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awakeningthevioletswithin · 7 months ago
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Festival Of Lights
Watercolor On Black Cotton Paper
2024, 22" x 30
Winter Cherries, Ashwagandha, Withania somnifera
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morethansalad · 2 months ago
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Gut-Healthy Cardamom Rose Moon Milk (Vegan)
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silver10d · 3 months ago
Kaboodle whit lifesteal cats
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coffeebooksandmore · 7 months ago
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the garden brings me so much joy 🥹❤️
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spookyscarybookdragony · 7 months ago
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youremyheaven · 9 months ago
You guyssssss!!! I was gonna try ashwagandha for my anxiety 😭
I didn't know it was addictive wtf!
it is 😔😔and not many people talk about it at all 😔😔and there is very little information about it online 😔😔however during my days of ashwagandha induced suffering, i found people on reddit who had similar experiences and i finally felt SO seen and it gave me strength in my recovery journey.
here's a thread that talks about the adverse side effects of ash
here's another thread where people talk about their different experiences with it (you'll have to scroll a bit down to see the negative experiences)
here's another thread of people talking about their tough experiences with ashwagandha
taking ash is like placing bets, its 50-50, you might benefit from it immensely but on the other hand, you might get worse 💀
at my lowest point, i couldnt get out of bed and i practically crawled to the bathroom where i lay covered in piss for god knows how long 🙃bc i didnt have the energy to stand up or go back to bed, i couldnt even speak properly and everything that came out of my mouth was slurry asf
again, everybody has different experiences and i am in no way saying that this might happen to you but tbh, i dont know if its worth the risk/potential side effects 😭😭😭
there are soooo many other ways to deal with anxiety that come with minimal risk
i highly recommend frequency music!! its scientifically proven to work (on humans and animals) bc listening to music of a certain frequency can help lower our heart/breathing rates and relax.
when my ash trip was realllyyy bad and i was experiencing panic attacks at 6am, id listen to them and they worked for me<3
i hope these help you!!
and obviously there are manyyy other remedies as well but i thought this was the easiest<3
stay safe and please do more research and take your time before u take ash if u do so!!!
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sayitlouderblog · 10 days ago
My Daily Supplements I've Started Taking for PMDD Relief
The PMDD Supplement Squad: My New Monthly Powerhouse I assembled the ultimate squad of supplements to keep me balanced and sane…hopefully! but so far so good This is what I take daily for supplements Calcium 500mg—not just for bones, but also mood stability  B6 100mg, my mood superhero, keeping serotonin in check  Ashwagandha 125mg is my zen master, fighting stress.  Chaste Tree Berry…
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vedicarehealth1 · 19 days ago
Nature’s Viagra: Top Foods with Natural PDE5 Inhibitors
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PDE5 inhibitors are medications work by inhibiting the action of the PDE enzyme. This inhibition relaxes the blood vessels and improves blood flow. Drugs like Viagra contain synthetic PDE5 inhibitors while some food and supplement act as natural PDE5 inhibitors. Let’s discuss how naturally it can support better sexual health and overall well-being.
PDE5 inhibitors are used to treat
Pulmonary arterial hypertension s a type of high blood pressure that affects the arteries in the heart and lungs.
Benign prostatic hyperplasia is an enlargement of the prostate gland.
Erectile dysfunction
PDE5 inhibitors work by:
Controlling blood flow to the arteries of the lungs
Increasing blood flow to the lungs
Lowering blood pressure
Foods Contain PDE5 Inhibitors
Ashwagandha:  It is also known as “ginseng”. Ashwagandha has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for over 3000 years. It is claimed to have potent aphrodisiac, rejuvenative, sedative, and life-prolonging properties. Studies, found that it may increased levels of testosterone and can help overall wellness.
Horny Goat Weed: Horny goat weed, also referred to as epimedium, is a flowering plant native to Eastern Asia. The name “horny goat weed” comes from a Chinese goat herder who noticed improved sexual activity in his herd after they ate the leaves of this plant. Research suggests Icariin is the active compound in horny goat weed. This active compound may inhibit PDE5, increase nitric oxide in the penis, and offer various potential benefits for Erectile Dysfunction.
Pomegranate Juice: Studies found that the juice of pomegranate is associated with improvements in Erectile Dysfunction  in men. Because the antioxidants in pomegranate juice raise nitric oxide levels and it is a naturally produced molecule that improves blood flow in our vascular system.
Kaempferia parviflora (black ginger): This plant native to Thailand and also called Thai ginger. Studies have found that this plant may have moderate PDE5-inhibiting effects. It may improve in men ages 50-70 years but more research is required to understand the benefits fully.
Watermelon: Contains an amino acid called citrulline. Citrulline helps produce nitric oxide – a free radical that relaxes blood vessels and improves blood flow. As blood flow improves throughout the body, its ability to reach the penis increases, leading to improvements in Erectile Dysfunction.
Dark Chocolate: Contains flavonoids (plant-based compounds) known for their antioxidant properties. Flavonoids are rich in antioxidants and promote nitric oxide synthesis, ultimately resulting in healthy blood flow and potentially aiding in erectile function.
Spinach: This leafy green is not only full of essential nutrients, but it also contains high levels of nitrates. Nitrates are converted into nitric oxide in the body, which, as a result, widens blood cells. This is potentially beneficial for erectile function.
