addiction problems. The two women's epic journey is recounted by Ella Maillart in her book "La Voie cruelle". It was during this journey that Annemarie Schwarzenbach wrote "Un hiver au Proche-Orient". She also wrote various reports for Swiss newspapers.
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On her return, she went back to the United States, where her addiction to morphine, her depressive tendencies and her suicide attempts forced her to undergo several psychiatric treatments. She then became interested in the trade union movement. In New York, she befriended Carson McCullers, who fell madly in love with her and dedicated "Reflections in a Golden Eye" to her.
During a stay in the Belgian Congo, Annemarie Schwarzenbach joined the Free French forces in Brazzaville; she was mistaken for a Nazi spy. Disturbed by this comparison, she began writing a series of poems, including Les Rives du Congo-Tétouan. In 1942, having regained her serenity, she decided to return to Switzerland.
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On 7 September 1942, a fall from her bicycle seriously injured her head. She was treated in a psychiatric hospital in Prangins, with electric shocks. Her mother then had her taken back to the Engadine, where she died on 15 November, aged 34.
After her death, her mother chose to destroy a large part of her correspondence. However, the Annemarie Schwarzenbach fonds is preserved at the Swiss Literary Archives in Bern and was made freely accessible on Wikimedia Commons in 2017. She was nicknamed the "inconsolable angel" by the French writer Roger Martin du Gard.
She has created a number of novels, poems, photos and reports during her many travels, and I invite you to take a look at her work!!! She was such an interesting person!!!
I love women with a thirst for life and the world like that; she wanted to discover everything, and created such interesting things!!!
Do check her books, her poems and her photos!
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bitterkarella · 1 month
Midnight Pals: Sex Advice
Graham Masterton: it may interest you to know Masterton: that when i'm not writing horror Masterton: i'm writing sex guides Barker: oh yeah? how's that work? i thought you were british Masterton: i Masterton:
Barker: how you gonna write a sex guide when you're british? Masterton: you're british Barker: ah ha ha oh you got me ha ha ha! Barker: this guy's good Barker: he's real good!
Edward Lee: bro you write sex guides? Masterton: yup! Masterton: like 'Mr and Mrs. Erotic Briton' Masterton: and 'Tepid Sex Teatime Soiree' Lee: bro
Lee: bro i'm trying to get my buddy howard laid Lee: you got any advice bro? Masterton: let me see the client Lovecraft: Masterton: ah Masterton: no i don't
Lee: bro c'mon bro Lee: help my bro out here man he's dying Masterton: ok um well Masterton: ok first you need to woo the lady Masterton: try buying her some chocolates Lovecraft: [sweats] oh i can't do that
Lovecraft: I've heard chocolate's from Belgium Masterton: Lee: oh i shoulda mentioned that Lee: my bro here is racist against Belgians Masterton: yeah no that's right and proper Masterton: fuck Belgium!!!
Masterton: but actually chocolate's not originally from Belgium Masterton: it's from south America Lovecraft: what??? that's even worse! Lee: yeah bro you're not really helping your case bro
Lee: bro c'mon give my bro some advice on how to get a lady Masterton: well my expert advice is Masterton: Masterton: have you considered just jerking off? Lovecraft: [sweats]
Graham Masterton: listen ladies Masterton: here's a tip that'll really rive him wild in bed Masterton: next time you're out hiking, pick up a small flat stone
Masterton: and when you're getting in the mood Masterton: surprise him by pressing it against his perineum Tabitha King: Sonia Greene: Angela Carter: Masterton: that means his taint Tabitha King: oh! his taint! well, of course
Masterton: they love me in Poland! Masterton: see, they erected this statue of me as a dwarf Barker: oh yeah they gave you the Keebler elf hat and everything Masterton: it's not a Keebler elf hat! Masterton: it's a dwarf hat! Masterton: there's a difference!
