#Remus loves Severus
irie-kun306 · 10 months
Here the furry versions of our "the marauders" and our dear Severus Snape, maybe some drawing will follow, the furry versions are based on their patronus or animagus forms, what I want to draw will surely be a line where Remus has a love interest in Severus, and maybe Severus is not so reluctant to realize it, although who knows, maybe there is more than one interested in Severus, and maybe Sirius and James are not very happy with Remus' decisions.
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recomendandburn · 9 months
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sevilynne · 1 month
"Snape was just petty."
Ahh... Yes... Years of tormenting, getting SA'd infront of the whole school, and almost getting killed is just being petty... SUREE...
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sparrowseagles · 9 months
i NEED the marauders girlies to look at Dominic Sessa bc that's Remus Lupin right there im sorry but Andrew Garfield will never come close he's lacking the tall weirdo gene
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buzzbuzzlittlebees · 3 months
wolfstar is the percabeth for the marauders fandom
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halfbloodgf · 4 months
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justagirlwholikesadam · 10 months
In Another Life
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Severus Snape x FEM!Reader
Summary: The golden trio ask their D.A.D.A teacher for information about the new professor called Mrs. Snape.
A/N: I tried to do another blurb with some angst but i just kept typing! By the way, I haven’t read the books so if something doesn’t make sense just ignore it or stop reading. Enjoy! -L
Warning: Married, mention of Self Harm, Remus Lupin Has a Crush, Young Severus Snape, Remus Lupin Needs a Hug, Bullied Severus Snape, Angst, Fluff, Romance, Crush at First Sight, Minor James Potter/Lily, Young James Potter, Young Sirius Black
Word Count: 4.6K
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Professor Lupin was deep in thought as he stared at the old wrinkled chocolate wrapper. He held it carefully in his hands, his thumb tracing the gold color front on the wrapper. Leaning back in his chair, he lets out a sigh. It’s been so long since he looked at the wrapper. He had hidden it at the bottom of his suitcase years ago, he never threw it out. He didn’t want to, he didn't want to forget. 
He had gone through his suitcase after the morning announcement. He was recovering from a full moon, he wasn’t in the right headspace, he was tired and wasn’t paying attention to his surroundings. He was in his usual place at the teacher table, staring at the empty plate in front of him. He didn’t pay attention when Dumbledore walked to the podium. It wasn’t until he heard your name. He hasn’t heard it in so long but it’s different now. Your last name is different. He looked around when the students and the teachers near him clapped. He freezes for a moment when he looks down at the teacher table and sees you standing up from your chair giving a small bow. 
You sit back down and look to your left at the Potion Master, Severus. His eyes widen when he sees Severus giving you a smile. He looks down at the table and notices your join hands. Severus' thumb was rubbing the inside of your wrist as the headmaster spoke. Looking away, Dumbledore is walking back to his seat and allowing breakfast to be served. 
He almost dropped the wrapper when there was a knock on the door. 
“Come in.” He shouts, placing the wrapper on his desk before rising up from his seat. “Harry. Hermione. Ronald, what do I owe this pleasure?” He greeted them with a smile as he walked in front of his desk and sat on the edge of it as the trio walked inside of the classroom. 
“Professor Lupin-” Hermione starts to speak but quiets down when she looks over at Harry and Ron. 
“What’s wrong?” He asked, looking between them. With everything going on, he hoped it wasn’t too serious and hoped he’s able to help them. 
“What do you know about Professor Snape - well Mrs. Snape?” Harry blurts out. Ron shares a look with Harry when they notice their professor stuffing his hands in the front pocket of his cardigan looking a bit weirded out. 
“Is something the matter? It’s her first day.” Remus questioned the trio. 
“We don’t trust her! She’s Professor Snape’s wife!” Ron exclaimed. “I see.” Remus signaled the trio to sit down. 
“Dumbledore wouldn’t have brought Mrs. Snape into Hogwarts if he didn’t trust her. You must trust him as well as her. Y/n is very kind.” Remus cursed himself when he mentioned your first name. 
“Y/n.”  Hermione repeats the name. “I heard that name before.” 
Remus shook his head. “You haven’t.” He snapped at her. The trio flinched at his harsh tone. He had to give them something to forget about your name. They couldn’t know who you were. Things will get messy and people will start to poke their nose around. He fears that the trio will still meddle in and get themselves into trouble. He didn't want that. 
“What I tell you now must never leave this room, do you hear me?” Remus said, looking at the trio. They nodded at him and Remus shook his head. 
“Swear it to me! I will tell you about her and her cousin, Sirius.” Harry looked at his friends who were shocked. "You knew him?" Harry asked.
"We were friends in school and lost touched after." Remus lied. "Do you still want to know about her?" They nodded at him. 
“Swear it! What I tell you now stays with us.” Remus shouted at the top of his lungs. “We swear!” Hermione answered back for all of them. 
“I knew Mrs. Snape, we went to school together and she was…” Remus drifted off as he reminisced the moment he first saw you.  
He was famished, he missed breakfast and he had told his friends that he was heading to the great hall early for lunch. Remus was staring down at the ground as he walked when he heard laughter. Looking ahead he saw a group of girls walking, he stopped in mid step about to turn to the great hall when he saw you. You held a book out in your hands, open and pointing at a passage. He saw your eyes were wide and filled with excitement. Your laughter rang out as you shut the book and the girls around you joined in. They passed by him without a glance. He hasn’t seen you before, he couldn’t believe he had missed such a beautiful jewel like you. 
Remus continued on to stare as you walked into the great hall joining the Slytherin's table. He was so busy admiring your beauty that he didn’t see the green tie or the green lining on your uniform. He frowned when he noticed you waving bye at the girls and joined at the far end of the table. He gulped when he saw you sat across, from no other than Severus. 
Remus knew what would happen next, Severus would just curse you out for bothering him. Severus has always had a cold exterior and he didn’t blame him for it. He’s been bullied by his friends. Remus thought he was dreaming when he saw Severus let out a smile as you showed him the book you were holding. Remus could see how awe you looked when looking at Severus. A smile appeared on your face when Severus looked up at you. He notices your hand taking the book before brushing against Severus’ slender fingers. Severus didn’t pull away; he kept his gaze on you, his smile didn’t fade. 
Remus didn’t see what happened next when he felt a pair of hands grab a hold on his shoulders.
He flinched as James came behind me. “I’m starving.” Remus looked over his shoulder giving his friend a smile. 
“Sirius is talking to a girl, he said we can start without him.” Remus nodded as he walked with James into the hall. He glanced over at you as he passed by your table, thanking Merlin that James passed Severus without making any snide comment.
