#Remus loves books
Remus, Sirius, and books
Remus grew up in a lower class setting, and so didn't have access to too many books. He would read whenever he got the chance, though.
Sirius's family were constantly trying to force him to read classics like great expectations or pride and prejudice.
When they went to Hogwarts, his family would send him a book every so often with instructions to read it and report back on it by letter the next week or so. Sirius, out of sheer defiance, would never even pick them up.
Then one day, Remus picked up one of the books he'd been sent, and asked if he could read it. Sirius shrugged, muttering about why he'd want to, but told him to go ahead.
Soon, Remus began reading all the books Sirius was sent. He would take the book, read it in a week, and write up a short synopsis for Sirius to copy and send a letter of to his parents - a small but effective act of rebellion which wouldn't get him in any trouble.
Remus did it partly for this, and always claimed he just didn't want Sirius to get in trouble unnecessarily. But he wasn't fooling anyone. Part of it was for Sirius - even then he would've done anything for him. But mostly, it was for the books. He couldn't get enough of them. It was a whole new world of literature for him. He would devour book after book after book.
Soon, it became second nature for Sirius to throw whatever new book he'd been sent onto Remus's bed, and for Remus to pick it up and start reading it without a word of discussion. It became a sort of ritual for them.
All the way through his teens and adult years Remus loved classic literature. He read any and all Jane Austin, Charles Dickens, and H.G.Wells book he could find.
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lulublack90 · 4 months
Prompt 3 - Library
@wolfstarmicrofic June 3, word count 904
Previous part First part
The arts and crafts hadn’t been that bad. Remus thought it had probably been designed for younger campers, but each of the inhabitants of Gryffindor cabin now sported a red and gold woven friendship bracelet. 
“Shall we do the tour?” Sirius asked James. 
“Might as well,” James replied, looking at his watch. “We’ve still got about an hour until dinner.” 
“Where should we start?” Peter said, standing up from tying his shoelaces. 
“We’ll start with the boring and end with the good stuff.” Sirius grinned, grabbing Remus’s hand and leading him away from the main hall. Remus’s stomach flipped, and he willed his palms not to get sweaty. 
“This is the storeroom, don’t bother trying to get in, it’s really boring,” Sirius declared, not stopping. “There’s the kitchen. If you get hungry, the cooks are lovely and will make you something between meals, but don’t let Albus or Minnie catch you, because they will give you chores, and you do not want to do the chores,” Remus grinned, beginning to enjoy himself. “Then there’s the library,” Remus planted his feet at that one.
“A library?!” He asked excitedly. 
“Oh, don’t tell me you’re one of those,” Sirius rolled his eyes, but took Remus inside anyway. 
It was small but had a good selection of books. There were books on local flora and fauna, local hiking paths, emergency first aid books, but also novels. It was Remus’s turn to drag Sirius this time, as neither of them let go. 
Remus ran his fingers across the spines of the books in front of him and picked a few to pull off the shelves. 
“Can I take these with me now or should I come back?” He looked to Sirius, as he seemed to have taken over the tour. A crooked smile spread across Sirius’s face.
“You can get them now,” Remus’s face lit up. He picked up three and let Sirius lead him over to the stern-looking librarian.  “Irma, my sweet forest flower, how are you this morning?” Sirius crooned at the scowling middle-aged woman. 
“It is Madam Pince and you know it, Mr Black. Do not make me tell McGonagall on you.” She narrowed her eyes at the books in Remus’s hand. “What do you want?”
“Remus, here wants to take some books out. He appears to be a bit of a bookworm. Should have guessed really, he looks like a bookworm.” Sirius teased. Remus quietly handed the books over to Madam Pince. 
“You’ll need to fill out this form before you can take them.” She said, passing Remus a sheet of paper asking for his name, date of birth and address. “If you lose or damage a book you will be expected to replace it.” Remus nodded. He’d have to be careful, his dad would blow a gasket if he had to pay for new books that Remus wouldn’t even be keeping. 
“Yes Madam Pince,” He said politely. 
“Hmmm,” She grunted at them. She peered at Remus's form, but unable to find anything wrong with it, she made a note of the books Remus wanted to borrow and handed them over. 