Poe: why are you a dwarf? Masterton: you know, because Masterton: Masterton: look, it's because Masterton: look, dwarves are very important to the polish people, okay? Masterton: they're, like, really big in their culture! Masterton: really big! Masterton: not literally, tho
Barker: yeah for real, why are they putting up statues of you in Poland Poe: it's probably like when they put up that statue of me in boston Barker: i thought you were from Baltimore Poe: yeah but i did visit boston once Barker: Barker: yeah ok sure that counts
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bugs1nmybrain · 1 year
Hello. I have an idea for L x reader. They are making out and stuff and some of the task force walk on them. But it is completely fine if you dont want to write it. So no pressure :) Have a nice day.
I'm more than happy to write this!
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Warnings: MDNI, Almost nsfw makeout session
L was supposed to be paying attention to be taking notes about his current findings on the Kira investigation..and then you walked in. And what a distraction you were. He couldn't tell how long it had been, all he knew was that you two had been lip locked for a good while now.
He can't really remember how you even ended up in his lap. He couldn't help but dig his fingers into your waist and pull you into the kiss even more. You find yourself grinding along his lap, provoking a light whine from your lover. Your breath was like a warm fire amongst his lips, saliva gluing you together. Your kisses were loud, producing wet sounds in the air.
L removed his hands from your waist and slipped them underneath your shirt, holding your hips. You rive against him and fumble with his hair. His hands guide further up your body and then--
The door opened.
Before you stood Chief Yagami, Matsuda, Aizawa, and of course, Light. Each one of them painted an individual look on their face. Chief Yagami and Matsuda looked as if they couldn't believe what they saw, Aizawa just looking straight up disappointed, while Light was chuckling under his breath.
You jump off L's lap quicker than lightspeed. All you could do was simply stand there embarrassed.
"Did Watari say you could come in?" L asks.
"Uhh..yes. He said you would be in this room..uh..were we interrupting something?" Chief Yagami asks sheepishly.
"No, come on in. Have you found anything new about the investigation?"
So he was just going to act like nothing happened.
"Yes, actually," Light intervenes. "Kira seems to be altering his regular killing routine..but I'll admit, Ryuuzaki, I never took you for someone who was sensual."
"Yes, well, there are many things I have learned to do. May I ask why you're so intruiged?"
"Oh, it's nothing personal," Light defuses. "Wow, (your fake name), Ryuuzaki sure is fond of you, isn't he?"
You feel your face getting hot at the invasive question. You have to question his motives. An innocent question could be intel for someone like him.
"Ryuuzaki, shouldn't you let us when it's not appropriate to be arriving? "Chief Yagami remarks.
"Good point. I suppose I lost focus of the time." Despite L's collected appearance, he was embarrassed more than he would let on.
"Oh, will you drop it? Let's talk about what we came here for!" Aizawa says to your relief, dropping the conversation.
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bi-bard · 1 year
Unreal Unearth - Hozier Writing Challenge Masterlist
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Hello! Here's the writing challenge masterlist for Hozier's "Unreal Unearth".
This is easily one of the most beautiful albums I've ever listened to it. It is full of gorgeous lyrics and music. I hope that the stories I have constructed for it can reflect that.
I hope you guys enjoy these stories!
De Selby (Pt. 1)
And Sit Unseen, With Only the Inner Upheld Jack Kline X Reader [Supernatural] Summary: Two Nephilims find themselves taking shelter with the Winchesters. However, no safety and security could match up to true connection and understanding.
De Selby (Pt. 2)
I Wanna Fade Away with You Dick Grayson X Reader [HBO's Titan] Summary: (Y/n) and Dick's connection was one to be envied. By friends and family and anyone who had known them. This connection is good until it seems to be turning Dick into someone different. Now, the biggest question is whether or not that change is bad.
First Time
Some Part of Me Came Must Have Died the Final Time You Called Me, "Baby" Joel Miller X Reader [HBO's The Last of Us] Summary: Joel is offered a rare glimpse of hope after the apocalypse had started. However, the universe can pull away signs of hope just as fast it can offer them.
If I Could Hold You for a Minute, I'd Go Through It Again Charles Rowland X Witch!Reader [Dead Boy Detectives] Summary: Whoever claimed that risking your life was only for the living had never seen the true devotion of a ghost before.
I, Carrion (Icarian)
But If We Fall, I Only Pray, Don’t Fall Away from Me Captain Sean Renard X Reader [Grimm] Summary: (Y/n)'s new reality forces many secrets to come to light and many decisions to be reconsidered.