He starts to notice you more after that day. In the library, in the great hall and in the hallways. He thinks as every day passes you get more beautiful. He was so excited when the new year came and he had you in one of his classes. Sadly, before he had the chance to ask if he could sit by you. The seat was taken by some Hufflepuff, he decided to sit behind you. 
He rarely got the chance to talk to you mostly because he was always surrounded by his friends and the day that he was alone was the day of the full moon when he transformed into a werewolf. It was later on that he finally asked James about you. He sitting with him in the hall. James was eating up a storm since he had a Quidditch match later on. 
“You see that girl over there with Severus?” Remus tries to be nonchalant about it to not raise any questions. 
James looks over his shoulders and chuckles, shaking his head as he takes another bite from his butter toast. 
“Sinvelly with his little girlfriend, Black.” James said with disgust. 
“They been glued to the fucking hip since she arrived.” Remus remains silent for a moment then looks over at Severus and you eating breakfast. 
“What?! B-black like cousin-” Remus gets cut off when Lily comes walking in sitting beside James giving him a peck on cheek. 
“Sirius’ cousin mate! Sirius told me, her parents are in the same family, you know a way to keep it pure.” James answered Remus.  
“Who are you guys talking about?” Lily asked as she scooped some scrambled eggs on to her plate. 
“Greasy hair Snivellus with his little girlfriend.” James replies to Lily. Remus noticed the face she made and keeps quiet. She didn’t want to know about him anymore not since he called her a mudblood. While Lily quietly looks over her shoulder to see Severus. Remus was looking ahead over James’ head to look at you. 
“He seems happy.” Lily softly said before turning back around. 
“He won’t for long.” James said with a chuckle. 
The next time he heard you speak was when a prank was pulled on Severus. You had found them in a abandoned hallway. 
“Well, if it isn’t my sweet dear cousin.” Sirius said when he heard someone yelling his name. Remus and Peter grew nervous as you walked towards them. You passed them ignoring James and Sirius and kneeling down next to Severus who was trying to get up but the amount of green slime on him was weighing him down. 
“Leave us, Sirius.”  You said standing up to face the four Gryffindor boys. 
“I think not. Tell me how can you kiss slimy pale Snivelly? I think we need to start pranking you next.” James and Sirius both laughed. Sirius elbow Remus to join in but he kept quiet like he always did whenever they pulled pranks on Severus. 
“I want you to prank me, cousin. I want you to do it, so then I can beat you into a bloody pulp.” You look over at James. 
“I’ll break your fucking legs you could forget about playing Quidditch. I’m gonna shove that broom stick so far up your ass is going to come out of your mouth.” James' smile dies as you speak to him. 
Peter flinched under your dark gaze. “Bucktooth Peter. I don’t think you need to be punished. That face you were born with is punishment enough.”
Remus gathered all the courage he had to look up at you. He was met with your eyes and as much as he was scared, he was so intrigued by them. Your eyes that he saw held so much love and softness are now dark and cloudy with anger. You look away from Remus not mentioning him at all. Sirius took out his wand and you copied him. 
Your laughter filled the hallway as you stared at your cousin. “I want you to fucking do it. I’m sure your little friends would like to see how we battle. You know how the battle ends when you go against me.” 
James looks at Sirius who begins to shake with anger. “You’re just like them. A fucking monster.” 
Remus saw the way your eyes soften but quickly covered it up when you hit Sirius with a non vocal spell. It was Expelliarmus, because Sirius’ wand flew out of his hand. The boy's eyes grew after that, it was something that took lots of skills and practice.  
“We both truly know who the monsters are especially those who share our last name.” Sirius looks away from you. Remus tried to place a comforting hand on Sirius’ shoulder but he shrugged it off too embarrassed that he was just unarmed him. Remus knew what you were talking about. Remus and he grew close throughout the years in Hogwarts. You were talking about your family.  
“Enough with this pranking. Got it? You know what I can do. Let him be.” You snapped at them.
You look over at Severus. The green slime is long gone, he’s leaning against the wall holding his own wand with a hard face staring at Sirius. Remus thought his crush on you would disappear when he saw Severus placing a hand on your back but it didn’t. He felt jealous because Severus was touching you. Remus took a step back when Severus suddenly turned his eyes towards him and glared at him with such hatred. Remus let out a small gasp when Severus looked down at you then him. 'There was no way, right?' He thought to himself. Severus couldn’t know what he was thinking about. 
Before anyone could say something, Severus flicked his wand at them without speaking. Remus felt himself being thrown back and darkness overcame him. 
“That asshole.” Remus heard Sirius say as he finally woke up. All four of them had been thrown back to the end of the hallway. Peter moaned and groaned as he held his head, James rubbed his knee that got banged on the floor. Remus grabbed Sirius’ hand, helping him stand up, they looked back at the hallway, you and Severus were long gone. 
Remus stayed silent as the three of his friends started to talk among themselves on how to get back at Severus. He ignored them, the full moon was approaching and he was feeling it. His long limbs were getting stiff. 
“Wait! Are you saying Severus knew what you were thinking? Like he can read minds.” Harry questioned him, pulling him out of his story. 
“Legilimens.” Hermione said, looking at the professor. Remus nodded as he crossed his arms over his chest. 
“That's why he hates me because of my father. He bullied and tormented him.” Remus noticed the sadness on Harry's face. 
“What happened between Y/n and Sirius?” Hermione asked Remus. 
“After that day, Severus began to watch me. Whenever we were in the same class or the hallways. I thought I was going crazy. Sirius caught on what he was doing to me and knew Severus was interested in me and where I went every month.” 
Harry frowned. “Every month?” 
Remus looks down at the ground sadly and in shame. “You're a werewolf.” Hermione said softly. “Blimey!” Ron exclaimed, earning a shove from Hermione. “How did you-” 
“Professor Snape taught us about it when you were out the last time.” Harry answered him. 
"We won't tell anyone, we swear." Harry told as the rest nodded at their professor. 
Harry hasn't seen Remus act this way before. Looking so shameful, he began to run his fingers through his hair as he took deep breaths. “It was a horrible prank what Sirius did to Severus. I didn't know. I would kill myself before hurting someone but Severus didn't believe me.” 
That night was a mess, Remus refused to speak with his friends. He felt used, they knew how he felt about being a werewolf. James had saved Severus that night and Dumbledore told him to keep it a secret. Severus was on the other side of the hospital wing being looked out while Remus laid on the opposite side away from him, he had the divider panel up so no one could see him. He hears light footsteps coming inside of the wing. He dreaded if it was for him, he didn't want to see anyone. 