When they came out of the quietness of the library it was to shouting and swearing. 
Peter and James were rolling around on the grass, wrestling. 
“Oi, you two, pack it in. Let’s finish this up, Remus wants to read his books.” When they didn’t listen, Sirius let go of Remus’s hand and launched himself on top of James and Peter. The shouting intensified until Sirius managed to separate them. They were all laughing and joking. Remus relaxed as he realised they’d been messing about and not actually fighting. “Right back to the tour!” Sirius exclaimed as he took Remus’s hand again and dragged him to the next stop.  
“That’s the dock, that’s the boathouse and, obviously, that’s the lake. I’ll tell you about the monster that dwells in the depths of it later.” Sirius grinned wildly at Remus over his shoulder. “Okay, next is make out point.”
“Yeah, but it’s pretty useless until the girls come over for the dance,” Peter groaned. “It’s got a nice view when it doesn’t have couples all over it,” Peter added. Remus looked down at his and Sirius’s entwined hands and gulped. Sirius caught him looking and waggled his eyebrows, making Remus blush from his head to his toes. He tried to pull his hand away, but Sirius held it tightly, not letting him let go. Remus had no idea what that meant. He had to force his brain to not start picking that apart now.
“And finally, my most favourite place in the entire camp. Our den.” Sirius pulled Remus through a line of trees and into a tiny circle with a ring of logs to sit on. It felt very enclosed as the surrounding trees had almost woven together, forming a shelter of sorts.
Sirius led him over to a log and pulled him down next to him. James and Peter came and sat opposite them. Sirius let go of his hand and leant backwards, moving a few rocks out of the way and picking up a small metal box. “And this is what we do in our den.” He opened the box and inside was a lighter, a pouch of loose tobacco, papers and a small baggy of green buds. Remus instantly knew what this little group got up to in their den. 
Next part
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marlsswrites · 1 month
Regulus: Effie said she’s on her way.
James: How do you know?
Regulus: She… texted me?
James: Why would she text you? I’m her son?
Regulus: Yeah well I’m clearly her favourite.
James: How-
Regulus: Look *whips out phone* she has TWO hearts next to my name.
James: WHAT?
Regulus: See.
James: I only have ONE??
Regulus patting James on the back: Shhh, it’ll be okay.
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remus was james’s gay awakening (he’s the casanova of gryffindor tower, so duh)
sirius was james’s gay ‘confirmation’ (they kissed once, and james knew he wasn’t straight)
then james said hmmmm I want a combination of both, and ended up with regulus.
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renini03 · 1 year
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💔💔 everything works out nice in the end
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hazy-cosmic-skies · 6 months
au where remus grew up with his muggle mum so he has a super deep interest in something like star trek, or like ancient egypt or lord of the rings, and sirius, who had never heard abt these muggle things could listen to him talk for hours
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analogicalreasoning · 7 months
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He would.
He needs that wine.
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bagelmist · 2 months
Man I wish gay people were real
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outromoony · 4 months
Wolfstar in the Harry Potter books
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Sirius: Why do you have to be so tall?
Remus: *smirks* Would you prefer me on my knees? *winks and leaves the dorm to go study in the library*
Sirius: Wh- i- you- *red cheeks and screams inside as he watches his boyfriend leave*
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Everyone Dreams of Going to Hogwarts
Every fan of Harry Potter has indulged in the fantasy of waiting for an Owl to deliver the fateful letter that will declare your future as a witch or wizard at Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry. Every one of us old or young had dreamed of riding the train at Kings Cross Station, taking the boats across the black lake and seeing the castle for the first time, of having dinner in the great hall, of finally figuring out where you belong in the world and it just feeling right. They fantasize about seeing their common room for the first time finally feeling that warm sense of belonging and meeting the friends that you will keep for the rest of your life. Every single one of us had fantasized about meeting our professors, exploring the grounds and discovering our latent potential. It’s a comfort for many of us and happy place to go in our minds to escape reality.