Eat Your Young
It's Quicker and Easier to Eat Your Young Peaky Blinders X Child!Reader [Peaky Blinders] Summary: A new gang attempts to put down roots in Birmingham, much to the displeasure of the Shelbys. However, as tensions rise, more is revealed about this new gang... including some concerning cracks in the foundation.
Damage Gets Done
You and I Had Nothing to Show but the Best of the World in the Palm of Our Hand Daisy Jones X Reader [Daisy Jones & the Six] Summary: In which two dear friends find themselves face-to-face years after they lost contact with each other and it's as if a day had never truly passed. Except that it did. The only question will be what they will do now that it had and they were both such different people.
Who We Are
And the Hardest Part is Who We Are Nikolai Lantsov X Reader [Shadow & Bone] Summary: A long line of unfortunate events leads two old friends to learn more about each other and themselves.
Son of Nyx
Son of Nyx Hannibal Lecter X Reader [NBC's Hannibal] Summary: An exploration of two forms of grief; one for a death that occurred long ago and one for a death that is set in stone but has not yet occurred.
All Things End
And Just Knowin' that Everything Will End Should Not Change Our Plans Merlin X Reader [BBC's Merlin] Summary: A story of love, loss, and accepting the inevitable.
To Someone From a Warm Climate (Uiscefhuarithe)
And I Wish I Could Say that the Rive of My Arms Have Found the Ocean Kaz Brekker X Reader [Shadow & Bone] Summary: Time can be essential in earning trust. If only it didn't take a matter of seconds to lose that very trust.
Butchered Tongue
A Butchered Tongue Still Singin' Here Above the Ground Morgana X Reader [BBC's Merlin] Summary: Morgana escapes from Camelot after her attempt to tear apart the kingdom and kill Uther. Now alone, she finds some kindness in (Y/n), who may end up being far more important than Morgana would have ever considered.
Anything But
I Would Do Everything Just to Run Away Mr. Knightley X Reader [Emma. (2020)] Summary: Mr. Knightley's eyes seem to lock onto an old friend of Emma's. Said old friend's eyes seem to lock on any of the potential exits around them. Some may be able to read between the lines. However, some people require a far more direct response.
Abstract (Psychopomp)
All My Love and Terror Balanced Between Those Eyes Will Graham X Reader [NBC's Hannibal] Summary: A collection of nightmares that have been haunting Will the most recently.
And There are Some People, Love, Who are Better Unknown The Master X Reader [Doctor Who] Summary: [End of Season 12] The Master was known for doing whatever was necessary to get what he wanted. However, after so much time together, (Y/n) wanted to believe that they would be offered some kind of mercy. Oh, how wrong they were.
First Light
But After This I'm Never Gonna Be the Same and I Am Never Going Back Again Eleventh Doctor X Reader [Doctor Who] Summary: (Y/n) had never known true peace like they did with the Doctor. They had never known such support, such acceptance, such love. What will happen when (Y/n) learns that their perfect existence isn't all that they thought it was?
Too Sweet
You're Too Sweet For Me Kya Clark X Reader [Where the Crawdads Sing] Summary: Kya meets another outcast. Though less known than Kya's seemed to be, (Y/n)'s reputation is one that seemed to follow them to all places except for the places that they go with Kya. Even though it seemed like nothing could stop them from growing closer, there may be a line that the two of them can't cross without their reputations getting in the way.
Wildflower and Barley
I Swear It Will Be Buried in Words Connell Waldron X Reader [Normal People] Summary: For many, going to university can be a time of self-discovery and new connections. For others, it can be the most isolating experience of their lives. That had been the experience for both Connell and (Y/n). What happens when two very lonely, very scared people find themselves forced to face that loneliness without hiding from themselves and each other.
Empire Now
The Future's so Bright It's Burnin' Harley Quinn X Reader [Birds of Prey] Summary: The fall of Sionis leaves room for the rise of Harley. A rise that will forever be known by anyone who walks the streets of Gotham.