He heard your voice. “What happened, Sev?!” “Fuck, when you didn't come I knew something happened? I was so worried. Are you hurt, my love?” 
He shut his eyes tightly when he heard Severus break into a sob. He felt pathetic when he heard you comforting Severus. Your sweet voice comforting the scared boy. He imagined you saying those words to him. He was jealous once more that Severus had you while he had no one to confront him. 
“Y/n!” His eyes shot open when he heard Sirius. He sees his friends near his bedside, James had tugged down the divider and they looked across the wing. Remus looked over to see you laying down next to Severus. 
“What the hell?” He yelled as you came down from the bed, looking over at Severus who grabbed his wand and pointed at him without a single thought. 
“This was your idea? The prank?” You yelled at your cousin. 
“People could have died. All of you could have died. You want to be six feet under!” You screamed. 
James walked behind Sirius with his wand in his hand, ready to defend him in case Severus decides to attack. Sirius was about to speak when he froze when he saw you were tearing up. 
You look over at Remus who is still laid on the bed, “I thought you were different but you are just like them.” Those were the first words you spoke to Remus and it hit him to his very core. 
“He had no idea about it.” Sirius told you. Your cousin turned to his friend. “I'm really sorry, mate.” Remus looks away from his friend’s sad gaze towards you. 
“Please stop the pranks. The curses on one another.” You said to them and Severus. “I don't think so.” James said, looking between you and Severus.
“What do you want?” James frowned and you repeated your question to him. 
“What will it take for you to stop?” James shakes his head and gives a disbelief chuckle making you angry, Sirius kept looking at you and Severus. 
“Stay here.” Sirius told James before walking towards you. Severus was about to jump out of the bed but you waved him to stop. 
“She looked up at him.” Remus told the trio with a smile. “No fear in her eyes and Sirius asked something that James and Peter couldn't hear but I did. Since I'm a werewolf, my hearing is better than most.” Harry watched their teacher speak He can see it in his eyes that he held so much admiration for Mrs. Snape. 
“What did they say?” Ron asked eagerly. 
“He asked her why him, why Sinvelly? She responded to him right away, he's the only one that doesn't see me as a monster.” Remus answered. 
“The Black are the most noble and ancient house in the wizarding world. Their views are pureblood supremacy. Sirius didn't think like them and so did Y/n. After that Sirius told us why the family thought she was a monster. Unlike him, Y/n is very powerful, too powerful that it alarmed the family because she couldn't control it. Her emotion makes her power lash out. She had mistakenly taken lives because of it.” 
“Why is she so powerful?” Harry asked. “Her blood, right?” Hermione spoke out looking at their teacher. 
“Yes, her mother was one of many unfortunate woman who had to deal with being born in a noble family. Her mother was married off with a family member. She died giving birth to Y/n.” 
“What happened after the prank? What did Sirius tell her?” Harry asked the professor. 
“I don’t think you're a monster, he told her. She just shook her head. You called me a monster a week ago. She answered back then walked away. The pranks did stop, he asked James to stop. Severus ignored us and we did the same. Severus and Y/n whereabouts were unknown after they were done with school. Sirius never mentioned her again but I knew it was hard for him. All he wanted was a family.” Remus finished looking over at Harry. 
Remus didn’t want to say at the end Sirius did get his little family with James, Lily, Peter and him. Harry would know in time who his godfather is. Harry will know in time the truth. 
“Thank you for telling us, Professor. We feel a little bit comfortable now knowing about her.” Hermione said, making him nod. 
“Remember what I said.” He pointed his finger at them and they simultaneously said. “This never leaves the room.” 
“Thank you. Have a good day, children.” Remus said as Ron and Hermione began to walk out. 
“Professor?” Harry called out before walking out the door. 
“Do you still have feelings for her?” Harry asked him. Remus stood up straight and shook his head. 
“Not anymore. It was a simple school crush. That was the only time she spoke to me.” Harry nodded at his response and wished him a good day. Remus let out a sigh after Harry left. 
He looks back at the wrapper in his desk with a longing stare and he feels his chest tightened at the sight of it.
Poppy Pomfrey was making Remus stay a few extra days before he would be allowed to leave. Peter has been visiting him and bringing him his homework and books throughout the day. Remus didn’t want to speak to James and Sirius just yet. It was late and Remus was alone in the hospital wing, he was finishing a chapter of his book when he heard the door open. Remus got his wand from the table and waved it at the divider panel to move to the side thinking probably it’s Pomfrey with another dose of healing potion. 
Moving the divider panel he froze when he saw you. “Hey.” You said as you walked towards the end of his bed. 
“H-Hi.” Remus said before fixing the blanket of the bed and shutting his book. Placing it along with his wand on the table near him. 
“How are you feeling?” You asked. Remus' brows knitted together looking around the room to see if this was joke but you came alone in the middle of the night. 
“I’m okay. The first few days after a full moon are the hardest but I’m okay.” He said and you nodded. 
“I’m glad you’re okay.” You said softly to him, looking down at the book on the table and a smile appeared on your face.
“The Shining. How do you like it? It’s one of my favorites.” Remus was shocked that you knew about a muggle book. 
“You know about Stephen King?” Remus asked you, surprised. You nodded at the brunette in front of you and sat down at the side of the bed as Remus took the book in his hands showing you the cover to make sure you really did know who the author was. 
“Yes! It’s his third book actually. My guilty pleasure is muggles literature but I have to keep it hidden from my family. They disapprove anything that has to do with muggles.” You told him looking up from the cover of the book at him. Remus’ face changed when you told him how you had to hide something you like from your family. He was so close to you and he can see every eyelash, he can see the way your nose stands out and how your lips are pressed together in a small pout. 
“I'm sorry about before. I thought you were on the prank.” Remus saw you looking down at your lap when you apologized. You started to play with the skin around your fingernails. 
“It’s alright. I’m still trying to get over it.” 
“Getting used like that is something difficult to get over, Remus.” His heart breaks, the way you said. The way your eyes darken when you said it made him want to hug you. 
“It seems like you’re speaking from experience.” He said, making you look at him. 
“When one holds an ability, sometimes people take advantage of it, show it off, hide it and sometimes get hurt because of it.” Your magic, Remus thought. 
“He cares for you so I know he didn’t mean to hurt you.” You told him. Remus knew you meant Sirius. He asked you, “How do you know?” 
“Cousin intuition some shit like that.” He gave you a smile, which you returned as well. 
“I wanted to give you something.” Remus saw you getting something from the inside pocket of your robes. He saw a shiny golden bar in your hands. 
“Chocolate?” Remus asked as you passed him the candy. You nodded. He looked at the wrapper with wide eyes. This candy was something he had never seen, it had to be expensive since the wrapper was so nice and looked fancy. 