Tribulus Terrestris: This leafy plant mainly grows in Europe, Asia, and Africa. Research has found that natural alkaloids in the plant may have PDE5-inhibiting effects. Studies found that Tribulus Terrestris was able to significantly improve erectile function in men aged 18 to 65 with moderate erectile dysfunction and that it was generally well-tolerated.
Foods to avoid
Foods high in sugar can lead to insulin resistance and high salt food can lead to high blood pressure. This can reduce nitric oxide levels and damage blood vessels and hinder the positive effects of PDE5 inhibitors. This can negatively affect Erectile Dysfunction.
Processed foods can cause inflammation and damage blood vessels, affecting blood flow and decreasing the benefits of PDE5 inhibitors.
Foods which contain PDE5 inhibitors can be a proactive step toward improving men’s sexual health. But results may differ from person to person. check with your health care provider before taking any supplement and medication.
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awakeningthevioletswithin · 5 months ago
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Watercolor On Black Paper
2023, 11" x 14"
Winter Cherries, Ashwagandha, Withania somnifera
Private Collection
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morethansalad · 2 years ago
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Tart Cherry Sleepy Girl Mocktail (Vegan)
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silver10d · 3 months ago
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cannibalgh0st · 19 days ago
So, I make myself a herbal tea concoction every night to help calm my nerves, beauty, and health. To keep my good ya know?
Tonight I decided to use this ashwagandha powder that a co-worker gave me....IT'S SO BITTER🥺😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I used honey and cinnamon, and it's not helping!!! I even made it with dried rose petals, star anise, clove and bee pollen....IT'S STILL BITTER!!! Nothing is help!!!😭👁👄👁
I refuse to throw it out because it's healthy and I hate wasting stuff...my sister saw me struggle and I told her "This shet better make me look like Cleopatra when I wake up in the morning...!!!" 😭😭😅😭😭
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goodnightngoth · 24 days ago
ashwagandha makes me sooooo sleeeeeeepyyyy
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elegantranaturavives · 27 days ago
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Proveda Nutricio Wellness Red Aloevera Juice with Ashwagandha and Honey, A primium High Mirakle Juice
Red Aloe Vera is one of the 400 types of aloe species and is known as the king of the aloe family. It contains 22 times more nutrients than regular aloe vera. It has double the amino acids and three times the polysaccharides compared to regular aloe vera, making it a great health-supporting option.
Red Aloe Vera contains important natural compounds like Aloin, Barbaloin, Calcium, Zinc, Magnesium, and Vitamins B, C, and E. It consists of 99% water and 1% antioxidants, including skin-supporting enzymes, amino acids, minerals, nutrients, vitamins, polysaccharides, and chlorophyll. It may help support red blood cell production and maintain collagen levels in the body.
Key Ingredients
Red Aloe Vera, Honey, and Ashwagandha
Recommended Dosage
Take 30ml once a day on an empty stomach.
Shop Now: https://elgantranaturalvibes.com/product/red-aloevera-juice-with-ashwagandha/
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ahdor · 8 months ago
can anyone that's gone down the rabbit hole of ashwaganda tell me if it's a yay or nay?
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youremyheaven · 9 months ago
Haha ashwaghanda is my savior right now. I was really depressed and neurotic about everything and that made me even more depressed because I knew there was something wrong with me and just wanted to be normal. So I really hated myself.
But I’d tried ashwaghanda in the past but really needed something to help me. (Im not able to see a therapist because I don’t have much money) so I bought a different brand and it literally had changed my life. It’s also mixed with St John’s Wart, which is another herb and helps with depression. But it does interfere with medications so be careful if you take it.
I was afraid to start it because everyone says it can make you numb but it really didn’t for me. I feel more stable and more at peace I guess. Also you’re supposed to cycle it every 3 months or something. Lmao how I first noticed it was working was I noticed my handwriting got suddenly so much neater lol. Like in the past it was messy and illegible, so I was like hold up… why can I actually read what I’m writing. I think it was a reflection of my mental state. I actually understand myself now and in the past few months have genuinely started loving myself. It didn’t make my anxiety go away but I guess I’m able to realize that I can handle it now. So yeah haha my experience is pretty great so far!
thats amazing!!! when i first tried ashwagandha when i was 19-20, i had a really good time, i slept like a baby, i felt calm and generally more at ease etc
but i tried ash again last year and oh boy 😭😭😭
it made me suuuuper foggy and lethargic, i couldnt even stand up to get out of my bed sometimes bc it made me super out of energy,,
a common side effect of ash is anhedonia, which is described as the inability to feel pleasure and a lack of interest in life. i felt that,, its so interesting to me that you mentioned handwriting and how yours got neater because my journal entries from the time are soooo illegible, messy and looks like the textbook definition of someone whose cognitive capacities were impaired 💀💀🤐 it made me anxious asf, my heartbeat would be racing for no reason 💀💀my brain was sooo cloudy, id sit down on my bed and then 5 hours would pass by just like that and i wouldnt even know it 💀💀i felt very woozy, like my room was floating or smthng 😭
i was severely dissociated and extremely fatigued but i will admit that i did take too much of it 💀💀and i didnt cycle it 😭😭
i think different people react differently and its also impacted by our underlying state of mind and general condition i guess.
i did have a good experience with ash the first time around which is why i took it again last year, only to turn into a zombie cause of it lmao ,, it took me months to recover from it 😭😭
im really glad you had a positive experience bestie <333 its wonderful that ash did all that for you!! when it works, its truly incredible!!
to anybody thinking of taking herbal supplements, PLEASE exercise caution, take it in small quantities, do your research on its impact on any specific conditions you have etc
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