Fare Well
Let the Sun Only Shine on Me Through a Fallin' Sky Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto X Reader [The Bear] Summary: Two damaged people make a series of impulsive decisions that may lead to their downfalls... but at least it felt good in the moment. ----------------------
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riveliciousx · 2 years
well, i didn't cry. i chose to start again for the third time and i think it'll be a charm... if i manage to finish tomorrow, that is.
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uwmspeccoll · 1 year
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James Trissel's Color for Letterpress
After being away from UWM Special Collections for the first part of the Summer, I was delighted to spend some time looking through some of the gorgeous work we recently acquired from the estate of Dennis Bayuzick. I was particularly taken by Color for Letterpress, published in an edition of seventy-five by The Press at Colorado College in 1978. The book was designed and printed by founder of the press, Jim Trissel. Over two decades, Trissel raised the press to a level of excellence attained by only a handful of academic letterpresses in the United States.
Jim's son Ben, who worked beside him at the press, reflected on his father's exacting standards in a memorial essay shortly after his death in 1999: "I remember once abandoning the initial layout of the Color for Letterpress book because the registration was off by a 1/32 of an inch. He stopped the press run, reconfigured the book's enture structure, and printed it right."
Color for Letterpress was printed on a Vandercook Universal Power 3 press. Trissel used mostly lithographic inks on BFK Rives paper from Arches, which he describes in the introduction as "very white," and "dimensionally stable." The book consists of an introductory text and three sections of plates housed in a white acrylic case. The plates of the first section, The Quartered Spectrum, utilize single hues with variations in density and temperature. Families of Analogous Color, the second section, "contrasts hues by temperature but prints individual hues in closely related groups or families." The last grouping is called Six Complementary Pairs and shows contrasts in both hue and temperature. "The book is accordion-bound," writes Trissel, "to permit an easy display of the plates."
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Check out more from the Collection of Dennis Bayuzick here.
Find more Decorative Sunday posts here.
-Olivia Hickner, Special Collections Graduate intern
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cyclesprefectpress · 1 year
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[image description: 7 photos of a letterpress print, the formes of wood type, and the relief linoleum block used to print it. The print illustrates in orange a pair of human hands holding open a snarling dog's mouth; underneath in yellow are parts of the dog's skull and spine. beside it in burgundy, printed from rough, large wood type, is the text: "Something about the way I hold my teeth makes me prone to biting myself." The forme of handset wood type is assembled in the Vandercook press bed letter by letter, with more pieces of wood, lead, and steel as spacing between each letter, word, and line of type. end description.]
Some of me is freed from tension having finished this one. I have been turning images like this over and over and trying to suss out what they mean and then, at the dinner table, my sister said nearly these exact words for completely unrelated & normal reasons and I did a jerkwad Artiste behavior of scrambling for a piece of paper and writing it down in the middle of the conversation. I’m genuinely sorry, sometimes I am a stereotype of my profession and my mind is not present with you when we talk. It is somewhere else thinking about mammalian bite strength. 16x16 inches, cream BFK Rives. This was one of those Audience Of One (Who Is Me) projects when I was designing it, BUT I did make an edition of 25 (plus a couple slight misprints). Etsy or message me if u also wish to have this mood for your home :)
wip 1 : wip 2 : wip 3 : wip 4
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primadonalover · 23 days
Sworn to Hate Eachother
Summary: River and Y/n are sworn to hate eachother, however y/n starts to question her real feelings for her rival when Lamb suggests what could be the deep-rooted problem between them.
Short Note: Those of you who know Slow Horses know the way Lamb speaks. For me personally, I'm not a fan or swearing, so I won't be adding it in my writing. Just wanted to mention this incase you slow horses fans thought I'd written Lamb inaccurately
"How could you! How ... just....JUST HOW!?"
Lamb yelled whilst he marched round the carpet of his deteriorating office, laced with the not so faint stench of cigarettes and alcohol.
"I JUST...." He spoke with an exasperated tone, running his hand through the mess that he called hair.
"Look we're sorry alight." Cartwright spoke trying to reason with the hysterical man.
"You don't need to apologies for me, I'm not a baby." Y/n rolled her eyes at the agent that stood by her.
"Well you acted like a baby on the mission didn't you." Cartwright scoffed in response.