“You like chocolate right?” Remus looks at you to see you staring at him worry. 
“I do!” Remus nodded and pointed at the bar giving you a thumbs up. “How did you know?” He asked softly, watching as you look away while your cheeks turn pink. 
“We-well, you sit behind me in fourth period. I can hear the chocolate wrappers you open behind me.” Remus snorts out a laugh making you look at him surprised that he snorted loudly. He had laughed because if you only knew how hard he tried to not make a peep in class when unwrapping his chocolate behind you.   
“I'm so sorry.” You shook your head as he covered his face with his hands, hiding his smile away from you. 
“Don't be.” You couldn't help but join him as he continued to laugh at himself.
Remus was still covering his face when you leaned forward and grabbed a hold of his wrist bringing his hand down to his lap. Remus looks down at your hand on him. Your touch was warm, not what he was expecting. He was expecting a cold and stiff touch. Your fingertips touched the inside of his wrist, he knew you could feel the light scars on his skin. You turned his arm over to see his wrist. Remus was about to pull away when you showed him your own wrist with your own scars. 
“Remus.” The professor looks up from his desk and notices the door is open. Standing up straight he notices you walking inside. You stood across from him a few feet away with a small smile. 
“Apologize, Professor Lupin. I was knocking for a while.” You said pointing over your shoulder at the door. 
Remus can't help but look at you, you have grown into a very beautiful woman. He can see you didn't share the same taste in clothes as your husband. You wore muggle clothes, a knee length dark green dress with a black cardigan, and you wore a pair of black court heel shoes. 
“I should be apologizing. I didn't hear you, I haven't been myself these past couple of days.” Remus said, running his fingers through his hair before letting a sigh. He notices you crossed your arms over your chest and tilted your head looking at him. 
“I know, Severus told me it was a full moon not long ago. He asked me to give you a little pick me up potion. He just finished brewing it.” You said walking towards him. Remus looks as your hips sway while walking towards him handing him the vial. 
“That was very nice of him.” Remus said with a face making you laugh. “I know my husband can be…difficult.” Remus barks a laugh. “Just difficult?” 
“He is many things but he has a kind heart.” Remus nods but doesn't believe it, it’s hard for him. 
“He does. He was the one who told me to bring this to you.” You said before scrunching your face trying to get the same scowl as your dear husband. 
“Lupin needs to get better so those kids will stop pestering me about him.” You imitated Severus' smooth and cool voice. Remus lets out a laugh, loudly making you smile. He covered his mouth to hid his smile as he looked over at you. 
“You're always covering your face.” You said, grabbing a hold of his wrist. You held on his wrist as he showed you his wide smile. He feels his heart fluttering in his chest as he looks down at you. 
Remus pulls away from your grasp and clears his throat. He shouldn't be this close to you, you're married and you're happy with your marriage. He doesn't want to ruin that. Remus regrets never taking that chance that night you visited him years ago. The chance to be friends, maybe something more but damn the way you looked at Severus was something he only read in books and he doubts that you would ever look at him the way you looked at Severus. Severus was the same thing, his dark eyes always following you. He always had a hand on you, and even when you weren't looking he admire you.  
‘Perhaps in another life he would have taken that chance.’ He told himself. 
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i find it so funny that the fandom decided that padfoot was shortened to PADS. and everyone just accepted it
can you imagine james introducing sirius like
“hey this is my brother his name is sirius but we call him tampon😍”
or like snape being like “ this is my sworn enemy they call him diva cup 😡😡😡”
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dufferpuffer · 4 months
The idea that Remus Lupin was trying to be CIVIL with Severus... MORE than Snape was trying to be civil with HIM... That... is hilarious.
Remus had one goal in POA: Look Good. Look good to Dumbledore - which meant not sharing useful information he had about Sirius Black, and likely outright LIED about things when asked. (he was his friend - and nobody asked 'is there anything you know to help with the search?' not even a stressed McGonagall...?) Look good to the Students - which meant not only being the bestest, nicest teacher possible, but to help them squash their fears. Their problems. To fearlessly walk all over Snape. I don't know if there is a single thing Remus said to Snape that wasn't passive aggressive and demeaning. Yet Snape, Mr Insults, Mr Witty Comebacks, Mr Explosive Temper - never once clapped back. He was always polite, always saying things sweetly... through gritted teeth, sure - but through gritted teeth is very much not his style when someone disrespects him.
"Severus was only being nice/putting up with it because Dumbledore told him to!" Yeah. Severus is a good boy, making an expensive and difficult potion every month, personally coming to serve it like a House Elf (Master Remus is in the habit of missing doses) Putting up with Remus' blatant lies about the map - even allowing him to take it away to his own office - because he knew snatching it back without proof would probably be against his orders.
I would call that being EXTREMELY civil. I'd call Remus' actions 'using him like a tool'. A social stepping stone. Not a good colleague.
"Snape only outed Remus' Lycanthropy because he was sore about not getting a medal!" When did Severus EVER do ANYTHING for positive attention...? If he wanted that medal so badly he could have killed Sirius Black while he was unconscious. Claimed he saved Harry Potter, dispelled the dementors himself... It would have been revenge for Lily, too! But no, he carefully lifted him onto a stretcher and took him to get medical help, despite thinking him a murderer set for execution.
"I think it is clear that Mr. Lupin is unfit to teach, due not only to the nature of his illness - but his behaviour regarding it. Having to teach his classes every month alongside my own was exhausting, as was brewing the difficult Wolfsbane potion in my spare time and delivering it by hand to ensure it was consumed... as he has proven himself indisputably irresponsible. That is not to mention the recent facts that have come to light about Sirius Black - information he never thought to mention. Worst of all, it is due entirely to his own negligence that I was forced to use my own body to shield three students from becoming infected with his illness... or worse, mauled to death."
Honestly I think that is a pretty reasonable formal complaint. But he didn't get Remus fired. Remus, now outed as disabled, could have used his LEGENDARILY RARE position as a beloved teacher with the personal backing of Albus Dumbledore to fight for better rights for and remain teaching. Albus did not fire him. The Ministry nor the Board of Governors had called for his firing. Remus quit of his own accord the MOMENT he got bad press.
It will be a long time before another werewolf will have the chance to advocate for their rights from such a supported position.
"I only missed my dose due to the emergency of realizing Sirius Black was on school grounds! I had a clean record the rest of the year, curled safely in my office - and despite it being my first year as a teacher taught my classes admirably. Any of the students and staff will vouch for my care towards my students and my subject... ...And the only one I harmed as a Werewolf was Black himself."