For the witches and wizards of the Wizarding World that childhood fantasy is their reality. They too wait with bated breath for their letters. They too fantasize about finally feeling that “at home” feeling, the feeling that you finally belong to something bigger and more wonderful than their wildest dreams. The chance to prove themselves. The chance to start over for many, the chance to leave their sometimes abusive homes for a place that finally actually feels like home to them. Harry was one of those people. Dumbledore was one of those people. Hermione, Ron and even Neville all find this sense of belonging sooner or later. They all find their forever home at Hogwarts the way we all dream.
Now imagine being Seveurs Snape.
You live in a house with a father that doesn’t understand you and screams and yells at you and your mother on a daily basis and you feel so alone in the world. You have one peer who appreciates in you the magic that allows you to rise above the squaller and cruelty in which you live. You have one friend who sees you for who you are and appreciates that about you truly, while being forced to inhabit a world that not only doesn’t understand you but is actually often openly hostile to you. Hogwarts, you beleive, will be your escape from this hell, and best of all you get to take this wonderful friend with you. You are being whisked away to a fairy tale castle where dreams come true and you will finally feel safe and finally feel a real sense of home. You stay up all night all week waiting by the door in the early morning for the letter that is finally going to change your life. You pour over it with your best friend, going over every aspect of this incredible opportunity in your mind over and over. You’re planning how you’ll make the most of it. You finally let yourself look forward to something, to open your heart to something, to dream of something. Your greatest hearts desire to this moment is finally coming true.
Then you get on the train.
And the hell begins before the first day has ever even started. Your friend is angry at you for something entirely out of your control, and even though you make up destiny has deigned that on this day you will meet the person that will destroy any hope you ever entertained of Hogwarts being a home at all. His name is James Potter. His partners in the crimes which will forever change your life are Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, and Sirius Black. From the moment you meet you are ridiculed by them, physically abused by them, and the worst part is from this day forward it is never going to end.
Your best friend is put not just in a different house but in the house that hates your house the most, and from this day forward you will forever have a strain on the only true friendship you’ve ever had. From this day forward you will have to meet them either in secret or at least in private to avoid angering both your houses at best and facing ridicule at worst. The moments you stole with this friend in the muggle hell will ironically be the only moments of peace you’ll truly have with them. Not only that, but they are sorted into the same house that 4 of your worst tormentors reside in.
But it’s even worse. Because although at home you can escape form your father and potential school bullies by hiding yourself away in some nook or cranny, making yourself scarce, staying out late at night in the woods or just being as quiet as possible; you will never be able to escape the torment that now awaits every day. You have classes with them, you run into them, you see them trying to take away the only friend you have every day. And it doesn’t even end there, now they have a tracking device that you don’t know about, but somehow they manage to find you no matter where you hide. No matter where you go they are somehow always there. No matter who you talk to, they all act like you’re crazy. Because none of the other professors or students know about the marauders map they find you strange for jumping at every blow of the wind. Because they don’t know about the map they don’t believe you at all when you try to explain that somehow James Potter and his gang seem to pop up conveniently every single place you go to hide and they even blame you for trying to figure out how to protect yourself. They tell you you’re bringing it on yourself for being too weird or too jumpy or too nosy. Even your best friend in the world is starting to doubt you. You feel like you’re going insane.
So you try to have your tormentors expelled. You try so hard to figure out something, anything that will end the days on end of suffering and abuse. But you’re the weird kid. You’re the ugly kid. You’re the emo goth kid. Nobody gives a shit about you and you know it. You know you’re on your own. You’re a half blood, so the the people in your house who were supposed to have your back ignore you at best and tease you about it at worst for letting Gryffindor students get the best of you. Any hope you had of Hogwarts being your home has been destroyed.
So you try to follow James and The Gang around. Yes everyone sees you as creepy for this, becusse you don’t have a map that magically tells you where they will be at all times. You have to go about it the old fashioned way. You hide behind bushes, you peak around corners. Yes everyone finds you creepy now on top of everything else, but it’ll be worth it if you can finally enjoy what was promised to you at age 11, a home. You’ll finally be able to breathe.