"Are you serious right now?! You were the one who was acting like a baby!"
"It was MY mission, therefore I got the gun!"
"Your can't shoot to save your life! I should have had that gun! It's just incredible how STUPID you are!"
"THATS IT!" Lamb shouted slamming his fist against his desk grabbing the attention if the two bickering intensely.
"First of all, you screw up a mission, a mission that was quite important for our reputation I might add, my reputation to be more direct. Second of all, the only decent reason you can give for this royal screw up is that you both "don't like eachother" .What are you a pair of children?! Thirdly, you both make my life a living hell! I mean..I mean what is it? I just don't get it?!" Lamb spoke in a state of confusion as he sat down staring at the two who both looked to floor ashamed.
"I mean I just don't get it, I....wait...oh bloody hell I should have seen this before." Lamb huffed leaning back in his chair rubbing his head.
"Seen what ?" River spoke as him and y/n looked at eachother confused but still with great hate.
"It's been staring me in the face this entire time!" Lamb rambled on. "Just so obvious!"
"What's obvious?!" Y/n asked curiously.
"Well, that you fancy eachother!"
"WE WHAT!?" Y/n and River exclaimed, almost falling to the floor with shock.
"Well clearly, there seems to be alot of...tension between you both sooo maybe you too both just need to f-"
"Don't finish that sentence!" River interrupted making Lamb chuckle.
"This is ridiculous, me!? With him?! " y/n scoffed pointing at River.
"Oh excuse me but what is exactly wrong with me?" River turned his rival putting his hands to his hips.
"Oh let me see, uhhh always seeking approval from others, self centred , can't do your job properly, that hair-"
"Wait, what? My hair , what's wrong with my hair!" River exclaimed looking from Lamb to Y/n.
"I mean where to begin." Y/n laughed whilst going to touch it only to have Rive slap her hand away.
"He just assaulted me." She spoke folding her arms turning to Lamb.
"Aleight alright alright I've had enough of this, both of you just do what you want but don't come crying to me like a bunch of babies when the other annoyes you, right! Now y/n get out whilst I talk to River."
"But Lamb-"
"Look I'm in no mood to argue, just go." Lamb waved his hand at y/n.
"Fine." She spoke glaring at River who stood there smirking as she slammed the door.
"Well that seemed intense." Louisa commented to y/n as she stormed out of the office.
"Yea well what's new with Cartwright." She mumbled siting down.
"So who one this round then?"
"Not actually sure, I mean Cartwrights the one still in the office and I don't hear shouting so...."
"Yea sounds like Lambs favours him this time." Louisa commented sitting next to y/n as they both began filing and sorting through old documents that Catherine asked them to look at.
"I don't know why, he was CLEARLY in the wrong."
"I don't even know why Lamb puts you on missions together, we all know it'll end up going wrong cause of a disagreement." Shirly spoke joining in the conversation.
"I think he enjoys it." Laughed y/n "You know he basically said me and Cartwright has sexual tension, I mean can you imagine."
Louisa and Shirly just glanced at eachother smirking.
"What! Guys come on! Me and Cartwright, that's crazy." Y/n shook her head in disgust.
"Well I see the way he looks at you and I just wonder." Louisa spoke whilst shirly nodded in agreement m
"He looks at me with hate, hello ? Has everyone lost there mind!"
"Oh I don't think he looks at you with hate exactly." Shirly chuckled.
"Fine, be like that but I swear that nothings going on between me and that stupid man."
Just as y/n spoke River stepped out from Lambs office glancing at her in the process, clearly hearing that last comment.
"See." Louisa smirked
"Shut up." Y/n hissed back as River walked up to them.
"What did Lamb want?" Shirly asked him.
"Uh another mission." He grumbled in response "He also says that he wants the filling done ready for tomorrow."
"Thats ridiculous, it'll take forever." Louisa spoke stunned as the rest looked on.
"I don't really think he cares." River responded trying to be sympathetic. "Anyway I'll see you guys tomorrow." He gave a small wave to the group, to only be ignored by none other than y/n.
"He looked sad that you ignored him." Shirly teased once River had left.