Remus would have SUCH an easy time explaining his negligence - and if he was willing to also use Sirius as a tool, as a social stepping stone, he could spin himself as a sort of hero, too. It would be a battle for sure. One he might lose, ultimately, and be forced to step down as a teacher. But he had the chance to be a POSITIVE face for those suffering Lycanthropy - in a world where most of them feel the only option is to turn to Fenrir Greyback. A fact he knows well, as a spy. The werewolf that was a teacher. That was PROUD of being a teacher. Whose students loved him. Who fought a murderer!
But he ran. Before anything. He would rather save face than fight for what he believes in - just like when he stayed quiet and didn't support Sirius in an argument, despite agreeing with him.
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Everyone Dreams of Going to Hogwarts
Every fan of Harry Potter has indulged in the fantasy of waiting for an Owl to deliver the fateful letter that will declare your future as a witch or wizard at Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry. Every one of us old or young had dreamed of riding the train at Kings Cross Station, taking the boats across the black lake and seeing the castle for the first time, of having dinner in the great hall, of finally figuring out where you belong in the world and it just feeling right. They fantasize about seeing their common room for the first time finally feeling that warm sense of belonging and meeting the friends that you will keep for the rest of your life. Every single one of us had fantasized about meeting our professors, exploring the grounds and discovering our latent potential. It’s a comfort for many of us and happy place to go in our minds to escape reality.
For the witches and wizards of the Wizarding World that childhood fantasy is their reality. They too wait with bated breath for their letters. They too fantasize about finally feeling that “at home” feeling, the feeling that you finally belong to something bigger and more wonderful than their wildest dreams. The chance to prove themselves. The chance to start over for many, the chance to leave their sometimes abusive homes for a place that finally actually feels like home to them. Harry was one of those people. Dumbledore was one of those people. Hermione, Ron and even Neville all find this sense of belonging sooner or later. They all find their forever home at Hogwarts the way we all dream.
Now imagine being Seveurs Snape.
You live in a house with a father that doesn’t understand you and screams and yells at you and your mother on a daily basis and you feel so alone in the world. You have one peer who appreciates in you the magic that allows you to rise above the squaller and cruelty in which you live. You have one friend who sees you for who you are and appreciates that about you truly, while being forced to inhabit a world that not only doesn’t understand you but is actually often openly hostile to you. Hogwarts, you beleive, will be your escape from this hell, and best of all you get to take this wonderful friend with you. You are being whisked away to a fairy tale castle where dreams come true and you will finally feel safe and finally feel a real sense of home. You stay up all night all week waiting by the door in the early morning for the letter that is finally going to change your life. You pour over it with your best friend, going over every aspect of this incredible opportunity in your mind over and over. You’re planning how you’ll make the most of it. You finally let yourself look forward to something, to open your heart to something, to dream of something. Your greatest hearts desire to this moment is finally coming true.
Then you get on the train.
And the hell begins before the first day has ever even started. Your friend is angry at you for something entirely out of your control, and even though you make up destiny has deigned that on this day you will meet the person that will destroy any hope you ever entertained of Hogwarts being a home at all. His name is James Potter. His partners in the crimes which will forever change your life are Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, and Sirius Black. From the moment you meet you are ridiculed by them, physically abused by them, and the worst part is from this day forward it is never going to end.
Your best friend is put not just in a different house but in the house that hates your house the most, and from this day forward you will forever have a strain on the only true friendship you’ve ever had. From this day forward you will have to meet them either in secret or at least in private to avoid angering both your houses at best and facing ridicule at worst. The moments you stole with this friend in the muggle hell will ironically be the only moments of peace you’ll truly have with them. Not only that, but they are sorted into the same house that 4 of your worst tormentors reside in.
But it’s even worse. Because although at home you can escape form your father and potential school bullies by hiding yourself away in some nook or cranny, making yourself scarce, staying out late at night in the woods or just being as quiet as possible; you will never be able to escape the torment that now awaits every day. You have classes with them, you run into them, you see them trying to take away the only friend you have every day. And it doesn’t even end there, now they have a tracking device that you don’t know about, but somehow they manage to find you no matter where you hide. No matter where you go they are somehow always there. No matter who you talk to, they all act like you’re crazy. Because none of the other professors or students know about the marauders map they find you strange for jumping at every blow of the wind. Because they don’t know about the map they don’t believe you at all when you try to explain that somehow James Potter and his gang seem to pop up conveniently every single place you go to hide and they even blame you for trying to figure out how to protect yourself. They tell you you’re bringing it on yourself for being too weird or too jumpy or too nosy. Even your best friend in the world is starting to doubt you. You feel like you’re going insane.
So you try to have your tormentors expelled. You try so hard to figure out something, anything that will end the days on end of suffering and abuse. But you’re the weird kid. You’re the ugly kid. You’re the emo goth kid. Nobody gives a shit about you and you know it. You know you’re on your own. You’re a half blood, so the the people in your house who were supposed to have your back ignore you at best and tease you about it at worst for letting Gryffindor students get the best of you. Any hope you had of Hogwarts being your home has been destroyed.
So you try to follow James and The Gang around. Yes everyone sees you as creepy for this, becusse you don’t have a map that magically tells you where they will be at all times. You have to go about it the old fashioned way. You hide behind bushes, you peak around corners. Yes everyone finds you creepy now on top of everything else, but it’ll be worth it if you can finally enjoy what was promised to you at age 11, a home. You’ll finally be able to breathe.
But no. Instead what happens is your tormentors figure out that you know that they are putting the lives of students in danger by wandering the grounds with a werewolf against the wishes of the headmaster. You know that if you can just prove it that the torment will be over, but what you don’t know is that they are one step ahead of you, and for the unimaginable crime of trying to thwart them; they are going to plan to inflict a dangerous illness of lycanthropy on you at best, maul you to death at worst. You are close to both your proof and your death when one of them gets cold feet at the last minute and decides he doesn’t in fact want to go to prison.
You think “maybe it’s finally over now”, “maybe everyone will see now that they are cruel, that this is what they’re really like”, “maybe I’ll finally get a moment of peace, maybe Dumbledore and Lily will finally beleive me”. But no. Of course not. Because remember, you’re the weird emo Slytherin kid and your life is secondary. It always has been. Dumbledore swears you to secrecy to protect one of your tormentors, so you get no justice for the attempt on your life. Because Dumbledore had forbidden you to speak about your traumatic experience of almost being murdered, your best friend doesn’t beleive you at all and instead blames you for sneaking around. They don’t even give you the chance to defend or explain yourself. Instead you’re made out to be the creepy bad guy who wants to destroy the Potter Gang out of jealously.