But no. Instead what happens is your tormentors figure out that you know that they are putting the lives of students in danger by wandering the grounds with a werewolf against the wishes of the headmaster. You know that if you can just prove it that the torment will be over, but what you don’t know is that they are one step ahead of you, and for the unimaginable crime of trying to thwart them; they are going to plan to inflict a dangerous illness of lycanthropy on you at best, maul you to death at worst. You are close to both your proof and your death when one of them gets cold feet at the last minute and decides he doesn’t in fact want to go to prison.
You think “maybe it’s finally over now”, “maybe everyone will see now that they are cruel, that this is what they’re really like”, “maybe I’ll finally get a moment of peace, maybe Dumbledore and Lily will finally beleive me”. But no. Of course not. Because remember, you’re the weird emo Slytherin kid and your life is secondary. It always has been. Dumbledore swears you to secrecy to protect one of your tormentors, so you get no justice for the attempt on your life. Because Dumbledore had forbidden you to speak about your traumatic experience of almost being murdered, your best friend doesn’t beleive you at all and instead blames you for sneaking around. They don’t even give you the chance to defend or explain yourself. Instead you’re made out to be the creepy bad guy who wants to destroy the Potter Gang out of jealously.
Worst of all you secretly suspect that your best friend has a thing for the person who makes your life a living hell every single day. You see the stolen glances and the way they look at each other, the way she is never totally on your side. You tell yourself that this is all in your head, that Lily would never betray you that way. That all the hours you spent dreaming of Hogwarts together will mean more than a crush. But oh, sadly you are very wrong there too.
Not even a few months after attempting to take your life your abusers are back at again. Remorseless as ever they hunt you down like dogs and follow your every footstep. You haven’t a moment of peace even to do your normal school work. The only place you are safe is your common room, and even then you can’t let your guard down.
Then one day it happens.
The little pieces of happiness that you’ve managed to tuck away from yourself are cruelly ripped away. They manage to find you again. The torment us as usual. They all gang up on you, each taking a go for their own amusement. They fling you on your back, force you to vomit, force you to listen to their emotional abuse while they make a go at hitting on your best friend, and the torment does not end there. Now they are picking you up off the ground and taking off your clothes. Now on top of every other humiliation they have amused themselves by sexually humiliating you in front of everyone in your class including your closest ally. Every part of you is on fire inside and out and the depth of horror and hurt inside you is so big you don’t know what to do with the feeling. Then your friend finally steps in. But now you’re so hurt and angry that it’s bursting out of you in the worst possible ways.
Now the worst thing finally happens.
You call your best friend a slur; something you know will hurt them more than any other thing, because you’re destroyed, because you’re angry at them for letting it get this far, because you’re humiliated and because you’re tired of not being held in a higher regard than the person who has ruined your life; because you’re sick of their moralizing and their pitty.
Now you’ve lost the only person you’ve ever really felt close to. Now you’ve lost any human sympathy forever.
And it’s not over yet. Now you’re upside down again. And this time they aren’t content with exposing the rest of your body for the world to see. Now they are out for blood, and the revenge they have settled on is Sexual Assault. They remove your underwear to expose your most private parts to the world and there is nothing you can do about it. Nowhere you can go. No one who cares. No one who will come to your rescue.
Snape must have felt so hopeless it’s a wonder he didn’t try to end his life. People have done so over much less.
Hogwarts was never truly a home for Severus Snape. Even in adulthood he works in the place that was the site of innumerable traumas and heartaches. Everyday he faces trigger after trigger of the worst day of his life, while protecting the progeny of the only person he ever felt close to and the person who cruelly ripped away any chance he had at normal life. This is why I feel for Severus Snape so much in every scene. He is confronted every day with the worst memories a person can endure yet he chooses to be brave anyway. He chooses to do the right thing anyway. He puts other people’s well-being first anyway. He chooses the side of the light beyond all that had conspired to make a sociopath out of him. He holds a place in his heart for love and he protects that love with his entire being. Platonic love is just as powerful as romantic love and Severus Snape is the perfect example of this. A person even in the worst circumstances can still make the most difference in the world, can still choose to be their own person and make their own choices. Even when the world is wholly against him, Severus Snape is the pinnacle of integrity.