"OK enough, this is not a high school rom com, let's get it together people." Y/n stated strictly, trying to focus on the files though her mind kept going back to River, always River.
3 hours later
"Uh this is torture, even Lambs left." Shirly huffed putting her hands in head.
"Yea I was meant to be meeting up with some family tonight." Sighed Louisa still working through files
"And I had a party, we've all got problem." Shirly grumbled from her buried head.
After a minuet of thinking y/n spoke up .
"Look you both have plans for night and I don't have nothing better to do, so why don't you guys head out and I'll try and do my best with these files."
"Y/n you don't have to do that." Said Louisa
"Yea coudnt Catherine deal with it tomorrow." Spoke shirly.
"Oh no she's been of sick today, I don't want to have a bunch of work for her tomorrow. Honestly guys it's fine you go."
"Well only if your sure?"
"Louisa I'll be fine."
"Thanks bye!" Shirly exclaimed jumping up ,grabbing her coat and running out to the door.
"Well she woke up quickly." Y/n laughed as Louisa collected her stuff ready to head out.
"Hey y/n, thanks again." She called before heading out the door.
"Right then." Y/n said to herself as she looked at the remaining stack of papers. "Let's get this done."
As time went by y/n manged to work her way the the piles of papers, one file at a time. Though she coudnt help but think about what Lamb and the others had said and implied. Why did they all think she and River liked eachother, everything he did irritated her and probably the other way around aswell, but still, maybe there was something there? No she thought to herself, your being stupid y/n.
Suddenly whilst she was lost in the landscape of her own daydreaming a huge bang came from downstairs makeing her jump out of her chair.
"Wait what time is it." She mumbled looking at the clock , maybe it was Louise and she forgot something?
3 in the morning! That's not louisa. The worry continued as crashing noises continued and the sound of a person walking up the stairs became clearer. Not knowing what to do and not being equipped with any weapon she quickly grabbed an empty bottle of whiskey from Lambs office and hid behind the door.
She couldn't help but shake as the steps came closer and closer. Soon the door that she hid behind opened and figure that seemed to limp appeared.
Not knowing exactly how to handle the current situation y/n did what she usually did best . Throw a blind fit of rage.
"WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT DO YOU WANT!" She screamed jumping out from her hiding place, going to hit the stranger with the bottle.
"What the hell!" A familiar voice retaliated in shock.
"River?!' Y/n exclaimed confused, dropping the bottle. "Is that you?!"
"Yes it's me! Why's it so dark !,# why are you even still here?!"
"Well I thought you were a some thug so I turned of the lights to hide and I'm still going through the files, what are you doing here!?" She spoke going to find the lights switch.
"Doesn't matter." He grumbled turning away from her as the light turned on.
"What's wrong." Y/n spoke with suspicion as she watches him from behind. "Your limping."
"Just leave it."
"Uh no, you can barely stand on your leg and-"
"I hurt it."
"Hurt it? Hurt it how?" She carried on pushing
"Does it really matter y/n." River spoke, not angrily, no attitude infact y/n sensed a tone of tiredness and exhaustion in his voice.
"You gonna turn around to face me then." She crossed her arms determined to find out what was exactly going on with him.
For a moment he didn't do anything, just sighed.
Y/n walked up and gently put a hand to his shoulder.
"Please Cartwright, I know there's something wrong."
"Fine." He huffed tuning to face her.
"Oh my gosh cartwright!" Y/n exclaimed at the sight of him, face all beaten and bruised, cloths partially ripped and covered in blood.
"Happy?" He muttered, clearly in pain.
"What happened!?" She still coudnt get over the state he was in.
"I..." He began and looked down, tears began to form in his eyes. "I can't get into all this now, it's to much, everything just hurts." He tried his best to pull himself together but wasn't a success as soon the tears ran down his bloodied face uncontrollable.
Y/n had no clue what to do. She had never seen river cry, upset or even vulnerable, not like this.
"Do you have anyone who can take care of you, family maybe?" She asked softly still not sure what to exactly do.
He just shook his head "I dont want to cause my grandad any upset and um, there's no one else. That's why I came here, there's first aid kits and it's safe ."
"Oh right." Y/n repleid and the two just stood there.