Worst of all you secretly suspect that your best friend has a thing for the person who makes your life a living hell every single day. You see the stolen glances and the way they look at each other, the way she is never totally on your side. You tell yourself that this is all in your head, that Lily would never betray you that way. That all the hours you spent dreaming of Hogwarts together will mean more than a crush. But oh, sadly you are very wrong there too.
Not even a few months after attempting to take your life your abusers are back at again. Remorseless as ever they hunt you down like dogs and follow your every footstep. You haven’t a moment of peace even to do your normal school work. The only place you are safe is your common room, and even then you can’t let your guard down.
Then one day it happens.
The little pieces of happiness that you’ve managed to tuck away from yourself are cruelly ripped away. They manage to find you again. The torment us as usual. They all gang up on you, each taking a go for their own amusement. They fling you on your back, force you to vomit, force you to listen to their emotional abuse while they make a go at hitting on your best friend, and the torment does not end there. Now they are picking you up off the ground and taking off your clothes. Now on top of every other humiliation they have amused themselves by sexually humiliating you in front of everyone in your class including your closest ally. Every part of you is on fire inside and out and the depth of horror and hurt inside you is so big you don’t know what to do with the feeling. Then your friend finally steps in. But now you’re so hurt and angry that it’s bursting out of you in the worst possible ways.
Now the worst thing finally happens.
You call your best friend a slur; something you know will hurt them more than any other thing, because you’re destroyed, because you’re angry at them for letting it get this far, because you’re humiliated and because you’re tired of not being held in a higher regard than the person who has ruined your life; because you’re sick of their moralizing and their pitty.
Now you’ve lost the only person you’ve ever really felt close to. Now you’ve lost any human sympathy forever.
And it’s not over yet. Now you’re upside down again. And this time they aren’t content with exposing the rest of your body for the world to see. Now they are out for blood, and the revenge they have settled on is Sexual Assault. They remove your underwear to expose your most private parts to the world and there is nothing you can do about it. Nowhere you can go. No one who cares. No one who will come to your rescue.
Snape must have felt so hopeless it’s a wonder he didn’t try to end his life. People have done so over much less.
Hogwarts was never truly a home for Severus Snape. Even in adulthood he works in the place that was the site of innumerable traumas and heartaches. Everyday he faces trigger after trigger of the worst day of his life, while protecting the progeny of the only person he ever felt close to and the person who cruelly ripped away any chance he had at normal life. This is why I feel for Severus Snape so much in every scene. He is confronted every day with the worst memories a person can endure yet he chooses to be brave anyway. He chooses to do the right thing anyway. He puts other people’s well-being first anyway. He chooses the side of the light beyond all that had conspired to make a sociopath out of him. He holds a place in his heart for love and he protects that love with his entire being. Platonic love is just as powerful as romantic love and Severus Snape is the perfect example of this. A person even in the worst circumstances can still make the most difference in the world, can still choose to be their own person and make their own choices. Even when the world is wholly against him, Severus Snape is the pinnacle of integrity.
This is why he’s my favorite character. He’s the bravest character in the narrative, but he’s also the character with the most integrity.
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theprongspotter · 5 months
Severus, about Remus: He’s a monster!
Sirius: But he’s a hot monster!
c: @promptsforthestrugglingauthor
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lost-inthe-v0id · 5 months
Young Snape x Reader prompt/idea? Idk
I can’t really write so this is a scenario I made up that I just word vomited
I’ve always had a crush on snapes young actor since I was like 8 so this is js something I made up when I would daydream
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Student!Reader is a ravenclaw pure blood with no strong opinions on wizards/witches with no magic parents and a lot of ravenclaw and slytherin friends
Student!Reader and Student!Snape meet on the train and click right away but don’t hang out at school as much because Lily told Snape she didn’t like reader. They’re still acquaintances until that changes due to Lily getting closer to James and Severus getting a class with Reader. Little by little they slowly start getting closer together.
Reader would like to spend more time with him but he feels a responsibility to stay with Lily all the time since she was the only one who cared to stick around with him. Reader doesn’t like the way Lily treats him and the fact she’s all buddy buddy with his bullies
Finally it’s all solidified when Severus and Lily have an argument their 4th or 5th and he calls her a mudblood. Lily starts to ignore Severus not only everytime he goes to apologize but anytime he comes near her at all. She starts to stand by and just watch James and his gang bully Snape and sometimes laughs.
Reader finds Severus crying and comforts him. Gives him a pep talk about how wonderful he is and how people make mistakes and no one deserves to be treated like he is. Finally after that they start hanging out everyday. Severus becomes good friends with Readers friends but they still usually only hang out with each other.
Reader tells people in Ravenclaw and slytherine how Lily treated Severus and people stopped talking to her, gossiping about her even. Since Reader is a pure blood that’s part of an affluent family she grew up around other affluent family kids. Overall reader was not only friends with higher influence kids but also very respected among them due to her kind and understanding nature. So a lot of these people started to look down on Lily.
Finally it all comes together when Snape and Reader are near a tree talking one day when he starts telling Reader how much he doesn’t deserve her and kind of confessing and rambling when Reader kisses him. After that they start dating, the don’t try to hide it either. They hold hands ALL the time, sometimes you find the pair snogging, other times you find Reader laying her head on his shoulder.
Lily doesn’t like this, she liked the fact Severus liked her and the attention she would get from him on top of that people she use to talk to won’t even look at her now. She tries to talk to him saying she’s ready to hear him out but by then Severus couldn’t really give a shit.
Idrk about the rest
I know not a lot of people like Snape like that so I’m just posting this for myself not really expecting anyone to see this lol
If someone does end up making a full fledged fic plz credit me :<
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sevilynne · 17 days
I don't get how people still hate Severus when Harry was the one who apparently experienced "trauma" from him, and Harry is Severus's #1 biggest defender now.
——— Start of Questions ———
"Snape bullied kids!"
And Minerva (And other professors) did too but you completely ignore them and focus on your prejudices with Severus. The fact that Severus threatened Neville into poisoning his toad and Minerva literally locked out a child from the Gryffindor common room when apparently there's a mass murderer inside of Hogwarts shows a huge difference. You justify Minerva's actions because you either like her or you don't hate her as much as you do with Severus.
Severus says Hermione is a know-it-all and Minerva degraded (and publicly humiliated) Neville saying that he'll never be able to transfigure a teapot.
Then here we have Hagrid disfiguring a child and insults his appearance because he hates his dad.
And the difference is, Severus would never disfigure a kid.
