dailybotany · 3 months
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Rhodiola rosea - roseroot
Found on cliffs, ledges, and sea-beaches in Arctic and sub-Arctic/boreal regions, this plant is threatened in several countries and is listed by CITES in Appendix II (not necessarily threatened/endangered, but requiring trade regulation to avoid "utilization incompatible with their survival).
In recent years, populations have shrunk dramatically as the herbal medicine market has increased demand for Rhodiola rosea to "treat" a wide variety of ailments, despite the fact that mild anti-anxiety/stress effects are the only effects that have received any support from peer-reviewed studies (source). Supply for this market is entirely sourced through wild harvest and is the greatest threat this species currently faces.
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call-me-shadowborn · 1 year
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Well, these random inked smokes are a result of a bargain with Jeele who is the leader of the aeterna minstrel group (running with the name "Messengers of Fate") not far from Giliad. (More about the guy later, because, oh boy, he is special in my fanfiction :D) To put it simply, she received an extra treat by a ritual, which is basically an inking process mixed with an enchantment. This allows her to "Ghostwalk", or "Mistwalk", or "Shadowstep" (or how the fancy fuckever I wanna call it, still don't know xD). Can't really articulate how it should look like, I'm really bad at this. xD The closest thing i've found that somehow illustrates the thing is: https://geektyrant.com/news/amazing-animated-cinematic-to-the-dd-game-neverwinter Actually it was based on the Ghostwalk ability of Enderal. I just changed the visual effects into black smoke. So maybe for the sake of consistency, I'll call it just like that :D On the flip side, it drains her "magical resources" (which is not much to begin with) and increases blood pressure (nose bleeding when severe) and "arcane fever" (=headaches, dizzyness, nausea) soon after the effect wears off. So she has to use it wisely. Similar to the arcane fever, that can moderately improved by Ambrosia; according to Jeele, the symptoms can be improved by Rhodiola potions. Heck, Maybe i'm gonna have to draw how Rhodiola potions look like - cuz it's rare. She has to make herself, because those are illegal in the Middlerealm white markets. :D
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prairiefirewitch · 2 years
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The other day when I was in a SAD mope-fest, I asked what other people did to break out of their winter funk, forgetting I had a batch of Rhodiola tincture stashed away. Used in Arctic climes for centuries, this little plant is excellent for treating anxiety, insomnia, and my lifelong nemesis; SAD. One of the things that I really like about it is the little burst of energy it provides; helpful if your depression is kicking your ass and you feel like you can’t move. And no jitters, unlike caffeine, which can exacerbate anxiety. I’ll have a very small batch of this at Sherwood and I’ll try to get it onto the website in May if I can track down some good quality Rhodiola.
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immunobiz · 21 days
Besoin de déstresser et de recharger vos batteries ? K-21+/Knutric+ est là pour vous 🌿
Des adaptogènes puissants et des vitamines essentielles pour un esprit calme et un corps énergisé. ⚡️
✔️ Rhodiola : Équilibre la chimie cérébrale et réduit les symptômes de stress ✔️ Camomille et Thym : Favorisent la relaxation et le calme ✔️ Céleri et Luzerne : Riches en vitamines et minéraux essentiels ✔️ Magnésium et Potassium : Soutiennent l’énergie, les nerfs et la fonction musculaire ✔️ Iode et Bore : Essentiels pour une thyroïde et un métabolisme sains ✔️ Baie d’Acai et Cerise d’Acerola : Puissantes sources d’antioxydants ✔️ Canneberge, Spiruline, Brocoli et Champignon Shiitake : Renforcent la fonction immunitaire
✨Ce mois-ci seulement✨ Achetez 3, obtenez 15% de réduction ! Achetez 2, obtenez 10% de réduction ! *avec les codes promotions
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fitnessratsuniverse · 2 months
In the relentless pursuit of peak fitness, every edge counts. Whether you’re pushing through grueling workouts or striving for that extra rep, the demands of training can be unforgiving. Yet, amidst the clamor of supplements and fads, there’s a natural ally quietly waiting to be discovered: Rhodiola Rosea tincture.
Imagine this: you’ve just finished an intense workout session. Your muscles ache, your energy levels are depleted, and the prospect of recovery seems daunting. This scenario is all too familiar to many fitness enthusiasts. In the quest for optimal performance and recovery, the search for effective solutions can feel endless.
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Adaptojen Bitki nedir? Hangi bitkiler Adaptojendir?
Adaptojen Bitki nedir? Hangi bitkiler Adaptojendir?
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#AdaptogenHerbs, #AdaptogenPlants, #AdaptogenicBenefits, #AdaptogenicHerbs, #AdaptogenicPlants, #AdaptogenicSupplements, #AdaptogenicTea, #AdaptojenBitkiÇayları, #AdaptojenBitkiler, #AdaptojenBitkiselTakviyeler, #AdaptojenNedir, #Ashwagandha, #Eleuthero, #IşteAdaptojenKelimesiyleIlgiliGoogleAramaEtiketleriAdaptojen, #PanaxGinseng, #Rhodiola, #Tabii https://is.gd/tfZw8U https://www.tibbivearomatikbitkiler.com/blog/adaptojen-bitki-nedir-hangi-bitkiler-adaptojendir/
Adaptojen bitki, vücuttaki stres tepkilerini düzenlemeye ve dengelemeye yardımcı olan doğal bitkisel maddelerdir. Bitkiler, vücuttaki stres hormonları ve fizyolojik reaksiyonları etkileyerek stresle başa çıkmaya yardımcı olurlar. Adaptojen bitkilerin özellikleri, vücudu hem fiziksel hem de zihinsel streslere karşı daha dirençli hale getirmek ve vücuttaki dengesizlikleri düzeltme yeteneğidir.