"You can just carry on working if you want. I'll take care of myself." River stated and went to go and find a first aid kit , hobbling about the room, wincing every now and then.
"For goodness sake Cartwirght sit down." Y/n chuckled seeing the man trying to reach for the first aid kit on a high self.
"Just sit down, I'll get that."
Once she got the kit and river was sat down as comfortably in the chair as he could y/n places the kit on the desk and began to seacgr through it for everything that was needed.
"I can do -"
"Cartwright I did nurses training, so can you put your pride aside and let me just help you, it looks like it just trust to move." She spoke sternly to which he nodded in response.
Sitting on the desk opposite him she began to gently rub the blood from his face.
"Thank you y/n." He spoke looking up to her as she took care of a cut on the side of his head.
"Thats ok" She smiled down at him and continued to work. "So was this to do with the mission Lamb sent you on?"
"Yea." River responded "I had to retrieve something from the park but I uh had a run in with Duffy ." He tried to brush it of.
"Wait Duffy did this to you!?"
"Yes this is all his fine work."
"I can't...I can't believe he did this to you."
"Well he does hate me." He chuckled in response as y/n got up to get him some water.
"I hate you but I'd never do this to you." She responded sadly. "I hate seeing you like this River."
"Wow." He laughed slightly taking the glass from her and watched as she sat opposite him.
"I don't think I've ever heard you call me by my first name before."
"Don't worry I'll get back to cartwright. " She chuckled awkwardly realising what she had done aswell.
"Oh.....it's just I preferred it when you called me River." He spoke avoiding eye contact with her.
"You do?" She asked with a slight smile with river responding with a polite nod.
"Well then ......River, how are you feeling now."
"Just terrific." He chuckled
"Seriously River, you've had some very nasty injuries, I'm surprised you don't have concusion."
"Maybe I do!"
"Well then maybe we should test that.." the pair chuckled and y/n helped River stand on his feet , carefully holding onto him. She coudnt help but blush as they stood so close together. Maybe Lamb was right? No stop thinking that ! Y/n thought pushing his words aside.
"Can you stand ok?" She asked as he clucthed onto her arm,keeping her close to him. There faces close, only parted by height.
"I think I can." River spoke almost in a whisper a line of nervs laced in his voice. Y/n was sure she caught his eyes dart from hers to her lips then bach but she to her eyes. No. Lamb couldn't be right.
"Shall I let go so you can stand on your own then." She went to pulll away from him only for River to hold her tighter to him , staring down at her with a longing in his eyes.
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"River I -" Before she could finish she felt his beaten and bruised hand gently cup her cheek , lifting her head slightly so that they were gazing into eachothers eyes.
"Can I ask you something?" He whispeed closely to her lips gently rubbing her cheek with his thumb.
"Yes." She spoke nervously.
"You don't actually think I'm stupid do you?" He asked sounding embarrassed. Y/n coudnt help but chuckle with how concerned he seemed about it.
"No River of course I don't, I was just angry."
"Oh that's good then." He smiled nervously inching closer.
"And you know." Y/n smirked looking up at him , you have pretty great hair aswell."
"Oh really?"
"Yea I do." She smiled, gently running her fingers through the golden hair, causing his cheeks to flush as she did so.
Suddenly and without thinking through anything y/n leant up on her tip toes and gently placed a soft and delicate kiss to Rivers lips.
She could feel the man's shock depsite how they'd been obviously moving closer and closer to eachother by the minute.
However River swiflty got over the initial suprise of y/ns bold move and leaned into the kiss, softy but not lacking in any passion as he moved his lips against hers.
Soon his hands trailed down to her waist trying to pull her as close to him as possible.
As the kiss became more intense with River backing y/n up against the desk, the realisation suddenly struck her overwhelmingly.
"Wait River wait." She mumbled against his lips beginning to pull away as he lightly bit down on her bottom lip.
"What..whats wrong, did I do something worng. " He whispered nervously afraid he'd messed up.
"No you didn't but-"
"Well let's carry on then." He chuckled going in for another kiss only to be gently pushed back again.
"River we can't." She spoke looking down.
"But why? You kissed me !"
"I know I did."