Madam Pince literally hexed Ginny and Harry's things. Mcgonagall sent four children into the forbidden forest with HAGRID, she knew what she was doing when she sent them with Hagrid. If Neville did that? He would serve detention with her.
She bent the "First Years aren’t allowed their own Broomsticks" for HARRY. That's favouritism and that's all because Slytherin was dominating the House Cup. Would Severus bend the "First Years aren’t allowed their own Broomsticks" for Draco just because he wants a medal sticking in his office? No.
Minerva let Severus bully the Golden Trio (Primarily Harry) through Years 1-6, why did she let that happen? Why didn't she tell her colleague off? Well, that would be hypocritical considering she also does that.
In Year 7, she allows DEs to torture students.
She was mad at Fake Professor Moody because he transfigured a student and not the fact that he was repeatedly banged a students head on the ground.
Minerva is just as bad as Severus, she gave them harsh punishments but you guys look in deep in Harry's biased point of view that you guys think Minerva is just strict and Severus bullied children.
And if Minerva was just "strict" to Harry, imagine what she did with other students? She practically bullied them.
Haha... But no. We should just look at Severus because he's the bad guy and not because the wizarding world's punishments are completely different from real life / muggle views. These type of stuff are normal (and controversial) in the wizarding world. SEVERUS WASN'T THE ONLY PERSON TO DO THIS.
Everyone did this as a professor, it's normal in the wizarding world. This is not to justify Severus's actions, but if you hate Severus and like other professors... Then you're a hypocritical person.
"Severus became a DE!"
He was in Slytherin, he was influenced by the Pure-Blood obsession that people in his house had. He simply became a DE because he was a curious child who wanted to learn about the dark arts.
Did Severus torture or kill people like death eaters like Barty and Bellatrix did? Haha...
To put my last post about this in summary:
Severus was neglected by his parents (And heavily implied that he was also abused), gets bullied by two boys resulting in 4v1 (This was because he wanted to go to Slytherin. He sneered back and James & Sirius wanted to bully Severus because they were two spoilt brats who cannot let "Snivellus" sneer back since they'll never get used to someone sneering at them [Since they always get away with it] They come from two rich pure-blood families, what did you expect?), almost gets killed and Remus nor Sirius gets any consequences about it, his life is worth a detention to Dumbledore. James flexes to Lily that he saved Severus's life (With a modified version of the prank since she'll know about Sirius were primarily involved in a negative way and it's his best friend right?) and Lily, his apparent best friend, BELIEVES HIS BULLY OVER HIM. This is what you call the only positive thing in his life? If this is what you call the only positive thing in his life, then his life is fucked up. Lily holding her smile and blushing while James does horrible things to her best friend, gets surprised and furious when Severus calls her a mudblood, then his private part being showed to the whole school.
I would be heavily embarrassed if I were Severus, no, I would honestly cry and drop out.
Severus got manipulated and heavily influenced by rich, pure-blooded Slytherins because he was given the respect that he never got in his life, he was influenced to have prejudiced thoughts when he never had those thoughts when Lily got her letter, infact, he comforted her. That says A LOT about this. Severus was invited into that DE cult because he wanted more of that respect—more of that power—more of the fame. He just wanted to feel respected. Because that was what he was not given at Hogwarts.
"Snape deserved the bullying, he bullied the Marauders in the train. / Someone had to do it."
Who threw the first direct insult? Sirius. Who threw the first indirect insult? James. What did Severus do? Sneer back. Did he deserve those years of bullying? No.
You literally take references from ATYD and other #severussnapeslander Wolfstar, Jily, Rosekiller, and Jegulus fics from AO3. Don't act like Sirius and James aren't worse.
When did he deserve to almost die? When did he deserve to get bullied every single day? When did he deserve to get sexually harassed?
How would you feel if it was you?
How would you feel if the people who bullied you were painted as heroes?
People who sexually assaulted and almost killed you?
The lack of empathy from Mstans just prove that they are vicious bullies bullying an eleven year old and calling the kid derogatory names doesn't make you less of an evil person as Severus is.
At least have the respect to call him by his last name.
"James and Draco aren't similar! James is better than Draco."
James literally sounds like the worst version of Draco Malfoy.
┌── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┐
"Imagine being in Hufflepuff, I think I'd leave, wouldn't you?" - Draco Malfoy, Philosopher's Stone.
"Who wants to be in Slytherin? I think I'd leave, wouldn't you?" - James Potter, Deathly Hallows.
- Laughs at a muggle woman getting SA'd in Quidditch world cup, finds it funny, and makes a joke of Hermione getting SA'd. -
“Granger, they’re after Muggles,” said Malfoy. “D’you want to be showing off your knickers in midair? Because if you do, hang around . . . they’re moving this way, and it would give us all a laugh.”
- Sexually assaults Severus and finds it funny, uses it to impress Lily. -
There was another flash of light, and Snape was once again hanging upside-down in the air.
'Who wants to see me take off Snivelly's pants?'
— Both are rich purebloods —
- Draco saves Harry to make sure his family doesn't get in trouble -
"There's something there," he whispered. "it could be the scar, stretched tight.... Draco, come here, look properly! What do you think?"
Harry saw Draco's face up close now, right beside his father's.
"I don't know," he said, and he walked away toward the fireplace where his mother stood watching.
- James saves Severus to make sure his friends doesn't get in trouble -
└── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┘
We aren't even talking about James and Draco being bullies who have no empathy for their victims, sure, James isn't just one-dimensional and Draco is morally grey, but James was just caring around his friends, other than that? Not so much. He was stuck with his friendgroup being sycophants (Sirius because James loved him as a brother, Remus who didn't want to speak up about the bullying because James and Sirius picked him up even if he was a poor half-blood, and Peter who wants to fit in.) Draco was stuck with Slytherins being sycophants because he was a rich, high status pure-blood with friends he made as slaves.
Both were spoiled, arrogant, attention-hungry, and self-entitled, traits common among children of their background. Draco would bully the kind of people James befriended, while James would bully the kind of people Draco associated with.
If you're fine with calling Severus a derogatory name, you must be fine calling Luna "Loony" as well.
"Severus called Lily a mudblood."
Severus was a mudblood as well, you wouldn't care if people–of–colour use the N-word on others but you care if Severus does?
Severus also said that in the heat of moment, his best friend did literally NOTHING for the minutes of time he was getting assaulted and she was a prefect.
He said that for masculinity.
Lily didn't do anything for the period of while he was getting assaulted, instead, she held her smile.
Severus would've casted an unforgivable to James or Sirius or anyone who would've done that to Lily, but Lily did the opposite.
Instead, she stood there, blushing.
Severus apologized to her numerous of times, probably not even knowing what his best friend did.