This is why he’s my favorite character. He’s the bravest character in the narrative, but he’s also the character with the most integrity.
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lunarparacosm · 23 days
hi tumblr i’m making a jegulus /wolfstar sci fi webcomic
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first chapter will be free and shall drop hopefully mid-september
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ltsokaylove · 8 months
A !young! Remus Lupin x reader
Summary: Your not feeling well, and Remus takes care of you ^^
Major fluff, no trigger warnings :))
Gender neutral reader :D
Its almost lunchtime and you still haven't left your bed, well except to run to the bathroom when you got nauseous. But other that that, you got no other exercise. Unfortunately, that means you also hadn't left your room, which left you absolutely starving.
You were just turning over in bed, trying to get comfy even in your restless state, when a worried Remus (gently) busted through the door.
His face immediately softened once his eyes rested on your pale, sickly looking state. "Oh honey, what happened?" he slowly sits on the edge of your bed, feeling your forehead with the back of his hand.
Most of the tension in your body dissipates as you feel the softness and gentle warmth of his skin on your forehead. "M' sick," was the only reply you could muster in your sweaty, hungry, pain filled state.
He chuckles softly, "I really couldn't tell," he hands you a thermos cup from the messenger bag at his side. "Hot tea, I figured you were sick when you weren't at breakfast, its waffle day, your favorite," he kisses your head gently before helping you sit up.
You slowly sip the tea praying it will help rid you of your blaring headache and incredibly sore throat. While you were slightly disappointed about waffle day, you knew you probably wouldn't be able to keep it down anyways.
"Thanks," you reply softly as you sip the tea. There's a perfect combination of the flowery taste of the tea itself and sweetness of the honey he no doubt mixed in.
He grins standing as he begins to take stuff out of his bag and set it on the wide nightstand sitting next to your bed. He sets cough drops, water, ibuprofen and your favorite chocolate on your nightstand.
You have to clamp your jaw shut so it doesn't fall open at the genuine kindness of your boyfriend. "Remmy..."
He smiles, "Want some chocolate? I absolutely know you haven't eaten all day and that's not good, especially when your sick and dehydrate," he adds emphasis on 'not good' and 'dehydrated', to show how much he's worried.
"Alright," you gingerly try to take it from his hands but he grins mischievously before breaking off a piece and lifting it up to your lips. You roll your eyes and try not to smile as you bite into the chocolate, the lovely flavor of it spreading across your tongue.
He takes everything back from your hands and returns it to the nightstand before flipping the light off and climbing into bed with you.
"Remus, you have classes," but your words are muffled as he pulls you into his chest.
"Shh you're sick, I could care less about classes. Plus I'll get the homework from James later".
You eventually sigh, and lovingly roll your eyes at his antics before leaning into him, your arms wrapping around his waist. You're genuinely surprised that the chocolate didn't make you sicker. But in his arms you feel completely content. Maybe you'll get some sleep after all?
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flowersforfrancis · 1 year
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Remus Lupin Darlings.
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lulublack90 · 4 months
Prompt 19 - Twenty-Four Hours to Live
@wolfstarmicrofic May 19, word count 977
CW- Blood, Open Wounds, Threats to life
“Get your affairs in order because this time tomorrow, cub, my boys will be coming for you. And you won’t be leaving wherever it is we track you down to.” Fenrir had hissed at him as he clutched the wound in his stomach, blood slowly dripping onto the gravel beneath their feet. 
Remus had stood straight backed, a look of defiance on his face. He disapparated, leaving the bleeding wolf behind. 
Fenrir had been after him for years. He’d wanted him to join his pack at one point, but now he wanted him dead and Remus had just given him the excuse he needed to send his pack after him, not that Fenrir needed an excuse. 
Remus had no doubt that the pack would catch up with him if he tried to run. There was no hiding from Fenrir’s savage wolves. He was going to face them head on and take as many with them as he could. 
He stared at Sirius, sleeping soundly in their bed. He stopped thinking about the future, concentrating on the now and leaving Sirius with a few good memories of him. They’d be clashing lately and Remus didn’t want to leave it like that. 