"You seemed like you very much enjoyed kissing me!"
"River I know-"
"You said you liked my hair!"
"I do!"
"Then what's the problem!?" He began raising his voice.
"Lamb." She mumbled
"What do you mean?"
"If we happen , then he'd be right!"
"Wait, just wait a minute , you clearly like me and I REALLY like you ...alot! We'd be great together, you know we'd be great together but your just to proud to admit that Lamb was right!"
"River he'd never let it go, we'd get comments everyday! By everyone, not just Lamb!"
"Oh so our relationship would be an inconvenience to you! Or maybe an embarrassment!"
"We're not even in a relationship Cartwright!"
"Yea youve got one thing right." He scoffed and began for the door. "And don't call me River again!" He yelled slamming the door on his way out.
Y/n thought she heard him stop on the steps, was he coming back up. Maybe she took it to far. No wait, he's leaving.
She liked him, she knew she liked him alot, but once again they ended up in a fight.
Well that was it now, there was no coming back from what was said.
Hope you all enjoyed thus darlings!
Shall I consider a Part 2😏💕?
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TW: bicep riding. Smut. Language. Praise Kink. 
SUMMARY: Bicep riding your boyfriend, Drew.
Anonymous asked:
Hi!! Im so glad your drew requests are open! Youre my favourite writer ever. Would you write a smut with drew where the reader rides his bicep? He guides and praises her through it and is a dom but she has to rive his arm
"I don't want to crush your arm..." You confessed with a blush having developed from beneath your perspiration, accumulated from your recent rendezvous with your boyfriend. But as you were embarrassed at the idea, he was relishing in how it affected you. 
"I see you watching me when I work out, love...the way you bite that poor little lip when I curl...so come be a big girl and wrap those wet thighs around my bicep and ride it until you come for me..." 
"Baby, one way or another, you WILL come on my bicep." You knew better than to try and convince Drew if he had his mind made up. Especially about sex. 
"I'll even start you..." He explained while you made your way onto his roped muscle as he tensed it so you could press your bare clit to his damp skin. 
"You're gonna use me to make you come while I tense for you, alright?" You nodded, that pinned arm now rather useless as his other would more than make up for it. Prior to starting, he pressed a soft kiss to your lips before using those long fingers to tease between your breasts and moving to your clit. 
"Not allowed to touch anything..." 
"You use ONLY my arm...understood, baby?" You nodded as he grinned in approval. 
"VERY good...So start riding me sweetheart...Want it dripping off me..." You nodded as he would tense, a sudden volt of pleasure made of the mix of friction and tension making you moan. 
"Such a good girl...looking so beautiful riding my arm like this.. " You nodded as you looked at him with uncertainty. 
"Just enjoy it. Don't worry about me-" 
"I feel silly, Drew..." He narrowed his eyes for a moment before cocking his jaw. 
"When you sit on my cock, do you crush it?" 
"No...because you take me so well. And how about my face, hmmm? Do you suffocate me?" 
"Because you're perfect. Made for me…So when I say ride my thigh. You better start moving before I punish you for your disobedience...unnecessarily mind you, because you want to be good, I can feel it...you're already dripping a bit for me. So just feel good on me...use it to make yourself come. I want to watch you-" 
You nodded before you began to move, your body pulled into an arch after the first few thrusts forward as he nodded in approval. 
"Good girl baby...so wet for me-" 
"Drew..." You bit your bottom lip as he nodded. 
"Keep going baby...I feel you tensing-" 
"I'm gonna...Drew..."  He flexed quickly beneath you, a hand wrapped in the sheets turning his knuckles white by this grip, as you rode to the cusp of your high. 
"Just feel good for me okay? Shit, you're do fuckijg beautiful...but there something special about THIS face...the one where you're coming just for me..." 
"Drew..." You gasped as the rush of your release spread down his arm as you watched his lips spread into a smirk. 
"Good fucking girl. Now let's do that again on my thigh..."
Taglist: @hopebaker @iovdrew @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets @lovedetlost @trikigirl271 @maybankslover @slut4starkey @slvtherinseeker @obxiskewl @obxxrxfes @bluesongbird @slut-era @ailee-celeste @rafesbae
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