Not justifiable, but still a very good argument.
"Lily was a good friend."
You call LILY a good friend? The one who would believe her best friend's bully over her best friend? The one who would laugh and blush while her best friend gets physically assaulted? The one who watched her best friend get assaulted AND she was a prefect.
Lily was NOT a good friend, she was a terrible one. I also will always held on that Lily secretly waited for the Mudblood incident to drop Severus off, you know, since Severus was a weirdo.
“They don’t use Dark Magic, though.” She dropped her voice. “And you’re being really ungrateful. I heard what happened the other night. You went sneaking down that tunnel by the Whomping Willow, and James Potter saved you from whatever’s down there—”
They don't use dark magic? It doesn't stop them from bullying kids. She doesn't even know the whole story and yet, she is judging.
- She lashes out on Severus instead of her sister -
"I don’t want to talk to you-" she said in a constricted voice. "Why not?" "Tuney h-hates me. Because we saw that letter from Dumbledore.”
It's basically Severus's fault because they got the letter and Petunia didn't? She blames Severus for getting the letter and not her sister for her jealousy?
Lily, whose furious expression had twiched for an instant as though she was going to smile said - let him down!
Ah... Yes, let's watch our best friend get assaulted infront of the whole school and let them be. That's a very nice best friend.
Now tell me, where was she a good friend? She was not an angel, she was terrible.
She also blames Severus for having Evan, Mulciber II, Avery, Wilkes, Rodolphus, and possibly having Narcissa, Lucius, Rabastan, and Regulus as well. Did she expect that she would only be Severus's friend considering he's in a house full of pure-bloods? It was an unspoken rule in Slytherin to basically have pure-blood friends. She doesn't get that, she doesn't understand him, because he is evil in her eyes.
She doesn't get the points that Severus makes, because Severus was already bad in her eyes.
He had questionable company, sure, but Severus wanted companions too like she did with other Gryffindors, so why can't he have friends in his house. She's friends with Gryffindors who basically despise him.
So if he was friends with people that would've called her a mudblood and she didn't like it, why is she inlove with a Gryffindor who bullied Severus anytime he got?
Severus called Lily a mudblood because he was being humiliated infront of the whole school, he didn't want her to see him being weak, so he lashed out.
He was a Slytherin, pretty common by now that his banquet of friends used that word pretty often, and there you have it. Severus never meant to hurt Lily, but it did slip out of his tongue.
Not justifying his actions here (Pretty obvious by my wording) but Lily was NOT innocent in terms here.
"Snape was obsessed with Lily."
Ahh... Yes. Severus was the one who forced Lily to go out with him, Severus was the person to bully her best friend, Severus told her to go out with him and he wouldn't bully his best friend anymore.
Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Because it's not him.
Severus grieved Lily the way Sirius grieved James, yet you don't call Sirius obsessed because he loved James as a brother, Severus's love for Lily was never proved to be romantic.
Aha! Now I made you think.
The same patronus means true love—not obsession. He stayed away from her marriage but still loved her from afar, when he realized the information he gave Voldemort could harm Lily, he offered his life to Dumbledore. He even asked Dumbledore to save James for the sake of Lily.
Sirius would've done the same for James.
After Lily's death, he was devastated, he wished he were dead, he became spy for Dumbledore, and all of that.
Severus and Lily were childhood best friends; Lily was Severus's only "true" friend.
His patronus was a doe, pure light magic (Hence most DEs can't perform a patronus). It wouldn't be affected by obsession.
I don't get why some people think Severus was purely obsessed with Lily, because there will always be a special person in someone's heart and Lily just happens to be Severus's special person.
Even Sirius and Remus who were capable of making such lies about Severus in order to hide everything from Harry, didn't say nothing about Severus stalking Lily or tried to persue her.
She dies and he feels suicidal.
Why do people think this is obsession? Severus had no one, the reason why Sirius could hold himself before he died is because he wanted to take care of Harry, to love him like he loved James. Severus couldn't because he's a death eater and he couldn't love himself, how can he love Harry when Harry looks exactly like his bully. And Severus can't take care of Harry legally anyway, Sirius could because he is his godson.
If Severus was obsessed with Lily, then Harry was obsessed with his dead dad : /
JK. Rowling even said that he wasn't obsessed, how are people so pressed about it?
I just don't get it, why would JK. Rowling write Severus's obsession with Lily and offering his whole life just to have s*x with her everyday on a CHILDREN'S BOOK?
Meanwhile James: - Doodled her initials in his OWL paper, publicly humiliated her friend just to make him look bad in front of her, tried to blackmail Lily into dating him, threatened to hex her and had a map that literally tracked down everybody's (including Lily's) movements. -
"Severus made sure Remus was gone from Hogwarts."
Yes after Remus endangered three children, he already got away with it the first time, he shouldn't in another time.
Remus was completely irresponsible and forgot to take Wolfsbane, sure, he was a good DADA professor, but almost killing three children?
I don't think the Grangers nor Weasleys would want to hear about this.
——— End Of Questions ———
Thank you for reading my paragraphs of how stupid Mstans can be.
Not everything is about defending Severus, but the double standards are crazy...
Yes, Severus told the prophecy, bullied children, etc. But he's a two-dimensional character who saved the Wizarding World, if Severus didn't apologize to Lily, you'd attack him too.
So... Stop using ATYD references and start adding braincells in your head.
Have a great day! 😓
(Add more if you want to.)
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The marauders were aware of their actions, even if they were just teenagers.
I had to say it, the marauders to a certain extent have a conscience, since they were teenagers, NOT children, it is minimizing what they do and I say this as a former victim of bullying, they know that they hit you where it hurts the most, what does it matter if an adult doesn't scold you? insulting a classmate, hitting him, etc. is harassment and a TEENAGER knows it.
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worldofwolfstar · 1 year
Sirius: Time for plan F
Remus: Don’t you mean plan B?
Sirius: No, we tried plan B a long time ago. I had to skip over plan C due to technical difficulties.
Lily: What about plan D?
Sirius: Plan D was that desperate disguise attempt half an hour ago
Remus: And what about plan E?
James: We’re hoping not to use it. I die in plan E.
Severus: I like plan E
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llinstarr · 7 months
Man, all this 'Jegulus' versus 'Jily', 'fem Sirius' versus 'masc Sirius' crap, and everyone's obsessed with who's gay, straight, or white. Can y'all chill and quit arguing over these dumb headcanons? Stop forcing your ships on everyone and stop getting all triggered when others do it. Seriously, acting like a bunch of whiny toddlers. It's hella annoying, just relax and enjoy the fandom it’s not that deep.
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