He walked around to his side of the bed and got in. He stroked a finger over Sirius’s cheek with a feather light touch. His boyfriend shuffled under the covers. He did it again, this time trailing his finger along his jaw. Sirius’s eyes snapped open, his pupils growing large and very round at the seductive look on Remus’s face. They spent the next few hours tangled amongst the bedsheets. Sirius never asked what had brought it on. 
Remus woke early, Sirius still sleeping, his body draped across Remus’s. He placed a sweet kiss amongst Sirius’s curls and carefully removed himself from their tangled limbs. He fancied having his favourite breakfast. A full Scottish breakfast with all the trimmings. He was just plating up when Sirius emerged from their bedroom, the smell of the cooking meats too enticing.
They sat in comfortable silence at the kitchen table, the only sounds were the moans that slipped from their lips as they devoured their food. 
“Can we go to the bookshop today? Remus asked Sirius as he took his plate from him and dumped them in the sink. He wanted to do all his favourite things one last time. 
“If you want,” Sirius replied, looking at him with a strange expression. “We could go look in the music shop next door after as well,” Sirius added. Remus nodded in agreement. 
“Perfect,” He said. “I’ll hop in the shower, and then we can go.” He smiled as he headed towards the bathroom. He leaned his head backwards as he passed the door frame. “Wanna join me?”
By the time they got out of the house it was past noon. Remus rushed Sirius through the busy streets, wanting to have as much time amongst the books he loved before he ran out of time. 
It smelled just the same as always in the muggle bookshop he frequented. Binding glue and fresh unread pages. He wanted to read them all. He ran his hands over a few tomes and pulled a promising one off the shelf. It was short. He thumbed through the pages. He could probably read it by this evening. He put it back on its shelf. He wanted to spend as much time with Sirius and his friends, and hiding his face in a book wouldn’t let that happen. 
“Can we go see Lily and James after we go next door?” He asked as he picked up another book. 
“Okay,” Sirius replied, his eyes narrowed as he carefully watched Remus. 
They didn’t stay long in the bookshop and spent even less time in the music shop. Sirius bought a couple of new vinyls and that was it. They walked towards an alley and apparated to the Potter's house. Remus grinned at the familiar path to the front door, lined with a rainbow of flowers. 
James greeted them, enveloping Sirius in a bone-crushing hug. He was gentler with Remus, but still squeezed hard. 
They followed him inside to find Lily waiting for them in the sitting room with a tray full of tea and other goodies. 
It was the best day Remus could remember having in a long time. He felt he’d spent his last hours well. The only thing he regretted was leaving Sirius alone.  
The time neared when the pack would arrive. He made his excuses to Sirius, James and Lily, pretending he wanted to go for a walk. He apparated to a meadow and waited. 
The pack didn’t take long to arrive. There were more than Remus had anticipated; at least thirty. He raised his wand, ready to fight. 
“Don’t think that silly stick will help you, Lupin. You know what’s about to happen. Don’t struggle and we’ll make it quick. You harm any of my pack, and I’ll personally make sure your death is dragged out over days.” Daniel, Fenrir’s second in command sneered at him. Remus cast a slicing charm, the same one he’d used on Fenrir when he’d cornered him last night and watched the wolf drop to his knees, gasping. “Get him!” Daniel roared, and the remaining wolves surged forward. 
Crack, crack, crack, crack, crack, crack, crack, crack!” Sirius, James, Lily, Mary, Marlene, Dorcas and the Prewett twins apparated beside him, making the pack pause. All had their wands raised. 
“How did you know?” Remus croaked out, grateful that Sirius had come to his rescue. 
“You left the bookshop without buying a single book.” Sirius said simply. “So I put a tracking spell on you,” 
Together they made quick work of the pack. 
“I’ve got you, Moony. Always have, always will.” Sirius said boldly, wrapping his arms around him and taking him home.
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seleneprince · 6 months
Unpopular opinion:
Remus Lupin was as capable of cruelty and arrogance as the rest of the Marauders. There are plenty of hints of this in canon. The only reason we don't see this side of him as often is because of his heavy reluctante to be considered a "bad guy".
And he low-key enjoyed going against Snape just as much, he just had some conscience aftewards.
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