Adaptojen bitkilerin kullanımı ise, tıbbi ve geleneksel hekimlikte yaygın olarak tercih edilen bir yaklaşımdır. Bu bitkiler, insanların daha iyi bir uyum ve dayanıklılık sağlamasına, enerji seviyelerini artırmasına, zihinsel odaklanmayı iyileştirmesine ve stresle başa çıkma becerilerini geliştirmesine yardımcı olabilir. Adaptojen bitkiler arasında ginseng, ashwagandha, rhodiola, eleuthero, astragalus gibi popüler bitkiler bulunmaktadır.
Adaptojen Bitki
🌱 Ginseng (Panax ginseng veya Panax quinquefolius) 🌱 Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) 🌱 Rhodiola (Altın kök) (Rhodiola rosea) 🌱 Eleuthero (Eleutherococcus senticosus) 🌱 Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus) 🌱 Schisandra (Schisandra chinensis) 🌱 Reishi Mantarı (Ganoderma lucidum) 🌱 Maca (Lepidium meyenii) 🌱 Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum veya Ocimum tenuiflorum) 🌱 Cordyceps (Cordyceps sinensis)
Bu bitkiler, farklı kültürlerde ve tıbbi sistemlerde yüzyıllardır kullanılan adaptojenik özellikleri nedeniyle popülerdir. Ancak, herhangi bir bitkisel takviye veya ilaç kullanmadan önce mutlaka bir uzmana danışmak önemlidir.
Adaptojen bitkileri aşağıdaki gibi kişiler kullanabilir:
🍃Stresle başa çıkmak isteyenler: Günlük yaşamın stres ve baskısına karşı daha iyi uyum sağlamak isteyenler adaptogen bitkileri tercih edebilir.
🍃 Enerji düzeylerini artırmak isteyenler: Yorgunluk ve halsizlik hissedenler veya enerji seviyelerini artırmak isteyenler adaptogen bitkilerle desteklenebilir.
🍃 Bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirmek isteyenler: Bağışıklık sistemi güçlendiren bitkiler arayanlar adaptojenlerden faydalanabilir.
🍃 Performansı artırmak isteyen sporcular: Sporcular, performanslarını artırmak, antrenmanlardan daha hızlı toparlanmak ve fiziksel dayanıklılıklarını artırmak için adaptogen bitkileri kullanabilir.
🍃 Genel sağlık ve iyilik hali için: Adaptojen bitki, genel sağlık ve yaşam kalitesini artırmak isteyen herkes tarafından da kullanılabilir.
Ancak, herhangi bir bitkisel takviye veya ilaç kullanmadan önce mutlaka bir sağlık uzmanına danışmak önemlidir. Özellikle hamilelik, emzirme, kronik bir sağlık durumu veya ilaç kullanımı söz konusu olduğunda doktor önerisine ihtiyaç duyulabilir.
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deinheilpraktiker · 2 years
Studie: Rhodiola Rosea gegen Sertralin bei Major Depression - ReferenzMao JJ, Xie SX, Zee J, et al. Rhodiola rosea versus Sertralin bei schweren depressiven Störungen: Eine randomisierte placebokontrollierte Studie. Phytomedizin. 2015;22(3):394-399. DesignDiese Studie war eine randomisierte, placebokontrollierte Phase-2-Studie. TeilnehmerInsgesamt wurden 57... - #Depression #Major #Rhodiola #Rosea #Sertralin #Studie
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nrcgardens · 6 months
greetings y'all! I'm currently in the process of making a day-long potion for myself, what herbs or plants would you suggest I try using?
-ash, @nrc-danceclubofficial
hm.. maybe Rhodiola and Maca? the two of them are used a lot in those kinds of potions, along with having energy boosting effects outside of alchemy as well!
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wellnesscard · 1 year
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goblinizing goBLONDizing
plus tree (7.30am on a schoolday no less)
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i impulse online ordered a bunch of natural supplements including rhodiola. if it doesn't fix my depression i give up
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hologramcowboy · 2 years
For those suffering with depression or any kind of emotional disbalance, I wanted to share this because it's an excellent option as opposed to filling yourself with toxic pills:
I've found this helps me immensely during stressful times.
Do make sure it doesn't clash with any of your conditions or medications before taking it so please get professional advice.
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hecckyeah · 1 year
Note to self: don’t take 4 separate supplements known for calming the mind, all at once. I haven’t been this tired after a slow, uneventful day probably ever. Is this how neurotypical people feel???
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musicandgallery · 1 year
Here is a hashtag list of supplements, arranged in alphabetical order.
Select the desired one.
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Super Rhodiola-60 VegCaps. Sin gluten. Apto para veganos. Comprar en Gran Farmacia Andorra líder en Parafarmacia en Andorra.
• Super Rhodiola-60 VegCaps es un suplemento alimenticio sin gluten y apto para veganos que contiene 60 cápsulas vegetales.
• Se recomienda tomar una cápsula al día con las comidas.
Mejora el estrés y la ansiedad, ayuda a aumentar los niveles de energía, aumentando la resistencia en deportistas. Es antioxidante,#estres #ansiedad anticarcinogénica, cardioprotectora y también ha demostrado efectos a nivel endocrino y reproductivo. #energia #cardioprotectora #granfarmaciaandorra #andorra #andorralovers #andorre #antiaging #farmacianuxe #farmaciaandorra #farmaciaandorrana #farmaciaandorrana #andorralovers #andorrafarmacia #lamejorfarmacia #lamejorfarmacia
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